/* * ObjectTemplate.h, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #pragma once #include "../GameConstants.h" #include "../int3.h" #include "../filesystem/ResourcePath.h" #include "../serializer/Serializeable.h" VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_BEGIN class CBinaryReader; class CLegacyConfigParser; class JsonNode; class int3; class DLL_LINKAGE ObjectTemplate : public Serializeable { enum EBlockMapBits { VISIBLE = 1, VISITABLE = 2, BLOCKED = 4 }; /// tiles that are covered by this object, uses EBlockMapBits enum as flags std::vector<std::vector<ui8>> usedTiles; /// directions from which object can be entered, format same as for moveDir in CGHeroInstance(but 0 - 7) ui8 visitDir; /// list of terrains on which this object can be placed std::set<TerrainId> allowedTerrains; /// or, allow placing object on any terrain bool anyLandTerrain; void afterLoadFixup(); public: /// H3 ID/subID of this object MapObjectID id; MapObjectSubID subid; /// print priority, objects with higher priority will be print first, below everything else si32 printPriority; /// animation file that should be used to display object AnimationPath animationFile; /// map editor only animation file AnimationPath editorAnimationFile; /// string ID, equals to def base name for h3m files (lower case, no extension) or specified in mod data std::string stringID; inline ui32 getWidth() const { return width; }; inline ui32 getHeight() const { return height; }; void setSize(ui32 width, ui32 height); inline bool isVisitable() const { return visitable; }; // Checks object used tiles // Position is relative to bottom-right corner of the object, can not be negative bool isWithin(si32 X, si32 Y) const; bool isVisitableAt(si32 X, si32 Y) const; bool isVisibleAt(si32 X, si32 Y) const; bool isBlockedAt(si32 X, si32 Y) const; inline const std::set<int3> & getBlockedOffsets() const { return blockedOffsets; }; inline int3 getBlockMapOffset() const { return blockMapOffset; } inline int3 getTopVisibleOffset() const { return topVisibleOffset; } // Checks if object is visitable from certain direction. X and Y must be between -1..+1 bool isVisitableFrom(si8 X, si8 Y) const; inline int3 getVisitableOffset() const { //logGlobal->warn("Warning: getVisitableOffset called on non-visitable obj!"); return visitableOffset; }; inline bool isVisitableFromTop() const { return visitDir & 2; }; inline bool canBePlacedAtAnyTerrain() const { return anyLandTerrain; }; const std::set<TerrainId>& getAllowedTerrains() const { return allowedTerrains; } // Checks if object can be placed on specific terrain bool canBePlacedAt(TerrainId terrain) const; ObjectTemplate(); void readTxt(CLegacyConfigParser & parser); void readMsk(); void readMap(CBinaryReader & reader); void readJson(const JsonNode & node, bool withTerrain = true); void writeJson(JsonNode & node, bool withTerrain = true) const; bool operator==(const ObjectTemplate& ot) const { return (id == ot.id && subid == ot.subid); } private: ui32 width; ui32 height; bool visitable; std::set<int3> blockedOffsets; int3 blockMapOffset; int3 visitableOffset; int3 topVisibleOffset; void recalculate(); void calculateWidth(); void calculateHeight(); void calculateVisitable(); void calculateBlockedOffsets(); void calculateBlockMapOffset(); void calculateVisitableOffset(); void calculateTopVisibleOffset(); public: template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h) { h & usedTiles; h & allowedTerrains; h & anyLandTerrain; h & animationFile; h & stringID; h & id; subid.serializeIdentifier(h, id); h & printPriority; h & visitDir; h & editorAnimationFile; if (!h.saving) { recalculate(); } } }; VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_END