 * ERMInterpreter.h, part of VCMI engine
 * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
 * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
 * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
#pragma once

#include "ERMParser.h"
#include "ERMScriptModule.h"

class ERMInterpreter;

namespace VERMInterpreter
	using namespace ERM;

	//different exceptions that can be thrown during interpreting
	class EInterpreterProblem : public std::exception
		std::string problem;
		const char * what() const throw() override
			return problem.c_str();
		~EInterpreterProblem() throw()
		EInterpreterProblem(const std::string & problemDesc) : problem(problemDesc)

	struct ESymbolNotFound : public EInterpreterProblem
		ESymbolNotFound(const std::string & sym) :
		  EInterpreterProblem(std::string("Symbol \"") + sym + std::string("\" not found!"))

	struct EInvalidTrigger : public EInterpreterProblem
		EInvalidTrigger(const std::string & sym) :
		  EInterpreterProblem(std::string("Trigger \"") + sym + std::string("\" is invalid!"))

	struct EUsageOfUndefinedMacro : public EInterpreterProblem
		EUsageOfUndefinedMacro(const std::string & macro) :
			EInterpreterProblem(std::string("Macro ") + macro + " is undefined")

	struct EIexpProblem : public EInterpreterProblem
		EIexpProblem(const std::string & desc) :

	struct ELineProblem : public EInterpreterProblem
		ELineProblem(const std::string & desc) :

	struct EExecutionError : public EInterpreterProblem
		EExecutionError(const std::string & desc) :

	//internal interpreter error related to execution
	struct EInterpreterError : public EExecutionError
		EInterpreterError(const std::string & desc) :

	//wrong script
	struct EScriptExecError : public EExecutionError
		EScriptExecError(const std::string & desc) :

	//wrong script
	struct EVermScriptExecError : public EScriptExecError
		EVermScriptExecError(const std::string & desc) :

	//		All numeric variables are integer variables and have a range of -2147483647...+2147483647
	//		c			stores game active day number			//indirect variable
	//		d			current value							//not an actual variable but a modifier
	// 		e1..e100 	Function floating point variables		//local
	// 		e-1..e-100	Trigger local floating point variables	//local
	// 		'f'..'t'	Standard variables ('quick variables')	//global
	// 		v1..v1000	Standard variables						//global
	// 		w1..w100	Hero variables
	// 		w101..w200	Hero variables
	// 		x1..x16		Function parameters						//local
	// 		y1..y100	Function local variables				//local
	// 		y-1..y-100	Trigger-based local integer variables	//local
	// 		z1..z1000	String variables						//global
	// 		z-1..z-10	Function local string variables			//local

	struct TriggerType
		//the same order of trigger types in this enum and in validTriggers array is obligatory!
		enum ETrigType
			AE, BA, BF, BG, BR, CM, CO, FU, GE, GM, HE, HL, HM, IP, LE, MF, MG, MM, MR,	MW, OB, PI, SN, TH, TM

		ETrigType type;

		static ETrigType convertTrigger(const std::string & trig)
			static const std::string validTriggers[] =
				"AE", "BA", "BF", "BG", "BR", "CM", "CO", "FU",
				"GE", "GM", "HE", "HL", "HM", "IP", "LE", "MF", "MG", "MM", "MR", "MW", "OB", "PI", "SN",
				"TH", "TM"

			for(int i=0; i<std::size(validTriggers); ++i)
				if(validTriggers[i] == trig)
					return static_cast<ETrigType>(i);
			throw EInvalidTrigger(trig);

		bool operator<(const TriggerType & t2) const
			return type < t2.type;

		TriggerType(const std::string & sym)
			type = convertTrigger(sym);


	struct LinePointer
		int lineNum;
		int realLineNum;
		int fileLength;

			: fileLength(-1)

		LinePointer(int _fileLength, int line, int _realLineNum)
			: fileLength(_fileLength),

		bool operator<(const LinePointer & rhs) const
			return lineNum < rhs.lineNum;

		bool operator!=(const LinePointer & rhs) const
			return lineNum != rhs.lineNum;
		LinePointer & operator++()
			return *this;
		bool isValid() const
			return fileLength > 0 && lineNum < fileLength;

	struct Trigger
		LinePointer line;

	//verm goodies
	struct VSymbol
		std::string text;
		VSymbol(const std::string & txt) : text(txt)

	struct VNode;
	struct VOptionList;

	struct VNIL

	typedef std::variant<char, double, int, std::string> TLiteral;

	typedef std::variant<VNIL, boost::recursive_wrapper<VNode>, VSymbol, TLiteral, ERM::Tcommand> VOption; //options in v-expression, VNIl should be the default

	template<typename T, typename SecType>
	T& getAs(SecType & opt)
		if(opt.type() == typeid(T))
			return std::get<T>(opt);
			throw EVermScriptExecError("Wrong type!");

	template<typename T, typename SecType>
	bool isA(const SecType & opt)
		if(opt.type() == typeid(T))
			return true;
			return false;

	struct VermTreeIterator
		friend struct VOptionList;
		VOptionList * parent;
		enum Estate {NORM, CAR} state;
		int basePos; //car/cdr offset
		VermTreeIterator(VOptionList & _parent) : parent(&_parent), state(NORM), basePos(0)
		VermTreeIterator() : parent(nullptr), state(NORM)

		VermTreeIterator & operator=(const VOption & opt);
		VermTreeIterator & operator=(const std::vector<VOption> & opt);
		VermTreeIterator & operator=(const VOptionList & opt);
		VOption & getAsItem();
		VOptionList getAsList();
		size_t size() const;

		VermTreeIterator& operator=(const VermTreeIterator & rhs)
			if(this == &rhs)
				return *this;
			parent = rhs.parent;
			state = rhs.state;
			basePos = rhs.basePos;

			return *this;

	struct VOptionList : public std::vector<VOption>
		friend struct VermTreeIterator;
		VermTreeIterator car();
		VermTreeIterator cdr();

	struct VNode
		void processModifierList(const std::vector<TVModifier> & modifierList, bool asSymbol);
		VOptionList children;
		VNode( const ERM::TVExp & exp);
		VNode( const VOptionList & cdren );
		VNode( const ERM::TSymbol & sym ); //only in case sym has modifiers!
		VNode( const VOption & first, const VOptionList & rest); //merges given arguments into [a, rest];
		void setVnode( const VOption & first, const VOptionList & rest);

class ERMInterpreter
/*not so*/ public:

	std::map<VERMInterpreter::LinePointer, ERM::TLine> scripts;

	typedef std::map<VERMInterpreter::TriggerType, std::vector<VERMInterpreter::Trigger> > TtriggerListType;
	TtriggerListType triggers;
	TtriggerListType postTriggers;
	std::vector<VERMInterpreter::LinePointer> instructions;

	static bool isCMDATrigger(const ERM::Tcommand & cmd);
	static bool isATrigger(const ERM::TLine & line);
	static ERM::EVOptions getExpType(const ERM::TVOption & opt);
	ERM::TLine & retrieveLine(const VERMInterpreter::LinePointer & linePtr);
	static ERM::TTriggerBase & retrieveTrigger(ERM::TLine & line);
	vstd::CLoggerBase * logger;

	ERMInterpreter(vstd::CLoggerBase * logger_);
	virtual ~ERMInterpreter();

	std::string loadScript(const std::string & name, const std::string & source);