/* * CObjectHandler.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "CObjectHandler.h" #include "../NetPacks.h" #include "../CGeneralTextHandler.h" #include "../CHeroHandler.h" #include "../CSoundBase.h" #include "../filesystem/ResourceID.h" #include "../IGameCallback.h" #include "../CGameState.h" #include "../StringConstants.h" #include "../mapping/CMap.h" #include "CObjectClassesHandler.h" #include "CGTownInstance.h" #include "../serializer/JsonSerializeFormat.h" IGameCallback * IObjectInterface::cb = nullptr; ///helpers static void openWindow(const OpenWindow::EWindow type, const int id1, const int id2 = -1) { OpenWindow ow; ow.window = type; ow.id1 = id1; ow.id2 = id2; IObjectInterface::cb->sendAndApply(&ow); } static void showInfoDialog(const PlayerColor playerID, const ui32 txtID, const ui16 soundID) { InfoWindow iw; iw.soundID = soundID; iw.player = playerID; iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::ADVOB_TXT,txtID); IObjectInterface::cb->sendAndApply(&iw); } /*static void showInfoDialog(const ObjectInstanceID heroID, const ui32 txtID, const ui16 soundID) { const PlayerColor playerID = IObjectInterface::cb->getOwner(heroID); showInfoDialog(playerID,txtID,soundID); }*/ static void showInfoDialog(const CGHeroInstance* h, const ui32 txtID, const ui16 soundID = 0) { const PlayerColor playerID = h->getOwner(); showInfoDialog(playerID,txtID,soundID); } ///IObjectInterface void IObjectInterface::onHeroVisit(const CGHeroInstance * h) const {} void IObjectInterface::onHeroLeave(const CGHeroInstance * h) const {} void IObjectInterface::newTurn(CRandomGenerator & rand) const {} IObjectInterface::~IObjectInterface() {} IObjectInterface::IObjectInterface() {} void IObjectInterface::initObj(CRandomGenerator & rand) {} void IObjectInterface::setProperty( ui8 what, ui32 val ) {} bool IObjectInterface::wasVisited (PlayerColor player) const { return false; } bool IObjectInterface::wasVisited (const CGHeroInstance * h) const { return false; } void IObjectInterface::postInit() {} void IObjectInterface::preInit() {} void IObjectInterface::battleFinished(const CGHeroInstance *hero, const BattleResult &result) const {} void IObjectInterface::blockingDialogAnswered(const CGHeroInstance *hero, ui32 answer) const {} void IObjectInterface::garrisonDialogClosed(const CGHeroInstance *hero) const {} void IObjectInterface::heroLevelUpDone(const CGHeroInstance *hero) const {} CObjectHandler::CObjectHandler() { logGlobal->trace("\t\tReading resources prices "); const JsonNode config2(ResourceID("config/resources.json")); for(const JsonNode &price : config2["resources_prices"].Vector()) { resVals.push_back(static_cast(price.Float())); } logGlobal->trace("\t\tDone loading resource prices!"); } PlayerColor CGObjectInstance::getOwner() const { //if (state) // return state->owner; //else return tempOwner; //won't have owner } CGObjectInstance::CGObjectInstance(): pos(-1,-1,-1), ID(Obj::NO_OBJ), subID(-1), tempOwner(PlayerColor::UNFLAGGABLE), blockVisit(false) { } CGObjectInstance::~CGObjectInstance() { } void CGObjectInstance::setOwner(PlayerColor ow) { tempOwner = ow; } int CGObjectInstance::getWidth() const//returns width of object graphic in tiles { return appearance.getWidth(); } int CGObjectInstance::getHeight() const //returns height of object graphic in tiles { return appearance.getHeight(); } bool CGObjectInstance::visitableAt(int x, int y) const //returns true if object is visitable at location (x, y) form left top tile of image (x, y in tiles) { return appearance.isVisitableAt(pos.x - x, pos.y - y); } bool CGObjectInstance::blockingAt(int x, int y) const { return appearance.isBlockedAt(pos.x - x, pos.y - y); } bool CGObjectInstance::coveringAt(int x, int y) const { return appearance.isVisibleAt(pos.x - x, pos.y - y); } std::set CGObjectInstance::getBlockedPos() const { std::set ret; for(int w=0; w CGObjectInstance::getBlockedOffsets() const { return appearance.getBlockedOffsets(); } void CGObjectInstance::setType(si32 ID, si32 subID) { const TerrainTile &tile = cb->gameState()->map->getTile(visitablePos()); this->ID = Obj(ID); this->subID = subID; //recalculate blockvis tiles - new appearance might have different blockmap than before cb->gameState()->map->removeBlockVisTiles(this, true); auto handler = VLC->objtypeh->getHandlerFor(ID, subID); if(!handler) { logGlobal->error("Unknown object type %d:%d at %s", ID, subID, visitablePos().toString()); return; } if(!handler->getTemplates(tile.terType).empty()) appearance = handler->getTemplates(tile.terType)[0]; else appearance = handler->getTemplates()[0]; // get at least some appearance since alternative is crash cb->gameState()->map->addBlockVisTiles(this); } void CGObjectInstance::initObj(CRandomGenerator & rand) { switch(ID) { case Obj::TAVERN: blockVisit = true; break; } } void CGObjectInstance::setProperty( ui8 what, ui32 val ) { setPropertyDer(what, val); // call this before any actual changes (needed at least for dwellings) switch(what) { case ObjProperty::OWNER: tempOwner = PlayerColor(val); break; case ObjProperty::BLOCKVIS: blockVisit = val; break; case ObjProperty::ID: ID = Obj(val); break; case ObjProperty::SUBID: subID = val; break; } } void CGObjectInstance::setPropertyDer( ui8 what, ui32 val ) {} int3 CGObjectInstance::getSightCenter() const { return visitablePos(); } int CGObjectInstance::getSightRadius() const { return 3; } int3 CGObjectInstance::getVisitableOffset() const { return appearance.getVisitableOffset(); } void CGObjectInstance::giveDummyBonus(ObjectInstanceID heroID, ui8 duration) const { GiveBonus gbonus; gbonus.bonus.type = Bonus::NONE; gbonus.id = heroID.getNum(); gbonus.bonus.duration = duration; gbonus.bonus.source = Bonus::OBJECT; gbonus.bonus.sid = ID; cb->giveHeroBonus(&gbonus); } std::string CGObjectInstance::getObjectName() const { return VLC->objtypeh->getObjectName(ID, subID); } boost::optional CGObjectInstance::getAmbientSound() const { const auto & sounds = VLC->objtypeh->getObjectSounds(ID, subID).ambient; if(sounds.size()) return sounds.front(); // TODO: Support randomization of ambient sounds return boost::none; } boost::optional CGObjectInstance::getVisitSound() const { const auto & sounds = VLC->objtypeh->getObjectSounds(ID, subID).visit; if(sounds.size()) return *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(sounds, CRandomGenerator::getDefault()); return boost::none; } boost::optional CGObjectInstance::getRemovalSound() const { const auto & sounds = VLC->objtypeh->getObjectSounds(ID, subID).removal; if(sounds.size()) return *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(sounds, CRandomGenerator::getDefault()); return boost::none; } std::string CGObjectInstance::getHoverText(PlayerColor player) const { return getObjectName(); } std::string CGObjectInstance::getHoverText(const CGHeroInstance * hero) const { return getHoverText(hero->tempOwner); } void CGObjectInstance::onHeroVisit( const CGHeroInstance * h ) const { switch(ID) { case Obj::HILL_FORT: { openWindow(OpenWindow::HILL_FORT_WINDOW,id.getNum(),h->id.getNum()); } break; case Obj::SANCTUARY: { //You enter the sanctuary and immediately feel as if a great weight has been lifted off your shoulders. You feel safe here. showInfoDialog(h, 114); } break; case Obj::TAVERN: { openWindow(OpenWindow::TAVERN_WINDOW,h->id.getNum(),id.getNum()); } break; } } int3 CGObjectInstance::visitablePos() const { return pos - getVisitableOffset(); } bool CGObjectInstance::isVisitable() const { return appearance.isVisitable(); } bool CGObjectInstance::passableFor(PlayerColor color) const { return false; } void CGObjectInstance::serializeJson(JsonSerializeFormat & handler) { //only save here, loading is handled by map loader if(handler.saving) { handler.serializeString("type", typeName); handler.serializeString("subtype", subTypeName); handler.serializeInt("x", pos.x); handler.serializeInt("y", pos.y); handler.serializeInt("l", pos.z); JsonNode app; appearance.writeJson(app, false); handler.serializeRaw("template",app, boost::none); } { auto options = handler.enterStruct("options"); serializeJsonOptions(handler); } } void CGObjectInstance::afterAddToMap(CMap * map) { //nothing here } void CGObjectInstance::serializeJsonOptions(JsonSerializeFormat & handler) { //nothing here } void CGObjectInstance::serializeJsonOwner(JsonSerializeFormat & handler) { ui8 temp = tempOwner.getNum(); handler.serializeEnum("owner", temp, PlayerColor::NEUTRAL.getNum(), GameConstants::PLAYER_COLOR_NAMES); if(!handler.saving) tempOwner = PlayerColor(temp); } CGObjectInstanceBySubIdFinder::CGObjectInstanceBySubIdFinder(CGObjectInstance * obj) : obj(obj) { } bool CGObjectInstanceBySubIdFinder::operator()(CGObjectInstance * obj) const { return this->obj->subID == obj->subID; } int3 IBoatGenerator::bestLocation() const { std::vector offsets; getOutOffsets(offsets); for (auto & offset : offsets) { if(const TerrainTile *tile = IObjectInterface::cb->getTile(o->pos + offset, false)) //tile is in the map { if(tile->terType == ETerrainType::WATER && (!tile->blocked || tile->blockingObjects.front()->ID == Obj::BOAT)) //and is water and is not blocked or is blocked by boat return o->pos + offset; } } return int3 (-1,-1,-1); } IBoatGenerator::EGeneratorState IBoatGenerator::shipyardStatus() const { int3 tile = bestLocation(); const TerrainTile *t = IObjectInterface::cb->getTile(tile); if(!t) return TILE_BLOCKED; //no available water else if(!t->blockingObjects.size()) return GOOD; //OK else if(t->blockingObjects.front()->ID == Obj::BOAT) return BOAT_ALREADY_BUILT; //blocked with boat else return TILE_BLOCKED; //blocked } int IBoatGenerator::getBoatType() const { //We make good ships by default return 1; } IBoatGenerator::IBoatGenerator(const CGObjectInstance *O) : o(O) { } void IBoatGenerator::getProblemText(MetaString &out, const CGHeroInstance *visitor) const { switch(shipyardStatus()) { case BOAT_ALREADY_BUILT: out.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 51); break; case TILE_BLOCKED: if(visitor) { out.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 134); out.addReplacement(visitor->name); } else out.addTxt(MetaString::ADVOB_TXT, 189); break; case NO_WATER: logGlobal->error("Shipyard without water! %s \t %d", o->pos.toString(), o->id.getNum()); return; } } void IShipyard::getBoatCost( std::vector &cost ) const { cost.resize(GameConstants::RESOURCE_QUANTITY); cost[Res::WOOD] = 10; cost[Res::GOLD] = 1000; } IShipyard::IShipyard(const CGObjectInstance *O) : IBoatGenerator(O) { } IShipyard * IShipyard::castFrom( CGObjectInstance *obj ) { if(!obj) return nullptr; if(obj->ID == Obj::TOWN) { return static_cast(obj); } else if(obj->ID == Obj::SHIPYARD) { return static_cast(obj); } else { return nullptr; } } const IShipyard * IShipyard::castFrom( const CGObjectInstance *obj ) { return castFrom(const_cast(obj)); }