/* * CBitmapFont.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "CBitmapFont.h" #include "SDL_Extensions.h" #include "../CGameInfo.h" #include "../gui/CGuiHandler.h" #include "../render/Colors.h" #include "../render/IScreenHandler.h" #include "../../lib/CConfigHandler.h" #include "../../lib/Rect.h" #include "../../lib/VCMI_Lib.h" #include "../../lib/filesystem/Filesystem.h" #include "../../lib/modding/CModHandler.h" #include "../../lib/texts/Languages.h" #include "../../lib/texts/TextOperations.h" #include "../../lib/vcmi_endian.h" #include #include struct AtlasLayout { Point dimensions; std::map images; }; /// Attempts to pack provided list of images into 2d box of specified size /// Returns resulting layout on success and empty optional on failure static std::optional tryAtlasPacking(Point dimensions, const std::map & images) { // Simple atlas packing algorithm. Can be extended if needed, however optimal solution is NP-complete problem, so 'perfect' solution is too costly AtlasLayout result; result.dimensions = dimensions; // a little interval to prevent potential 'bleeding' into adjacent symbols // should be unnecessary for base game, but may be needed for upscaled filters constexpr int interval = 1; int currentHeight = 0; int nextHeight = 0; int currentWidth = 0; for (auto const & image : images) { int nextWidth = currentWidth + image.second.x + interval; if (nextWidth > dimensions.x) { currentHeight = nextHeight; currentWidth = 0; nextWidth = currentWidth + image.second.x + interval; } nextHeight = std::max(nextHeight, currentHeight + image.second.y + interval); if (nextHeight > dimensions.y) return std::nullopt; // failure - ran out of space result.images[image.first] = Rect(Point(currentWidth, currentHeight), image.second); currentWidth = nextWidth; } return result; } /// Arranges images to fit into texture atlas with automatic selection of image size /// Returns images arranged into 2d box static AtlasLayout doAtlasPacking(const std::map & images) { // initial size of an atlas. Smaller size won't even fit tiniest H3 font Point dimensions(128, 128); for (;;) { auto result = tryAtlasPacking(dimensions, images); if (result) return *result; // else - packing failed. Increase atlas size and try again // increase width and height in alternating form: (64,64) -> (128,64) -> (128,128) ... if (dimensions.x > dimensions.y) dimensions.y *= 2; else dimensions.x *= 2; } } void CBitmapFont::loadFont(const ResourcePath & resource, std::unordered_map & loadedChars) { auto data = CResourceHandler::get()->load(resource)->readAll(); std::string modEncoding = VLC->modh->findResourceEncoding(resource); height = data.first[5]; constexpr size_t symbolsInFile = 0x100; constexpr size_t baseIndex = 32; constexpr size_t offsetIndex = baseIndex + symbolsInFile*12; constexpr size_t dataIndex = offsetIndex + symbolsInFile*4; for (uint32_t charIndex = 0; charIndex < symbolsInFile; ++charIndex) { CodePoint codepoint = TextOperations::getUnicodeCodepoint(static_cast(charIndex), modEncoding); EntryFNT symbol; symbol.leftOffset = read_le_u32(data.first.get() + baseIndex + charIndex * 12 + 0); symbol.width = read_le_u32(data.first.get() + baseIndex + charIndex * 12 + 4); symbol.rightOffset = read_le_u32(data.first.get() + baseIndex + charIndex * 12 + 8); symbol.height = height; uint32_t pixelDataOffset = read_le_u32(data.first.get() + offsetIndex + charIndex * 4); uint32_t pixelsCount = height * symbol.width; symbol.pixels.resize(pixelsCount); uint8_t * pixelData = data.first.get() + dataIndex + pixelDataOffset; std::copy_n(pixelData, pixelsCount, symbol.pixels.data() ); loadedChars[codepoint] = symbol; } // Try to use symbol 'L' to detect font 'ascent' - number of pixels above text baseline const auto & symbolL = loadedChars['L']; uint32_t lastNonEmptyRow = 0; for (uint32_t row = 0; row < symbolL.height; ++row) { for (uint32_t col = 0; col < symbolL.width; ++col) if (symbolL.pixels.at(row * symbolL.width + col) == 255) lastNonEmptyRow = std::max(lastNonEmptyRow, row); } ascent = lastNonEmptyRow + 1; } CBitmapFont::CBitmapFont(const std::string & filename): height(0) { ResourcePath resource("data/" + filename, EResType::BMP_FONT); std::unordered_map loadedChars; loadFont(resource, loadedChars); std::map atlasSymbol; for (auto const & symbol : loadedChars) atlasSymbol[symbol.first] = Point(symbol.second.width, symbol.second.height); auto atlas = doAtlasPacking(atlasSymbol); atlasImage = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, atlas.dimensions.x, atlas.dimensions.y, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0); assert(atlasImage->format->palette != nullptr); assert(atlasImage->format->palette->ncolors == 256); atlasImage->format->palette->colors[0] = { 0, 255, 255, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE }; // transparency atlasImage->format->palette->colors[1] = { 0, 0, 0, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE }; // black shadow CSDL_Ext::fillSurface(atlasImage, CSDL_Ext::toSDL(Colors::CYAN)); CSDL_Ext::setColorKey(atlasImage, CSDL_Ext::toSDL(Colors::CYAN)); for (size_t i = 2; i < atlasImage->format->palette->ncolors; ++i) atlasImage->format->palette->colors[i] = { 255, 255, 255, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE }; for (auto const & symbol : loadedChars) { BitmapChar storedEntry; storedEntry.leftOffset = symbol.second.leftOffset; storedEntry.rightOffset = symbol.second.rightOffset; storedEntry.positionInAtlas = atlas.images.at(symbol.first); // Copy pixel data to atlas uint8_t *dstPixels = static_cast(atlasImage->pixels); uint8_t *dstLine = dstPixels + storedEntry.positionInAtlas.y * atlasImage->pitch; uint8_t *dst = dstLine + storedEntry.positionInAtlas.x; for (size_t i = 0; i < storedEntry.positionInAtlas.h; ++i) { const uint8_t *srcPtr = symbol.second.pixels.data() + i * storedEntry.positionInAtlas.w; uint8_t * dstPtr = dst + i * atlasImage->pitch; std::copy_n(srcPtr, storedEntry.positionInAtlas.w, dstPtr); } chars[symbol.first] = storedEntry; } if (GH.screenHandler().getScalingFactor() != 1) { static const std::map filterNameToEnum = { { "nearest", EScalingAlgorithm::NEAREST}, { "bilinear", EScalingAlgorithm::BILINEAR}, { "xbrz", EScalingAlgorithm::XBRZ_ALPHA} }; auto filterName = settings["video"]["fontUpscalingFilter"].String(); EScalingAlgorithm algorithm = filterNameToEnum.at(filterName); auto scaledSurface = CSDL_Ext::scaleSurfaceIntegerFactor(atlasImage, GH.screenHandler().getScalingFactor(), algorithm); SDL_FreeSurface(atlasImage); atlasImage = scaledSurface; } logGlobal->debug("Loaded BMP font: '%s', height %d, ascent %d", filename, getLineHeightScaled(), getFontAscentScaled() ); } CBitmapFont::~CBitmapFont() { SDL_FreeSurface(atlasImage); } size_t CBitmapFont::getLineHeightScaled() const { return height * getScalingFactor(); } size_t CBitmapFont::getGlyphWidthScaled(const char * data) const { CodePoint localChar = TextOperations::getUnicodeCodepoint(data, 4); auto iter = chars.find(localChar); if (iter == chars.end()) return 0; return (iter->second.leftOffset + iter->second.positionInAtlas.w + iter->second.rightOffset) * getScalingFactor(); } size_t CBitmapFont::getFontAscentScaled() const { return ascent * getScalingFactor(); } bool CBitmapFont::canRepresentCharacter(const char *data) const { CodePoint localChar = TextOperations::getUnicodeCodepoint(data, 4); auto iter = chars.find(localChar); return iter != chars.end(); } bool CBitmapFont::canRepresentString(const std::string & data) const { for(size_t i=0; iformat->palette) SDL_SetPaletteColors(atlasImage->format->palette, &sdlColor, 255, 1); else SDL_SetSurfaceColorMod(atlasImage, color.r, color.g, color.b); CSDL_Ext::blitSurface(atlasImage, character.positionInAtlas * scalingFactor, surface, Point(posX, posY)); posX += character.positionInAtlas.w * scalingFactor; posX += character.rightOffset * scalingFactor; } void CBitmapFont::renderText(SDL_Surface * surface, const std::string & data, const ColorRGBA & color, const Point & pos) const { if (data.empty()) return; assert(surface); int posX = pos.x; int posY = pos.y; for(size_t i=0; isecond, color, posX, posY); } }