local ReceiverBase = require("core:erm.ReceiverBase") local Metatype = require ("core:Metatype") local EntitiesChanged = require("netpacks.EntitiesChanged") local SERVICES = SERVICES local creatures = SERVICES:creatures() local SERVER = SERVER local function sendChanges(metatype, index, data) local pack = EntitiesChanged.new() pack:update(metatype, index, data) SERVER:commitPackage(pack) end local UN = ReceiverBase:new() function UN:new(ERM) return ReceiverBase.new(self,{ERM=ERM}) end function UN:A(x, artifactIndex, ...) error ("UN:A is not implemented") end --[[ WoG chests ]] function UN:B(x, ...) error ("UN:B is not implemented") end --[[ May be reuse for smth ]] function UN:C(x, ...) error ("UN:C is not supported") end -- make water passable function UN:D(x, ...) error ("UN:D is not implemented") end -- check tile empty function UN:E(x, ...) error ("UN:E is not implemented") end -- Fire function UN:F(x, ...) error ("UN:F is not supported") end UN:p1Dispatcher("G") -- Secondary skill texts function UN:G0(x, ...) error ("UN:G0 is not implemented") end function UN:G1(x, creatureIndex, N, v) return nil, nil, (self["G1"..tostring(N)](self, x, creatureIndex, v)) end function UN:G10(x, creatureIndex, v) if v == nil then return creatures:getByIndex(creatureIndex):getSingularName() else v = self.ERM:getZVar(v) local packData = {config = {name={singular=v}}} sendChanges(Metatype.CREATURE, creatureIndex, packData) end end function UN:G11(x, creatureIndex, v) if v == nil then return creatures:getByIndex(creatureIndex):getPluralName() else v = self.ERM:getZVar(v) local packData = {config = {name={plural=v}}} sendChanges(Metatype.CREATURE, creatureIndex, packData) end end --[[ creature ability description, there is a field abilityText, but it`s not used anywhere ]] function UN:G12(x, creatureIndex, v) error ("UN:G1/*/2/* is not supported") end -- hero specialty texts function UN:G2(x, ...) error ("UN:G2 is not implemented") end -- Set Fog of war (for all but playerIndex) function UN:H(x, tx, ty, tl, playerIndex, radius) error ("UN:H is not supported") end -- Put new oblect function UN:I(x, tx, ty, tl, typ, subtype, ...) error ("UN:I is not supported") end UN:p1Dispatcher("J") -- allowed spells function UN:J0(x, ...) error ("UN:J0 is not implemented") end -- level XP limits function UN:J1(x, ...) error ("UN:J1 is not implemented") end -- difficulty function UN:J2(x, ...) error ("UN:J2 is not implemented") end -- WoG settings file function UN:J3(x, ...) error ("UN:J3 is not supported") end -- AI think radius function UN:J4(x, ...) error ("UN:J4 is not supported") end -- Enable autosave function UN:J5(x, ...) error ("UN:J5 is not implemented") end -- generate random artifact function UN:J6(x, ...) error ("UN:J6 is not implemented") end -- artifact trader function UN:J7(x, slot, artifactIndex) error ("UN:J7 is not implemented") end -- check file exists function UN:J8(x, ...) error ("UN:J8 is not implemented") end -- game paths function UN:J9(x, ...) error ("UN:J9 is not supported") end -- dump ERM variables function UN:J10(x, ...) error ("UN:J10 is not implemented") end function UN:J11(x, ...) error ("UN:J11 is not supported") end --new week params function UN:K(x, ...) error ("UN:K is not implemented") end -- set view point/check obelisk function UN:L(x, ...) error ("UN:L is not implemented") end --new month params function UN:M(x, ...) error ("UN:M is not implemented") end UN:p1Dispatcher("N") -- artifact name function UN:N0(x, z, ...) error ("UN:N0 is not implemented") end -- spell name function UN:N1(x, z, index) error ("UN:N1 is not implemented") end --building name function UN:N2(x, z, townIndex, index) error ("UN:N2 is not implemented") end --monster name function UN:N3(x, z, index) error ("UN:N3 is not implemented") end --sec skill name function UN:N4(x, z, index) error ("UN:N4 is not implemented") end function UN:N5(x, ...) error ("UN:N5 is not supported") end function UN:N6(x, ...) error ("UN:N6 is not supported") end --remove object function UN:O(x, tx, ty, tl) error ("UN:O is not implemented") end -- WoG options function UN:P(x, ...) error ("UN:P is not implemented") end -- end game for current player function UN:Q(x, ...) error ("UN:Q is not implemented") end function UN:R(x, ...) error ("UN:R is not supported") end -- Remove Fog of war for all playerIndex) function UN:H(x, tx, ty, tl, playerIndex, radius) error ("UN:H is not supported") end --set available creatures function UN:T(x, town, level, dwellingSlot, creature) error ("UN:T is not implemented") end -- count objects, get coordinates function UN:U(x, ...) error ("UN:U is not implemented") end -- version info function UN:V(x, ...) error ("UN:V is not implemented") end -- make water passable function UN:W(x, ...) error ("UN:W is not implemented") end -- map size function UN:X(x, ...) error ("UN:X is not implemented") end return UN