/* * Buttons.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "Buttons.h" #include "Images.h" #include "TextControls.h" #include "../CMusicHandler.h" #include "../CGameInfo.h" #include "../CPlayerInterface.h" #include "../battle/BattleInterface.h" #include "../battle/BattleInterfaceClasses.h" #include "../eventsSDL/InputHandler.h" #include "../gui/CGuiHandler.h" #include "../gui/MouseButton.h" #include "../gui/Shortcut.h" #include "../gui/InterfaceObjectConfigurable.h" #include "../windows/InfoWindows.h" #include "../render/CAnimation.h" #include "../render/Canvas.h" #include "../render/IRenderHandler.h" #include "../../lib/CConfigHandler.h" #include "../../lib/CGeneralTextHandler.h" #include "../../lib/filesystem/Filesystem.h" void ButtonBase::update() { if (overlay) { Point targetPos = Rect::createCentered( pos, overlay->pos.dimensions()).topLeft(); if (state == EButtonState::PRESSED) overlay->moveTo(targetPos + Point(1,1)); else overlay->moveTo(targetPos); } if (image) { // checkbox - has only have two frames: normal and pressed/highlighted // hero movement speed buttons: only three frames: normal, pressed and blocked/highlighted if (state == EButtonState::HIGHLIGHTED && image->size() < 4) image->setFrame(image->size()-1); image->setFrame(stateToIndex[vstd::to_underlying(state)]); } if (isActive()) redraw(); } void CButton::setBorderColor(std::optional newBorderColor) { borderColor = newBorderColor; } void CButton::addCallback(const std::function & callback) { this->callback += callback; } void ButtonBase::setTextOverlay(const std::string & Text, EFonts font, ColorRGBA color) { OBJECT_CONSTRUCTION_CUSTOM_CAPTURING(255-DISPOSE); setOverlay(std::make_shared(pos.w/2, pos.h/2, font, ETextAlignment::CENTER, color, Text)); update(); } void ButtonBase::setOverlay(const std::shared_ptr& newOverlay) { overlay = newOverlay; if(overlay) { addChild(newOverlay.get()); Point targetPos = Rect::createCentered( pos, overlay->pos.dimensions()).topLeft(); overlay->moveTo(targetPos); } update(); } void ButtonBase::setImage(const AnimationPath & defName, bool playerColoredButton) { OBJECT_CONSTRUCTION_CUSTOM_CAPTURING(255-DISPOSE); configurable.reset(); image = std::make_shared(defName, vstd::to_underlying(getState())); pos = image->pos; if (playerColoredButton) image->playerColored(LOCPLINT->playerID); } const JsonNode & ButtonBase::getCurrentConfig() const { if (!config) throw std::runtime_error("No config found in button!"); static constexpr std::array stateToConfig = { "normal", "pressed", "blocked", "highlighted" }; std::string key = stateToConfig[vstd::to_underlying(getState())]; const JsonNode & value = (*config)[key]; if (value.isNull()) throw std::runtime_error("No config found in button for state " + key + "!"); return value; } void ButtonBase::setConfigurable(const JsonPath & jsonName, bool playerColoredButton) { OBJECT_CONSTRUCTION_CUSTOM_CAPTURING(255-DISPOSE); config = std::make_unique(jsonName); image.reset(); configurable = std::make_shared(getCurrentConfig()); pos = configurable->pos; if (playerColoredButton) image->playerColored(LOCPLINT->playerID); } void CButton::addHoverText(EButtonState state, const std::string & text) { hoverTexts[vstd::to_underlying(state)] = text; } void ButtonBase::setImageOrder(int state1, int state2, int state3, int state4) { stateToIndex[0] = state1; stateToIndex[1] = state2; stateToIndex[2] = state3; stateToIndex[3] = state4; update(); } std::shared_ptr ButtonBase::getOverlay() { return overlay; } void ButtonBase::setStateImpl(EButtonState newState) { state = newState; if (configurable) { OBJECT_CONSTRUCTION_CUSTOM_CAPTURING(255-DISPOSE); configurable = std::make_shared(getCurrentConfig()); pos = configurable->pos; if (overlay) { // Force overlay on top removeChild(overlay.get()); addChild(overlay.get()); } } update(); } void CButton::setState(EButtonState newState) { if (getState() == newState) return; if (newState == EButtonState::BLOCKED) removeUsedEvents(LCLICK | SHOW_POPUP | HOVER | KEYBOARD); else addUsedEvents(LCLICK | SHOW_POPUP | HOVER | KEYBOARD); setStateImpl(newState); } EButtonState ButtonBase::getState() const { return state; } bool CButton::isBlocked() { return getState() == EButtonState::BLOCKED; } bool CButton::isHighlighted() { return getState() == EButtonState::HIGHLIGHTED; } void CButton::setHoverable(bool on) { hoverable = on; } void CButton::setSoundDisabled(bool on) { soundDisabled = on; } void CButton::setActOnDown(bool on) { actOnDown = on; } void CButton::block(bool on) { if(on || getState() == EButtonState::BLOCKED) //dont change button state if unblock requested, but it's not blocked setState(on ? EButtonState::BLOCKED : EButtonState::NORMAL); } void CButton::onButtonClicked() { // debug logging to figure out pressed button (and as result - player actions) in case of crash logAnim->trace("Button clicked at %dx%d", pos.x, pos.y); CIntObject * parent = this->parent; std::string prefix = "Parent is"; while (parent) { logAnim->trace("%s%s at %dx%d", prefix, typeid(*parent).name(), parent->pos.x, parent->pos.y); parent = parent->parent; prefix = '\t' + prefix; } callback(); } void CButton::clickPressed(const Point & cursorPosition) { if(isBlocked()) return; if (getState() != EButtonState::PRESSED) { if (!soundDisabled) { CCS->soundh->playSound(soundBase::button); GH.input().hapticFeedback(); } setState(EButtonState::PRESSED); if (actOnDown) onButtonClicked(); } } void CButton::clickReleased(const Point & cursorPosition) { if (getState() == EButtonState::PRESSED) { if(hoverable && isHovered()) setState(EButtonState::HIGHLIGHTED); else setState(EButtonState::NORMAL); if (!actOnDown) onButtonClicked(); } } void CButton::clickCancel(const Point & cursorPosition) { if (getState() == EButtonState::PRESSED) { if(hoverable && isHovered()) setState(EButtonState::HIGHLIGHTED); else setState(EButtonState::NORMAL); } } void CButton::showPopupWindow(const Point & cursorPosition) { if(!helpBox.empty()) //there is no point to show window with nothing inside... CRClickPopup::createAndPush(helpBox); } void CButton::hover (bool on) { if(hoverable && !isBlocked()) { if(on) setState(EButtonState::HIGHLIGHTED); else setState(EButtonState::NORMAL); } /*if(pressedL && on) // WTF is this? When this is used? setState(PRESSED);*/ std::string name = hoverTexts[vstd::to_underlying(getState())].empty() ? hoverTexts[0] : hoverTexts[vstd::to_underlying(getState())]; if(!name.empty() && !isBlocked()) //if there is no name, there is nothing to display also { if (on) GH.statusbar()->write(name); else GH.statusbar()->clearIfMatching(name); } } ButtonBase::ButtonBase(Point position, const AnimationPath & defName, EShortcut key, bool playerColoredButton) : CKeyShortcut(key) , stateToIndex({0, 1, 2, 3}) , state(EButtonState::NORMAL) { pos.x += position.x; pos.y += position.y; JsonPath jsonConfig = defName.toType().addPrefix("CONFIG/WIDGETS/BUTTONS/"); if (CResourceHandler::get()->existsResource(jsonConfig)) { setConfigurable(jsonConfig, playerColoredButton); return; } else { setImage(defName, playerColoredButton); return; } } ButtonBase::~ButtonBase() = default; CButton::CButton(Point position, const AnimationPath &defName, const std::pair &help, CFunctionList Callback, EShortcut key, bool playerColoredButton): ButtonBase(position, defName, key, playerColoredButton), callback(Callback), helpBox(help.second), actOnDown(false), hoverable(false), soundDisabled(false) { defActions = 255-DISPOSE; addUsedEvents(LCLICK | SHOW_POPUP | HOVER | KEYBOARD); hoverTexts[0] = help.first; } void ButtonBase::setPlayerColor(PlayerColor player) { if (image && image->isPlayerColored()) image->playerColored(player); } void CButton::showAll(Canvas & to) { CIntObject::showAll(to); if (borderColor) to.drawBorder(Rect::createAround(pos, 1), *borderColor); } std::pair CButton::tooltip() { return std::pair(); } std::pair CButton::tooltipLocalized(const std::string & key) { return std::make_pair( CGI->generaltexth->translate(key, "hover"), CGI->generaltexth->translate(key, "help") ); } std::pair CButton::tooltip(const std::string & hover, const std::string & help) { return std::make_pair(hover, help); } CToggleBase::CToggleBase(CFunctionList callback): callback(callback), selected(false), allowDeselection(true) { } CToggleBase::~CToggleBase() = default; void CToggleBase::doSelect(bool on) { // for overrides } void CToggleBase::setEnabled(bool enabled) { // for overrides } void CToggleBase::setSelectedSilent(bool on) { selected = on; doSelect(on); } void CToggleBase::setSelected(bool on) { bool changed = (on != selected); setSelectedSilent(on); if (changed) callback(on); } bool CToggleBase::isSelected() const { return selected; } bool CToggleBase::canActivate() const { return !selected || allowDeselection; } void CToggleBase::addCallback(const std::function & function) { callback += function; } void CToggleBase::setAllowDeselection(bool on) { allowDeselection = on; } CToggleButton::CToggleButton(Point position, const AnimationPath &defName, const std::pair &help, CFunctionList callback, EShortcut key, bool playerColoredButton): CButton(position, defName, help, 0, key, playerColoredButton), CToggleBase(callback) { } void CToggleButton::doSelect(bool on) { if (on) { setState(EButtonState::HIGHLIGHTED); } else { setState(EButtonState::NORMAL); } } void CToggleButton::setEnabled(bool enabled) { setState(enabled ? EButtonState::NORMAL : EButtonState::BLOCKED); } void CToggleButton::clickPressed(const Point & cursorPosition) { // force refresh hover(false); hover(true); if(isBlocked()) return; if (canActivate()) { CCS->soundh->playSound(soundBase::button); GH.input().hapticFeedback(); setState(EButtonState::PRESSED); } } void CToggleButton::clickReleased(const Point & cursorPosition) { // force refresh hover(false); hover(true); if(isBlocked()) return; if (getState() == EButtonState::PRESSED && canActivate()) { onButtonClicked(); setSelected(!isSelected()); } else doSelect(isSelected()); // restore } void CToggleButton::clickCancel(const Point & cursorPosition) { // force refresh hover(false); hover(true); if(isBlocked()) return; doSelect(isSelected()); } void CToggleGroup::addCallback(const std::function & callback) { onChange += callback; } void CToggleGroup::resetCallback() { onChange.clear(); } void CToggleGroup::addToggle(int identifier, const std::shared_ptr & button) { if(auto intObj = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(button)) // hack-ish workagound to avoid diamond problem with inheritance { addChild(intObj.get()); } button->addCallback([=] (bool on) { if (on) selectionChanged(identifier);}); button->setAllowDeselection(false); if(buttons.count(identifier)>0) logAnim->error("Duplicated toggle button id %d", identifier); buttons[identifier] = button; } CToggleGroup::CToggleGroup(const CFunctionList &OnChange) : onChange(OnChange), selectedID(-2) { } void CToggleGroup::setSelected(int id) { selectionChanged(id); } void CToggleGroup::setSelectedOnly(int id) { for(const auto & button : buttons) button.second->setEnabled(button.first == id); selectionChanged(id); } void CToggleGroup::selectionChanged(int to) { if (to == selectedID) return; int oldSelection = selectedID; selectedID = to; if (buttons.count(oldSelection)) buttons[oldSelection]->setSelected(false); if (buttons.count(to)) buttons[to]->setSelected(true); onChange(to); redraw(); } int CToggleGroup::getSelected() const { return selectedID; }