/* * CBattleInfoEssentials.h, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #pragma once #include "IBattleInfoCallback.h" #include "BattleSide.h" VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_BEGIN class CGTownInstance; class CGHeroInstance; class CStack; class IBonusBearer; struct InfoAboutHero; struct TownFortifications; class CArmedInstance; using TStacks = std::vector<const CStack *>; using TStackFilter = std::function<bool (const CStack *)>; class DLL_LINKAGE CBattleInfoEssentials : public IBattleInfoCallback { protected: bool battleDoWeKnowAbout(BattleSide side) const; public: enum EStackOwnership { ONLY_MINE, ONLY_ENEMY, MINE_AND_ENEMY }; bool duringBattle() const; BattleSide battleGetMySide() const; const IBonusBearer * getBonusBearer() const override; TerrainId battleTerrainType() const override; BattleField battleGetBattlefieldType() const override; int32_t battleGetEnchanterCounter(BattleSide side) const; std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const CObstacleInstance>> battleGetAllObstacles(std::optional<BattleSide> perspective = std::nullopt) const; //returns all obstacles on the battlefield std::shared_ptr<const CObstacleInstance> battleGetObstacleByID(uint32_t ID) const; /** @brief Main method for getting battle stacks * returns also turrets and removed stacks * @param predicate Functor that shall return true for desired stack * @return filtered stacks * */ TStacks battleGetStacksIf(const TStackFilter & predicate) const; //deprecated battle::Units battleGetUnitsIf(const battle::UnitFilter & predicate) const override; const battle::Unit * battleGetUnitByID(uint32_t ID) const override; const battle::Unit * battleActiveUnit() const override; uint32_t battleNextUnitId() const override; bool battleHasNativeStack(BattleSide side) const; const CGTownInstance * battleGetDefendedTown() const; //returns defended town if current battle is a siege, nullptr instead si8 battleTacticDist() const override; //returns tactic distance in current tactics phase; 0 if not in tactics phase BattleSide battleGetTacticsSide() const override; //returns which side is in tactics phase, undefined if none (?) bool battleCanFlee(const PlayerColor & player) const; bool battleCanSurrender(const PlayerColor & player) const; static BattleSide otherSide(BattleSide side); PlayerColor otherPlayer(const PlayerColor & player) const; BattleSide playerToSide(const PlayerColor & player) const; PlayerColor sideToPlayer(BattleSide side) const; bool playerHasAccessToHeroInfo(const PlayerColor & player, const CGHeroInstance * h) const; TownFortifications battleGetFortifications() const; bool battleHasHero(BattleSide side) const; uint32_t battleCastSpells(BattleSide side) const; //how many spells has given side cast const CGHeroInstance * battleGetFightingHero(BattleSide side) const; //deprecated for players callback, easy to get wrong const CArmedInstance * battleGetArmyObject(BattleSide side) const; InfoAboutHero battleGetHeroInfo(BattleSide side) const; // for determining state of a part of the wall; format: parameter [0] - keep, [1] - bottom tower, [2] - bottom wall, // [3] - below gate, [4] - over gate, [5] - upper wall, [6] - uppert tower, [7] - gate; returned value: 1 - intact, 2 - damaged, 3 - destroyed; 0 - no battle EWallState battleGetWallState(EWallPart partOfWall) const; EGateState battleGetGateState() const; bool battleIsGatePassable() const; //helpers ///returns all stacks, alive or dead or undead or mechanical :) TStacks battleGetAllStacks(bool includeTurrets = false) const; const CStack * battleGetStackByID(int ID, bool onlyAlive = true) const; //returns stack info by given ID bool battleIsObstacleVisibleForSide(const CObstacleInstance & coi, BattleSide side) const; ///returns player that controls given stack; mind control included PlayerColor battleGetOwner(const battle::Unit * unit) const; ///returns hero that controls given stack; nullptr if none; mind control included const CGHeroInstance * battleGetOwnerHero(const battle::Unit * unit) const; ///check that stacks are controlled by same|other player(s) depending on positiveness ///mind control included bool battleMatchOwner(const battle::Unit * attacker, const battle::Unit * defender, const boost::logic::tribool positivness = false) const; bool battleMatchOwner(const PlayerColor & attacker, const battle::Unit * defender, const boost::logic::tribool positivness = false) const; }; VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_END