#include "StdInc.h" #include "Fuzzy.h" #include #include "../../lib/CObjectHandler.h" #include "../../lib/CCreatureHandler.h" #include "../../lib/VCMI_Lib.h" /* * Fuzzy.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #define MIN_AI_STRENGHT (0.5f) //lower when combat AI gets smarter struct BankConfig; class FuzzyEngine; class InputLVar; class CGTownInstance; using namespace boost::assign; using namespace vstd; FuzzyHelper *fh; struct armyStructure { float walkers, shooters, flyers; ui32 maxSpeed; }; ui64 evaluateBankConfig (BankConfig * bc) { ui64 danger = 0; BOOST_FOREACH (auto opt, bc->guards) { danger += VLC->creh->creatures[opt.first]->fightValue * opt.second; } return danger; } armyStructure evaluateArmyStructure (const CArmedInstance * army) { ui64 totalStrenght = army->getArmyStrength(); double walkersStrenght = 0; double flyersStrenght = 0; double shootersStrenght = 0; ui32 maxSpeed = 0; BOOST_FOREACH(auto s, army->Slots()) { bool walker = true; if (s.second->type->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::SHOOTER)) { shootersStrenght += s.second->getPower(); walker = false; } if (s.second->type->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::FLYING)) { flyersStrenght += s.second->getPower(); walker = false; } if (walker) walkersStrenght += s.second->getPower(); amax (maxSpeed, s.second->type->valOfBonuses(Bonus::STACKS_SPEED)); } armyStructure as; as.walkers = walkersStrenght / totalStrenght; as.shooters = shootersStrenght / totalStrenght; as.flyers = flyersStrenght / totalStrenght; as.maxSpeed = maxSpeed; return as; } FuzzyHelper::FuzzyHelper() { initBank(); initTacticalAdvantage(); } void FuzzyHelper::initBank() { try { //Trivial bank estimation bankInput = new fl::InputLVar("BankInput"); bankDanger = new fl::OutputLVar("BankDanger"); bankInput->addTerm(new fl::SingletonTerm ("SET")); engine.addRuleBlock (&bankBlock); //have to be added before the rules are parsed engine.addInputLVar (bankInput); engine.addOutputLVar (bankDanger); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { bankDanger->addTerm(new fl::TriangularTerm ("Bank" + boost::lexical_cast(i), 0, 1)); bankBlock.addRule(new fl::MamdaniRule("if BankInput is SET then BankDanger is Bank" + boost::lexical_cast(i), engine)); } } catch (fl::FuzzyException fe) { tlog1 << "initBank " << fe.name() << ": " << fe.message() << '\n'; } } void FuzzyHelper::initTacticalAdvantage() { try { //Tactical advantage calculation std::vector helper; ourShooters = new fl::InputLVar("OurShooters"); ourWalkers = new fl::InputLVar("OurWalkers"); ourFlyers = new fl::InputLVar("OurFlyers"); enemyShooters = new fl::InputLVar("EnemyShooters"); enemyWalkers = new fl::InputLVar("EnemyWalkers"); enemyFlyers = new fl::InputLVar("EnemyFlyers"); helper += ourShooters, ourWalkers, ourFlyers, enemyShooters, enemyWalkers, enemyFlyers; BOOST_FOREACH (auto val, helper) { val->addTerm (new fl::ShoulderTerm("FEW", 0, 0.75, true)); val->addTerm (new fl::ShoulderTerm("MANY", 0.25, 1, false)); engine.addInputLVar(val); } helper.clear(); ourSpeed = new fl::InputLVar("OurSpeed"); enemySpeed = new fl::InputLVar("EnemySpeed"); helper += ourSpeed, enemySpeed; BOOST_FOREACH (auto val, helper) { val->addTerm (new fl::ShoulderTerm("LOW", 3, 8.1, true)); val->addTerm (new fl::TriangularTerm("MEDIUM", 6.9, 13.1)); val->addTerm (new fl::ShoulderTerm("HIGH", 10.5, 16, false)); engine.addInputLVar(val); } castleWalls = new fl::InputLVar("CastleWalls"); castleWalls->addTerm(new fl::SingletonTerm("NONE", CGTownInstance::NONE)); castleWalls->addTerm(new fl::TrapezoidalTerm("MEDIUM", CGTownInstance::FORT, 2.5)); castleWalls->addTerm(new fl::ShoulderTerm("HIGH", CGTownInstance::CITADEL - 0.1, CGTownInstance::CASTLE)); engine.addInputLVar(castleWalls); bankPresent = new fl::InputLVar("Bank"); bankPresent->addTerm(new fl::SingletonTerm("FALSE", 0)); bankPresent->addTerm(new fl::SingletonTerm("TRUE", 1)); engine.addInputLVar(bankPresent); threat = new fl::OutputLVar("Threat"); threat->addTerm (new fl::TriangularTerm("LOW", MIN_AI_STRENGHT, 1)); threat->addTerm (new fl::TriangularTerm("MEDIUM", 0.8, 1.2)); threat->addTerm (new fl::ShoulderTerm("HIGH", 1, 1.5, false)); engine.addOutputLVar(threat); engine.hedgeSet().add(new fl::HedgeSomewhat()); engine.hedgeSet().add(new fl::HedgeVery()); tacticalAdvantage.addRule(new fl::MamdaniRule("if OurShooters is MANY and EnemySpeed is LOW then Threat is very LOW", engine)); tacticalAdvantage.addRule(new fl::MamdaniRule("if OurSpeed is LOW and OurShooters is FEW and EnemyShooters is MANY then Threat is very HIGH", engine)); tacticalAdvantage.addRule(new fl::MamdaniRule("if (OurShooters is MANY and OurFlyers is MANY) and EnemyShooters is MANY then Threat is LOW", engine)); tacticalAdvantage.addRule(new fl::MamdaniRule("if OurShooters is MANY and EnemySpeed is HIGH then Threat is somewhat HIGH", engine)); //tacticalAdvantage.addRule(new fl::MamdaniRule("if OurShooters is MANY and EnemyShooters is MANY then Threat is MEDIUM", engine)); tacticalAdvantage.addRule(new fl::MamdaniRule("if Bank is TRUE and OurShooters is MANY then Threat is somewhat HIGH", engine)); tacticalAdvantage.addRule(new fl::MamdaniRule("if Bank is TRUE and EnemyShooters is MANY then Threat is LOW", engine)); tacticalAdvantage.addRule(new fl::MamdaniRule("if CastleWalls is HIGH and OurWalkers is MANY then Threat is very HIGH", engine)); tacticalAdvantage.addRule(new fl::MamdaniRule("if CastleWalls is HIGH and OurFlyers is MANY and OurShooters is MANY then Threat is MEDIUM", engine)); tacticalAdvantage.addRule(new fl::MamdaniRule("if CastleWalls is MEDIUM and OurShooters is MANY and EnemyWalkers is MANY then Threat is LOW", engine)); engine.addRuleBlock (&tacticalAdvantage); } catch(fl::ParsingException pe) { tlog1 << "initTacticalAdvantage " << pe.name() << ": " << pe.message() << '\n'; } catch (fl::FuzzyException fe) { tlog1 << "initTacticalAdvantage " << fe.name() << ": " << fe.message() << '\n'; } } ui64 FuzzyHelper::estimateBankDanger (int ID) { std::vector > & configs = VLC->objh->banksInfo[ID]; ui64 val = std::numeric_limits::max(); try { switch (configs.size()) { case 4: try { int bankVal; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { bankVal = evaluateBankConfig (VLC->objh->banksInfo[ID][i]); bankDanger->term("Bank" + boost::lexical_cast(i))->setMinimum(bankVal * 0.5f); bankDanger->term("Bank" + boost::lexical_cast(i))->setMaximum(bankVal * 1.5f); } //comparison purposes //int averageValue = (evaluateBankConfig (VLC->objh->banksInfo[ID][0]) + evaluateBankConfig (VLC->objh->banksInfo[ID][3])) * 0.5; dynamic_cast(bankInput->term("SET"))->setValue(0.5); bankInput->setInput (0.5); engine.process (BANK_DANGER); val = bankDanger->output().defuzzify(); //some expected value of this bank } catch (fl::FuzzyException fe) { tlog1 << fe.name() << ": " << fe.message() << '\n'; } break; case 1: //rare case - Pyramid val = evaluateBankConfig (VLC->objh->banksInfo[ID][0]); break; default: tlog3 << ("Uhnandled bank config!\n"); } } catch (fl::FuzzyException fe) { tlog1 << "estimateBankDanger " << fe.name() << ": " << fe.message() << '\n'; } return val; } float FuzzyHelper::getTacticalAdvantage (const CArmedInstance *we, const CArmedInstance *enemy) { float output = 1; try { armyStructure ourStructure = evaluateArmyStructure(we); armyStructure enemyStructure = evaluateArmyStructure(enemy); ourWalkers->setInput(ourStructure.walkers); ourShooters->setInput(ourStructure.shooters); ourFlyers->setInput(ourStructure.flyers); ourSpeed->setInput(ourStructure.maxSpeed); enemyWalkers->setInput(enemyStructure.walkers); enemyShooters->setInput(enemyStructure.shooters); enemyFlyers->setInput(enemyStructure.flyers); enemySpeed->setInput(enemyStructure.maxSpeed); bool bank = dynamic_cast(enemy); if (bank) bankPresent->setInput(1); else bankPresent->setInput(0); const CGTownInstance * fort = dynamic_cast(enemy); if (fort) { castleWalls->setInput (fort->fortLevel()); } else castleWalls->setInput(0); engine.process (TACTICAL_ADVANTAGE); output = threat->output().defuzzify(); } catch (fl::FuzzyException fe) { tlog1 << "getTacticalAdvantage " << fe.name() << ": " << fe.message() << '\n'; } return output; }