/* * CSpellWindow.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "CSpellWindow.h" #include "../../lib/ScopeGuard.h" #include "GUIClasses.h" #include "InfoWindows.h" #include "CCastleInterface.h" #include "../CGameInfo.h" #include "../CPlayerInterface.h" #include "../PlayerLocalState.h" #include "../CVideoHandler.h" #include "../battle/BattleInterface.h" #include "../gui/CGuiHandler.h" #include "../gui/Shortcut.h" #include "../widgets/MiscWidgets.h" #include "../widgets/CComponent.h" #include "../widgets/TextControls.h" #include "../adventureMap/AdventureMapInterface.h" #include "../render/CAnimation.h" #include "../renderSDL/SDL_Extensions.h" #include "../../CCallback.h" #include "../../lib/CConfigHandler.h" #include "../../lib/CGeneralTextHandler.h" #include "../../lib/spells/CSpellHandler.h" #include "../../lib/spells/Problem.h" #include "../../lib/GameConstants.h" #include "../../lib/mapObjects/CGHeroInstance.h" CSpellWindow::InteractiveArea::InteractiveArea(const Rect & myRect, std::function funcL, int helpTextId, CSpellWindow * _owner) { addUsedEvents(LCLICK | RCLICK | HOVER); pos = myRect; onLeft = funcL; hoverText = CGI->generaltexth->zelp[helpTextId].first; helpText = CGI->generaltexth->zelp[helpTextId].second; owner = _owner; } void CSpellWindow::InteractiveArea::clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState) { if(!down) onLeft(); } void CSpellWindow::InteractiveArea::clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState) { if (down) CRClickPopup::createAndPush(helpText); } void CSpellWindow::InteractiveArea::hover(bool on) { if(on) owner->statusBar->write(hoverText); else owner->statusBar->clear(); } class SpellbookSpellSorter { public: bool operator()(const CSpell * A, const CSpell * B) { if(A->level < B->level) return true; if(A->level > B->level) return false; for(auto schoolId = 0; schoolId < GameConstants::DEFAULT_SCHOOLS; schoolId++) { if(A->school.at(SpellSchool(schoolId)) && !B->school.at(SpellSchool(schoolId))) return true; if(!A->school.at(SpellSchool(schoolId)) && B->school.at(SpellSchool(schoolId))) return false; } return A->getNameTranslated() < B->getNameTranslated(); } } spellsorter; CSpellWindow::CSpellWindow(const CGHeroInstance * _myHero, CPlayerInterface * _myInt, bool openOnBattleSpells): CWindowObject(PLAYER_COLORED, "SpelBack"), battleSpellsOnly(openOnBattleSpells), selectedTab(4), currentPage(0), myHero(_myHero), myInt(_myInt) { OBJECT_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING(255-DISPOSE); //initializing castable spells mySpells.reserve(CGI->spellh->objects.size()); for(const CSpell * spell : CGI->spellh->objects) { if(!spell->isCreatureAbility() && myHero->canCastThisSpell(spell)) mySpells.push_back(spell); } std::sort(mySpells.begin(), mySpells.end(), spellsorter); //initializing sizes of spellbook's parts for(auto & elem : sitesPerTabAdv) elem = 0; for(auto & elem : sitesPerTabBattle) elem = 0; for(const auto spell : mySpells) { int * sitesPerOurTab = spell->isCombat() ? sitesPerTabBattle : sitesPerTabAdv; ++sitesPerOurTab[4]; spell->forEachSchool([&sitesPerOurTab](const spells::SchoolInfo & school, bool & stop) { ++sitesPerOurTab[(ui8)school.id]; }); } if(sitesPerTabAdv[4] % 12 == 0) sitesPerTabAdv[4]/=12; else sitesPerTabAdv[4] = sitesPerTabAdv[4]/12 + 1; for(int v=0; v<4; ++v) { if(sitesPerTabAdv[v] <= 10) sitesPerTabAdv[v] = 1; else { if((sitesPerTabAdv[v] - 10) % 12 == 0) sitesPerTabAdv[v] = (sitesPerTabAdv[v] - 10) / 12 + 1; else sitesPerTabAdv[v] = (sitesPerTabAdv[v] - 10) / 12 + 2; } } if(sitesPerTabBattle[4] % 12 == 0) sitesPerTabBattle[4]/=12; else sitesPerTabBattle[4] = sitesPerTabBattle[4]/12 + 1; for(int v=0; v<4; ++v) { if(sitesPerTabBattle[v] <= 10) sitesPerTabBattle[v] = 1; else { if((sitesPerTabBattle[v] - 10) % 12 == 0) sitesPerTabBattle[v] = (sitesPerTabBattle[v] - 10) / 12 + 1; else sitesPerTabBattle[v] = (sitesPerTabBattle[v] - 10) / 12 + 2; } } //numbers of spell pages computed leftCorner = std::make_shared("SpelTrnL.bmp", 97, 77); rightCorner = std::make_shared("SpelTrnR.bmp", 487, 72); spellIcons = std::make_shared("Spells"); schoolTab = std::make_shared("SpelTab", selectedTab, 0, 524, 88); schoolPicture = std::make_shared("Schools", 0, 0, 117, 74); schoolBorders[0] = std::make_shared("SplevA.def"); schoolBorders[1] = std::make_shared("SplevF.def"); schoolBorders[2] = std::make_shared("SplevW.def"); schoolBorders[3] = std::make_shared("SplevE.def"); for(auto item : schoolBorders) item->preload(); mana = std::make_shared(435, 426, FONT_SMALL, ETextAlignment::CENTER, Colors::YELLOW, std::to_string(myHero->mana)); statusBar = CGStatusBar::create(7, 569, "Spelroll.bmp"); interactiveAreas.push_back(std::make_shared( Rect( 479 + pos.x, 405 + pos.y, 36, 56), std::bind(&CSpellWindow::fexitb, this), 460, this)); interactiveAreas.push_back(std::make_shared( Rect( 221 + pos.x, 405 + pos.y, 36, 56), std::bind(&CSpellWindow::fbattleSpellsb, this), 453, this)); interactiveAreas.push_back(std::make_shared( Rect( 355 + pos.x, 405 + pos.y, 36, 56), std::bind(&CSpellWindow::fadvSpellsb, this), 452, this)); interactiveAreas.push_back(std::make_shared( Rect( 418 + pos.x, 405 + pos.y, 36, 56), std::bind(&CSpellWindow::fmanaPtsb, this), 459, this)); interactiveAreas.push_back(std::make_shared( Rect( 549 + pos.x, 94 + pos.y, 36, 56), std::bind(&CSpellWindow::selectSchool, this, 0), 454, this)); interactiveAreas.push_back(std::make_shared( Rect( 549 + pos.x, 151 + pos.y, 45, 35), std::bind(&CSpellWindow::selectSchool, this, 3), 457, this)); interactiveAreas.push_back(std::make_shared( Rect( 549 + pos.x, 210 + pos.y, 45, 35), std::bind(&CSpellWindow::selectSchool, this, 1), 455, this)); interactiveAreas.push_back(std::make_shared( Rect( 549 + pos.x, 270 + pos.y, 45, 35), std::bind(&CSpellWindow::selectSchool, this, 2), 456, this)); interactiveAreas.push_back(std::make_shared( Rect( 549 + pos.x, 330 + pos.y, 45, 35), std::bind(&CSpellWindow::selectSchool, this, 4), 458, this)); interactiveAreas.push_back(std::make_shared( Rect( 97 + pos.x, 77 + pos.y, leftCorner->pos.h, leftCorner->pos.w ), std::bind(&CSpellWindow::fLcornerb, this), 450, this)); interactiveAreas.push_back(std::make_shared( Rect( 487 + pos.x, 72 + pos.y, rightCorner->pos.h, rightCorner->pos.w ), std::bind(&CSpellWindow::fRcornerb, this), 451, this)); //areas for spells int xpos = 117 + pos.x, ypos = 90 + pos.y; for(int v=0; v<12; ++v) { spellAreas[v] = std::make_shared( Rect(xpos, ypos, 65, 78), this); if(v == 5) //to right page { xpos = 336 + pos.x; ypos = 90 + pos.y; } else { if(v%2 == 0) { xpos+=85; } else { xpos -= 85; ypos+=97; } } } selectedTab = battleSpellsOnly ? myInt->localState->spellbookSettings.spellbookLastTabBattle : myInt->localState->spellbookSettings.spellbookLastTabAdvmap; schoolTab->setFrame(selectedTab, 0); int cp = battleSpellsOnly ? myInt->localState->spellbookSettings.spellbookLastPageBattle : myInt->localState->spellbookSettings.spellbokLastPageAdvmap; // spellbook last page battle index is not reset after battle, so this needs to stay here vstd::abetween(cp, 0, std::max(0, pagesWithinCurrentTab() - 1)); setCurrentPage(cp); computeSpellsPerArea(); addUsedEvents(KEYBOARD); } CSpellWindow::~CSpellWindow() { } void CSpellWindow::fexitb() { (myInt->battleInt ? myInt->localState->spellbookSettings.spellbookLastTabBattle : myInt->localState->spellbookSettings.spellbookLastTabAdvmap) = selectedTab; (myInt->battleInt ? myInt->localState->spellbookSettings.spellbookLastPageBattle : myInt->localState->spellbookSettings.spellbokLastPageAdvmap) = currentPage; close(); } void CSpellWindow::fadvSpellsb() { if(battleSpellsOnly == true) { turnPageRight(); battleSpellsOnly = false; setCurrentPage(0); } computeSpellsPerArea(); } void CSpellWindow::fbattleSpellsb() { if(battleSpellsOnly == false) { turnPageLeft(); battleSpellsOnly = true; setCurrentPage(0); } computeSpellsPerArea(); } void CSpellWindow::fmanaPtsb() { } void CSpellWindow::selectSchool(int school) { if(selectedTab != school) { if(selectedTab < school) turnPageLeft(); else turnPageRight(); selectedTab = school; schoolTab->setFrame(selectedTab, 0); setCurrentPage(0); } computeSpellsPerArea(); } void CSpellWindow::fLcornerb() { if(currentPage>0) { turnPageLeft(); setCurrentPage(currentPage - 1); } computeSpellsPerArea(); GH.breakEventHandling(); } void CSpellWindow::fRcornerb() { if((currentPage + 1) < (pagesWithinCurrentTab())) { turnPageRight(); setCurrentPage(currentPage + 1); } computeSpellsPerArea(); GH.breakEventHandling(); } void CSpellWindow::show(SDL_Surface * to) { statusBar->show(to); } void CSpellWindow::computeSpellsPerArea() { std::vector spellsCurSite; spellsCurSite.reserve(mySpells.size()); for(const CSpell * spell : mySpells) { if(spell->isCombat() ^ !battleSpellsOnly && ((selectedTab == 4) || spell->school.at(SpellSchool(selectedTab))) ) { spellsCurSite.push_back(spell); } } if(selectedTab == 4) { if(spellsCurSite.size() > 12) { spellsCurSite = std::vector(spellsCurSite.begin() + currentPage*12, spellsCurSite.end()); if(spellsCurSite.size() > 12) { spellsCurSite.erase(spellsCurSite.begin()+12, spellsCurSite.end()); } } } else //selectedTab == 0, 1, 2 or 3 { if(spellsCurSite.size() > 10) { if(currentPage == 0) { spellsCurSite.erase(spellsCurSite.begin()+10, spellsCurSite.end()); } else { spellsCurSite = std::vector(spellsCurSite.begin() + (currentPage-1)*12 + 10, spellsCurSite.end()); if(spellsCurSite.size() > 12) { spellsCurSite.erase(spellsCurSite.begin()+12, spellsCurSite.end()); } } } } //applying if(selectedTab == 4 || currentPage != 0) { for(size_t c=0; c<12; ++c) { if(c < spellsCurSite.size()) { spellAreas[c]->setSpell(spellsCurSite[c]); } else { spellAreas[c]->setSpell(nullptr); } } } else { spellAreas[0]->setSpell(nullptr); spellAreas[1]->setSpell(nullptr); for(size_t c=0; c<10; ++c) { if(c < spellsCurSite.size()) spellAreas[c+2]->setSpell(spellsCurSite[c]); else spellAreas[c+2]->setSpell(nullptr); } } redraw(); } void CSpellWindow::setCurrentPage(int value) { currentPage = value; schoolPicture->visible = selectedTab!=4 && currentPage == 0; if(selectedTab != 4) schoolPicture->setFrame(selectedTab, 0); leftCorner->visible = currentPage != 0; rightCorner->visible = (currentPage+1) < pagesWithinCurrentTab(); mana->setText(std::to_string(myHero->mana));//just in case, it will be possible to cast spell without closing book } void CSpellWindow::turnPageLeft() { if(settings["video"]["spellbookAnimation"].Bool()) CCS->videoh->openAndPlayVideo("PGTRNLFT.SMK", pos.x+13, pos.y+15); } void CSpellWindow::turnPageRight() { if(settings["video"]["spellbookAnimation"].Bool()) CCS->videoh->openAndPlayVideo("PGTRNRGH.SMK", pos.x+13, pos.y+15); } void CSpellWindow::keyPressed(EShortcut key) { switch(key) { case EShortcut::GLOBAL_RETURN: fexitb(); break; case EShortcut::MOVE_LEFT: fLcornerb(); break; case EShortcut::MOVE_RIGHT: fRcornerb(); break; case EShortcut::MOVE_UP: case EShortcut::MOVE_DOWN: { bool down = key == EShortcut::MOVE_DOWN; static const int schoolsOrder[] = { 0, 3, 1, 2, 4 }; int index = -1; while(schoolsOrder[++index] != selectedTab); index += (down ? 1 : -1); vstd::abetween(index, 0, std::size(schoolsOrder) - 1); if(selectedTab != schoolsOrder[index]) selectSchool(schoolsOrder[index]); break; } case EShortcut::SPELLBOOK_TAB_COMBAT: fbattleSpellsb(); break; case EShortcut::SPELLBOOK_TAB_ADVENTURE: fadvSpellsb(); break; } } int CSpellWindow::pagesWithinCurrentTab() { return battleSpellsOnly ? sitesPerTabBattle[selectedTab] : sitesPerTabAdv[selectedTab]; } CSpellWindow::SpellArea::SpellArea(Rect pos, CSpellWindow * owner) { this->pos = pos; this->owner = owner; addUsedEvents(LCLICK | RCLICK | HOVER); schoolLevel = -1; mySpell = nullptr; OBJECT_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING(255-DISPOSE); image = std::make_shared(owner->spellIcons, 0, 0); image->visible = false; name = std::make_shared(39, 70, FONT_TINY, ETextAlignment::CENTER); level = std::make_shared(39, 82, FONT_TINY, ETextAlignment::CENTER); cost = std::make_shared(39, 94, FONT_TINY, ETextAlignment::CENTER); for(auto l : {name, level, cost}) l->setAutoRedraw(false); } CSpellWindow::SpellArea::~SpellArea() = default; void CSpellWindow::SpellArea::clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState) { if(mySpell && !down) { auto spellCost = owner->myInt->cb->getSpellCost(mySpell, owner->myHero); if(spellCost > owner->myHero->mana) //insufficient mana { LOCPLINT->showInfoDialog(boost::str(boost::format(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[206]) % spellCost % owner->myHero->mana)); return; } //anything that is not combat spell is adventure spell //this not an error in general to cast even creature ability with hero const bool combatSpell = mySpell->isCombat(); if(combatSpell == mySpell->isAdventure()) { logGlobal->error("Spell have invalid flags"); return; } const bool inCombat = owner->myInt->battleInt != nullptr; const bool inCastle = owner->myInt->castleInt != nullptr; //battle spell on adv map or adventure map spell during combat => display infowindow, not cast if((combatSpell ^ inCombat) || inCastle) { std::vector> hlp(1, std::make_shared(CComponent::spell, mySpell->id, 0)); LOCPLINT->showInfoDialog(mySpell->getDescriptionTranslated(schoolLevel), hlp); } else if(combatSpell) { spells::detail::ProblemImpl problem; if(mySpell->canBeCast(problem, owner->myInt->cb.get(), spells::Mode::HERO, owner->myHero)) { owner->myInt->battleInt->castThisSpell(mySpell->id); owner->fexitb(); } else { std::vector texts; problem.getAll(texts); if(!texts.empty()) LOCPLINT->showInfoDialog(texts.front()); else LOCPLINT->showInfoDialog(CGI->generaltexth->translate("vcmi.adventureMap.spellUnknownProblem")); } } else //adventure spell { const CGHeroInstance * h = owner->myHero; GH.popInts(1); auto guard = vstd::makeScopeGuard([this]() { owner->myInt->localState->spellbookSettings.spellbookLastTabAdvmap = owner->selectedTab; owner->myInt->localState->spellbookSettings.spellbokLastPageAdvmap = owner->currentPage; }); if(mySpell->getTargetType() == spells::AimType::LOCATION) adventureInt->enterCastingMode(mySpell); else if(mySpell->getTargetType() == spells::AimType::NO_TARGET) owner->myInt->cb->castSpell(h, mySpell->id); else logGlobal->error("Invalid spell target type"); } } } void CSpellWindow::SpellArea::clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState) { if(mySpell && down) { std::string dmgInfo; auto causedDmg = owner->myInt->cb->estimateSpellDamage(mySpell, owner->myHero); if(causedDmg == 0 || mySpell->id == SpellID::TITANS_LIGHTNING_BOLT) //Titan's Lightning Bolt already has damage info included dmgInfo.clear(); else { dmgInfo = CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[343]; boost::algorithm::replace_first(dmgInfo, "%d", std::to_string(causedDmg)); } CRClickPopup::createAndPush(mySpell->getDescriptionTranslated(schoolLevel) + dmgInfo, std::make_shared(CComponent::spell, mySpell->id)); } } void CSpellWindow::SpellArea::hover(bool on) { if(mySpell) { if(on) owner->statusBar->write(boost::to_string(boost::format("%s (%s)") % mySpell->getNameTranslated() % CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[171+mySpell->level])); else owner->statusBar->clear(); } } void CSpellWindow::SpellArea::setSpell(const CSpell * spell) { schoolBorder.reset(); image->visible = false; name->setText(""); level->setText(""); cost->setText(""); mySpell = spell; if(mySpell) { int32_t whichSchool = 0; //0 - air magic, 1 - fire magic, 2 - water magic, 3 - earth magic, schoolLevel = owner->myHero->getSpellSchoolLevel(mySpell, &whichSchool); auto spellCost = owner->myInt->cb->getSpellCost(mySpell, owner->myHero); image->setFrame(mySpell->id); image->visible = true; { OBJECT_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING(255-DISPOSE); schoolBorder = std::make_shared(owner->schoolBorders[owner->selectedTab >= 4 ? whichSchool : owner->selectedTab], schoolLevel); } SDL_Color firstLineColor, secondLineColor; if(spellCost > owner->myHero->mana) //hero cannot cast this spell { firstLineColor = Colors::WHITE; secondLineColor = Colors::ORANGE; } else { firstLineColor = Colors::YELLOW; secondLineColor = Colors::WHITE; } name->color = firstLineColor; name->setText(mySpell->getNameTranslated()); level->color = secondLineColor; if(schoolLevel > 0) { boost::format fmt("%s/%s"); fmt % CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[171 + mySpell->level]; fmt % CGI->generaltexth->levels[3+(schoolLevel-1)];//lines 4-6 level->setText(fmt.str()); } else level->setText(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[171 + mySpell->level]); cost->color = secondLineColor; boost::format costfmt("%s: %d"); costfmt % CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[387] % spellCost; cost->setText(costfmt.str()); } }