// This file contains all translateable strings added in VCMI { "adventureMap": { "monsterThreat" : { "title" : "\n\n Threat: ", "levels" : [ "Effortless", "Very Weak", "Weak", "A bit weaker", "Equal", "A bit stronger", "Strong", "Very Strong", "Challenging", "Overpowering", "Deadly", "Impossible" ] }, "confirmRestartGame" : "Are you sure you want to restart game?", "noTownWithMarket": "No available marketplace!", "noTownWithTavern": "No available town with tavern!", "spellUnknownProblem": "Unknown problem with this spell, no more information available.", "playerAttacked" : "Player has been attacked: %s" }, "server" : { "errors" : { "existingProcess" : "Another vcmiserver process is running, please terminate it first", "modsIncompatibility" : "Required mods to load game:" } }, "systemOptions" : { "fullscreenButton" : { "label" : "Fullscreen", "help" : "{Fullscreen}\n\n If selected, VCMI will run in fullscreen mode, othervice VCMI will run in window" }, "resolutionButton" : { "label" : "Resolution", "help" : "{Select resolution}\n\n Change in-game screen resolution. Game restart required to apply new resolution." }, "resolutionMenu" : { "label" : "Select resolution", "help" : "Change in-game screen resolution." } }, "townHall" : { "missingBase" : "Base building %s must be built first", "noCreaturesToRecruit" : "There are no creatures to recruit!", "greetingManaVortex" : "As you near the %s your body is filled with new energy. You have doubled your normal spell points.", "greetingKnowledge" : "You study the glyphs on the %s and gain insight into the workings of various magics (+1 Knowledge).", "greetingSpellPower" : "The %s teaches you new ways to focus your magical powers (+1 Power).", "greetingExperience" : "A visit to the %s teaches you many new skills (+1000 Experience).", "greetingAttack" : "Some time spent at the %s allows you to learn more effective combat skills (+1 Attack Skill).", "greetingDefence" : "Spending time in the %s, the experienced warriors therein teach you additional defensive skills (+1 Defense).", "hasNotProduced" : "The %s has not produced anything yet.", "hasProduced" : "The %s produced %d %s this week.", "greetingCustomBonus" : "%s gives you +%d %s%s", "greetingCustomUntil" : " until next battle.", "greetingInTownMagicWell" : "%s has restored your spell points to maximum." }, "logicalExpressions" : { "anyOf" : "Any of the following:", "allOf" : "All of the following:", "noneOf" : "None of the following:" }, "heroWindow" : { "openCommander" : { "label" : "Open commander window", "help" : "Displays information about commander of this hero" } }, "commanderWindow": { "artifactMessage": "Do you want to give this artifact back to hero?" }, "creatureWindow" : { "showBonuses" : { "label" : "Switch to bonuses view", "help" : "Displays all active bonuses of the commander" }, "showSkills" : { "label" : "Switch to skills view", "help" : "Displays all learned skills of the commander" }, "returnArtifact" : { "label" : "Give back artifact", "help" : "Use this button to return stack artifact back into hero backpack" } }, "questLog" : { "hideComplete" : { "label" : "Hide complete quests", "help" : "Hide all quests that already completed" } } }