#include "../stdafx.h" #include "SDL.h" #include "SDL_image.h" #include "CBitmapHandler.h" #include "CDefHandler.h" #include "../lib/CLodHandler.h" #include #include /* * CBitmapHandler.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ extern DLL_EXPORT CLodHandler *bitmaph; extern DLL_EXPORT CLodHandler *bitmaph_ab; extern DLL_EXPORT CLodHandler *spriteh; void CPCXConv::openPCX(char * PCX, int len) { pcxs=len; pcx=(unsigned char*)PCX; } void CPCXConv::fromFile(std::string path) { std::ifstream is; is.open(path.c_str(),std::ios::binary); is.seekg(0,std::ios::end); // to the end pcxs = is.tellg(); // read length is.seekg(0,std::ios::beg); // wracamy na poczatek pcx = new unsigned char[pcxs]; // allocate memory is.read((char*)pcx, pcxs); // read map file to buffer is.close(); } void CPCXConv::saveBMP(std::string path) const { std::ofstream os; os.open(path.c_str(), std::ios::binary); os.write(reinterpret_cast(bmp), bmps); os.close(); } SDL_Surface * CPCXConv::getSurface() const { SDL_Surface * ret; int width = -1, height = -1; Epcxformat format; int fSize,y; bool check1, check2; unsigned char add; int it=0; fSize = readNormalNr(pcx, it); it+=4; width = readNormalNr(pcx, it); it+=4; height = readNormalNr(pcx, it); it+=4; if (fSize==width*height*3) check1=true; else check1=false; if (fSize==width*height) check2=true; else check2=false; if (check1) format=PCX24B; else if (check2) format=PCX8B; else return NULL; add = 4 - width%4; if (add==4) add=0; if (format==PCX8B) { ret = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, width+add, height, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0); } else { #if (SDL_BYTEORDER == SDL_BIG_ENDIAN) int bmask = 0xff0000; int gmask = 0x00ff00; int rmask = 0x0000ff; #else int bmask = 0x0000ff; int gmask = 0x00ff00; int rmask = 0xff0000; #endif ret = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, width+add, height, 24, rmask, gmask, bmask, 0); } if (format==PCX8B) { it = pcxs-256*3; for (int i=0;i<256;i++) { SDL_Color tp; #if (SDL_BYTEORDER == SDL_BIG_ENDIAN) tp.b = pcx[it++]; tp.g = pcx[it++]; tp.r = pcx[it++]; #else tp.r = pcx[it++]; tp.g = pcx[it++]; tp.b = pcx[it++]; #endif tp.unused = 0; *(ret->format->palette->colors+i) = tp; } for (y=height; y>0; --y) { it = 0xC + (y-1)*width; memcpy((char*)ret->pixels + ret->pitch * (y-1), pcx + it, width); if (add>0) { memset((char*)ret->pixels + ret->pitch * (y-1) + width, 0, add); } } } else { for (y=height; y>0; y--) { it = 0xC + (y-1)*width*3; memcpy((char*)ret->pixels + ret->pitch * (y-1), pcx + it, width*3); if (add>0) { memset((char*)ret->pixels + ret->pitch * (y-1) + width*3, 0, add*3); } } } return ret; } bool isPCX(const unsigned char *header)//check whether file can be PCX according to 1st 12 bytes { int fSize = readNormalNr(header, 0); int width = readNormalNr(header, 4); int height = readNormalNr(header, 8); return fSize == width*height || fSize == width*height*3; } SDL_Surface * BitmapHandler::loadBitmapFromLod(CLodHandler *lod, std::string fname, bool setKey) { if(!fname.size()) { tlog2 << "Call to loadBitmap with void fname!\n"; return NULL; } if (!lod->haveFile(fname, FILE_GRAPHICS)) { tlog2<<"Entry for file "<giveFile(fname, FILE_GRAPHICS, &size); if (isPCX(file)) {//H3-style PCX CPCXConv cp; cp.openPCX((char*)file,size); ret = cp.getSurface(); if (!ret) tlog1<<"Failed to open "<format->BytesPerPixel == 1 && setKey) { const SDL_Color &c = ret->format->palette->colors[0]; SDL_SetColorKey(ret,SDL_SRCCOLORKEY,SDL_MapRGB(ret->format, c.r, c.g, c.b)); } } else { //loading via SDL_Image std::string filename = lod->getFileName(fname, FILE_GRAPHICS); std::string ext; lod->convertName(filename, &ext); if (ext == ".TGA")//Special case - targa can't be loaded by IMG_Load_RW (no magic constants in header) { SDL_RWops *rw = SDL_RWFromMem((void*)file, size); ret = IMG_LoadTGA_RW( rw ); SDL_FreeRW(rw); } else ret = IMG_Load_RW( SDL_RWFromMem((void*)file, size), 1); if (!ret) tlog1<<"Failed to open "<