/* * BattleFlowProcessor.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "BattleFlowProcessor.h" #include "BattleProcessor.h" #include "../CGameHandler.h" #include "../TurnTimerHandler.h" #include "../../lib/CStack.h" #include "../../lib/GameSettings.h" #include "../../lib/battle/CBattleInfoCallback.h" #include "../../lib/battle/IBattleState.h" #include "../../lib/gameState/CGameState.h" #include "../../lib/mapObjects/CGTownInstance.h" #include "../../lib/networkPacks/PacksForClientBattle.h" #include "../../lib/spells/BonusCaster.h" #include "../../lib/spells/ISpellMechanics.h" #include "../../lib/spells/ObstacleCasterProxy.h" #include BattleFlowProcessor::BattleFlowProcessor(BattleProcessor * owner, CGameHandler * newGameHandler) : owner(owner) , gameHandler(newGameHandler) { } void BattleFlowProcessor::summonGuardiansHelper(const CBattleInfoCallback & battle, std::vector & output, const BattleHex & targetPosition, BattleSide side, bool targetIsTwoHex) //return hexes for summoning two hex monsters in output, target = unit to guard { int x = targetPosition.getX(); int y = targetPosition.getY(); const bool targetIsAttacker = side == BattleSide::ATTACKER; if (targetIsAttacker) //handle front guardians, TODO: should we handle situation when units start battle near opposite side of the battlefield? Cannot happen in normal H3... BattleHex::checkAndPush(targetPosition.cloneInDirection(BattleHex::EDir::RIGHT, false).cloneInDirection(BattleHex::EDir::RIGHT, false), output); else BattleHex::checkAndPush(targetPosition.cloneInDirection(BattleHex::EDir::LEFT, false).cloneInDirection(BattleHex::EDir::LEFT, false), output); //guardian spawn locations for four default position cases for attacker and defender, non-default starting location for att and def is handled in first two if's if (targetIsAttacker && ((y % 2 == 0) || (x > 1))) { if (targetIsTwoHex && (y % 2 == 1) && (x == 2)) //handle exceptional case { BattleHex::checkAndPush(targetPosition.cloneInDirection(BattleHex::EDir::TOP_RIGHT, false), output); BattleHex::checkAndPush(targetPosition.cloneInDirection(BattleHex::EDir::BOTTOM_RIGHT, false), output); } else { //add back-side guardians for two-hex target, side guardians for one-hex BattleHex::checkAndPush(targetPosition.cloneInDirection(targetIsTwoHex ? BattleHex::EDir::TOP_LEFT : BattleHex::EDir::TOP_RIGHT, false), output); BattleHex::checkAndPush(targetPosition.cloneInDirection(targetIsTwoHex ? BattleHex::EDir::BOTTOM_LEFT : BattleHex::EDir::BOTTOM_RIGHT, false), output); if (!targetIsTwoHex && x > 2) //back guard for one-hex BattleHex::checkAndPush(targetPosition.cloneInDirection(BattleHex::EDir::LEFT, false), output); else if (targetIsTwoHex)//front-side guardians for two-hex target { BattleHex::checkAndPush(targetPosition.cloneInDirection(BattleHex::EDir::RIGHT, false).cloneInDirection(BattleHex::EDir::TOP_RIGHT, false), output); BattleHex::checkAndPush(targetPosition.cloneInDirection(BattleHex::EDir::RIGHT, false).cloneInDirection(BattleHex::EDir::BOTTOM_RIGHT, false), output); if (x > 3) //back guard for two-hex BattleHex::checkAndPush(targetPosition.cloneInDirection(BattleHex::EDir::LEFT, false).cloneInDirection(BattleHex::EDir::LEFT, false), output); } } } else if (!targetIsAttacker && ((y % 2 == 1) || (x < GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH - 2))) { if (targetIsTwoHex && (y % 2 == 0) && (x == GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH - 3)) //handle exceptional case... equivalent for above for defender side { BattleHex::checkAndPush(targetPosition.cloneInDirection(BattleHex::EDir::TOP_LEFT, false), output); BattleHex::checkAndPush(targetPosition.cloneInDirection(BattleHex::EDir::BOTTOM_LEFT, false), output); } else { BattleHex::checkAndPush(targetPosition.cloneInDirection(targetIsTwoHex ? BattleHex::EDir::TOP_RIGHT : BattleHex::EDir::TOP_LEFT, false), output); BattleHex::checkAndPush(targetPosition.cloneInDirection(targetIsTwoHex ? BattleHex::EDir::BOTTOM_RIGHT : BattleHex::EDir::BOTTOM_LEFT, false), output); if (!targetIsTwoHex && x < GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH - 3) BattleHex::checkAndPush(targetPosition.cloneInDirection(BattleHex::EDir::RIGHT, false), output); else if (targetIsTwoHex) { BattleHex::checkAndPush(targetPosition.cloneInDirection(BattleHex::EDir::LEFT, false).cloneInDirection(BattleHex::EDir::TOP_LEFT, false), output); BattleHex::checkAndPush(targetPosition.cloneInDirection(BattleHex::EDir::LEFT, false).cloneInDirection(BattleHex::EDir::BOTTOM_LEFT, false), output); if (x < GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH - 4) BattleHex::checkAndPush(targetPosition.cloneInDirection(BattleHex::EDir::RIGHT, false).cloneInDirection(BattleHex::EDir::RIGHT, false), output); } } } else if (!targetIsAttacker && y % 2 == 0) { BattleHex::checkAndPush(targetPosition.cloneInDirection(BattleHex::EDir::LEFT, false).cloneInDirection(BattleHex::EDir::TOP_LEFT, false), output); BattleHex::checkAndPush(targetPosition.cloneInDirection(BattleHex::EDir::LEFT, false).cloneInDirection(BattleHex::EDir::BOTTOM_LEFT, false), output); } else if (targetIsAttacker && y % 2 == 1) { BattleHex::checkAndPush(targetPosition.cloneInDirection(BattleHex::EDir::RIGHT, false).cloneInDirection(BattleHex::EDir::TOP_RIGHT, false), output); BattleHex::checkAndPush(targetPosition.cloneInDirection(BattleHex::EDir::RIGHT, false).cloneInDirection(BattleHex::EDir::BOTTOM_RIGHT, false), output); } } void BattleFlowProcessor::tryPlaceMoats(const CBattleInfoCallback & battle) { const auto * town = battle.battleGetDefendedTown(); //Moat should be initialized here, because only here we can use spellcasting if (town && town->fortLevel() >= CGTownInstance::CITADEL) { const auto * h = battle.battleGetFightingHero(BattleSide::DEFENDER); const auto * actualCaster = h ? static_cast(h) : nullptr; auto moatCaster = spells::SilentCaster(battle.sideToPlayer(BattleSide::DEFENDER), actualCaster); auto cast = spells::BattleCast(&battle, &moatCaster, spells::Mode::PASSIVE, town->town->moatAbility.toSpell()); auto target = spells::Target(); cast.cast(gameHandler->spellEnv, target); } } void BattleFlowProcessor::onBattleStarted(const CBattleInfoCallback & battle) { tryPlaceMoats(battle); gameHandler->turnTimerHandler->onBattleStart(battle.getBattle()->getBattleID()); if (battle.battleGetTacticDist() == 0) onTacticsEnded(battle); } void BattleFlowProcessor::trySummonGuardians(const CBattleInfoCallback & battle, const CStack * stack) { if (!stack->hasBonusOfType(BonusType::SUMMON_GUARDIANS)) return; std::shared_ptr summonInfo = stack->getBonus(Selector::type()(BonusType::SUMMON_GUARDIANS)); auto accessibility = battle.getAccessibility(); CreatureID creatureData = summonInfo->subtype.as(); std::vector targetHexes; const bool targetIsBig = stack->unitType()->isDoubleWide(); //target = creature to guard const bool guardianIsBig = creatureData.toCreature()->isDoubleWide(); /*Chosen idea for two hex units was to cover all possible surrounding hexes of target unit with as small number of stacks as possible. For one-hex targets there are four guardians - front, back and one per side (up + down). Two-hex targets are wider and the difference is there are two guardians per side to cover 3 hexes + extra hex in the front Additionally, there are special cases for starting positions etc., where guardians would be outside of battlefield if spawned normally*/ if (!guardianIsBig) targetHexes = stack->getSurroundingHexes(); else summonGuardiansHelper(battle, targetHexes, stack->getPosition(), stack->unitSide(), targetIsBig); for(auto hex : targetHexes) { if(accessibility.accessible(hex, guardianIsBig, stack->unitSide())) //without this multiple creatures can occupy one hex { battle::UnitInfo info; info.id = battle.battleNextUnitId(); info.count = std::max(1, (int)(stack->getCount() * 0.01 * summonInfo->val)); info.type = creatureData; info.side = stack->unitSide(); info.position = hex; info.summoned = true; BattleUnitsChanged pack; pack.battleID = battle.getBattle()->getBattleID(); pack.changedStacks.emplace_back(info.id, UnitChanges::EOperation::ADD); info.save(pack.changedStacks.back().data); gameHandler->sendAndApply(&pack); } } // send empty event to client // temporary(?) workaround to force animations to trigger StacksInjured fakeEvent; fakeEvent.battleID = battle.getBattle()->getBattleID(); gameHandler->sendAndApply(&fakeEvent); } void BattleFlowProcessor::castOpeningSpells(const CBattleInfoCallback & battle) { for(auto i : {BattleSide::ATTACKER, BattleSide::DEFENDER}) { auto h = battle.battleGetFightingHero(i); if (!h) continue; TConstBonusListPtr bl = h->getBonuses(Selector::type()(BonusType::OPENING_BATTLE_SPELL)); for (auto b : *bl) { spells::BonusCaster caster(h, b); const CSpell * spell = b->subtype.as().toSpell(); spells::BattleCast parameters(&battle, &caster, spells::Mode::PASSIVE, spell); parameters.setSpellLevel(3); parameters.setEffectDuration(b->val); parameters.massive = true; parameters.castIfPossible(gameHandler->spellEnv, spells::Target()); } } } void BattleFlowProcessor::onTacticsEnded(const CBattleInfoCallback & battle) { //initial stacks appearance triggers, e.g. built-in bonus spells auto initialStacks = battle.battleGetAllStacks(true); for (const CStack * stack : initialStacks) { trySummonGuardians(battle, stack); stackEnchantedTrigger(battle, stack); } castOpeningSpells(battle); // it is possible that due to opening spells one side was eliminated -> check for end of battle if (owner->checkBattleStateChanges(battle)) return; startNextRound(battle, true); activateNextStack(battle); } void BattleFlowProcessor::startNextRound(const CBattleInfoCallback & battle, bool isFirstRound) { BattleNextRound bnr; bnr.battleID = battle.getBattle()->getBattleID(); logGlobal->debug("Next round starts"); gameHandler->sendAndApply(&bnr); // operate on copy - removing obstacles will invalidate iterator on 'battle' container auto obstacles = battle.battleGetAllObstacles(); for (auto &obstPtr : obstacles) { if (const SpellCreatedObstacle *sco = dynamic_cast(obstPtr.get())) if (sco->turnsRemaining == 0) removeObstacle(battle, *obstPtr); } for(auto stack : battle.battleGetAllStacks(true)) { if(stack->alive() && !isFirstRound) stackEnchantedTrigger(battle, stack); } } const CStack * BattleFlowProcessor::getNextStack(const CBattleInfoCallback & battle) { std::vector q; battle.battleGetTurnOrder(q, 1, 0, -1); //todo: get rid of "turn -1" if(q.empty()) return nullptr; if(q.front().empty()) return nullptr; auto next = q.front().front(); const auto stack = dynamic_cast(next); // regeneration takes place before everything else but only during first turn attempt in each round // also works under blind and similar effects if(stack && stack->alive() && !stack->waiting) { BattleTriggerEffect bte; bte.battleID = battle.getBattle()->getBattleID(); bte.stackID = stack->unitId(); bte.effect = vstd::to_underlying(BonusType::HP_REGENERATION); const int32_t lostHealth = stack->getMaxHealth() - stack->getFirstHPleft(); if(stack->hasBonusOfType(BonusType::HP_REGENERATION)) bte.val = std::min(lostHealth, stack->valOfBonuses(BonusType::HP_REGENERATION)); if(bte.val) // anything to heal gameHandler->sendAndApply(&bte); } if(!next || !next->willMove()) return nullptr; return stack; } void BattleFlowProcessor::activateNextStack(const CBattleInfoCallback & battle) { // Find next stack that requires manual control for (;;) { // battle has ended if (owner->checkBattleStateChanges(battle)) return; const CStack * next = getNextStack(battle); if (!next) { // No stacks to move - start next round startNextRound(battle, false); next = getNextStack(battle); if (!next) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to find valid stack to act!"); } BattleUnitsChanged removeGhosts; removeGhosts.battleID = battle.getBattle()->getBattleID(); auto pendingGhosts = battle.battleGetStacksIf([](const CStack * stack){ return stack->ghostPending; }); for(auto stack : pendingGhosts) removeGhosts.changedStacks.emplace_back(stack->unitId(), UnitChanges::EOperation::REMOVE); if(!removeGhosts.changedStacks.empty()) gameHandler->sendAndApply(&removeGhosts); gameHandler->turnTimerHandler->onBattleNextStack(battle.getBattle()->getBattleID(), *next); if (!tryMakeAutomaticAction(battle, next)) { setActiveStack(battle, next); break; } } } bool BattleFlowProcessor::tryMakeAutomaticAction(const CBattleInfoCallback & battle, const CStack * next) { // check for bad morale => freeze int nextStackMorale = next->moraleVal(); if(!next->hadMorale && !next->waited() && nextStackMorale < 0) { auto diceSize = VLC->settings()->getVector(EGameSettings::COMBAT_BAD_MORALE_DICE); size_t diceIndex = std::min(diceSize.size(), -nextStackMorale) - 1; // array index, so 0-indexed if(diceSize.size() > 0 && gameHandler->getRandomGenerator().nextInt(1, diceSize[diceIndex]) == 1) { //unit loses its turn - empty freeze action BattleAction ba; ba.actionType = EActionType::BAD_MORALE; ba.side = next->unitSide(); ba.stackNumber = next->unitId(); makeAutomaticAction(battle, next, ba); return true; } } if (next->hasBonusOfType(BonusType::ATTACKS_NEAREST_CREATURE)) //while in berserk { logGlobal->trace("Handle Berserk effect"); std::pair attackInfo = battle.getNearestStack(next); if (attackInfo.first != nullptr) { BattleAction attack; attack.actionType = EActionType::WALK_AND_ATTACK; attack.side = next->unitSide(); attack.stackNumber = next->unitId(); attack.aimToHex(attackInfo.second); attack.aimToUnit(attackInfo.first); makeAutomaticAction(battle, next, attack); logGlobal->trace("Attacked nearest target %s", attackInfo.first->getDescription()); } else { makeStackDoNothing(battle, next); logGlobal->trace("No target found"); } return true; } const CGHeroInstance * curOwner = battle.battleGetOwnerHero(next); const CreatureID stackCreatureId = next->unitType()->getId(); if ((stackCreatureId == CreatureID::ARROW_TOWERS || stackCreatureId == CreatureID::BALLISTA) && (!curOwner || gameHandler->getRandomGenerator().nextInt(99) >= curOwner->valOfBonuses(BonusType::MANUAL_CONTROL, BonusSubtypeID(stackCreatureId)))) { BattleAction attack; attack.actionType = EActionType::SHOOT; attack.side = next->unitSide(); attack.stackNumber = next->unitId(); // TODO: unify logic with AI? // Find best target using logic similar to H3 AI const auto & isBetterTarget = [&battle](const battle::Unit * candidate, const battle::Unit * current) { bool candidateInsideWalls = battle.battleIsInsideWalls(candidate->getPosition()); bool currentInsideWalls = battle.battleIsInsideWalls(current->getPosition()); if (candidateInsideWalls != currentInsideWalls) return candidateInsideWalls > currentInsideWalls; // also check for war machines - shooters are more dangerous than war machines, ballista or catapult bool candidateCanShoot = candidate->canShoot() && candidate->unitType()->warMachine == ArtifactID::NONE; bool currentCanShoot = current->canShoot() && current->unitType()->warMachine == ArtifactID::NONE; if (candidateCanShoot != currentCanShoot) return candidateCanShoot > currentCanShoot; int64_t candidateTargetValue = static_cast(candidate->unitType()->getAIValue() * candidate->getCount()); int64_t currentTargetValue = static_cast(current->unitType()->getAIValue() * current->getCount()); return candidateTargetValue > currentTargetValue; }; const battle::Unit * target = nullptr; for(auto & elem : battle.battleGetAllStacks(true)) { if (elem->unitOwner() == next->unitOwner()) continue; if (!elem->isValidTarget()) continue; if (!battle.battleCanShoot(next, elem->getPosition())) continue; if (target && !isBetterTarget(elem, target)) continue; target = elem; } if(target == nullptr) { makeStackDoNothing(battle, next); } else { attack.aimToUnit(target); makeAutomaticAction(battle, next, attack); } return true; } if (next->unitType()->getId() == CreatureID::CATAPULT) { const auto & attackableBattleHexes = battle.getAttackableBattleHexes(); if (attackableBattleHexes.empty()) { makeStackDoNothing(battle, next); return true; } if (!curOwner || gameHandler->getRandomGenerator().nextInt(99) >= curOwner->valOfBonuses(BonusType::MANUAL_CONTROL, BonusSubtypeID(CreatureID(CreatureID::CATAPULT)))) { BattleAction attack; attack.actionType = EActionType::CATAPULT; attack.side = next->unitSide(); attack.stackNumber = next->unitId(); makeAutomaticAction(battle, next, attack); return true; } } if (next->unitType()->getId() == CreatureID::FIRST_AID_TENT) { TStacks possibleStacks = battle.battleGetStacksIf([=](const CStack * s) { return s->unitOwner() == next->unitOwner() && s->canBeHealed(); }); if (possibleStacks.empty()) { makeStackDoNothing(battle, next); return true; } if (!curOwner || gameHandler->getRandomGenerator().nextInt(99) >= curOwner->valOfBonuses(BonusType::MANUAL_CONTROL, BonusSubtypeID(CreatureID(CreatureID::FIRST_AID_TENT)))) { RandomGeneratorUtil::randomShuffle(possibleStacks, gameHandler->getRandomGenerator()); const CStack * toBeHealed = possibleStacks.front(); BattleAction heal; heal.actionType = EActionType::STACK_HEAL; heal.aimToUnit(toBeHealed); heal.side = next->unitSide(); heal.stackNumber = next->unitId(); makeAutomaticAction(battle, next, heal); return true; } } stackTurnTrigger(battle, next); //various effects if(next->fear) { makeStackDoNothing(battle, next); //end immediately if stack was affected by fear return true; } return false; } bool BattleFlowProcessor::rollGoodMorale(const CBattleInfoCallback & battle, const CStack * next) { //check for good morale auto nextStackMorale = next->moraleVal(); if( !next->hadMorale && !next->defending && !next->waited() && !next->fear && next->alive() && next->canMove() && nextStackMorale > 0) { auto diceSize = VLC->settings()->getVector(EGameSettings::COMBAT_GOOD_MORALE_DICE); size_t diceIndex = std::min(diceSize.size(), nextStackMorale) - 1; // array index, so 0-indexed if(diceSize.size() > 0 && gameHandler->getRandomGenerator().nextInt(1, diceSize[diceIndex]) == 1) { BattleTriggerEffect bte; bte.battleID = battle.getBattle()->getBattleID(); bte.stackID = next->unitId(); bte.effect = vstd::to_underlying(BonusType::MORALE); bte.val = 1; bte.additionalInfo = 0; gameHandler->sendAndApply(&bte); //play animation return true; } } return false; } void BattleFlowProcessor::onActionMade(const CBattleInfoCallback & battle, const BattleAction &ba) { const auto * actedStack = battle.battleGetStackByID(ba.stackNumber, false); const auto * activeStack = battle.battleActiveUnit(); if (ba.actionType == EActionType::END_TACTIC_PHASE) { onTacticsEnded(battle); return; } //we're after action, all results applied // check whether action has ended the battle if(owner->checkBattleStateChanges(battle)) return; // tactics - next stack will be selected by player if(battle.battleGetTacticDist() != 0) return; if (ba.isUnitAction()) { assert(activeStack != nullptr); assert(actedStack != nullptr); if (rollGoodMorale(battle, actedStack)) { // Good morale - same stack makes 2nd turn setActiveStack(battle, actedStack); return; } } else { if (activeStack && activeStack->alive()) { // this is action made by hero AND unit is alive (e.g. not killed by casted spell) // keep current active stack for next action setActiveStack(battle, activeStack); return; } } activateNextStack(battle); } void BattleFlowProcessor::makeStackDoNothing(const CBattleInfoCallback & battle, const CStack * next) { BattleAction doNothing; doNothing.actionType = EActionType::NO_ACTION; doNothing.side = next->unitSide(); doNothing.stackNumber = next->unitId(); makeAutomaticAction(battle, next, doNothing); } bool BattleFlowProcessor::makeAutomaticAction(const CBattleInfoCallback & battle, const CStack *stack, BattleAction &ba) { BattleSetActiveStack bsa; bsa.battleID = battle.getBattle()->getBattleID(); bsa.stack = stack->unitId(); bsa.askPlayerInterface = false; gameHandler->sendAndApply(&bsa); bool ret = owner->makeAutomaticBattleAction(battle, ba); return ret; } void BattleFlowProcessor::stackEnchantedTrigger(const CBattleInfoCallback & battle, const CStack * st) { auto bl = *(st->getBonuses(Selector::type()(BonusType::ENCHANTED))); for(auto b : bl) { if (!b->subtype.as().hasValue()) continue; const CSpell * sp = b->subtype.as().toSpell(); const int32_t val = bl.valOfBonuses(Selector::typeSubtype(b->type, b->subtype)); const int32_t level = ((val > 3) ? (val - 3) : val); spells::BattleCast battleCast(&battle, st, spells::Mode::PASSIVE, sp); //this makes effect accumulate for at most 50 turns by default, but effect may be permanent and last till the end of battle battleCast.setEffectDuration(50); battleCast.setSpellLevel(level); spells::Target target; if(val > 3) { for(auto s : battle.battleGetAllStacks()) if(battle.battleMatchOwner(st, s, true) && s->isValidTarget()) //all allied target.emplace_back(s); } else { target.emplace_back(st); } battleCast.applyEffects(gameHandler->spellEnv, target, false, true); } } void BattleFlowProcessor::removeObstacle(const CBattleInfoCallback & battle, const CObstacleInstance & obstacle) { BattleObstaclesChanged obsRem; obsRem.battleID = battle.getBattle()->getBattleID(); obsRem.changes.emplace_back(obstacle.uniqueID, ObstacleChanges::EOperation::REMOVE); gameHandler->sendAndApply(&obsRem); } void BattleFlowProcessor::stackTurnTrigger(const CBattleInfoCallback & battle, const CStack *st) { BattleTriggerEffect bte; bte.battleID = battle.getBattle()->getBattleID(); bte.stackID = st->unitId(); bte.effect = -1; bte.val = 0; bte.additionalInfo = 0; if (st->alive()) { //unbind if (st->hasBonus(Selector::type()(BonusType::BIND_EFFECT))) { bool unbind = true; BonusList bl = *(st->getBonuses(Selector::type()(BonusType::BIND_EFFECT))); auto adjacent = battle.battleAdjacentUnits(st); for (auto b : bl) { if(b->additionalInfo != CAddInfo::NONE) { const CStack * stack = battle.battleGetStackByID(b->additionalInfo[0]); //binding stack must be alive and adjacent if(stack) { if(vstd::contains(adjacent, stack)) //binding stack is still present unbind = false; } } else { unbind = false; } } if (unbind) { BattleSetStackProperty ssp; ssp.battleID = battle.getBattle()->getBattleID(); ssp.which = BattleSetStackProperty::UNBIND; ssp.stackID = st->unitId(); gameHandler->sendAndApply(&ssp); } } if (st->hasBonusOfType(BonusType::POISON)) { std::shared_ptr b = st->getFirstBonus(Selector::source(BonusSource::SPELL_EFFECT, BonusSourceID(SpellID(SpellID::POISON))).And(Selector::type()(BonusType::STACK_HEALTH))); if (b) //TODO: what if not?... { bte.val = std::max (b->val - 10, -(st->valOfBonuses(BonusType::POISON))); if (bte.val < b->val) //(negative) poison effect increases - update it { bte.effect = vstd::to_underlying(BonusType::POISON); gameHandler->sendAndApply(&bte); } } } if(st->hasBonusOfType(BonusType::MANA_DRAIN) && !st->drainedMana) { const CGHeroInstance * opponentHero = battle.battleGetFightingHero(battle.otherSide(st->unitSide())); if(opponentHero) { ui32 manaDrained = st->valOfBonuses(BonusType::MANA_DRAIN); vstd::amin(manaDrained, opponentHero->mana); if(manaDrained) { bte.effect = vstd::to_underlying(BonusType::MANA_DRAIN); bte.val = manaDrained; bte.additionalInfo = opponentHero->id.getNum(); //for sanity gameHandler->sendAndApply(&bte); } } } if (st->isLiving() && !st->hasBonusOfType(BonusType::FEARLESS)) { bool fearsomeCreature = false; for (const CStack * stack : battle.battleGetAllStacks(true)) { if (battle.battleMatchOwner(st, stack) && stack->alive() && stack->hasBonusOfType(BonusType::FEAR)) { fearsomeCreature = true; break; } } if (fearsomeCreature) { if (gameHandler->getRandomGenerator().nextInt(99) < 10) //fixed 10% { bte.effect = vstd::to_underlying(BonusType::FEAR); gameHandler->sendAndApply(&bte); } } } BonusList bl = *(st->getBonuses(Selector::type()(BonusType::ENCHANTER))); bl.remove_if([](const Bonus * b) { return b->subtype.as() == SpellID::NONE; }); BattleSide side = battle.playerToSide(st->unitOwner()); if(st->canCast() && battle.battleGetEnchanterCounter(side) == 0) { bool cast = false; while(!bl.empty() && !cast) { auto bonus = *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(bl, gameHandler->getRandomGenerator()); auto spellID = bonus->subtype.as(); const CSpell * spell = SpellID(spellID).toSpell(); bl.remove_if([&bonus](const Bonus * b) { return b == bonus.get(); }); spells::BattleCast parameters(&battle, st, spells::Mode::ENCHANTER, spell); parameters.setSpellLevel(bonus->val); parameters.massive = true; parameters.smart = true; //todo: recheck effect level if(parameters.castIfPossible(gameHandler->spellEnv, spells::Target(1, spells::Destination()))) { cast = true; int cooldown = bonus->additionalInfo[0]; BattleSetStackProperty ssp; ssp.battleID = battle.getBattle()->getBattleID(); ssp.which = BattleSetStackProperty::ENCHANTER_COUNTER; ssp.absolute = false; ssp.val = cooldown; ssp.stackID = st->unitId(); gameHandler->sendAndApply(&ssp); } } } } } void BattleFlowProcessor::setActiveStack(const CBattleInfoCallback & battle, const battle::Unit * stack) { assert(stack); BattleSetActiveStack sas; sas.battleID = battle.getBattle()->getBattleID(); sas.stack = stack->unitId(); gameHandler->sendAndApply(&sas); }