#include "StdInc.h" #include "CHeroHandler.h" #include "CGeneralTextHandler.h" #include "Filesystem/CResourceLoader.h" #include "VCMI_Lib.h" #include "JsonNode.h" #include "GameConstants.h" #include "BattleHex.h" /* * CHeroHandler.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ CHeroClass::CHeroClass() { skillLimit = 8; } CHeroClass::~CHeroClass() { } int CHeroClass::chooseSecSkill(const std::set & possibles) const //picks secondary skill out from given possibilities { if(possibles.size()==1) return *possibles.begin(); int totalProb = 0; for(std::set::const_iterator i=possibles.begin(); i!=possibles.end(); i++) { totalProb += proSec[*i]; } int ran = rand()%totalProb; for(std::set::const_iterator i=possibles.begin(); i!=possibles.end(); i++) { ran -= proSec[*i]; if(ran<0) return *i; } throw std::runtime_error("Cannot pick secondary skill!"); } EAlignment::EAlignment CHeroClass::getAlignment() const { return (EAlignment::EAlignment)alignment; } std::vector CObstacleInfo::getBlocked(BattleHex hex) const { std::vector ret; if(isAbsoluteObstacle) { assert(!hex.isValid()); range::copy(blockedTiles, std::back_inserter(ret)); return ret; } BOOST_FOREACH(int offset, blockedTiles) { BattleHex toBlock = hex + offset; if((hex.getY() & 1) && !(toBlock.getY() & 1)) toBlock += BattleHex::LEFT; if(!toBlock.isValid()) tlog1 << "Misplaced obstacle!\n"; else ret.push_back(toBlock); } return ret; } bool CObstacleInfo::isAppropriate(int terrainType, int specialBattlefield /*= -1*/) const { if(specialBattlefield != -1) return vstd::contains(allowedSpecialBfields, specialBattlefield); return vstd::contains(allowedTerrains, terrainType); } CHeroHandler::~CHeroHandler() { for (int i = 0; i < heroes.size(); i++) heroes[i].dellNull(); for (int i = 0; i < heroClasses.size(); i++) delete heroClasses[i]; } CHeroHandler::CHeroHandler() {} void CHeroHandler::loadObstacles() { auto loadObstacles = [](const JsonNode &node, bool absolute, std::map &out) { BOOST_FOREACH(const JsonNode &obs, node.Vector()) { int ID = obs["id"].Float(); CObstacleInfo & obi = out[ID]; obi.ID = ID; obi.defName = obs["defname"].String(); obi.width = obs["width"].Float(); obi.height = obs["height"].Float(); obi.allowedTerrains = obs["allowedTerrain"].StdVector(); obi.allowedSpecialBfields = obs["specialBattlefields"].StdVector(); obi.blockedTiles = obs["blockedTiles"].StdVector(); obi.isAbsoluteObstacle = absolute; } }; const JsonNode config(ResourceID("config/obstacles.json")); loadObstacles(config["obstacles"], false, obstacles); loadObstacles(config["absoluteObstacles"], true, absoluteObstacles); //loadObstacles(config["moats"], true, moats); } void CHeroHandler::loadHeroes() { VLC->heroh = this; CLegacyConfigParser parser("DATA/HOTRAITS.TXT"); parser.endLine(); //ignore header parser.endLine(); for (int i=0; iname = parser.readString(); for(int x=0;x<3;x++) { hero->lowStack[x] = parser.readNumber(); hero->highStack[x] = parser.readNumber(); hero->refTypeStack[x] = parser.readString(); boost::algorithm::replace_all(hero->refTypeStack[x], " ", ""); //remove spaces } parser.endLine(); hero->ID = heroes.size(); heroes.push_back(hero); } // Load heroes information const JsonNode config(ResourceID("config/heroes.json")); BOOST_FOREACH(const JsonNode &hero, config["heroes"].Vector()) { int hid = hero["id"].Float(); const JsonNode *value; // sex: 0=male, 1=female heroes[hid]->sex = !!hero["female"].Bool(); heroes[hid]->heroType = CHero::EHeroClasses((int)hero["class"].Float()); BOOST_FOREACH(const JsonNode &set, hero["skill_set"].Vector()) { heroes[hid]->secSkillsInit.push_back(std::make_pair(set["skill"].Float(), set["level"].Float())); } value = &hero["spell"]; if (!value->isNull()) { heroes[hid]->startingSpell = value->Float(); } BOOST_FOREACH(const JsonNode &specialty, hero["specialties"].Vector()) { SSpecialtyInfo dummy; dummy.type = specialty["type"].Float(); dummy.val = specialty["val"].Float(); dummy.subtype = specialty["subtype"].Float(); dummy.additionalinfo = specialty["info"].Float(); heroes[hid]->spec.push_back(dummy); //put a copy of dummy } } loadHeroClasses(); initHeroClasses(); expPerLevel.push_back(0); expPerLevel.push_back(1000); expPerLevel.push_back(2000); expPerLevel.push_back(3200); expPerLevel.push_back(4600); expPerLevel.push_back(6200); expPerLevel.push_back(8000); expPerLevel.push_back(10000); expPerLevel.push_back(12200); expPerLevel.push_back(14700); expPerLevel.push_back(17500); expPerLevel.push_back(20600); expPerLevel.push_back(24320); expPerLevel.push_back(28784); expPerLevel.push_back(34140); while (expPerLevel[expPerLevel.size() - 1] > expPerLevel[expPerLevel.size() - 2]) { int i = expPerLevel.size() - 1; expPerLevel.push_back (expPerLevel[i] + (expPerLevel[i] - expPerLevel[i-1]) * 1.2); } expPerLevel.pop_back();//last value is broken CLegacyConfigParser ballParser("DATA/BALLIST.TXT"); ballParser.endLine(); //header ballParser.endLine(); do { ballParser.readString(); ballParser.readString(); CHeroHandler::SBallisticsLevelInfo bli; bli.keep = ballParser.readNumber(); bli.tower = ballParser.readNumber(); bli.gate = ballParser.readNumber(); bli.wall = ballParser.readNumber(); bli.shots = ballParser.readNumber(); bli.noDmg = ballParser.readNumber(); bli.oneDmg = ballParser.readNumber(); bli.twoDmg = ballParser.readNumber(); bli.sum = ballParser.readNumber(); ballistics.push_back(bli); } while (ballParser.endLine()); } void CHeroHandler::loadHeroClasses() { CLegacyConfigParser parser("DATA/HCTRAITS.TXT"); parser.endLine(); // header parser.endLine(); do { CHeroClass * hc = new CHeroClass; hc->alignment = heroClasses.size() / 6; hc->name = parser.readString(); hc->aggression = parser.readNumber(); for(int g=0; ginitialPrimSkills[g] = parser.readNumber(); } hc->primChance.resize(GameConstants::PRIMARY_SKILLS); for(int x=0; xprimChance[x].first = parser.readNumber(); } for(int x=0; xprimChance[x].second = parser.readNumber(); } hc->proSec.resize(GameConstants::SKILL_QUANTITY); for(int dd=0; ddproSec[dd] = parser.readNumber(); } for(int dd=0; ddselectionProbability); ++dd) { hc->selectionProbability[dd] = parser.readNumber(); } heroClasses.push_back(hc); } while (parser.endLine() && !parser.isNextEntryEmpty()); } void CHeroHandler::initHeroClasses() { for(int gg=0; ggheroClass = heroClasses[heroes[gg]->heroType]; } loadTerrains(); } ui32 CHeroHandler::level (ui64 experience) const { int i; if (experience <= expPerLevel.back()) { for (i = expPerLevel.size()-1; experience < expPerLevel[i]; i--); return i + 1; } else { i = expPerLevel.size() - 1; while (experience > reqExp (i)) i++; return i; } } ui64 CHeroHandler::reqExp (ui32 level) const { if(!level) return 0; if (level <= expPerLevel.size()) { return expPerLevel[level-1]; } else { tlog3 << "A hero has reached unsupported amount of experience\n"; return expPerLevel[expPerLevel.size()-1]; } } void CHeroHandler::loadTerrains() { const JsonNode config(ResourceID("config/terrains.json")); terrCosts.reserve(GameConstants::TERRAIN_TYPES); BOOST_FOREACH(const std::string & name, GameConstants::TERRAIN_NAMES) terrCosts.push_back(config[name].Float()); } CHero::CHero() { startingSpell = -1; sex = 0xff; } CHero::~CHero() { }