#include #include #include #include #include "CGameHandler.h" #include "CScriptCallback.h" #include "../CLua.h" #include "../CGameState.h" #include "../StartInfo.h" #include "../map.h" #include "../lib/NetPacks.h" #include "../lib/Connection.h" #include "../hch/CArtHandler.h" #include "../hch/CObjectHandler.h" #include "../hch/CTownHandler.h" #include "../hch/CBuildingHandler.h" #include "../hch/CHeroHandler.h" #include "boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time_types.hpp" //no i/o just types #include "../lib/VCMI_Lib.h" #include "../lib/CondSh.h" #include #ifndef _MSC_VER #include #endif extern bool end2; #include "../lib/BattleAction.h" #ifdef min #undef min #endif #ifdef max #undef max #endif #define NEW_ROUND BattleNextRound bnr;\ bnr.round = gs->curB->round + 1;\ sendAndApply(&bnr); boost::mutex gsm; ui32 CGameHandler::QID = 1; CondSh battleMadeAction; CondSh battleResult(NULL); std::map > callbacks; //question id => callback function - for selection dialogs class CMP_stack { public: bool operator ()(const CStack* a, const CStack* b) { return (a->creature->speed)>(b->creature->speed); } } cmpst ; double distance(int3 a, int3 b) { return std::sqrt( (double)(a.x-b.x)*(a.x-b.x) + (a.y-b.y)*(a.y-b.y) ); } //bool CGameState::checkFunc(int obid, std::string name) //{ // if (objscr.find(obid)!=objscr.end()) // { // if(objscr[obid].find(name)!=objscr[obid].end()) // { // return true; // } // } // return false; //} PlayerStatus PlayerStatuses::operator[](ui8 player) { boost::unique_lock l(mx); if(players.find(player) != players.end()) { return players[player]; } else { throw std::string("No such player!"); } } void PlayerStatuses::addPlayer(ui8 player) { boost::unique_lock l(mx); players[player]; } bool PlayerStatuses::hasQueries(ui8 player) { boost::unique_lock l(mx); if(players.find(player) != players.end()) { return players[player].queries.size(); } else { throw std::string("No such player!"); } } bool PlayerStatuses::checkFlag(ui8 player, bool PlayerStatus::*flag) { boost::unique_lock l(mx); if(players.find(player) != players.end()) { return players[player].*flag; } else { throw std::string("No such player!"); } } void PlayerStatuses::setFlag(ui8 player, bool PlayerStatus::*flag, bool val) { boost::unique_lock l(mx); if(players.find(player) != players.end()) { players[player].*flag = val; } else { throw std::string("No such player!"); } cv.notify_all(); } void PlayerStatuses::addQuery(ui8 player, ui32 id) { boost::unique_lock l(mx); if(players.find(player) != players.end()) { players[player].queries.insert(id); } else { throw std::string("No such player!"); } cv.notify_all(); } void PlayerStatuses::removeQuery(ui8 player, ui32 id) { boost::unique_lock l(mx); if(players.find(player) != players.end()) { players[player].queries.erase(id); } else { throw std::string("No such player!"); } cv.notify_all(); } void CGameHandler::handleCPPObjS(std::map * mapa, CCPPObjectScript * script) { std::vector tempv = script->yourObjects(); for (unsigned i=0;i void callWith(std::vector args, boost::function fun, ui32 which) { fun(args[which]); } void CGameHandler::changeSecSkill(int ID, ui16 which, int val, bool abs) { SetSecSkill sps; sps.id = ID; sps.which = which; sps.abs = abs; sps.val = val; sendAndApply(&sps); } void CGameHandler::changePrimSkill(int ID, int which, int val, bool abs) { SetPrimSkill sps; sps.id = ID; sps.which = which; sps.abs = abs; sps.val = val; sendAndApply(&sps); if(which==4) //only for exp - hero may level up { CGHeroInstance *hero = static_cast(gs->map->objects[ID]); if(hero->exp >= VLC->heroh->reqExp(hero->level+1)) //new level { //give prim skill std::cout << hero->name <<" got level "<level<::*g = (hero->level>9) ? (&std::pair::second) : (&std::pair::first); for(;xtype->heroClass->primChance[x].*g; if(rlevel+1; //picking sec. skills for choice std::set basicAndAdv, expert, none; for(int i=0;isecSkills.size();i++) { if(hero->secSkills[i].second < 2) basicAndAdv.insert(hero->secSkills[i].first); else expert.insert(hero->secSkills[i].first); none.erase(hero->secSkills[i].first); } if(hero->secSkills.size() < hero->type->heroClass->skillLimit) //free skill slot { hlu.skills.push_back(hero->type->heroClass->chooseSecSkill(none)); //new skill } else { int s = hero->type->heroClass->chooseSecSkill(basicAndAdv); hlu.skills.push_back(s); basicAndAdv.erase(s); } if(basicAndAdv.size()) { hlu.skills.push_back(hero->type->heroClass->chooseSecSkill(basicAndAdv)); //new skill } else if(hero->secSkills.size() < hero->type->heroClass->skillLimit) { hlu.skills.push_back(hero->type->heroClass->chooseSecSkill(none)); //new skill } boost::function callback = boost::function(boost::bind(callWith,hlu.skills,boost::function(boost::bind(&CGameHandler::changeSecSkill,this,ID,_1,1,0)),_1)); applyAndAsk(&hlu,hero->tempOwner,callback); //call changeSecSkill with appropriate args when client responds } } } void CGameHandler::startBattle(CCreatureSet army1, CCreatureSet army2, int3 tile, CGHeroInstance *hero1, CGHeroInstance *hero2, boost::function cb) { BattleInfo *curB = new BattleInfo; setupBattle(curB, tile, army1, army2, hero1, hero2); //initializes stacks, places creatures on battlefield, blocks and informs player interfaces NEW_ROUND; //TODO: pre-tactic stuff, call scripts etc. //tactic round { NEW_ROUND; if( (hero1 && hero1->getSecSkillLevel(19)>=0) || ( hero2 && hero2->getSecSkillLevel(19)>=0) )//someone has tactics { //TODO: tactic round (round -1) } } //main loop while(!battleResult.get()) //till the end of the battle ;] { NEW_ROUND; std::vector & stacks = (gs->curB->stacks); const BattleInfo & curB = *gs->curB; //stack loop for(unsigned i=0;ialive()) continue;//indicates imposiibility of making action for this dead unit BattleSetActiveStack sas; sas.stack = stacks[i]->ID; sendAndApply(&sas); boost::unique_lock lock(battleMadeAction.mx); while(!battleMadeAction.data && !battleResult.get()) //active stack hasn't made its action and battle is still going battleMadeAction.cond.wait(lock); battleMadeAction.data = false; checkForBattleEnd(stacks); //check if this action ended the battle } } //unblock engaged players if(hero1->tempOwnertempOwner,&PlayerStatus::engagedIntoBattle,false); if(hero2 && hero2->tempOwnertempOwner,&PlayerStatus::engagedIntoBattle,false); //end battle, remove all info, free memory sendAndApply(battleResult.data); if(cb) cb(battleResult.data); delete battleResult.data; //for(int i=0;iID; bat.bsa.stackAttacked = def->ID; bat.bsa.damageAmount = BattleInfo::calculateDmg(att, def);//counting dealt damage //applying damages bat.bsa.killedAmount = bat.bsa.damageAmount / def->creature->hitPoints; unsigned damageFirst = bat.bsa.damageAmount % def->creature->hitPoints; if( def->firstHPleft <= damageFirst ) { bat.bsa.killedAmount++; bat.bsa.newHP = def->firstHPleft + def->creature->hitPoints - damageFirst; } else { bat.bsa.newHP = def->firstHPleft - damageFirst; } if(def->amount <= bat.bsa.killedAmount) //stack killed { bat.bsa.newAmount = 0; bat.bsa.flags |= 1; bat.bsa.killedAmount = def->amount; //we cannot kill more creatures than we have } else { bat.bsa.newAmount = def->amount - bat.bsa.killedAmount; } } void CGameHandler::handleConnection(std::set players, CConnection &c) { try { ui16 pom; while(!end2) { c >> pom; bool blockvis = false; switch(pom) { case 99: //end! { log0 << "We have been requested to close.\n"; exit(0); } case 100: //my interface ended its turn { states.setFlag(gs->currentPlayer,&PlayerStatus::makingTurn,false); break; } case 500: { si32 id; c >> id; RemoveObject rh(id); sendAndApply(&rh); break; } case 501://interface wants to move hero { int3 start, end; si32 id; c >> id >> start >> end; int3 hmpos = end + int3(-1,0,0); TerrainTile t = gs->map->terrain[hmpos.x][hmpos.y][hmpos.z]; CGHeroInstance *h = static_cast(gs->map->objects[id]); int cost = (int)((double)h->getTileCost(t.tertype,t.malle,t.nuine) * distance(start,end)); TryMoveHero tmh; tmh.id = id; tmh.start = start; tmh.end = end; tmh.result = 0; tmh.movePoints = h->movement; if((h->getOwner() != gs->currentPlayer) || //not turn of that hero (distance(start,end)>=1.5) || //tiles are not neighouring (h->movement < cost) || //lack of movement points (t.tertype == rock) || //rock (!h->canWalkOnSea() && t.tertype == water) || (t.blocked && !t.visitable) ) //tile is blocked andnot visitable goto fail; //check if there is blocking visitable object blockvis = false; tmh.movePoints = h->movement = (h->movement-cost); //take move points BOOST_FOREACH(CGObjectInstance *obj, t.visitableObjects) { if(obj->blockVisit) { blockvis = true; break; } } //we start moving if(blockvis)//interaction with blocking object (like resources) { sendAndApply(&tmh); //failed to move to that tile but we visit object BOOST_FOREACH(CGObjectInstance *obj, t.visitableObjects) { if (obj->blockVisit) { //if(gs->checkFunc(obj->ID,"heroVisit")) //script function // gs->objscr[obj->ID]["heroVisit"]->onHeroVisit(obj,h->subID); if(obj->state) //hard-coded function obj->state->onHeroVisit(obj->id,h->id); } } break; } else //normal move { tmh.result = 1; BOOST_FOREACH(CGObjectInstance *obj, gs->map->terrain[start.x-1][start.y][start.z].visitableObjects) { //TODO: allow to handle this in script-languages if(obj->state) //hard-coded function obj->state->onHeroLeave(obj->id,h->id); } //reveal fog of war int heroSight = h->getSightDistance(); int xbeg = start.x - heroSight - 2; if(xbeg < 0) xbeg = 0; int xend = start.x + heroSight + 2; if(xend >= gs->map->width) xend = gs->map->width; int ybeg = start.y - heroSight - 2; if(ybeg < 0) ybeg = 0; int yend = start.y + heroSight + 2; if(yend >= gs->map->height) yend = gs->map->height; for(int xd=xbeg; xdgetSightDistance()*h->getSightDistance()) { if(gs->players[h->getOwner()].fogOfWarMap[xd][yd][hmpos.z] == 0) { tmh.fowRevealed.insert(int3(xd,yd,hmpos.z)); } } } } sendAndApply(&tmh); BOOST_FOREACH(CGObjectInstance *obj, t.visitableObjects)//call objects if they are visited { //if(gs->checkFunc(obj->ID,"heroVisit")) //script function // gs->objscr[obj->ID]["heroVisit"]->onHeroVisit(obj,h->subID); if(obj->state) //hard-coded function obj->state->onHeroVisit(obj->id,h->id); } } break; fail: sendAndApply(&tmh); break; } case 502: //swap creatures in garrison { ui8 what, p1, p2; si32 id1, id2; c >> what >> id1 >> p1 >> id2 >> p2; CArmedInstance *s1 = static_cast(gs->map->objects[id1]), *s2 = static_cast(gs->map->objects[id2]); CCreatureSet *S1 = &s1->army, *S2 = &s2->army; if(what==1) //swap { int pom = S2->slots[p2].first; S2->slots[p2].first = S1->slots[p1].first; S1->slots[p1].first = pom; int pom2 = S2->slots[p2].second; S2->slots[p2].second = S1->slots[p1].second; S1->slots[p1].second = pom2; if(!S1->slots[p1].second) S1->slots.erase(p1); if(!S2->slots[p2].second) S2->slots.erase(p2); } else if(what==2)//merge { if(S1->slots[p1].first != S2->slots[p2].first) break; //not same creature S2->slots[p2].second += S1->slots[p1].second; S1->slots[p1].first = NULL; S1->slots[p1].second = 0; S1->slots.erase(p1); } else if(what==3) //split { si32 val; c >> val; if(S2->slots.find(p2) != S2->slots.end()) break; //slot not free S2->slots[p2].first = S1->slots[p1].first; S2->slots[p2].second = val; S1->slots[p1].second -= val; if(!S1->slots[p1].second) //if we've moved all creatures S1->slots.erase(p1); } if((s1->ID==34 && !S1->slots.size()) //it's not allowed to take last stack from hero army! || (s2->ID==34 && !S2->slots.size())) { break; } SetGarrisons sg; sg.garrs[id1] = *S1; if(s1 != s2) sg.garrs[id2] = *S2; sendAndApply(&sg); break; } case 503: { si32 id; ui8 pos; c >> id >> pos; CArmedInstance *s1 = static_cast(gs->map->objects[id]); s1->army.slots.erase(pos); SetGarrisons sg; sg.garrs[id] = s1->army; sendAndApply(&sg); break; } case 504: { si32 tid, bid; c >> tid >> bid; CGTownInstance * t = static_cast(gs->map->objects[tid]); CBuilding * b = VLC->buildh->buildings[t->subID][bid]; for(int i=0;iresources[i] > gs->players[t->tempOwner].resources[i]) break; //no res //TODO: check requirements //TODO: check if building isn't forbidden NewStructures ns; ns.tid = tid; if(bid>36) //upg dwelling { if(t->getHordeLevel(0) == (bid-37)) ns.bid.insert(19); else if(t->getHordeLevel(1) == (bid-37)) ns.bid.insert(25); } else if(bid >= 30) //bas. dwelling { SetAvailableCreatures ssi; ssi.tid = tid; ssi.creatures = t->strInfo.creatures; ssi.creatures[bid-30] = VLC->creh->creatures[t->town->basicCreatures[bid-30]].growth; sendAndApply(&ssi); } ns.bid.insert(bid); ns.builded = t->builded + 1; sendAndApply(&ns); SetResources sr; sr.player = t->tempOwner; sr.res = gs->players[t->tempOwner].resources; for(int i=0;i<7;i++) sr.res[i]-=b->resources[i]; sendAndApply(&sr); if(bid<5) //it's mage guild { if(t->visitingHero) giveSpells(t,t->visitingHero); if(t->garrisonHero) giveSpells(t,t->garrisonHero); } break; } case 506: //recruit creature { si32 objid, ser=-1; //ser - used dwelling level ui32 crid, cram; //recruited creature id and amount c >> objid >> crid >> cram; CGTownInstance * t = static_cast(gs->map->objects[objid]); //verify bool found = false; typedef std::pair Parka; for(std::map::iterator av = t->strInfo.creatures.begin(); av!=t->strInfo.creatures.end(); av++) { if( ( found = (crid == t->town->basicCreatures[av->first]) ) //creature is available among basic cretures || (found = (crid == t->town->upgradedCreatures[av->first])) )//creature is available among upgraded cretures { cram = std::min(cram,av->second); //reduce recruited amount up to available amount ser = av->first; break; } } int slot = t->army.getSlotFor(crid); if(!found || //no such creature cram > VLC->creh->creatures[crid].maxAmount(gs->players[t->tempOwner].resources) || //lack of resources cram<=0 || slot<0 ) break; //recruit SetResources sr; sr.player = t->tempOwner; for(int i=0;iplayers[t->tempOwner].resources[i] - (VLC->creh->creatures[crid].cost[i] * cram); SetAvailableCreatures sac; sac.tid = objid; sac.creatures = t->strInfo.creatures; sac.creatures[ser] -= cram; SetGarrisons sg; sg.garrs[objid] = t->army; if(sg.garrs[objid].slots.find(slot) == sg.garrs[objid].slots.end()) //take a free slot { sg.garrs[objid].slots[slot] = std::make_pair(crid,cram); } else //add creatures to a already existing stack { sg.garrs[objid].slots[slot].second += cram; } sendAndApply(&sr); sendAndApply(&sac); sendAndApply(&sg); break; } case 507://upgrade creature { ui32 objid, upgID; ui8 pos; c >> objid >> pos >> upgID; CArmedInstance *obj = static_cast(gs->map->objects[objid]); UpgradeInfo ui = gs->getUpgradeInfo(obj,pos); int player = obj->tempOwner; int crQuantity = obj->army.slots[pos].second; //check if upgrade is possible if(ui.oldID<0 || !vstd::contains(ui.newID,upgID)) break; //check if player has enough resources for(int i=0;i >::iterator j=ui.cost[i].begin(); j!=ui.cost[i].end(); j++) { if(gs->players[player].resources[j->first] < j->second*crQuantity) goto upgend; } } //take resources for(int i=0;i >::iterator j=ui.cost[i].begin(); j!=ui.cost[i].end(); j++) { SetResource sr; sr.player = player; sr.resid = j->first; sr.val = gs->players[player].resources[j->first] - j->second*crQuantity; sendAndApply(&sr); } } { //upgrade creature SetGarrisons sg; sg.garrs[objid] = obj->army; sg.garrs[objid].slots[pos].first = upgID; sendAndApply(&sg); } upgend: break; } case 508: //garrison swap { si32 tid; c >> tid; CGTownInstance *town = gs->getTown(tid); if(!town->garrisonHero && town->visitingHero) //visiting => garrison, merge armies { CCreatureSet csn = town->visitingHero->army, cso = town->army; while(!cso.slots.empty())//while there are unmoved creatures { int pos = csn.getSlotFor(cso.slots.begin()->second.first); if(pos<0) goto handleConEnd; if(csn.slots.find(pos)!=csn.slots.end()) //add creatures to the existing stack { csn.slots[pos].second += cso.slots.begin()->second.second; } else //move stack on the free pos { csn.slots[pos].first = cso.slots.begin()->second.first; csn.slots[pos].second = cso.slots.begin()->second.second; } cso.slots.erase(cso.slots.begin()); } SetGarrisons sg; sg.garrs[town->visitingHero->id] = csn; sg.garrs[town->id] = csn; sendAndApply(&sg); SetHeroesInTown intown; intown.tid = tid; intown.visiting = -1; intown.garrison = town->visitingHero->id; sendAndApply(&intown); } else if (town->garrisonHero && !town->visitingHero) //move hero out of the garrison { SetHeroesInTown intown; intown.tid = tid; intown.garrison = -1; intown.visiting = town->garrisonHero->id; sendAndApply(&intown); //town will be empty SetGarrisons sg; sg.garrs[tid] = CCreatureSet(); sendAndApply(&sg); } else if (town->garrisonHero && town->visitingHero) //swap visiting and garrison hero { SetGarrisons sg; sg.garrs[town->id] = town->visitingHero->army; sg.garrs[town->garrisonHero->id] = town->garrisonHero->army; //sg.garrs[town->visitingHero->id] = town->visitingHero->army; SetHeroesInTown intown; intown.tid = tid; intown.garrison = town->visitingHero->id; intown.visiting = town->garrisonHero->id; sendAndApply(&intown); sendAndApply(&sg); } else { std::cout << "Warning, wrong garrison swap command for " << tid << std::endl; } break; } case 509: //swap artifacts { si32 hid1, hid2; ui16 slot1, slot2; c >> hid1 >> slot1 >> hid2 >> slot2; CGHeroInstance *h1 = gs->getHero(hid1), *h2 = gs->getHero(hid2); if((distance(h1->pos,h2->pos) > 1.0) || (h1->tempOwner != h2->tempOwner)) break; int a1=h1->getArtAtPos(slot1), a2=h2->getArtAtPos(slot2); h2->setArtAtPos(slot2,a1); h1->setArtAtPos(slot1,a2); SetHeroArtifacts sha; sha.hid = hid1; sha.artifacts = h1->artifacts; sha.artifWorn = h1->artifWorn; sendAndApply(&sha); if(hid1 != hid2) { sha.hid = hid2; sha.artifacts = h2->artifacts; sha.artifWorn = h2->artifWorn; sendAndApply(&sha); } break; } case 510: //buy artifact { ui32 hid; si32 aid, bid; c >> hid >> aid; CGHeroInstance *hero = gs->getHero(hid); CGTownInstance *town = hero->visitedTown; if(aid==0) //spellbok { if(!vstd::contains(town->builtBuildings,si32(0))) break; SetResource sr; sr.player = hero->tempOwner; sr.resid = 6; sr.val = gs->players[hero->tempOwner].resources[6] - 500; sendAndApply(&sr); SetHeroArtifacts sha; sha.hid = hid; sha.artifacts = hero->artifacts; sha.artifWorn = hero->artifWorn; sha.artifWorn[17] = 0; sendAndApply(&sha); giveSpells(town,hero); } else if(aid < 7 && aid > 3) //war machine { int price = VLC->arth->artifacts[aid].price; if(vstd::contains(hero->artifWorn,ui16(9+aid)) //hero already has this machine || !vstd::contains(town->builtBuildings,si32(16)) //no blackismith || gs->players[hero->tempOwner].resources[6] < price //no gold || town->town->warMachine!= aid ) //this machine is not available here (//TODO: support ballista yard in stronghold) { break; } SetResource sr; sr.player = hero->tempOwner; sr.resid = 6; sr.val = gs->players[hero->tempOwner].resources[6] - price; sendAndApply(&sr); SetHeroArtifacts sha; sha.hid = hid; sha.artifacts = hero->artifacts; sha.artifWorn = hero->artifWorn; sha.artifWorn[9+aid] = aid; sendAndApply(&sha); } break; } case 511: //trade at marketplace { ui8 player; ui32 mode, id1, id2, val; c >> player >> mode >> id1 >> id2 >> val; val = std::min(si32(val),gs->players[player].resources[id1]); double uzysk = (double)gs->resVals[id1] * val * gs->getMarketEfficiency(player); uzysk /= gs->resVals[id2]; SetResource sr; sr.player = player; sr.resid = id1; sr.val = gs->players[player].resources[id1] - val; sendAndApply(&sr); sr.resid = id2; sr.val = gs->players[player].resources[id2] + (int)uzysk; sendAndApply(&sr); break; } case 2001: { ui32 qid, answer; c >> qid >> answer; gsm.lock(); CFunctionList callb = callbacks[qid]; callbacks.erase(qid); gsm.unlock(); callb(answer); break; } case 3002: { BattleAction ba; c >> ba; switch(ba.actionType) { case 2: //walk { moveStack(ba.stackNumber,ba.destinationTile); break; } case 3: //defend { break; } case 4: //retreat/flee { //TODO: check if fleeing is possible (e.g. enemy may have Shackles of War) //TODO: calculate casualties //TODO: remove retreating hero from map and place it in recrutation list BattleResult *br = new BattleResult; br->result = 1; br->winner = !ba.side; //fleeing side loses gs->curB->calculateCasualties(br->casualties); battleResult.set(br); break; } case 6: //walk or attack { moveStack(ba.stackNumber,ba.destinationTile); CStack *curStack = gs->curB->getStack(ba.stackNumber), *stackAtEnd = gs->curB->getStackT(ba.additionalInfo); if((curStack->position != ba.destinationTile) || //we wasn't able to reach destination tile (BattleInfo::mutualPosition(ba.destinationTile,ba.additionalInfo)<0) ) //destination tile is not neighbouring with enemy stack return; BattleAttack bat; prepareAttack(bat,curStack,stackAtEnd); sendAndApply(&bat); //counterattack if(!vstd::contains(curStack->abilities,NO_ENEMY_RETALIATION) && stackAtEnd->alive() && !stackAtEnd->counterAttacks ) //TODO: support for multiple retaliatons per turn { prepareAttack(bat,stackAtEnd,curStack); bat.flags |= 2; sendAndApply(&bat); } if(vstd::contains(curStack->abilities,TWICE_ATTACK) && curStack->alive()) { bat.flags = 0; prepareAttack(bat,curStack,stackAtEnd); sendAndApply(&bat); } break; } case 7: //shoot { //TODO: check arrows count //TODO: check if stack isn't blocked by enemy CStack *curStack = gs->curB->getStack(ba.stackNumber), *destStack= gs->curB->getStackT(ba.destinationTile); BattleAttack bat; prepareAttack(bat,curStack,destStack); bat.flags |= 1; if(vstd::contains(curStack->abilities,TWICE_ATTACK) && curStack->alive()) { prepareAttack(bat,curStack,destStack); sendAndApply(&bat); } sendAndApply(&bat); break; } } battleMadeAction.setn(true); //sprawdzic czy po tej akcji ktoras strona nie wygrala bitwy break; } default: #ifndef __GNUC__ throw std::exception("Not supported client message!"); #else throw std::exception(); #endif break; } } } catch (const std::exception& e) { log1 << e.what() << std::endl; end2 = true; } catch (const std::exception * e) { log1 << e->what()<< std::endl; end2 = true; delete e; } catch(...) { end2 = true; } handleConEnd: ; } void CGameHandler::moveStack(int stack, int dest) { CStack *curStack = gs->curB->getStack(stack), *stackAtEnd = gs->curB->getStackT(dest); //initing necessary tables bool accessibility[187]; if(curStack->creature->isDoubleWide()) gs->curB->getAccessibilityMapForTwoHex(accessibility,curStack->attackerOwned,curStack->ID); else gs->curB->getAccessibilityMap(accessibility,curStack->ID); if((stackAtEnd && stackAtEnd!=curStack && stackAtEnd->alive()) || !accessibility[dest]) return; //if(dists[dest] > curStack->creature->speed && !(stackAtEnd && dists[dest] == curStack->creature->speed+1)) //we can attack a stack if we can go to adjacent hex // return false; std::vector path = gs->curB->getPath(curStack->position,dest,accessibility); int tilesToMove = std::max((int)path.size()-curStack->creature->speed, 0); for(int v=path.size()-1; v>=tilesToMove; --v) { //inform clients about move BattleStackMoved sm; sm.stack = curStack->ID; sm.tile = path[v]; if(v==path.size()-1) //move start - set flag sm.flags |= 1; if(v==0) //move end - set flag sm.flags |= 2; sendAndApply(&sm); } } CGameHandler::CGameHandler(void) { gs = NULL; } CGameHandler::~CGameHandler(void) { delete gs; } void CGameHandler::init(StartInfo *si, int Seed) { Mapa *map = new Mapa(si->mapname); std::cout << "Map loaded!" << std::endl; gs = new CGameState(); std::cout << "Gamestate created!" << std::endl; gs->init(si,map,Seed); std::cout << "Gamestate initialized!" << std::endl; /****************************LUA OBJECT SCRIPTS************************************************/ //std::vector * lf = CLuaHandler::searchForScripts("scripts/lua/objects"); //files //for (int i=0; isize(); i++) //{ // try // { // std::vector * temp = CLuaHandler::functionList((*lf)[i]); // CLuaObjectScript * objs = new CLuaObjectScript((*lf)[i]); // CLuaCallback::registerFuncs(objs->is); // //objs // for (int j=0; jsize(); j++) // { // int obid ; //obj ID // int dspos = (*temp)[j].find_first_of('_'); // obid = atoi((*temp)[j].substr(dspos+1,(*temp)[j].size()-dspos-1).c_str()); // std::string fname = (*temp)[j].substr(0,dspos); // if (skrypty->find(obid)==skrypty->end()) // skrypty->insert(std::pair >(obid,std::map())); // (*skrypty)[obid].insert(std::pair(fname,objs)); // } // delete temp; // }HANDLE_EXCEPTION //} //delete lf; } int lowestSpeed(CGHeroInstance * chi) { std::map >::iterator i = chi->army.slots.begin(); int ret = VLC->creh->creatures[(*i++).second.first].speed; for (;i!=chi->army.slots.end();i++) { ret = std::min(ret,VLC->creh->creatures[(*i).second.first].speed); } return ret; } int valMovePoints(CGHeroInstance * chi) { int ret = 1270+70*lowestSpeed(chi); if (ret>2000) ret=2000; //TODO: additional bonuses (but they aren't currently stored in chi) return ret; } void CGameHandler::newTurn() { NewTurn n; n.day = gs->day + 1; n.resetBuilded = true; for ( std::map::iterator i=gs->players.begin() ; i!=gs->players.end();i++) { if(i->first>=PLAYER_LIMIT) continue; SetResources r; r.player = i->first; for(int j=0;jsecond.resources[j]; for (unsigned j=0;j<(*i).second.heroes.size();j++) //handle heroes { NewTurn::Hero h; h.id = (*i).second.heroes[j]->id; h.move = valMovePoints((*i).second.heroes[j]); h.mana = (*i).second.heroes[j]->mana; n.heroes.insert(h); } for(std::vector::iterator j=i->second.towns.begin();j!=i->second.towns.end();j++)//handle towns { if(vstd::contains((**j).builtBuildings,15)) //there is resource silo { if((**j).town->primaryRes == 127) //we'll give wood and ore { r.res[0] += 1; r.res[2] += 1; } else { r.res[(**j).town->primaryRes] += 1; } } if(gs->getDate(1)==7) //first day of week { SetAvailableCreatures sac; sac.tid = (**j).id; sac.creatures = (**j).strInfo.creatures; for(int k=0;kday) && i->first::iterator i=cppscripts.begin();i!=cppscripts.end();i++) { (*i)->newTurn(); } } void CGameHandler::run() { BOOST_FOREACH(CConnection *cc, conns) {//init conn. ui8 quantity, pom; //ui32 seed; (*cc) << gs->scenarioOps->mapname << gs->map->checksum << gs->seed; (*cc) >> quantity; for(int i=0;i> pom; gsm.lock(); connections[pom] = cc; gsm.unlock(); } } for(std::set::iterator i = conns.begin(); i!=conns.end();i++) { std::set pom; for(std::map::iterator j = connections.begin(); j!=connections.end();j++) if(j->second == *i) pom.insert(j->first); boost::thread(boost::bind(&CGameHandler::handleConnection,this,pom,boost::ref(**i))); } /****************************SCRIPTS************************************************/ //std::map > * skrypty = &objscr; //alias for easier access /****************************C++ OBJECT SCRIPTS************************************************/ std::map scripts; CScriptCallback * csc = new CScriptCallback(); csc->gh = this; handleCPPObjS(&scripts,new CVisitableOPH(csc)); handleCPPObjS(&scripts,new CVisitableOPW(csc)); handleCPPObjS(&scripts,new CPickable(csc)); handleCPPObjS(&scripts,new CMines(csc)); handleCPPObjS(&scripts,new CTownScript(csc)); handleCPPObjS(&scripts,new CHeroScript(csc)); handleCPPObjS(&scripts,new CMonsterS(csc)); handleCPPObjS(&scripts,new CCreatureGen(csc)); /****************************INITIALIZING OBJECT SCRIPTS************************************************/ //std::string temps("newObject"); for (unsigned i=0; imap->objects.size(); i++) { //c++ scripts if (scripts.find(gs->map->objects[i]->ID) != scripts.end()) { gs->map->objects[i]->state = scripts[gs->map->objects[i]->ID]; gs->map->objects[i]->state->newObject(gs->map->objects[i]->id); } else { gs->map->objects[i]->state = NULL; } //// lua scripts //if(checkFunc(map->objects[i]->ID,temps)) // (*skrypty)[map->objects[i]->ID][temps]->newObject(map->objects[i]); } for(std::map::iterator i = gs->players.begin(); i != gs->players.end(); i++) states.addPlayer(i->first); while (!end2) { newTurn(); for(std::map::iterator i = gs->players.begin(); i != gs->players.end(); i++) { if((i->second.towns.size()==0 && i->second.heroes.size()==0) || i->second.color<0 || i->first>=PLAYER_LIMIT ) continue; //players has not towns/castle - loser states.setFlag(i->first,&PlayerStatus::makingTurn,true); gs->currentPlayer = i->first; *connections[i->first] << ui16(100) << i->first; //wait till turn is done boost::unique_lock lock(states.mx); while(states.players[i->first].makingTurn && !end2) { boost::posix_time::time_duration p; p = boost::posix_time::milliseconds(200); #ifdef _MSC_VER states.cv.timed_wait(lock,p); #else boost::xtime time={0,0}; time.nsec = static_cast(p.total_nanoseconds()); states.cv.timed_wait(lock,time); #endif } } } } namespace CGH { using namespace std; void readItTo(ifstream & input, vector< vector > & dest) { for(int j=0; j<7; ++j) { std::vector pom; for(int g=0; g>hlp; pom.push_back(hlp); } dest.push_back(pom); } } } void CGameHandler::setupBattle( BattleInfo * curB, int3 tile, CCreatureSet &army1, CCreatureSet &army2, CGHeroInstance * hero1, CGHeroInstance * hero2 ) { battleResult.set(NULL); std::vector & stacks = (curB->stacks); curB->tile = tile; curB->siege = 0; //TODO: add sieges curB->army1=army1; curB->army2=army2; curB->hero1=(hero1)?(hero1->id):(-1); curB->hero2=(hero2)?(hero2->id):(-1); curB->side1=(hero1)?(hero1->tempOwner):(-1); curB->side2=(hero2)?(hero2->tempOwner):(-1); curB->round = -2; curB->activeStack = -1; for(std::map >::iterator i = army1.slots.begin(); i!=army1.slots.end(); i++) { stacks.push_back(new CStack(&VLC->creh->creatures[i->second.first],i->second.second,hero1->tempOwner, stacks.size(), true,i->first)); stacks[stacks.size()-1]->ID = stacks.size()-1; } //initialization of positions std::ifstream positions; positions.open("config" PATHSEPARATOR "battleStartpos.txt", std::ios_base::in|std::ios_base::binary); if(!positions.is_open()) { log0<<"Unable to open battleStartpos.txt!"<>dump; positions>>dump; std::vector< std::vector > attackerLoose, defenderLoose, attackerTight, defenderTight; CGH::readItTo(positions, attackerLoose); positions>>dump; CGH::readItTo(positions, defenderLoose); positions>>dump; positions>>dump; CGH::readItTo(positions, attackerTight); positions>>dump; CGH::readItTo(positions, defenderTight); positions.close(); if(army1.formation) for(int b=0; bposition = attackerTight[army1.slots.size()-1][b]; } else for(int b=0; bposition = attackerLoose[army1.slots.size()-1][b]; } for(std::map >::iterator i = army2.slots.begin(); i!=army2.slots.end(); i++) stacks.push_back(new CStack(&VLC->creh->creatures[i->second.first],i->second.second,hero2 ? hero2->tempOwner : 255, stacks.size(), false, i->first)); if(army2.formation) for(int b=0; bposition = defenderTight[army2.slots.size()-1][b]; } else for(int b=0; bposition = defenderLoose[army2.slots.size()-1][b]; } for(unsigned g=0; gposition%17)==1 && stacks[g]->creature->isDoubleWide()) { stacks[g]->position += 1; } else if((stacks[g]->position%17)==15 && stacks[g]->creature->isDoubleWide()) { stacks[g]->position -= 1; } } std::stable_sort(stacks.begin(),stacks.end(),cmpst); //block engaged players if(hero1->tempOwnertempOwner,&PlayerStatus::engagedIntoBattle,true); if(hero2 && hero2->tempOwnertempOwner,&PlayerStatus::engagedIntoBattle,true); //send info about battles BattleStart bs; bs.info = curB; sendAndApply(&bs); } void CGameHandler::checkForBattleEnd( std::vector &stacks ) { //checking winning condition bool hasStack[2]; //hasStack[0] - true if attacker has a living stack; defender similarily hasStack[0] = hasStack[1] = false; for(int b = 0; balive()) { hasStack[1-stacks[b]->attackerOwned] = true; } } if(!hasStack[0] || !hasStack[1]) //somebody has won { BattleResult *br = new BattleResult; //will be deleted at the end of startBattle(...) br->result = 0; br->winner = hasStack[1]; //fleeing side loses gs->curB->calculateCasualties(br->casualties); battleResult.set(br); } } void CGameHandler::giveSpells( const CGTownInstance *t, const CGHeroInstance *h ) { if(!vstd::contains(h->artifWorn,17)) return; //hero hasn't spellbok ChangeSpells cs; cs.hid = h->id; cs.learn = true; for(int i=0; imageGuildLevel(),h->getSecSkillLevel(7)+4);i++) { for(int j=0; jspellsAtLevel(i+1,true); j++) { if(!vstd::contains(h->spells,t->spells[i][j])) cs.spells.insert(t->spells[i][j]); } } if(cs.spells.size()) sendAndApply(&cs); }