/* * StartInfo.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "StartInfo.h" #include "CGeneralTextHandler.h" #include "rmg/CMapGenOptions.h" #include "mapping/CMapInfo.h" PlayerSettings::PlayerSettings() : bonus(RANDOM), castle(NONE), hero(RANDOM), heroPortrait(RANDOM), color(0), handicap(NO_HANDICAP), team(0), compOnly(false) { } bool PlayerSettings::isControlledByAI() const { return !connectedPlayerIDs.size(); } bool PlayerSettings::isControlledByHuman() const { return connectedPlayerIDs.size(); } PlayerSettings & StartInfo::getIthPlayersSettings(PlayerColor no) { if(playerInfos.find(no) != playerInfos.end()) return playerInfos[no]; logGlobal->error("Cannot find info about player %s. Throwing...", no.getStr()); throw std::runtime_error("Cannot find info about player"); } const PlayerSettings & StartInfo::getIthPlayersSettings(PlayerColor no) const { return const_cast<StartInfo &>(*this).getIthPlayersSettings(no); } PlayerSettings * StartInfo::getPlayersSettings(const ui8 connectedPlayerId) { for(auto & elem : playerInfos) { if(vstd::contains(elem.second.connectedPlayerIDs, connectedPlayerId)) return &elem.second; } return nullptr; } std::string StartInfo::getCampaignName() const { if(campState->camp->header.name.length()) return campState->camp->header.name; else return VLC->generaltexth->allTexts[508]; } void LobbyInfo::verifyStateBeforeStart(bool ignoreNoHuman) const { if(!mi) throw ExceptionMapMissing(); //there must be at least one human player before game can be started std::map<PlayerColor, PlayerSettings>::const_iterator i; for(i = si->playerInfos.cbegin(); i != si->playerInfos.cend(); i++) if(i->second.isControlledByHuman()) break; if(i == si->playerInfos.cend() && !ignoreNoHuman) throw ExceptionNoHuman(); if(si->mapGenOptions && si->mode == StartInfo::NEW_GAME) { if(!si->mapGenOptions->checkOptions()) throw ExceptionNoTemplate(); } } bool LobbyInfo::isClientHost(int clientId) const { return clientId == hostClientId; } std::set<PlayerColor> LobbyInfo::getAllClientPlayers(int clientId) { std::set<PlayerColor> players; for(auto & elem : si->playerInfos) { if(isClientHost(clientId) && elem.second.isControlledByAI()) players.insert(elem.first); for(ui8 id : elem.second.connectedPlayerIDs) { if(vstd::contains(getConnectedPlayerIdsForClient(clientId), id)) players.insert(elem.first); } } if(isClientHost(clientId)) players.insert(PlayerColor::NEUTRAL); return players; } std::vector<ui8> LobbyInfo::getConnectedPlayerIdsForClient(int clientId) const { std::vector<ui8> ids; for(auto & pair : playerNames) { if(pair.second.connection == clientId) { for(auto & elem : si->playerInfos) { if(vstd::contains(elem.second.connectedPlayerIDs, pair.first)) ids.push_back(pair.first); } } } return ids; } std::set<PlayerColor> LobbyInfo::clientHumanColors(int clientId) { std::set<PlayerColor> players; for(auto & elem : si->playerInfos) { for(ui8 id : elem.second.connectedPlayerIDs) { if(vstd::contains(getConnectedPlayerIdsForClient(clientId), id)) { players.insert(elem.first); } } } return players; } PlayerColor LobbyInfo::clientFirstColor(int clientId) const { for(auto & pair : si->playerInfos) { if(isClientColor(clientId, pair.first)) return pair.first; } return PlayerColor::CANNOT_DETERMINE; } bool LobbyInfo::isClientColor(int clientId, PlayerColor color) const { if(si->playerInfos.find(color) != si->playerInfos.end()) { for(ui8 id : si->playerInfos.find(color)->second.connectedPlayerIDs) { if(playerNames.find(id) != playerNames.end()) { if(playerNames.find(id)->second.connection == clientId) return true; } } } return false; } ui8 LobbyInfo::clientFirstId(int clientId) const { for(auto & pair : playerNames) { if(pair.second.connection == clientId) return pair.first; } return 0; } PlayerInfo & LobbyInfo::getPlayerInfo(int color) { return mi->mapHeader->players[color]; } TeamID LobbyInfo::getPlayerTeamId(PlayerColor color) { if(color < PlayerColor::PLAYER_LIMIT) return getPlayerInfo(color.getNum()).team; else return TeamID::NO_TEAM; }