/* * Images.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "Images.h" #include "MiscWidgets.h" #include "../gui/CGuiHandler.h" #include "../render/AssetGenerator.h" #include "../render/IImage.h" #include "../render/IRenderHandler.h" #include "../render/CAnimation.h" #include "../render/Canvas.h" #include "../render/ColorFilter.h" #include "../render/Colors.h" #include "../battle/BattleInterface.h" #include "../battle/BattleInterfaceClasses.h" #include "../CGameInfo.h" #include "../CPlayerInterface.h" #include "../../CCallback.h" #include "../../lib/CConfigHandler.h" #include "../../lib/texts/CGeneralTextHandler.h" //for Unicode related stuff #include "../../lib/CRandomGenerator.h" CPicture::CPicture(std::shared_ptr image, const Point & position) : bg(image) , needRefresh(false) { pos += position; pos.w = bg->width(); pos.h = bg->height(); addUsedEvents(SHOW_POPUP); } CPicture::CPicture( const ImagePath &bmpname, int x, int y ) : CPicture(bmpname, Point(x,y)) {} CPicture::CPicture( const ImagePath & bmpname ) : CPicture(bmpname, Point(0,0)) {} CPicture::CPicture( const ImagePath & bmpname, const Point & position, EImageBlitMode mode ) : bg(GH.renderHandler().loadImage(bmpname, mode)) , needRefresh(false) { pos.x += position.x; pos.y += position.y; assert(bg); if(bg) { pos.w = bg->width(); pos.h = bg->height(); } else { pos.w = pos.h = 0; } addUsedEvents(SHOW_POPUP); } CPicture::CPicture( const ImagePath & bmpname, const Point & position ) :CPicture(bmpname, position, EImageBlitMode::COLORKEY) {} CPicture::CPicture(const ImagePath & bmpname, const Rect &SrcRect, int x, int y) : CPicture(bmpname, Point(x,y)) { srcRect = SrcRect; pos.w = srcRect->w; pos.h = srcRect->h; addUsedEvents(SHOW_POPUP); } CPicture::CPicture(std::shared_ptr image, const Rect &SrcRect, int x, int y) : CPicture(image, Point(x,y)) { srcRect = SrcRect; pos.w = srcRect->w; pos.h = srcRect->h; addUsedEvents(SHOW_POPUP); } void CPicture::show(Canvas & to) { if (needRefresh) showAll(to); } void CPicture::showAll(Canvas & to) { if(bg) { if (srcRect.has_value()) to.draw(bg, pos.topLeft(), *srcRect); else to.draw(bg, pos.topLeft()); } } void CPicture::setAlpha(uint8_t value) { bg->setAlpha(value); } void CPicture::scaleTo(Point size) { bg->scaleTo(size, EScalingAlgorithm::BILINEAR); pos.w = bg->width(); pos.h = bg->height(); } void CPicture::setPlayerColor(PlayerColor player) { bg->playerColored(player); } void CPicture::addRClickCallback(const std::function & callback) { rCallback = callback; } void CPicture::showPopupWindow(const Point & cursorPosition) { if(rCallback) rCallback(); } CFilledTexture::CFilledTexture(const ImagePath & imageName, Rect position) : CIntObject(0, position.topLeft()) , texture(GH.renderHandler().loadImage(imageName, EImageBlitMode::COLORKEY)) { pos.w = position.w; pos.h = position.h; imageArea = Rect(Point(), texture->dimensions()); } CFilledTexture::CFilledTexture(const ImagePath & imageName, Rect position, Rect imageArea) : CIntObject(0, position.topLeft()) , texture(GH.renderHandler().loadImage(imageName, EImageBlitMode::COLORKEY)) , imageArea(imageArea) { pos.w = position.w; pos.h = position.h; } void CFilledTexture::showAll(Canvas & to) { CanvasClipRectGuard guard(to, pos); for (int y=pos.top(); y < pos.bottom(); y+= imageArea.h) { for (int x=pos.left(); x < pos.right(); x+= imageArea.w) to.draw(texture, Point(x,y), imageArea); } } void FilledTexturePlayerIndexed::setPlayerColor(PlayerColor player) { texture->playerColored(player); } FilledTexturePlayerColored::FilledTexturePlayerColored(Rect position) :CFilledTexture(ImagePath::builtin("DiBoxBck"), position) { } void FilledTexturePlayerColored::setPlayerColor(PlayerColor player) { AssetGenerator::createPlayerColoredBackground(player); ImagePath imagePath = ImagePath::builtin("DialogBoxBackground_" + player.toString() + ".bmp"); texture = GH.renderHandler().loadImage(imagePath, EImageBlitMode::COLORKEY); } CAnimImage::CAnimImage(const AnimationPath & name, size_t Frame, size_t Group, int x, int y, ui8 Flags): frame(Frame), group(Group), flags(Flags) { pos.x += x; pos.y += y; anim = GH.renderHandler().loadAnimation(name, (Flags & CCreatureAnim::CREATURE_MODE) ? EImageBlitMode::WITH_SHADOW_AND_OVERLAY : EImageBlitMode::COLORKEY); init(); } CAnimImage::CAnimImage(const AnimationPath & name, size_t Frame, Rect targetPos, size_t Group, ui8 Flags): anim(GH.renderHandler().loadAnimation(name, (Flags & CCreatureAnim::CREATURE_MODE) ? EImageBlitMode::WITH_SHADOW_AND_OVERLAY : EImageBlitMode::COLORKEY)), frame(Frame), group(Group), flags(Flags), scaledSize(targetPos.w, targetPos.h) { pos.x += targetPos.x; pos.y += targetPos.y; init(); } size_t CAnimImage::size() { return anim->size(group); } bool CAnimImage::isScaled() const { return (scaledSize.x != 0); } void CAnimImage::setSizeFromImage(const IImage &img) { if (isScaled()) { // At the time of writing this, IImage had no method to scale to different aspect ratio // Therefore, have to ignore the target height and preserve original aspect ratio pos.w = scaledSize.x; pos.h = roundf(float(scaledSize.x) * img.height() / img.width()); } else { pos.w = img.width(); pos.h = img.height(); } } void CAnimImage::init() { visible = true; auto img = anim->getImage(frame, group); if (img) setSizeFromImage(*img); } CAnimImage::~CAnimImage() { } void CAnimImage::showAll(Canvas & to) { if(!visible) return; std::vector frames = {frame}; if((flags & CShowableAnim::BASE) && frame != 0) { frames.insert(frames.begin(), 0); } for(auto targetFrame : frames) { if(auto img = anim->getImage(targetFrame, group)) { if(isScaled()) img->scaleTo(scaledSize, EScalingAlgorithm::BILINEAR); to.draw(img, pos.topLeft()); } } } void CAnimImage::setAnimationPath(const AnimationPath & name, size_t frame) { this->frame = frame; anim = GH.renderHandler().loadAnimation(name, EImageBlitMode::COLORKEY); init(); } void CAnimImage::setScale(Point scale) { scaledSize = scale; } void CAnimImage::setFrame(size_t Frame, size_t Group) { if (frame == Frame && group==Group) return; if (anim->size(Group) > Frame) { frame = Frame; group = Group; if(auto img = anim->getImage(frame, group)) { if (player.has_value()) img->playerColored(*player); setSizeFromImage(*img); } } else logGlobal->error("Error: accessing unavailable frame %d:%d in CAnimation!", Group, Frame); } void CAnimImage::setPlayerColor(PlayerColor currPlayer) { player = currPlayer; anim->getImage(frame, group)->playerColored(*player); if (flags & CShowableAnim::BASE) anim->getImage(0, group)->playerColored(*player); } bool CAnimImage::isPlayerColored() const { return player.has_value(); } CShowableAnim::CShowableAnim(int x, int y, const AnimationPath & name, ui8 Flags, ui32 frameTime, size_t Group, uint8_t alpha): anim(GH.renderHandler().loadAnimation(name, (Flags & CREATURE_MODE) ? EImageBlitMode::WITH_SHADOW_AND_OVERLAY : EImageBlitMode::COLORKEY)), group(Group), frame(0), first(0), frameTimeTotal(frameTime), frameTimePassed(0), flags(Flags), xOffset(0), yOffset(0), alpha(alpha) { last = anim->size(group); auto image = anim->getImage(0, group); if (!image) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to load group " + std::to_string(group) + " of animation file " + name.getOriginalName()); pos.w = image->width(); pos.h = image->height(); pos.x+= x; pos.y+= y; addUsedEvents(TIME); } void CShowableAnim::setAlpha(ui32 alphaValue) { alpha = std::min(alphaValue, 255); } bool CShowableAnim::set(size_t Group, size_t from, size_t to) { size_t max = anim->size(Group); if (to < max) max = to; if (max < from || max == 0) return false; group = Group; frame = first = from; last = max; frameTimePassed = 0; return true; } bool CShowableAnim::set(size_t Group) { if (anim->size(Group)== 0) return false; if (group != Group) { first = 0; group = Group; last = anim->size(Group); } frame = 0; frameTimePassed = 0; return true; } void CShowableAnim::reset() { frame = first; if (callback) callback(); } void CShowableAnim::clipRect(int posX, int posY, int width, int height) { xOffset = posX; yOffset = posY; pos.w = width; pos.h = height; } void CShowableAnim::show(Canvas & to) { if ( flags & BASE )// && frame != first) // FIXME: results in graphical glytch in Fortress, upgraded hydra's dwelling blitImage(first, group, to); blitImage(frame, group, to); } void CShowableAnim::tick(uint32_t msPassed) { if ((flags & PLAY_ONCE) && frame + 1 == last) return; frameTimePassed += msPassed; if(frameTimePassed >= frameTimeTotal) { frameTimePassed -= frameTimeTotal; if ( ++frame >= last) reset(); } } void CShowableAnim::showAll(Canvas & to) { if ( flags & BASE )// && frame != first) blitImage(first, group, to); blitImage(frame, group, to); } void CShowableAnim::blitImage(size_t frame, size_t group, Canvas & to) { Rect src( xOffset, yOffset, pos.w, pos.h); auto img = anim->getImage(frame, group); if(img) { img->setAlpha(alpha); img->setOverlayColor(Colors::TRANSPARENCY); to.draw(img, pos.topLeft(), src); } } void CShowableAnim::rotate(bool on, bool vertical) { ui8 flag = vertical? VERTICAL_FLIP:HORIZONTAL_FLIP; if (on) flags |= flag; else flags &= ~flag; } void CShowableAnim::setDuration(int durationMs) { frameTimeTotal = durationMs/(last - first); } CCreatureAnim::CCreatureAnim(int x, int y, const AnimationPath & name, ui8 flags, ECreatureAnimType type): CShowableAnim(x, y, name, flags | CREATURE_MODE, 100, size_t(type)) // H3 uses 100 ms per frame, irregardless of battle speed settings { xOffset = 0; yOffset = 0; } void CCreatureAnim::loopPreview(bool warMachine) { std::vector available; static const ECreatureAnimType creaPreviewList[] = { ECreatureAnimType::HOLDING, ECreatureAnimType::HITTED, ECreatureAnimType::DEFENCE, ECreatureAnimType::ATTACK_FRONT, ECreatureAnimType::SPECIAL_FRONT }; static const ECreatureAnimType machPreviewList[] = { ECreatureAnimType::HOLDING, ECreatureAnimType::MOVING, ECreatureAnimType::SHOOT_UP, ECreatureAnimType::SHOOT_FRONT, ECreatureAnimType::SHOOT_DOWN }; auto & previewList = warMachine ? machPreviewList : creaPreviewList; for (auto & elem : previewList) if (anim->size(size_t(elem))) available.push_back(elem); size_t rnd = CRandomGenerator::getDefault().nextInt((int)available.size() * 2 - 1); if (rnd >= available.size()) { ECreatureAnimType type; if ( anim->size(size_t(ECreatureAnimType::MOVING)) == 0 )//no moving animation present type = ECreatureAnimType::HOLDING; else type = ECreatureAnimType::MOVING; //display this anim for ~1 second (time is random, but it looks good) for (size_t i=0; i< 12/anim->size(size_t(type)) + 1; i++) addLast(type); } else addLast(available[rnd]); } void CCreatureAnim::addLast(ECreatureAnimType newType) { auto currType = ECreatureAnimType(group); if (currType != ECreatureAnimType::MOVING && newType == ECreatureAnimType::MOVING)//starting moving - play init sequence { queue.push( ECreatureAnimType::MOVE_START ); } else if (currType == ECreatureAnimType::MOVING && newType != ECreatureAnimType::MOVING )//previous anim was moving - finish it { queue.push( ECreatureAnimType::MOVE_END ); } if (newType == ECreatureAnimType::TURN_L || newType == ECreatureAnimType::TURN_R) queue.push(newType); queue.push(newType); } void CCreatureAnim::reset() { //if we are in the middle of rotation - set flag if (group == size_t(ECreatureAnimType::TURN_L) && !queue.empty() && queue.front() == ECreatureAnimType::TURN_L) rotate(true); if (group == size_t(ECreatureAnimType::TURN_R) && !queue.empty() && queue.front() == ECreatureAnimType::TURN_R) rotate(false); while (!queue.empty()) { ECreatureAnimType at = queue.front(); queue.pop(); if (set(size_t(at))) return; } if (callback) callback(); while (!queue.empty()) { ECreatureAnimType at = queue.front(); queue.pop(); if (set(size_t(at))) return; } set(size_t(ECreatureAnimType::HOLDING)); } void CCreatureAnim::startPreview(bool warMachine) { callback = std::bind(&CCreatureAnim::loopPreview, this, warMachine); } void CCreatureAnim::clearAndSet(ECreatureAnimType type) { while (!queue.empty()) queue.pop(); set(size_t(type)); }