/* * CCursorHandler.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "CCursorHandler.h" #include #include "SDL_Extensions.h" #include "CGuiHandler.h" #include "../widgets/Images.h" #include "../CMT.h" void CCursorHandler::clearBuffer() { Uint32 fillColor = SDL_MapRGBA(buffer->format, 0, 0, 0, 0); CSDL_Ext::fillRect(buffer, nullptr, fillColor); } void CCursorHandler::updateBuffer(CIntObject * payload) { payload->moveTo(Point(0,0)); payload->showAll(buffer); needUpdate = true; } void CCursorHandler::replaceBuffer(CIntObject * payload) { clearBuffer(); updateBuffer(payload); } void CCursorHandler::initCursor() { cursorLayer = SDL_CreateTexture(mainRenderer, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STREAMING, 40, 40); SDL_SetTextureBlendMode(cursorLayer, SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND); xpos = ypos = 0; type = ECursor::DEFAULT; dndObject = nullptr; cursors = { make_unique("CRADVNTR", 0), make_unique("CRCOMBAT", 0), make_unique("CRDEFLT", 0), make_unique("CRSPELL", 0) }; currentCursor = cursors.at(int(ECursor::DEFAULT)).get(); buffer = CSDL_Ext::newSurface(40,40); SDL_SetSurfaceBlendMode(buffer, SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE); SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_DISABLE); changeGraphic(ECursor::ADVENTURE, 0); } void CCursorHandler::changeGraphic(ECursor::ECursorTypes type, int index) { if(type != this->type) { this->type = type; this->frame = index; currentCursor = cursors.at(int(type)).get(); currentCursor->setFrame(index); } else if(index != this->frame) { this->frame = index; currentCursor->setFrame(index); } replaceBuffer(currentCursor); } void CCursorHandler::dragAndDropCursor(std::unique_ptr object) { dndObject = std::move(object); if(dndObject) replaceBuffer(dndObject.get()); else replaceBuffer(currentCursor); } void CCursorHandler::cursorMove(const int & x, const int & y) { xpos = x; ypos = y; } void CCursorHandler::shiftPos( int &x, int &y ) { if(( type == ECursor::COMBAT && frame != ECursor::COMBAT_POINTER) || type == ECursor::SPELLBOOK) { x-=16; y-=16; // Properly align the melee attack cursors. if (type == ECursor::COMBAT) { switch (frame) { case 7: // Bottom left x -= 6; y += 16; break; case 8: // Left x -= 16; y += 10; break; case 9: // Top left x -= 6; y -= 6; break; case 10: // Top right x += 16; y -= 6; break; case 11: // Right x += 16; y += 11; break; case 12: // Bottom right x += 16; y += 16; break; case 13: // Below x += 9; y += 16; break; case 14: // Above x += 9; y -= 15; break; } } } else if(type == ECursor::ADVENTURE) { if (frame == 0); //to exclude else if(frame == 2) { x -= 12; y -= 10; } else if(frame == 3) { x -= 12; y -= 12; } else if(frame < 27) { int hlpNum = (frame - 4)%6; if(hlpNum == 0) { x -= 15; y -= 13; } else if(hlpNum == 1) { x -= 13; y -= 13; } else if(hlpNum == 2) { x -= 20; y -= 20; } else if(hlpNum == 3) { x -= 13; y -= 16; } else if(hlpNum == 4) { x -= 8; y -= 9; } else if(hlpNum == 5) { x -= 14; y -= 16; } } else if(frame == 41) { x -= 14; y -= 16; } else if(frame < 31 || frame == 42) { x -= 20; y -= 20; } } } void CCursorHandler::centerCursor() { this->xpos = static_cast((screen->w / 2.) - (currentCursor->pos.w / 2.)); this->ypos = static_cast((screen->h / 2.) - (currentCursor->pos.h / 2.)); SDL_EventState(SDL_MOUSEMOTION, SDL_IGNORE); SDL_WarpMouse(this->xpos, this->ypos); SDL_EventState(SDL_MOUSEMOTION, SDL_ENABLE); } void CCursorHandler::render() { if(!showing) return; //the must update texture in the main (renderer) thread, but changes to cursor type may come from other threads updateTexture(); int x = xpos; int y = ypos; shiftPos(x, y); if(dndObject) { x -= dndObject->pos.w/2; y -= dndObject->pos.h/2; } SDL_Rect destRect; destRect.x = x; destRect.y = y; destRect.w = 40; destRect.h = 40; SDL_RenderCopy(mainRenderer, cursorLayer, nullptr, &destRect); } void CCursorHandler::updateTexture() { if(needUpdate) { SDL_UpdateTexture(cursorLayer, nullptr, buffer->pixels, buffer->pitch); needUpdate = false; } } CCursorHandler::CCursorHandler() : needUpdate(true), buffer(nullptr), cursorLayer(nullptr), showing(false) { } CCursorHandler::~CCursorHandler() { if(buffer) SDL_FreeSurface(buffer); if(cursorLayer) SDL_DestroyTexture(cursorLayer); }