/* * CGameState.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "CGameState.h" #include "mapping/CCampaignHandler.h" #include "mapObjects/CObjectClassesHandler.h" #include "CArtHandler.h" #include "CBuildingHandler.h" #include "CGeneralTextHandler.h" #include "CTownHandler.h" #include "spells/CSpellHandler.h" #include "CHeroHandler.h" #include "mapObjects/CObjectHandler.h" #include "CModHandler.h" #include "CSkillHandler.h" #include "mapping/CMap.h" #include "mapping/CMapService.h" #include "StartInfo.h" #include "NetPacks.h" #include "registerTypes/RegisterTypes.h" #include "battle/BattleInfo.h" #include "JsonNode.h" #include "filesystem/Filesystem.h" #include "GameConstants.h" #include "rmg/CMapGenerator.h" #include "CStopWatch.h" #include "mapping/CMapEditManager.h" #include "serializer/CTypeList.h" #include "serializer/CMemorySerializer.h" #include "VCMIDirs.h" VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_BEGIN boost::shared_mutex CGameState::mutex; template class CApplyOnGS; class CBaseForGSApply { public: virtual void applyOnGS(CGameState *gs, void *pack) const =0; virtual ~CBaseForGSApply(){}; template static CBaseForGSApply *getApplier(const U * t=nullptr) { return new CApplyOnGS(); } }; template class CApplyOnGS : public CBaseForGSApply { public: void applyOnGS(CGameState *gs, void *pack) const override { T *ptr = static_cast(pack); boost::unique_lock lock(CGameState::mutex); ptr->applyGs(gs); } }; void MetaString::getLocalString(const std::pair &txt, std::string &dst) const { int type = txt.first, ser = txt.second; if(type == ART_NAMES) { auto art = ArtifactID(ser).toArtifact(VLC->artifacts()); if(art) dst = art->getName(); else dst = "#!#"; } else if(type == ART_DESCR) { auto art = ArtifactID(ser).toArtifact(VLC->artifacts()); if(art) dst = art->getDescription(); else dst = "#!#"; } else if (type == ART_EVNTS) { auto art = ArtifactID(ser).toArtifact(VLC->artifacts()); if(art) dst = art->getEventText(); else dst = "#!#"; } else if(type == CRE_PL_NAMES) { auto cre = CreatureID(ser).toCreature(VLC->creatures()); if(cre) dst = cre->getPluralName(); else dst = "#!#"; } else if(type == CRE_SING_NAMES) { auto cre = CreatureID(ser).toCreature(VLC->creatures()); if(cre) dst = cre->getSingularName(); else dst = "#!#"; } else if(type == MINE_NAMES) { dst = VLC->generaltexth->mines[ser].first; } else if(type == MINE_EVNTS) { dst = VLC->generaltexth->mines[ser].second; } else if(type == SPELL_NAME) { auto spell = SpellID(ser).toSpell(VLC->spells()); if(spell) dst = spell->getName(); else dst = "#!#"; } else if(type == OBJ_NAMES) { dst = VLC->objtypeh->getObjectName(ser); } else if(type == SEC_SKILL_NAME) { dst = VLC->skillh->skillName(ser); } else { std::vector *vec; switch(type) { case GENERAL_TXT: vec = &VLC->generaltexth->allTexts; break; case XTRAINFO_TXT: vec = &VLC->generaltexth->xtrainfo; break; case RES_NAMES: vec = &VLC->generaltexth->restypes; break; case ARRAY_TXT: vec = &VLC->generaltexth->arraytxt; break; case CREGENS: vec = &VLC->generaltexth->creGens; break; case CREGENS4: vec = &VLC->generaltexth->creGens4; break; case ADVOB_TXT: vec = &VLC->generaltexth->advobtxt; break; case COLOR: vec = &VLC->generaltexth->capColors; break; case JK_TXT: vec = &VLC->generaltexth->jktexts; break; default: logGlobal->error("Failed string substitution because type is %d", type); dst = "#@#"; return; } if(vec->size() <= ser) { logGlobal->error("Failed string substitution with type %d because index %d is out of bounds!", type, ser); dst = "#!#"; } else dst = (*vec)[ser]; } } DLL_LINKAGE void MetaString::toString(std::string &dst) const { size_t exSt = 0, loSt = 0, nums = 0; dst.clear(); for(auto & elem : message) {//TEXACT_STRING, TLOCAL_STRING, TNUMBER, TREPLACE_ESTRING, TREPLACE_LSTRING, TREPLACE_NUMBER switch(elem) { case TEXACT_STRING: dst += exactStrings[exSt++]; break; case TLOCAL_STRING: { std::string hlp; getLocalString(localStrings[loSt++], hlp); dst += hlp; } break; case TNUMBER: dst += boost::lexical_cast(numbers[nums++]); break; case TREPLACE_ESTRING: boost::replace_first(dst, "%s", exactStrings[exSt++]); break; case TREPLACE_LSTRING: { std::string hlp; getLocalString(localStrings[loSt++], hlp); boost::replace_first(dst, "%s", hlp); } break; case TREPLACE_NUMBER: boost::replace_first(dst, "%d", boost::lexical_cast(numbers[nums++])); break; case TREPLACE_PLUSNUMBER: boost::replace_first(dst, "%+d", '+' + boost::lexical_cast(numbers[nums++])); break; default: logGlobal->error("MetaString processing error! Received message of type %d", int(elem)); break; } } } DLL_LINKAGE std::string MetaString::toString() const { std::string ret; toString(ret); return ret; } DLL_LINKAGE std::string MetaString::buildList () const ///used to handle loot from creature bank { size_t exSt = 0, loSt = 0, nums = 0; std::string lista; for (int i = 0; i < message.size(); ++i) { if (i > 0 && (message[i] == TEXACT_STRING || message[i] == TLOCAL_STRING)) { if (exSt == exactStrings.size() - 1) lista += VLC->generaltexth->allTexts[141]; //" and " else lista += ", "; } switch (message[i]) { case TEXACT_STRING: lista += exactStrings[exSt++]; break; case TLOCAL_STRING: { std::string hlp; getLocalString (localStrings[loSt++], hlp); lista += hlp; } break; case TNUMBER: lista += boost::lexical_cast(numbers[nums++]); break; case TREPLACE_ESTRING: lista.replace (lista.find("%s"), 2, exactStrings[exSt++]); break; case TREPLACE_LSTRING: { std::string hlp; getLocalString (localStrings[loSt++], hlp); lista.replace (lista.find("%s"), 2, hlp); } break; case TREPLACE_NUMBER: lista.replace (lista.find("%d"), 2, boost::lexical_cast(numbers[nums++])); break; default: logGlobal->error("MetaString processing error! Received message of type %d",int(message[i])); } } return lista; } void MetaString::addCreReplacement(CreatureID id, TQuantity count) //adds sing or plural name; { if (!count) addReplacement (CRE_PL_NAMES, id); //no creatures - just empty name (eg. defeat Angels) else if (count == 1) addReplacement (CRE_SING_NAMES, id); else addReplacement (CRE_PL_NAMES, id); } void MetaString::addReplacement(const CStackBasicDescriptor & stack) { assert(stack.type); //valid type addCreReplacement(stack.type->idNumber, stack.count); } static CGObjectInstance * createObject(Obj id, int subid, int3 pos, PlayerColor owner) { CGObjectInstance * nobj; switch(id) { case Obj::HERO: { auto handler = VLC->objtypeh->getHandlerFor(id, VLC->heroh->objects[subid]->heroClass->getIndex()); nobj = handler->create(handler->getTemplates().front()); break; } case Obj::TOWN: nobj = new CGTownInstance(); break; default: //rest of objects nobj = new CGObjectInstance(); break; } nobj->ID = id; nobj->subID = subid; nobj->pos = pos; nobj->tempOwner = owner; if (id != Obj::HERO) nobj->appearance = VLC->objtypeh->getHandlerFor(id, subid)->getTemplates().front(); return nobj; } CGHeroInstance * CGameState::HeroesPool::pickHeroFor(bool native, PlayerColor player, const CTown *town, std::map > &available, CRandomGenerator & rand, const CHeroClass * bannedClass) const { CGHeroInstance *ret = nullptr; if(player>=PlayerColor::PLAYER_LIMIT) { logGlobal->error("Cannot pick hero for faction %d. Wrong owner!", town->faction->index); return nullptr; } std::vector pool; if(native) { for(auto & elem : available) { if(pavailable.find(elem.first)->second & 1<type->heroClass->faction == town->faction->index) { pool.push_back(elem.second); //get all available heroes } } if(!pool.size()) { logGlobal->error("Cannot pick native hero for %s. Picking any...", player.getStr()); return pickHeroFor(false, player, town, available, rand); } else { ret = *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(pool, rand); } } else { int sum=0, r; for(auto & elem : available) { if (pavailable.find(elem.first)->second & (1<type->heroClass != bannedClass) ) // and his class is not same as other hero { pool.push_back(elem.second); sum += elem.second->type->heroClass->selectionProbability[town->faction->index]; //total weight } } if(!pool.size() || sum == 0) { logGlobal->error("There are no heroes available for player %s!", player.getStr()); return nullptr; } r = rand.nextInt(sum - 1); for (auto & elem : pool) { r -= elem->type->heroClass->selectionProbability[town->faction->index]; if(r < 0) { ret = elem; break; } } if(!ret) ret = pool.back(); } available.erase(ret->subID); return ret; } void CGameState::CrossoverHeroesList::addHeroToBothLists(CGHeroInstance * hero) { heroesFromPreviousScenario.push_back(hero); heroesFromAnyPreviousScenarios.push_back(hero); } void CGameState::CrossoverHeroesList::removeHeroFromBothLists(CGHeroInstance * hero) { heroesFromPreviousScenario -= hero; heroesFromAnyPreviousScenarios -= hero; } CGameState::CampaignHeroReplacement::CampaignHeroReplacement(CGHeroInstance * hero, ObjectInstanceID heroPlaceholderId) : hero(hero), heroPlaceholderId(heroPlaceholderId) { } int CGameState::pickNextHeroType(PlayerColor owner) { const PlayerSettings &ps = scenarioOps->getIthPlayersSettings(owner); if(ps.hero >= 0 && !isUsedHero(HeroTypeID(ps.hero))) //we haven't used selected hero { return ps.hero; } return pickUnusedHeroTypeRandomly(owner); } int CGameState::pickUnusedHeroTypeRandomly(PlayerColor owner) { //list of available heroes for this faction and others std::vector factionHeroes, otherHeroes; const PlayerSettings &ps = scenarioOps->getIthPlayersSettings(owner); for(HeroTypeID hid : getUnusedAllowedHeroes()) { if(VLC->heroh->objects[hid.getNum()]->heroClass->faction == ps.castle) factionHeroes.push_back(hid); else otherHeroes.push_back(hid); } // select random hero native to "our" faction if(!factionHeroes.empty()) { return RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(factionHeroes, getRandomGenerator())->getNum(); } logGlobal->warn("Cannot find free hero of appropriate faction for player %s - trying to get first available...", owner.getStr()); if(!otherHeroes.empty()) { return RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(otherHeroes, getRandomGenerator())->getNum(); } logGlobal->error("No free allowed heroes!"); auto notAllowedHeroesButStillBetterThanCrash = getUnusedAllowedHeroes(true); if(notAllowedHeroesButStillBetterThanCrash.size()) return notAllowedHeroesButStillBetterThanCrash.begin()->getNum(); logGlobal->error("No free heroes at all!"); assert(0); //current code can't handle this situation return -1; // no available heroes at all } std::pair CGameState::pickObject (CGObjectInstance *obj) { switch(obj->ID) { case Obj::RANDOM_ART: return std::make_pair(Obj::ARTIFACT, VLC->arth->pickRandomArtifact(getRandomGenerator(), CArtifact::ART_TREASURE | CArtifact::ART_MINOR | CArtifact::ART_MAJOR | CArtifact::ART_RELIC)); case Obj::RANDOM_TREASURE_ART: return std::make_pair(Obj::ARTIFACT, VLC->arth->pickRandomArtifact(getRandomGenerator(), CArtifact::ART_TREASURE)); case Obj::RANDOM_MINOR_ART: return std::make_pair(Obj::ARTIFACT, VLC->arth->pickRandomArtifact(getRandomGenerator(), CArtifact::ART_MINOR)); case Obj::RANDOM_MAJOR_ART: return std::make_pair(Obj::ARTIFACT, VLC->arth->pickRandomArtifact(getRandomGenerator(), CArtifact::ART_MAJOR)); case Obj::RANDOM_RELIC_ART: return std::make_pair(Obj::ARTIFACT, VLC->arth->pickRandomArtifact(getRandomGenerator(), CArtifact::ART_RELIC)); case Obj::RANDOM_HERO: return std::make_pair(Obj::HERO, pickNextHeroType(obj->tempOwner)); case Obj::RANDOM_MONSTER: return std::make_pair(Obj::MONSTER, VLC->creh->pickRandomMonster(getRandomGenerator())); case Obj::RANDOM_MONSTER_L1: return std::make_pair(Obj::MONSTER, VLC->creh->pickRandomMonster(getRandomGenerator(), 1)); case Obj::RANDOM_MONSTER_L2: return std::make_pair(Obj::MONSTER, VLC->creh->pickRandomMonster(getRandomGenerator(), 2)); case Obj::RANDOM_MONSTER_L3: return std::make_pair(Obj::MONSTER, VLC->creh->pickRandomMonster(getRandomGenerator(), 3)); case Obj::RANDOM_MONSTER_L4: return std::make_pair(Obj::MONSTER, VLC->creh->pickRandomMonster(getRandomGenerator(), 4)); case Obj::RANDOM_RESOURCE: return std::make_pair(Obj::RESOURCE,getRandomGenerator().nextInt(6)); //now it's OH3 style, use %8 for mithril case Obj::RANDOM_TOWN: { PlayerColor align = PlayerColor((static_cast(obj))->alignment); si32 f; // can be negative (for random) if(align >= PlayerColor::PLAYER_LIMIT)//same as owner / random { if(obj->tempOwner >= PlayerColor::PLAYER_LIMIT) f = -1; //random else f = scenarioOps->getIthPlayersSettings(obj->tempOwner).castle; } else { f = scenarioOps->getIthPlayersSettings(align).castle; } if(f<0) { do { f = getRandomGenerator().nextInt((int)VLC->townh->size() - 1); } while ((*VLC->townh)[f]->town == nullptr); // find playable faction } return std::make_pair(Obj::TOWN,f); } case Obj::RANDOM_MONSTER_L5: return std::make_pair(Obj::MONSTER, VLC->creh->pickRandomMonster(getRandomGenerator(), 5)); case Obj::RANDOM_MONSTER_L6: return std::make_pair(Obj::MONSTER, VLC->creh->pickRandomMonster(getRandomGenerator(), 6)); case Obj::RANDOM_MONSTER_L7: return std::make_pair(Obj::MONSTER, VLC->creh->pickRandomMonster(getRandomGenerator(), 7)); case Obj::RANDOM_DWELLING: case Obj::RANDOM_DWELLING_LVL: case Obj::RANDOM_DWELLING_FACTION: { CGDwelling * dwl = static_cast(obj); int faction; //if castle alignment available if (auto info = dynamic_cast(dwl->info)) { faction = getRandomGenerator().nextInt((int)VLC->townh->size() - 1); if(info->asCastle && info->instanceId != "") { auto iter = map->instanceNames.find(info->instanceId); if(iter == map->instanceNames.end()) logGlobal->error("Map object not found: %s", info->instanceId); else { auto elem = iter->second; if(elem->ID==Obj::RANDOM_TOWN) { randomizeObject(elem.get()); //we have to randomize the castle first faction = elem->subID; } else if(elem->ID==Obj::TOWN) faction = elem->subID; else logGlobal->error("Map object must be town: %s", info->instanceId); } } else if(info->asCastle) { for(auto & elem : map->objects) { if(!elem) continue; if(elem->ID==Obj::RANDOM_TOWN && dynamic_cast(elem.get())->identifier == info->identifier) { randomizeObject(elem); //we have to randomize the castle first faction = elem->subID; break; } else if(elem->ID==Obj::TOWN && dynamic_cast(elem.get())->identifier == info->identifier) { faction = elem->subID; break; } } } else { std::set temp; for(int i = 0; i < info->allowedFactions.size(); i++) if(info->allowedFactions[i]) temp.insert(i); if(temp.empty()) logGlobal->error("Random faction selection failed. Nothing is allowed. Fall back to random."); else faction = *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(temp, getRandomGenerator()); } } else // castle alignment fixed faction = obj->subID; int level; //if level set to range if (auto info = dynamic_cast(dwl->info)) { level = getRandomGenerator().nextInt(info->minLevel, info->maxLevel); } else // fixed level { level = obj->subID; } delete dwl->info; dwl->info = nullptr; std::pair result(Obj::NO_OBJ, -1); CreatureID cid = (*VLC->townh)[faction]->town->creatures[level][0]; //NOTE: this will pick last dwelling with this creature (Mantis #900) //check for block map equality is better but more complex solution auto testID = [&](Obj primaryID) -> void { auto dwellingIDs = VLC->objtypeh->knownSubObjects(primaryID); for (si32 entry : dwellingIDs) { auto handler = dynamic_cast(VLC->objtypeh->getHandlerFor(primaryID, entry).get()); if (handler->producesCreature(VLC->creh->objects[cid])) result = std::make_pair(primaryID, entry); } }; testID(Obj::CREATURE_GENERATOR1); if (result.first == Obj::NO_OBJ) testID(Obj::CREATURE_GENERATOR4); if (result.first == Obj::NO_OBJ) { logGlobal->error("Error: failed to find dwelling for %s of level %d", (*VLC->townh)[faction]->name, int(level)); result = std::make_pair(Obj::CREATURE_GENERATOR1, *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(VLC->objtypeh->knownSubObjects(Obj::CREATURE_GENERATOR1), getRandomGenerator())); } return result; } } return std::make_pair(Obj::NO_OBJ,-1); } void CGameState::randomizeObject(CGObjectInstance *cur) { std::pair ran = pickObject(cur); if(ran.first == Obj::NO_OBJ || ran.second<0) //this is not a random object, or we couldn't find anything { if(cur->ID==Obj::TOWN) cur->setType(cur->ID, cur->subID); // update def, if necessary } else if(ran.first==Obj::HERO)//special code for hero { CGHeroInstance *h = dynamic_cast(cur); cur->setType(ran.first, ran.second); map->heroesOnMap.push_back(h); } else if(ran.first==Obj::TOWN)//special code for town { CGTownInstance *t = dynamic_cast(cur); cur->setType(ran.first, ran.second); map->towns.push_back(t); } else { cur->setType(ran.first, ran.second); } } int CGameState::getDate(Date::EDateType mode) const { int temp; switch (mode) { case Date::DAY: return day; case Date::DAY_OF_WEEK: //day of week temp = (day)%7; // 1 - Monday, 7 - Sunday return temp ? temp : 7; case Date::WEEK: //current week temp = ((day-1)/7)+1; if (!(temp%4)) return 4; else return (temp%4); case Date::MONTH: //current month return ((day-1)/28)+1; case Date::DAY_OF_MONTH: //day of month temp = (day)%28; if (temp) return temp; else return 28; } return 0; } CGameState::CGameState() { gs = this; applier = std::make_shared>(); registerTypesClientPacks1(*applier); registerTypesClientPacks2(*applier); //objCaller = new CObjectCallersHandler(); globalEffects.setDescription("Global effects"); globalEffects.setNodeType(CBonusSystemNode::GLOBAL_EFFECTS); day = 0; services = nullptr; } CGameState::~CGameState() { map.dellNull(); curB.dellNull(); for(auto ptr : hpool.heroesPool) // clean hero pool ptr.second.dellNull(); } void CGameState::preInit(Services * services) { this->services = services; } void CGameState::init(const IMapService * mapService, StartInfo * si, bool allowSavingRandomMap) { preInitAuto(); logGlobal->info("\tUsing random seed: %d", si->seedToBeUsed); getRandomGenerator().setSeed(si->seedToBeUsed); scenarioOps = CMemorySerializer::deepCopy(*si).release(); initialOpts = CMemorySerializer::deepCopy(*si).release(); si = nullptr; switch(scenarioOps->mode) { case StartInfo::NEW_GAME: initNewGame(mapService, allowSavingRandomMap); break; case StartInfo::CAMPAIGN: initCampaign(); break; default: logGlobal->error("Wrong mode: %d", static_cast(scenarioOps->mode)); return; } VLC->arth->initAllowedArtifactsList(map->allowedArtifact); logGlobal->info("Map loaded!"); checkMapChecksum(); day = 0; logGlobal->debug("Initialization:"); initPlayerStates(); placeCampaignHeroes(); initGrailPosition(); initRandomFactionsForPlayers(); randomizeMapObjects(); placeStartingHeroes(); initStartingResources(); initHeroes(); initStartingBonus(); initTowns(); initMapObjects(); buildBonusSystemTree(); initVisitingAndGarrisonedHeroes(); initFogOfWar(); // Explicitly initialize static variables for(auto & elem : players) { CGKeys::playerKeyMap[elem.first] = std::set(); } for(auto & elem : teams) { CGObelisk::visited[elem.first] = 0; } logGlobal->debug("\tChecking objectives"); map->checkForObjectives(); //needs to be run when all objects are properly placed auto seedAfterInit = getRandomGenerator().nextInt(); logGlobal->info("Seed after init is %d (before was %d)", seedAfterInit, scenarioOps->seedToBeUsed); if(scenarioOps->seedPostInit > 0) { //RNG must be in the same state on all machines when initialization is done (otherwise we have desync) assert(scenarioOps->seedPostInit == seedAfterInit); } else { scenarioOps->seedPostInit = seedAfterInit; //store the post init "seed" } } void CGameState::updateEntity(Metatype metatype, int32_t index, const JsonNode & data) { switch(metatype) { case Metatype::ARTIFACT_INSTANCE: logGlobal->error("Artifact instance update is not implemented"); break; case Metatype::CREATURE_INSTANCE: logGlobal->error("Creature instance update is not implemented"); break; case Metatype::HERO_INSTANCE: //index is hero type if(index >= 0 && index < map->allHeroes.size()) { CGHeroInstance * hero = map->allHeroes.at(index); hero->updateFrom(data); } else { logGlobal->error("Update entity: hero index %s is out of range [%d,%d]", index, 0, map->allHeroes.size()); } break; case Metatype::MAP_OBJECT_INSTANCE: if(index >= 0 && index < map->objects.size()) { CGObjectInstance * obj = getObjInstance(ObjectInstanceID(index)); obj->updateFrom(data); } else { logGlobal->error("Update entity: object index %s is out of range [%d,%d]", index, 0, map->objects.size()); } break; default: services->updateEntity(metatype, index, data); break; } } void CGameState::updateOnLoad(StartInfo * si) { preInitAuto(); scenarioOps->playerInfos = si->playerInfos; for(auto & i : si->playerInfos) gs->players[i.first].human = i.second.isControlledByHuman(); } void CGameState::preInitAuto() { if(services == nullptr) { logGlobal->error("Game state preinit missing"); preInit(VLC); } } void CGameState::initNewGame(const IMapService * mapService, bool allowSavingRandomMap) { if(scenarioOps->createRandomMap()) { logGlobal->info("Create random map."); CStopWatch sw; // Gen map CMapGenerator mapGenerator(*scenarioOps->mapGenOptions, scenarioOps->seedToBeUsed); std::unique_ptr randomMap = mapGenerator.generate(); if(allowSavingRandomMap) { try { auto path = VCMIDirs::get().userCachePath() / "RandomMaps"; boost::filesystem::create_directories(path); std::shared_ptr options = scenarioOps->mapGenOptions; const std::string templateName = options->getMapTemplate()->getName(); const ui32 seed = scenarioOps->seedToBeUsed; const std::string fileName = boost::str(boost::format("%s_%d.vmap") % templateName % seed ); const auto fullPath = path / fileName; mapService->saveMap(randomMap, fullPath); logGlobal->info("Random map has been saved to:"); logGlobal->info(fullPath.string()); } catch(...) { logGlobal->error("Saving random map failed with exception"); handleException(); } } map = randomMap.release(); // Update starting options for(int i = 0; i < map->players.size(); ++i) { const auto & playerInfo = map->players[i]; if(playerInfo.canAnyonePlay()) { PlayerSettings & playerSettings = scenarioOps->playerInfos[PlayerColor(i)]; playerSettings.compOnly = !playerInfo.canHumanPlay; playerSettings.team = playerInfo.team; playerSettings.castle = playerInfo.defaultCastle(); if(playerSettings.isControlledByAI() && playerSettings.name.empty()) { playerSettings.name = VLC->generaltexth->allTexts[468]; } playerSettings.color = PlayerColor(i); } else { scenarioOps->playerInfos.erase(PlayerColor(i)); } } logGlobal->info("Generated random map in %i ms.", sw.getDiff()); } else { logGlobal->info("Open map file: %s", scenarioOps->mapname); const ResourceID mapURI(scenarioOps->mapname, EResType::MAP); map = mapService->loadMap(mapURI).release(); } } void CGameState::initCampaign() { logGlobal->info("Open campaign map file: %d", scenarioOps->campState->currentMap.get()); map = scenarioOps->campState->getMap(); } void CGameState::checkMapChecksum() { logGlobal->info("\tOur checksum for the map: %d", map->checksum); if(scenarioOps->mapfileChecksum) { logGlobal->info("\tServer checksum for %s: %d", scenarioOps->mapname, scenarioOps->mapfileChecksum); if(map->checksum != scenarioOps->mapfileChecksum) { logGlobal->error("Wrong map checksum!!!"); throw std::runtime_error("Wrong checksum"); } } else { scenarioOps->mapfileChecksum = map->checksum; } } void CGameState::initGrailPosition() { logGlobal->debug("\tPicking grail position"); //pick grail location if(map->grailPos.x < 0 || map->grailRadius) //grail not set or set within a radius around some place { if(!map->grailRadius) //radius not given -> anywhere on map map->grailRadius = map->width * 2; std::vector allowedPos; static const int BORDER_WIDTH = 9; // grail must be at least 9 tiles away from border // add all not blocked tiles in range for (int z = 0; z < map->levels(); z++) { for(int x = BORDER_WIDTH; x < map->width - BORDER_WIDTH ; x++) { for(int y = BORDER_WIDTH; y < map->height - BORDER_WIDTH; y++) { const TerrainTile &t = map->getTile(int3(x, y, z)); if(!t.blocked && !t.visitable && t.terType.isLand() && t.terType.isPassable() && (int)map->grailPos.dist2dSQ(int3(x, y, z)) <= (map->grailRadius * map->grailRadius)) allowedPos.push_back(int3(x,y,z)); } } } //remove tiles with holes for(auto & elem : map->objects) if(elem && elem->ID == Obj::HOLE) allowedPos -= elem->pos; if(!allowedPos.empty()) { map->grailPos = *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(allowedPos, getRandomGenerator()); } else { logGlobal->warn("Grail cannot be placed, no appropriate tile found!"); } } } void CGameState::initRandomFactionsForPlayers() { logGlobal->debug("\tPicking random factions for players"); for(auto & elem : scenarioOps->playerInfos) { if(elem.second.castle==-1) { auto randomID = getRandomGenerator().nextInt((int)map->players[elem.first.getNum()].allowedFactions.size() - 1); auto iter = map->players[elem.first.getNum()].allowedFactions.begin(); std::advance(iter, randomID); elem.second.castle = *iter; } } } void CGameState::randomizeMapObjects() { logGlobal->debug("\tRandomizing objects"); for(CGObjectInstance *obj : map->objects) { if(!obj) continue; randomizeObject(obj); //handle Favouring Winds - mark tiles under it if(obj->ID == Obj::FAVORABLE_WINDS) { for (int i = 0; i < obj->getWidth() ; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < obj->getHeight() ; j++) { int3 pos = obj->pos - int3(i,j,0); if(map->isInTheMap(pos)) map->getTile(pos).extTileFlags |= 128; } } } } } void CGameState::initPlayerStates() { logGlobal->debug("\tCreating player entries in gs"); for(auto & elem : scenarioOps->playerInfos) { PlayerState & p = players[elem.first]; p.color=elem.first; p.human = elem.second.isControlledByHuman(); p.team = map->players[elem.first.getNum()].team; teams[p.team].id = p.team;//init team teams[p.team].players.insert(elem.first);//add player to team } } void CGameState::placeCampaignHeroes() { if (scenarioOps->campState) { // place bonus hero auto campaignBonus = scenarioOps->campState->getBonusForCurrentMap(); bool campaignGiveHero = campaignBonus && campaignBonus.get().type == CScenarioTravel::STravelBonus::HERO; if(campaignGiveHero) { auto playerColor = PlayerColor(campaignBonus->info1); auto it = scenarioOps->playerInfos.find(playerColor); if(it != scenarioOps->playerInfos.end()) { auto heroTypeId = campaignBonus->info2; if(heroTypeId == 0xffff) // random bonus hero { heroTypeId = pickUnusedHeroTypeRandomly(playerColor); } placeStartingHero(playerColor, HeroTypeID(heroTypeId), map->players[playerColor.getNum()].posOfMainTown); } } // replace heroes placeholders auto crossoverHeroes = getCrossoverHeroesFromPreviousScenarios(); if(!crossoverHeroes.heroesFromAnyPreviousScenarios.empty()) { logGlobal->debug("\tGenerate list of hero placeholders"); auto campaignHeroReplacements = generateCampaignHeroesToReplace(crossoverHeroes); logGlobal->debug("\tPrepare crossover heroes"); prepareCrossoverHeroes(campaignHeroReplacements, scenarioOps->campState->getCurrentScenario().travelOptions); // remove same heroes on the map which will be added through crossover heroes // INFO: we will remove heroes because later it may be possible that the API doesn't allow having heroes // with the same hero type id std::vector removedHeroes; for(auto & campaignHeroReplacement : campaignHeroReplacements) { auto hero = getUsedHero(HeroTypeID(campaignHeroReplacement.hero->subID)); if(hero) { removedHeroes.push_back(hero); map->heroesOnMap -= hero; map->objects[hero->id.getNum()] = nullptr; map->removeBlockVisTiles(hero, true); } } logGlobal->debug("\tReplace placeholders with heroes"); replaceHeroesPlaceholders(campaignHeroReplacements); // remove hero placeholders on map for(auto obj : map->objects) { if(obj && obj->ID == Obj::HERO_PLACEHOLDER) { auto heroPlaceholder = dynamic_cast(obj.get()); map->removeBlockVisTiles(heroPlaceholder, true); map->instanceNames.erase(obj->instanceName); map->objects[heroPlaceholder->id.getNum()] = nullptr; delete heroPlaceholder; } } // now add removed heroes again with unused type ID for(auto hero : removedHeroes) { si32 heroTypeId = 0; if(hero->ID == Obj::HERO) { heroTypeId = pickUnusedHeroTypeRandomly(hero->tempOwner); } else if(hero->ID == Obj::PRISON) { auto unusedHeroTypeIds = getUnusedAllowedHeroes(); if(!unusedHeroTypeIds.empty()) { heroTypeId = (*RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(unusedHeroTypeIds, getRandomGenerator())).getNum(); } else { logGlobal->error("No free hero type ID found to replace prison."); assert(0); } } else { assert(0); // should not happen } hero->subID = heroTypeId; hero->portrait = hero->subID; map->getEditManager()->insertObject(hero); } } } } void CGameState::placeStartingHero(PlayerColor playerColor, HeroTypeID heroTypeId, int3 townPos) { townPos.x -= 2; //FIXME: use actual visitable offset of town CGObjectInstance * hero = createObject(Obj::HERO, heroTypeId.getNum(), townPos, playerColor); hero->pos += hero->getVisitableOffset(); map->getEditManager()->insertObject(hero); } CGameState::CrossoverHeroesList CGameState::getCrossoverHeroesFromPreviousScenarios() const { CrossoverHeroesList crossoverHeroes; auto campaignState = scenarioOps->campState; auto bonus = campaignState->getBonusForCurrentMap(); if(bonus && bonus->type == CScenarioTravel::STravelBonus::HEROES_FROM_PREVIOUS_SCENARIO) { std::vector heroes; for(auto & node : campaignState->camp->scenarios[bonus->info2].crossoverHeroes) { auto h = CCampaignState::crossoverDeserialize(node); heroes.push_back(h); } crossoverHeroes.heroesFromAnyPreviousScenarios = crossoverHeroes.heroesFromPreviousScenario = heroes; } else { if(!campaignState->mapsConquered.empty()) { std::vector heroes = {}; crossoverHeroes.heroesFromAnyPreviousScenarios = crossoverHeroes.heroesFromPreviousScenario = heroes; crossoverHeroes.heroesFromPreviousScenario = heroes; for(auto mapNr : campaignState->mapsConquered) { // create a list of deleted heroes auto & scenario = campaignState->camp->scenarios[mapNr]; auto lostCrossoverHeroes = scenario.getLostCrossoverHeroes(); // remove heroes which didn't reached the end of the scenario, but were available at the start for(auto hero : lostCrossoverHeroes) { // auto hero = CCampaignState::crossoverDeserialize(node); vstd::erase_if(crossoverHeroes.heroesFromAnyPreviousScenarios, [hero](CGHeroInstance * h) { return hero->subID == h->subID; }); } // now add heroes which completed the scenario for(auto node : scenario.crossoverHeroes) { auto hero = CCampaignState::crossoverDeserialize(node); // add new heroes and replace old heroes with newer ones auto it = range::find_if(crossoverHeroes.heroesFromAnyPreviousScenarios, [hero](CGHeroInstance * h) { return hero->subID == h->subID; }); if(it != crossoverHeroes.heroesFromAnyPreviousScenarios.end()) { // replace old hero with newer one crossoverHeroes.heroesFromAnyPreviousScenarios[it - crossoverHeroes.heroesFromAnyPreviousScenarios.begin()] = hero; } else { // add new hero crossoverHeroes.heroesFromAnyPreviousScenarios.push_back(hero); } if(mapNr == campaignState->mapsConquered.back()) { crossoverHeroes.heroesFromPreviousScenario.push_back(hero); } } } } } return crossoverHeroes; } void CGameState::prepareCrossoverHeroes(std::vector & campaignHeroReplacements, const CScenarioTravel & travelOptions) { // create heroes list for convenience iterating std::vector crossoverHeroes; for(auto & campaignHeroReplacement : campaignHeroReplacements) { crossoverHeroes.push_back(campaignHeroReplacement.hero); } // TODO replace magic numbers with named constants // TODO this logic (what should be kept) should be part of CScenarioTravel and be exposed via some clean set of methods if(!(travelOptions.whatHeroKeeps & 1)) { //trimming experience for(CGHeroInstance * cgh : crossoverHeroes) { cgh->initExp(getRandomGenerator()); } } if(!(travelOptions.whatHeroKeeps & 2)) { //trimming prim skills for(CGHeroInstance * cgh : crossoverHeroes) { for(int g=0; ggetBonusLocalFirst(sel)->val = cgh->type->heroClass->primarySkillInitial[g]; } } } if(!(travelOptions.whatHeroKeeps & 4)) { //trimming sec skills for(CGHeroInstance * cgh : crossoverHeroes) { cgh->secSkills = cgh->type->secSkillsInit; cgh->recreateSecondarySkillsBonuses(); } } if(!(travelOptions.whatHeroKeeps & 8)) { for(CGHeroInstance * cgh : crossoverHeroes) { cgh->removeSpellbook(); } } if(!(travelOptions.whatHeroKeeps & 16)) { //trimming artifacts for(CGHeroInstance * hero : crossoverHeroes) { size_t totalArts = GameConstants::BACKPACK_START + hero->artifactsInBackpack.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < totalArts; i++ ) { auto artifactPosition = ArtifactPosition((si32)i); if(artifactPosition == ArtifactPosition::SPELLBOOK) continue; // do not handle spellbook this way const ArtSlotInfo *info = hero->getSlot(artifactPosition); if(!info) continue; // TODO: why would there be nullptr artifacts? const CArtifactInstance *art = info->artifact; if(!art) continue; int id = art->artType->id; assert( 8*18 > id );//number of arts that fits into h3m format bool takeable = travelOptions.artifsKeptByHero[id / 8] & ( 1 << (id%8) ); ArtifactLocation al(hero, artifactPosition); if(!takeable && !al.getSlot()->locked) //don't try removing locked artifacts -> it crashes #1719 al.removeArtifact(); } } } //trimming creatures for(CGHeroInstance * cgh : crossoverHeroes) { auto shouldSlotBeErased = [&](const std::pair & j) -> bool { CreatureID::ECreatureID crid = j.second->getCreatureID().toEnum(); return !(travelOptions.monstersKeptByHero[crid / 8] & (1 << (crid % 8))); }; auto stacksCopy = cgh->stacks; //copy of the map, so we can iterate iover it and remove stacks for(auto &slotPair : stacksCopy) if(shouldSlotBeErased(slotPair)) cgh->eraseStack(slotPair.first); } // Removing short-term bonuses for(CGHeroInstance * cgh : crossoverHeroes) { cgh->removeBonusesRecursive(CSelector(Bonus::OneDay) .Or(CSelector(Bonus::OneWeek)) .Or(CSelector(Bonus::NTurns)) .Or(CSelector(Bonus::NDays)) .Or(CSelector(Bonus::OneBattle))); } } void CGameState::placeStartingHeroes() { logGlobal->debug("\tGiving starting hero"); for(auto & playerSettingPair : scenarioOps->playerInfos) { auto playerColor = playerSettingPair.first; auto & playerInfo = map->players[playerColor.getNum()]; if(playerInfo.generateHeroAtMainTown && playerInfo.hasMainTown) { // Do not place a starting hero if the hero was already placed due to a campaign bonus if(scenarioOps->campState) { if(auto campaignBonus = scenarioOps->campState->getBonusForCurrentMap()) { if(campaignBonus->type == CScenarioTravel::STravelBonus::HERO && playerColor == PlayerColor(campaignBonus->info1)) continue; } } int heroTypeId = pickNextHeroType(playerColor); if(playerSettingPair.second.hero == -1) playerSettingPair.second.hero = heroTypeId; placeStartingHero(playerColor, HeroTypeID(heroTypeId), playerInfo.posOfMainTown); } } } void CGameState::initStartingResources() { logGlobal->debug("\tSetting up resources"); const JsonNode config(ResourceID("config/startres.json")); const JsonVector &vector = config["difficulty"].Vector(); const JsonNode &level = vector[scenarioOps->difficulty]; TResources startresAI(level["ai"]); TResources startresHuman(level["human"]); for (auto & elem : players) { PlayerState &p = elem.second; if (p.human) p.resources = startresHuman; else p.resources = startresAI; } auto getHumanPlayerInfo = [&]() -> std::vector { std::vector ret; for(auto it = scenarioOps->playerInfos.cbegin(); it != scenarioOps->playerInfos.cend(); ++it) { if(it->second.isControlledByHuman()) ret.push_back(&it->second); } return ret; }; //give start resource bonus in case of campaign if (scenarioOps->mode == StartInfo::CAMPAIGN) { auto chosenBonus = scenarioOps->campState->getBonusForCurrentMap(); if(chosenBonus && chosenBonus->type == CScenarioTravel::STravelBonus::RESOURCE) { std::vector people = getHumanPlayerInfo(); //players we will give resource bonus for(const PlayerSettings *ps : people) { std::vector res; //resources we will give switch (chosenBonus->info1) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: res.push_back(chosenBonus->info1); break; case 0xFD: //wood+ore res.push_back(Res::WOOD); res.push_back(Res::ORE); break; case 0xFE: //rare res.push_back(Res::MERCURY); res.push_back(Res::SULFUR); res.push_back(Res::CRYSTAL); res.push_back(Res::GEMS); break; default: assert(0); break; } //increasing resource quantity for (auto & re : res) { players[ps->color].resources[re] += chosenBonus->info2; } } } } } void CGameState::initHeroes() { for(auto hero : map->heroesOnMap) //heroes instances initialization { if (hero->getOwner() == PlayerColor::UNFLAGGABLE) { logGlobal->warn("Hero with uninitialized owner!"); continue; } hero->initHero(getRandomGenerator()); getPlayerState(hero->getOwner())->heroes.push_back(hero); map->allHeroes[hero->type->ID.getNum()] = hero; } for(auto obj : map->objects) //prisons { if(obj && obj->ID == Obj::PRISON) map->allHeroes[obj->subID] = dynamic_cast(obj.get()); } std::set heroesToCreate = getUnusedAllowedHeroes(); //ids of heroes to be created and put into the pool for(auto ph : map->predefinedHeroes) { if(!vstd::contains(heroesToCreate, HeroTypeID(ph->subID))) continue; ph->initHero(getRandomGenerator()); hpool.heroesPool[ph->subID] = ph; hpool.pavailable[ph->subID] = 0xff; heroesToCreate.erase(ph->type->ID); map->allHeroes[ph->subID] = ph; } for(HeroTypeID htype : heroesToCreate) //all not used allowed heroes go with default state into the pool { auto vhi = new CGHeroInstance(); vhi->initHero(getRandomGenerator(), htype); int typeID = htype.getNum(); map->allHeroes[typeID] = vhi; hpool.heroesPool[typeID] = vhi; hpool.pavailable[typeID] = 0xff; } for(auto & elem : map->disposedHeroes) { hpool.pavailable[elem.heroId] = elem.players; } if (scenarioOps->mode == StartInfo::CAMPAIGN) //give campaign bonuses for specific / best hero { auto chosenBonus = scenarioOps->campState->getBonusForCurrentMap(); if (chosenBonus && chosenBonus->isBonusForHero() && chosenBonus->info1 != 0xFFFE) //exclude generated heroes { //find human player PlayerColor humanPlayer=PlayerColor::NEUTRAL; for (auto & elem : players) { if(elem.second.human) { humanPlayer = elem.first; break; } } assert(humanPlayer != PlayerColor::NEUTRAL); std::vector > & heroes = players[humanPlayer].heroes; if (chosenBonus->info1 == 0xFFFD) //most powerful { int maxB = -1; for (int b=0; bgetTotalStrength() > heroes[maxB]->getTotalStrength()) { maxB = b; } } if(maxB < 0) logGlobal->warn("Cannot give bonus to hero cause there are no heroes!"); else giveCampaignBonusToHero(heroes[maxB]); } else //specific hero { for (auto & heroe : heroes) { if (heroe->subID == chosenBonus->info1) { giveCampaignBonusToHero(heroe); break; } } } } } } void CGameState::giveCampaignBonusToHero(CGHeroInstance * hero) { const boost::optional & curBonus = scenarioOps->campState->getBonusForCurrentMap(); if(!curBonus) return; if(curBonus->isBonusForHero()) { //apply bonus switch (curBonus->type) { case CScenarioTravel::STravelBonus::SPELL: hero->addSpellToSpellbook(SpellID(curBonus->info2)); break; case CScenarioTravel::STravelBonus::MONSTER: { for(int i=0; islotEmpty(SlotID(i))) { hero->addToSlot(SlotID(i), CreatureID(curBonus->info2), curBonus->info3); break; } } } break; case CScenarioTravel::STravelBonus::ARTIFACT: gs->giveHeroArtifact(hero, static_cast(curBonus->info2)); break; case CScenarioTravel::STravelBonus::SPELL_SCROLL: { CArtifactInstance * scroll = CArtifactInstance::createScroll(SpellID(curBonus->info2)); scroll->putAt(ArtifactLocation(hero, scroll->firstAvailableSlot(hero))); } break; case CScenarioTravel::STravelBonus::PRIMARY_SKILL: { const ui8* ptr = reinterpret_cast(&curBonus->info2); for (int g=0; g(Bonus::PERMANENT, Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, Bonus::CAMPAIGN_BONUS, val, *scenarioOps->campState->currentMap, g); hero->addNewBonus(bb); } } break; case CScenarioTravel::STravelBonus::SECONDARY_SKILL: hero->setSecSkillLevel(SecondarySkill(curBonus->info2), curBonus->info3, true); break; } } } void CGameState::initFogOfWar() { logGlobal->debug("\tFog of war"); //FIXME: should be initialized after all bonuses are set int layers = map->levels(); for(auto & elem : teams) { auto fow = elem.second.fogOfWarMap; fow->resize(boost::extents[layers][map->width][map->height]); std::fill(fow->data(), fow->data() + fow->num_elements(), 0); for(CGObjectInstance *obj : map->objects) { if(!obj || !vstd::contains(elem.second.players, obj->tempOwner)) continue; //not a flagged object std::unordered_set tiles; getTilesInRange(tiles, obj->getSightCenter(), obj->getSightRadius(), obj->tempOwner, 1); for(int3 tile : tiles) { (*elem.second.fogOfWarMap)[tile.z][tile.x][tile.y] = 1; } } } } void CGameState::initStartingBonus() { if (scenarioOps->mode == StartInfo::CAMPAIGN) return; // These are the single scenario bonuses; predefined // campaign bonuses are spread out over other init* functions. logGlobal->debug("\tStarting bonuses"); for(auto & elem : players) { //starting bonus if(scenarioOps->playerInfos[elem.first].bonus==PlayerSettings::RANDOM) scenarioOps->playerInfos[elem.first].bonus = static_cast(getRandomGenerator().nextInt(2)); switch(scenarioOps->playerInfos[elem.first].bonus) { case PlayerSettings::GOLD: elem.second.resources[Res::GOLD] += getRandomGenerator().nextInt(5, 10) * 100; break; case PlayerSettings::RESOURCE: { int res = (*VLC->townh)[scenarioOps->playerInfos[elem.first].castle]->town->primaryRes; if(res == Res::WOOD_AND_ORE) { int amount = getRandomGenerator().nextInt(5, 10); elem.second.resources[Res::WOOD] += amount; elem.second.resources[Res::ORE] += amount; } else { elem.second.resources[res] += getRandomGenerator().nextInt(3, 6); } break; } case PlayerSettings::ARTIFACT: { if(!elem.second.heroes.size()) { logGlobal->error("Cannot give starting artifact - no heroes!"); break; } const Artifact * toGive = VLC->arth->pickRandomArtifact(getRandomGenerator(), CArtifact::ART_TREASURE).toArtifact(VLC->artifacts()); CGHeroInstance *hero = elem.second.heroes[0]; giveHeroArtifact(hero, toGive->getId()); } break; } } } void CGameState::initTowns() { logGlobal->debug("\tTowns"); //campaign bonuses for towns if (scenarioOps->mode == StartInfo::CAMPAIGN) { auto chosenBonus = scenarioOps->campState->getBonusForCurrentMap(); if (chosenBonus && chosenBonus->type == CScenarioTravel::STravelBonus::BUILDING) { for (int g=0; gtowns.size(); ++g) { PlayerState * owner = getPlayerState(map->towns[g]->getOwner()); if (owner) { PlayerInfo & pi = map->players[owner->color.getNum()]; if (owner->human && //human-owned map->towns[g]->pos == pi.posOfMainTown) { map->towns[g]->builtBuildings.insert( CBuildingHandler::campToERMU(chosenBonus->info1, map->towns[g]->subID, map->towns[g]->builtBuildings)); break; } } } } } CGTownInstance::universitySkills.clear(); for ( int i=0; i<4; i++) CGTownInstance::universitySkills.push_back(14+i);//skills for university for (auto & elem : map->towns) { CGTownInstance * vti =(elem); if(!vti->town) { vti->town = (*VLC->townh)[vti->subID]->town; } if(vti->name.empty()) { vti->name = *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(vti->town->names, getRandomGenerator()); } //init buildings if(vstd::contains(vti->builtBuildings, BuildingID::DEFAULT)) //give standard set of buildings { vti->builtBuildings.erase(BuildingID::DEFAULT); vti->builtBuildings.insert(BuildingID::VILLAGE_HALL); if(vti->tempOwner != PlayerColor::NEUTRAL) vti->builtBuildings.insert(BuildingID::TAVERN); vti->builtBuildings.insert(BuildingID::DWELL_FIRST); if(getRandomGenerator().nextInt(1) == 1) { vti->builtBuildings.insert(BuildingID::DWELL_LVL_2); } } //#1444 - remove entries that don't have buildings defined (like some unused extra town hall buildings) vstd::erase_if(vti->builtBuildings, [vti](BuildingID bid){ return !vti->town->buildings.count(bid) || !vti->town->buildings.at(bid); }); if (vstd::contains(vti->builtBuildings, BuildingID::SHIPYARD) && vti->shipyardStatus()==IBoatGenerator::TILE_BLOCKED) vti->builtBuildings.erase(BuildingID::SHIPYARD);//if we have harbor without water - erase it (this is H3 behaviour) //init hordes for (int i = 0; ibuiltBuildings,(-31-i))) //if we have horde for this level { vti->builtBuildings.erase(BuildingID(-31-i));//remove old ID if (vti->town->hordeLvl.at(0) == i)//if town first horde is this one { vti->builtBuildings.insert(BuildingID::HORDE_1);//add it if (vstd::contains(vti->builtBuildings,(BuildingID::DWELL_UP_FIRST+i)))//if we have upgraded dwelling as well vti->builtBuildings.insert(BuildingID::HORDE_1_UPGR);//add it as well } if (vti->town->hordeLvl.at(1) == i)//if town second horde is this one { vti->builtBuildings.insert(BuildingID::HORDE_2); if (vstd::contains(vti->builtBuildings,(BuildingID::DWELL_UP_FIRST+i))) vti->builtBuildings.insert(BuildingID::HORDE_2_UPGR); } } //Early check for #1444-like problems for(auto building : vti->builtBuildings) { assert(vti->town->buildings.at(building) != nullptr); UNUSED(building); } //town events for(CCastleEvent &ev : vti->events) { for (int i = 0; itown->hordeLvl.at(0) == i) ev.buildings.insert(BuildingID::HORDE_1); if (vti->town->hordeLvl.at(1) == i) ev.buildings.insert(BuildingID::HORDE_2); } } //init spells vti->spells.resize(GameConstants::SPELL_LEVELS); for(ui32 z=0; zobligatorySpells.size();z++) { auto s = vti->obligatorySpells[z].toSpell(); vti->spells[s->level-1].push_back(s->id); vti->possibleSpells -= s->id; } while(vti->possibleSpells.size()) { ui32 total=0; int sel = -1; for(ui32 ps=0;pspossibleSpells.size();ps++) total += vti->possibleSpells[ps].toSpell()->getProbability(vti->subID); if (total == 0) // remaining spells have 0 probability break; auto r = getRandomGenerator().nextInt(total - 1); for(ui32 ps=0; pspossibleSpells.size();ps++) { r -= vti->possibleSpells[ps].toSpell()->getProbability(vti->subID); if(r<0) { sel = ps; break; } } if(sel<0) sel=0; auto s = vti->possibleSpells[sel].toSpell(); vti->spells[s->level-1].push_back(s->id); vti->possibleSpells -= s->id; } vti->possibleSpells.clear(); if(vti->getOwner() != PlayerColor::NEUTRAL) getPlayerState(vti->getOwner())->towns.push_back(vti); } } void CGameState::initMapObjects() { logGlobal->debug("\tObject initialization"); VLC->creh->removeBonusesFromAllCreatures(); // objCaller->preInit(); for(CGObjectInstance *obj : map->objects) { if(obj) { logGlobal->trace("Calling Init for object %d, %s, %s", obj->id.getNum(), obj->typeName, obj->subTypeName); obj->initObj(getRandomGenerator()); } } for(CGObjectInstance *obj : map->objects) { if(!obj) continue; switch (obj->ID) { case Obj::QUEST_GUARD: case Obj::SEER_HUT: { auto q = static_cast(obj); assert (q); q->setObjToKill(); } } } CGSubterraneanGate::postInit(); //pairing subterranean gates map->calculateGuardingGreaturePositions(); //calculate once again when all the guards are placed and initialized } void CGameState::initVisitingAndGarrisonedHeroes() { for(auto k=players.begin(); k!=players.end(); ++k) { if(k->first==PlayerColor::NEUTRAL) continue; //init visiting and garrisoned heroes for(CGHeroInstance *h : k->second.heroes) { for(CGTownInstance *t : k->second.towns) { int3 vistile = t->pos; vistile.x--; //tile next to the entrance if(vistile == h->pos || h->pos==t->pos) { t->setVisitingHero(h); if(h->pos == t->pos) //visiting hero placed in the editor has same pos as the town - we need to correct it { map->removeBlockVisTiles(h); h->pos.x -= 1; map->addBlockVisTiles(h); } break; } } } } for (auto hero : map->heroesOnMap) { if (hero->visitedTown) { assert (hero->visitedTown->visitingHero == hero); } } } BattleField CGameState::battleGetBattlefieldType(int3 tile, CRandomGenerator & rand) { if(!tile.valid() && curB) tile = curB->tile; else if(!tile.valid() && !curB) return BattleField::NONE; const TerrainTile &t = map->getTile(tile); auto topObject = t.visitableObjects.front(); if(topObject && topObject->getBattlefield() != BattleField::NONE) { return topObject->getBattlefield(); } for(auto &obj : map->objects) { //look only for objects covering given tile if( !obj || obj->pos.z != tile.z || !obj->coveringAt(tile.x, tile.y)) continue; auto customBattlefield = obj->getBattlefield(); if(customBattlefield != BattleField::NONE) return customBattlefield; } if(map->isCoastalTile(tile)) //coastal tile is always ground return BattleField::fromString("sand_shore"); return BattleField::fromString( *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(Terrain::Manager::getInfo(t.terType).battleFields, rand)); } UpgradeInfo CGameState::getUpgradeInfo(const CStackInstance &stack) { UpgradeInfo ret; const CCreature *base = stack.type; const CGHeroInstance *h = stack.armyObj->ID == Obj::HERO ? static_cast(stack.armyObj) : nullptr; const CGTownInstance *t = nullptr; if(stack.armyObj->ID == Obj::TOWN) t = static_cast(stack.armyObj); else if(h) { //hero specialty TConstBonusListPtr lista = h->getBonuses(Selector::typeSubtype(Bonus::SPECIAL_UPGRADE, base->idNumber)); for(const auto & it : *lista) { auto nid = CreatureID(it->additionalInfo[0]); if (nid != base->idNumber) //in very specific case the upgrade is available by default (?) { ret.newID.push_back(nid); ret.cost.push_back(VLC->creh->objects[nid]->cost - base->cost); } } t = h->visitedTown; } if(t) { for(const CGTownInstance::TCreaturesSet::value_type & dwelling : t->creatures) { if (vstd::contains(dwelling.second, base->idNumber)) //Dwelling with our creature { for(auto upgrID : dwelling.second) { if(vstd::contains(base->upgrades, upgrID)) //possible upgrade { ret.newID.push_back(upgrID); ret.cost.push_back(VLC->creh->objects[upgrID]->cost - base->cost); } } } } } //hero is visiting Hill Fort if(h && map->getTile(h->visitablePos()).visitableObjects.front()->ID == Obj::HILL_FORT) { static const int costModifiers[] = {0, 25, 50, 75, 100}; //we get cheaper upgrades depending on level const int costModifier = costModifiers[std::min(std::max((int)base->level - 1, 0), ARRAY_COUNT(costModifiers) - 1)]; for(auto nid : base->upgrades) { ret.newID.push_back(nid); ret.cost.push_back((VLC->creh->objects[nid]->cost - base->cost) * costModifier / 100); } } if(ret.newID.size()) ret.oldID = base->idNumber; for (Res::ResourceSet &cost : ret.cost) cost.positive(); //upgrade cost can't be negative, ignore missing resources return ret; } PlayerRelations::PlayerRelations CGameState::getPlayerRelations( PlayerColor color1, PlayerColor color2 ) { if ( color1 == color2 ) return PlayerRelations::SAME_PLAYER; if(color1 == PlayerColor::NEUTRAL || color2 == PlayerColor::NEUTRAL) //neutral player has no friends return PlayerRelations::ENEMIES; const TeamState * ts = getPlayerTeam(color1); if (ts && vstd::contains(ts->players, color2)) return PlayerRelations::ALLIES; return PlayerRelations::ENEMIES; } void CGameState::apply(CPack *pack) { ui16 typ = typeList.getTypeID(pack); applier->getApplier(typ)->applyOnGS(this, pack); } void CGameState::calculatePaths(const CGHeroInstance *hero, CPathsInfo &out) { CPathfinder pathfinder(out, this, hero); pathfinder.calculatePaths(); } void CGameState::calculatePaths(std::shared_ptr config) { //FIXME: creating pathfinder is costly, maybe reset / clear is enough? CPathfinder pathfinder(this, config); pathfinder.calculatePaths(); } /** * Tells if the tile is guarded by a monster as well as the position * of the monster that will attack on it. * * @return int3(-1, -1, -1) if the tile is unguarded, or the position of * the monster guarding the tile. */ std::vector CGameState::guardingCreatures (int3 pos) const { std::vector guards; const int3 originalPos = pos; if (!map->isInTheMap(pos)) return guards; const TerrainTile &posTile = map->getTile(pos); if (posTile.visitable) { for (CGObjectInstance* obj : posTile.visitableObjects) { if(obj->blockVisit) { if (obj->ID == Obj::MONSTER) // Monster guards.push_back(obj); } } } pos -= int3(1, 1, 0); // Start with top left. for (int dx = 0; dx < 3; dx++) { for (int dy = 0; dy < 3; dy++) { if (map->isInTheMap(pos)) { const auto & tile = map->getTile(pos); if (tile.visitable && (tile.isWater() == posTile.isWater())) { for (CGObjectInstance* obj : tile.visitableObjects) { if (obj->ID == Obj::MONSTER && map->checkForVisitableDir(pos, &map->getTile(originalPos), originalPos)) // Monster being able to attack investigated tile { guards.push_back(obj); } } } } pos.y++; } pos.y -= 3; pos.x++; } return guards; } int3 CGameState::guardingCreaturePosition (int3 pos) const { return gs->map->guardingCreaturePositions[pos.z][pos.x][pos.y]; } void CGameState::updateRumor() { static std::vector rumorTypes = {RumorState::TYPE_MAP, RumorState::TYPE_SPECIAL, RumorState::TYPE_RAND, RumorState::TYPE_RAND}; std::vector sRumorTypes = { RumorState::RUMOR_OBELISKS, RumorState::RUMOR_ARTIFACTS, RumorState::RUMOR_ARMY, RumorState::RUMOR_INCOME}; if(map->grailPos.valid()) // Grail should always be on map, but I had related crash I didn't manage to reproduce sRumorTypes.push_back(RumorState::RUMOR_GRAIL); int rumorId = -1, rumorExtra = -1; auto & rand = getRandomGenerator(); rumor.type = *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(rumorTypes, rand); do { switch(rumor.type) { case RumorState::TYPE_SPECIAL: { SThievesGuildInfo tgi; obtainPlayersStats(tgi, 20); rumorId = *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(sRumorTypes, rand); if(rumorId == RumorState::RUMOR_GRAIL) { rumorExtra = getTile(map->grailPos)->terType.id(); break; } std::vector players = {}; switch(rumorId) { case RumorState::RUMOR_OBELISKS: players = tgi.obelisks[0]; break; case RumorState::RUMOR_ARTIFACTS: players = tgi.artifacts[0]; break; case RumorState::RUMOR_ARMY: players = tgi.army[0]; break; case RumorState::RUMOR_INCOME: players = tgi.income[0]; break; } rumorExtra = RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(players, rand)->getNum(); break; } case RumorState::TYPE_MAP: // Makes sure that map rumors only used if there enough rumors too choose from if(map->rumors.size() && (map->rumors.size() > 1 || !rumor.last.count(RumorState::TYPE_MAP))) { rumorId = rand.nextInt((int)map->rumors.size() - 1); break; } else rumor.type = RumorState::TYPE_RAND; FALLTHROUGH case RumorState::TYPE_RAND: do { rumorId = rand.nextInt((int)VLC->generaltexth->tavernRumors.size() - 1); } while(!VLC->generaltexth->tavernRumors[rumorId].length()); break; } } while(!rumor.update(rumorId, rumorExtra)); } bool CGameState::isVisible(int3 pos, PlayerColor player) { if(player == PlayerColor::NEUTRAL) return false; if(player.isSpectator()) return true; return (*getPlayerTeam(player)->fogOfWarMap)[pos.z][pos.x][pos.y]; } bool CGameState::isVisible( const CGObjectInstance *obj, boost::optional player ) { if(!player) return true; //we should always see our own heroes - but sometimes not visible heroes cause crash :? if (player == obj->tempOwner) return true; if(*player == PlayerColor::NEUTRAL) //-> TODO ??? needed? return false; //object is visible when at least one blocked tile is visible for(int fy=0; fy < obj->getHeight(); ++fy) { for(int fx=0; fx < obj->getWidth(); ++fx) { int3 pos = obj->pos + int3(-fx, -fy, 0); if ( map->isInTheMap(pos) && obj->coveringAt(pos.x, pos.y) && isVisible(pos, *player)) return true; } } return false; } bool CGameState::checkForVisitableDir(const int3 & src, const int3 & dst) const { const TerrainTile * pom = &map->getTile(dst); return map->checkForVisitableDir(src, pom, dst); } EVictoryLossCheckResult CGameState::checkForVictoryAndLoss(PlayerColor player) const { const std::string & messageWonSelf = VLC->generaltexth->allTexts[659]; const std::string & messageWonOther = VLC->generaltexth->allTexts[5]; const std::string & messageLostSelf = VLC->generaltexth->allTexts[7]; const std::string & messageLostOther = VLC->generaltexth->allTexts[8]; auto evaluateEvent = [=](const EventCondition & condition) { return this->checkForVictory(player, condition); }; const PlayerState *p = CGameInfoCallback::getPlayerState(player); //cheater or tester, but has entered the code... if (p->enteredWinningCheatCode) return EVictoryLossCheckResult::victory(messageWonSelf, messageWonOther); if (p->enteredLosingCheatCode) return EVictoryLossCheckResult::defeat(messageLostSelf, messageLostOther); for (const TriggeredEvent & event : map->triggeredEvents) { if (event.trigger.test(evaluateEvent)) { if (event.effect.type == EventEffect::VICTORY) return EVictoryLossCheckResult::victory(event.onFulfill, event.effect.toOtherMessage); if (event.effect.type == EventEffect::DEFEAT) return EVictoryLossCheckResult::defeat(event.onFulfill, event.effect.toOtherMessage); } } if (checkForStandardLoss(player)) { return EVictoryLossCheckResult::defeat(messageLostSelf, messageLostOther); } return EVictoryLossCheckResult(); } bool CGameState::checkForVictory(PlayerColor player, const EventCondition & condition) const { const PlayerState *p = CGameInfoCallback::getPlayerState(player); switch (condition.condition) { case EventCondition::STANDARD_WIN: { return player == checkForStandardWin(); } case EventCondition::HAVE_ARTIFACT: //check if any hero has winning artifact { for(auto & elem : p->heroes) if(elem->hasArt(condition.objectType)) return true; return false; } case EventCondition::HAVE_CREATURES: { //check if in players armies there is enough creatures int total = 0; //creature counter for(size_t i = 0; i < map->objects.size(); i++) { const CArmedInstance *ai = nullptr; if(map->objects[i] && map->objects[i]->tempOwner == player //object controlled by player && (ai = dynamic_cast(map->objects[i].get()))) //contains army { for(auto & elem : ai->Slots()) //iterate through army if(elem.second->type->idNumber == condition.objectType) //it's searched creature total += elem.second->count; } } return total >= condition.value; } case EventCondition::HAVE_RESOURCES: { return p->resources[condition.objectType] >= condition.value; } case EventCondition::HAVE_BUILDING: { if (condition.object) // specific town { const CGTownInstance *t = static_cast(condition.object); return (t->tempOwner == player && t->hasBuilt(BuildingID(condition.objectType))); } else // any town { for (const CGTownInstance * t : p->towns) { if (t->hasBuilt(BuildingID(condition.objectType))) return true; } return false; } } case EventCondition::DESTROY: { if (condition.object) // mode A - destroy specific object of this type { if (auto hero = dynamic_cast(condition.object)) return boost::range::find(gs->map->heroesOnMap, hero) == gs->map->heroesOnMap.end(); else return getObj(condition.object->id) == nullptr; } else { for(auto & elem : map->objects) // mode B - destroy all objects of this type { if(elem && elem->ID == condition.objectType) return false; } return true; } } case EventCondition::CONTROL: { // list of players that need to control object to fulfull condition // NOTE: cgameinfocallback specified explicitly in order to get const version auto & team = CGameInfoCallback::getPlayerTeam(player)->players; if (condition.object) // mode A - flag one specific object, like town { return team.count(condition.object->tempOwner) != 0; } else { for(auto & elem : map->objects) // mode B - flag all objects of this type { //check not flagged objs if ( elem && elem->ID == condition.objectType && team.count(elem->tempOwner) == 0 ) return false; } return true; } } case EventCondition::TRANSPORT: { const CGTownInstance *t = static_cast(condition.object); if((t->visitingHero && t->visitingHero->hasArt(condition.objectType)) || (t->garrisonHero && t->garrisonHero->hasArt(condition.objectType))) { return true; } return false; } case EventCondition::DAYS_PASSED: { return (si32)gs->day > condition.value; } case EventCondition::IS_HUMAN: { return p->human ? condition.value == 1 : condition.value == 0; } case EventCondition::DAYS_WITHOUT_TOWN: { if (p->daysWithoutCastle) return p->daysWithoutCastle.get() >= condition.value; else return false; } case EventCondition::CONST_VALUE: { return condition.value; // just convert to bool } case EventCondition::HAVE_0: { logGlobal->debug("Not implemented event condition type: %d", (int)condition.condition); //TODO: support new condition format return false; } case EventCondition::HAVE_BUILDING_0: { logGlobal->debug("Not implemented event condition type: %d", (int)condition.condition); //TODO: support new condition format return false; } case EventCondition::DESTROY_0: { logGlobal->debug("Not implemented event condition type: %d", (int)condition.condition); //TODO: support new condition format return false; } default: logGlobal->error("Invalid event condition type: %d", (int)condition.condition); return false; } } PlayerColor CGameState::checkForStandardWin() const { //std victory condition is: //all enemies lost PlayerColor supposedWinner = PlayerColor::NEUTRAL; TeamID winnerTeam = TeamID::NO_TEAM; for(auto & elem : players) { if(elem.second.status == EPlayerStatus::INGAME && elem.first < PlayerColor::PLAYER_LIMIT) { if(supposedWinner == PlayerColor::NEUTRAL) { //first player remaining ingame - candidate for victory supposedWinner = elem.second.color; winnerTeam = elem.second.team; } else if(winnerTeam != elem.second.team) { //current candidate has enemy remaining in game -> no vicotry return PlayerColor::NEUTRAL; } } } return supposedWinner; } bool CGameState::checkForStandardLoss( PlayerColor player ) const { //std loss condition is: player lost all towns and heroes const PlayerState & pState = *CGameInfoCallback::getPlayerState(player); return pState.checkVanquished(); } struct statsHLP { typedef std::pair< PlayerColor, si64 > TStat; //converts [] to vec[place] -> platers static std::vector< std::vector< PlayerColor > > getRank( std::vector stats ) { std::sort(stats.begin(), stats.end(), statsHLP()); //put first element std::vector< std::vector > ret; std::vector tmp; tmp.push_back( stats[0].first ); ret.push_back( tmp ); //the rest of elements for(int g=1; gpush_back( stats[g].first ); } else { //create next occupied rank std::vector tmp; tmp.push_back(stats[g].first); ret.push_back(tmp); } } return ret; } bool operator()(const TStat & a, const TStat & b) const { return a.second > b.second; } static const CGHeroInstance * findBestHero(CGameState * gs, PlayerColor color) { std::vector > &h = gs->players[color].heroes; if(!h.size()) return nullptr; //best hero will be that with highest exp int best = 0; for(int b=1; bexp > h[best]->exp) { best = b; } } return h[best]; } //calculates total number of artifacts that belong to given player static int getNumberOfArts(const PlayerState * ps) { int ret = 0; for(auto h : ps->heroes) { ret += (int)h->artifactsInBackpack.size() + (int)h->artifactsWorn.size(); } return ret; } // get total strength of player army static si64 getArmyStrength(const PlayerState * ps) { si64 str = 0; for(auto h : ps->heroes) { if(!h->inTownGarrison) //original h3 behavior str += h->getArmyStrength(); } return str; } // get total gold income static int getIncome(const PlayerState * ps) { int totalIncome = 0; const CGObjectInstance * heroOrTown = nullptr; //Heroes can produce gold as well - skill, specialty or arts for(auto & h : ps->heroes) { totalIncome += h->valOfBonuses(Selector::typeSubtype(Bonus::SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY, SecondarySkill::ESTATES)); totalIncome += h->valOfBonuses(Selector::typeSubtype(Bonus::GENERATE_RESOURCE, Res::GOLD)); if(!heroOrTown) heroOrTown = h; } //Add town income of all towns for(auto & t : ps->towns) { totalIncome += t->dailyIncome()[Res::GOLD]; if(!heroOrTown) heroOrTown = t; } /// FIXME: Dirty dirty hack /// Stats helper need some access to gamestate. std::vector ownedObjects; for(const CGObjectInstance * obj : heroOrTown->cb->gameState()->map->objects) { if(obj && obj->tempOwner == ps->color) ownedObjects.push_back(obj); } /// This is code from CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback::getMyObjects /// I'm really need to find out about callback interface design... for(auto object : ownedObjects) { //Mines if ( object->ID == Obj::MINE ) { const CGMine *mine = dynamic_cast(object); assert(mine); if (mine->producedResource == Res::GOLD) totalIncome += mine->producedQuantity; } } return totalIncome; } }; void CGameState::obtainPlayersStats(SThievesGuildInfo & tgi, int level) { auto playerInactive = [&](PlayerColor color) { return color == PlayerColor::NEUTRAL || players.at(color).status != EPlayerStatus::INGAME; }; #define FILL_FIELD(FIELD, VAL_GETTER) \ { \ std::vector< std::pair< PlayerColor, si64 > > stats; \ for(auto g = players.begin(); g != players.end(); ++g) \ { \ if(playerInactive(g->second.color)) \ continue; \ std::pair< PlayerColor, si64 > stat; \ stat.first = g->second.color; \ stat.second = VAL_GETTER; \ stats.push_back(stat); \ } \ tgi.FIELD = statsHLP::getRank(stats); \ } for(auto & elem : players) { if(!playerInactive(elem.second.color)) tgi.playerColors.push_back(elem.second.color); } if(level >= 0) //num of towns & num of heroes { //num of towns FILL_FIELD(numOfTowns, g->second.towns.size()) //num of heroes FILL_FIELD(numOfHeroes, g->second.heroes.size()) } if(level >= 1) //best hero's portrait { for(auto g = players.cbegin(); g != players.cend(); ++g) { if(playerInactive(g->second.color)) continue; const CGHeroInstance * best = statsHLP::findBestHero(this, g->second.color); InfoAboutHero iah; iah.initFromHero(best, (level >= 2) ? InfoAboutHero::EInfoLevel::DETAILED : InfoAboutHero::EInfoLevel::BASIC); iah.army.clear(); tgi.colorToBestHero[g->second.color] = iah; } } if(level >= 2) //gold { FILL_FIELD(gold, g->second.resources[Res::GOLD]) } if(level >= 2) //wood & ore { FILL_FIELD(woodOre, g->second.resources[Res::WOOD] + g->second.resources[Res::ORE]) } if(level >= 3) //mercury, sulfur, crystal, gems { FILL_FIELD(mercSulfCrystGems, g->second.resources[Res::MERCURY] + g->second.resources[Res::SULFUR] + g->second.resources[Res::CRYSTAL] + g->second.resources[Res::GEMS]) } if(level >= 3) //obelisks found { auto getObeliskVisited = [](TeamID t) { if(CGObelisk::visited.count(t)) return CGObelisk::visited[t]; else return ui8(0); }; FILL_FIELD(obelisks, getObeliskVisited(gs->getPlayerTeam(g->second.color)->id)) } if(level >= 4) //artifacts { FILL_FIELD(artifacts, statsHLP::getNumberOfArts(&g->second)) } if(level >= 4) //army strength { FILL_FIELD(army, statsHLP::getArmyStrength(&g->second)) } if(level >= 5) //income { FILL_FIELD(income, statsHLP::getIncome(&g->second)) } if(level >= 2) //best hero's stats { //already set in lvl 1 handling } if(level >= 3) //personality { for(auto g = players.cbegin(); g != players.cend(); ++g) { if(playerInactive(g->second.color)) //do nothing for neutral player continue; if(g->second.human) { tgi.personality[g->second.color] = EAiTactic::NONE; } else //AI { tgi.personality[g->second.color] = map->players[g->second.color.getNum()].aiTactic; } } } if(level >= 4) //best creature { //best creatures belonging to player (highest AI value) for(auto g = players.cbegin(); g != players.cend(); ++g) { if(playerInactive(g->second.color)) //do nothing for neutral player continue; int bestCre = -1; //best creature's ID for(auto & elem : g->second.heroes) { for(auto it = elem->Slots().begin(); it != elem->Slots().end(); ++it) { int toCmp = it->second->type->idNumber; //ID of creature we should compare with the best one if(bestCre == -1 || VLC->creh->objects[bestCre]->AIValue < VLC->creh->objects[toCmp]->AIValue) { bestCre = toCmp; } } } tgi.bestCreature[g->second.color] = bestCre; } } #undef FILL_FIELD } std::map > CGameState::unusedHeroesFromPool() { std::map > pool = hpool.heroesPool; for ( auto i = players.cbegin() ; i != players.cend();i++) for(auto j = i->second.availableHeroes.cbegin(); j != i->second.availableHeroes.cend(); j++) if(*j) pool.erase((**j).subID); return pool; } void CGameState::buildBonusSystemTree() { buildGlobalTeamPlayerTree(); attachArmedObjects(); for(CGTownInstance *t : map->towns) { t->deserializationFix(); } // CStackInstance <-> CCreature, CStackInstance <-> CArmedInstance, CArtifactInstance <-> CArtifact // are provided on initializing / deserializing } void CGameState::deserializationFix() { buildGlobalTeamPlayerTree(); attachArmedObjects(); } void CGameState::buildGlobalTeamPlayerTree() { for(auto k=teams.begin(); k!=teams.end(); ++k) { TeamState *t = &k->second; t->attachTo(&globalEffects); for(PlayerColor teamMember : k->second.players) { PlayerState *p = getPlayerState(teamMember); assert(p); p->attachTo(t); } } } void CGameState::attachArmedObjects() { for(CGObjectInstance *obj : map->objects) { if(CArmedInstance *armed = dynamic_cast(obj)) armed->whatShouldBeAttached()->attachTo(armed->whereShouldBeAttached(this)); } } void CGameState::giveHeroArtifact(CGHeroInstance *h, ArtifactID aid) { CArtifact * const artifact = VLC->arth->objects[aid]; //pointer to constant object CArtifactInstance *ai = CArtifactInstance::createNewArtifactInstance(artifact); map->addNewArtifactInstance(ai); ai->putAt(ArtifactLocation(h, ai->firstAvailableSlot(h))); } std::set CGameState::getUnusedAllowedHeroes(bool alsoIncludeNotAllowed) const { std::set ret; for(int i = 0; i < map->allowedHeroes.size(); i++) if(map->allowedHeroes[i] || alsoIncludeNotAllowed) ret.insert(HeroTypeID(i)); for(auto & playerSettingPair : scenarioOps->playerInfos) //remove uninitialized yet heroes picked for start by other players { if(playerSettingPair.second.hero != PlayerSettings::RANDOM) ret -= HeroTypeID(playerSettingPair.second.hero); } for(auto hero : map->heroesOnMap) //heroes instances initialization { if(hero->type) ret -= hero->type->ID; else ret -= HeroTypeID(hero->subID); } for(auto obj : map->objects) //prisons if(obj && obj->ID == Obj::PRISON) ret -= HeroTypeID(obj->subID); return ret; } std::vector CGameState::generateCampaignHeroesToReplace(CrossoverHeroesList & crossoverHeroes) { std::vector campaignHeroReplacements; //selecting heroes by type for(auto obj : map->objects) { if(obj && obj->ID == Obj::HERO_PLACEHOLDER) { auto heroPlaceholder = dynamic_cast(obj.get()); if(heroPlaceholder->subID != 0xFF) //select by type { auto it = range::find_if(crossoverHeroes.heroesFromAnyPreviousScenarios, [heroPlaceholder](CGHeroInstance * hero) { return hero->subID == heroPlaceholder->subID; }); if(it != crossoverHeroes.heroesFromAnyPreviousScenarios.end()) { auto hero = *it; crossoverHeroes.removeHeroFromBothLists(hero); campaignHeroReplacements.push_back(CampaignHeroReplacement(CMemorySerializer::deepCopy(*hero).release(), heroPlaceholder->id)); } } } } //selecting heroes by power range::sort(crossoverHeroes.heroesFromPreviousScenario, [](const CGHeroInstance * a, const CGHeroInstance * b) { return a->getHeroStrength() > b->getHeroStrength(); }); //sort, descending strength // sort hero placeholders descending power std::vector heroPlaceholders; for(auto obj : map->objects) { if(obj && obj->ID == Obj::HERO_PLACEHOLDER) { auto heroPlaceholder = dynamic_cast(obj.get()); if(heroPlaceholder->subID == 0xFF) //select by power { heroPlaceholders.push_back(heroPlaceholder); } } } range::sort(heroPlaceholders, [](const CGHeroPlaceholder * a, const CGHeroPlaceholder * b) { return a->power > b->power; }); for(int i = 0; i < heroPlaceholders.size(); ++i) { auto heroPlaceholder = heroPlaceholders[i]; if(crossoverHeroes.heroesFromPreviousScenario.size() > i) { auto hero = crossoverHeroes.heroesFromPreviousScenario[i]; campaignHeroReplacements.push_back(CampaignHeroReplacement(CMemorySerializer::deepCopy(*hero).release(), heroPlaceholder->id)); } } return campaignHeroReplacements; } void CGameState::replaceHeroesPlaceholders(const std::vector & campaignHeroReplacements) { for(auto campaignHeroReplacement : campaignHeroReplacements) { auto heroPlaceholder = dynamic_cast(getObjInstance(campaignHeroReplacement.heroPlaceholderId)); CGHeroInstance *heroToPlace = campaignHeroReplacement.hero; heroToPlace->id = campaignHeroReplacement.heroPlaceholderId; heroToPlace->tempOwner = heroPlaceholder->tempOwner; heroToPlace->pos = heroPlaceholder->pos; heroToPlace->type = VLC->heroh->objects[heroToPlace->subID]; for(auto &&i : heroToPlace->stacks) i.second->type = VLC->creh->objects[i.second->getCreatureID()]; auto fixArtifact = [&](CArtifactInstance * art) { art->artType = VLC->arth->objects[art->artType->id]; gs->map->artInstances.push_back(art); art->id = ArtifactInstanceID((si32)gs->map->artInstances.size() - 1); }; for(auto &&i : heroToPlace->artifactsWorn) fixArtifact(i.second.artifact); for(auto &&i : heroToPlace->artifactsInBackpack) fixArtifact(i.artifact); map->heroesOnMap.push_back(heroToPlace); map->objects[heroToPlace->id.getNum()] = heroToPlace; map->addBlockVisTiles(heroToPlace); scenarioOps->campState->getCurrentScenario().placedCrossoverHeroes.push_back(CCampaignState::crossoverSerialize(heroToPlace)); } } bool CGameState::isUsedHero(HeroTypeID hid) const { return getUsedHero(hid); } CGHeroInstance * CGameState::getUsedHero(HeroTypeID hid) const { for(auto hero : map->heroesOnMap) //heroes instances initialization { if(hero->type && hero->type->ID == hid) { return hero; } } for(auto obj : map->objects) //prisons { if(obj && obj->ID == Obj::PRISON ) { auto hero = dynamic_cast(obj.get()); assert(hero); if ( hero->type && hero->type->ID == hid ) return hero; } } return nullptr; } bool RumorState::update(int id, int extra) { if(vstd::contains(last, type)) { if(last[type].first != id) { last[type].first = id; last[type].second = extra; } else return false; } else last[type] = std::make_pair(id, extra); return true; } InfoAboutArmy::InfoAboutArmy(): owner(PlayerColor::NEUTRAL) {} InfoAboutArmy::InfoAboutArmy(const CArmedInstance *Army, bool detailed) { initFromArmy(Army, detailed); } void InfoAboutArmy::initFromArmy(const CArmedInstance *Army, bool detailed) { army = ArmyDescriptor(Army, detailed); owner = Army->tempOwner; name = Army->getObjectName(); } void InfoAboutHero::assign(const InfoAboutHero & iah) { vstd::clear_pointer(details); InfoAboutArmy::operator = (iah); details = (iah.details ? new Details(*iah.details) : nullptr); hclass = iah.hclass; portrait = iah.portrait; } InfoAboutHero::InfoAboutHero(): details(nullptr), hclass(nullptr), portrait(-1) {} InfoAboutHero::InfoAboutHero(const InfoAboutHero & iah): InfoAboutArmy() { assign(iah); } InfoAboutHero::InfoAboutHero(const CGHeroInstance *h, InfoAboutHero::EInfoLevel infoLevel) : details(nullptr), hclass(nullptr), portrait(-1) { initFromHero(h, infoLevel); } InfoAboutHero::~InfoAboutHero() { vstd::clear_pointer(details); } InfoAboutHero & InfoAboutHero::operator=(const InfoAboutHero & iah) { assign(iah); return *this; } void InfoAboutHero::initFromHero(const CGHeroInstance *h, InfoAboutHero::EInfoLevel infoLevel) { vstd::clear_pointer(details); if(!h) return; bool detailed = ( (infoLevel == EInfoLevel::DETAILED) || (infoLevel == EInfoLevel::INBATTLE) ); initFromArmy(h, detailed); hclass = h->type->heroClass; name = h->name; portrait = h->portrait; if(detailed) { //include details about hero details = new Details(); details->luck = h->LuckVal(); details->morale = h->MoraleVal(); details->mana = h->mana; details->primskills.resize(GameConstants::PRIMARY_SKILLS); for (int i = 0; i < GameConstants::PRIMARY_SKILLS ; i++) { details->primskills[i] = h->getPrimSkillLevel(static_cast(i)); } if (infoLevel == EInfoLevel::INBATTLE) details->manaLimit = h->manaLimit(); else details->manaLimit = -1; //we do not want to leak max mana info outside battle so set to meaningless value } } InfoAboutTown::InfoAboutTown(): details(nullptr), tType(nullptr), built(0), fortLevel(0) { } InfoAboutTown::InfoAboutTown(const CGTownInstance *t, bool detailed): details(nullptr), tType(nullptr), built(0), fortLevel(0) { initFromTown(t, detailed); } InfoAboutTown::~InfoAboutTown() { vstd::clear_pointer(details); } void InfoAboutTown::initFromTown(const CGTownInstance *t, bool detailed) { initFromArmy(t, detailed); army = ArmyDescriptor(t->getUpperArmy(), detailed); built = t->builded; fortLevel = t->fortLevel(); name = t->name; tType = t->town; vstd::clear_pointer(details); if(detailed) { //include details about hero details = new Details(); TResources income = t->dailyIncome(); details->goldIncome = income[Res::GOLD]; details->customRes = t->hasBuilt(BuildingID::RESOURCE_SILO); details->hallLevel = t->hallLevel(); details->garrisonedHero = t->garrisonHero; } } ArmyDescriptor::ArmyDescriptor(const CArmedInstance *army, bool detailed) : isDetailed(detailed) { for(auto & elem : army->Slots()) { if(detailed) (*this)[elem.first] = *elem.second; else (*this)[elem.first] = CStackBasicDescriptor(elem.second->type, elem.second->getQuantityID()); } } ArmyDescriptor::ArmyDescriptor() : isDetailed(false) { } int ArmyDescriptor::getStrength() const { ui64 ret = 0; if(isDetailed) { for(auto & elem : *this) ret += elem.second.type->AIValue * elem.second.count; } else { for(auto & elem : *this) ret += elem.second.type->AIValue * CCreature::estimateCreatureCount(elem.second.count); } return static_cast(ret); } TeamState::TeamState() { setNodeType(TEAM); fogOfWarMap = std::make_shared>(); } TeamState::TeamState(TeamState && other): CBonusSystemNode(std::move(other)), id(other.id) { std::swap(players, other.players); std::swap(fogOfWarMap, other.fogOfWarMap); } CRandomGenerator & CGameState::getRandomGenerator() { return rand; } VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_END