/* * CVCMIServer.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "CVCMIServer.h" #include "CGameHandler.h" #include "GlobalLobbyProcessor.h" #include "LobbyNetPackVisitors.h" #include "processors/PlayerMessageProcessor.h" #include "../lib/CPlayerState.h" #include "../lib/campaign/CampaignState.h" #include "../lib/entities/hero/CHeroHandler.h" #include "../lib/entities/hero/CHeroClass.h" #include "../lib/gameState/CGameState.h" #include "../lib/mapping/CMapDefines.h" #include "../lib/mapping/CMapInfo.h" #include "../lib/mapping/CMapHeader.h" #include "../lib/rmg/CMapGenOptions.h" #include "../lib/serializer/CMemorySerializer.h" #include "../lib/serializer/Connection.h" #include "../lib/texts/CGeneralTextHandler.h" // UUID generation #include #include #include #include class CVCMIServerPackVisitor : public VCMI_LIB_WRAP_NAMESPACE(ICPackVisitor) { private: CVCMIServer & handler; std::shared_ptr gh; public: CVCMIServerPackVisitor(CVCMIServer & handler, std::shared_ptr gh) :handler(handler), gh(gh) { } bool callTyped() override { return false; } void visitForLobby(CPackForLobby & packForLobby) override { handler.handleReceivedPack(packForLobby); } void visitForServer(CPackForServer & serverPack) override { if (gh) gh->handleReceivedPack(serverPack); else logNetwork->error("Received pack for game server while in lobby!"); } void visitForClient(CPackForClient & clientPack) override { } }; CVCMIServer::CVCMIServer(uint16_t port, bool runByClient) : currentClientId(1) , currentPlayerId(1) , port(port) , runByClient(runByClient) { uuid = boost::uuids::to_string(boost::uuids::random_generator()()); logNetwork->trace("CVCMIServer created! UUID: %s", uuid); networkHandler = INetworkHandler::createHandler(); } CVCMIServer::~CVCMIServer() = default; uint16_t CVCMIServer::prepare(bool connectToLobby, bool listenForConnections) { if(connectToLobby) { lobbyProcessor = std::make_unique(*this); return 0; } else { return startAcceptingIncomingConnections(listenForConnections); } } uint16_t CVCMIServer::startAcceptingIncomingConnections(bool listenForConnections) { networkServer = networkHandler->createServerTCP(*this); port ? logNetwork->info("Port %d will be used", port) : logNetwork->info("Randomly assigned port will be used"); // config port may be 0 => srvport will contain the OS-assigned port value if (listenForConnections) { auto srvport = networkServer->start(port); logNetwork->info("Listening for connections at port %d", srvport); return srvport; } else return 0; } void CVCMIServer::onNewConnection(const std::shared_ptr & connection) { if(getState() == EServerState::LOBBY) { activeConnections.push_back(std::make_shared(connection)); activeConnections.back()->enterLobbyConnectionMode(); } else { // TODO: reconnection support connection->close(); } } void CVCMIServer::onPacketReceived(const std::shared_ptr & connection, const std::vector & message) { std::shared_ptr c = findConnection(connection); if (c == nullptr) throw std::out_of_range("Unknown connection received in CVCMIServer::findConnection"); auto pack = c->retrievePack(message); pack->c = c; CVCMIServerPackVisitor visitor(*this, this->gh); pack->visit(visitor); } void CVCMIServer::setState(EServerState value) { if (value == EServerState::SHUTDOWN && state == EServerState::SHUTDOWN) logGlobal->warn("Attempt to shutdown already shutdown server!"); // do not attempt to restart dying server assert(state != EServerState::SHUTDOWN || state == value); state = value; if (state == EServerState::SHUTDOWN) networkHandler->stop(); } EServerState CVCMIServer::getState() const { return state; } std::shared_ptr CVCMIServer::findConnection(const std::shared_ptr & netConnection) { for(const auto & gameConnection : activeConnections) { if (gameConnection->isMyConnection(netConnection)) return gameConnection; } return nullptr; } bool CVCMIServer::wasStartedByClient() const { return runByClient; } void CVCMIServer::run() { networkHandler->run(); } void CVCMIServer::onTimer() { // we might receive onTimer call after transitioning from GAMEPLAY to LOBBY state, e.g. on game restart if (getState() != EServerState::GAMEPLAY) return; static const auto serverUpdateInterval = std::chrono::milliseconds(100); auto timeNow = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); auto timePassedBefore = lastTimerUpdateTime - gameplayStartTime; auto timePassedNow = timeNow - gameplayStartTime; lastTimerUpdateTime = timeNow; auto msPassedBefore = std::chrono::duration_cast(timePassedBefore); auto msPassedNow = std::chrono::duration_cast(timePassedNow); auto msDelta = msPassedNow - msPassedBefore; if (msDelta.count()) gh->tick(msDelta.count()); networkHandler->createTimer(*this, serverUpdateInterval); } void CVCMIServer::prepareToRestart() { if(getState() != EServerState::GAMEPLAY) { assert(0); return; } * si = * gh->gs->initialOpts; setState(EServerState::LOBBY); if (si->campState) { assert(si->campState->currentScenario().has_value()); campaignMap = si->campState->currentScenario().value_or(CampaignScenarioID(0)); campaignBonus = si->campState->getBonusID(campaignMap).value_or(-1); } for(auto activeConnection : activeConnections) activeConnection->enterLobbyConnectionMode(); gh = nullptr; } bool CVCMIServer::prepareToStartGame() { Load::ProgressAccumulator progressTracking; Load::Progress current(1); progressTracking.include(current); if (lobbyProcessor) lobbyProcessor->sendGameStarted(); auto progressTrackingThread = boost::thread([this, &progressTracking]() { auto currentProgress = std::numeric_limits::max(); while(!progressTracking.finished()) { if(progressTracking.get() != currentProgress) { //FIXME: UNGUARDED MULTITHREADED ACCESS!!! currentProgress = progressTracking.get(); LobbyLoadProgress loadProgress; loadProgress.progress = currentProgress; announcePack(loadProgress); } boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(50)); } }); gh = std::make_shared(this); switch(si->mode) { case EStartMode::CAMPAIGN: logNetwork->info("Preparing to start new campaign"); si->startTime = std::time(nullptr); si->fileURI = mi->fileURI; si->campState->setCurrentMap(campaignMap); si->campState->setCurrentMapBonus(campaignBonus); gh->init(si.get(), progressTracking); break; case EStartMode::NEW_GAME: logNetwork->info("Preparing to start new game"); si->startTime = std::time(nullptr); si->fileURI = mi->fileURI; gh->init(si.get(), progressTracking); break; case EStartMode::LOAD_GAME: logNetwork->info("Preparing to start loaded game"); if(!gh->load(si->mapname)) { current.finish(); progressTrackingThread.join(); return false; } break; default: logNetwork->error("Wrong mode in StartInfo!"); assert(0); break; } current.finish(); progressTrackingThread.join(); return true; } void CVCMIServer::startGameImmediately() { for(auto activeConnection : activeConnections) activeConnection->enterGameplayConnectionMode(gh->gs); gh->start(si->mode == EStartMode::LOAD_GAME); setState(EServerState::GAMEPLAY); lastTimerUpdateTime = gameplayStartTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); onTimer(); multiplayerWelcomeMessage(); } void CVCMIServer::onDisconnected(const std::shared_ptr & connection, const std::string & errorMessage) { logNetwork->error("Network error receiving a pack. Connection has been closed"); std::shared_ptr c = findConnection(connection); // player may have already disconnected via clientDisconnected call if (c) { LobbyClientDisconnected lcd; lcd.c = c; lcd.clientId = c->connectionID; handleReceivedPack(lcd); } } void CVCMIServer::handleReceivedPack(CPackForLobby & pack) { ClientPermissionsCheckerNetPackVisitor checker(*this); pack.visit(checker); if(checker.getResult()) { ApplyOnServerNetPackVisitor applier(*this); pack.visit(applier); if (applier.getResult()) announcePack(pack); } } void CVCMIServer::announcePack(CPackForLobby & pack) { for(auto activeConnection : activeConnections) { // FIXME: we need to avoid sending something to client that not yet get answer for LobbyClientConnected // Until UUID set we only pass LobbyClientConnected to this client //if(c->uuid == uuid && !dynamic_cast(pack.get())) // continue; activeConnection->sendPack(pack); } ApplyOnServerAfterAnnounceNetPackVisitor applier(*this); pack.visit(applier); } void CVCMIServer::announceMessage(const MetaString & txt) { logNetwork->info("Show message: %s", txt.toString()); LobbyShowMessage cm; cm.message = txt; announcePack(cm); } void CVCMIServer::announceMessage(const std::string & txt) { MetaString str; str.appendRawString(txt); announceMessage(str); } void CVCMIServer::announceTxt(const MetaString & txt, const std::string & playerName) { logNetwork->info("%s says: %s", playerName, txt.toString()); LobbyChatMessage cm; cm.playerName = playerName; cm.message = txt; announcePack(cm); } void CVCMIServer::announceTxt(const std::string & txt, const std::string & playerName) { MetaString str; str.appendRawString(txt); announceTxt(str, playerName); } bool CVCMIServer::passHost(int toConnectionId) { for(auto activeConnection : activeConnections) { if(isClientHost(activeConnection->connectionID)) continue; if(activeConnection->connectionID != toConnectionId) continue; hostClientId = activeConnection->connectionID; announceTxt(boost::str(boost::format("Pass host to connection %d") % toConnectionId)); return true; } return false; } void CVCMIServer::clientConnected(std::shared_ptr c, std::vector & names, const std::string & uuid, EStartMode mode) { assert(getState() == EServerState::LOBBY); c->connectionID = currentClientId++; if(hostClientId == -1) { hostClientId = c->connectionID; si->mode = mode; } logNetwork->info("Connection with client %d established. UUID: %s", c->connectionID, c->uuid); for(auto & name : names) { logNetwork->info("Client %d player: %s", c->connectionID, name); ui8 id = currentPlayerId++; ClientPlayer cp; cp.connection = c->connectionID; cp.name = name; playerNames.insert(std::make_pair(id, cp)); announceTxt(boost::str(boost::format("%s (pid %d cid %d) joins the game") % name % id % c->connectionID)); //put new player in first slot with AI for(auto & elem : si->playerInfos) { if(elem.second.isControlledByAI() && !elem.second.compOnly) { setPlayerConnectedId(elem.second, id); break; } } } } void CVCMIServer::clientDisconnected(std::shared_ptr connection) { assert(vstd::contains(activeConnections, connection)); logGlobal->trace("Received disconnection request"); vstd::erase(activeConnections, connection); if(activeConnections.empty() || hostClientId == connection->connectionID) { setState(EServerState::SHUTDOWN); return; } if(gh && getState() == EServerState::GAMEPLAY) { gh->handleClientDisconnection(connection); } // PlayerReinitInterface startAiPack; // startAiPack.playerConnectionId = PlayerSettings::PLAYER_AI; // // for(auto it = playerNames.begin(); it != playerNames.end();) // { // if(it->second.connection != c->connectionID) // { // ++it; // continue; // } // // int id = it->first; // std::string playerLeftMsgText = boost::str(boost::format("%s (pid %d cid %d) left the game") % id % playerNames[id].name % c->connectionID); // announceTxt(playerLeftMsgText); //send lobby text, it will be ignored for non-lobby clients // auto * playerSettings = si->getPlayersSettings(id); // if(!playerSettings) // { // ++it; // continue; // } // // it = playerNames.erase(it); // setPlayerConnectedId(*playerSettings, PlayerSettings::PLAYER_AI); // // if(gh && si && state == EServerState::GAMEPLAY) // { // gh->playerMessages->broadcastMessage(playerSettings->color, playerLeftMsgText); // // gh->connections[playerSettings->color].insert(hostClient); // startAiPack.players.push_back(playerSettings->color); // } // } // // if(!startAiPack.players.empty()) // gh->sendAndApply(startAiPack); } void CVCMIServer::reconnectPlayer(int connId) { PlayerReinitInterface startAiPack; startAiPack.playerConnectionId = connId; if(gh && si && getState() == EServerState::GAMEPLAY) { for(auto it = playerNames.begin(); it != playerNames.end(); ++it) { if(it->second.connection != connId) continue; int id = it->first; auto * playerSettings = si->getPlayersSettings(id); if(!playerSettings) continue; std::string messageText = boost::str(boost::format("%s (cid %d) is connected") % playerSettings->name % connId); gh->playerMessages->broadcastMessage(playerSettings->color, messageText); startAiPack.players.push_back(playerSettings->color); } if(!startAiPack.players.empty()) gh->sendAndApply(startAiPack); } } void CVCMIServer::setPlayerConnectedId(PlayerSettings & pset, ui8 player) const { if(vstd::contains(playerNames, player)) pset.name = playerNames.find(player)->second.name; else pset.name = VLC->generaltexth->allTexts[468]; //Computer pset.connectedPlayerIDs.clear(); if(player != PlayerSettings::PLAYER_AI) pset.connectedPlayerIDs.insert(player); } void CVCMIServer::updateStartInfoOnMapChange(std::shared_ptr mapInfo, std::shared_ptr mapGenOpts) { mi = mapInfo; if(!mi) return; auto namesIt = playerNames.cbegin(); si->playerInfos.clear(); if(mi->scenarioOptionsOfSave) { si = CMemorySerializer::deepCopy(*mi->scenarioOptionsOfSave); si->mode = EStartMode::LOAD_GAME; if(si->campState) campaignMap = si->campState->currentScenario().value(); for(auto & ps : si->playerInfos) { if(!ps.second.compOnly && ps.second.connectedPlayerIDs.size() && namesIt != playerNames.cend()) { setPlayerConnectedId(ps.second, namesIt++->first); } else { setPlayerConnectedId(ps.second, PlayerSettings::PLAYER_AI); } } } else if(si->mode == EStartMode::NEW_GAME || si->mode == EStartMode::CAMPAIGN) { if(mi->campaign) return; for(int i = 0; i < mi->mapHeader->players.size(); i++) { const PlayerInfo & pinfo = mi->mapHeader->players[i]; //neither computer nor human can play - no player if(!(pinfo.canHumanPlay || pinfo.canComputerPlay)) continue; PlayerSettings & pset = si->playerInfos[PlayerColor(i)]; pset.color = PlayerColor(i); if(pinfo.canHumanPlay && namesIt != playerNames.cend()) { setPlayerConnectedId(pset, namesIt++->first); } else { setPlayerConnectedId(pset, PlayerSettings::PLAYER_AI); if(!pinfo.canHumanPlay) { pset.compOnly = true; } } pset.castle = pinfo.defaultCastle(); pset.hero = pinfo.defaultHero(); if(pset.hero != HeroTypeID::RANDOM && pinfo.hasCustomMainHero()) { pset.hero = pinfo.mainCustomHeroId; pset.heroNameTextId = pinfo.mainCustomHeroNameTextId; pset.heroPortrait = pinfo.mainCustomHeroPortrait; } } if(mi->isRandomMap && mapGenOpts) si->mapGenOptions = std::shared_ptr(mapGenOpts); else si->mapGenOptions.reset(); } if (lobbyProcessor) { std::string roomDescription; if (si->mapGenOptions) { if (si->mapGenOptions->getMapTemplate()) roomDescription = si->mapGenOptions->getMapTemplate()->getName(); // else - no template selected. // TODO: handle this somehow? } else roomDescription = mi->getNameTranslated(); lobbyProcessor->sendChangeRoomDescription(roomDescription); } si->mapname = mi->fileURI; } void CVCMIServer::updateAndPropagateLobbyState() { // Update player settings for RMG // TODO: find appropriate location for this code if(si->mapGenOptions && si->mode == EStartMode::NEW_GAME) { for(const auto & psetPair : si->playerInfos) { const auto & pset = psetPair.second; si->mapGenOptions->setStartingTownForPlayer(pset.color, pset.castle); si->mapGenOptions->setStartingHeroForPlayer(pset.color, pset.hero); if(pset.isControlledByHuman()) { si->mapGenOptions->setPlayerTypeForStandardPlayer(pset.color, EPlayerType::HUMAN); } else { si->mapGenOptions->setPlayerTypeForStandardPlayer(pset.color, EPlayerType::AI); } } } LobbyUpdateState lus; lus.state = *this; announcePack(lus); } void CVCMIServer::setPlayer(PlayerColor clickedColor) { struct PlayerToRestore { PlayerColor color; int id; void reset() { id = -1; color = PlayerColor::CANNOT_DETERMINE; } PlayerToRestore(){ reset(); } } playerToRestore; PlayerSettings & clicked = si->playerInfos[clickedColor]; //identify clicked player int clickedNameID = 0; //number of player - zero means AI, assume it initially if(clicked.isControlledByHuman()) clickedNameID = *(clicked.connectedPlayerIDs.begin()); //if not AI - set appropriate ID if(clickedNameID > 0 && playerToRestore.id == clickedNameID) //player to restore is about to being replaced -> put him back to the old place { PlayerSettings & restPos = si->playerInfos[playerToRestore.color]; setPlayerConnectedId(restPos, playerToRestore.id); playerToRestore.reset(); } int newPlayer; //which player will take clicked position //who will be put here? if(!clickedNameID) //AI player clicked -> if possible replace computer with unallocated player { newPlayer = getIdOfFirstUnallocatedPlayer(); if(!newPlayer) //no "free" player -> get just first one newPlayer = playerNames.begin()->first; } else //human clicked -> take next { auto i = playerNames.find(clickedNameID); //clicked one i++; //player AFTER clicked one if(i != playerNames.end()) newPlayer = i->first; else newPlayer = 0; //AI if we scrolled through all players } setPlayerConnectedId(clicked, newPlayer); //put player //if that player was somewhere else, we need to replace him with computer if(newPlayer) //not AI { for(auto i = si->playerInfos.begin(); i != si->playerInfos.end(); i++) { int curNameID = *(i->second.connectedPlayerIDs.begin()); if(i->first != clickedColor && curNameID == newPlayer) { assert(i->second.connectedPlayerIDs.size()); playerToRestore.color = i->first; playerToRestore.id = newPlayer; setPlayerConnectedId(i->second, PlayerSettings::PLAYER_AI); //set computer break; } } } } void CVCMIServer::setPlayerName(PlayerColor color, std::string name) { if(color == PlayerColor::CANNOT_DETERMINE) return; PlayerSettings & player = si->playerInfos.at(color); if(!player.isControlledByHuman()) return; if(player.connectedPlayerIDs.empty()) return; int nameID = *(player.connectedPlayerIDs.begin()); //if not AI - set appropriate ID playerNames[nameID].name = name; setPlayerConnectedId(player, nameID); } void CVCMIServer::setPlayerHandicap(PlayerColor color, Handicap handicap) { if(color == PlayerColor::CANNOT_DETERMINE) return; si->playerInfos[color].handicap = handicap; int humanPlayer = 0; for (const auto & pi : si->playerInfos) if(pi.second.isControlledByHuman()) humanPlayer++; if(humanPlayer < 2) // Singleplayer return; MetaString str; str.appendTextID("vcmi.lobby.handicap"); str.appendRawString(" "); str.appendName(color); str.appendRawString(":"); if(handicap.startBonus.empty() && handicap.percentIncome == 100 && handicap.percentGrowth == 100) { str.appendRawString(" "); str.appendTextID("core.genrltxt.523"); announceTxt(str); return; } for(auto & res : EGameResID::ALL_RESOURCES()) if(handicap.startBonus[res] != 0) { str.appendRawString(" "); str.appendName(res); str.appendRawString(":"); str.appendRawString(std::to_string(handicap.startBonus[res])); } if(handicap.percentIncome != 100) { str.appendRawString(" "); str.appendTextID("core.jktext.32"); str.appendRawString(":"); str.appendRawString(std::to_string(handicap.percentIncome) + "%"); } if(handicap.percentGrowth != 100) { str.appendRawString(" "); str.appendTextID("core.genrltxt.194"); str.appendRawString(":"); str.appendRawString(std::to_string(handicap.percentGrowth) + "%"); } announceTxt(str); } void CVCMIServer::optionNextCastle(PlayerColor player, int dir) { PlayerSettings & s = si->playerInfos[player]; FactionID & cur = s.castle; auto & allowed = getPlayerInfo(player).allowedFactions; const bool allowRandomTown = getPlayerInfo(player).isFactionRandom; if(cur == FactionID::NONE) //no change return; if(cur == FactionID::RANDOM) //first/last available { if(dir > 0) cur = *allowed.begin(); //id of first town else cur = *allowed.rbegin(); //id of last town } else // next/previous available { if((cur == *allowed.begin() && dir < 0) || (cur == *allowed.rbegin() && dir > 0)) { if(allowRandomTown) { cur = FactionID::RANDOM; } else { if(dir > 0) cur = *allowed.begin(); else cur = *allowed.rbegin(); } } else { assert(dir >= -1 && dir <= 1); //othervice std::advance may go out of range auto iter = allowed.find(cur); std::advance(iter, dir); cur = *iter; } } if(s.hero.isValid() && !getPlayerInfo(player).hasCustomMainHero()) // remove hero unless it set to fixed one in map editor { s.hero = HeroTypeID::RANDOM; } if(!cur.isValid() && s.bonus == PlayerStartingBonus::RESOURCE) s.bonus = PlayerStartingBonus::RANDOM; } void CVCMIServer::optionSetCastle(PlayerColor player, FactionID id) { PlayerSettings & s = si->playerInfos[player]; FactionID & cur = s.castle; auto & allowed = getPlayerInfo(player).allowedFactions; if(cur == FactionID::NONE) //no change return; if(allowed.find(id) == allowed.end() && id != FactionID::RANDOM) // valid id return; cur = static_cast(id); if(s.hero.isValid() && !getPlayerInfo(player).hasCustomMainHero()) // remove hero unless it set to fixed one in map editor { s.hero = HeroTypeID::RANDOM; } if(!cur.isValid() && s.bonus == PlayerStartingBonus::RESOURCE) s.bonus = PlayerStartingBonus::RANDOM; } void CVCMIServer::setCampaignMap(CampaignScenarioID mapId) { campaignMap = mapId; si->difficulty = si->campState->scenario(mapId).difficulty; campaignBonus = -1; updateStartInfoOnMapChange(si->campState->getMapInfo(mapId)); } void CVCMIServer::setCampaignBonus(int bonusId) { campaignBonus = bonusId; const CampaignScenario & scenario = si->campState->scenario(campaignMap); const std::vector & bonDescs = scenario.travelOptions.bonusesToChoose; if(bonDescs[bonusId].type == CampaignBonusType::HERO) { for(auto & elem : si->playerInfos) { if(elem.first == PlayerColor(bonDescs[bonusId].info1)) setPlayerConnectedId(elem.second, 1); else setPlayerConnectedId(elem.second, PlayerSettings::PLAYER_AI); } } } void CVCMIServer::optionNextHero(PlayerColor player, int dir) { PlayerSettings & s = si->playerInfos[player]; if(!s.castle.isValid() || s.hero == HeroTypeID::NONE) return; if(s.hero == HeroTypeID::RANDOM) // first/last available { if (dir > 0) s.hero = nextAllowedHero(player, HeroTypeID(-1), dir); else s.hero = nextAllowedHero(player, HeroTypeID(VLC->heroh->size()), dir); } else { s.hero = nextAllowedHero(player, s.hero, dir); } } void CVCMIServer::optionSetHero(PlayerColor player, HeroTypeID id) { PlayerSettings & s = si->playerInfos[player]; if(!s.castle.isValid() || s.hero == HeroTypeID::NONE) return; if(id == HeroTypeID::RANDOM) { s.hero = HeroTypeID::RANDOM; } if(canUseThisHero(player, id)) s.hero = static_cast(id); } HeroTypeID CVCMIServer::nextAllowedHero(PlayerColor player, HeroTypeID initial, int direction) { HeroTypeID first(initial.getNum() + direction); if(direction > 0) { for (auto i = first; i.getNum() < VLC->heroh->size(); ++i) if(canUseThisHero(player, i)) return i; } else { for (auto i = first; i.getNum() >= 0; --i) if(canUseThisHero(player, i)) return i; } return HeroTypeID::RANDOM; } void CVCMIServer::optionNextBonus(PlayerColor player, int dir) { PlayerSettings & s = si->playerInfos[player]; PlayerStartingBonus & ret = s.bonus = static_cast(static_cast(s.bonus) + dir); if(s.hero == HeroTypeID::NONE && !getPlayerInfo(player).heroesNames.size() && ret == PlayerStartingBonus::ARTIFACT) //no hero - can't be artifact { if(dir < 0) ret = PlayerStartingBonus::RANDOM; else ret = PlayerStartingBonus::GOLD; } if(ret > PlayerStartingBonus::RESOURCE) ret = PlayerStartingBonus::RANDOM; if(ret < PlayerStartingBonus::RANDOM) ret = PlayerStartingBonus::RESOURCE; if(s.castle == FactionID::RANDOM && ret == PlayerStartingBonus::RESOURCE) //random castle - can't be resource { if(dir < 0) ret = PlayerStartingBonus::GOLD; else ret = PlayerStartingBonus::RANDOM; } } void CVCMIServer::optionSetBonus(PlayerColor player, PlayerStartingBonus id) { PlayerSettings & s = si->playerInfos[player]; if(s.hero == HeroTypeID::NONE && !getPlayerInfo(player).heroesNames.size() && id == PlayerStartingBonus::ARTIFACT) //no hero - can't be artifact return; if(id > PlayerStartingBonus::RESOURCE) return; if(id < PlayerStartingBonus::RANDOM) return; if(s.castle == FactionID::RANDOM && id == PlayerStartingBonus::RESOURCE) //random castle - can't be resource return; s.bonus = id; } bool CVCMIServer::canUseThisHero(PlayerColor player, HeroTypeID ID) { return VLC->heroh->size() > ID && si->playerInfos[player].castle == VLC->heroh->objects[ID]->heroClass->faction && !vstd::contains(getUsedHeroes(), ID) && mi->mapHeader->allowedHeroes.count(ID); } std::vector CVCMIServer::getUsedHeroes() { std::vector heroIds; for(auto & p : si->playerInfos) { const auto & heroes = getPlayerInfo(p.first).heroesNames; for(auto & hero : heroes) if(hero.heroId >= 0) //in VCMI map format heroId = -1 means random hero heroIds.push_back(hero.heroId); if(p.second.hero != HeroTypeID::RANDOM) heroIds.push_back(p.second.hero); } return heroIds; } ui8 CVCMIServer::getIdOfFirstUnallocatedPlayer() const { for(auto i = playerNames.cbegin(); i != playerNames.cend(); i++) { if(!si->getPlayersSettings(i->first)) return i->first; } return 0; } void CVCMIServer::multiplayerWelcomeMessage() { int humanPlayer = 0; for (const auto & pi : si->playerInfos) if(pi.second.isControlledByHuman()) humanPlayer++; if(humanPlayer < 2) // Singleplayer return; gh->playerMessages->broadcastSystemMessage(MetaString::createFromTextID("vcmi.broadcast.command")); for (const auto & pi : si->playerInfos) if(!pi.second.handicap.startBonus.empty() || pi.second.handicap.percentIncome != 100 || pi.second.handicap.percentGrowth != 100) { MetaString str; str.appendTextID("vcmi.lobby.handicap"); str.appendRawString(" "); str.appendName(pi.first); str.appendRawString(":"); for(auto & res : EGameResID::ALL_RESOURCES()) if(pi.second.handicap.startBonus[res] != 0) { str.appendRawString(" "); str.appendName(res); str.appendRawString(":"); str.appendRawString(std::to_string(pi.second.handicap.startBonus[res])); } if(pi.second.handicap.percentIncome != 100) { str.appendRawString(" "); str.appendTextID("core.jktext.32"); str.appendRawString(":"); str.appendRawString(std::to_string(pi.second.handicap.percentIncome) + "%"); } if(pi.second.handicap.percentGrowth != 100) { str.appendRawString(" "); str.appendTextID("core.genrltxt.194"); str.appendRawString(":"); str.appendRawString(std::to_string(pi.second.handicap.percentGrowth) + "%"); } gh->playerMessages->broadcastSystemMessage(str); } std::vector optionIds; if(si->extraOptionsInfo.cheatsAllowed) optionIds.emplace_back("vcmi.optionsTab.cheatAllowed.hover"); if(si->extraOptionsInfo.unlimitedReplay) optionIds.emplace_back("vcmi.optionsTab.unlimitedReplay.hover"); if(!optionIds.size()) // No settings to publish return; MetaString str; str.appendTextID("vcmi.optionsTab.extraOptions.hover"); str.appendRawString(": "); for(int i = 0; i < optionIds.size(); i++) { str.appendTextID(optionIds[i]); if(i < optionIds.size() - 1) str.appendRawString(", "); } gh->playerMessages->broadcastSystemMessage(str); } INetworkHandler & CVCMIServer::getNetworkHandler() { return *networkHandler; } INetworkServer & CVCMIServer::getNetworkServer() { return *networkServer; }