/* * CTownHandler.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "CTownHandler.h" #include "VCMI_Lib.h" #include "CGeneralTextHandler.h" #include "JsonNode.h" #include "StringConstants.h" #include "CCreatureHandler.h" #include "CModHandler.h" #include "CHeroHandler.h" #include "CArtHandler.h" #include "spells/CSpellHandler.h" #include "filesystem/Filesystem.h" #include "mapObjects/CObjectClassesHandler.h" #include "mapObjects/CObjectHandler.h" const int NAMES_PER_TOWN=16; // number of town names per faction in H3 files. Json can define any number CBuilding::CBuilding(): town(nullptr),mode(BUILD_NORMAL) { } const std::string & CBuilding::Name() const { return name; } const std::string & CBuilding::Description() const { return description; } BuildingID CBuilding::getBase() const { const CBuilding * build = this; while (build->upgrade >= 0) { build = build->town->buildings.at(build->upgrade); } return build->bid; } si32 CBuilding::getDistance(BuildingID buildID) const { const CBuilding * build = town->buildings.at(buildID); int distance = 0; while (build->upgrade >= 0 && build != this) { build = build->town->buildings.at(build->upgrade); distance++; } if (build == this) return distance; return -1; } void CBuilding::deserializeFix() { //default value for mode was broken, have to fix it here for old saves (v777 and older) switch(mode) { case BUILD_NORMAL: case BUILD_AUTO: case BUILD_SPECIAL: case BUILD_GRAIL: break; default: mode = BUILD_NORMAL; break; } } CFaction::CFaction() { town = nullptr; index = 0; alignment = EAlignment::NEUTRAL; } CFaction::~CFaction() { delete town; } CTown::CTown() : faction(nullptr), mageLevel(0), primaryRes(0), moatDamage(0), defaultTavernChance(0) { } CTown::~CTown() { for(auto & build : buildings) build.second.dellNull(); for(auto & str : clientInfo.structures) str.dellNull(); } std::vector<BattleHex> CTown::defaultMoatHexes() { static const std::vector<BattleHex> moatHexes = {11, 28, 44, 61, 77, 111, 129, 146, 164, 181}; return moatHexes; } std::string CTown::getFactionName() const { if(faction == nullptr) return "Random"; else return faction->name; } std::string CTown::getBuildingScope() const { if(faction == nullptr) //no faction == random faction return "building"; else return "building." + faction->identifier; } std::set<si32> CTown::getAllBuildings() const { std::set<si32> res; for(const auto & b : buildings) { res.insert(b.first.num); } return std::move(res); } CTownHandler::CTownHandler() { VLC->townh = this; randomTown = new CTown(); } CTownHandler::~CTownHandler() { delete randomTown; for(auto faction : factions) faction.dellNull(); } JsonNode readBuilding(CLegacyConfigParser & parser) { JsonNode ret; JsonNode & cost = ret["cost"]; //note: this code will try to parse mithril as well but wil always return 0 for it for(const std::string & resID : GameConstants::RESOURCE_NAMES) cost[resID].Float() = parser.readNumber(); cost.Struct().erase("mithril"); // erase mithril to avoid confusing validator parser.endLine(); return ret; } std::vector<JsonNode> CTownHandler::loadLegacyData(size_t dataSize) { std::vector<JsonNode> dest(dataSize); factions.resize(dataSize); auto getBuild = [&](size_t town, size_t building) -> JsonNode & { return dest[town]["town"]["buildings"][EBuildingType::names[building]]; }; CLegacyConfigParser parser("DATA/BUILDING.TXT"); parser.endLine(); // header parser.endLine(); //Unique buildings for (size_t town=0; town<dataSize; town++) { parser.endLine(); //header parser.endLine(); int buildID = 17; do { getBuild(town, buildID) = readBuilding(parser); buildID++; } while (!parser.isNextEntryEmpty()); } // Common buildings parser.endLine(); // header parser.endLine(); parser.endLine(); int buildID = 0; do { JsonNode building = readBuilding(parser); for (size_t town=0; town<dataSize; town++) getBuild(town, buildID) = building; buildID++; } while (!parser.isNextEntryEmpty()); parser.endLine(); //header parser.endLine(); //Dwellings for (size_t town=0; town<dataSize; town++) { parser.endLine(); //header parser.endLine(); for (size_t i=0; i<14; i++) { getBuild(town, 30+i) = readBuilding(parser); } } { CLegacyConfigParser parser("DATA/BLDGNEUT.TXT"); for(int building=0; building<15; building++) { std::string name = parser.readString(); std::string descr = parser.readString(); parser.endLine(); for(int j=0; j<dataSize; j++) { getBuild(j, building)["name"].String() = name; getBuild(j, building)["description"].String() = descr; } } parser.endLine(); // silo parser.endLine(); // blacksmith //unused entries parser.endLine(); // moat //shipyard with the ship std::string name = parser.readString(); std::string descr = parser.readString(); parser.endLine(); for(int town=0; town<dataSize; town++) { getBuild(town, 20)["name"].String() = name; getBuild(town, 20)["description"].String() = descr; } //blacksmith for(int town=0; town<dataSize; town++) { getBuild(town, 16)["name"].String() = parser.readString(); getBuild(town, 16)["description"].String() = parser.readString(); parser.endLine(); } } { CLegacyConfigParser parser("DATA/BLDGSPEC.TXT"); for(int town=0; town<dataSize; town++) { for(int build=0; build<9; build++) { getBuild(town, 17 + build)["name"].String() = parser.readString(); getBuild(town, 17 + build)["description"].String() = parser.readString(); parser.endLine(); } getBuild(town, 26)["name"].String() = parser.readString(); // Grail getBuild(town, 26)["description"].String() = parser.readString(); parser.endLine(); getBuild(town, 15)["name"].String() = parser.readString(); // Resource silo getBuild(town, 15)["description"].String() = parser.readString(); parser.endLine(); } } { CLegacyConfigParser parser("DATA/DWELLING.TXT"); for(int town=0; town<dataSize; town++) { for(int build=0; build<14; build++) { getBuild(town, 30 + build)["name"].String() = parser.readString(); getBuild(town, 30 + build)["description"].String() = parser.readString(); parser.endLine(); } } } { CLegacyConfigParser typeParser("DATA/TOWNTYPE.TXT"); CLegacyConfigParser nameParser("DATA/TOWNNAME.TXT"); size_t townID=0; do { dest[townID]["name"].String() = typeParser.readString(); for (int i=0; i<NAMES_PER_TOWN; i++) { JsonNode name; name.String() = nameParser.readString(); dest[townID]["town"]["names"].Vector().push_back(name); nameParser.endLine(); } townID++; } while (typeParser.endLine()); } return dest; } void CTownHandler::loadBuildingRequirements(CBuilding * building, const JsonNode & source) { if (source.isNull()) return; BuildingRequirementsHelper hlp; hlp.building = building; hlp.town = building->town; hlp.json = source; requirementsToLoad.push_back(hlp); } void CTownHandler::loadBuilding(CTown * town, const std::string & stringID, const JsonNode & source) { auto ret = new CBuilding(); static const std::vector<std::string> MODES = { "normal", "auto", "special", "grail" }; ret->mode = CBuilding::BUILD_NORMAL; { if(source["mode"].getType() == JsonNode::JsonType::DATA_STRING) { auto rawMode = vstd::find_pos(MODES, source["mode"].String()); if(rawMode > 0) ret->mode = static_cast<CBuilding::EBuildMode>(rawMode); } } ret->identifier = stringID; ret->town = town; ret->bid = BuildingID(source["id"].Float()); ret->name = source["name"].String(); ret->description = source["description"].String(); ret->resources = TResources(source["cost"]); ret->produce = TResources(source["produce"]); //MODS COMPATIBILITY FOR 0.96 if(!ret->produce.nonZero()) { switch (ret->bid) { break; case BuildingID::VILLAGE_HALL: ret->produce[Res::GOLD] = 500; break; case BuildingID::TOWN_HALL : ret->produce[Res::GOLD] = 1000; break; case BuildingID::CITY_HALL : ret->produce[Res::GOLD] = 2000; break; case BuildingID::CAPITOL : ret->produce[Res::GOLD] = 4000; break; case BuildingID::GRAIL : ret->produce[Res::GOLD] = 5000; break; case BuildingID::RESOURCE_SILO : { switch (ret->town->primaryRes) { case Res::GOLD: ret->produce[ret->town->primaryRes] = 500; break; case Res::WOOD_AND_ORE: ret->produce[Res::WOOD] = 1; ret->produce[Res::ORE] = 1; break; default: ret->produce[ret->town->primaryRes] = 1; break; } } } } loadBuildingRequirements(ret, source["requires"]); if (!source["upgrades"].isNull()) { // building id and upgrades can't be the same if(stringID == source["upgrades"].String()) { throw std::runtime_error(boost::str(boost::format("Building with ID '%s' of town '%s' can't be an upgrade of the same building.") % stringID % ret->town->getFactionName())); } VLC->modh->identifiers.requestIdentifier(ret->town->getBuildingScope(), source["upgrades"], [=](si32 identifier) { ret->upgrade = BuildingID(identifier); }); } else ret->upgrade = BuildingID::NONE; ret->town->buildings[ret->bid] = ret; VLC->modh->identifiers.registerObject(source.meta, ret->town->getBuildingScope(), ret->identifier, ret->bid); } void CTownHandler::loadBuildings(CTown * town, const JsonNode & source) { for(auto & node : source.Struct()) { if (!node.second.isNull()) { loadBuilding(town, node.first, node.second); } } } void CTownHandler::loadStructure(CTown &town, const std::string & stringID, const JsonNode & source) { auto ret = new CStructure(); ret->building = nullptr; ret->buildable = nullptr; VLC->modh->identifiers.tryRequestIdentifier( source.meta, "building." + town.faction->identifier, stringID, [=, &town](si32 identifier) mutable { ret->building = town.buildings[BuildingID(identifier)]; }); if (source["builds"].isNull()) { VLC->modh->identifiers.tryRequestIdentifier( source.meta, "building." + town.faction->identifier, stringID, [=, &town](si32 identifier) mutable { ret->building = town.buildings[BuildingID(identifier)]; }); } else { VLC->modh->identifiers.requestIdentifier("building." + town.faction->identifier, source["builds"], [=, &town](si32 identifier) mutable { ret->buildable = town.buildings[BuildingID(identifier)]; }); } ret->identifier = stringID; ret->pos.x = source["x"].Float(); ret->pos.y = source["y"].Float(); ret->pos.z = source["z"].Float(); ret->hiddenUpgrade = source["hidden"].Bool(); ret->defName = source["animation"].String(); ret->borderName = source["border"].String(); ret->areaName = source["area"].String(); town.clientInfo.structures.push_back(ret); } void CTownHandler::loadStructures(CTown &town, const JsonNode & source) { for(auto &node : source.Struct()) { if (!node.second.isNull()) loadStructure(town, node.first, node.second); } } void CTownHandler::loadTownHall(CTown &town, const JsonNode & source) { auto & dstSlots = town.clientInfo.hallSlots; auto & srcSlots = source.Vector(); dstSlots.resize(srcSlots.size()); for(size_t i=0; i<dstSlots.size(); i++) { auto & dstRow = dstSlots[i]; auto & srcRow = srcSlots[i].Vector(); dstRow.resize(srcRow.size()); for(size_t j=0; j < dstRow.size(); j++) { auto & dstBox = dstRow[j]; auto & srcBox = srcRow[j].Vector(); dstBox.resize(srcBox.size()); for(size_t k=0; k<dstBox.size(); k++) { auto & dst = dstBox[k]; auto & src = srcBox[k]; VLC->modh->identifiers.requestIdentifier("building." + town.faction->identifier, src, [&](si32 identifier) { dst = BuildingID(identifier); }); } } } } CTown::ClientInfo::Point JsonToPoint(const JsonNode & node) { CTown::ClientInfo::Point ret; ret.x = node["x"].Float(); ret.y = node["y"].Float(); return ret; } void CTownHandler::loadSiegeScreen(CTown &town, const JsonNode & source) { town.clientInfo.siegePrefix = source["imagePrefix"].String(); VLC->modh->identifiers.requestIdentifier("creature", source["shooter"], [&town](si32 creature) { town.clientInfo.siegeShooter = CreatureID(creature); }); auto & pos = town.clientInfo.siegePositions; pos.resize(21); pos[8] = JsonToPoint(source["towers"]["top"]["tower"]); pos[17] = JsonToPoint(source["towers"]["top"]["battlement"]); pos[20] = JsonToPoint(source["towers"]["top"]["creature"]); pos[2] = JsonToPoint(source["towers"]["keep"]["tower"]); pos[15] = JsonToPoint(source["towers"]["keep"]["battlement"]); pos[18] = JsonToPoint(source["towers"]["keep"]["creature"]); pos[3] = JsonToPoint(source["towers"]["bottom"]["tower"]); pos[16] = JsonToPoint(source["towers"]["bottom"]["battlement"]); pos[19] = JsonToPoint(source["towers"]["bottom"]["creature"]); pos[9] = JsonToPoint(source["gate"]["gate"]); pos[10] = JsonToPoint(source["gate"]["arch"]); pos[7] = JsonToPoint(source["walls"]["upper"]); pos[6] = JsonToPoint(source["walls"]["upperMid"]); pos[5] = JsonToPoint(source["walls"]["bottomMid"]); pos[4] = JsonToPoint(source["walls"]["bottom"]); pos[13] = JsonToPoint(source["moat"]["moat"]); pos[14] = JsonToPoint(source["moat"]["bank"]); pos[11] = JsonToPoint(source["static"]["bottom"]); pos[12] = JsonToPoint(source["static"]["top"]); pos[1] = JsonToPoint(source["static"]["background"]); } static void readIcon(JsonNode source, std::string & small, std::string & large) { if (source.getType() == JsonNode::JsonType::DATA_STRUCT) // don't crash on old format { small = source["small"].String(); large = source["large"].String(); } } void CTownHandler::loadClientData(CTown &town, const JsonNode & source) { CTown::ClientInfo & info = town.clientInfo; readIcon(source["icons"]["village"]["normal"], info.iconSmall[0][0], info.iconLarge[0][0]); readIcon(source["icons"]["village"]["built"], info.iconSmall[0][1], info.iconLarge[0][1]); readIcon(source["icons"]["fort"]["normal"], info.iconSmall[1][0], info.iconLarge[1][0]); readIcon(source["icons"]["fort"]["built"], info.iconSmall[1][1], info.iconLarge[1][1]); info.hallBackground = source["hallBackground"].String(); info.musicTheme = source["musicTheme"].String(); info.townBackground = source["townBackground"].String(); info.guildWindow = source["guildWindow"].String(); info.buildingsIcons = source["buildingsIcons"].String(); //left for back compatibility - will be removed later if (source["guildBackground"].String() != "") info.guildBackground = source["guildBackground"].String(); else info.guildBackground = "TPMAGE.bmp"; if (source["tavernVideo"].String() != "") info.tavernVideo = source["tavernVideo"].String(); else info.tavernVideo = "TAVERN.BIK"; //end of legacy assignment loadTownHall(town, source["hallSlots"]); loadStructures(town, source["structures"]); loadSiegeScreen(town, source["siege"]); } void CTownHandler::loadTown(CTown &town, const JsonNode & source) { auto resIter = boost::find(GameConstants::RESOURCE_NAMES, source["primaryResource"].String()); if (resIter == std::end(GameConstants::RESOURCE_NAMES)) town.primaryRes = Res::WOOD_AND_ORE; //Wood + Ore else town.primaryRes = resIter - std::begin(GameConstants::RESOURCE_NAMES); VLC->modh->identifiers.requestIdentifier("creature", source["warMachine"], [&town](si32 creature) { town.warMachine = CreatureID(creature).toCreature()->warMachine; }); town.moatDamage = source["moatDamage"].Float(); // Compatability for <= 0.98f mods if(source["moatHexes"].isNull()) { town.moatHexes = CTown::defaultMoatHexes(); } else town.moatHexes = source["moatHexes"].convertTo<std::vector<BattleHex> >(); town.mageLevel = source["mageGuild"].Float(); town.names = source["names"].convertTo<std::vector<std::string> >(); // Horde building creature level for(const JsonNode &node : source["horde"].Vector()) town.hordeLvl[town.hordeLvl.size()] = node.Float(); // town needs to have exactly 2 horde entries. Validation will take care of 2+ entries // but anything below 2 must be handled here for (size_t i=source["horde"].Vector().size(); i<2; i++) town.hordeLvl[i] = -1; const JsonVector & creatures = source["creatures"].Vector(); town.creatures.resize(creatures.size()); for (size_t i=0; i< creatures.size(); i++) { const JsonVector & level = creatures[i].Vector(); town.creatures[i].resize(level.size()); for (size_t j=0; j<level.size(); j++) { VLC->modh->identifiers.requestIdentifier("creature", level[j], [=, &town](si32 creature) { town.creatures[i][j] = CreatureID(creature); }); } } town.defaultTavernChance = source["defaultTavern"].Float(); /// set chance of specific hero class to appear in this town for(auto &node : source["tavern"].Struct()) { int chance = node.second.Float(); VLC->modh->identifiers.requestIdentifier(node.second.meta, "heroClass",node.first, [=, &town](si32 classID) { VLC->heroh->classes.heroClasses[classID]->selectionProbability[town.faction->index] = chance; }); } for(auto &node : source["guildSpells"].Struct()) { int chance = node.second.Float(); VLC->modh->identifiers.requestIdentifier(node.second.meta, "spell", node.first, [=, &town](si32 spellID) { VLC->spellh->objects.at(spellID)->probabilities[town.faction->index] = chance; }); } for (const JsonNode &d : source["adventureMap"]["dwellings"].Vector()) { town.dwellings.push_back (d["graphics"].String()); town.dwellingNames.push_back (d["name"].String()); } loadBuildings(&town, source["buildings"]); loadClientData(town,source); } void CTownHandler::loadPuzzle(CFaction &faction, const JsonNode &source) { faction.puzzleMap.reserve(GameConstants::PUZZLE_MAP_PIECES); std::string prefix = source["prefix"].String(); for(const JsonNode &piece : source["pieces"].Vector()) { size_t index = faction.puzzleMap.size(); SPuzzleInfo spi; spi.x = piece["x"].Float(); spi.y = piece["y"].Float(); spi.whenUncovered = piece["index"].Float(); spi.number = index; // filename calculation std::ostringstream suffix; suffix << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << index; spi.filename = prefix + suffix.str(); faction.puzzleMap.push_back(spi); } assert(faction.puzzleMap.size() == GameConstants::PUZZLE_MAP_PIECES); } CFaction * CTownHandler::loadFromJson(const JsonNode &source, const std::string & identifier) { auto faction = new CFaction(); faction->name = source["name"].String(); faction->identifier = identifier; faction->creatureBg120 = source["creatureBackground"]["120px"].String(); faction->creatureBg130 = source["creatureBackground"]["130px"].String(); faction->nativeTerrain = ETerrainType(vstd::find_pos(GameConstants::TERRAIN_NAMES, source["nativeTerrain"].String())); int alignment = vstd::find_pos(EAlignment::names, source["alignment"].String()); if (alignment == -1) faction->alignment = EAlignment::NEUTRAL; else faction->alignment = static_cast<EAlignment::EAlignment>(alignment); if (!source["town"].isNull()) { faction->town = new CTown(); faction->town->faction = faction; loadTown(*faction->town, source["town"]); } else faction->town = nullptr; if (!source["puzzleMap"].isNull()) loadPuzzle(*faction, source["puzzleMap"]); return faction; } void CTownHandler::loadObject(std::string scope, std::string name, const JsonNode & data) { auto object = loadFromJson(data, normalizeIdentifier(scope, "core", name)); object->index = factions.size(); factions.push_back(object); if (object->town) { auto & info = object->town->clientInfo; info.icons[0][0] = 8 + object->index * 4 + 0; info.icons[0][1] = 8 + object->index * 4 + 1; info.icons[1][0] = 8 + object->index * 4 + 2; info.icons[1][1] = 8 + object->index * 4 + 3; VLC->modh->identifiers.requestIdentifier(scope, "object", "town", [=](si32 index) { // register town once objects are loaded JsonNode config = data["town"]["mapObject"]; config["faction"].String() = name; config["faction"].meta = scope; if (config.meta.empty())// MODS COMPATIBILITY FOR 0.96 config.meta = scope; VLC->objtypeh->loadSubObject(object->identifier, config, index, object->index); // MODS COMPATIBILITY FOR 0.96 auto & advMap = data["town"]["adventureMap"]; if (!advMap.isNull()) { logMod->warn("Outdated town mod. Will try to generate valid templates out of fort"); JsonNode config; config["animation"] = advMap["castle"]; VLC->objtypeh->getHandlerFor(index, object->index)->addTemplate(config); } }); } VLC->modh->identifiers.registerObject(scope, "faction", name, object->index); } void CTownHandler::loadObject(std::string scope, std::string name, const JsonNode & data, size_t index) { auto object = loadFromJson(data, normalizeIdentifier(scope, "core", name)); object->index = index; if (factions.size() > index) assert(factions[index] == nullptr); // ensure that this id was not loaded before else factions.resize(index + 1); factions[index] = object; if (object->town) { auto & info = object->town->clientInfo; info.icons[0][0] = (GameConstants::F_NUMBER + object->index) * 2 + 0; info.icons[0][1] = (GameConstants::F_NUMBER + object->index) * 2 + 1; info.icons[1][0] = object->index * 2 + 0; info.icons[1][1] = object->index * 2 + 1; VLC->modh->identifiers.requestIdentifier(scope, "object", "town", [=](si32 index) { // register town once objects are loaded JsonNode config = data["town"]["mapObject"]; config["faction"].String() = name; config["faction"].meta = scope; VLC->objtypeh->loadSubObject(object->identifier, config, index, object->index); }); } VLC->modh->identifiers.registerObject(scope, "faction", name, object->index); } void CTownHandler::loadRandomFaction() { static const ResourceID randomFactionPath("config/factions/random.json"); JsonNode randomFactionJson(randomFactionPath); randomFactionJson.setMeta("core", true); loadBuildings(randomTown, randomFactionJson["random"]["town"]["buildings"]); } void CTownHandler::loadCustom() { loadRandomFaction(); } void CTownHandler::afterLoadFinalization() { initializeRequirements(); } void CTownHandler::initializeRequirements() { // must be done separately after all ID's are known for (auto & requirement : requirementsToLoad) { requirement.building->requirements = CBuilding::TRequired(requirement.json, [&](const JsonNode & node) -> BuildingID { if (node.Vector().size() > 1) { logMod->warn("Unexpected length of town buildings requirements: %d", node.Vector().size()); logMod->warn("Entry contains: "); logMod->warn(node.toJson()); } return BuildingID(VLC->modh->identifiers.getIdentifier(requirement.town->getBuildingScope(), node.Vector()[0]).get()); }); } requirementsToLoad.clear(); } std::vector<bool> CTownHandler::getDefaultAllowed() const { std::vector<bool> allowedFactions; for(auto town : factions) { allowedFactions.push_back(town->town != nullptr); } return allowedFactions; } std::set<TFaction> CTownHandler::getAllowedFactions(bool withTown) const { std::set<TFaction> allowedFactions; std::vector<bool> allowed; if (withTown) allowed = getDefaultAllowed(); else allowed.resize( factions.size(), true); for (size_t i=0; i<allowed.size(); i++) if (allowed[i]) allowedFactions.insert(i); return allowedFactions; } si32 CTownHandler::decodeFaction(const std::string & identifier) { auto rawId = VLC->modh->identifiers.getIdentifier("core", "faction", identifier); if(rawId) return rawId.get(); else return -1; } std::string CTownHandler::encodeFaction(const si32 index) { return VLC->townh->factions[index]->identifier; }