/* * AIUtility.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "AIUtility.h" #include "AIGateway.h" #include "Goals/Goals.h" #include "../../lib/UnlockGuard.h" #include "../../lib/CConfigHandler.h" #include "../../lib/CHeroHandler.h" #include "../../lib/mapObjects/MapObjects.h" #include "../../lib/mapping/CMapDefines.h" #include "../../lib/gameState/QuestInfo.h" #include "../../lib/IGameSettings.h" #include namespace NKAI { const CGObjectInstance * ObjectIdRef::operator->() const { return cb->getObj(id, false); } ObjectIdRef::operator const CGObjectInstance *() const { return cb->getObj(id, false); } ObjectIdRef::operator bool() const { return cb->getObj(id, false); } ObjectIdRef::ObjectIdRef(ObjectInstanceID _id) : id(_id) { } ObjectIdRef::ObjectIdRef(const CGObjectInstance * obj) : id(obj->id) { } bool ObjectIdRef::operator<(const ObjectIdRef & rhs) const { return id < rhs.id; } HeroPtr::HeroPtr(const CGHeroInstance * H) { if(!H) { //init from nullptr should equal to default init *this = HeroPtr(); return; } h = H; hid = H->id; // infosCount[ai->playerID][hid]++; } HeroPtr::HeroPtr() { h = nullptr; hid = ObjectInstanceID(); } HeroPtr::~HeroPtr() { // if(hid >= 0) // infosCount[ai->playerID][hid]--; } bool HeroPtr::operator<(const HeroPtr & rhs) const { return hid < rhs.hid; } std::string HeroPtr::name() const { if (h) return h->getNameTextID(); else return ""; } const CGHeroInstance * HeroPtr::get(bool doWeExpectNull) const { return get(cb, doWeExpectNull); } const CGHeroInstance * HeroPtr::get(const CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback * cb, bool doWeExpectNull) const { //TODO? check if these all assertions every time we get info about hero affect efficiency // //behave terribly when attempting unauthorized access to hero that is not ours (or was lost) assert(doWeExpectNull || h); if(h) { auto obj = cb->getObj(hid); //const bool owned = obj && obj->tempOwner == ai->playerID; if(doWeExpectNull && !obj) { return nullptr; } else { assert(obj); //assert(owned); } } return h; } const CGHeroInstance * HeroPtr::operator->() const { return get(); } bool HeroPtr::validAndSet() const { return get(true); } const CGHeroInstance * HeroPtr::operator*() const { return get(); } bool HeroPtr::operator==(const HeroPtr & rhs) const { return h == rhs.get(true); } bool isSafeToVisit(const CGHeroInstance * h, const CCreatureSet * heroArmy, uint64_t dangerStrength) { const ui64 heroStrength = h->getHeroStrength() * heroArmy->getArmyStrength(); if(dangerStrength) { return heroStrength / SAFE_ATTACK_CONSTANT > dangerStrength; } return true; //there's no danger } bool isSafeToVisit(const CGHeroInstance * h, uint64_t dangerStrength) { return isSafeToVisit(h, h, dangerStrength); } bool isObjectRemovable(const CGObjectInstance * obj) { //FIXME: move logic to object property! switch (obj->ID) { case Obj::MONSTER: case Obj::RESOURCE: case Obj::CAMPFIRE: case Obj::TREASURE_CHEST: case Obj::ARTIFACT: case Obj::BORDERGUARD: case Obj::FLOTSAM: case Obj::PANDORAS_BOX: case Obj::OCEAN_BOTTLE: case Obj::SEA_CHEST: case Obj::SHIPWRECK_SURVIVOR: case Obj::SPELL_SCROLL: return true; break; default: return false; break; } } bool canBeEmbarkmentPoint(const TerrainTile * t, bool fromWater) { // TODO: Such information should be provided by pathfinder // Tile must be free or with unoccupied boat if(!t->blocked) { return true; } else if(!fromWater) // do not try to board when in water sector { if(t->visitableObjects.size() == 1 && t->topVisitableId() == Obj::BOAT) return true; } return false; } bool isObjectPassable(const Nullkiller * ai, const CGObjectInstance * obj) { return isObjectPassable(obj, ai->playerID, ai->cb->getPlayerRelations(obj->tempOwner, ai->playerID)); } // Pathfinder internal helper bool isObjectPassable(const CGObjectInstance * obj, PlayerColor playerColor, PlayerRelations objectRelations) { if((obj->ID == Obj::GARRISON || obj->ID == Obj::GARRISON2) && objectRelations != PlayerRelations::ENEMIES) return true; if(obj->ID == Obj::BORDER_GATE) { auto quest = dynamic_cast(obj); if(quest->wasMyColorVisited(playerColor)) return true; } return false; } bool isBlockVisitObj(const int3 & pos) { if(auto obj = cb->getTopObj(pos)) { if(obj->isBlockedVisitable()) //we can't stand on that object return true; } return false; } creInfo infoFromDC(const dwellingContent & dc) { creInfo ci; ci.count = dc.first; ci.creID = dc.second.size() ? dc.second.back() : CreatureID(-1); //should never be accessed if (ci.creID != CreatureID::NONE) { ci.level = ci.creID.toCreature()->getLevel(); //this is creature tier, while tryRealize expects dwelling level. Ignore. } else { ci.level = 0; } return ci; } bool compareHeroStrength(const CGHeroInstance * h1, const CGHeroInstance * h2) { return h1->getTotalStrength() < h2->getTotalStrength(); } bool compareArmyStrength(const CArmedInstance * a1, const CArmedInstance * a2) { return a1->getArmyStrength() < a2->getArmyStrength(); } bool compareArtifacts(const CArtifactInstance * a1, const CArtifactInstance * a2) { auto art1 = a1->artType; auto art2 = a2->artType; if(art1->getPrice() == art2->getPrice()) return art1->valOfBonuses(BonusType::PRIMARY_SKILL) > art2->valOfBonuses(BonusType::PRIMARY_SKILL); else return art1->getPrice() > art2->getPrice(); } bool isWeeklyRevisitable(const Nullkiller * ai, const CGObjectInstance * obj) { if(!obj) return false; //TODO: allow polling of remaining creatures in dwelling if(const auto * rewardable = dynamic_cast(obj)) return rewardable->configuration.getResetDuration() == 7; if(dynamic_cast(obj)) return true; switch(obj->ID) { case Obj::HILL_FORT: return true; case Obj::BORDER_GATE: case Obj::BORDERGUARD: return (dynamic_cast(obj))->wasMyColorVisited(ai->playerID); //FIXME: they could be revisited sooner than in a week } return false; } uint64_t timeElapsed(std::chrono::time_point start) { auto end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); return std::chrono::duration_cast(end - start).count(); } int getDuplicatingSlots(const CArmedInstance * army) { int duplicatingSlots = 0; for(auto stack : army->Slots()) { if(stack.second->type && army->getSlotFor(stack.second->type) != stack.first) duplicatingSlots++; } return duplicatingSlots; } // todo: move to obj manager bool shouldVisit(const Nullkiller * ai, const CGHeroInstance * h, const CGObjectInstance * obj) { auto relations = ai->cb->getPlayerRelations(obj->tempOwner, h->tempOwner); switch(obj->ID) { case Obj::TOWN: case Obj::HERO: //never visit our heroes at random return relations == PlayerRelations::ENEMIES; //do not visit our towns at random case Obj::BORDER_GATE: { for(auto q : ai->cb->getMyQuests()) { if(q.obj == obj) { return false; // do not visit guards or gates when wandering } } return true; //we don't have this quest yet } case Obj::BORDERGUARD: //open borderguard if possible return (dynamic_cast(obj))->wasMyColorVisited(ai->playerID); case Obj::SEER_HUT: { for(auto q : ai->cb->getMyQuests()) { if(q.obj == obj) { if(q.quest->checkQuest(h)) return true; //we completed the quest else return false; //we can't complete this quest } } return true; //we don't have this quest yet } case Obj::CREATURE_GENERATOR1: { if(relations == PlayerRelations::ENEMIES) return true; //flag just in case if(relations == PlayerRelations::ALLIES) return false; const CGDwelling * d = dynamic_cast(obj); auto duplicatingSlotsCount = getDuplicatingSlots(h); for(auto level : d->creatures) { for(auto c : level.second) { if(level.first && (h->getSlotFor(CreatureID(c)) != SlotID() || duplicatingSlotsCount > 0) && ai->cb->getResourceAmount().canAfford(c.toCreature()->getFullRecruitCost())) { return true; } } } return false; } case Obj::HILL_FORT: { for(auto slot : h->Slots()) { if(slot.second->type->hasUpgrades()) return true; //TODO: check price? } return false; } case Obj::MONOLITH_ONE_WAY_ENTRANCE: case Obj::MONOLITH_ONE_WAY_EXIT: case Obj::MONOLITH_TWO_WAY: case Obj::WHIRLPOOL: return false; case Obj::SCHOOL_OF_MAGIC: case Obj::SCHOOL_OF_WAR: { if(ai->getFreeGold() < 1000) return false; break; } case Obj::LIBRARY_OF_ENLIGHTENMENT: if(h->level < 10) return false; break; case Obj::TREE_OF_KNOWLEDGE: { if(ai->heroManager->getHeroRole(h) == HeroRole::SCOUT) return false; TResources myRes = ai->getFreeResources(); if(myRes[EGameResID::GOLD] < 2000 || myRes[EGameResID::GEMS] < 10) return false; break; } case Obj::MAGIC_WELL: return h->mana < h->manaLimit(); case Obj::PRISON: return !ai->heroManager->heroCapReached(); case Obj::TAVERN: case Obj::EYE_OF_MAGI: case Obj::BOAT: case Obj::SIGN: return false; } if(obj->wasVisited(h)) return false; auto rewardable = dynamic_cast(obj); if(rewardable && rewardable->getAvailableRewards(h, Rewardable::EEventType::EVENT_FIRST_VISIT).empty()) { return false; } return true; } bool townHasFreeTavern(const CGTownInstance * town) { if(!town->hasBuilt(BuildingID::TAVERN)) return false; if(!town->visitingHero) return true; bool canMoveVisitingHeroToGarrison = !town->getUpperArmy()->stacksCount(); return canMoveVisitingHeroToGarrison; } uint64_t getHeroArmyStrengthWithCommander(const CGHeroInstance * hero, const CCreatureSet * heroArmy) { auto armyStrength = heroArmy->getArmyStrength(); if(hero && hero->commander && hero->commander->alive) { armyStrength += 100 * hero->commander->level; } return armyStrength; } }