/* * CMT.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ // CMT.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "StdInc.h" #include #include #include #include "gui/SDL_Extensions.h" #include "CGameInfo.h" #include "mapHandler.h" #include "../lib/filesystem/Filesystem.h" #include "../lib/filesystem/FileStream.h" #include "mainmenu/CMainMenu.h" #include "lobby/CSelectionBase.h" #include "windows/CCastleInterface.h" #include "../lib/CConsoleHandler.h" #include "gui/CCursorHandler.h" #include "../lib/CGameState.h" #include "../CCallback.h" #include "CPlayerInterface.h" #include "windows/CAdvmapInterface.h" #include "../lib/CBuildingHandler.h" #include "CVideoHandler.h" #include "../lib/CHeroHandler.h" #include "../lib/CCreatureHandler.h" #include "../lib/spells/CSpellHandler.h" #include "CMusicHandler.h" #include "../lib/CGeneralTextHandler.h" #include "Graphics.h" #include "Client.h" #include "../lib/CConfigHandler.h" #include "../lib/serializer/BinaryDeserializer.h" #include "../lib/serializer/BinarySerializer.h" #include "../lib/VCMI_Lib.h" #include "../lib/VCMIDirs.h" #include "../lib/NetPacks.h" #include "CMessage.h" #include "../lib/CModHandler.h" #include "../lib/ScriptHandler.h" #include "../lib/CTownHandler.h" #include "../lib/CArtHandler.h" #include "../lib/GameConstants.h" #include "gui/CGuiHandler.h" #include "../lib/logging/CBasicLogConfigurator.h" #include "../lib/StringConstants.h" #include "../lib/CPlayerState.h" #include "gui/CAnimation.h" #include "../lib/serializer/Connection.h" #include "CServerHandler.h" #include "gui/NotificationHandler.h" #include #include "mainmenu/CPrologEpilogVideo.h" #include #ifdef VCMI_WINDOWS #include "SDL_syswm.h" #endif #ifdef VCMI_ANDROID #include "lib/CAndroidVMHelper.h" #endif #include "../lib/UnlockGuard.h" #include "CMT.h" #if __MINGW32__ #undef main #endif namespace po = boost::program_options; namespace po_style = boost::program_options::command_line_style; namespace bfs = boost::filesystem; std::string NAME_AFFIX = "client"; std::string NAME = GameConstants::VCMI_VERSION + std::string(" (") + NAME_AFFIX + ')'; //application name CGuiHandler GH; int preferredDriverIndex = -1; SDL_Window * mainWindow = nullptr; SDL_Renderer * mainRenderer = nullptr; SDL_Texture * screenTexture = nullptr; extern boost::thread_specific_ptr inGuiThread; SDL_Surface *screen = nullptr, //main screen surface *screen2 = nullptr, //and hlp surface (used to store not-active interfaces layer) *screenBuf = screen; //points to screen (if only advmapint is present) or screen2 (else) - should be used when updating controls which are not regularly redrawed std::queue SDLEventsQueue; boost::mutex eventsM; static po::variables_map vm; //static bool setResolution = false; //set by event handling thread after resolution is adjusted #ifndef VCMI_IOS void processCommand(const std::string &message); #endif static void setScreenRes(int w, int h, int bpp, bool fullscreen, int displayIndex, bool resetVideo=true); void playIntro(); static void mainLoop(); static CBasicLogConfigurator *logConfig; #ifndef VCMI_WINDOWS #ifndef _GNU_SOURCE #define _GNU_SOURCE #endif #include #endif void init() { CStopWatch tmh; loadDLLClasses(); const_cast(CGI)->setFromLib(); logGlobal->info("Initializing VCMI_Lib: %d ms", tmh.getDiff()); } static void prog_version() { printf("%s\n", GameConstants::VCMI_VERSION.c_str()); std::cout << VCMIDirs::get().genHelpString(); } static void prog_help(const po::options_description &opts) { auto time = std::time(0); printf("%s - A Heroes of Might and Magic 3 clone\n", GameConstants::VCMI_VERSION.c_str()); printf("Copyright (C) 2007-%d VCMI dev team - see AUTHORS file\n", std::localtime(&time)->tm_year + 1900); printf("This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO\n"); printf("warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.\n"); printf("\n"); std::cout << opts; } static void SDLLogCallback(void* userdata, int category, SDL_LogPriority priority, const char* message) { //todo: convert SDL log priority to vcmi log priority //todo: make separate log domain for SDL logGlobal->debug("SDL(category %d; priority %d) %s", category, priority, message); } #if defined(VCMI_WINDOWS) && !defined(__GNUC__) && defined(VCMI_WITH_DEBUG_CONSOLE) int wmain(int argc, wchar_t* argv[]) #elif defined(VCMI_IOS) || defined(VCMI_ANDROID) int SDL_main(int argc, char *argv[]) #else int main(int argc, char * argv[]) #endif { #ifdef VCMI_ANDROID // boost will crash without this setenv("LANG", "C", 1); #endif #if !defined(VCMI_ANDROID) && !defined(VCMI_IOS) // Correct working dir executable folder (not bundle folder) so we can use executable relative paths boost::filesystem::current_path(boost::filesystem::system_complete(argv[0]).parent_path()); #endif std::cout << "Starting... " << std::endl; po::options_description opts("Allowed options"); opts.add_options() ("help,h", "display help and exit") ("version,v", "display version information and exit") ("disable-shm", "force disable shared memory usage") ("enable-shm-uuid", "use UUID for shared memory identifier") ("testmap", po::value(), "") ("testsave", po::value(), "") ("spectate,s", "enable spectator interface for AI-only games") ("spectate-ignore-hero", "wont follow heroes on adventure map") ("spectate-hero-speed", po::value(), "hero movement speed on adventure map") ("spectate-battle-speed", po::value(), "battle animation speed for spectator") ("spectate-skip-battle", "skip battles in spectator view") ("spectate-skip-battle-result", "skip battle result window") ("onlyAI", "allow to run without human player, all players will be default AI") ("headless", "runs without GUI, implies --onlyAI") ("ai", po::value>(), "AI to be used for the player, can be specified several times for the consecutive players") ("oneGoodAI", "puts one default AI and the rest will be EmptyAI") ("autoSkip", "automatically skip turns in GUI") ("disable-video", "disable video player") ("nointro,i", "skips intro movies") ("donotstartserver,d","do not attempt to start server and just connect to it instead server") ("serverport", po::value(), "override port specified in config file") ("saveprefix", po::value(), "prefix for auto save files") ("savefrequency", po::value(), "limit auto save creation to each N days") ("lobby", "parameters address, port, uuid to connect ro remote lobby session") ("lobby-address", po::value(), "address to remote lobby") ("lobby-port", po::value(), "port to remote lobby") ("lobby-host", "if this client hosts session") ("lobby-uuid", po::value(), "uuid to the server") ("lobby-connections", po::value(), "connections of server") ("uuid", po::value(), "uuid for the client"); if(argc > 1) { try { po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, opts, po_style::unix_style|po_style::case_insensitive), vm); } catch(std::exception &e) { std::cerr << "Failure during parsing command-line options:\n" << e.what() << std::endl; } } po::notify(vm); if(vm.count("help")) { prog_help(opts); #ifdef VCMI_IOS exit(0); #else return 0; #endif } if(vm.count("version")) { prog_version(); #ifdef VCMI_IOS exit(0); #else return 0; #endif } // Init old logging system and new (temporary) logging system CStopWatch total, pomtime; std::cout.flags(std::ios::unitbuf); #ifndef VCMI_IOS console = new CConsoleHandler(); *console->cb = processCommand; console->start(); #endif if(enet_initialize() != 0) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } const bfs::path logPath = VCMIDirs::get().userLogsPath() / "VCMI_Client_log.txt"; logConfig = new CBasicLogConfigurator(logPath, console); logConfig->configureDefault(); logGlobal->info(NAME); logGlobal->info("Creating console and configuring logger: %d ms", pomtime.getDiff()); logGlobal->info("The log file will be saved to %s", logPath); // Init filesystem and settings preinitDLL(::console); settings.init(); Settings session = settings.write["session"]; auto setSettingBool = [](std::string key, std::string arg) { Settings s = settings.write(vstd::split(key, "/")); if(::vm.count(arg)) s->Bool() = true; else if(s->isNull()) s->Bool() = false; }; auto setSettingInteger = [](std::string key, std::string arg, si64 defaultValue) { Settings s = settings.write(vstd::split(key, "/")); if(::vm.count(arg)) s->Integer() = ::vm[arg].as(); else if(s->isNull()) s->Integer() = defaultValue; }; auto setSettingString = [](std::string key, std::string arg, std::string defaultValue) { Settings s = settings.write(vstd::split(key, "/")); if(::vm.count(arg)) s->String() = ::vm[arg].as(); else if(s->isNull()) s->String() = defaultValue; }; setSettingBool("session/onlyai", "onlyAI"); if(vm.count("headless")) { session["headless"].Bool() = true; session["onlyai"].Bool() = true; } else if(vm.count("spectate")) { session["spectate"].Bool() = true; session["spectate-ignore-hero"].Bool() = vm.count("spectate-ignore-hero"); session["spectate-skip-battle"].Bool() = vm.count("spectate-skip-battle"); session["spectate-skip-battle-result"].Bool() = vm.count("spectate-skip-battle-result"); if(vm.count("spectate-hero-speed")) session["spectate-hero-speed"].Integer() = vm["spectate-hero-speed"].as(); if(vm.count("spectate-battle-speed")) session["spectate-battle-speed"].Float() = vm["spectate-battle-speed"].as(); } // Server settings setSettingBool("session/donotstartserver", "donotstartserver"); // Shared memory options setSettingBool("session/disable-shm", "disable-shm"); setSettingBool("session/enable-shm-uuid", "enable-shm-uuid"); // Init special testing settings setSettingInteger("session/serverport", "serverport", 0); setSettingString("session/saveprefix", "saveprefix", ""); setSettingInteger("general/saveFrequency", "savefrequency", 1); // Initialize logging based on settings logConfig->configure(); logGlobal->debug("settings = %s", settings.toJsonNode().toJson()); // Some basic data validation to produce better error messages in cases of incorrect install auto testFile = [](std::string filename, std::string message) -> bool { if (CResourceHandler::get()->existsResource(ResourceID(filename))) return true; logGlobal->error("Error: %s was not found!", message); return false; }; if (!testFile("DATA/HELP.TXT", "Heroes III data") || !testFile("MODS/VCMI/MOD.JSON", "VCMI data")) { exit(1); // These are unrecoverable errors } // these two are optional + some installs have them on CD and not in data directory testFile("VIDEO/GOOD1A.SMK", "campaign movies"); testFile("SOUNDS/G1A.WAV", "campaign music"); //technically not a music but voiced intro sounds conf.init(); logGlobal->info("Loading settings: %d ms", pomtime.getDiff()); srand ( (unsigned int)time(nullptr) ); const JsonNode& video = settings["video"]; const JsonNode& res = video["screenRes"]; //something is really wrong... if (res["width"].Float() < 100 || res["height"].Float() < 100) { logGlobal->error("Fatal error: failed to load settings!"); logGlobal->error("Possible reasons:"); logGlobal->error("\tCorrupted local configuration file at %s/settings.json", VCMIDirs::get().userConfigPath()); logGlobal->error("\tMissing or corrupted global configuration file at %s/schemas/settings.json", VCMIDirs::get().userConfigPath()); logGlobal->error("VCMI will now exit..."); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(!settings["session"]["headless"].Bool()) { if(SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO|SDL_INIT_TIMER|SDL_INIT_AUDIO|SDL_INIT_NOPARACHUTE)) { logGlobal->error("Something was wrong: %s", SDL_GetError()); exit(-1); } #ifdef VCMI_ANDROID // manually setting egl pixel format, as a possible solution for sdl2<->android problem // https://bugzilla.libsdl.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2291 SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_RED_SIZE, 5); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE, 6); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE, 5); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE, 0); #endif // VCMI_ANDROID GH.mainFPSmng->init(); //(!)init here AFTER SDL_Init() while using SDL for FPS management SDL_LogSetOutputFunction(&SDLLogCallback, nullptr); int driversCount = SDL_GetNumRenderDrivers(); std::string preferredDriverName = video["driver"].String(); logGlobal->info("Found %d render drivers", driversCount); for(int it = 0; it < driversCount; it++) { SDL_RendererInfo info; SDL_GetRenderDriverInfo(it,&info); std::string driverName(info.name); if(!preferredDriverName.empty() && driverName == preferredDriverName) { preferredDriverIndex = it; logGlobal->info("\t%s (active)", driverName); } else logGlobal->info("\t%s", driverName); } setScreenRes((int)res["width"].Float(), (int)res["height"].Float(), (int)video["bitsPerPixel"].Float(), video["fullscreen"].Bool(), (int)video["displayIndex"].Float()); logGlobal->info("\tInitializing screen: %d ms", pomtime.getDiff()); } CCS = new CClientState(); CGI = new CGameInfo(); //contains all global informations about game (texts, lodHandlers, map handler etc.) CSH = new CServerHandler(); // Initialize video #ifdef DISABLE_VIDEO CCS->videoh = new CEmptyVideoPlayer(); #else if (!settings["session"]["headless"].Bool() && !vm.count("disable-video")) CCS->videoh = new CVideoPlayer(); else CCS->videoh = new CEmptyVideoPlayer(); #endif logGlobal->info("\tInitializing video: %d ms", pomtime.getDiff()); if(!settings["session"]["headless"].Bool()) { //initializing audio CCS->soundh = new CSoundHandler(); CCS->soundh->init(); CCS->soundh->setVolume((ui32)settings["general"]["sound"].Float()); CCS->musich = new CMusicHandler(); CCS->musich->init(); CCS->musich->setVolume((ui32)settings["general"]["music"].Float()); logGlobal->info("Initializing screen and sound handling: %d ms", pomtime.getDiff()); } #ifdef VCMI_MAC // Ctrl+click should be treated as a right click on Mac OS X SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_MAC_CTRL_CLICK_EMULATE_RIGHT_CLICK, "1"); #endif #ifndef VCMI_NO_THREADED_LOAD //we can properly play intro only in the main thread, so we have to move loading to the separate thread boost::thread loading(init); #else init(); #endif if(!settings["session"]["headless"].Bool()) { if(!vm.count("battle") && !vm.count("nointro") && settings["video"]["showIntro"].Bool()) playIntro(); SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(mainRenderer, 0, 0, 0, 255); SDL_RenderClear(mainRenderer); SDL_RenderPresent(mainRenderer); } #ifndef VCMI_NO_THREADED_LOAD #ifdef VCMI_ANDROID // android loads the data quite slowly so we display native progressbar to prevent having only black screen for few seconds { CAndroidVMHelper vmHelper; vmHelper.callStaticVoidMethod(CAndroidVMHelper::NATIVE_METHODS_DEFAULT_CLASS, "showProgress"); #endif // ANDROID loading.join(); #ifdef VCMI_ANDROID vmHelper.callStaticVoidMethod(CAndroidVMHelper::NATIVE_METHODS_DEFAULT_CLASS, "hideProgress"); } #endif // ANDROID #endif // THREADED if(!settings["session"]["headless"].Bool()) { pomtime.getDiff(); graphics = new Graphics(); // should be before curh CCS->curh = new CCursorHandler(); logGlobal->info("Screen handler: %d ms", pomtime.getDiff()); pomtime.getDiff(); graphics->load();//must be after Content loading but should be in main thread logGlobal->info("Main graphics: %d ms", pomtime.getDiff()); CMessage::init(); logGlobal->info("Message handler: %d ms", pomtime.getDiff()); CCS->curh->show(); } logGlobal->info("Initialization of VCMI (together): %d ms", total.getDiff()); session["autoSkip"].Bool() = vm.count("autoSkip"); session["oneGoodAI"].Bool() = vm.count("oneGoodAI"); session["aiSolo"].Bool() = false; session["lobby"].Bool() = false; if(vm.count("lobby")) { session["lobby"].Bool() = true; session["host"].Bool() = false; session["address"].String() = vm["lobby-address"].as(); CSH->uuid = vm["uuid"].as(); session["port"].Integer() = vm["lobby-port"].as(); logGlobal->info("Remote lobby mode at %s:%d, uuid is %s", session["address"].String(), session["port"].Integer(), CSH->uuid); if(vm.count("lobby-host")) { session["host"].Bool() = true; session["hostConnections"].String() = std::to_string(vm["lobby-connections"].as()); session["hostUuid"].String() = vm["lobby-uuid"].as(); logGlobal->info("This client will host session, server uuid is %s", session["hostUuid"].String()); } //we should not reconnect to previous game in online mode Settings saveSession = settings.write["server"]["reconnect"]; saveSession->Bool() = false; } if(vm.count("testmap")) { session["testmap"].String() = vm["testmap"].as(); session["onlyai"].Bool() = true; boost::thread(&CServerHandler::debugStartTest, CSH, session["testmap"].String(), false); } else if(vm.count("testsave")) { session["testsave"].String() = vm["testsave"].as(); session["onlyai"].Bool() = true; boost::thread(&CServerHandler::debugStartTest, CSH, session["testsave"].String(), true); } else { GH.curInt = CMainMenu::create().get(); } // Restore remote session - start game immediately if(settings["server"]["reconnect"].Bool()) { CSH->restoreLastSession(); } if(!settings["session"]["headless"].Bool()) { mainLoop(); } else { while(true) boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(1000)); } return 0; } void printInfoAboutIntObject(const CIntObject *obj, int level) { std::stringstream sbuffer; sbuffer << std::string(level, '\t'); sbuffer << typeid(*obj).name() << " *** "; if (obj->active) { #define PRINT(check, text) if (obj->active & CIntObject::check) sbuffer << text PRINT(LCLICK, 'L'); PRINT(RCLICK, 'R'); PRINT(HOVER, 'H'); PRINT(MOVE, 'M'); PRINT(KEYBOARD, 'K'); PRINT(TIME, 'T'); PRINT(GENERAL, 'A'); PRINT(WHEEL, 'W'); PRINT(DOUBLECLICK, 'D'); #undef PRINT } else sbuffer << "inactive"; sbuffer << " at " << obj->pos.x <<"x"<< obj->pos.y; sbuffer << " (" << obj->pos.w <<"x"<< obj->pos.h << ")"; logGlobal->info(sbuffer.str()); for(const CIntObject *child : obj->children) printInfoAboutIntObject(child, level+1); } void removeGUI() { // CClient::endGame GH.curInt = nullptr; if(GH.topInt()) GH.topInt()->deactivate(); adventureInt = nullptr; GH.listInt.clear(); GH.objsToBlit.clear(); GH.statusbar = nullptr; logGlobal->info("Removed GUI."); LOCPLINT = nullptr; } #ifndef VCMI_IOS void processCommand(const std::string &message) { std::istringstream readed; readed.str(message); std::string cn; //command name readed >> cn; // Check mantis issue 2292 for details // if(LOCPLINT && LOCPLINT->cingconsole) // LOCPLINT->cingconsole->print(message); if(message==std::string("die, fool")) { exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } else if(cn==std::string("activate")) { int what; readed >> what; switch (what) { case 0: GH.topInt()->activate(); break; case 1: adventureInt->activate(); break; case 2: LOCPLINT->castleInt->activate(); break; } } else if(cn=="redraw") { GH.totalRedraw(); } else if(cn=="screen") { std::cout << "Screenbuf points to "; if(screenBuf == screen) logGlobal->error("screen"); else if(screenBuf == screen2) logGlobal->error("screen2"); else logGlobal->error("?!?"); SDL_SaveBMP(screen, "Screen_c.bmp"); SDL_SaveBMP(screen2, "Screen2_c.bmp"); } else if(cn=="save") { if(!CSH->client) { std::cout << "Game in not active"; return; } std::string fname; readed >> fname; CSH->client->save(fname); } // else if(cn=="load") // { // // TODO: this code should end the running game and manage to call startGame instead // std::string fname; // readed >> fname; // CSH->client->loadGame(fname); // } else if(message=="convert txt") { VLC->generaltexth->dumpAllTexts(); } else if(message=="get config") { std::cout << "Command accepted.\t"; const bfs::path outPath = VCMIDirs::get().userExtractedPath() / "configuration"; bfs::create_directories(outPath); const std::vector contentNames = {"heroClasses", "artifacts", "creatures", "factions", "objects", "heroes", "spells", "skills"}; for(auto contentName : contentNames) { auto & content = (*VLC->modh->content)[contentName]; auto contentOutPath = outPath / contentName; bfs::create_directories(contentOutPath); for(auto & iter : content.modData) { const JsonNode & modData = iter.second.modData; for(auto & nameAndObject : modData.Struct()) { const JsonNode & object = nameAndObject.second; std::string name = CModHandler::normalizeIdentifier(object.meta, CModHandler::scopeBuiltin(), nameAndObject.first); boost::algorithm::replace_all(name,":","_"); const bfs::path filePath = contentOutPath / (name + ".json"); bfs::ofstream file(filePath); file << object.toJson(); } } } std::cout << "\rExtracting done :)\n"; std::cout << " Extracted files can be found in " << outPath << " directory\n"; } #if SCRIPTING_ENABLED else if(message=="get scripts") { std::cout << "Command accepted.\t"; const bfs::path outPath = VCMIDirs::get().userExtractedPath() / "scripts"; bfs::create_directories(outPath); for(auto & kv : VLC->scriptHandler->objects) { std::string name = kv.first; boost::algorithm::replace_all(name,":","_"); const scripting::ScriptImpl * script = kv.second.get(); bfs::path filePath = outPath / (name + ".lua"); bfs::ofstream file(filePath); file << script->getSource(); } std::cout << "\rExtracting done :)\n"; std::cout << " Extracted files can be found in " << outPath << " directory\n"; } #endif else if(message=="get txt") { std::cout << "Command accepted.\t"; const bfs::path outPath = VCMIDirs::get().userExtractedPath(); auto list = CResourceHandler::get()->getFilteredFiles([](const ResourceID & ident) { return ident.getType() == EResType::TEXT && boost::algorithm::starts_with(ident.getName(), "DATA/"); }); for (auto & filename : list) { const bfs::path filePath = outPath / (filename.getName() + ".TXT"); bfs::create_directories(filePath.parent_path()); bfs::ofstream file(filePath); auto text = CResourceHandler::get()->load(filename)->readAll(); file.write((char*)text.first.get(), text.second); } std::cout << "\rExtracting done :)\n"; std::cout << " Extracted files can be found in " << outPath << " directory\n"; } else if(cn=="crash") { int *ptr = nullptr; *ptr = 666; //disaster! } else if(cn == "mp" && adventureInt) { if(const CGHeroInstance *h = dynamic_cast(adventureInt->selection)) std::cout << h->movement << "; max: " << h->maxMovePoints(true) << "/" << h->maxMovePoints(false) << std::endl; } else if(cn == "bonuses") { bool jsonFormat = (message == "bonuses json"); auto format = [jsonFormat](const BonusList & b) -> std::string { if(jsonFormat) return b.toJsonNode().toJson(true); std::ostringstream ss; ss << b; return ss.str(); }; std::cout << "Bonuses of " << adventureInt->selection->getObjectName() << std::endl << format(adventureInt->selection->getBonusList()) << std::endl; std::cout << "\nInherited bonuses:\n"; TCNodes parents; adventureInt->selection->getParents(parents); for(const CBonusSystemNode *parent : parents) { std::cout << "\nBonuses from " << typeid(*parent).name() << std::endl << format(*parent->getAllBonuses(Selector::all, Selector::all)) << std::endl; } } else if(cn == "not dialog") { LOCPLINT->showingDialog->setn(false); } else if(cn == "gui") { for(auto & child : GH.listInt) { const auto childPtr = child.get(); if(const CIntObject * obj = dynamic_cast(childPtr)) printInfoAboutIntObject(obj, 0); else std::cout << typeid(childPtr).name() << std::endl; } } else if(cn=="tell") { std::string what; int id1, id2; readed >> what >> id1 >> id2; if(what == "hs") { for(const CGHeroInstance *h : LOCPLINT->cb->getHeroesInfo()) if(h->type->ID.getNum() == id1) if(const CArtifactInstance *a = h->getArt(ArtifactPosition(id2))) std::cout << a->nodeName(); } } else if (cn == "set") { std::string what, value; readed >> what; Settings conf = settings.write["session"][what]; readed >> value; if (value == "on") { conf->Bool() = true; logGlobal->info("Option %s enabled!", what); } else if (value == "off") { conf->Bool() = false; logGlobal->info("Option %s disabled!", what); } } else if(cn == "unlock") { std::string mxname; readed >> mxname; if(mxname == "pim" && LOCPLINT) LOCPLINT->pim->unlock(); } else if(cn == "def2bmp") { std::string URI; readed >> URI; std::unique_ptr anim = std::make_unique(URI); anim->preload(); anim->exportBitmaps(VCMIDirs::get().userExtractedPath()); } else if(cn == "extract") { std::string URI; readed >> URI; if (CResourceHandler::get()->existsResource(ResourceID(URI))) { const bfs::path outPath = VCMIDirs::get().userExtractedPath() / URI; auto data = CResourceHandler::get()->load(ResourceID(URI))->readAll(); bfs::create_directories(outPath.parent_path()); bfs::ofstream outFile(outPath, bfs::ofstream::binary); outFile.write((char*)data.first.get(), data.second); } else logGlobal->error("File not found!"); } else if(cn == "setBattleAI") { std::string fname; readed >> fname; std::cout << "Will try loading that AI to see if it is correct name...\n"; try { if(auto ai = CDynLibHandler::getNewBattleAI(fname)) //test that given AI is indeed available... heavy but it is easy to make a typo and break the game { Settings neutralAI = settings.write["server"]["neutralAI"]; neutralAI->String() = fname; std::cout << "Setting changed, from now the battle ai will be " << fname << "!\n"; } } catch(std::exception &e) { logGlobal->warn("Failed opening %s: %s", fname, e.what()); logGlobal->warn("Setting not changes, AI not found or invalid!"); } } auto giveTurn = [&](PlayerColor player) { YourTurn yt; yt.player = player; yt.daysWithoutCastle = CSH->client->getPlayerState(player)->daysWithoutCastle; yt.applyCl(CSH->client); }; Settings session = settings.write["session"]; if(cn == "autoskip") { session["autoSkip"].Bool() = !session["autoSkip"].Bool(); } else if(cn == "gosolo") { boost::unique_lock un(*CPlayerInterface::pim); if(!CSH->client) { std::cout << "Game in not active"; return; } PlayerColor color; if(session["aiSolo"].Bool()) { for(auto & elem : CSH->client->gameState()->players) { if(elem.second.human) CSH->client->installNewPlayerInterface(std::make_shared(elem.first), elem.first); } } else { color = LOCPLINT->playerID; removeGUI(); for(auto & elem : CSH->client->gameState()->players) { if(elem.second.human) { auto AiToGive = CSH->client->aiNameForPlayer(*CSH->client->getPlayerSettings(elem.first), false); logNetwork->info("Player %s will be lead by %s", elem.first, AiToGive); CSH->client->installNewPlayerInterface(CDynLibHandler::getNewAI(AiToGive), elem.first); } } GH.totalRedraw(); giveTurn(color); } session["aiSolo"].Bool() = !session["aiSolo"].Bool(); } else if(cn == "controlai") { std::string colorName; readed >> colorName; boost::to_lower(colorName); boost::unique_lock un(*CPlayerInterface::pim); if(!CSH->client) { std::cout << "Game in not active"; return; } PlayerColor color; if(LOCPLINT) color = LOCPLINT->playerID; for(auto & elem : CSH->client->gameState()->players) { if(elem.second.human || (colorName.length() && elem.first.getNum() != vstd::find_pos(GameConstants::PLAYER_COLOR_NAMES, colorName))) { continue; } removeGUI(); CSH->client->installNewPlayerInterface(std::make_shared(elem.first), elem.first); } GH.totalRedraw(); if(color != PlayerColor::NEUTRAL) giveTurn(color); } // Check mantis issue 2292 for details /* else if(client && client->serv && client->serv->connected && LOCPLINT) //send to server { boost::unique_lock un(*CPlayerInterface::pim); LOCPLINT->cb->sendMessage(message); }*/ } #endif //plays intro, ends when intro is over or button has been pressed (handles events) void playIntro() { if(CCS->videoh->openAndPlayVideo("3DOLOGO.SMK", 0, 1, true, true)) { CCS->videoh->openAndPlayVideo("AZVS.SMK", 0, 1, true, true); } } #ifndef VCMI_IOS static bool checkVideoMode(int monitorIndex, int w, int h) { //we only check that our desired window size fits on screen SDL_DisplayMode mode; if (0 != SDL_GetDesktopDisplayMode(monitorIndex, &mode)) { logGlobal->error("SDL_GetDesktopDisplayMode failed"); logGlobal->error(SDL_GetError()); return false; } logGlobal->info("Check display mode: requested %d x %d; available up to %d x %d ", w, h, mode.w, mode.h); if (!mode.w || !mode.h || (w <= mode.w && h <= mode.h)) { return true; } return false; } #endif static void cleanupRenderer() { screenBuf = nullptr; //it`s a link - just nullify if(nullptr != screen2) { SDL_FreeSurface(screen2); screen2 = nullptr; } if(nullptr != screen) { SDL_FreeSurface(screen); screen = nullptr; } if(nullptr != screenTexture) { SDL_DestroyTexture(screenTexture); screenTexture = nullptr; } } static bool recreateWindow(int w, int h, int bpp, bool fullscreen, int displayIndex) { // VCMI will only work with 2 or 4 bytes per pixel vstd::amax(bpp, 16); vstd::amin(bpp, 32); if(bpp>16) bpp = 32; if(displayIndex < 0) { if (mainWindow != nullptr) displayIndex = SDL_GetWindowDisplayIndex(mainWindow); if (displayIndex < 0) displayIndex = 0; } #if defined(VCMI_ANDROID) || defined(VCMI_IOS) SDL_GetWindowSize(mainWindow, &w, &h); #else if(!checkVideoMode(displayIndex, w, h)) { logGlobal->error("Error: SDL says that %dx%d resolution is not available!", w, h); } #endif bool bufOnScreen = (screenBuf == screen); bool realFullscreen = settings["video"]["realFullscreen"].Bool(); /* match best rendering resolution */ int renderWidth = 0, renderHeight = 0; auto aspectRatio = (float)w / (float)h; auto minDiff = 10.f; for (const auto& pair : conf.guiOptions) { int pWidth, pHeight; std::tie(pWidth, pHeight) = pair.first; /* filter out resolution which is larger than window */ if (pWidth > w || pHeight > h) { continue; } auto ratio = (float)pWidth / (float)pHeight; auto diff = fabs(aspectRatio - ratio); /* select closest aspect ratio */ if (diff < minDiff) { renderWidth = pWidth; renderHeight = pHeight; minDiff = diff; } /* select largest resolution meets prior conditions. * since there are resolutions like 1366x768(not exactly 16:9), a deviation of 0.005 is allowed. */ else if (fabs(diff - minDiff) < 0.005f && pWidth > renderWidth) { renderWidth = pWidth; renderHeight = pHeight; } } if (renderWidth == 0) { // no matching resolution for upscaling - complain & fallback to default resolution. logGlobal->error("Failed to match rendering resolution for %dx%d!", w, h); Settings newRes = settings.write["video"]["screenRes"]; std::tie(w, h) = conf.guiOptions.begin()->first; newRes["width"].Float() = w; newRes["height"].Float() = h; conf.SetResolution(w, h); logGlobal->error("Falling back to %dx%d", w, h); renderWidth = w; renderHeight = h; } else { logGlobal->info("Set logical rendering resolution to %dx%d", renderWidth, renderHeight); } cleanupRenderer(); if(nullptr == mainWindow) { #if defined(VCMI_ANDROID) || defined(VCMI_IOS) auto createWindow = [displayIndex](Uint32 extraFlags) -> bool { mainWindow = SDL_CreateWindow(NAME.c_str(), SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED_DISPLAY(displayIndex), SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED_DISPLAY(displayIndex), 0, 0, SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN | extraFlags); return mainWindow != nullptr; }; # ifdef VCMI_IOS SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_IOS_HIDE_HOME_INDICATOR, "1"); SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_RETURN_KEY_HIDES_IME, "1"); SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY, "best"); Uint32 windowFlags = SDL_WINDOW_BORDERLESS | SDL_WINDOW_ALLOW_HIGHDPI; if(!createWindow(windowFlags | SDL_WINDOW_METAL)) { logGlobal->warn("Metal unavailable, using OpenGLES"); createWindow(windowFlags); } # else createWindow(0); # endif // VCMI_IOS // SDL on mobile doesn't do proper letterboxing, and will show an annoying flickering in the blank space in case you're not using the full screen estate // That's why we need to make sure our width and height we'll use below have the same aspect ratio as the screen itself to ensure we fill the full screen estate SDL_Rect screenRect; if(SDL_GetDisplayBounds(0, &screenRect) == 0) { const auto screenWidth = screenRect.w; const auto screenHeight = screenRect.h; const auto aspect = static_cast(screenWidth) / screenHeight; logGlobal->info("Screen size and aspect ratio: %dx%d (%lf)", screenWidth, screenHeight, aspect); if((double)w / aspect > (double)h) { h = (int)round((double)w / aspect); } else { w = (int)round((double)h * aspect); } logGlobal->info("Changing logical screen size to %dx%d", w, h); } else { logGlobal->error("Can't fix aspect ratio for screen"); } #else if(fullscreen) { if(realFullscreen) mainWindow = SDL_CreateWindow(NAME.c_str(), SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED_DISPLAY(displayIndex), SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED_DISPLAY(displayIndex), renderWidth, renderHeight, SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN); else //in windowed full-screen mode use desktop resolution mainWindow = SDL_CreateWindow(NAME.c_str(), SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED_DISPLAY(displayIndex),SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED_DISPLAY(displayIndex), 0, 0, SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP); SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY, "best"); } else { mainWindow = SDL_CreateWindow(NAME.c_str(), SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED_DISPLAY(displayIndex),SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED_DISPLAY(displayIndex), w, h, 0); } #endif // defined(VCMI_ANDROID) || defined(VCMI_IOS) if(nullptr == mainWindow) { throw std::runtime_error("Unable to create window\n"); } //create first available renderer if preferred not set. Use no flags, so HW accelerated will be preferred but SW renderer also will possible mainRenderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(mainWindow,preferredDriverIndex,0); if(nullptr == mainRenderer) { throw std::runtime_error("Unable to create renderer\n"); } SDL_RendererInfo info; SDL_GetRendererInfo(mainRenderer, &info); logGlobal->info("Created renderer %s", info.name); } else { #if !defined(VCMI_ANDROID) && !defined(VCMI_IOS) if(fullscreen) { if(realFullscreen) { SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(mainWindow, SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN); SDL_DisplayMode mode; SDL_GetDesktopDisplayMode(displayIndex, &mode); mode.w = renderWidth; mode.h = renderHeight; SDL_SetWindowDisplayMode(mainWindow, &mode); } else { SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(mainWindow, SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP); } SDL_SetWindowPosition(mainWindow, SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED_DISPLAY(displayIndex), SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED_DISPLAY(displayIndex)); SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY, "best"); } else { SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(mainWindow, 0); SDL_SetWindowSize(mainWindow, w, h); SDL_SetWindowPosition(mainWindow, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED_DISPLAY(displayIndex), SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED_DISPLAY(displayIndex)); } #endif } if(!(fullscreen && realFullscreen)) { SDL_RenderSetLogicalSize(mainRenderer, renderWidth, renderHeight); //following line is bugged not only on android, do not re-enable without checking //#ifndef VCMI_ANDROID // // on android this stretches the game to fit the screen, not preserving aspect and apparently this also breaks coordinates scaling in mouse events // SDL_RenderSetViewport(mainRenderer, nullptr); //#endif } #if (SDL_BYTEORDER == SDL_BIG_ENDIAN) int bmask = 0xff000000; int gmask = 0x00ff0000; int rmask = 0x0000ff00; int amask = 0x000000ff; #else int bmask = 0x000000ff; int gmask = 0x0000ff00; int rmask = 0x00ff0000; int amask = 0xFF000000; #endif screen = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0,renderWidth,renderHeight,bpp,rmask,gmask,bmask,amask); if(nullptr == screen) { logGlobal->error("Unable to create surface %dx%d with %d bpp: %s", renderWidth, renderHeight, bpp, SDL_GetError()); throw std::runtime_error("Unable to create surface"); } //No blending for screen itself. Required for proper cursor rendering. SDL_SetSurfaceBlendMode(screen, SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE); screenTexture = SDL_CreateTexture(mainRenderer, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STREAMING, renderWidth, renderHeight); if(nullptr == screenTexture) { logGlobal->error("Unable to create screen texture"); logGlobal->error(SDL_GetError()); throw std::runtime_error("Unable to create screen texture"); } screen2 = CSDL_Ext::copySurface(screen); if(nullptr == screen2) { throw std::runtime_error("Unable to copy surface\n"); } screenBuf = bufOnScreen ? screen : screen2; SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(mainRenderer, 0, 0, 0, 0); SDL_RenderClear(mainRenderer); SDL_RenderPresent(mainRenderer); if(!settings["session"]["headless"].Bool() && settings["general"]["notifications"].Bool()) { NotificationHandler::init(mainWindow); } return true; } //used only once during initialization static void setScreenRes(int w, int h, int bpp, bool fullscreen, int displayIndex, bool resetVideo) { if(!recreateWindow(w, h, bpp, fullscreen, displayIndex)) { throw std::runtime_error("Requested screen resolution is not available\n"); } } static void fullScreenChanged() { boost::unique_lock lock(*CPlayerInterface::pim); Settings full = settings.write["video"]["fullscreen"]; const bool toFullscreen = full->Bool(); auto bitsPerPixel = screen->format->BitsPerPixel; auto w = screen->w; auto h = screen->h; if(!recreateWindow(w, h, bitsPerPixel, toFullscreen, -1)) { //will return false and report error if video mode is not supported return; } GH.totalRedraw(); } static void handleEvent(SDL_Event & ev) { if((ev.type==SDL_QUIT) ||(ev.type == SDL_KEYDOWN && ev.key.keysym.sym==SDLK_F4 && (ev.key.keysym.mod & KMOD_ALT))) { #ifdef VCMI_ANDROID handleQuit(false); #else handleQuit(); #endif return; } #ifdef VCMI_ANDROID else if (ev.type == SDL_KEYDOWN && ev.key.keysym.scancode == SDL_SCANCODE_AC_BACK) { handleQuit(true); } #endif else if(ev.type == SDL_KEYDOWN && ev.key.keysym.sym==SDLK_F4) { Settings full = settings.write["video"]["fullscreen"]; full->Bool() = !full->Bool(); return; } else if(ev.type == SDL_USEREVENT) { switch(ev.user.code) { case EUserEvent::FORCE_QUIT: { handleQuit(false); return; } break; case EUserEvent::RETURN_TO_MAIN_MENU: { CSH->endGameplay(); GH.defActionsDef = 63; CMM->menu->switchToTab("main"); } break; case EUserEvent::RESTART_GAME: { CSH->sendRestartGame(); } break; case EUserEvent::CAMPAIGN_START_SCENARIO: { CSH->campaignServerRestartLock.set(true); CSH->endGameplay(); auto ourCampaign = std::shared_ptr(reinterpret_cast(ev.user.data1)); auto & epilogue = ourCampaign->camp->scenarios[ourCampaign->mapsConquered.back()].epilog; auto finisher = [=]() { if(ourCampaign->mapsRemaining.size()) { GH.pushInt(CMM); GH.pushInt(CMM->menu); CMM->openCampaignLobby(ourCampaign); } }; if(epilogue.hasPrologEpilog) { GH.pushIntT(epilogue, finisher); } else { CSH->campaignServerRestartLock.waitUntil(false); finisher(); } } break; case EUserEvent::RETURN_TO_MENU_LOAD: CSH->endGameplay(); GH.defActionsDef = 63; CMM->menu->switchToTab("load"); break; case EUserEvent::FULLSCREEN_TOGGLED: fullScreenChanged(); break; case EUserEvent::INTERFACE_CHANGED: if(LOCPLINT) LOCPLINT->updateAmbientSounds(); break; default: logGlobal->error("Unknown user event. Code %d", ev.user.code); break; } return; } else if(ev.type == SDL_WINDOWEVENT) { switch (ev.window.event) { case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESTORED: #ifndef VCMI_IOS fullScreenChanged(); #endif break; } return; } else if(ev.type == SDL_SYSWMEVENT) { if(!settings["session"]["headless"].Bool() && settings["general"]["notifications"].Bool()) { NotificationHandler::handleSdlEvent(ev); } } //preprocessing if(ev.type == SDL_MOUSEMOTION) { CCS->curh->cursorMove(ev.motion.x, ev.motion.y); } { boost::unique_lock lock(eventsM); SDLEventsQueue.push(ev); } } static void mainLoop() { SettingsListener resChanged = settings.listen["video"]["fullscreen"]; resChanged([](const JsonNode &newState){ CGuiHandler::pushSDLEvent(SDL_USEREVENT, EUserEvent::FULLSCREEN_TOGGLED); }); inGuiThread.reset(new bool(true)); GH.mainFPSmng->init(); while(1) //main SDL events loop { SDL_Event ev; while(1 == SDL_PollEvent(&ev)) { handleEvent(ev); } CSH->applyPacksOnLobbyScreen(); GH.renderFrame(); } } static void quitApplication() { if(!settings["session"]["headless"].Bool()) { if(CSH->client) CSH->endGameplay(); } GH.listInt.clear(); GH.objsToBlit.clear(); CMM.reset(); if(!settings["session"]["headless"].Bool()) { // cleanup, mostly to remove false leaks from analyzer if(CCS) { CCS->musich->release(); CCS->soundh->release(); vstd::clear_pointer(CCS); } CMessage::dispose(); vstd::clear_pointer(graphics); } vstd::clear_pointer(VLC); vstd::clear_pointer(console);// should be removed after everything else since used by logging boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(750));//??? if(!settings["session"]["headless"].Bool()) { if(settings["general"]["notifications"].Bool()) { NotificationHandler::destroy(); } cleanupRenderer(); if(nullptr != mainRenderer) { SDL_DestroyRenderer(mainRenderer); mainRenderer = nullptr; } if(nullptr != mainWindow) { SDL_DestroyWindow(mainWindow); mainWindow = nullptr; } SDL_Quit(); } if(logConfig != nullptr) { logConfig->deconfigure(); delete logConfig; logConfig = nullptr; } std::cout << "Ending...\n"; exit(0); } void handleQuit(bool ask) { if(CSH->client && LOCPLINT && ask) { CCS->curh->set(Cursor::Map::POINTER); LOCPLINT->showYesNoDialog(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[69], [](){ // Workaround for assertion failure on exit: // handleQuit() is alway called during SDL event processing // during which, eventsM is kept locked // this leads to assertion failure if boost::mutex is in locked state eventsM.unlock(); quitApplication(); }, nullptr); } else { quitApplication(); } }