/* * EventDispatcher.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "EventDispatcher.h" #include "EventsReceiver.h" #include "FramerateManager.h" #include "CGuiHandler.h" #include "MouseButton.h" #include "WindowHandler.h" #include "gui/Shortcut.h" #include "../../lib/CConfigHandler.h" #include "../../lib/Rect.h" #include "../eventsSDL/InputHandler.h" template<typename Functor> void EventDispatcher::processLists(ui16 activityFlag, const Functor & cb) { auto processList = [&](ui16 mask, EventReceiversList & lst) { if(mask & activityFlag) cb(lst); }; processList(AEventsReceiver::LCLICK, lclickable); processList(AEventsReceiver::SHOW_POPUP, rclickable); processList(AEventsReceiver::HOVER, hoverable); processList(AEventsReceiver::MOVE, motioninterested); processList(AEventsReceiver::DRAG, draginterested); processList(AEventsReceiver::KEYBOARD, keyinterested); processList(AEventsReceiver::TIME, timeinterested); processList(AEventsReceiver::WHEEL, wheelInterested); processList(AEventsReceiver::DOUBLECLICK, doubleClickInterested); processList(AEventsReceiver::TEXTINPUT, textInterested); processList(AEventsReceiver::GESTURE, panningInterested); processList(AEventsReceiver::INPUT_MODE_CHANGE, inputModeChangeInterested); } void EventDispatcher::activateElement(AEventsReceiver * elem, ui16 activityFlag) { processLists(activityFlag,[&](EventReceiversList & lst){ lst.push_front(elem); }); elem->activeState |= activityFlag; } void EventDispatcher::deactivateElement(AEventsReceiver * elem, ui16 activityFlag) { processLists(activityFlag,[&](EventReceiversList & lst){ auto hlp = std::find(lst.begin(),lst.end(),elem); assert(hlp != lst.end()); lst.erase(hlp); }); elem->activeState &= ~activityFlag; } void EventDispatcher::dispatchTimer(uint32_t msPassed) { EventReceiversList hlp = timeinterested; for (auto & elem : hlp) { if(!vstd::contains(timeinterested,elem)) continue; elem->tick(msPassed); } } void EventDispatcher::dispatchShortcutPressed(const std::vector<EShortcut> & shortcutsVector) { bool keysCaptured = false; if (vstd::contains(shortcutsVector, EShortcut::MOUSE_LEFT)) dispatchMouseLeftButtonPressed(GH.getCursorPosition(), settings["input"]["shortcutToleranceDistance"].Integer()); if (vstd::contains(shortcutsVector, EShortcut::MOUSE_RIGHT)) dispatchShowPopup(GH.getCursorPosition(), settings["input"]["shortcutToleranceDistance"].Integer()); for(auto & i : keyinterested) for(EShortcut shortcut : shortcutsVector) if(i->captureThisKey(shortcut)) keysCaptured = true; EventReceiversList miCopy = keyinterested; for(auto & i : miCopy) { for(EShortcut shortcut : shortcutsVector) if(vstd::contains(keyinterested, i) && (!keysCaptured || i->captureThisKey(shortcut))) { i->keyPressed(shortcut); if (keysCaptured) return; } } } void EventDispatcher::dispatchShortcutReleased(const std::vector<EShortcut> & shortcutsVector) { bool keysCaptured = false; if (vstd::contains(shortcutsVector, EShortcut::MOUSE_LEFT)) dispatchMouseLeftButtonReleased(GH.getCursorPosition(), settings["input"]["shortcutToleranceDistance"].Integer()); if (vstd::contains(shortcutsVector, EShortcut::MOUSE_RIGHT)) dispatchClosePopup(GH.getCursorPosition()); for(auto & i : keyinterested) for(EShortcut shortcut : shortcutsVector) if(i->captureThisKey(shortcut)) keysCaptured = true; EventReceiversList miCopy = keyinterested; for(auto & i : miCopy) { for(EShortcut shortcut : shortcutsVector) if(vstd::contains(keyinterested, i) && (!keysCaptured || i->captureThisKey(shortcut))) { i->keyReleased(shortcut); if (keysCaptured) return; } } } void EventDispatcher::dispatchMouseDoubleClick(const Point & position, int tolerance) { handleDoubleButtonClick(position, tolerance); } void EventDispatcher::dispatchMouseLeftButtonPressed(const Point & position, int tolerance) { handleLeftButtonClick(position, tolerance, true); } void EventDispatcher::dispatchMouseLeftButtonReleased(const Point & position, int tolerance) { handleLeftButtonClick(position, tolerance, false); } AEventsReceiver * EventDispatcher::findElementInToleranceRange(const EventReceiversList & list, const Point & position, int eventToTest, int tolerance) { AEventsReceiver * bestElement = nullptr; int bestDistance = std::numeric_limits<int>::max(); for(auto & i : list) { // if there is element that can actually receive event then tolerance clicking is disabled if( i->receiveEvent(position, eventToTest)) return nullptr; if (i->getPosition().distanceTo(position) > bestDistance) continue; Point center = i->getPosition().center(); Point distance = center - position; if (distance.lengthSquared() == 0) continue; Point moveDelta = distance * std::min(1.0, static_cast<double>(tolerance) / distance.length()); Point testPosition = position + moveDelta; if( !i->receiveEvent(testPosition, eventToTest)) continue; bestElement = i; bestDistance = i->getPosition().distanceTo(position); } return bestElement; } void EventDispatcher::dispatchShowPopup(const Point & position, int tolerance) { AEventsReceiver * nearestElement = findElementInToleranceRange(rclickable, position, AEventsReceiver::LCLICK, tolerance); auto hlp = rclickable; for(auto & i : hlp) { if(!vstd::contains(rclickable, i)) continue; if( !i->receiveEvent(position, AEventsReceiver::SHOW_POPUP) && i != nearestElement) continue; i->showPopupWindow(position); } } void EventDispatcher::dispatchClosePopup(const Point & position) { if (GH.windows().isTopWindowPopup()) GH.windows().popWindows(1); assert(!GH.windows().isTopWindowPopup()); } void EventDispatcher::handleLeftButtonClick(const Point & position, int tolerance, bool isPressed) { // WARNING: this approach is NOT SAFE // 1) We allow (un)registering elements when list itself is being processed/iterated // 2) To avoid iterator invalidation we create a copy of this list for processing // HOWEVER it is completely possible (as in, actually happen, no just theory) to: // 1) element gets unregistered and deleted from lclickable // 2) element is completely deleted, as in - destructor called, memory freed // 3) new element is created *with exactly same address(!) // 4) new element is registered and code will incorrectly assume that this element is still registered // POSSIBLE SOLUTION: make EventReceivers inherit from create_shared_from this and store weak_ptr's in lists AEventsReceiver * nearestElement = findElementInToleranceRange(lclickable, position, AEventsReceiver::LCLICK, tolerance); auto hlp = lclickable; bool lastActivated = true; for(auto & i : hlp) { if(!vstd::contains(lclickable, i)) continue; if( i->receiveEvent(position, AEventsReceiver::LCLICK) || i == nearestElement) { if(isPressed) { i->mouseClickedState = isPressed; i->clickPressed(position, lastActivated); } else { if (i->mouseClickedState) { i->mouseClickedState = isPressed; i->clickReleased(position, lastActivated); } else i->mouseClickedState = isPressed; } lastActivated = false; } else { if(i->mouseClickedState && !isPressed) { i->mouseClickedState = isPressed; i->clickCancel(position); } } } } void EventDispatcher::handleDoubleButtonClick(const Point & position, int tolerance) { // WARNING: this approach is NOT SAFE // 1) We allow (un)registering elements when list itself is being processed/iterated // 2) To avoid iterator invalidation we create a copy of this list for processing // HOWEVER it is completely possible (as in, actually happen, no just theory) to: // 1) element gets unregistered and deleted from lclickable // 2) element is completely deleted, as in - destructor called, memory freed // 3) new element is created *with exactly same address(!) // 4) new element is registered and code will incorrectly assume that this element is still registered // POSSIBLE SOLUTION: make EventReceivers inherit from create_shared_from this and store weak_ptr's in lists AEventsReceiver * nearestElement = findElementInToleranceRange(doubleClickInterested, position, AEventsReceiver::DOUBLECLICK, tolerance); bool doubleClicked = false; auto hlp = doubleClickInterested; for(auto & i : hlp) { if(!vstd::contains(doubleClickInterested, i)) continue; if(i->receiveEvent(position, AEventsReceiver::DOUBLECLICK) || i == nearestElement) { i->clickDouble(position); doubleClicked = true; } } if(!doubleClicked) handleLeftButtonClick(position, tolerance, true); } void EventDispatcher::dispatchMouseScrolled(const Point & distance, const Point & position) { EventReceiversList hlp = wheelInterested; for(auto & i : hlp) { if(!vstd::contains(wheelInterested,i)) continue; if (i->receiveEvent(position, AEventsReceiver::WHEEL)) i->wheelScrolled(distance.y); } } void EventDispatcher::dispatchTextInput(const std::string & text) { for(auto it : textInterested) { it->textInputted(text); } } void EventDispatcher::dispatchTextEditing(const std::string & text) { for(auto it : textInterested) { it->textEdited(text); } } void EventDispatcher::dispatchInputModeChanged(const InputMode & modi) { for(auto it : inputModeChangeInterested) { it->inputModeChanged(modi); } } void EventDispatcher::dispatchGesturePanningStarted(const Point & initialPosition) { auto copied = panningInterested; for(auto it : copied) { if (!vstd::contains(panningInterested, it)) continue; if (!it->isGesturing() && it->receiveEvent(initialPosition, AEventsReceiver::GESTURE)) { it->panningState = true; it->gesture(true, initialPosition, initialPosition); } } } void EventDispatcher::dispatchGesturePanningEnded(const Point & initialPosition, const Point & finalPosition) { dispatchGesturePanningStarted(initialPosition); auto copied = panningInterested; for(auto it : copied) { if (it->isGesturing()) { it->panningState = false; it->gesture(false, initialPosition, finalPosition); } } } void EventDispatcher::dispatchGesturePanning(const Point & initialPosition, const Point & currentPosition, const Point & lastUpdateDistance) { dispatchGesturePanningStarted(initialPosition); auto copied = panningInterested; for(auto it : copied) { if (!vstd::contains(panningInterested, it)) continue; if (it->isGesturing()) it->gesturePanning(initialPosition, currentPosition, lastUpdateDistance); } } void EventDispatcher::dispatchGesturePinch(const Point & initialPosition, double distance) { for(auto it : panningInterested) { if (it->isGesturing()) it->gesturePinch(initialPosition, distance); } } void EventDispatcher::dispatchMouseMoved(const Point & distance, const Point & position) { EventReceiversList newlyHovered; auto hoverableCopy = hoverable; for(auto & elem : hoverableCopy) { if(elem->receiveEvent(position, AEventsReceiver::HOVER)) { if (!elem->isHovered()) { newlyHovered.push_back((elem)); } } else { if (elem->isHovered()) { elem->hoveredState = false; elem->hover(false); } } } for(auto & elem : newlyHovered) { elem->hoveredState = true; elem->hover(true); } //sending active, MotionInterested objects mouseMoved() call EventReceiversList miCopy = motioninterested; for(auto & elem : miCopy) { if (!vstd::contains(motioninterested, elem)) continue; if(elem->receiveEvent(position, AEventsReceiver::HOVER)) elem->mouseMoved(position, distance); } } void EventDispatcher::dispatchMouseDragged(const Point & currentPosition, const Point & lastUpdateDistance) { EventReceiversList diCopy = draginterested; for(auto & elem : diCopy) { if (elem->mouseClickedState) elem->mouseDragged(currentPosition, lastUpdateDistance); } }