/* * NetPacksLib.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "NetPacks.h" #include "CGeneralTextHandler.h" #include "mapObjects/CObjectClassesHandler.h" #include "CArtHandler.h" #include "CHeroHandler.h" #include "mapObjects/CObjectHandler.h" #include "CModHandler.h" #include "VCMI_Lib.h" #include "mapping/CMap.h" #include "spells/CSpellHandler.h" #include "CCreatureHandler.h" #include "CGameState.h" #include "CStack.h" #include "battle/BattleInfo.h" #include "CTownHandler.h" #include "mapping/CMapInfo.h" #include "StartInfo.h" #include "CPlayerState.h" DLL_LINKAGE void SetResources::applyGs(CGameState *gs) { assert(player < PlayerColor::PLAYER_LIMIT); if(abs) gs->getPlayer(player)->resources = res; else gs->getPlayer(player)->resources += res; //just ensure that player resources are not negative //server is responsible to check if player can afford deal //but events on server side are allowed to take more than player have gs->getPlayer(player)->resources.positive(); } DLL_LINKAGE void SetPrimSkill::applyGs(CGameState *gs) { CGHeroInstance * hero = gs->getHero(id); assert(hero); hero->setPrimarySkill(which, val, abs); } DLL_LINKAGE void SetSecSkill::applyGs(CGameState *gs) { CGHeroInstance *hero = gs->getHero(id); hero->setSecSkillLevel(which, val, abs); } DLL_LINKAGE SelectMap::SelectMap(const CMapInfo &src) { mapInfo = &src; free = false; } DLL_LINKAGE SelectMap::SelectMap() { mapInfo = nullptr; free = true; } DLL_LINKAGE SelectMap::~SelectMap() { if(free) delete mapInfo; } DLL_LINKAGE UpdateStartOptions::UpdateStartOptions(StartInfo &src) { options = &src; free = false; } DLL_LINKAGE UpdateStartOptions::UpdateStartOptions() { options = nullptr; free = true; } DLL_LINKAGE UpdateStartOptions::~UpdateStartOptions() { if(free) delete options; } DLL_LINKAGE void SetCommanderProperty::applyGs(CGameState *gs) { CCommanderInstance * commander = gs->getHero(heroid)->commander; assert (commander); switch (which) { case BONUS: commander->accumulateBonus (std::make_shared<Bonus>(accumulatedBonus)); break; case SPECIAL_SKILL: commander->accumulateBonus (std::make_shared<Bonus>(accumulatedBonus)); commander->specialSKills.insert (additionalInfo); break; case SECONDARY_SKILL: commander->secondarySkills[additionalInfo] = amount; break; case ALIVE: if (amount) commander->setAlive(true); else commander->setAlive(false); break; case EXPERIENCE: commander->giveStackExp(amount); //TODO: allow setting exp for stacks via netpacks break; } } DLL_LINKAGE void AddQuest::applyGs(CGameState *gs) { assert (vstd::contains(gs->players, player)); auto vec = &gs->players[player].quests; if (!vstd::contains(*vec, quest)) vec->push_back (quest); else logNetwork->warn("Warning! Attempt to add duplicated quest"); } DLL_LINKAGE void UpdateArtHandlerLists::applyGs(CGameState *gs) { VLC->arth->minors = minors; VLC->arth->majors = majors; VLC->arth->treasures = treasures; VLC->arth->relics = relics; } DLL_LINKAGE void UpdateMapEvents::applyGs(CGameState *gs) { gs->map->events = events; } DLL_LINKAGE void UpdateCastleEvents::applyGs(CGameState *gs) { auto t = gs->getTown(town); t->events = events; } DLL_LINKAGE void ChangeFormation::applyGs(CGameState *gs) { gs->getHero(hid)->setFormation(formation); } DLL_LINKAGE void HeroVisitCastle::applyGs(CGameState *gs) { CGHeroInstance *h = gs->getHero(hid); CGTownInstance *t = gs->getTown(tid); assert(h); assert(t); if(start()) t->setVisitingHero(h); else t->setVisitingHero(nullptr); } DLL_LINKAGE void ChangeSpells::applyGs(CGameState *gs) { CGHeroInstance *hero = gs->getHero(hid); if(learn) for(auto sid : spells) hero->spells.insert(sid); else for(auto sid : spells) hero->spells.erase(sid); } DLL_LINKAGE void SetMana::applyGs(CGameState *gs) { CGHeroInstance * hero = gs->getHero(hid); assert(hero); if(absolute) hero->mana = val; else hero->mana += val; vstd::amax(hero->mana, 0); //not less than 0 } DLL_LINKAGE void SetMovePoints::applyGs(CGameState *gs) { CGHeroInstance *hero = gs->getHero(hid); assert(hero); if(absolute) hero->movement = val; else hero->movement += val; vstd::amax(hero->movement, 0); //not less than 0 } DLL_LINKAGE void FoWChange::applyGs(CGameState *gs) { TeamState * team = gs->getPlayerTeam(player); for(int3 t : tiles) team->fogOfWarMap[t.x][t.y][t.z] = mode; if (mode == 0) //do not hide too much { std::unordered_set<int3, ShashInt3> tilesRevealed; for (auto & elem : gs->map->objects) { const CGObjectInstance *o = elem; if (o) { switch(o->ID) { case Obj::HERO: case Obj::MINE: case Obj::TOWN: case Obj::ABANDONED_MINE: if(vstd::contains(team->players, o->tempOwner)) //check owned observators gs->getTilesInRange(tilesRevealed, o->getSightCenter(), o->getSightRadius(), o->tempOwner, 1); break; } } } for(int3 t : tilesRevealed) //probably not the most optimal solution ever team->fogOfWarMap[t.x][t.y][t.z] = 1; } } DLL_LINKAGE void SetAvailableHeroes::applyGs(CGameState *gs) { PlayerState *p = gs->getPlayer(player); p->availableHeroes.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < GameConstants::AVAILABLE_HEROES_PER_PLAYER; i++) { CGHeroInstance *h = (hid[i]>=0 ? gs->hpool.heroesPool[hid[i]].get() : nullptr); if(h && army[i]) h->setToArmy(army[i]); p->availableHeroes.push_back(h); } } DLL_LINKAGE void GiveBonus::applyGs(CGameState *gs) { CBonusSystemNode *cbsn = nullptr; switch(who) { case HERO: cbsn = gs->getHero(ObjectInstanceID(id)); break; case PLAYER: cbsn = gs->getPlayer(PlayerColor(id)); break; case TOWN: cbsn = gs->getTown(ObjectInstanceID(id)); break; } assert(cbsn); if(Bonus::OneWeek(&bonus)) bonus.turnsRemain = 8 - gs->getDate(Date::DAY_OF_WEEK); // set correct number of days before adding bonus auto b = std::make_shared<Bonus>(bonus); cbsn->addNewBonus(b); std::string &descr = b->description; if(!bdescr.message.size() && bonus.source == Bonus::OBJECT && (bonus.type == Bonus::LUCK || bonus.type == Bonus::MORALE)) { descr = VLC->generaltexth->arraytxt[bonus.val > 0 ? 110 : 109]; //+/-%d Temporary until next battle" } else { bdescr.toString(descr); } // Some of(?) versions of H3 use %s here instead of %d. Try to replace both of them boost::replace_first(descr,"%d",boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(std::abs(bonus.val))); boost::replace_first(descr,"%s",boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(std::abs(bonus.val))); } DLL_LINKAGE void ChangeObjPos::applyGs(CGameState *gs) { CGObjectInstance *obj = gs->getObjInstance(objid); if(!obj) { logNetwork->error("Wrong ChangeObjPos: object %d doesn't exist!", objid.getNum()); return; } gs->map->removeBlockVisTiles(obj); obj->pos = nPos; gs->map->addBlockVisTiles(obj); } DLL_LINKAGE void ChangeObjectVisitors::applyGs(CGameState *gs) { switch (mode) { case VISITOR_ADD: gs->getHero(hero)->visitedObjects.insert(object); gs->getPlayer(gs->getHero(hero)->tempOwner)->visitedObjects.insert(object); break; case VISITOR_ADD_TEAM: { TeamState *ts = gs->getPlayerTeam(gs->getHero(hero)->tempOwner); for (auto & color : ts->players) { gs->getPlayer(color)->visitedObjects.insert(object); } } break; case VISITOR_CLEAR: for (CGHeroInstance * hero : gs->map->allHeroes) { if (hero) { hero->visitedObjects.erase(object); // remove visit info from all heroes, including those that are not present on map } } for(auto &elem : gs->players) { elem.second.visitedObjects.erase(object); } break; case VISITOR_REMOVE: gs->getHero(hero)->visitedObjects.erase(object); break; } } DLL_LINKAGE void PlayerEndsGame::applyGs(CGameState *gs) { PlayerState *p = gs->getPlayer(player); if(victoryLossCheckResult.victory()) p->status = EPlayerStatus::WINNER; else p->status = EPlayerStatus::LOSER; } DLL_LINKAGE void RemoveBonus::applyGs(CGameState *gs) { CBonusSystemNode *node; if (who == HERO) node = gs->getHero(ObjectInstanceID(whoID)); else node = gs->getPlayer(PlayerColor(whoID)); BonusList &bonuses = node->getExportedBonusList(); for (int i = 0; i < bonuses.size(); i++) { auto b = bonuses[i]; if(b->source == source && b->sid == id) { bonus = *b; //backup bonus (to show to interfaces later) node->removeBonus(b); break; } } } DLL_LINKAGE void RemoveObject::applyGs(CGameState *gs) { CGObjectInstance *obj = gs->getObjInstance(id); logGlobal->debug("removing object id=%d; address=%x; name=%s", id, (intptr_t)obj, obj->getObjectName()); //unblock tiles gs->map->removeBlockVisTiles(obj); if(obj->ID==Obj::HERO) { CGHeroInstance *h = static_cast<CGHeroInstance*>(obj); PlayerState *p = gs->getPlayer(h->tempOwner); gs->map->heroesOnMap -= h; p->heroes -= h; h->detachFrom(h->whereShouldBeAttached(gs)); h->tempOwner = PlayerColor::NEUTRAL; //no one owns beaten hero vstd::erase_if(h->artifactsInBackpack, [](const ArtSlotInfo& asi) { return asi.artifact->artType->id == ArtifactID::GRAIL; }); if(h->visitedTown) { if(h->inTownGarrison) h->visitedTown->garrisonHero = nullptr; else h->visitedTown->visitingHero = nullptr; h->visitedTown = nullptr; } //return hero to the pool, so he may reappear in tavern gs->hpool.heroesPool[h->subID] = h; if(!vstd::contains(gs->hpool.pavailable, h->subID)) gs->hpool.pavailable[h->subID] = 0xff; gs->map->objects[id.getNum()] = nullptr; //If hero on Boat is removed, the Boat disappears if(h->boat) { gs->map->instanceNames.erase(h->boat->instanceName); gs->map->objects[h->boat->id.getNum()].dellNull(); h->boat = nullptr; } return; } auto quest = dynamic_cast<const IQuestObject *>(obj); if (quest) { gs->map->quests[quest->quest->qid] = nullptr; for (auto &player : gs->players) { for (auto &q : player.second.quests) { if (q.obj == obj) { q.obj = nullptr; } } } } for (TriggeredEvent & event : gs->map->triggeredEvents) { auto patcher = [&](EventCondition cond) -> EventExpression::Variant { if (cond.object == obj) { if (cond.condition == EventCondition::DESTROY || cond.condition == EventCondition::DESTROY_0) { cond.condition = EventCondition::CONST_VALUE; cond.value = 1; // destroyed object, from now on always fulfilled } else if (cond.condition == EventCondition::CONTROL || cond.condition == EventCondition::HAVE_0) { cond.condition = EventCondition::CONST_VALUE; cond.value = 0; // destroyed object, from now on can not be fulfilled } } return cond; }; event.trigger = event.trigger.morph(patcher); } gs->map->instanceNames.erase(obj->instanceName); gs->map->objects[id.getNum()].dellNull(); gs->map->calculateGuardingGreaturePositions(); } static int getDir(int3 src, int3 dst) { int ret = -1; if(dst.x+1 == src.x && dst.y+1 == src.y) //tl { ret = 1; } else if(dst.x == src.x && dst.y+1 == src.y) //t { ret = 2; } else if(dst.x-1 == src.x && dst.y+1 == src.y) //tr { ret = 3; } else if(dst.x-1 == src.x && dst.y == src.y) //r { ret = 4; } else if(dst.x-1 == src.x && dst.y-1 == src.y) //br { ret = 5; } else if(dst.x == src.x && dst.y-1 == src.y) //b { ret = 6; } else if(dst.x+1 == src.x && dst.y-1 == src.y) //bl { ret = 7; } else if(dst.x+1 == src.x && dst.y == src.y) //l { ret = 8; } return ret; } void TryMoveHero::applyGs(CGameState *gs) { CGHeroInstance *h = gs->getHero(id); if (!h) { logGlobal->error("Attempt ot move unavailable hero %d", id.getNum()); return; } h->movement = movePoints; if((result == SUCCESS || result == BLOCKING_VISIT || result == EMBARK || result == DISEMBARK) && start != end) { auto dir = getDir(start,end); if(dir > 0 && dir <= 8) h->moveDir = dir; //else don`t change move direction - hero might have traversed the subterranean gate, direction should be kept } if(result == EMBARK) //hero enters boat at destination tile { const TerrainTile &tt = gs->map->getTile(CGHeroInstance::convertPosition(end, false)); assert(tt.visitableObjects.size() >= 1 && tt.visitableObjects.back()->ID == Obj::BOAT); //the only visitable object at destination is Boat CGBoat *boat = static_cast<CGBoat*>(tt.visitableObjects.back()); gs->map->removeBlockVisTiles(boat); //hero blockvis mask will be used, we don't need to duplicate it with boat h->boat = boat; boat->hero = h; } else if(result == DISEMBARK) //hero leaves boat to destination tile { CGBoat *b = const_cast<CGBoat *>(h->boat); b->direction = h->moveDir; b->pos = start; b->hero = nullptr; gs->map->addBlockVisTiles(b); h->boat = nullptr; } if(start!=end && (result == SUCCESS || result == TELEPORTATION || result == EMBARK || result == DISEMBARK)) { gs->map->removeBlockVisTiles(h); h->pos = end; if(CGBoat *b = const_cast<CGBoat *>(h->boat)) b->pos = end; gs->map->addBlockVisTiles(h); } for(int3 t : fowRevealed) gs->getPlayerTeam(h->getOwner())->fogOfWarMap[t.x][t.y][t.z] = 1; } DLL_LINKAGE void NewStructures::applyGs(CGameState *gs) { CGTownInstance *t = gs->getTown(tid); for(const auto & id : bid) { assert(t->town->buildings.at(id) != nullptr); t->builtBuildings.insert(id); t->updateAppearance(); } t->builded = builded; t->recreateBuildingsBonuses(); } DLL_LINKAGE void RazeStructures::applyGs(CGameState *gs) { CGTownInstance *t = gs->getTown(tid); for(const auto & id : bid) { t->builtBuildings.erase(id); t->updateAppearance(); } t->destroyed = destroyed; //yeaha t->recreateBuildingsBonuses(); } DLL_LINKAGE void SetAvailableCreatures::applyGs(CGameState *gs) { CGDwelling *dw = dynamic_cast<CGDwelling*>(gs->getObjInstance(tid)); assert(dw); dw->creatures = creatures; } DLL_LINKAGE void SetHeroesInTown::applyGs(CGameState *gs) { CGTownInstance *t = gs->getTown(tid); CGHeroInstance *v = gs->getHero(visiting), *g = gs->getHero(garrison); bool newVisitorComesFromGarrison = v && v == t->garrisonHero; bool newGarrisonComesFromVisiting = g && g == t->visitingHero; if(newVisitorComesFromGarrison) t->setGarrisonedHero(nullptr); if(newGarrisonComesFromVisiting) t->setVisitingHero(nullptr); if(!newGarrisonComesFromVisiting || v) t->setVisitingHero(v); if(!newVisitorComesFromGarrison || g) t->setGarrisonedHero(g); if(v) { gs->map->addBlockVisTiles(v); } if(g) { gs->map->removeBlockVisTiles(g); } } DLL_LINKAGE void HeroRecruited::applyGs(CGameState *gs) { assert(vstd::contains(gs->hpool.heroesPool, hid)); CGHeroInstance *h = gs->hpool.heroesPool[hid]; CGTownInstance *t = gs->getTown(tid); PlayerState *p = gs->getPlayer(player); assert(!h->boat); h->setOwner(player); h->pos = tile; bool fresh = !h->isInitialized(); if(fresh) { // this is a fresh hero who hasn't appeared yet h->movement = h->maxMovePoints(true); } gs->hpool.heroesPool.erase(hid); if(h->id == ObjectInstanceID()) { h->id = ObjectInstanceID(gs->map->objects.size()); gs->map->objects.push_back(h); } else gs->map->objects[h->id.getNum()] = h; gs->map->heroesOnMap.push_back(h); p->heroes.push_back(h); h->attachTo(p); if(fresh) { h->initObj(gs->getRandomGenerator()); } gs->map->addBlockVisTiles(h); if(t) { t->setVisitingHero(h); } } DLL_LINKAGE void GiveHero::applyGs(CGameState *gs) { CGHeroInstance *h = gs->getHero(id); //bonus system h->detachFrom(&gs->globalEffects); h->attachTo(gs->getPlayer(player)); h->appearance = VLC->objtypeh->getHandlerFor(Obj::HERO, h->type->heroClass->id)->getTemplates().front(); gs->map->removeBlockVisTiles(h,true); h->setOwner(player); h->movement = h->maxMovePoints(true); gs->map->heroesOnMap.push_back(h); gs->getPlayer(h->getOwner())->heroes.push_back(h); gs->map->addBlockVisTiles(h); h->inTownGarrison = false; } DLL_LINKAGE void NewObject::applyGs(CGameState *gs) { const TerrainTile &t = gs->map->getTile(pos); ETerrainType terrainType = t.terType; CGObjectInstance *o = nullptr; switch(ID) { case Obj::BOAT: o = new CGBoat(); terrainType = ETerrainType::WATER; //TODO: either boat should only spawn on water, or all water objects should be handled this way break; case Obj::MONSTER: //probably more options will be needed o = new CGCreature(); { //CStackInstance hlp; CGCreature *cre = static_cast<CGCreature*>(o); //cre->slots[0] = hlp; cre->notGrowingTeam = cre->neverFlees = 0; cre->character = 2; cre->gainedArtifact = ArtifactID::NONE; cre->identifier = -1; cre->addToSlot(SlotID(0), new CStackInstance(CreatureID(subID), -1)); //add placeholder stack } break; default: o = new CGObjectInstance(); break; } o->ID = ID; o->subID = subID; o->pos = pos; o->appearance = VLC->objtypeh->getHandlerFor(o->ID, o->subID)->getTemplates(terrainType).front(); id = o->id = ObjectInstanceID(gs->map->objects.size()); gs->map->objects.push_back(o); gs->map->addBlockVisTiles(o); o->initObj(gs->getRandomGenerator()); gs->map->calculateGuardingGreaturePositions(); logGlobal->debug("Added object id=%d; address=%x; name=%s", id, (intptr_t)o, o->getObjectName()); } DLL_LINKAGE void NewArtifact::applyGs(CGameState *gs) { assert(!vstd::contains(gs->map->artInstances, art)); gs->map->addNewArtifactInstance(art); assert(!art->getParentNodes().size()); art->setType(art->artType); if (CCombinedArtifactInstance* cart = dynamic_cast<CCombinedArtifactInstance*>(art.get())) cart->createConstituents(); } DLL_LINKAGE const CStackInstance * StackLocation::getStack() { if(!army->hasStackAtSlot(slot)) { logNetwork->warn("%s don't have a stack at slot %d", army->nodeName(), slot.getNum()); return nullptr; } return &army->getStack(slot); } struct ObjectRetriever : boost::static_visitor<const CArmedInstance *> { const CArmedInstance * operator()(const ConstTransitivePtr<CGHeroInstance> &h) const { return h; } const CArmedInstance * operator()(const ConstTransitivePtr<CStackInstance> &s) const { return s->armyObj; } }; template <typename T> struct GetBase : boost::static_visitor<T*> { template <typename TArg> T * operator()(TArg &arg) const { return arg; } }; DLL_LINKAGE void ArtifactLocation::removeArtifact() { CArtifactInstance *a = getArt(); assert(a); a->removeFrom(*this); } DLL_LINKAGE const CArmedInstance * ArtifactLocation::relatedObj() const { return boost::apply_visitor(ObjectRetriever(), artHolder); } DLL_LINKAGE PlayerColor ArtifactLocation::owningPlayer() const { auto obj = relatedObj(); return obj ? obj->tempOwner : PlayerColor::NEUTRAL; } DLL_LINKAGE CArtifactSet *ArtifactLocation::getHolderArtSet() { return boost::apply_visitor(GetBase<CArtifactSet>(), artHolder); } DLL_LINKAGE CBonusSystemNode *ArtifactLocation::getHolderNode() { return boost::apply_visitor(GetBase<CBonusSystemNode>(), artHolder); } DLL_LINKAGE const CArtifactInstance *ArtifactLocation::getArt() const { const ArtSlotInfo *s = getSlot(); if(s && s->artifact) { if(!s->locked) return s->artifact; else { logNetwork->warn("ArtifactLocation::getArt: This location is locked!"); return nullptr; } } return nullptr; } DLL_LINKAGE const CArtifactSet * ArtifactLocation::getHolderArtSet() const { ArtifactLocation *t = const_cast<ArtifactLocation*>(this); return t->getHolderArtSet(); } DLL_LINKAGE const CBonusSystemNode * ArtifactLocation::getHolderNode() const { ArtifactLocation *t = const_cast<ArtifactLocation*>(this); return t->getHolderNode(); } DLL_LINKAGE CArtifactInstance *ArtifactLocation::getArt() { const ArtifactLocation *t = this; return const_cast<CArtifactInstance*>(t->getArt()); } DLL_LINKAGE const ArtSlotInfo *ArtifactLocation::getSlot() const { return getHolderArtSet()->getSlot(slot); } DLL_LINKAGE void ChangeStackCount::applyGs(CGameState * gs) { auto srcObj = gs->getArmyInstance(army); if(!srcObj) logNetwork->error("[CRITICAL] ChangeStackCount: invalid army object %d, possible game state corruption.", army.getNum()); if(absoluteValue) srcObj->setStackCount(slot, count); else srcObj->changeStackCount(slot, count); } DLL_LINKAGE void SetStackType::applyGs(CGameState * gs) { auto srcObj = gs->getArmyInstance(army); if(!srcObj) logNetwork->error("[CRITICAL] SetStackType: invalid army object %d, possible game state corruption.", army.getNum()); srcObj->setStackType(slot, type); } DLL_LINKAGE void EraseStack::applyGs(CGameState * gs) { auto srcObj = gs->getArmyInstance(army); if(!srcObj) logNetwork->error("[CRITICAL] EraseStack: invalid army object %d, possible game state corruption.", army.getNum()); srcObj->eraseStack(slot); } DLL_LINKAGE void SwapStacks::applyGs(CGameState * gs) { auto srcObj = gs->getArmyInstance(srcArmy); if(!srcObj) logNetwork->error("[CRITICAL] SwapStacks: invalid army object %d, possible game state corruption.", srcArmy.getNum()); auto dstObj = gs->getArmyInstance(dstArmy); if(!dstObj) logNetwork->error("[CRITICAL] SwapStacks: invalid army object %d, possible game state corruption.", dstArmy.getNum()); CStackInstance * s1 = srcObj->detachStack(srcSlot); CStackInstance * s2 = dstObj->detachStack(dstSlot); srcObj->putStack(srcSlot, s2); dstObj->putStack(dstSlot, s1); } DLL_LINKAGE void InsertNewStack::applyGs(CGameState *gs) { auto s = new CStackInstance(type, count); auto obj = gs->getArmyInstance(army); if(obj) obj->putStack(slot, s); else logNetwork->error("[CRITICAL] InsertNewStack: invalid army object %d, possible game state corruption.", army.getNum()); } DLL_LINKAGE void RebalanceStacks::applyGs(CGameState * gs) { auto srcObj = gs->getArmyInstance(srcArmy); if(!srcObj) logNetwork->error("[CRITICAL] RebalanceStacks: invalid army object %d, possible game state corruption.", srcArmy.getNum()); auto dstObj = gs->getArmyInstance(dstArmy); if(!dstObj) logNetwork->error("[CRITICAL] RebalanceStacks: invalid army object %d, possible game state corruption.", dstArmy.getNum()); StackLocation src(srcObj, srcSlot); StackLocation dst(dstObj, dstSlot); const CCreature * srcType = src.army->getCreature(src.slot); TQuantity srcCount = src.army->getStackCount(src.slot); bool stackExp = VLC->modh->modules.STACK_EXP; if(srcCount == count) //moving whole stack { if(const CCreature *c = dst.army->getCreature(dst.slot)) //stack at dest -> merge { assert(c == srcType); UNUSED(c); auto alHere = ArtifactLocation (src.getStack(), ArtifactPosition::CREATURE_SLOT); auto alDest = ArtifactLocation (dst.getStack(), ArtifactPosition::CREATURE_SLOT); auto artHere = alHere.getArt(); auto artDest = alDest.getArt(); if (artHere) { if (alDest.getArt()) { auto hero = dynamic_cast <CGHeroInstance *>(src.army.get()); if (hero) { artDest->move (alDest, ArtifactLocation (hero, alDest.getArt()->firstBackpackSlot (hero))); } //else - artifact cna be lost :/ else { logNetwork->warn("Artifact is present at destination slot!"); } artHere->move (alHere, alDest); //TODO: choose from dialog } else //just move to the other slot before stack gets erased { artHere->move (alHere, alDest); } } if (stackExp) { ui64 totalExp = srcCount * src.army->getStackExperience(src.slot) + dst.army->getStackCount(dst.slot) * dst.army->getStackExperience(dst.slot); src.army->eraseStack(src.slot); dst.army->changeStackCount(dst.slot, count); dst.army->setStackExp(dst.slot, totalExp /(dst.army->getStackCount(dst.slot))); //mean } else { src.army->eraseStack(src.slot); dst.army->changeStackCount(dst.slot, count); } } else //move stack to an empty slot, no exp change needed { CStackInstance *stackDetached = src.army->detachStack(src.slot); dst.army->putStack(dst.slot, stackDetached); } } else { if(const CCreature *c = dst.army->getCreature(dst.slot)) //stack at dest -> rebalance { assert(c == srcType); UNUSED(c); if (stackExp) { ui64 totalExp = srcCount * src.army->getStackExperience(src.slot) + dst.army->getStackCount(dst.slot) * dst.army->getStackExperience(dst.slot); src.army->changeStackCount(src.slot, -count); dst.army->changeStackCount(dst.slot, count); dst.army->setStackExp(dst.slot, totalExp /(src.army->getStackCount(src.slot) + dst.army->getStackCount(dst.slot))); //mean } else { src.army->changeStackCount(src.slot, -count); dst.army->changeStackCount(dst.slot, count); } } else //split stack to an empty slot { src.army->changeStackCount(src.slot, -count); dst.army->addToSlot(dst.slot, srcType->idNumber, count, false); if (stackExp) dst.army->setStackExp(dst.slot, src.army->getStackExperience(src.slot)); } } CBonusSystemNode::treeHasChanged(); } DLL_LINKAGE void PutArtifact::applyGs(CGameState *gs) { assert(art->canBePutAt(al)); art->putAt(al); //al.hero->putArtifact(al.slot, art); } DLL_LINKAGE void EraseArtifact::applyGs(CGameState *gs) { auto slot = al.getSlot(); if(slot->locked) { logGlobal->debug("Erasing locked artifact: %s", slot->artifact->artType->Name()); DisassembledArtifact dis; dis.al.artHolder = al.artHolder; auto aset = al.getHolderArtSet(); #ifndef NDEBUG bool found = false; #endif for(auto& p : aset->artifactsWorn) { auto art = p.second.artifact; if(art->canBeDisassembled() && art->isPart(slot->artifact)) { dis.al.slot = aset->getArtPos(art); #ifndef NDEBUG found = true; #endif break; } } assert(found && "Failed to determine the assembly this locked artifact belongs to"); logGlobal->debug("Found the corresponding assembly: %s", dis.al.getSlot()->artifact->artType->Name()); dis.applyGs(gs); } else { logGlobal->debug("Erasing artifact %s", slot->artifact->artType->Name()); } al.removeArtifact(); } DLL_LINKAGE void MoveArtifact::applyGs(CGameState *gs) { CArtifactInstance *a = src.getArt(); if(dst.slot < GameConstants::BACKPACK_START) assert(!dst.getArt()); a->move(src, dst); //TODO what'll happen if Titan's thunder is equipped by pickin git up or the start of game? if (a->artType->id == ArtifactID::TITANS_THUNDER && dst.slot == ArtifactPosition::RIGHT_HAND) //Titan's Thunder creates new spellbook on equip { auto hPtr = boost::get<ConstTransitivePtr<CGHeroInstance> >(&dst.artHolder); if(hPtr) { CGHeroInstance *h = *hPtr; if(h && !h->hasSpellbook()) gs->giveHeroArtifact(h, ArtifactID::SPELLBOOK); } } } DLL_LINKAGE void AssembledArtifact::applyGs(CGameState *gs) { CArtifactSet *artSet = al.getHolderArtSet(); const CArtifactInstance *transformedArt = al.getArt(); assert(transformedArt); assert(vstd::contains(transformedArt->assemblyPossibilities(artSet), builtArt)); UNUSED(transformedArt); auto combinedArt = new CCombinedArtifactInstance(builtArt); gs->map->addNewArtifactInstance(combinedArt); //retrieve all constituents for(const CArtifact * constituent : *builtArt->constituents) { ArtifactPosition pos = artSet->getArtPos(constituent->id); assert(pos >= 0); CArtifactInstance *constituentInstance = artSet->getArt(pos); //move constituent from hero to be part of new, combined artifact constituentInstance->removeFrom(ArtifactLocation(al.artHolder, pos)); combinedArt->addAsConstituent(constituentInstance, pos); if(!vstd::contains(combinedArt->artType->possibleSlots[artSet->bearerType()], al.slot) && vstd::contains(combinedArt->artType->possibleSlots[artSet->bearerType()], pos)) al.slot = pos; } //put new combined artifacts combinedArt->putAt(al); } DLL_LINKAGE void DisassembledArtifact::applyGs(CGameState *gs) { CCombinedArtifactInstance *disassembled = dynamic_cast<CCombinedArtifactInstance*>(al.getArt()); assert(disassembled); std::vector<CCombinedArtifactInstance::ConstituentInfo> constituents = disassembled->constituentsInfo; disassembled->removeFrom(al); for(CCombinedArtifactInstance::ConstituentInfo &ci : constituents) { ArtifactLocation constituentLoc = al; constituentLoc.slot = (ci.slot >= 0 ? ci.slot : al.slot); //-1 is slot of main constituent -> it'll replace combined artifact in its pos disassembled->detachFrom(ci.art); ci.art->putAt(constituentLoc); } gs->map->eraseArtifactInstance(disassembled); } DLL_LINKAGE void HeroVisit::applyGs(CGameState *gs) { } DLL_LINKAGE void SetAvailableArtifacts::applyGs(CGameState *gs) { if(id >= 0) { if(CGBlackMarket *bm = dynamic_cast<CGBlackMarket*>(gs->map->objects[id].get())) { bm->artifacts = arts; } else { logNetwork->error("Wrong black market id!"); } } else { CGTownInstance::merchantArtifacts = arts; } } DLL_LINKAGE void NewTurn::applyGs(CGameState *gs) { gs->day = day; // Update bonuses before doing anything else so hero don't get more MP than needed gs->globalEffects.removeBonusesRecursive(Bonus::OneDay); //works for children -> all game objs gs->globalEffects.reduceBonusDurations(Bonus::NDays); gs->globalEffects.reduceBonusDurations(Bonus::OneWeek); //TODO not really a single root hierarchy, what about bonuses placed elsewhere? [not an issue with H3 mechanics but in the future...] for(NewTurn::Hero h : heroes) //give mana/movement point { CGHeroInstance *hero = gs->getHero(h.id); if(!hero) { // retreated or surrendered hero who has not been reset yet for(auto& hp : gs->hpool.heroesPool) { if(hp.second->id == h.id) { hero = hp.second; break; } } } if(!hero) { logGlobal->error("Hero %d not found in NewTurn::applyGs", h.id.getNum()); continue; } hero->movement = h.move; hero->mana = h.mana; } for(auto i = res.cbegin(); i != res.cend(); i++) { assert(i->first < PlayerColor::PLAYER_LIMIT); gs->getPlayer(i->first)->resources = i->second; } for(auto creatureSet : cres) //set available creatures in towns creatureSet.second.applyGs(gs); for(CGTownInstance* t : gs->map->towns) t->builded = 0; if(gs->getDate(Date::DAY_OF_WEEK) == 1) gs->updateRumor(); //count days without town for all players, regardless of their turn order for (auto &p : gs->players) { PlayerState & playerState = p.second; if (playerState.status == EPlayerStatus::INGAME) { if (playerState.towns.empty()) { if (playerState.daysWithoutCastle) ++(*playerState.daysWithoutCastle); else playerState.daysWithoutCastle = boost::make_optional(0); } else { playerState.daysWithoutCastle = boost::none; } } } } DLL_LINKAGE void SetObjectProperty::applyGs(CGameState *gs) { CGObjectInstance *obj = gs->getObjInstance(id); if(!obj) { logNetwork->error("Wrong object ID - property cannot be set!"); return; } CArmedInstance *cai = dynamic_cast<CArmedInstance *>(obj); if(what == ObjProperty::OWNER && cai) { if(obj->ID == Obj::TOWN) { CGTownInstance *t = static_cast<CGTownInstance*>(obj); if(t->tempOwner < PlayerColor::PLAYER_LIMIT) gs->getPlayer(t->tempOwner)->towns -= t; if(val < PlayerColor::PLAYER_LIMIT_I) { PlayerState * p = gs->getPlayer(PlayerColor(val)); p->towns.push_back(t); //reset counter before NewTurn to avoid no town message if game loaded at turn when one already captured if(p->daysWithoutCastle) p->daysWithoutCastle = boost::none; } } CBonusSystemNode *nodeToMove = cai->whatShouldBeAttached(); nodeToMove->detachFrom(cai->whereShouldBeAttached(gs)); obj->setProperty(what,val); nodeToMove->attachTo(cai->whereShouldBeAttached(gs)); } else //not an armed instance { obj->setProperty(what,val); } } DLL_LINKAGE void PrepareHeroLevelUp::applyGs(CGameState * gs) { auto hero = gs->getHero(heroId); assert(hero); auto proposedSkills = hero->getLevelUpProposedSecondarySkills(); if(skills.size() == 1 || hero->tempOwner == PlayerColor::NEUTRAL) //choose skill automatically { skills.push_back(*RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(proposedSkills, hero->skillsInfo.rand)); } else { skills = proposedSkills; } } DLL_LINKAGE void HeroLevelUp::applyGs(CGameState * gs) { auto hero = gs->getHero(heroId); assert(hero); hero->levelUp(skills); } DLL_LINKAGE void CommanderLevelUp::applyGs(CGameState * gs) { auto hero = gs->getHero(heroId); assert(hero); auto commander = hero->commander; assert(commander); commander->levelUp(); } DLL_LINKAGE void BattleStart::applyGs(CGameState *gs) { gs->curB = info; gs->curB->localInit(); } DLL_LINKAGE void BattleNextRound::applyGs(CGameState *gs) { gs->curB->nextRound(round); } DLL_LINKAGE void BattleSetActiveStack::applyGs(CGameState *gs) { gs->curB->nextTurn(stack); } DLL_LINKAGE void BattleTriggerEffect::applyGs(CGameState *gs) { CStack * st = gs->curB->getStack(stackID); assert(st); switch(effect) { case Bonus::HP_REGENERATION: { int64_t toHeal = val; st->heal(toHeal, EHealLevel::HEAL, EHealPower::PERMANENT); break; } case Bonus::MANA_DRAIN: { CGHeroInstance * h = gs->getHero(ObjectInstanceID(additionalInfo)); st->drainedMana = true; h->mana -= val; vstd::amax(h->mana, 0); break; } case Bonus::POISON: { auto b = st->getBonusLocalFirst(Selector::source(Bonus::SPELL_EFFECT, SpellID::POISON) .And(Selector::type(Bonus::STACK_HEALTH))); if (b) b->val = val; break; } case Bonus::ENCHANTER: break; case Bonus::FEAR: st->fear = true; break; default: logNetwork->error("Unrecognized trigger effect type %d", effect); } } DLL_LINKAGE void BattleUpdateGateState::applyGs(CGameState *gs) { if(gs->curB) gs->curB->si.gateState = state; } void BattleResult::applyGs(CGameState *gs) { for (auto & elem : gs->curB->stacks) delete elem; for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { if(auto h = gs->curB->battleGetFightingHero(i)) { h->removeBonusesRecursive(Bonus::OneBattle); //remove any "until next battle" bonuses if (h->commander && h->commander->alive) { for (auto art : h->commander->artifactsWorn) //increment bonuses for commander artifacts { art.second.artifact->artType->levelUpArtifact (art.second.artifact); } } } } if(VLC->modh->modules.STACK_EXP) { for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) if(exp[i]) gs->curB->battleGetArmyObject(i)->giveStackExp(exp[i]); CBonusSystemNode::treeHasChanged(); } for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) gs->curB->battleGetArmyObject(i)->battle = nullptr; gs->curB.dellNull(); } DLL_LINKAGE void BattleStackMoved::applyGs(CGameState *gs) { applyBattle(gs->curB); } DLL_LINKAGE void BattleStackMoved::applyBattle(IBattleState * battleState) { battleState->moveUnit(stack, tilesToMove.back()); } DLL_LINKAGE void BattleStackAttacked::applyGs(CGameState * gs) { applyBattle(gs->curB); } DLL_LINKAGE void BattleStackAttacked::applyBattle(IBattleState * battleState) { battleState->setUnitState(newState.id, newState.data, newState.healthDelta); } DLL_LINKAGE void BattleAttack::applyGs(CGameState * gs) { CStack * attacker = gs->curB->getStack(stackAttacking); assert(attacker); attackerChanges.applyGs(gs); for(BattleStackAttacked & stackAttacked : bsa) stackAttacked.applyGs(gs); attacker->removeBonusesRecursive(Bonus::UntilAttack); } DLL_LINKAGE void StartAction::applyGs(CGameState *gs) { CStack *st = gs->curB->getStack(ba.stackNumber); if(ba.actionType == EActionType::END_TACTIC_PHASE) { gs->curB->tacticDistance = 0; return; } if(gs->curB->tacticDistance) { // moves in tactics phase do not affect creature status // (tactics stack queue is managed by client) return; } if(ba.actionType != EActionType::HERO_SPELL) //don't check for stack if it's custom action by hero { assert(st); } else { gs->curB->sides[ba.side].usedSpellsHistory.push_back(SpellID(ba.actionSubtype).toSpell()); } switch(ba.actionType) { case EActionType::DEFEND: st->waiting = false; st->defending = true; st->defendingAnim = true; break; case EActionType::WAIT: st->defendingAnim = false; st->waiting = true; break; case EActionType::HERO_SPELL: //no change in current stack state break; default: //any active stack action - attack, catapult, heal, spell... st->waiting = false; st->defendingAnim = false; st->movedThisRound = true; break; } } DLL_LINKAGE void BattleSpellCast::applyGs(CGameState *gs) { assert(gs->curB); if(castByHero) { if(side < 2) { gs->curB->sides[side].castSpellsCount++; } } } DLL_LINKAGE void SetStackEffect::applyGs(CGameState *gs) { applyBattle(gs->curB); } DLL_LINKAGE void SetStackEffect::applyBattle(IBattleState * battleState) { for(const auto & stackData : toRemove) battleState->removeUnitBonus(stackData.first, stackData.second); for(const auto & stackData : toUpdate) battleState->updateUnitBonus(stackData.first, stackData.second); for(const auto & stackData : toAdd) battleState->addUnitBonus(stackData.first, stackData.second); } DLL_LINKAGE void StacksInjured::applyGs(CGameState *gs) { applyBattle(gs->curB); } DLL_LINKAGE void StacksInjured::applyBattle(IBattleState * battleState) { for(BattleStackAttacked stackAttacked : stacks) stackAttacked.applyBattle(battleState); } DLL_LINKAGE void BattleUnitsChanged::applyGs(CGameState *gs) { applyBattle(gs->curB); } DLL_LINKAGE void BattleUnitsChanged::applyBattle(IBattleState * battleState) { for(auto & elem : changedStacks) { switch(elem.operation) { case BattleChanges::EOperation::RESET_STATE: battleState->setUnitState(elem.id, elem.data, elem.healthDelta); break; case BattleChanges::EOperation::REMOVE: battleState->removeUnit(elem.id); break; case BattleChanges::EOperation::ADD: battleState->addUnit(elem.id, elem.data); break; default: logNetwork->error("Unknown unit operation %d", (int)elem.operation); break; } } } DLL_LINKAGE void BattleObstaclesChanged::applyGs(CGameState * gs) { if(gs->curB) applyBattle(gs->curB); } DLL_LINKAGE void BattleObstaclesChanged::applyBattle(IBattleState * battleState) { for(const auto & change : changes) { switch(change.operation) { case BattleChanges::EOperation::REMOVE: battleState->removeObstacle(change.id); break; case BattleChanges::EOperation::ADD: battleState->addObstacle(change); break; default: logNetwork->error("Unknown obstacle operation %d", (int)change.operation); break; } } } DLL_LINKAGE CatapultAttack::CatapultAttack() { attacker = -1; } DLL_LINKAGE CatapultAttack::~CatapultAttack() { } DLL_LINKAGE void CatapultAttack::applyGs(CGameState * gs) { if(gs->curB) applyBattle(gs->curB); } DLL_LINKAGE void CatapultAttack::applyBattle(IBattleState * battleState) { auto town = battleState->getDefendedTown(); if(!town) return; if(town->fortLevel() == CGTownInstance::NONE) return; for(const auto & part : attackedParts) { auto newWallState = SiegeInfo::applyDamage(EWallState::EWallState(battleState->getWallState(part.attackedPart)), part.damageDealt); battleState->setWallState(part.attackedPart, newWallState); } } DLL_LINKAGE void BattleSetStackProperty::applyGs(CGameState * gs) { CStack * stack = gs->curB->getStack(stackID); switch(which) { case CASTS: { if(absolute) logNetwork->error("Can not change casts in absolute mode"); else stack->casts.use(-val); break; } case ENCHANTER_COUNTER: { auto & counter = gs->curB->sides[gs->curB->whatSide(stack->owner)].enchanterCounter; if(absolute) counter = val; else counter += val; vstd::amax(counter, 0); break; } case UNBIND: { stack->removeBonusesRecursive(Selector::type(Bonus::BIND_EFFECT)); break; } case CLONED: { stack->cloned = true; break; } case HAS_CLONE: { stack->cloneID = val; break; } } } DLL_LINKAGE void PlayerCheated::applyGs(CGameState *gs) { if(!player.isValidPlayer()) return; gs->getPlayer(player)->enteredLosingCheatCode = losingCheatCode; gs->getPlayer(player)->enteredWinningCheatCode = winningCheatCode; } DLL_LINKAGE void YourTurn::applyGs(CGameState *gs) { gs->currentPlayer = player; auto & playerState = gs->players[player]; playerState.daysWithoutCastle = daysWithoutCastle; } DLL_LINKAGE Component::Component(const CStackBasicDescriptor &stack) : id(CREATURE), subtype(stack.type->idNumber), val(stack.count), when(0) { }