/* * CGTownInstance.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "CGTownInstance.h" #include "CObjectClassesHandler.h" #include "../spells/CSpellHandler.h" #include "../NetPacks.h" #include "../CGeneralTextHandler.h" #include "../CModHandler.h" #include "../IGameCallback.h" #include "../CGameState.h" #include "../mapping/CMapDefines.h" #include "../CPlayerState.h" #include "../serializer/JsonSerializeFormat.h" std::vector CGTownInstance::merchantArtifacts; std::vector CGTownInstance::universitySkills; void CGDwelling::initObj(CRandomGenerator & rand) { switch(ID) { case Obj::CREATURE_GENERATOR1: case Obj::CREATURE_GENERATOR4: { VLC->objtypeh->getHandlerFor(ID, subID)->configureObject(this, rand); if (getOwner() != PlayerColor::NEUTRAL) cb->gameState()->players[getOwner()].dwellings.push_back (this); assert(!creatures.empty()); assert(!creatures[0].second.empty()); break; } case Obj::REFUGEE_CAMP: //is handled within newturn func break; case Obj::WAR_MACHINE_FACTORY: creatures.resize(3); creatures[0].second.push_back(CreatureID::BALLISTA); creatures[1].second.push_back(CreatureID::FIRST_AID_TENT); creatures[2].second.push_back(CreatureID::AMMO_CART); break; default: assert(0); break; } } void CGDwelling::setPropertyDer(ui8 what, ui32 val) { switch (what) { case ObjProperty::OWNER: //change owner if (ID == Obj::CREATURE_GENERATOR1) //single generators { if (tempOwner != PlayerColor::NEUTRAL) { std::vector >* dwellings = &cb->gameState()->players[tempOwner].dwellings; dwellings->erase (std::find(dwellings->begin(), dwellings->end(), this)); } if (PlayerColor(val) != PlayerColor::NEUTRAL) //can new owner be neutral? cb->gameState()->players[PlayerColor(val)].dwellings.push_back (this); } break; case ObjProperty::AVAILABLE_CREATURE: creatures.resize(1); creatures[0].second.resize(1); creatures[0].second[0] = CreatureID(val); break; } } void CGDwelling::onHeroVisit( const CGHeroInstance * h ) const { if(ID == Obj::REFUGEE_CAMP && !creatures[0].first) //Refugee Camp, no available cres { InfoWindow iw; iw.player = h->tempOwner; iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::ADVOB_TXT, 44); //{%s} \n\n The camp is deserted. Perhaps you should try next week. iw.text.addReplacement(MetaString::OBJ_NAMES, ID); cb->sendAndApply(&iw); return; } PlayerRelations::PlayerRelations relations = cb->gameState()->getPlayerRelations( h->tempOwner, tempOwner ); if ( relations == PlayerRelations::ALLIES ) return;//do not allow recruiting or capturing if( !relations && stacksCount() > 0) //object is guarded, owned by enemy { BlockingDialog bd(true,false); bd.player = h->tempOwner; bd.text.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 421); //Much to your dismay, the %s is guarded by %s %s. Do you wish to fight the guards? bd.text.addReplacement(ID == Obj::CREATURE_GENERATOR1 ? MetaString::CREGENS : MetaString::CREGENS4, subID); bd.text.addReplacement(MetaString::ARRAY_TXT, 176 + Slots().begin()->second->getQuantityID()*3); bd.text.addReplacement(*Slots().begin()->second); cb->showBlockingDialog(&bd); return; } // TODO this shouldn't be hardcoded if(!relations && ID != Obj::WAR_MACHINE_FACTORY && ID != Obj::REFUGEE_CAMP) { cb->setOwner(this, h->tempOwner); } BlockingDialog bd (true,false); bd.player = h->tempOwner; if(ID == Obj::CREATURE_GENERATOR1 || ID == Obj::CREATURE_GENERATOR4) { bd.text.addTxt(MetaString::ADVOB_TXT, ID == Obj::CREATURE_GENERATOR1 ? 35 : 36); //{%s} Would you like to recruit %s? / {%s} Would you like to recruit %s, %s, %s, or %s? bd.text.addReplacement(ID == Obj::CREATURE_GENERATOR1 ? MetaString::CREGENS : MetaString::CREGENS4, subID); for(auto & elem : creatures) bd.text.addReplacement(MetaString::CRE_PL_NAMES, elem.second[0]); } else if(ID == Obj::REFUGEE_CAMP) { bd.text.addTxt(MetaString::ADVOB_TXT, 35); //{%s} Would you like to recruit %s? bd.text.addReplacement(MetaString::OBJ_NAMES, ID); for(auto & elem : creatures) bd.text.addReplacement(MetaString::CRE_PL_NAMES, elem.second[0]); } else if(ID == Obj::WAR_MACHINE_FACTORY) bd.text.addTxt(MetaString::ADVOB_TXT, 157); //{War Machine Factory} Would you like to purchase War Machines? else throw std::runtime_error("Illegal dwelling!"); cb->showBlockingDialog(&bd); } void CGDwelling::newTurn(CRandomGenerator & rand) const { if(cb->getDate(Date::DAY_OF_WEEK) != 1) //not first day of week return; //town growths and War Machines Factories are handled separately if(ID == Obj::TOWN || ID == Obj::WAR_MACHINE_FACTORY) return; if(ID == Obj::REFUGEE_CAMP) //if it's a refugee camp, we need to pick an available creature { cb->setObjProperty(id, ObjProperty::AVAILABLE_CREATURE, VLC->creh->pickRandomMonster(rand)); } bool change = false; SetAvailableCreatures sac; sac.creatures = creatures; sac.tid = id; for (size_t i = 0; i < creatures.size(); i++) { if(creatures[i].second.size()) { CCreature *cre = VLC->creh->creatures[creatures[i].second[0]]; TQuantity amount = cre->growth * (1 + cre->valOfBonuses(Bonus::CREATURE_GROWTH_PERCENT)/100) + cre->valOfBonuses(Bonus::CREATURE_GROWTH); if (VLC->modh->settings.DWELLINGS_ACCUMULATE_CREATURES && ID != Obj::REFUGEE_CAMP) //camp should not try to accumulate different kinds of creatures sac.creatures[i].first += amount; else sac.creatures[i].first = amount; change = true; } } if(change) cb->sendAndApply(&sac); updateGuards(); } void CGDwelling::updateGuards() const { //TODO: store custom guard config and use it //TODO: store boolean flag for guards bool guarded = false; //default condition - creatures are of level 5 or higher for (auto creatureEntry : creatures) { if (VLC->creh->creatures[creatureEntry.second.at(0)]->level >= 5 && ID != Obj::REFUGEE_CAMP) { guarded = true; break; } } if (guarded) { for (auto creatureEntry : creatures) { const CCreature * crea = VLC->creh->creatures[creatureEntry.second.at(0)]; SlotID slot = getSlotFor(crea->idNumber); StackLocation stackLocation = StackLocation(this, slot);; if (hasStackAtSlot(slot)) //stack already exists, overwrite it { ChangeStackCount csc; csc.sl = stackLocation; csc.count = crea->growth * 3; csc.absoluteValue = true; cb->sendAndApply(&csc); } else //slot is empty, create whole new stack { InsertNewStack ns; ns.sl = stackLocation; ns.stack = CStackBasicDescriptor(crea->idNumber, crea->growth * 3); cb->sendAndApply(&ns); } } } } void CGDwelling::heroAcceptsCreatures( const CGHeroInstance *h) const { CreatureID crid = creatures[0].second[0]; CCreature *crs = VLC->creh->creatures[crid]; TQuantity count = creatures[0].first; if(crs->level == 1 && ID != Obj::REFUGEE_CAMP) //first level - creatures are for free { if(count) //there are available creatures { SlotID slot = h->getSlotFor(crid); if(!slot.validSlot()) //no available slot { InfoWindow iw; iw.player = h->tempOwner; iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 425);//The %s would join your hero, but there aren't enough provisions to support them. iw.text.addReplacement(MetaString::CRE_PL_NAMES, crid); cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); } else //give creatures { SetAvailableCreatures sac; sac.tid = id; sac.creatures = creatures; sac.creatures[0].first = 0; InfoWindow iw; iw.player = h->tempOwner; iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 423); //%d %s join your army. iw.text.addReplacement(count); iw.text.addReplacement(MetaString::CRE_PL_NAMES, crid); cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); cb->sendAndApply(&sac); cb->addToSlot(StackLocation(h, slot), crs, count); } } else //there no creatures { InfoWindow iw; iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 422); //There are no %s here to recruit. iw.text.addReplacement(MetaString::CRE_PL_NAMES, crid); iw.player = h->tempOwner; cb->sendAndApply(&iw); } } else { if(ID == Obj::WAR_MACHINE_FACTORY) //pick available War Machines { //there is 1 war machine available to recruit if hero doesn't have one SetAvailableCreatures sac; sac.tid = id; sac.creatures = creatures; sac.creatures[0].first = !h->getArt(ArtifactPosition::MACH1); //ballista sac.creatures[1].first = !h->getArt(ArtifactPosition::MACH3); //first aid tent sac.creatures[2].first = !h->getArt(ArtifactPosition::MACH2); //ammo cart cb->sendAndApply(&sac); } OpenWindow ow; ow.id1 = id.getNum(); ow.id2 = h->id.getNum(); ow.window = (ID == Obj::CREATURE_GENERATOR1 || ID == Obj::REFUGEE_CAMP) ? OpenWindow::RECRUITMENT_FIRST : OpenWindow::RECRUITMENT_ALL; cb->sendAndApply(&ow); } } void CGDwelling::battleFinished(const CGHeroInstance *hero, const BattleResult &result) const { if (result.winner == 0) { onHeroVisit(hero); } } void CGDwelling::blockingDialogAnswered(const CGHeroInstance *hero, ui32 answer) const { auto relations = cb->getPlayerRelations(getOwner(), hero->getOwner()); if(stacksCount() > 0 && relations == PlayerRelations::ENEMIES) //guards present { if(answer) cb->startBattleI(hero, this); } else if(answer) { heroAcceptsCreatures(hero); } } void CGDwelling::serializeJsonOptions(JsonSerializeFormat & handler) { //todo: CGDwelling::serializeJsonOptions if(ID != Obj::WAR_MACHINE_FACTORY && ID != Obj::REFUGEE_CAMP) serializeJsonOwner(handler); } int CGTownInstance::getSightRadius() const //returns sight distance { if (subID == ETownType::TOWER) { if (hasBuilt(BuildingID::GRAIL)) //skyship return -1; //entire map if (hasBuilt(BuildingID::LOOKOUT_TOWER)) //lookout tower return 20; } return 5; } void CGTownInstance::setPropertyDer(ui8 what, ui32 val) { ///this is freakin' overcomplicated solution switch (what) { case ObjProperty::STRUCTURE_ADD_VISITING_HERO: bonusingBuildings[val]->setProperty (ObjProperty::VISITORS, visitingHero->id.getNum()); break; case ObjProperty::STRUCTURE_CLEAR_VISITORS: bonusingBuildings[val]->setProperty (ObjProperty::STRUCTURE_CLEAR_VISITORS, 0); break; case ObjProperty::STRUCTURE_ADD_GARRISONED_HERO: //add garrisoned hero to visitors bonusingBuildings[val]->setProperty (ObjProperty::VISITORS, garrisonHero->id.getNum()); break; case ObjProperty::BONUS_VALUE_FIRST: bonusValue.first = val; break; case ObjProperty::BONUS_VALUE_SECOND: bonusValue.second = val; break; } } CGTownInstance::EFortLevel CGTownInstance::fortLevel() const //0 - none, 1 - fort, 2 - citadel, 3 - castle { if (hasBuilt(BuildingID::CASTLE)) return CASTLE; if (hasBuilt(BuildingID::CITADEL)) return CITADEL; if (hasBuilt(BuildingID::FORT)) return FORT; return NONE; } int CGTownInstance::hallLevel() const // -1 - none, 0 - village, 1 - town, 2 - city, 3 - capitol { if (hasBuilt(BuildingID::CAPITOL)) return 3; if (hasBuilt(BuildingID::CITY_HALL)) return 2; if (hasBuilt(BuildingID::TOWN_HALL)) return 1; if (hasBuilt(BuildingID::VILLAGE_HALL)) return 0; return -1; } int CGTownInstance::mageGuildLevel() const { if (hasBuilt(BuildingID::MAGES_GUILD_5)) return 5; if (hasBuilt(BuildingID::MAGES_GUILD_4)) return 4; if (hasBuilt(BuildingID::MAGES_GUILD_3)) return 3; if (hasBuilt(BuildingID::MAGES_GUILD_2)) return 2; if (hasBuilt(BuildingID::MAGES_GUILD_1)) return 1; return 0; } int CGTownInstance::getHordeLevel(const int & HID) const//HID - 0 or 1; returns creature level or -1 if that horde structure is not present { return town->hordeLvl.at(HID); } int CGTownInstance::creatureGrowth(const int & level) const { return getGrowthInfo(level).totalGrowth(); } GrowthInfo CGTownInstance::getGrowthInfo(int level) const { GrowthInfo ret; if (level<0 || level >=GameConstants::CREATURES_PER_TOWN) return ret; if (creatures[level].second.empty()) return ret; //no dwelling const CCreature *creature = VLC->creh->creatures[creatures[level].second.back()]; const int base = creature->growth; int castleBonus = 0; ret.entries.push_back(GrowthInfo::Entry(VLC->generaltexth->allTexts[590], base));// \n\nBasic growth %d" if (hasBuilt(BuildingID::CASTLE)) ret.entries.push_back(GrowthInfo::Entry(subID, BuildingID::CASTLE, castleBonus = base)); else if (hasBuilt(BuildingID::CITADEL)) ret.entries.push_back(GrowthInfo::Entry(subID, BuildingID::CITADEL, castleBonus = base / 2)); if(town->hordeLvl.at(0) == level)//horde 1 if(hasBuilt(BuildingID::HORDE_1)) ret.entries.push_back(GrowthInfo::Entry(subID, BuildingID::HORDE_1, creature->hordeGrowth)); if(town->hordeLvl.at(1) == level)//horde 2 if(hasBuilt(BuildingID::HORDE_2)) ret.entries.push_back(GrowthInfo::Entry(subID, BuildingID::HORDE_2, creature->hordeGrowth)); int dwellingBonus = 0; if(const PlayerState *p = cb->getPlayer(tempOwner, false)) { for(const CGDwelling *dwelling : p->dwellings) if(vstd::contains(creatures[level].second, dwelling->creatures[0].second[0])) dwellingBonus++; } if(dwellingBonus) ret.entries.push_back(GrowthInfo::Entry(VLC->generaltexth->allTexts[591], dwellingBonus));// \nExternal dwellings %+d //other *-of-legion-like bonuses (%d to growth cumulative with grail) TBonusListPtr bonuses = getBonuses(Selector::type(Bonus::CREATURE_GROWTH).And(Selector::subtype(level))); for(const std::shared_ptr b : *bonuses) ret.entries.push_back(GrowthInfo::Entry(b->val, b->Description())); //statue-of-legion-like bonus: % to base+castle TBonusListPtr bonuses2 = getBonuses(Selector::type(Bonus::CREATURE_GROWTH_PERCENT)); for(const std::shared_ptr b : *bonuses2) ret.entries.push_back(GrowthInfo::Entry(b->val * (base + castleBonus) / 100, b->Description())); if(hasBuilt(BuildingID::GRAIL)) //grail - +50% to ALL (so far added) growth ret.entries.push_back(GrowthInfo::Entry(subID, BuildingID::GRAIL, ret.totalGrowth() / 2)); return ret; } TResources CGTownInstance::dailyIncome() const { TResources ret; for (auto & p : town->buildings) { BuildingID buildingUpgrade; for (auto & p2 : town->buildings) { if (p2.second->upgrade == p.first) { buildingUpgrade = p2.first; } } if (!hasBuilt(buildingUpgrade)&&(hasBuilt(p.first))) { ret += p.second->produce; } } return ret; } bool CGTownInstance::hasFort() const { return hasBuilt(BuildingID::FORT); } bool CGTownInstance::hasCapitol() const { return hasBuilt(BuildingID::CAPITOL); } CGTownInstance::CGTownInstance() :IShipyard(this), IMarket(this), town(nullptr), builded(0), destroyed(0), identifier(0), alignment(0xff) { } CGTownInstance::~CGTownInstance() { for (auto & elem : bonusingBuildings) delete elem; } int CGTownInstance::spellsAtLevel(int level, bool checkGuild) const { if(checkGuild && mageGuildLevel() < level) return 0; int ret = 6 - level; //how many spells are available at this level if (hasBuilt(BuildingID::LIBRARY, ETownType::TOWER)) ret++; return ret; } bool CGTownInstance::needsLastStack() const { if(garrisonHero) return true; else return false; } void CGTownInstance::onHeroVisit(const CGHeroInstance * h) const { if( !cb->gameState()->getPlayerRelations( getOwner(), h->getOwner() ))//if this is enemy { if(armedGarrison() || visitingHero) { const CGHeroInstance *defendingHero = nullptr; const CArmedInstance *defendingArmy = this; if(visitingHero) defendingHero = visitingHero; else if(garrisonHero) defendingHero = garrisonHero; if(defendingHero) defendingArmy = defendingHero; bool outsideTown = (defendingHero == visitingHero && garrisonHero); //"borrowing" army from garrison to visiting hero if(!outsideTown && armedGarrison() && visitingHero && defendingHero == visitingHero) { mergeGarrisonOnSiege(); } cb->startBattlePrimary(h, defendingArmy, getSightCenter(), h, defendingHero, false, (outsideTown ? nullptr : this)); } else { cb->setOwner(this, h->tempOwner); removeCapitols(h->getOwner()); cb->heroVisitCastle(this, h); } } else if(h->visitablePos() == visitablePos()) { if (h->commander && !h->commander->alive) //rise commander. TODO: interactive script { SetCommanderProperty scp; scp.heroid = h->id; scp.which = SetCommanderProperty::ALIVE; scp.amount = 1; cb->sendAndApply (&scp); } cb->heroVisitCastle(this, h); } else { logGlobal->errorStream() << h->name << " visits allied town of " << name << " from different pos?"; } } void CGTownInstance::onHeroLeave(const CGHeroInstance * h) const { //FIXME: find out why this issue appears on random maps if (visitingHero == h) { cb->stopHeroVisitCastle(this, h); //logGlobal->warnStream() << h->name << " correctly left town " << name; } else logGlobal->warnStream() << "Warning, " << h->name << " tries to leave the town " << name << " but hero is not inside."; } std::string CGTownInstance::getObjectName() const { return name + ", " + town->faction->name; } void CGTownInstance::initObj(CRandomGenerator & rand) ///initialize town structures { blockVisit = true; if (subID == ETownType::DUNGEON) creatures.resize(GameConstants::CREATURES_PER_TOWN+1);//extra dwelling for Dungeon else creatures.resize(GameConstants::CREATURES_PER_TOWN); for (int level = 0; level < GameConstants::CREATURES_PER_TOWN; level++) { BuildingID buildID = BuildingID(BuildingID::DWELL_FIRST).advance(level); int upgradeNum = 0; for (; town->buildings.count(buildID); upgradeNum++, buildID.advance(GameConstants::CREATURES_PER_TOWN)) { if (hasBuilt(buildID) && town->creatures.at(level).size() > upgradeNum) creatures[level].second.push_back(town->creatures[level][upgradeNum]); } } switch (subID) { //add new visitable objects case ETownType::CASTLE: bonusingBuildings.push_back (new COPWBonus(BuildingID::STABLES, this)); break; case ETownType::DUNGEON: bonusingBuildings.push_back (new COPWBonus(BuildingID::MANA_VORTEX, this)); //fallthrough case ETownType::TOWER: case ETownType::INFERNO: case ETownType::STRONGHOLD: bonusingBuildings.push_back (new CTownBonus(BuildingID::SPECIAL_4, this)); break; case ETownType::FORTRESS: bonusingBuildings.push_back (new CTownBonus(BuildingID::SPECIAL_1, this)); break; } //add special bonuses from buildings recreateBuildingsBonuses(); updateAppearance(); } void CGTownInstance::newTurn(CRandomGenerator & rand) const { if (cb->getDate(Date::DAY_OF_WEEK) == 1) //reset on new week { //give resources for Rampart, Mystic Pond if (hasBuilt(BuildingID::MYSTIC_POND, ETownType::RAMPART) && cb->getDate(Date::DAY) != 1 && (tempOwner < PlayerColor::PLAYER_LIMIT)) { int resID = rand.nextInt(2, 5); //bonus to random rare resource resID = (resID==2)?1:resID; int resVal = rand.nextInt(1, 4);//with size 1..4 cb->giveResource(tempOwner, static_cast(resID), resVal); cb->setObjProperty (id, ObjProperty::BONUS_VALUE_FIRST, resID); cb->setObjProperty (id, ObjProperty::BONUS_VALUE_SECOND, resVal); } if ( subID == ETownType::DUNGEON ) for (auto & elem : bonusingBuildings) { if ((elem)->ID == BuildingID::MANA_VORTEX) cb->setObjProperty (id, ObjProperty::STRUCTURE_CLEAR_VISITORS, (elem)->id); //reset visitors for Mana Vortex } if (tempOwner == PlayerColor::NEUTRAL) //garrison growth for neutral towns { std::vector nativeCrits; //slots for (auto & elem : Slots()) { if (elem.second->type->faction == subID) //native { nativeCrits.push_back(elem.first); //collect matching slots } } if (nativeCrits.size()) { SlotID pos = *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(nativeCrits, rand); StackLocation sl(this, pos); const CCreature *c = getCreature(pos); if (rand.nextInt(99) < 90 || c->upgrades.empty()) //increase number if no upgrade available { cb->changeStackCount(sl, c->growth); } else //upgrade { cb->changeStackType(sl, VLC->creh->creatures[*c->upgrades.begin()]); } } if ((stacksCount() < GameConstants::ARMY_SIZE && rand.nextInt(99) < 25) || Slots().empty()) //add new stack { int i = rand.nextInt(std::min(GameConstants::CREATURES_PER_TOWN, cb->getDate(Date::MONTH) << 1) - 1); if (!town->creatures[i].empty()) { CreatureID c = town->creatures[i][0]; SlotID n; TQuantity count = creatureGrowth(i); if (!count) // no dwelling count = VLC->creh->creatures[c]->growth; {//no lower tiers or above current month if ((n = getSlotFor(c)).validSlot()) { StackLocation sl(this, n); if (slotEmpty(n)) cb->insertNewStack(sl, VLC->creh->creatures[c], count); else //add to existing cb->changeStackCount(sl, count); } } } } } } } /* int3 CGTownInstance::getSightCenter() const { return pos - int3(2,0,0); } */ bool CGTownInstance::passableFor(PlayerColor color) const { if (!armedGarrison())//empty castle - anyone can visit return true; if ( tempOwner == PlayerColor::NEUTRAL )//neutral guarded - no one can visit return false; if (cb->getPlayerRelations(tempOwner, color) != PlayerRelations::ENEMIES) return true; return false; } void CGTownInstance::getOutOffsets( std::vector &offsets ) const { offsets = {int3(-1,2,0), int3(-3,2,0)}; } void CGTownInstance::mergeGarrisonOnSiege() const { auto getWeakestStackSlot = [&](int powerLimit) { std::vector weakSlots; auto stacksList = visitingHero->stacks; std::pair pair; while(stacksList.size()) { pair = *vstd::minElementByFun(stacksList, [&](std::pair elem) { return elem.second->getPower(); }); if(powerLimit > pair.second->getPower() && (weakSlots.empty() || pair.second->getPower() == visitingHero->getStack(weakSlots.front()).getPower())) { weakSlots.push_back(pair.first); stacksList.erase(pair.first); } else break; } if(weakSlots.size()) return *std::max_element(weakSlots.begin(), weakSlots.end()); return SlotID(); }; int count = stacks.size(); for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) { auto pair = *vstd::maxElementByFun(stacks, [&](std::pair elem) { ui64 power = elem.second->getPower(); auto dst = visitingHero->getSlotFor(elem.second->getCreatureID()); if(dst.validSlot() && visitingHero->hasStackAtSlot(dst)) power += visitingHero->getStack(dst).getPower(); return power; }); auto dst = visitingHero->getSlotFor(pair.second->getCreatureID()); if(dst.validSlot()) cb->moveStack(StackLocation(this, pair.first), StackLocation(visitingHero, dst), -1); else { dst = getWeakestStackSlot(pair.second->getPower()); if(dst.validSlot()) cb->swapStacks(StackLocation(this, pair.first), StackLocation(visitingHero, dst)); } } } void CGTownInstance::removeCapitols (PlayerColor owner) const { if (hasCapitol()) // search if there's an older capitol { PlayerState* state = cb->gameState()->getPlayer (owner); //get all towns owned by player for (auto i = state->towns.cbegin(); i < state->towns.cend(); ++i) { if (*i != this && (*i)->hasCapitol()) { RazeStructures rs; rs.tid = id; rs.bid.insert(BuildingID::CAPITOL); rs.destroyed = destroyed; cb->sendAndApply(&rs); return; } } } } void CGTownInstance::clearArmy() const { while(!stacks.empty()) { cb->eraseStack(StackLocation(this, stacks.begin()->first)); } } int CGTownInstance::getBoatType() const { switch (town->faction->alignment) { case EAlignment::EVIL : return 0; case EAlignment::GOOD : return 1; case EAlignment::NEUTRAL : return 2; } assert(0); return -1; } int CGTownInstance::getMarketEfficiency() const { if (!hasBuilt(BuildingID::MARKETPLACE)) return 0; const PlayerState *p = cb->getPlayer(tempOwner); assert(p); int marketCount = 0; for(const CGTownInstance *t : p->towns) if(t->hasBuilt(BuildingID::MARKETPLACE)) marketCount++; return marketCount; } bool CGTownInstance::allowsTrade(EMarketMode::EMarketMode mode) const { switch(mode) { case EMarketMode::RESOURCE_RESOURCE: case EMarketMode::RESOURCE_PLAYER: return hasBuilt(BuildingID::MARKETPLACE); case EMarketMode::ARTIFACT_RESOURCE: case EMarketMode::RESOURCE_ARTIFACT: return hasBuilt(BuildingID::ARTIFACT_MERCHANT, ETownType::TOWER) || hasBuilt(BuildingID::ARTIFACT_MERCHANT, ETownType::DUNGEON) || hasBuilt(BuildingID::ARTIFACT_MERCHANT, ETownType::CONFLUX); case EMarketMode::CREATURE_RESOURCE: return hasBuilt(BuildingID::FREELANCERS_GUILD, ETownType::STRONGHOLD); case EMarketMode::CREATURE_UNDEAD: return hasBuilt(BuildingID::SKELETON_TRANSFORMER, ETownType::NECROPOLIS); case EMarketMode::RESOURCE_SKILL: return hasBuilt(BuildingID::MAGIC_UNIVERSITY, ETownType::CONFLUX); default: assert(0); return false; } } std::vector CGTownInstance::availableItemsIds(EMarketMode::EMarketMode mode) const { if(mode == EMarketMode::RESOURCE_ARTIFACT) { std::vector ret; for(const CArtifact *a : merchantArtifacts) if(a) ret.push_back(a->id); else ret.push_back(-1); return ret; } else if ( mode == EMarketMode::RESOURCE_SKILL ) { return universitySkills; } else return IMarket::availableItemsIds(mode); } void CGTownInstance::setType(si32 ID, si32 subID) { assert(ID == Obj::TOWN); // just in case CGObjectInstance::setType(ID, subID); town = VLC->townh->factions[subID]->town; randomizeArmy(subID); updateAppearance(); } void CGTownInstance::updateAppearance() { //FIXME: not the best way to do this auto app = VLC->objtypeh->getHandlerFor(ID, subID)->getOverride(cb->gameState()->getTile(visitablePos())->terType, this); if (app) appearance = app.get(); } std::string CGTownInstance::nodeName() const { return "Town (" + (town ? town->faction->name : "unknown") + ") of " + name; } void CGTownInstance::deserializationFix() { attachTo(&townAndVis); //Hero is already handled by CGameState::attachArmedObjects // if(visitingHero) // visitingHero->attachTo(&townAndVis); // if(garrisonHero) // garrisonHero->attachTo(this); } void CGTownInstance::updateMoraleBonusFromArmy() { auto b = getExportedBonusList().getFirst(Selector::sourceType(Bonus::ARMY).And(Selector::type(Bonus::MORALE))); if(!b) { b = std::make_shared(Bonus::PERMANENT, Bonus::MORALE, Bonus::ARMY, 0, -1); addNewBonus(b); } if (garrisonHero) { b->val = 0; CBonusSystemNode::treeHasChanged(); } else CArmedInstance::updateMoraleBonusFromArmy(); } void CGTownInstance::recreateBuildingsBonuses() { static TPropagatorPtr playerProp(new CPropagatorNodeType(PLAYER)); BonusList bl; getExportedBonusList().getBonuses(bl, Selector::sourceType(Bonus::TOWN_STRUCTURE)); for(auto b : bl) removeBonus(b); //tricky! -> checks tavern only if no bratherhood of sword or not a castle if(subID != ETownType::CASTLE || !addBonusIfBuilt(BuildingID::BROTHERHOOD, Bonus::MORALE, +2)) addBonusIfBuilt(BuildingID::TAVERN, Bonus::MORALE, +1); if(subID == ETownType::CASTLE) //castle { addBonusIfBuilt(BuildingID::LIGHTHOUSE, Bonus::SEA_MOVEMENT, +500, playerProp); addBonusIfBuilt(BuildingID::GRAIL, Bonus::MORALE, +2, playerProp); //colossus } else if(subID == ETownType::RAMPART) //rampart { addBonusIfBuilt(BuildingID::FOUNTAIN_OF_FORTUNE, Bonus::LUCK, +2); //fountain of fortune addBonusIfBuilt(BuildingID::GRAIL, Bonus::LUCK, +2, playerProp); //guardian spirit } else if(subID == ETownType::TOWER) //tower { addBonusIfBuilt(BuildingID::GRAIL, Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, +15, PrimarySkill::KNOWLEDGE); //grail } else if(subID == ETownType::INFERNO) //Inferno { addBonusIfBuilt(BuildingID::STORMCLOUDS, Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, +2, PrimarySkill::SPELL_POWER); //Brimstone Clouds } else if(subID == ETownType::NECROPOLIS) //necropolis { addBonusIfBuilt(BuildingID::COVER_OF_DARKNESS, Bonus::DARKNESS, +20); addBonusIfBuilt(BuildingID::NECROMANCY_AMPLIFIER, Bonus::SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY, +10, playerProp, SecondarySkill::NECROMANCY); //necromancy amplifier addBonusIfBuilt(BuildingID::GRAIL, Bonus::SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY, +20, playerProp, SecondarySkill::NECROMANCY); //Soul prison } else if(subID == ETownType::DUNGEON) //Dungeon { addBonusIfBuilt(BuildingID::GRAIL, Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, +12, PrimarySkill::SPELL_POWER); //grail } else if(subID == ETownType::STRONGHOLD) //Stronghold { addBonusIfBuilt(BuildingID::GRAIL, Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, +20, PrimarySkill::ATTACK); //grail } else if(subID == ETownType::FORTRESS) //Fortress { addBonusIfBuilt(BuildingID::GLYPHS_OF_FEAR, Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, +2, PrimarySkill::DEFENSE); //Glyphs of Fear addBonusIfBuilt(BuildingID::BLOOD_OBELISK, Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, +2, PrimarySkill::ATTACK); //Blood Obelisk addBonusIfBuilt(BuildingID::GRAIL, Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, +10, PrimarySkill::ATTACK); //grail addBonusIfBuilt(BuildingID::GRAIL, Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, +10, PrimarySkill::DEFENSE); //grail } else if(subID == ETownType::CONFLUX) { } } bool CGTownInstance::addBonusIfBuilt(BuildingID building, Bonus::BonusType type, int val, int subtype /*= -1*/) { static auto emptyPropagator = TPropagatorPtr(); return addBonusIfBuilt(building, type, val, emptyPropagator, subtype); } bool CGTownInstance::addBonusIfBuilt(BuildingID building, Bonus::BonusType type, int val, TPropagatorPtr & prop, int subtype /*= -1*/) { if(hasBuilt(building)) { std::ostringstream descr; descr << town->buildings.at(building)->Name() << " "; if(val > 0) descr << "+"; else if(val < 0) descr << "-"; descr << val; auto b = std::make_shared(Bonus::PERMANENT, type, Bonus::TOWN_STRUCTURE, val, building, descr.str(), subtype); if(prop) b->addPropagator(prop); addNewBonus(b); return true; } return false; } void CGTownInstance::setVisitingHero(CGHeroInstance *h) { //if (!(!!visitingHero == !h)) //{ // logGlobal->warnStream() << boost::format("Hero visiting town %s is %s ") % name % (visitingHero.get() ? visitingHero->name : "NULL"); // logGlobal->warnStream() << boost::format("New hero will be %s ") % (h ? h->name : "NULL"); // //} assert(!!visitingHero == !h); if(h) { PlayerState *p = cb->gameState()->getPlayer(h->tempOwner); assert(p); h->detachFrom(p); h->attachTo(&townAndVis); visitingHero = h; h->visitedTown = this; h->inTownGarrison = false; } else { PlayerState *p = cb->gameState()->getPlayer(visitingHero->tempOwner); visitingHero->visitedTown = nullptr; visitingHero->detachFrom(&townAndVis); visitingHero->attachTo(p); visitingHero = nullptr; } } void CGTownInstance::setGarrisonedHero(CGHeroInstance *h) { assert(!!garrisonHero == !h); if(h) { PlayerState *p = cb->gameState()->getPlayer(h->tempOwner); assert(p); h->detachFrom(p); h->attachTo(this); garrisonHero = h; h->visitedTown = this; h->inTownGarrison = true; } else { PlayerState *p = cb->gameState()->getPlayer(garrisonHero->tempOwner); garrisonHero->visitedTown = nullptr; garrisonHero->inTownGarrison = false; garrisonHero->detachFrom(this); garrisonHero->attachTo(p); garrisonHero = nullptr; } updateMoraleBonusFromArmy(); //avoid giving morale bonus for same army twice } bool CGTownInstance::armedGarrison() const { return stacksCount() || garrisonHero; } int CGTownInstance::getTownLevel() const { // count all buildings that are not upgrades return boost::range::count_if(builtBuildings, [&](const BuildingID & build) { return town->buildings.at(build) && town->buildings.at(build)->upgrade == -1; }); } CBonusSystemNode * CGTownInstance::whatShouldBeAttached() { return &townAndVis; } const CArmedInstance * CGTownInstance::getUpperArmy() const { if(garrisonHero) return garrisonHero; return this; } bool CGTownInstance::hasBuilt(BuildingID buildingID, int townID) const { if (townID == town->faction->index || townID == ETownType::ANY) return hasBuilt(buildingID); return false; } bool CGTownInstance::hasBuilt(BuildingID buildingID) const { return vstd::contains(builtBuildings, buildingID); } CBuilding::TRequired CGTownInstance::genBuildingRequirements(BuildingID buildID, bool deep) const { const CBuilding * building = town->buildings.at(buildID); std::function dependTest = [&](const BuildingID & id) -> CBuilding::TRequired::Variant { const CBuilding * build = town->buildings.at(id); CBuilding::TRequired::OperatorAll requirements; if (!hasBuilt(id)) { requirements.expressions.push_back(id); if (!deep) { return requirements; } } if (build->upgrade != BuildingID::NONE) requirements.expressions.push_back(dependTest(build->upgrade)); requirements.expressions.push_back(build->requirements.morph(dependTest)); return requirements; }; CBuilding::TRequired::OperatorAll requirements; if (building->upgrade != BuildingID::NONE) { const CBuilding * upgr = town->buildings.at(building->upgrade); requirements.expressions.push_back(dependTest(upgr->bid)); } requirements.expressions.push_back(building->requirements.morph(dependTest)); CBuilding::TRequired::Variant variant(requirements); CBuilding::TRequired ret(variant); ret.minimize(); return ret; } void CGTownInstance::addHeroToStructureVisitors( const CGHeroInstance *h, si32 structureInstanceID ) const { if(visitingHero == h) cb->setObjProperty(id, ObjProperty::STRUCTURE_ADD_VISITING_HERO, structureInstanceID); //add to visitors else if(garrisonHero == h) cb->setObjProperty(id, ObjProperty::STRUCTURE_ADD_GARRISONED_HERO, structureInstanceID); //then it must be garrisoned hero else { //should never ever happen logGlobal->errorStream() << "Cannot add hero " << h->name << " to visitors of structure #" << structureInstanceID; assert(0); } } void CGTownInstance::battleFinished(const CGHeroInstance *hero, const BattleResult &result) const { if(result.winner == 0) { clearArmy(); removeCapitols(hero->getOwner()); cb->setOwner (this, hero->tempOwner); //give control after checkout is done FoWChange fw; fw.player = hero->tempOwner; fw.mode = 1; cb->getTilesInRange(fw.tiles, getSightCenter(), getSightRadius(), tempOwner, 1); cb->sendAndApply (&fw); } } void CGTownInstance::serializeJsonOptions(JsonSerializeFormat & handler) { CGObjectInstance::serializeJsonOwner(handler); CCreatureSet::serializeJson(handler, "army"); handler.serializeBool("tightFormation", 1, 0, formation); handler.serializeString("name", name); if(!handler.saving) { builtBuildings.insert(BuildingID::DEFAULT);//just in case } //todo: serialize buildings // { // std::vector standard; // standard.resize(44, true); // // // JsonSerializeFormat::LIC buildingsLIC(, CTownHandler::decodeBuilding, CTownHandler::encodeBuilding); // } { JsonSerializeFormat::LIC spellsLIC(VLC->spellh->getDefaultAllowed(), CSpellHandler::decodeSpell, CSpellHandler::encodeSpell); for(SpellID id : possibleSpells) spellsLIC.any[id.num] = true; for(SpellID id : obligatorySpells) spellsLIC.all[id.num] = true; handler.serializeLIC("spells", spellsLIC); if(!handler.saving) { possibleSpells.clear(); for(si32 idx = 0; idx < spellsLIC.any.size(); idx++) { if(spellsLIC.any[idx]) { possibleSpells.push_back(SpellID(idx)); } } obligatorySpells.clear(); for(si32 idx = 0; idx < spellsLIC.all.size(); idx++) { if(spellsLIC.all[idx]) { obligatorySpells.push_back(SpellID(idx)); } } } } } COPWBonus::COPWBonus (BuildingID index, CGTownInstance *TOWN) { ID = index; town = TOWN; id = town->bonusingBuildings.size(); } void COPWBonus::setProperty(ui8 what, ui32 val) { switch (what) { case ObjProperty::VISITORS: visitors.insert(val); break; case ObjProperty::STRUCTURE_CLEAR_VISITORS: visitors.clear(); break; } } void COPWBonus::onHeroVisit (const CGHeroInstance * h) const { ObjectInstanceID heroID = h->id; if (town->hasBuilt(ID)) { InfoWindow iw; iw.player = h->tempOwner; switch (town->subID) { case ETownType::CASTLE: //Stables if (!h->hasBonusFrom(Bonus::OBJECT, Obj::STABLES)) //does not stack with advMap Stables { GiveBonus gb; gb.bonus = Bonus(Bonus::ONE_WEEK, Bonus::LAND_MOVEMENT, Bonus::OBJECT, 600, 94, VLC->generaltexth->arraytxt[100]); gb.id = heroID.getNum(); cb->giveHeroBonus(&gb); iw.text << VLC->generaltexth->allTexts[580]; cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); } break; case ETownType::DUNGEON: //Mana Vortex if (visitors.empty() && h->mana <= h->manaLimit() * 2) { cb->setManaPoints (heroID, 2 * h->manaLimit()); //TODO: investigate line below //cb->setObjProperty (town->id, ObjProperty::VISITED, true); iw.text << VLC->generaltexth->allTexts[579]; cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); town->addHeroToStructureVisitors(h, id); } break; } } } CTownBonus::CTownBonus (BuildingID index, CGTownInstance *TOWN) { ID = index; town = TOWN; id = town->bonusingBuildings.size(); } void CTownBonus::setProperty (ui8 what, ui32 val) { if(what == ObjProperty::VISITORS) visitors.insert(ObjectInstanceID(val)); } void CTownBonus::onHeroVisit (const CGHeroInstance * h) const { ObjectInstanceID heroID = h->id; if (town->hasBuilt(ID) && visitors.find(heroID) == visitors.end()) { InfoWindow iw; PrimarySkill::PrimarySkill what = PrimarySkill::ATTACK; int val=0, mid=0; switch (ID) { case BuildingID::SPECIAL_4: switch(town->subID) { case ETownType::TOWER: //wall what = PrimarySkill::KNOWLEDGE; val = 1; mid = 581; iw.components.push_back (Component(Component::PRIM_SKILL, 3, 1, 0)); break; case ETownType::INFERNO: //order of fire what = PrimarySkill::SPELL_POWER; val = 1; mid = 582; iw.components.push_back (Component(Component::PRIM_SKILL, 2, 1, 0)); break; case ETownType::STRONGHOLD://hall of Valhalla what = PrimarySkill::ATTACK; val = 1; mid = 584; iw.components.push_back (Component(Component::PRIM_SKILL, 0, 1, 0)); break; case ETownType::DUNGEON://academy of battle scholars what = PrimarySkill::EXPERIENCE; val = h->calculateXp(1000); mid = 583; iw.components.push_back (Component(Component::EXPERIENCE, 0, val, 0)); break; } break; case BuildingID::SPECIAL_1: switch(town->subID) { case ETownType::FORTRESS: //cage of warlords what = PrimarySkill::DEFENSE; val = 1; mid = 585; iw.components.push_back (Component(Component::PRIM_SKILL, 1, 1, 0)); break; } break; } assert(mid); iw.player = cb->getOwner(heroID); iw.text << VLC->generaltexth->allTexts[mid]; cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); cb->changePrimSkill (cb->getHero(heroID), what, val); town->addHeroToStructureVisitors(h, id); } } GrowthInfo::Entry::Entry(const std::string &format, int _count) : count(_count) { description = boost::str(boost::format(format) % count); } GrowthInfo::Entry::Entry(int subID, BuildingID building, int _count) : count(_count) { description = boost::str(boost::format("%s %+d") % VLC->townh->factions[subID]->town->buildings.at(building)->Name() % count); } GrowthInfo::Entry::Entry(int _count, const std::string &fullDescription) : count(_count) { description = fullDescription; } CTownAndVisitingHero::CTownAndVisitingHero() { setNodeType(TOWN_AND_VISITOR); } int GrowthInfo::totalGrowth() const { int ret = 0; for(const Entry &entry : entries) ret += entry.count; return ret; }