-- Shamelessly taken from CMake source: Packaging/CMakeDMGSetup.scpt
-- For licensing check cmake_modules/kitware license.txt
-- You can as well use this script to manually generate DS_Store
-- First make DMG writable:
--  hdiutil convert VCMI.dmg -format UDRW -o VCMI_writable.dmg
-- Check current size of the image
--  hdiutil resize -limits VCMI_writable.dmg
-- Increase it size slightly so you can update .DS_Store
-- Using 999999 will result in 512mb file though
--  hdiutil resize -sectors 999999 VCMI_writable.dmg
-- Attach it to /Volumes/VCMI/
--  hdiutil attach VCMI_writable.dmg
-- After run this script directly and it's will do the job
--  osascript /path/to/vcmi/source/osx/DS_Store_Setup.scpt VCMI
-- You should see icons moving and background appear
-- Now /Volumes/VCMI/.DS_Store can be copied over to /path/to/vcmi/source/osx/dmg_DS_Stor

on run argv
  set image_name to item 1 of argv

  tell application "Finder"
  tell disk image_name

    -- wait for the image to finish mounting
    set open_attempts to 0
    repeat while open_attempts < 4
          delay 1
          set open_attempts to 5
      on error errStr number errorNumber
        set open_attempts to open_attempts + 1
        delay 10
      end try
    end repeat
    delay 5

    -- open the image the first time and save a DS_Store with just
    -- background and icon setup
      set current view of container window to icon view
      set theViewOptions to the icon view options of container window
      set background picture of theViewOptions to file ".background:background.png"
      set arrangement of theViewOptions to not arranged
      set icon size of theViewOptions to 128
      delay 5

    -- next setup the position of the app and Applications symlink
    -- plus hide all the window decoration
      update without registering applications
      tell container window
        set sidebar width to 0
        set statusbar visible to false
        set toolbar visible to false
        set the bounds to { 400, 100, 900, 423 }
        set position of item "VCMI.app" to { 133, 140 }
        set position of item "Applications" to { 378, 140 }
      end tell
      update without registering applications
      delay 5

    -- one last open and close so you can see everything looks correct
      delay 5

  end tell
  delay 1
end tell
end run