/* * CArtifactHolder.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "CArtifactHolder.h" #include "../gui/CGuiHandler.h" #include "../gui/Shortcut.h" #include "CComponent.h" #include "../windows/GUIClasses.h" #include "../render/Canvas.h" #include "../render/Colors.h" #include "../CPlayerInterface.h" #include "../CGameInfo.h" #include "../../CCallback.h" #include "../../lib/CGeneralTextHandler.h" #include "../../lib/ArtifactUtils.h" #include "../../lib/mapObjects/CGHeroInstance.h" void CArtPlace::setInternals(const CArtifactInstance * artInst) { baseType = -1; // By default we don't store any component ourArt = artInst; if(!artInst) { image->disable(); text.clear(); hoverText = CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[507]; return; } image->enable(); image->setFrame(artInst->artType->getIconIndex()); if(artInst->getTypeId() == ArtifactID::SPELL_SCROLL) { auto spellID = artInst->getScrollSpellID(); if(spellID.num >= 0) { // Add spell component info (used to provide a pic in r-click popup) baseType = CComponent::spell; type = spellID; bonusValue = 0; } } else { baseType = CComponent::artifact; type = artInst->getTypeId(); bonusValue = 0; } text = artInst->getDescription(); } CArtPlace::CArtPlace(Point position, const CArtifactInstance * Art) : ourArt(Art) { image = nullptr; pos += position; pos.w = pos.h = 44; } void CArtPlace::clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState) { LRClickableAreaWTextComp::clickLeft(down, previousState); } const CArtifactInstance * CArtPlace::getArt() { return ourArt; } CCommanderArtPlace::CCommanderArtPlace(Point position, const CGHeroInstance * commanderOwner, ArtifactPosition artSlot, const CArtifactInstance * Art) : CArtPlace(position, Art), commanderOwner(commanderOwner), commanderSlotID(artSlot.num) { createImage(); setArtifact(Art); } void CCommanderArtPlace::createImage() { OBJECT_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING(255 - DISPOSE); int imageIndex = 0; if(ourArt) imageIndex = ourArt->artType->getIconIndex(); image = std::make_shared("artifact", imageIndex); if(!ourArt) image->disable(); } void CCommanderArtPlace::returnArtToHeroCallback() { ArtifactPosition artifactPos = commanderSlotID; ArtifactPosition freeSlot = ArtifactUtils::getArtBackpackPosition(commanderOwner, ourArt->getTypeId()); if(freeSlot == ArtifactPosition::PRE_FIRST) { LOCPLINT->showInfoDialog(CGI->generaltexth->translate("core.genrltxt.152")); } else { ArtifactLocation src(commanderOwner->commander.get(), artifactPos); ArtifactLocation dst(commanderOwner, freeSlot); if(ourArt->canBePutAt(dst, true)) { LOCPLINT->cb->swapArtifacts(src, dst); setArtifact(nullptr); parent->redraw(); } } } void CCommanderArtPlace::clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState) { if(ourArt && text.size() && down) LOCPLINT->showYesNoDialog(CGI->generaltexth->translate("vcmi.commanderWindow.artifactMessage"), [this]() { returnArtToHeroCallback(); }, []() {}); } void CCommanderArtPlace::showPopupWindow() { if(ourArt && text.size()) CArtPlace::showPopupWindow(); } void CCommanderArtPlace::setArtifact(const CArtifactInstance * art) { setInternals(art); } CHeroArtPlace::CHeroArtPlace(Point position, const CArtifactInstance * Art) : CArtPlace(position, Art), locked(false), marked(false) { createImage(); } void CHeroArtPlace::lockSlot(bool on) { if(locked == on) return; locked = on; if(on) image->setFrame(ArtifactID::ART_LOCK); else if(ourArt) image->setFrame(ourArt->artType->getIconIndex()); else image->setFrame(0); } bool CHeroArtPlace::isLocked() { return locked; } void CHeroArtPlace::selectSlot(bool on) { if(marked == on) return; marked = on; if(on) selection->enable(); else selection->disable(); } bool CHeroArtPlace::isMarked() const { return marked; } void CHeroArtPlace::clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState) { if(down || !previousState) return; if(leftClickCallback) leftClickCallback(*this); } void CHeroArtPlace::showPopupWindow() { if(rightClickCallback) rightClickCallback(*this); } void CHeroArtPlace::showAll(Canvas & to) { if(ourArt) { CIntObject::showAll(to); } if(marked && isActive()) to.drawBorder(pos, Colors::BRIGHT_YELLOW); } void CHeroArtPlace::setArtifact(const CArtifactInstance * art) { setInternals(art); if(art) { image->setFrame(locked ? ArtifactID::ART_LOCK : art->artType->getIconIndex()); if(locked) // Locks should appear as empty. hoverText = CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[507]; else hoverText = boost::str(boost::format(CGI->generaltexth->heroscrn[1]) % ourArt->artType->getNameTranslated()); } else { lockSlot(false); } } void CHeroArtPlace::addCombinedArtInfo(std::map & arts) { for(const auto & combinedArt : arts) { std::string artList; text += "\n\n"; text += "{" + combinedArt.first->getNameTranslated() + "}"; if(arts.size() == 1) { for(const auto part : *combinedArt.first->constituents) artList += "\n" + part->getNameTranslated(); } text += " (" + boost::str(boost::format("%d") % combinedArt.second) + " / " + boost::str(boost::format("%d") % combinedArt.first->constituents->size()) + ")" + artList; } } void CHeroArtPlace::createImage() { OBJECT_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING(255-DISPOSE); si32 imageIndex = 0; if(locked) imageIndex = ArtifactID::ART_LOCK; else if(ourArt) imageIndex = ourArt->artType->getIconIndex(); image = std::make_shared("artifact", imageIndex); if(!ourArt) image->disable(); selection = std::make_shared("artifact", ArtifactID::ART_SELECTION); selection->disable(); } bool ArtifactUtilsClient::askToAssemble(const CGHeroInstance * hero, const ArtifactPosition & slot) { assert(hero); const auto art = hero->getArt(slot); assert(art); auto assemblyPossibilities = ArtifactUtils::assemblyPossibilities(hero, art->getTypeId(), ArtifactUtils::isSlotEquipment(slot)); for(const auto combinedArt : assemblyPossibilities) { LOCPLINT->showArtifactAssemblyDialog( art->artType, combinedArt, std::bind(&CCallback::assembleArtifacts, LOCPLINT->cb.get(), hero, slot, true, combinedArt->getId())); if(assemblyPossibilities.size() > 2) logGlobal->warn("More than one possibility of assembling on %s... taking only first", art->artType->getNameTranslated()); return true; } return false; } bool ArtifactUtilsClient::askToDisassemble(const CGHeroInstance * hero, const ArtifactPosition & slot) { assert(hero); const auto art = hero->getArt(slot); assert(art); if(art->canBeDisassembled()) { if(ArtifactUtils::isSlotBackpack(slot) && !ArtifactUtils::isBackpackFreeSlots(hero, art->artType->constituents->size() - 1)) return false; LOCPLINT->showArtifactAssemblyDialog( art->artType, nullptr, std::bind(&CCallback::assembleArtifacts, LOCPLINT->cb.get(), hero, slot, false, ArtifactID())); return true; } return false; }