/* * DangerHitMapAnalyzer.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "../StdInc.h" #include "lib/mapping/CMap.h" //for victory conditions #include "../Engine/Nullkiller.h" namespace NKAI { void DangerHitMapAnalyzer::updateHitMap() { if(upToDate) return; logAi->trace("Update danger hitmap"); upToDate = true; auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); auto cb = ai->cb.get(); auto mapSize = ai->cb->getMapSize(); hitMap.resize(boost::extents[mapSize.x][mapSize.y][mapSize.z]); enemyHeroAccessibleObjects.clear(); std::map<PlayerColor, std::map<const CGHeroInstance *, HeroRole>> heroes; for(const CGObjectInstance * obj : ai->memory->visitableObjs) { if(obj->ID == Obj::HERO) { auto hero = dynamic_cast<const CGHeroInstance *>(obj); heroes[hero->tempOwner][hero] = HeroRole::MAIN; } } foreach_tile_pos([&](const int3 & pos){ hitMap[pos.x][pos.y][pos.z].reset(); }); for(auto pair : heroes) { if(ai->cb->getPlayerRelations(ai->playerID, pair.first) != PlayerRelations::ENEMIES) continue; ai->pathfinder->updatePaths(pair.second, PathfinderSettings()); boost::this_thread::interruption_point(); pforeachTilePos(mapSize, [&](const int3 & pos) { for(AIPath & path : ai->pathfinder->getPathInfo(pos)) { if(path.getFirstBlockedAction()) continue; auto tileDanger = path.getHeroStrength(); auto turn = path.turn(); auto & node = hitMap[pos.x][pos.y][pos.z]; if(tileDanger > node.maximumDanger.danger || (tileDanger == node.maximumDanger.danger && node.maximumDanger.turn > turn)) { node.maximumDanger.danger = tileDanger; node.maximumDanger.turn = turn; node.maximumDanger.hero = path.targetHero; } if(turn < node.fastestDanger.turn || (turn == node.fastestDanger.turn && node.fastestDanger.danger < tileDanger)) { node.fastestDanger.danger = tileDanger; node.fastestDanger.turn = turn; node.fastestDanger.hero = path.targetHero; } if(turn == 0) { auto objects = cb->getVisitableObjs(pos, false); for(auto obj : objects) { if(cb->getPlayerRelations(obj->tempOwner, ai->playerID) != PlayerRelations::ENEMIES) enemyHeroAccessibleObjects[path.targetHero].insert(obj); } } } }); } logAi->trace("Danger hit map updated in %ld", timeElapsed(start)); } uint64_t DangerHitMapAnalyzer::enemyCanKillOurHeroesAlongThePath(const AIPath & path) const { int3 tile = path.targetTile(); int turn = path.turn(); const HitMapNode & info = hitMap[tile.x][tile.y][tile.z]; return (info.fastestDanger.turn <= turn && !isSafeToVisit(path.targetHero, path.heroArmy, info.fastestDanger.danger)) || (info.maximumDanger.turn <= turn && !isSafeToVisit(path.targetHero, path.heroArmy, info.maximumDanger.danger)); } const HitMapNode & DangerHitMapAnalyzer::getObjectTreat(const CGObjectInstance * obj) const { auto tile = obj->visitablePos(); return getTileTreat(tile); } const HitMapNode & DangerHitMapAnalyzer::getTileTreat(const int3 & tile) const { const HitMapNode & info = hitMap[tile.x][tile.y][tile.z]; return info; } const std::set<const CGObjectInstance *> empty = {}; const std::set<const CGObjectInstance *> & DangerHitMapAnalyzer::getOneTurnAccessibleObjects(const CGHeroInstance * enemy) const { auto result = enemyHeroAccessibleObjects.find(enemy); if(result == enemyHeroAccessibleObjects.end()) { return empty; } return result->second; } void DangerHitMapAnalyzer::reset() { upToDate = false; } }