#pragma once #include "../global.h" #include typedef si32 TResource; namespace Res { class ResourceSet; bool canAfford(const ResourceSet &res, const ResourceSet &price); //can a be used to pay price b enum ERes { WOOD = 0, MERCURY, ORE, SULFUR, CRYSTAL, GEMS, GOLD, MITHRIL }; //class to be representing a vector of resource class ResourceSet : public std::vector { public: DLL_EXPORT ResourceSet(); #define scalarOperator(OPSIGN) \ DLL_EXPORT ResourceSet operator OPSIGN(const TResource &rhs) const \ { \ ResourceSet ret = *this; \ for(int i = 0; i < size(); i++) \ ret[i] = at(i) OPSIGN rhs; \ \ return ret; \ } #define vectorOperator(OPSIGN) \ DLL_EXPORT ResourceSet operator OPSIGN(const ResourceSet &rhs) const \ { \ ResourceSet ret = *this; \ for(int i = 0; i < size(); i++) \ ret[i] = at(i) OPSIGN rhs[i]; \ \ return ret; \ } #define opEqOperator(OPSIGN, RHS_TYPE) \ DLL_EXPORT ResourceSet& operator OPSIGN ## =(const RHS_TYPE &rhs) \ { \ return *this = *this OPSIGN rhs; \ } scalarOperator(+) scalarOperator(-) scalarOperator(*) scalarOperator(/) opEqOperator(+, TResource) opEqOperator(-, TResource) opEqOperator(*, TResource) vectorOperator(+) vectorOperator(-) opEqOperator(+, ResourceSet) opEqOperator(-, ResourceSet) #undef scalarOperator #undef vectorOperator #undef opEqOperator //to be used for calculations of type "how many units of sth can I afford?" DLL_EXPORT int operator/(const ResourceSet &rhs) { int ret = INT_MAX; for(int i = 0; i < size(); i++) if(rhs[i]) amin(ret, at(i) / rhs[i]); return ret; } // WARNING: comparison operators are used for "can afford" relation: a <= b means that foreach i a[i] <= b[i] // that doesn't work the other way: a > b doesn't mean that a cannot be afforded with b, it's still b can afford a // bool operator<(const ResourceSet &rhs) // { // for(int i = 0; i < size(); i++) // if(at(i) >= rhs[i]) // return false; // // return true; // } template void serialize(Handler &h, const int version) { h & static_cast&>(*this); } DLL_EXPORT void amax(const TResource &val); //performs amax on each element DLL_EXPORT bool nonZero() const; //returns true if at least one value is non-zero; DLL_EXPORT bool canAfford(const ResourceSet &price) const; DLL_EXPORT bool canBeAfforded(const ResourceSet &res) const; //special iterator of iterating over non-zero resources in set class DLL_EXPORT nziterator { struct ResEntry { TResource resType, resVal; } cur; const ResourceSet &rs; void advance(); public: nziterator(const ResourceSet &RS); bool valid(); nziterator operator++(); nziterator operator++(int); const ResEntry& operator*() const; const ResEntry* operator->() const; }; }; } typedef Res::ResourceSet TResources;