// CMT.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "StdInc.h" #include #include "gui/SDL_Extensions.h" #include "CGameInfo.h" #include "mapHandler.h" #include "../lib/filesystem/Filesystem.h" #include "CPreGame.h" #include "CCastleInterface.h" #include "../lib/CConsoleHandler.h" #include "gui/CCursorHandler.h" #include "../lib/CGameState.h" #include "../CCallback.h" #include "CPlayerInterface.h" #include "CAdvmapInterface.h" #include "../lib/CBuildingHandler.h" #include "CVideoHandler.h" #include "../lib/CHeroHandler.h" #include "../lib/CCreatureHandler.h" #include "../lib/CSpellHandler.h" #include "CMusicHandler.h" #include "CVideoHandler.h" #include "CDefHandler.h" #include "../lib/CGeneralTextHandler.h" #include "Graphics.h" #include "Client.h" #include "../lib/CConfigHandler.h" #include "../lib/Connection.h" #include "../lib/VCMI_Lib.h" #include "../lib/VCMIDirs.h" #include "../lib/NetPacks.h" #include "CMessage.h" #include "../lib/CModHandler.h" #include "../lib/CTownHandler.h" #include "../lib/CObjectHandler.h" #include "../lib/CArtHandler.h" #include "../lib/CScriptingModule.h" #include "../lib/GameConstants.h" #include "gui/CGuiHandler.h" #include "../lib/logging/CBasicLogConfigurator.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #include "SDL_syswm.h" #endif #include "../lib/CDefObjInfoHandler.h" #include "../lib/UnlockGuard.h" #include "CMT.h" #if __MINGW32__ #undef main #endif namespace po = boost::program_options; /* * CMT.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ std::string NAME_AFFIX = "client"; std::string NAME = GameConstants::VCMI_VERSION + std::string(" (") + NAME_AFFIX + ')'; //application name CGuiHandler GH; static CClient *client=nullptr; SDL_Surface *screen = nullptr, //main screen surface *screen2 = nullptr,//and hlp surface (used to store not-active interfaces layer) *screenBuf = screen; //points to screen (if only advmapint is present) or screen2 (else) - should be used when updating controls which are not regularly redrawed static boost::thread *mainGUIThread; std::queue events; boost::mutex eventsM; bool gNoGUI = false; static po::variables_map vm; //static bool setResolution = false; //set by event handling thread after resolution is adjusted static bool ermInteractiveMode = false; //structurize when time is right void processCommand(const std::string &message); static void setScreenRes(int w, int h, int bpp, bool fullscreen, bool resetVideo=true); void dispose(); void playIntro(); static void listenForEvents(); //void requestChangingResolution(); void startGame(StartInfo * options, CConnection *serv = nullptr); void endGame(); #ifndef _WIN32 #ifndef _GNU_SOURCE #define _GNU_SOURCE #endif #include #endif void startGameFromFile(const std::string &fname) { StartInfo si; try //attempt retrieving start info from given file { if(!fname.size() || !boost::filesystem::exists(fname)) throw std::runtime_error("Startfile \"" + fname + "\" does not exist!"); CLoadFile out(fname); if(!out.sfile || !*out.sfile) { throw std::runtime_error("Cannot read from startfile \"" + fname + "\"!"); } out >> si; } catch(std::exception &e) { logGlobal->errorStream() << "Failed to start from the file: " + fname << ". Error: " << e.what() << " Falling back to main menu."; GH.curInt = CGPreGame::create(); return; } while(GH.topInt()) GH.popIntTotally(GH.topInt()); startGame(&si); } void init() { CStopWatch tmh, pomtime; logGlobal->infoStream() << "\tInitializing minors: " << pomtime.getDiff(); //initializing audio // Note: because of interface button range, volume can only be a // multiple of 11, from 0 to 99. CCS->soundh = new CSoundHandler; CCS->soundh->init(); CCS->soundh->setVolume(settings["general"]["sound"].Float()); CCS->musich = new CMusicHandler; CCS->musich->init(); CCS->musich->setVolume(settings["general"]["music"].Float()); logGlobal->infoStream()<<"\tInitializing sound: "<infoStream()<<"Initializing screen and sound handling: "<(CGI)->setFromLib(); CCS->soundh->initSpellsSounds(CGI->spellh->spells); logGlobal->infoStream()<<"Initializing VCMI_Lib: "<curh = new CCursorHandler; graphics = new Graphics(); // should be before curh->init() CCS->curh->initCursor(); CCS->curh->show(); logGlobal->infoStream()<<"Screen handler: "<loadHeroAnims(); logGlobal->infoStream()<<"\tMain graphics: "<infoStream()<<"Initializing game graphics: "<infoStream()<<"Message handler: "<(), "runs game in duel mode (battle-only") ("start", po::value(), "starts game from saved StartInfo file") ("onlyAI", "runs without human player, all players will be default AI") ("noGUI", "runs without GUI, implies --onlyAI") ("ai", po::value>(), "AI to be used for the player, can be specified several times for the consecutive players") ("oneGoodAI", "puts one default AI and the rest will be EmptyAI") ("autoSkip", "automatically skip turns in GUI") ("disable-video", "disable video player") ("nointro,i", "skips intro movies"); if(argc > 1) { try { po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, opts), vm); } catch(std::exception &e) { std::cerr << "Failure during parsing command-line options:\n" << e.what() << std::endl; } } po::notify(vm); if(vm.count("help")) { prog_help(opts); return 0; } if(vm.count("version")) { prog_version(); return 0; } if(vm.count("noGUI")) { gNoGUI = true; vm.insert(std::pair("onlyAI", po::variable_value())); } //Set environment vars to make window centered. Sometimes work, sometimes not. :/ putenv((char*)"SDL_VIDEO_WINDOW_POS"); putenv((char*)"SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED=1"); // Have effect on X11 system only (Linux). // For whatever reason in fullscreen mode SDL takes "raw" mouse input from DGA X11 extension // (DGA = Direct graphics access). Because this is raw input (before any speed\acceleration proceesing) // it may result in very small \ very fast mouse when game in fullscreen mode putenv((char*)"SDL_VIDEO_X11_DGAMOUSE=0"); // Init old logging system and new (temporary) logging system CStopWatch total, pomtime; std::cout.flags(std::ios::unitbuf); console = new CConsoleHandler; *console->cb = boost::bind(&processCommand, _1); console->start(); atexit(dispose); CBasicLogConfigurator logConfig(VCMIDirs::get().userCachePath() + "/VCMI_Client_log.txt", console); logConfig.configureDefault(); logGlobal->infoStream() <<"Creating console "< bool { if (CResourceHandler::get()->existsResource(ResourceID(filename))) return true; logGlobal->errorStream() << "Error: " << message << " was not found!"; return false; }; if (!testFile("DATA/HELP.TXT", "Heroes III data") || !testFile("MODS/VCMI/MOD.JSON", "VCMI mod") || !testFile("DATA/StackQueueBgBig.PCX", "VCMI data")) exit(1); // These are unrecoverable errors // these two are optional + some installs have them on CD and not in data directory testFile("VIDEO/GOOD1A.SMK", "campaign movies"); testFile("SOUNDS/G1A.WAV", "campaign music"); //technically not a music but voiced intro sounds conf.init(); logGlobal->infoStream() <<"Loading settings: "<infoStream() << NAME; srand ( time(nullptr) ); const JsonNode& video = settings["video"]; const JsonNode& res = video["screenRes"]; //something is really wrong... if (res["width"].Float() < 100 || res["height"].Float() < 100) { logGlobal->errorStream() << "Fatal error: failed to load settings!"; logGlobal->errorStream() << "Possible reasons:"; logGlobal->errorStream() << "\tCorrupted local configuration file at " << VCMIDirs::get().userConfigPath() << "/settings.json"; logGlobal->errorStream() << "\tMissing or corrupted global configuration file at " << VCMIDirs::get().userConfigPath() << "/schemas/settings.json"; logGlobal->errorStream() << "VCMI will now exit..."; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(!gNoGUI) { if(SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO|SDL_INIT_TIMER|SDL_INIT_AUDIO)) { logGlobal->errorStream()<<"Something was wrong: "<< SDL_GetError(); exit(-1); } atexit(SDL_Quit); setScreenRes(res["width"].Float(), res["height"].Float(), video["bitsPerPixel"].Float(), video["fullscreen"].Bool()); logGlobal->infoStream() <<"\tInitializing screen: "<videoh = new CEmptyVideoPlayer; #else if (!gNoGUI && !vm.count("disable-video")) CCS->videoh = new CVideoPlayer; else CCS->videoh = new CEmptyVideoPlayer; #endif logGlobal->infoStream()<<"\tInitializing video: "<infoStream()<<"Initialization of VCMI (together): "<(); if(fileToStartFrom.size() && boost::filesystem::exists(fileToStartFrom)) startGameFromFile(fileToStartFrom); //ommit pregame and start the game using settings from fiel else { if(fileToStartFrom.size()) { logGlobal->warnStream() << "Warning: cannot find given file to start from (" << fileToStartFrom << "). Falling back to main menu."; } GH.curInt = CGPreGame::create(); //will set CGP pointer to itself } } else { auto si = new StartInfo(); si->mode = StartInfo::DUEL; si->mapname = vm["battle"].as(); si->playerInfos[PlayerColor(0)].color = PlayerColor(0); si->playerInfos[PlayerColor(1)].color = PlayerColor(1); startGame(si); } if(!gNoGUI) { mainGUIThread = new boost::thread(&CGuiHandler::run, &GH); listenForEvents(); } else { while(true) boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(1000)); } return 0; } void printInfoAboutIntObject(const CIntObject *obj, int level) { std::stringstream sbuffer; sbuffer << std::string(level, '\t'); sbuffer << typeid(*obj).name() << " *** "; if (obj->active) { #define PRINT(check, text) if (obj->active & CIntObject::check) sbuffer << text PRINT(LCLICK, 'L'); PRINT(RCLICK, 'R'); PRINT(HOVER, 'H'); PRINT(MOVE, 'M'); PRINT(KEYBOARD, 'K'); PRINT(TIME, 'T'); PRINT(GENERAL, 'A'); PRINT(WHEEL, 'W'); PRINT(DOUBLECLICK, 'D'); #undef PRINT } else sbuffer << "inactive"; sbuffer << " at " << obj->pos.x <<"x"<< obj->pos.y; sbuffer << " (" << obj->pos.w <<"x"<< obj->pos.h << ")"; logGlobal->infoStream() << sbuffer.str(); for(const CIntObject *child : obj->children) printInfoAboutIntObject(child, level+1); } void processCommand(const std::string &message) { std::istringstream readed; readed.str(message); std::string cn; //command name readed >> cn; if(LOCPLINT && LOCPLINT->cingconsole) LOCPLINT->cingconsole->print(message); if(ermInteractiveMode) { if(cn == "exit") { ermInteractiveMode = false; return; } else { if(client && client->erm) client->erm->executeUserCommand(message); std::cout << "erm>"; } } else if(message==std::string("die, fool")) { exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } else if(cn == "erm") { ermInteractiveMode = true; std::cout << "erm>"; } else if(cn==std::string("activate")) { int what; readed >> what; switch (what) { case 0: GH.topInt()->activate(); break; case 1: adventureInt->activate(); break; case 2: LOCPLINT->castleInt->activate(); break; } } else if(cn=="redraw") { GH.totalRedraw(); } else if(cn=="screen") { std::cout << "Screenbuf points to "; if(screenBuf == screen) logGlobal->errorStream() << "screen"; else if(screenBuf == screen2) logGlobal->errorStream() << "screen2"; else logGlobal->errorStream() << "?!?"; SDL_SaveBMP(screen, "Screen_c.bmp"); SDL_SaveBMP(screen2, "Screen2_c.bmp"); } else if(cn=="save") { std::string fname; readed >> fname; client->save(fname); } else if(cn=="load") { // TODO: this code should end the running game and manage to call startGame instead std::string fname; readed >> fname; client->loadGame(fname); } else if(message=="get txt") { std::cout<<"Command accepted.\t"; std::string outPath = VCMIDirs::get().userCachePath() + "/extracted/"; auto list = CResourceHandler::get()->getFilteredFiles([](const ResourceID & ident) { return ident.getType() == EResType::TEXT && boost::algorithm::starts_with(ident.getName(), "DATA/"); }); for (auto & filename : list) { std::string outName = outPath + filename.getName(); boost::filesystem::create_directories(outName.substr(0, outName.find_last_of("/"))); std::ofstream file(outName + ".TXT"); auto text = CResourceHandler::get()->load(filename)->readAll(); file.write((char*)text.first.get(), text.second); } std::cout << "\rExtracting done :)\n"; std::cout << " Extracted files can be found in " << outPath << " directory\n"; } else if(cn=="crash") { int *ptr = nullptr; *ptr = 666; //disaster! } else if(cn == "onlyai") { vm.insert(std::pair("onlyAI", po::variable_value())); } else if (cn == "ai") { VLC->IS_AI_ENABLED = !VLC->IS_AI_ENABLED; std::cout << "Current AI status: " << (VLC->IS_AI_ENABLED ? "enabled" : "disabled") << std::endl; } else if(cn == "mp" && adventureInt) { if(const CGHeroInstance *h = dynamic_cast(adventureInt->selection)) std::cout << h->movement << "; max: " << h->maxMovePoints(true) << "/" << h->maxMovePoints(false) << std::endl; } else if(cn == "bonuses") { std::cout << "Bonuses of " << adventureInt->selection->getHoverText() << std::endl << adventureInt->selection->getBonusList() << std::endl; std::cout << "\nInherited bonuses:\n"; TCNodes parents; adventureInt->selection->getParents(parents); for(const CBonusSystemNode *parent : parents) { std::cout << "\nBonuses from " << typeid(*parent).name() << std::endl << parent->getBonusList() << std::endl; } } else if(cn == "not dialog") { LOCPLINT->showingDialog->setn(false); } else if(cn == "gui") { for(const IShowActivatable *child : GH.listInt) { if(const CIntObject *obj = dynamic_cast(child)) printInfoAboutIntObject(obj, 0); else std::cout << typeid(*obj).name() << std::endl; } } else if(cn=="tell") { std::string what; int id1, id2; readed >> what >> id1 >> id2; if(what == "hs") { for(const CGHeroInstance *h : LOCPLINT->cb->getHeroesInfo()) if(h->type->ID.getNum() == id1) if(const CArtifactInstance *a = h->getArt(ArtifactPosition(id2))) std::cout << a->nodeName(); } } else if (cn == "set") { std::string what, value; readed >> what; Settings conf = settings.write["session"][what]; readed >> value; if (value == "on") conf->Bool() = true; else if (value == "off") conf->Bool() = false; } else if(cn == "sinfo") { std::string fname; readed >> fname; if(fname.size() && SEL) { CSaveFile out(fname); out << SEL->sInfo; } } else if(cn == "start") { std::string fname; readed >> fname; startGameFromFile(fname); } else if(cn == "unlock") { std::string mxname; readed >> mxname; if(mxname == "pim" && LOCPLINT) LOCPLINT->pim->unlock(); } else if(cn == "def2bmp") { std::string URI; readed >> URI; if (CResourceHandler::get()->existsResource(ResourceID("SPRITES/" + URI))) { CDefEssential * cde = CDefHandler::giveDefEss(URI); std::string outName = URI; std::string outPath = VCMIDirs::get().userCachePath() + "/extracted/"; boost::filesystem::create_directories(outPath + outName); for (size_t i=0; iourImages.size(); i++) { std::string filename = outPath + outName + '/' + boost::lexical_cast(i) + ".bmp"; SDL_SaveBMP(cde->ourImages[i].bitmap, filename.c_str()); } } else logGlobal->errorStream() << "File not found!"; } else if(cn == "extract") { std::string URI; readed >> URI; if (CResourceHandler::get()->existsResource(ResourceID(URI))) { std::string outName = URI; std::string outPath = VCMIDirs::get().userCachePath() + "/extracted/"; std::string fullPath = outPath + outName; auto data = CResourceHandler::get()->load(ResourceID(URI))->readAll(); boost::filesystem::create_directories(fullPath.substr(0, fullPath.find_last_of("/"))); std::ofstream outFile(outPath + outName, std::ofstream::binary); outFile.write((char*)data.first.get(), data.second); } else logGlobal->errorStream() << "File not found!"; } else if(cn == "setBattleAI") { std::string fname; readed >> fname; std::cout << "Will try loading that AI to see if it is correct name...\n"; try { if(auto ai = CDynLibHandler::getNewBattleAI(fname)) //test that given AI is indeed available... heavy but it is easy to make a typo and break the game { Settings neutralAI = settings.write["server"]["neutralAI"]; neutralAI->String() = fname; std::cout << "Setting changed, from now the battle ai will be " << fname << "!\n"; } } catch(std::exception &e) { logGlobal->warnStream() << "Failed opening " << fname << ": " << e.what(); logGlobal->warnStream() << "Setting not changes, AI not found or invalid!"; } } else if(client && client->serv && client->serv->connected && LOCPLINT) //send to server { boost::unique_lock un(*LOCPLINT->pim); LOCPLINT->cb->sendMessage(message); } } //plays intro, ends when intro is over or button has been pressed (handles events) void playIntro() { if(CCS->videoh->openAndPlayVideo("3DOLOGO.SMK", 60, 40, screen, true)) { CCS->videoh->openAndPlayVideo("AZVS.SMK", 60, 80, screen, true); } } void dispose() { if (console) delete console; // cleanup, mostly to remove false leaks from analyzer CResourceHandler::clear(); CCS->musich->release(); CCS->soundh->release(); CMessage::dispose(); } //used only once during initialization static void setScreenRes(int w, int h, int bpp, bool fullscreen, bool resetVideo) { // VCMI will only work with 2, 3 or 4 bytes per pixel vstd::amax(bpp, 16); vstd::amin(bpp, 32); // Try to use the best screen depth for the display int suggestedBpp = SDL_VideoModeOK(w, h, bpp, SDL_SWSURFACE|(fullscreen?SDL_FULLSCREEN:0)); if(suggestedBpp == 0) { logGlobal->errorStream() << "Error: SDL says that " << w << "x" << h << " resolution is not available!"; return; } bool bufOnScreen = (screenBuf == screen); if(suggestedBpp != bpp) { logGlobal->infoStream() << boost::format("Using %s bpp (bits per pixel) for the video mode. Default or overriden setting was %s bpp.") % suggestedBpp % bpp; } //For some reason changing fullscreen via config window checkbox result in SDL_Quit event if (resetVideo) { if(screen) //screen has been already initialized SDL_QuitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_VIDEO); SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_VIDEO); } if((screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(w, h, suggestedBpp, SDL_SWSURFACE|(fullscreen?SDL_FULLSCREEN:0))) == nullptr) { logGlobal->errorStream() << "Requested screen resolution is not available (" << w << "x" << h << "x" << suggestedBpp << "bpp)"; throw std::runtime_error("Requested screen resolution is not available\n"); } logGlobal->infoStream() << "New screen flags: " << screen->flags; if(screen2) SDL_FreeSurface(screen2); screen2 = CSDL_Ext::copySurface(screen); SDL_EnableUNICODE(1); SDL_WM_SetCaption(NAME.c_str(),""); //set window title SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_DISABLE); SDL_EnableKeyRepeat(SDL_DEFAULT_REPEAT_DELAY, SDL_DEFAULT_REPEAT_INTERVAL); #ifdef _WIN32 SDL_SysWMinfo wm; SDL_VERSION(&wm.version); int getwm = SDL_GetWMInfo(&wm); if(getwm == 1) { int sw = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN), sh = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN); RECT curpos; GetWindowRect(wm.window,&curpos); int ourw = curpos.right - curpos.left, ourh = curpos.bottom - curpos.top; SetWindowPos(wm.window, 0, (sw - ourw)/2, (sh - ourh)/2, 0, 0, SWP_NOZORDER|SWP_NOSIZE); } else { logGlobal->warnStream() << "Something went wrong, getwm=" << getwm; logGlobal->warnStream() << "SDL says: " << SDL_GetError(); logGlobal->warnStream() << "Window won't be centered."; } #endif //TODO: centering game window on other platforms (or does the environment do their job correctly there?) screenBuf = bufOnScreen ? screen : screen2; //setResolution = true; } static void fullScreenChanged() { boost::unique_lock lock(*LOCPLINT->pim); Settings full = settings.write["video"]["fullscreen"]; const bool toFullscreen = full->Bool(); int bitsPerPixel = screen->format->BitsPerPixel; bitsPerPixel = SDL_VideoModeOK(screen->w, screen->h, bitsPerPixel, SDL_SWSURFACE|(toFullscreen?SDL_FULLSCREEN:0)); if(bitsPerPixel == 0) { logGlobal->errorStream() << "Error: SDL says that " << screen->w << "x" << screen->h << " resolution is not available!"; return; } bool bufOnScreen = (screenBuf == screen); screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(screen->w, screen->h, bitsPerPixel, SDL_SWSURFACE|(toFullscreen?SDL_FULLSCREEN:0)); screenBuf = bufOnScreen ? screen : screen2; GH.totalRedraw(); } static void listenForEvents() { SettingsListener resChanged = settings.listen["video"]["fullscreen"]; resChanged([](const JsonNode &newState){ CGuiHandler::pushSDLEvent(SDL_USEREVENT, FULLSCREEN_TOGGLED); }); while(1) //main SDL events loop { SDL_Event ev; int ret = SDL_WaitEvent(&ev); if (ret == 0 || (ev.type==SDL_QUIT) || (ev.type == SDL_KEYDOWN && ev.key.keysym.sym==SDLK_F4 && (ev.key.keysym.mod & KMOD_ALT))) { handleQuit(); continue; } else if(LOCPLINT && ev.type == SDL_KEYDOWN && ev.key.keysym.sym==SDLK_F4) { Settings full = settings.write["video"]["fullscreen"]; full->Bool() = !full->Bool(); continue; } else if(ev.type == SDL_USEREVENT) { switch(ev.user.code) { case RETURN_TO_MAIN_MENU: { endGame(); GH.curInt = CGPreGame::create();; GH.defActionsDef = 63; } break; case STOP_CLIENT: client->endGame(false); break; case RESTART_GAME: { StartInfo si = *client->getStartInfo(true); endGame(); startGame(&si); } break; case PREPARE_RESTART_CAMPAIGN: { auto si = reinterpret_cast(ev.user.data1); endGame(); startGame(si); } break; case RETURN_TO_MENU_LOAD: endGame(); CGPreGame::create(); GH.defActionsDef = 63; CGP->update(); CGP->menu->switchToTab(vstd::find_pos(CGP->menu->menuNameToEntry, "load")); GH.curInt = CGP; break; case FULLSCREEN_TOGGLED: fullScreenChanged(); break; default: logGlobal->errorStream() << "Error: unknown user event. Code " << ev.user.code; assert(0); } continue; } { boost::unique_lock lock(eventsM); events.push(ev); } } } void startGame(StartInfo * options, CConnection *serv/* = nullptr*/) { if(vm.count("onlyAI")) { auto ais = vm.count("ai") ? vm["ai"].as>() : std::vector(); int i = 0; for(auto & elem : options->playerInfos) { elem.second.playerID = PlayerSettings::PLAYER_AI; if(i < ais.size()) elem.second.name = ais[i++]; } } client = new CClient; CPlayerInterface::howManyPeople = 0; switch(options->mode) //new game { case StartInfo::NEW_GAME: case StartInfo::CAMPAIGN: case StartInfo::DUEL: client->newGame(serv, options); break; case StartInfo::LOAD_GAME: std::string fname = options->mapname; boost::algorithm::erase_last(fname,".vlgm1"); client->loadGame(fname); break; } client->connectionHandler = new boost::thread(&CClient::run, client); } void endGame() { client->endGame(); vstd::clear_pointer(client); } void handleQuit() { auto quitApplication = []() { if(client) client->endGame(); if(mainGUIThread) { GH.terminate = true; if(mainGUIThread->get_id() != boost::this_thread::get_id()) mainGUIThread->join(); delete mainGUIThread; mainGUIThread = nullptr; } delete console; console = nullptr; boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(750)); if(!gNoGUI) SDL_Quit(); std::cout << "Ending...\n"; exit(0); }; if(client && LOCPLINT) { CCS->curh->changeGraphic(ECursor::ADVENTURE, 0); LOCPLINT->showYesNoDialog(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[69], quitApplication, 0); } else { quitApplication(); } }