#define VCMI_DLL #include "NetPacks.h" #include "../hch/CGeneralTextHandler.h" #include "../hch/CDefObjInfoHandler.h" #include "../hch/CArtHandler.h" #include "../hch/CHeroHandler.h" #include "../hch/CObjectHandler.h" #include "VCMI_Lib.h" #include "map.h" #include "../hch/CSpellHandler.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #undef min #undef max /* * NetPacksLib.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #ifdef min #undef min #endif #ifdef max #undef max #endif DLL_EXPORT void SetResource::applyGs( CGameState *gs ) { amax(val, 0); //new value must be >= 0 gs->getPlayer(player)->resources[resid] = val; } DLL_EXPORT void SetResources::applyGs( CGameState *gs ) { for(int i=0;igetPlayer(player)->resources[i] = res[i]; } DLL_EXPORT void SetPrimSkill::applyGs( CGameState *gs ) { CGHeroInstance *hero = gs->getHero(id); if(which <4) { if(abs) hero->primSkills[which] = val; else hero->primSkills[which] += val; } else if(which == 4) //XP { if(abs) hero->exp = val; else hero->exp += val; } } DLL_EXPORT void SetSecSkill::applyGs( CGameState *gs ) { CGHeroInstance *hero = gs->getHero(id); if(hero->getSecSkillLevel(which) == 0) { hero->secSkills.push_back(std::pair(which, val)); } else { for(unsigned i=0;isecSkills.size();i++) { if(hero->secSkills[i].first == which) { if(abs) hero->secSkills[i].second = val; else hero->secSkills[i].second += val; if(hero->secSkills[i].second > 3) //workaround to avoid crashes when same sec skill is given more than once { tlog1 << "Warning: Skill " << which << " increased over limit! Decreasing to Expert.\n"; hero->secSkills[i].second = 3; } } } } } DLL_EXPORT void HeroVisitCastle::applyGs( CGameState *gs ) { CGHeroInstance *h = gs->getHero(hid); CGTownInstance *t = gs->getTown(tid); if(start()) { if(garrison()) { t->garrisonHero = h; h->visitedTown = t; h->inTownGarrison = true; } else { t->visitingHero = h; h->visitedTown = t; h->inTownGarrison = false; } } else { if(garrison()) { t->garrisonHero = NULL; h->visitedTown = NULL; h->inTownGarrison = false; } else { t->visitingHero = NULL; h->visitedTown = NULL; h->inTownGarrison = false; } } } DLL_EXPORT void ChangeSpells::applyGs( CGameState *gs ) { CGHeroInstance *hero = gs->getHero(hid); if(learn) BOOST_FOREACH(ui32 sid, spells) hero->spells.insert(sid); else BOOST_FOREACH(ui32 sid, spells) hero->spells.erase(sid); } DLL_EXPORT void SetMana::applyGs( CGameState *gs ) { CGHeroInstance *hero = gs->getHero(hid); amax(val, 0); //not less than 0 hero->mana = val; } DLL_EXPORT void SetMovePoints::applyGs( CGameState *gs ) { CGHeroInstance *hero = gs->getHero(hid); hero->movement = val; } DLL_EXPORT void FoWChange::applyGs( CGameState *gs ) { BOOST_FOREACH(int3 t, tiles) gs->getPlayer(player)->fogOfWarMap[t.x][t.y][t.z] = mode; } DLL_EXPORT void SetAvailableHeroes::applyGs( CGameState *gs ) { gs->getPlayer(player)->availableHeroes.clear(); CGHeroInstance *h = (hid1>=0 ? gs->hpool.heroesPool[hid1] : NULL); gs->getPlayer(player)->availableHeroes.push_back(h); if(h && flags & 1) { h->army.slots.clear(); h->army.slots[0] = std::pair(VLC->creh->nameToID[h->type->refTypeStack[0]],1); } h = (hid2>=0 ? gs->hpool.heroesPool[hid2] : NULL); gs->getPlayer(player)->availableHeroes.push_back(h); if(flags & 2) { h->army.slots.clear(); h->army.slots[0] = std::pair(VLC->creh->nameToID[h->type->refTypeStack[0]],1); } } DLL_EXPORT void GiveBonus::applyGs( CGameState *gs ) { CGHeroInstance *h = gs->getHero(hid); h->bonuses.push_back(bonus); std::string &descr = h->bonuses.back().description; if(!bdescr.message.size() && bonus.source == HeroBonus::OBJECT && (bonus.type == HeroBonus::LUCK || bonus.type == HeroBonus::MORALE || bonus.type == HeroBonus::MORALE_AND_LUCK) && gs->map->objects[bonus.id]->ID == 26) //it's morale/luck bonus from an event without description { descr = VLC->generaltexth->arraytxt[bonus.val > 0 ? 110 : 109]; //+/-%d Temporary until next battle" boost::replace_first(descr,"%d",boost::lexical_cast(std::abs(bonus.val))); } else { bdescr.toString(descr); } } DLL_EXPORT void ChangeObjPos::applyGs( CGameState *gs ) { CGObjectInstance *obj = gs->map->objects[objid]; if(!obj) { tlog1 << "Wrong ChangeObjPos: object " << objid << " doesn't exist!\n"; return; } gs->map->removeBlockVisTiles(obj); obj->pos = nPos; gs->map->addBlockVisTiles(obj); } DLL_EXPORT void RemoveObject::applyGs( CGameState *gs ) { CGObjectInstance *obj = gs->map->objects[id]; if(obj->ID==HEROI_TYPE) { CGHeroInstance *h = static_cast(obj); std::vector::iterator nitr = std::find(gs->map->heroes.begin(), gs->map->heroes.end(),h); gs->map->heroes.erase(nitr); int player = h->tempOwner; nitr = std::find(gs->getPlayer(player)->heroes.begin(), gs->getPlayer(player)->heroes.end(), h); gs->getPlayer(player)->heroes.erase(nitr); if(h->visitedTown) { if(h->inTownGarrison) h->visitedTown->garrisonHero = NULL; else h->visitedTown->visitingHero = NULL; h->visitedTown = NULL; } //TODO: add to the pool? } gs->map->objects[id] = NULL; //unblock tiles if(obj->defInfo) { gs->map->removeBlockVisTiles(obj); } } static int getDir(int3 src, int3 dst) { int ret = -1; if(dst.x+1 == src.x && dst.y+1 == src.y) //tl { ret = 1; } else if(dst.x == src.x && dst.y+1 == src.y) //t { ret = 2; } else if(dst.x-1 == src.x && dst.y+1 == src.y) //tr { ret = 3; } else if(dst.x-1 == src.x && dst.y == src.y) //r { ret = 4; } else if(dst.x-1 == src.x && dst.y-1 == src.y) //br { ret = 5; } else if(dst.x == src.x && dst.y-1 == src.y) //b { ret = 6; } else if(dst.x+1 == src.x && dst.y-1 == src.y) //bl { ret = 7; } else if(dst.x+1 == src.x && dst.y == src.y) //l { ret = 8; } return ret; } void TryMoveHero::applyGs( CGameState *gs ) { CGHeroInstance *h = gs->getHero(id); h->movement = movePoints; if((result == SUCCESS || result == BLOCKING_VISIT || result == EMBARK || result == DISEMBARK) && start != end) h->moveDir = getDir(start,end); if(result == EMBARK) //hero enters boat at dest tile { const TerrainTile &tt = gs->map->getTile(CGHeroInstance::convertPosition(end, false)); assert(tt.visitableObjects.size() == 1 && tt.visitableObjects.front()->ID == 8); //the only vis obj at dest is Boat CGBoat *boat = static_cast(tt.visitableObjects.front()); gs->map->removeBlockVisTiles(boat); //hero blockvis mask will be used, we don't need to duplicate it with boat h->boat = boat; boat->hero = h; } else if(result == DISEMBARK) //hero leaves boat to dest tile { h->boat->direction = h->moveDir; h->boat->pos = start; h->boat->hero = NULL; gs->map->addBlockVisTiles(h->boat); h->boat = NULL; } if(start!=end && (result == SUCCESS || result == TELEPORTATION || result == EMBARK || result == DISEMBARK)) { gs->map->removeBlockVisTiles(h); h->pos = end; if(h->boat) h->boat->pos = end; gs->map->addBlockVisTiles(h); } BOOST_FOREACH(int3 t, fowRevealed) gs->getPlayer(h->getOwner())->fogOfWarMap[t.x][t.y][t.z] = 1; } DLL_EXPORT void SetGarrisons::applyGs( CGameState *gs ) { for(std::map::iterator i = garrs.begin(); i!=garrs.end(); i++) { CArmedInstance *ai = static_cast(gs->map->objects[i->first]); ai->army = i->second; if(ai->ID==TOWNI_TYPE && (static_cast(ai))->garrisonHero) //if there is a hero in garrison then we must update also his army const_cast((static_cast(ai))->garrisonHero)->army = i->second; else if(ai->ID==HEROI_TYPE) { CGHeroInstance *h = static_cast(ai); if(h->visitedTown && h->inTownGarrison) h->visitedTown->army = i->second; } } } DLL_EXPORT void NewStructures::applyGs( CGameState *gs ) { CGTownInstance *t = gs->getTown(tid); BOOST_FOREACH(si32 id,bid) { t->builtBuildings.insert(id); } t->builded = builded; } DLL_EXPORT void RazeStructures::applyGs( CGameState *gs ) { CGTownInstance *t = gs->getTown(tid); BOOST_FOREACH(si32 id,bid) { t->builtBuildings.erase(id); } t->destroyed = destroyed; //yeaha } DLL_EXPORT void SetAvailableCreatures::applyGs( CGameState *gs ) { CGDwelling *dw = dynamic_cast(gs->map->objects[tid]); assert(dw); dw->creatures = creatures; } DLL_EXPORT void SetHeroesInTown::applyGs( CGameState *gs ) { CGTownInstance *t = gs->getTown(tid); CGHeroInstance *v = gs->getHero(visiting), *g = gs->getHero(garrison); t->visitingHero = v; t->garrisonHero = g; if(v) { v->visitedTown = t; v->inTownGarrison = false; gs->map->addBlockVisTiles(v); } if(g) { g->visitedTown = t; g->inTownGarrison = true; gs->map->removeBlockVisTiles(g); } } DLL_EXPORT void SetHeroArtifacts::applyGs( CGameState *gs ) { CGHeroInstance *h = gs->getHero(hid); std::vector equiped, unequiped; for(std::map::const_iterator i = h->artifWorn.begin(); i != h->artifWorn.end(); i++) if(!vstd::contains(artifWorn,i->first) || artifWorn[i->first] != i->second) unequiped.push_back(i->second); for(std::map::const_iterator i = artifWorn.begin(); i != artifWorn.end(); i++) if(!vstd::contains(h->artifWorn,i->first) || h->artifWorn[i->first] != i->second) equiped.push_back(i->second); BOOST_FOREACH(ui32 id, equiped) { //if hero already had equipped at least one artifact of that type, don't give any new bonuses if(h->getArtPos(id) >= 0) continue; CArtifact &art = VLC->arth->artifacts[id]; for(std::list::iterator i = art.bonuses.begin(); i != art.bonuses.end(); i++) { gained.push_back(&*i); h->bonuses.push_back(*i); } } //update hero data h->artifacts = artifacts; h->artifWorn = artifWorn; //remove bonus from unequipped artifact BOOST_FOREACH(ui32 id, unequiped) { //if hero still has equipped at least one artifact of that type, don't remove bonuses if(h->getArtPos(id) >= 0) continue; while(1) { std::list::iterator hlp = std::find_if(h->bonuses.begin(),h->bonuses.end(),boost::bind(HeroBonus::IsFrom,_1,HeroBonus::ARTIFACT,id)); if(hlp != h->bonuses.end()) { lost.push_back(&*hlp); h->bonuses.erase(hlp); } else { break; } } } } DLL_EXPORT void SetHeroArtifacts::setArtAtPos(ui16 pos, int art) { if(art<0) { if(pos<19) artifWorn.erase(pos); else artifacts -= artifacts[pos-19]; } else { if(pos<19) artifWorn[pos] = art; else if(pos-19 < artifacts.size()) artifacts[pos-19] = art; else artifacts.push_back(art); } } DLL_EXPORT void HeroRecruited::applyGs( CGameState *gs ) { assert(vstd::contains(gs->hpool.heroesPool, hid)); CGHeroInstance *h = gs->hpool.heroesPool[hid]; CGTownInstance *t = gs->getTown(tid); h->setOwner(player); h->pos = tile; h->movement = h->maxMovePoints(true); gs->hpool.heroesPool.erase(hid); if(h->id < 0) { h->id = gs->map->objects.size(); gs->map->objects.push_back(h); } else gs->map->objects[h->id] = h; h->initHeroDefInfo(); gs->map->heroes.push_back(h); gs->getPlayer(h->getOwner())->heroes.push_back(h); h->initObj(); gs->map->addBlockVisTiles(h); t->visitingHero = h; h->visitedTown = t; h->inTownGarrison = false; } DLL_EXPORT void GiveHero::applyGs( CGameState *gs ) { CGHeroInstance *h = gs->getHero(id); gs->map->removeBlockVisTiles(h,true); h->setOwner(player); h->movement = h->maxMovePoints(true); h->initHeroDefInfo(); gs->map->heroes.push_back(h); gs->getPlayer(h->getOwner())->heroes.push_back(h); gs->map->addBlockVisTiles(h); h->inTownGarrison = false; } DLL_EXPORT void NewObject::applyGs( CGameState *gs ) { CGObjectInstance *o = NULL; switch(ID) { case 8: o = new CGBoat(); break; default: o = new CGObjectInstance(); break; } o->ID = ID; o->subID = subID; o->pos = pos; o->defInfo = VLC->dobjinfo->gobjs[ID][subID]; id = o->id = gs->map->objects.size(); o->hoverName = VLC->generaltexth->names[ID]; gs->map->objects.push_back(o); gs->map->addBlockVisTiles(o); o->initObj(); assert(o->defInfo); } DLL_EXPORT void NewTurn::applyGs( CGameState *gs ) { gs->day = day; BOOST_FOREACH(NewTurn::Hero h, heroes) //give mana/movement point { CGHeroInstance *hero = gs->getHero(h.id); hero->movement = h.move; hero->mana = h.mana; } BOOST_FOREACH(SetResources h, res) //give resources h.applyGs(gs); BOOST_FOREACH(SetAvailableCreatures h, cres) //set available creatures in towns h.applyGs(gs); if(resetBuilded) //reset amount of structures set in this turn in towns BOOST_FOREACH(CGTownInstance* t, gs->map->towns) t->builded = 0; BOOST_FOREACH(CGHeroInstance *h, gs->map->heroes) h->bonuses.remove_if(HeroBonus::OneDay); if(gs->getDate(1) == 7) //new week BOOST_FOREACH(CGHeroInstance *h, gs->map->heroes) h->bonuses.remove_if(HeroBonus::OneWeek); } DLL_EXPORT void SetObjectProperty::applyGs( CGameState *gs ) { CGObjectInstance *obj = gs->map->objects[id]; if(!obj) { tlog1 << "Wrong object ID - property cannot be set!\n"; return; } if(what == 1) { if(obj->ID == TOWNI_TYPE) { CGTownInstance *t = static_cast(obj); if(t->tempOwner < PLAYER_LIMIT) gs->getPlayer(t->tempOwner)->towns -= t; if(val < PLAYER_LIMIT) gs->getPlayer(val)->towns.push_back(t); } } obj->setProperty(what,val); } DLL_EXPORT void SetHoverName::applyGs( CGameState *gs ) { name.toString(gs->map->objects[id]->hoverName); } DLL_EXPORT void HeroLevelUp::applyGs( CGameState *gs ) { gs->getHero(heroid)->level = level; } DLL_EXPORT void BattleStart::applyGs( CGameState *gs ) { gs->curB = info; } DLL_EXPORT void BattleNextRound::applyGs( CGameState *gs ) { gs->curB->castSpells[0] = gs->curB->castSpells[1] = 0; gs->curB->round = round; BOOST_FOREACH(CStack *s, gs->curB->stacks) { s->state -= DEFENDING; s->state -= WAITING; s->state -= MOVED; s->state -= HAD_MORALE; s->counterAttacks = 1 + s->valOfFeatures(StackFeature::ADDITIONAL_RETALIATION); //regeneration if( s->hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::HP_REGENERATION) && s->alive() ) s->firstHPleft = std::min( s->MaxHealth(), s->valOfFeatures(StackFeature::HP_REGENERATION) ); if( s->hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::FULL_HP_REGENERATION) && s->alive() ) s->firstHPleft = s->MaxHealth(); //remove effects and restore only those with remaining turns in duration std::vector tmpEffects = s->effects; s->effects.clear(); for(int i=0; i < tmpEffects.size(); i++) { tmpEffects[i].turnsRemain--; if(tmpEffects[i].turnsRemain > 0) s->effects.push_back(tmpEffects[i]); } //the same as above for features std::vector tmpFeatures = s->features; s->features.clear(); for(int i=0; i < tmpFeatures.size(); i++) { if((tmpFeatures[i].duration & StackFeature::N_TURNS) != 0) { tmpFeatures[i].turnsRemain--; if(tmpFeatures[i].turnsRemain > 0) s->features.push_back(tmpFeatures[i]); } else { s->features.push_back(tmpFeatures[i]); } } } } DLL_EXPORT void BattleSetActiveStack::applyGs( CGameState *gs ) { gs->curB->activeStack = stack; CStack *st = gs->curB->getStack(stack); st->state -= WAITING; //if stack was waiting it'll now make move, so it won't be "waiting" anymore if(vstd::contains(st->state,MOVED)) //if stack is moving second time this turn it must had a high morale bonus st->state.insert(HAD_MORALE); } void BattleResult::applyGs( CGameState *gs ) { for(unsigned i=0;icurB->stacks.size();i++) delete gs->curB->stacks[i]; //remove any "until next battle" bonuses CGHeroInstance *h; h = gs->getHero(gs->curB->hero1); if(h) h->bonuses.remove_if(HeroBonus::OneBattle); h = gs->getHero(gs->curB->hero2); if(h) h->bonuses.remove_if(HeroBonus::OneBattle); delete gs->curB; gs->curB = NULL; } void BattleStackMoved::applyGs( CGameState *gs ) { gs->curB->getStack(stack)->position = tile; } DLL_EXPORT void BattleStackAttacked::applyGs( CGameState *gs ) { CStack * at = gs->curB->getStack(stackAttacked); at->amount = newAmount; at->firstHPleft = newHP; if(killed()) at->state -= ALIVE; } DLL_EXPORT void BattleAttack::applyGs( CGameState *gs ) { CStack *attacker = gs->curB->getStack(stackAttacking); if(counter()) attacker->counterAttacks--; if(shot()) attacker->shots--; BOOST_FOREACH(BattleStackAttacked stackAttacked, bsa) stackAttacked.applyGs(gs); for(int g=0; gfeatures.size(); ++g) { if((attacker->features[g].duration & StackFeature::UNTIL_ATTACK) != 0) { attacker->features.erase(attacker->features.begin() + g); g = 0; } } for(std::set::const_iterator it = bsa.begin(); it != bsa.end(); ++it) { CStack * stack = gs->curB->getStack(it->stackAttacked, false); for(int g=0; gfeatures.size(); ++g) { if((stack->features[g].duration & StackFeature::UNITL_BEING_ATTACKED) != 0) { stack->features.erase(stack->features.begin() + g); g = 0; } } } } DLL_EXPORT void StartAction::applyGs( CGameState *gs ) { CStack *st = gs->curB->getStack(ba.stackNumber); if(ba.actionType != 1) //don't check for stack if it's custom action by hero assert(st); switch(ba.actionType) { case 3: st->state.insert(DEFENDING); break; case 8: st->state.insert(WAITING); break; case 2: case 6: case 7: case 9: case 10: case 11: st->state.insert(MOVED); break; } } DLL_EXPORT void SpellCast::applyGs( CGameState *gs ) { CGHeroInstance *h = (side) ? gs->getHero(gs->curB->hero2) : gs->getHero(gs->curB->hero1); if(h) { int spellCost = 0; if(gs->curB) { spellCost = gs->curB->getSpellCost(&VLC->spellh->spells[id], h); } else { spellCost = VLC->spellh->spells[id].costs[skill]; } h->mana -= spellCost; if(h->mana < 0) h->mana = 0; } if(side >= 0 && side < 2) { gs->curB->castSpells[side]++; } if(gs->curB && id == 35) //dispel { for(std::set::const_iterator it = affectedCres.begin(); it != affectedCres.end(); ++it) { CStack *s = gs->curB->getStack(*it); if(s && !vstd::contains(resisted, s->ID)) //if stack exists and it didn't resist { s->effects.clear(); //removing all effects //removing all features from spells std::vector tmpFeatures = s->features; s->features.clear(); for(int i=0; i < tmpFeatures.size(); i++) { if(tmpFeatures[i].source != StackFeature::SPELL_EFFECT) { s->features.push_back(tmpFeatures[i]); } } } } } //elemental summoning if(id >= 66 && id <= 69) { int creID; switch(id) { case 66: creID = 114; //fire elemental break; case 67: creID = 113; //earth elemental break; case 68: creID = 115; //water elemental break; case 69: creID = 112; //air elemental break; } const int3 & tile = gs->curB->tile; TerrainTile::EterrainType ter = gs->map->terrain[tile.x][tile.y][tile.z].tertype; int pos; //position of stack on the battlefield - to be calculated bool ac[BFIELD_SIZE]; std::set occupyable; bool twoHex = vstd::contains(VLC->creh->creatures[creID].abilities, StackFeature::DOUBLE_WIDE); bool flying = vstd::contains(VLC->creh->creatures[creID].abilities, StackFeature::FLYING); gs->curB->getAccessibilityMap(ac, twoHex, !side, true, occupyable, flying); for(int g=0; gcurB->generateNewStack(h, creID, h->getPrimSkillLevel(2) * VLC->spellh->spells[id].powers[skill], gs->curB->stacks.size(), !side, 255, ter, pos); summonedStack->features.push_back( makeFeature(StackFeature::SUMMONED, StackFeature::WHOLE_BATTLE, 0, 0, StackFeature::BONUS_FROM_HERO) ); gs->curB->stacks.push_back(summonedStack); } } static inline StackFeature featureGenerator(StackFeature::ECombatFeatures type, si16 subtype, si32 value, ui16 turnsRemain, si32 additionalInfo = 0) { return makeFeature(type, StackFeature::N_TURNS, subtype, value, StackFeature::SPELL_EFFECT, turnsRemain, additionalInfo); } static std::vector stackEffectToFeature(const CStack::StackEffect & sse) { std::vector sf; switch(sse.id) { case 27: //shield sf.push_back(featureGenerator(StackFeature::GENERAL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION, 0, VLC->spellh->spells[sse.id].powers[sse.level], sse.turnsRemain)); break; case 28: //air shield sf.push_back(featureGenerator(StackFeature::GENERAL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION, 1, VLC->spellh->spells[sse.id].powers[sse.level], sse.turnsRemain)); break; case 30: //protection from air sf.push_back(featureGenerator(StackFeature::SPELL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION, 0, VLC->spellh->spells[sse.id].powers[sse.level], sse.turnsRemain)); break; case 31: //protection from fire sf.push_back(featureGenerator(StackFeature::SPELL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION, 1, VLC->spellh->spells[sse.id].powers[sse.level], sse.turnsRemain)); break; case 32: //protection from water sf.push_back(featureGenerator(StackFeature::SPELL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION, 2, VLC->spellh->spells[sse.id].powers[sse.level], sse.turnsRemain)); break; case 33: //protection from earth sf.push_back(featureGenerator(StackFeature::SPELL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION, 3, VLC->spellh->spells[sse.id].powers[sse.level], sse.turnsRemain)); break; case 34: //anti-magic sf.push_back(featureGenerator(StackFeature::LEVEL_SPELL_IMMUNITY, 0, VLC->spellh->spells[sse.id].powers[sse.level] - 1, sse.turnsRemain)); break; case 41: //bless sf.push_back(featureGenerator(StackFeature::ALWAYS_MAXIMUM_DAMAGE, -1, VLC->spellh->spells[sse.id].powers[sse.level], sse.turnsRemain)); break; case 42: //curse sf.push_back(featureGenerator(StackFeature::ALWAYS_MINIMUM_DAMAGE, -1, -1 * VLC->spellh->spells[sse.id].powers[sse.level], sse.turnsRemain, sse.level >= 2 ? 20 : 0)); break; case 43: //bloodlust sf.push_back(featureGenerator(StackFeature::ATTACK_BONUS, 0, VLC->spellh->spells[sse.id].powers[sse.level], sse.turnsRemain)); break; case 44: //precision sf.push_back(featureGenerator(StackFeature::ATTACK_BONUS, 1, VLC->spellh->spells[sse.id].powers[sse.level], sse.turnsRemain)); break; case 45: //weakness sf.push_back(featureGenerator(StackFeature::ATTACK_BONUS, -1, -1 * VLC->spellh->spells[sse.id].powers[sse.level], sse.turnsRemain)); break; case 46: //stone skin sf.push_back(featureGenerator(StackFeature::DEFENCE_BONUS, -1, VLC->spellh->spells[sse.id].powers[sse.level], sse.turnsRemain)); break; case 47: //disrupting ray sf.push_back(featureGenerator(StackFeature::DEFENCE_BONUS, -1, -1 * VLC->spellh->spells[sse.id].powers[sse.level], sse.turnsRemain)); break; case 48: //prayer sf.push_back(featureGenerator(StackFeature::ATTACK_BONUS, 0, VLC->spellh->spells[sse.id].powers[sse.level], sse.turnsRemain)); sf.push_back(featureGenerator(StackFeature::DEFENCE_BONUS, 0, VLC->spellh->spells[sse.id].powers[sse.level], sse.turnsRemain)); sf.push_back(featureGenerator(StackFeature::SPEED_BONUS, 0, VLC->spellh->spells[sse.id].powers[sse.level], sse.turnsRemain)); break; case 49: //mirth sf.push_back(featureGenerator(StackFeature::MORALE_BONUS, 0, VLC->spellh->spells[sse.id].powers[sse.level], sse.turnsRemain)); break; case 50: //sorrow sf.push_back(featureGenerator(StackFeature::MORALE_BONUS, 0, -1 * VLC->spellh->spells[sse.id].powers[sse.level], sse.turnsRemain)); break; case 51: //fortune sf.push_back(featureGenerator(StackFeature::LUCK_BONUS, 0, VLC->spellh->spells[sse.id].powers[sse.level], sse.turnsRemain)); break; case 52: //misfortune sf.push_back(featureGenerator(StackFeature::LUCK_BONUS, 0, -1 * VLC->spellh->spells[sse.id].powers[sse.level], sse.turnsRemain)); break; case 53: //haste sf.push_back(featureGenerator(StackFeature::SPEED_BONUS, 0, VLC->spellh->spells[sse.id].powers[sse.level], sse.turnsRemain)); break; case 54: //slow sf.push_back(featureGenerator(StackFeature::SPEED_BONUS, 0, 0, sse.turnsRemain, -1 * VLC->spellh->spells[sse.id].powers[sse.level])); break; case 55: //slayer sf.push_back(featureGenerator(StackFeature::SLAYER, 0, sse.level, sse.turnsRemain)); break; case 56: //frenzy sf.push_back(featureGenerator(StackFeature::SLAYER, 0, sse.level, sse.turnsRemain)); break; case 58: //counterstrike sf.push_back(featureGenerator(StackFeature::ADDITIONAL_RETALIATION, 0, VLC->spellh->spells[sse.id].powers[sse.level], sse.turnsRemain)); break; case 59: //bersek sf.push_back(featureGenerator(StackFeature::ATTACKS_NEAREST_CREATURE, 0, sse.level, sse.turnsRemain)); break; case 60: //hypnotize sf.push_back(featureGenerator(StackFeature::HYPNOTIZED, 0, sse.level, sse.turnsRemain)); break; case 61: //forgetfulness sf.push_back(featureGenerator(StackFeature::SLAYER, 0, sse.level, sse.turnsRemain)); break; case 62: //blind sf.push_back(makeFeature(StackFeature::NOT_ACTIVE, StackFeature::UNITL_BEING_ATTACKED | StackFeature::N_TURNS, 0, 0, StackFeature::SPELL_EFFECT, sse.turnsRemain, 0)); sf.push_back(makeFeature(StackFeature::GENERAL_ATTACK_REDUCTION, StackFeature::UNTIL_ATTACK | StackFeature::N_TURNS, 0, VLC->spellh->spells[sse.id].powers[sse.level], StackFeature::SPELL_EFFECT, sse.turnsRemain, 0)); break; } //setting positiveness for(int g=0; gspellh->spells[sse.id].positiveness; } return sf; } void actualizeEffect(CStack * s, CStack::StackEffect & ef) { //actualizing effects vector for(int g=0; geffects.size(); ++g) { if(s->effects[g].id == ef.id) { s->effects[g].turnsRemain = std::max(s->effects[g].turnsRemain, ef.turnsRemain); } } //actualizing features vector std::vector sf = stackEffectToFeature(ef); for(int b=0; bfeatures.size(); ++g) { if(s->features[g].source == StackFeature::SPELL_EFFECT && s->features[g].type == sf[b].type && s->features[g].subtype == sf[b].subtype) { s->features[g].turnsRemain = std::max(s->features[g].turnsRemain, ef.turnsRemain); } } } } bool containsEff(const std::vector & vec, int effectId) { for(int g=0; gcurB->getStack(id); if(s) { if(effect.id == 42 || !containsEff(s->effects, effect.id))//disrupting ray or not on the list - just add { s->effects.push_back(effect); std::vector sf = stackEffectToFeature(effect); for(int n=0; nfeatures.push_back(sf[n]); } } else //just actualize { actualizeEffect(s, effect); } } else tlog1 << "Cannot find stack " << id << std::endl; } } DLL_EXPORT void StacksInjured::applyGs( CGameState *gs ) { BOOST_FOREACH(BattleStackAttacked stackAttacked, stacks) stackAttacked.applyGs(gs); } DLL_EXPORT void StacksHealedOrResurrected::applyGs( CGameState *gs ) { for(int g=0; gcurB->stacks[healedStacks[g].stackID]; //checking if we resurrect a stack that is under a living stack std::vector access = gs->curB->getAccessibility(changedStack->ID, true); bool acc[BFIELD_SIZE]; for(int h=0; halive() && !gs->curB->isAccessible(changedStack->position, acc, changedStack->hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::DOUBLE_WIDE), changedStack->attackerOwned, changedStack->hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::FLYING), true)) return; //position is already occupied //applying changes if(!changedStack->alive()) { changedStack->state.insert(ALIVE); } int missingHPfirst = changedStack->MaxHealth() - changedStack->firstHPleft; changedStack->amount += healedStacks[g].healedHP / changedStack->MaxHealth(); changedStack->firstHPleft += healedStacks[g].healedHP - changedStack->amount * changedStack->MaxHealth(); if(changedStack->firstHPleft > changedStack->MaxHealth()) { changedStack->firstHPleft -= changedStack->MaxHealth(); changedStack->amount += 1; } //removal of negative effects { for(int h=0; heffects.size(); ++h) { if(VLC->spellh->spells[changedStack->effects[h].id].positiveness < 0) { changedStack->effects.erase(changedStack->effects.begin() + h); } } //removing all features from negative spells std::vector tmpFeatures = changedStack->features; changedStack->features.clear(); for(int i=0; i < tmpFeatures.size(); i++) { if(tmpFeatures[i].source != StackFeature::SPELL_EFFECT || tmpFeatures[i].positiveness >= 0) { changedStack->features.push_back(tmpFeatures[i]); } } } } } DLL_EXPORT void ObstaclesRemoved::applyGs( CGameState *gs ) { if(gs->curB) //if there is a battle { for(std::set::const_iterator it = obstacles.begin(); it != obstacles.end(); ++it) { for(int i=0; icurB->obstacles.size(); ++i) { if(gs->curB->obstacles[i].uniqueID == *it) //remove this obstacle { gs->curB->obstacles.erase(gs->curB->obstacles.begin() + i); break; } } } } } DLL_EXPORT void CatapultAttack::applyGs( CGameState *gs ) { if(gs->curB && gs->curB->siege != 0) //if there is a battle and it's a siege { for(std::set< std::pair< std::pair< ui8, si16 >, ui8> >::const_iterator it = attackedParts.begin(); it != attackedParts.end(); ++it) { gs->curB->si.wallState[it->first.first] = std::min( gs->curB->si.wallState[it->first.first] + it->second, 3 ); } } } DLL_EXPORT void BattleStacksRemoved::applyGs( CGameState *gs ) { if(!gs->curB) return; for(std::set::const_iterator it = stackIDs.begin(); it != stackIDs.end(); ++it) //for each removed stack { for(int b=0; bcurB->stacks.size(); ++b) //find it in vector of stacks { if(gs->curB->stacks[b]->ID == *it) //if found { gs->curB->stacks.erase(gs->curB->stacks.begin() + b); //remove break; } } } } DLL_EXPORT void YourTurn::applyGs( CGameState *gs ) { gs->currentPlayer = player; } DLL_EXPORT void SetSelection::applyGs( CGameState *gs ) { gs->getPlayer(player)->currentSelection = id; }