/* * BattleAI.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "BattleAI.h" #include "StackWithBonuses.h" #include "EnemyInfo.h" #include "../../lib/spells/CSpellHandler.h" /* // // //set has its own order, so remove_if won't work. TODO - reuse for map // template // void erase_if(std::set &setContainer, Predicate pred) // { // auto itr = setContainer.begin(); // auto endItr = setContainer.end(); // while(itr != endItr) // { // auto tmpItr = itr++; // if(pred(*tmpItr)) // setContainer.erase(tmpItr); // } // } */ #define LOGL(text) print(text) #define LOGFL(text, formattingEl) print(boost::str(boost::format(text) % formattingEl)) CBattleAI::CBattleAI(void) : side(-1) { } CBattleAI::~CBattleAI(void) { if(cb) { //Restore previous state of CB - it may be shared with the main AI (like VCAI) cb->waitTillRealize = wasWaitingForRealize; cb->unlockGsWhenWaiting = wasUnlockingGs; } } void CBattleAI::init(std::shared_ptr CB) { setCbc(CB); cb = CB; playerID = *CB->getPlayerID();; //TODO should be sth in callback wasWaitingForRealize = cb->waitTillRealize; wasUnlockingGs = CB->unlockGsWhenWaiting; CB->waitTillRealize = true; CB->unlockGsWhenWaiting = false; } BattleAction CBattleAI::activeStack( const CStack * stack ) { LOG_TRACE_PARAMS(logAi, "stack: %s", stack->nodeName()) ; setCbc(cb); //TODO: make solid sure that AIs always use their callbacks (need to take care of event handlers too) try { if(stack->type->idNumber == CreatureID::CATAPULT) return useCatapult(stack); if(stack->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::SIEGE_WEAPON) && stack->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::HEALER)) { auto healingTargets = cb->battleGetStacks(CBattleInfoEssentials::ONLY_MINE); std::map woundHpToStack; for(auto stack : healingTargets) if(auto woundHp = stack->MaxHealth() - stack->firstHPleft) woundHpToStack[woundHp] = stack; if(woundHpToStack.empty()) return BattleAction::makeDefend(stack); else return BattleAction::makeHeal(stack, woundHpToStack.rbegin()->second); //last element of the woundHpToStack is the most wounded stack } if(cb->battleCanCastSpell()) attemptCastingSpell(); if(auto ret = getCbc()->battleIsFinished()) { //spellcast may finish battle //send special preudo-action BattleAction cancel; cancel.actionType = Battle::CANCEL; return cancel; } if(auto action = considerFleeingOrSurrendering()) return *action; PotentialTargets targets(stack); if(targets.possibleAttacks.size()) { auto hlp = targets.bestAction(); if(hlp.attack.shooting) return BattleAction::makeShotAttack(stack, hlp.enemy); else return BattleAction::makeMeleeAttack(stack, hlp.enemy, hlp.tile); } else { if(stack->waited()) { //ThreatMap threatsToUs(stack); // These lines may be usefull but they are't used in the code. auto dists = getCbc()->battleGetDistances(stack); const EnemyInfo &ei= *range::min_element(targets.unreachableEnemies, std::bind(isCloser, _1, _2, std::ref(dists))); if(distToNearestNeighbour(ei.s->position, dists) < GameConstants::BFIELD_SIZE) { return goTowards(stack, ei.s->position); } } else { return BattleAction::makeWait(stack); } } } catch(std::exception &e) { logAi->error("Exception occurred in %s %s",__FUNCTION__, e.what()); } return BattleAction::makeDefend(stack); } BattleAction CBattleAI::goTowards(const CStack * stack, BattleHex destination) { assert(destination.isValid()); auto avHexes = cb->battleGetAvailableHexes(stack, false); auto reachability = cb->getReachability(stack); if(vstd::contains(avHexes, destination)) return BattleAction::makeMove(stack, destination); auto destNeighbours = destination.neighbouringTiles(); if(vstd::contains_if(destNeighbours, [&](BattleHex n) { return stack->coversPos(destination); })) { logAi->warn("Warning: already standing on neighbouring tile!"); //We shouldn't even be here... return BattleAction::makeDefend(stack); } vstd::erase_if(destNeighbours, [&](BattleHex hex){ return !reachability.accessibility.accessible(hex, stack); }); if(!avHexes.size() || !destNeighbours.size()) //we are blocked or dest is blocked { return BattleAction::makeDefend(stack); } if(stack->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::FLYING)) { // Flying stack doesn't go hex by hex, so we can't backtrack using predecessors. // We just check all available hexes and pick the one closest to the target. auto distToDestNeighbour = [&](BattleHex hex) -> int { auto nearestNeighbourToHex = vstd::minElementByFun(destNeighbours, [&](BattleHex a) {return BattleHex::getDistance(a, hex);}); return BattleHex::getDistance(*nearestNeighbourToHex, hex); }; auto nearestAvailableHex = vstd::minElementByFun(avHexes, distToDestNeighbour); return BattleAction::makeMove(stack, *nearestAvailableHex); } else { BattleHex bestNeighbor = destination; if(distToNearestNeighbour(destination, reachability.distances, &bestNeighbor) > GameConstants::BFIELD_SIZE) { return BattleAction::makeDefend(stack); } BattleHex currentDest = bestNeighbor; while(1) { assert(currentDest.isValid()); if(vstd::contains(avHexes, currentDest)) return BattleAction::makeMove(stack, currentDest); currentDest = reachability.predecessors[currentDest]; } } } BattleAction CBattleAI::useCatapult(const CStack * stack) { throw std::runtime_error("The method or operation is not implemented."); } enum SpellTypes { OFFENSIVE_SPELL, TIMED_EFFECT, OTHER }; SpellTypes spellType(const CSpell *spell) { if (spell->isOffensiveSpell()) return OFFENSIVE_SPELL; if (spell->hasEffects()) return TIMED_EFFECT; return OTHER; } void CBattleAI::attemptCastingSpell() { LOGL("Casting spells sounds like fun. Let's see..."); auto hero = cb->battleGetMyHero(); //auto known = cb->battleGetFightingHero(side); //Get all spells we can cast std::vector possibleSpells; vstd::copy_if(VLC->spellh->objects, std::back_inserter(possibleSpells), [this] (const CSpell *s) -> bool { auto problem = getCbc()->battleCanCastThisSpell(s); return problem == ESpellCastProblem::OK; }); LOGFL("I can cast %d spells.", possibleSpells.size()); vstd::erase_if(possibleSpells, [](const CSpell *s) {return spellType(s) == OTHER; }); LOGFL("I know about workings of %d of them.", possibleSpells.size()); //Get possible spell-target pairs std::vector possibleCasts; for(auto spell : possibleSpells) { for(auto hex : getTargetsToConsider(spell, hero)) { PossibleSpellcast ps = {spell, hex, 0}; possibleCasts.push_back(ps); } } LOGFL("Found %d spell-target combinations.", possibleCasts.size()); if(possibleCasts.empty()) return; std::map valueOfStack; for(auto stack : cb->battleGetStacks()) { PotentialTargets pt(stack); valueOfStack[stack] = pt.bestActionValue(); } auto evaluateSpellcast = [&] (const PossibleSpellcast &ps) -> int { const int skillLevel = hero->getSpellSchoolLevel(ps.spell); const int spellPower = hero->getPrimSkillLevel(PrimarySkill::SPELL_POWER); switch(spellType(ps.spell)) { case OFFENSIVE_SPELL: { int damageDealt = 0, damageReceived = 0; auto stacksSuffering = ps.spell->getAffectedStacks(cb.get(), ECastingMode::HERO_CASTING, hero, skillLevel, ps.dest); if(stacksSuffering.empty()) return -1; for(auto stack : stacksSuffering) { const int dmg = ps.spell->calculateDamage(hero, stack, skillLevel, spellPower); if(stack->owner == playerID) damageReceived += dmg; else damageDealt += dmg; } const int damageDiff = damageDealt - damageReceived * 10; LOGFL("Casting %s on hex %d would deal { %d %d } damage points among %d stacks.", ps.spell->name % ps.dest % damageDealt % damageReceived % stacksSuffering.size()); //TODO tactic effect too return damageDiff; } case TIMED_EFFECT: { auto stacksAffected = ps.spell->getAffectedStacks(cb.get(), ECastingMode::HERO_CASTING, hero, skillLevel, ps.dest); if(stacksAffected.empty()) return -1; int totalGain = 0; for(const CStack * sta : stacksAffected) { StackWithBonuses swb; swb.stack = sta; Bonus pseudoBonus; pseudoBonus.sid = ps.spell->id; pseudoBonus.val = skillLevel; pseudoBonus.turnsRemain = 1; //TODO CStack::stackEffectToFeature(swb.bonusesToAdd, pseudoBonus); HypotheticChangesToBattleState state; state.bonusesOfStacks[swb.stack] = &swb; PotentialTargets pt(swb.stack, state); auto newValue = pt.bestActionValue(); auto oldValue = valueOfStack[swb.stack]; auto gain = newValue - oldValue; if(swb.stack->owner != playerID) //enemy gain = -gain; LOGFL("Casting %s on %s would improve the stack by %d points (from %d to %d)", ps.spell->name % sta->nodeName() % (gain) % (oldValue) % (newValue)); totalGain += gain; } LOGFL("Total gain of cast %s at hex %d is %d", ps.spell->name % (ps.dest.hex) % (totalGain)); return totalGain; } default: assert(0); return 0; } }; for(PossibleSpellcast & psc : possibleCasts) psc.value = evaluateSpellcast(psc); auto pscValue = [] (const PossibleSpellcast &ps) -> int { return ps.value; }; auto castToPerform = *vstd::maxElementByFun(possibleCasts, pscValue); LOGFL("Best spell is %s. Will cast.", castToPerform.spell->name); BattleAction spellcast; spellcast.actionType = Battle::HERO_SPELL; spellcast.additionalInfo = castToPerform.spell->id; spellcast.destinationTile = castToPerform.dest; spellcast.side = side; spellcast.stackNumber = (!side) ? -1 : -2; cb->battleMakeAction(&spellcast); } std::vector CBattleAI::getTargetsToConsider(const CSpell * spell, const ISpellCaster * caster) const { const CSpell::TargetInfo targetInfo(spell, caster->getSpellSchoolLevel(spell)); std::vector ret; if(targetInfo.massive || targetInfo.type == CSpell::NO_TARGET) { ret.push_back(BattleHex()); } else { switch(targetInfo.type) { case CSpell::CREATURE: { for(const CStack * stack : getCbc()->battleAliveStacks()) { bool immune = ESpellCastProblem::OK != spell->isImmuneByStack(caster, stack); bool casterStack = stack->owner == caster->getOwner(); if(!immune) switch (spell->positiveness) { case CSpell::POSITIVE: if(casterStack || targetInfo.smart) ret.push_back(stack->position); break; case CSpell::NEUTRAL: ret.push_back(stack->position); break; case CSpell::NEGATIVE: if(!casterStack || targetInfo.smart) ret.push_back(stack->position); break; } } } break; case CSpell::LOCATION: { for(int i = 0; i < GameConstants::BFIELD_SIZE; i++) if(BattleHex(i).isAvailable()) ret.push_back(i); } break; default: break; } } return ret; } int CBattleAI::distToNearestNeighbour(BattleHex hex, const ReachabilityInfo::TDistances &dists, BattleHex *chosenHex) { int ret = 1000000; for(BattleHex n : hex.neighbouringTiles()) { if(dists[n] >= 0 && dists[n] < ret) { ret = dists[n]; if(chosenHex) *chosenHex = n; } } return ret; } void CBattleAI::battleStart(const CCreatureSet *army1, const CCreatureSet *army2, int3 tile, const CGHeroInstance *hero1, const CGHeroInstance *hero2, bool Side) { print("battleStart called"); side = Side; } bool CBattleAI::isCloser(const EnemyInfo &ei1, const EnemyInfo &ei2, const ReachabilityInfo::TDistances &dists) { return distToNearestNeighbour(ei1.s->position, dists) < distToNearestNeighbour(ei2.s->position, dists); } void CBattleAI::print(const std::string &text) const { logAi->trace("CBattleAI [%p]: %s", this, text); } boost::optional CBattleAI::considerFleeingOrSurrendering() { if(cb->battleCanSurrender(playerID)) { } if(cb->battleCanFlee()) { } return boost::none; }