/* * AINodeStorage.h, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #pragma once #define PATHFINDER_TRACE_LEVEL 0 #define AI_TRACE_LEVEL 0 #define SCOUT_TURN_DISTANCE_LIMIT 3 #include "../../../lib/CPathfinder.h" #include "../../../lib/mapObjects/CGHeroInstance.h" #include "../AIUtility.h" #include "../Engine/FuzzyHelper.h" #include "../Goals/AbstractGoal.h" #include "Actions/SpecialAction.h" #include "Actors.h" struct AIPathNode : public CGPathNode { uint64_t danger; uint64_t armyLoss; uint32_t manaCost; const AIPathNode * chainOther; std::shared_ptr specialAction; const ChainActor * actor; }; struct AIPathNodeInfo { float cost; uint8_t turns; int3 coord; uint64_t danger; const CGHeroInstance * targetHero; int parentIndex; uint64_t chainMask; std::shared_ptr specialAction; bool actionIsBlocked; }; struct AIPath { std::vector nodes; uint64_t targetObjectDanger; uint64_t armyLoss; uint64_t targetObjectArmyLoss; const CGHeroInstance * targetHero; const CCreatureSet * heroArmy; uint64_t chainMask; uint8_t exchangeCount; AIPath(); /// Gets danger of path excluding danger of visiting the target object like creature bank uint64_t getPathDanger() const; /// Gets danger of path including danger of visiting the target object like creature bank uint64_t getTotalDanger() const; /// Gets danger of path including danger of visiting the target object like creature bank uint64_t getTotalArmyLoss() const; int3 firstTileToGet() const; int3 targetTile() const; const AIPathNodeInfo & firstNode() const; const AIPathNodeInfo & targetNode() const; float movementCost() const; uint8_t turn() const; uint64_t getHeroStrength() const; std::string toString() const; std::shared_ptr getFirstBlockedAction() const; bool containsHero(const CGHeroInstance * hero) const; }; struct ExchangeCandidate : public AIPathNode { AIPathNode * carrierParent; AIPathNode * otherParent; }; enum EHeroChainPass { INITIAL, // single heroes unlimited distance CHAIN, // chains with limited distance FINAL // same as SINGLE but for heroes from CHAIN pass }; class AISharedStorage { /// 1-3 - position on map, 4 - layer (air, water, land), 5 - chain (normal, battle, spellcast and combinations) static std::shared_ptr> shared; std::shared_ptr> nodes; public: AISharedStorage(int3 mapSize); ~AISharedStorage(); /*STRONG_INLINE boost::detail::multi_array::sub_array get(int3 tile, EPathfindingLayer layer) { return (*nodes)[tile.x][tile.y][tile.z][layer]; }*/ STRONG_INLINE boost::detail::multi_array::sub_array get(int3 tile, EPathfindingLayer layer) const { return (*nodes)[tile.x][tile.y][tile.z][layer]; } }; class AINodeStorage : public INodeStorage { private: int3 sizes; const CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback * cb; const Nullkiller * ai; std::unique_ptr dangerEvaluator; AISharedStorage nodes; std::vector> actors; std::vector heroChain; EHeroChainPass heroChainPass; // true if we need to calculate hero chain uint64_t chainMask; int heroChainTurn; int heroChainMaxTurns; PlayerColor playerID; uint8_t scoutTurnDistanceLimit; public: /// more than 1 chain layer for each hero allows us to have more than 1 path to each tile so we can chose more optimal one. static const int NUM_CHAINS = 10 * GameConstants::MAX_HEROES_PER_PLAYER; AINodeStorage(const Nullkiller * ai, const int3 & sizes); ~AINodeStorage(); void initialize(const PathfinderOptions & options, const CGameState * gs) override; bool increaseHeroChainTurnLimit(); bool selectFirstActor(); bool selectNextActor(); virtual std::vector getInitialNodes() override; virtual std::vector calculateNeighbours( const PathNodeInfo & source, const PathfinderConfig * pathfinderConfig, const CPathfinderHelper * pathfinderHelper) override; virtual std::vector calculateTeleportations( const PathNodeInfo & source, const PathfinderConfig * pathfinderConfig, const CPathfinderHelper * pathfinderHelper) override; virtual void commit(CDestinationNodeInfo & destination, const PathNodeInfo & source) override; void commit( AIPathNode * destination, const AIPathNode * source, CGPathNode::ENodeAction action, int turn, int movementLeft, float cost) const; const AIPathNode * getAINode(const CGPathNode * node) const; void updateAINode(CGPathNode * node, std::function updater); bool hasBetterChain(const PathNodeInfo & source, CDestinationNodeInfo & destination) const; bool isMovementIneficient(const PathNodeInfo & source, CDestinationNodeInfo & destination) const { return hasBetterChain(source, destination); } bool isDistanceLimitReached(const PathNodeInfo & source, CDestinationNodeInfo & destination) const; template bool hasBetterChain( const CGPathNode * source, const AIPathNode * destinationNode, const NodeRange & chains) const; boost::optional getOrCreateNode(const int3 & coord, const EPathfindingLayer layer, const ChainActor * actor); std::vector getChainInfo(const int3 & pos, bool isOnLand) const; bool isTileAccessible(const HeroPtr & hero, const int3 & pos, const EPathfindingLayer layer) const; void setHeroes(std::map heroes); void setScoutTurnDistanceLimit(uint8_t distanceLimit) { scoutTurnDistanceLimit = distanceLimit; } void setTownsAndDwellings( const std::vector & towns, const std::set & visitableObjs); const CGHeroInstance * getHero(const CGPathNode * node) const; const std::set getAllHeroes() const; void clear(); bool calculateHeroChain(); bool calculateHeroChainFinal(); uint64_t evaluateDanger(const int3 & tile, const CGHeroInstance * hero, bool checkGuards) const { return dangerEvaluator->evaluateDanger(tile, hero, checkGuards); } uint64_t evaluateArmyLoss(const CGHeroInstance * hero, uint64_t armyValue, uint64_t danger) const { double ratio = (double)danger / (armyValue * hero->getFightingStrength()); return (uint64_t)(armyValue * ratio * ratio * ratio); } private: STRONG_INLINE void resetTile(const int3 & tile, EPathfindingLayer layer, CGPathNode::EAccessibility accessibility); void calculateHeroChain( AIPathNode * srcNode, const std::vector & variants, std::vector & result) const; void calculateHeroChain( AIPathNode * carrier, AIPathNode * other, std::vector & result) const; void cleanupInefectiveChains(std::vector & result) const; void addHeroChain(const std::vector & result); void calculateTownPortalTeleportations(std::vector & neighbours); void fillChainInfo(const AIPathNode * node, AIPath & path, int parentIndex) const; ExchangeCandidate calculateExchange( ChainActor * exchangeActor, AIPathNode * carrierParentNode, AIPathNode * otherParentNode) const; };