{ "type":"object", "additionalProperties" : false, "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema", "title" : "VCMI siege screen format", "description" : "Format used to define town siege screen in VCMI", "required" : [ "gate", "imagePrefix", "moat", "shooterHeight", "shooter", "static", "towers", "walls" ], "definitions" : { "point" : { "type" : "object", "additionalProperties" : false, "required" : [ "x", "y" ], "properties":{ "x": { "type":"number" }, "y": { "type":"number" } } }, "tower" : { "type" : "object", "additionalProperties" : false, "required" : [ "battlement", "creature", "tower" ], "properties":{ "battlement": { "description" : "Location of battlement, part of tower that covers shooter", "$ref" : "#/definitions/point" }, "creature": { "description" : "Location of shooter in tower", "$ref" : "#/definitions/point" }, "tower": { "description" : "Location of main segment of tower", "$ref" : "#/definitions/point" } } } }, "properties":{ "gate": { "type":"object", "additionalProperties" : false, "description" : "Town gates", "properties":{ "arch": { "description" : "Static, top part of gates", "$ref" : "#/definitions/point" }, "gate": { "description" : "Main section of gates", "$ref" : "#/definitions/point" } } }, "imagePrefix": { "type":"string", "description" : "Prefix to all images related to siege screen" }, "moat": { "type":"object", "additionalProperties" : false, "description" : "Castle moat description", "properties":{ "bank": { "description" : "Small section with bank of the moat", "$ref" : "#/definitions/point" }, "moat": { "description" : "Main section of the moat", "$ref" : "#/definitions/point" } } }, "shooterHeight": { "type":"number", "description" : "Height at which shooter image will be cropped" }, "shooter": { "type":"string", "description" : "Identifier of creature that will be used as tower shooter" }, "static": { "type":"object", "additionalProperties" : false, "description" : "Static sections of walls", "properties":{ "background": { "description" : "Very top section of the wall located above hero", "$ref" : "#/definitions/point" }, "bottom": { "description" : "Bottom section located between destructible sections", "$ref" : "#/definitions/point" }, "top": { "description" : "Top section located between destructible sections", "$ref" : "#/definitions/point" } } }, "towers": { "type":"object", "additionalProperties" : false, "description" : "Decription of towers", "properties":{ "bottom": { "$ref" : "#/definitions/tower", "description" : "Bottom tower" }, "keep": { "$ref" : "#/definitions/tower", "description" : "Central keep" }, "top": { "$ref" : "#/definitions/tower", "description" : "Top tower" } } }, "walls": { "type":"object", "additionalProperties" : false, "description" : "Destructible sections of the walls", "properties":{ "bottomMid": { "description" : "Second from bottom section located near gates", "$ref" : "#/definitions/point" }, "bottom": { "description" : "Bottommost section located near bottom tower", "$ref" : "#/definitions/point" }, "upperMid": { "description" : "Second from top section located near gates", "$ref" : "#/definitions/point" }, "upper": { "description" : "Topmost section located near top tower", "$ref" : "#/definitions/point" } } } } }