/* * ObstacleSetHandler.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "ObstacleSetHandler.h" #include "../modding/IdentifierStorage.h" #include "../constants/StringConstants.h" #include "../TerrainHandler.h" #include "../VCMI_Lib.h" VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_BEGIN ObstacleSet::ObstacleSet(): type(INVALID), level(EMapLevel::ANY), allowedTerrains({TerrainId::NONE}) { } ObstacleSet::ObstacleSet(EObstacleType type, TerrainId terrain): type(type), level(EMapLevel::ANY), allowedTerrains({terrain}) { } void ObstacleSet::addObstacle(std::shared_ptr<const ObjectTemplate> obstacle) { obstacles.push_back(obstacle); } void ObstacleSet::removeEmptyTemplates() { vstd::erase_if(obstacles, [](const std::shared_ptr<const ObjectTemplate> &tmpl) { if (tmpl->getBlockedOffsets().empty()) { logMod->warn("Obstacle template %s blocks no tiles, removing it", tmpl->stringID); return true; } return false; }); } ObstacleSetFilter::ObstacleSetFilter(std::vector<ObstacleSet::EObstacleType> allowedTypes, TerrainId terrain = TerrainId::ANY_TERRAIN, EMapLevel level = EMapLevel::ANY, FactionID faction = FactionID::ANY, EAlignment alignment = EAlignment::ANY): allowedTypes(allowedTypes), faction(faction), alignment(alignment), terrain(terrain), level(level) { } ObstacleSetFilter::ObstacleSetFilter(ObstacleSet::EObstacleType allowedType, TerrainId terrain = TerrainId::ANY_TERRAIN, EMapLevel level = EMapLevel::ANY, FactionID faction = FactionID::ANY, EAlignment alignment = EAlignment::ANY): allowedTypes({allowedType}), faction(faction), alignment(alignment), terrain(terrain), level(level) { } bool ObstacleSetFilter::filter(const ObstacleSet &set) const { if (terrain != TerrainId::ANY_TERRAIN && !vstd::contains(set.getTerrains(), terrain)) { return false; } if (level != EMapLevel::ANY && set.getLevel() != EMapLevel::ANY) { if (level != set.getLevel()) { return false; } } if (faction != FactionID::ANY) { auto factions = set.getFactions(); if (!factions.empty() && !vstd::contains(factions, faction)) { return false; } } // TODO: Also check specific factions if (alignment != EAlignment::ANY) { auto alignments = set.getAlignments(); if (!alignments.empty() && !vstd::contains(alignments, alignment)) { return false; } } return true; } TerrainId ObstacleSetFilter::getTerrain() const { return terrain; } std::set<TerrainId> ObstacleSet::getTerrains() const { return allowedTerrains; } void ObstacleSet::setTerrain(TerrainId terrain) { this->allowedTerrains = {terrain}; } void ObstacleSet::setTerrains(const std::set<TerrainId> & terrains) { this->allowedTerrains = terrains; } void ObstacleSet::addTerrain(TerrainId terrain) { this->allowedTerrains.insert(terrain); } EMapLevel ObstacleSet::getLevel() const { return level; } void ObstacleSet::setLevel(EMapLevel newLevel) { level = newLevel; } std::set<FactionID> ObstacleSet::getFactions() const { return allowedFactions; } void ObstacleSet::addFaction(FactionID faction) { this->allowedFactions.insert(faction); } void ObstacleSet::addAlignment(EAlignment alignment) { this->allowedAlignments.insert(alignment); } std::set<EAlignment> ObstacleSet::getAlignments() const { return allowedAlignments; } ObstacleSet::EObstacleType ObstacleSet::getType() const { return type; } void ObstacleSet::setType(EObstacleType newType) { type = newType; } std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const ObjectTemplate>> ObstacleSet::getObstacles() const { return obstacles; } ObstacleSet::EObstacleType ObstacleSetHandler::convertObstacleClass(MapObjectID id) { switch (id) { case Obj::MOUNTAIN: case Obj::VOLCANIC_VENT: case Obj::VOLCANO: case Obj::REEF: return ObstacleSet::MOUNTAINS; case Obj::OAK_TREES: case Obj::PINE_TREES: case Obj::TREES: case Obj::DEAD_VEGETATION: case Obj::HEDGE: case Obj::KELP: case Obj::WILLOW_TREES: case Obj::YUCCA_TREES: return ObstacleSet::TREES; case Obj::FROZEN_LAKE: case Obj::LAKE: case Obj::LAVA_FLOW: case Obj::LAVA_LAKE: return ObstacleSet::LAKES; case Obj::CANYON: case Obj::CRATER: case Obj::SAND_PIT: case Obj::TAR_PIT: return ObstacleSet::CRATERS; case Obj::HILL: case Obj::MOUND: case Obj::OUTCROPPING: case Obj::ROCK: case Obj::SAND_DUNE: case Obj::STALAGMITE: return ObstacleSet::ROCKS; case Obj::BUSH: case Obj::CACTUS: case Obj::FLOWERS: case Obj::MUSHROOMS: case Obj::LOG: case Obj::MANDRAKE: case Obj::MOSS: case Obj::PLANT: case Obj::SHRUB: case Obj::STUMP: case Obj::VINE: return ObstacleSet::PLANTS; case Obj::SKULL: return ObstacleSet::ANIMALS; default: return ObstacleSet::OTHER; } } ObstacleSet::EObstacleType ObstacleSet::typeFromString(const std::string &str) { static const std::map<std::string, EObstacleType> OBSTACLE_TYPE_NAMES = { {"mountain", MOUNTAINS}, {"tree", TREES}, {"lake", LAKES}, {"crater", CRATERS}, {"rock", ROCKS}, {"plant", PLANTS}, {"structure", STRUCTURES}, {"animal", ANIMALS}, {"other", OTHER} }; if (OBSTACLE_TYPE_NAMES.find(str) != OBSTACLE_TYPE_NAMES.end()) { return OBSTACLE_TYPE_NAMES.at(str); } // TODO: How to handle that? throw std::runtime_error("Invalid obstacle type: " + str); } std::string ObstacleSet::toString() const { static const std::map<EObstacleType, std::string> OBSTACLE_TYPE_STRINGS = { {MOUNTAINS, "mountain"}, {TREES, "tree"}, {LAKES, "lake"}, {CRATERS, "crater"}, {ROCKS, "rock"}, {PLANTS, "plant"}, {STRUCTURES, "structure"}, {ANIMALS, "animal"}, {OTHER, "other"} }; return OBSTACLE_TYPE_STRINGS.at(type); } EMapLevel ObstacleSet::levelFromString(const std::string &str) { static const std::map<std::string, EMapLevel> LEVEL_NAMES = { {"surface", EMapLevel::SURFACE}, {"underground", EMapLevel::UNDERGROUND} }; if (LEVEL_NAMES.find(str) != LEVEL_NAMES.end()) { return LEVEL_NAMES.at(str); } throw std::runtime_error("Invalid map level: " + str); } std::vector<ObstacleSet::EObstacleType> ObstacleSetFilter::getAllowedTypes() const { return allowedTypes; } void ObstacleSetFilter::setType(ObstacleSet::EObstacleType type) { allowedTypes = {type}; } void ObstacleSetFilter::setTypes(const std::vector<ObstacleSet::EObstacleType> & types) { this->allowedTypes = types; } std::vector<JsonNode> ObstacleSetHandler::loadLegacyData() { return {}; } void ObstacleSetHandler::loadObject(std::string scope, std::string name, const JsonNode & data) { auto os = loadFromJson(scope, data, name, biomes.size()); if(os) { addObstacleSet(os); // TODO: Define some const array of object types ("biome" etc.) VLC->identifiersHandler->registerObject(scope, "biome", name, biomes.back()->id); } else { logMod->error("Failed to load obstacle set: %s", name); } } void ObstacleSetHandler::loadObject(std::string scope, std::string name, const JsonNode & data, size_t index) { //Unused loadObject(scope, name, data); } std::shared_ptr<ObstacleSet> ObstacleSetHandler::loadFromJson(const std::string & scope, const JsonNode & json, const std::string & name, size_t index) { auto os = std::make_shared<ObstacleSet>(); os->id = index; auto biome = json["biome"].Struct(); os->setType(ObstacleSet::typeFromString(biome["objectType"].String())); // TODO: Handle any (every) terrain option if (biome["terrain"].isString()) { auto terrainName = biome["terrain"].String(); VLC->identifiers()->requestIdentifier(scope, "terrain", terrainName, [os](si32 id) { os->setTerrain(TerrainId(id)); }); } else if (biome["terrain"].isVector()) { auto terrains = biome["terrain"].Vector(); for (const auto & terrain : terrains) { VLC->identifiers()->requestIdentifier(scope, "terrain", terrain.String(), [os](si32 id) { os->addTerrain(TerrainId(id)); }); } } else { logMod->error("No terrain specified for obstacle set %s", name); } if (biome["level"].isString()) { auto level = biome["level"].String(); os->setLevel(ObstacleSet::levelFromString(level)); } auto handleFaction = [os, scope](const std::string & str) { VLC->identifiers()->requestIdentifier(scope, "faction", str, [os](si32 id) { os->addFaction(FactionID(id)); }); }; if (biome["faction"].isString()) { auto factionName = biome["faction"].String(); handleFaction(factionName); } else if (biome["faction"].isVector()) { auto factions = biome["faction"].Vector(); for (const auto & node : factions) { handleFaction(node.String()); } } // TODO: Move this parser to some utils auto parseAlignment = [](const std::string & str) ->EAlignment { int alignment = vstd::find_pos(GameConstants::ALIGNMENT_NAMES, str); if (alignment == -1) { logMod->error("Incorrect alignment: ", str); return EAlignment::ANY; } else { return static_cast<EAlignment>(alignment); } }; if (biome["alignment"].isString()) { os->addAlignment(parseAlignment(biome["alignment"].String())); } else if (biome["alignment"].isVector()) { auto alignments = biome["alignment"].Vector(); for (const auto & node : alignments) { os->addAlignment(parseAlignment(node.String())); } } auto templates = json["templates"].Vector(); for (const auto & node : templates) { logMod->trace("Registering obstacle template: %s in scope %s", node.String(), scope); auto identifier = boost::algorithm::to_lower_copy(node.String()); auto jsonName = JsonNode(identifier); VLC->identifiers()->requestIdentifier(node.getModScope(), "obstacleTemplate", identifier, [this, os](si32 id) { logMod->trace("Resolved obstacle id: %d", id); os->addObstacle(obstacleTemplates[id]); }); } return os; } void ObstacleSetHandler::addTemplate(const std::string & scope, const std::string &name, std::shared_ptr<const ObjectTemplate> tmpl) { auto id = obstacleTemplates.size(); auto strippedName = boost::algorithm::to_lower_copy(name); auto pos = strippedName.find(".def"); if(pos != std::string::npos) strippedName.erase(pos, 4); if (VLC->identifiersHandler->getIdentifier(scope, "obstacleTemplate", strippedName, true)) { logMod->warn("Duplicate obstacle template: %s", strippedName); return; } else { // Save by name VLC->identifiersHandler->registerObject(scope, "obstacleTemplate", strippedName, id); // Index by id obstacleTemplates[id] = tmpl; } } void ObstacleSetHandler::addObstacleSet(std::shared_ptr<ObstacleSet> os) { biomes.push_back(os); } void ObstacleSetHandler::afterLoadFinalization() { for(const auto & os : biomes) os->removeEmptyTemplates(); vstd::erase_if(biomes, [](const std::shared_ptr<ObstacleSet> &os) { if (os->getObstacles().empty()) { logMod->warn("Obstacle set %d is empty, removing it", os->id); return true; } return false; }); // Populate map for(const auto & os : biomes) obstacleSets[os->getType()].push_back(os); } TObstacleTypes ObstacleSetHandler::getObstacles( const ObstacleSetFilter &filter) const { TObstacleTypes result; for (const auto &allowedType : filter.getAllowedTypes()) { auto it = obstacleSets.find(allowedType); if(it != obstacleSets.end()) { for (const auto &os : it->second) { if (filter.filter(*os)) { result.push_back(os); } } } } return result; } VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_END