/* * CObjectHandler.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "CObjectHandler.h" #include "CObjectClassesHandler.h" #include "CGeneralTextHandler.h" #include "CObjectClassesHandler.h" #include "CHeroHandler.h" #include "CSpellHandler.h" #include "CModHandler.h" #include "../client/CSoundBase.h" #include "CTownHandler.h" #include "CCreatureHandler.h" #include "VCMI_Lib.h" #include "IGameCallback.h" #include "CGameState.h" #include "NetPacks.h" #include "StartInfo.h" #include "mapping/CMap.h" #include #include "CBuildingHandler.h" #include "JsonNode.h" #include "filesystem/Filesystem.h" using namespace boost::assign; std::map > > CGTeleport::objs; std::vector > CGTeleport::gates; IGameCallback * IObjectInterface::cb = nullptr; std::map > CGKeys::playerKeyMap; std::map > CGMagi::eyelist; ui8 CGObelisk::obeliskCount; //how many obelisks are on map std::map CGObelisk::visited; //map: team_id => how many obelisks has been visited std::vector CGTownInstance::merchantArtifacts; std::vector CGTownInstance::universitySkills; ///helpers static void openWindow(const OpenWindow::EWindow type, const int id1, const int id2 = -1) { OpenWindow ow; ow.window = type; ow.id1 = id1; ow.id2 = id2; IObjectInterface::cb->sendAndApply(&ow); } static void showInfoDialog(const PlayerColor playerID, const ui32 txtID, const ui16 soundID) { InfoWindow iw; iw.soundID = soundID; iw.player = playerID; iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::ADVOB_TXT,txtID); IObjectInterface::cb->sendAndApply(&iw); } /*static void showInfoDialog(const ObjectInstanceID heroID, const ui32 txtID, const ui16 soundID) { const PlayerColor playerID = IObjectInterface::cb->getOwner(heroID); showInfoDialog(playerID,txtID,soundID); }*/ static void showInfoDialog(const CGHeroInstance* h, const ui32 txtID, const ui16 soundID) { const PlayerColor playerID = h->getOwner(); showInfoDialog(playerID,txtID,soundID); } static std::string & visitedTxt(const bool visited) { int id = visited ? 352 : 353; return VLC->generaltexth->allTexts[id]; } ///IObjectInterface void IObjectInterface::onHeroVisit(const CGHeroInstance * h) const {} void IObjectInterface::onHeroLeave(const CGHeroInstance * h) const {} void IObjectInterface::newTurn () const {} IObjectInterface::~IObjectInterface() {} IObjectInterface::IObjectInterface() {} void IObjectInterface::initObj() {} void IObjectInterface::setProperty( ui8 what, ui32 val ) {} bool IObjectInterface::wasVisited (PlayerColor player) const { return false; } bool IObjectInterface::wasVisited (const CGHeroInstance * h) const { return false; } void IObjectInterface::postInit() {} void IObjectInterface::preInit() {} void IObjectInterface::battleFinished(const CGHeroInstance *hero, const BattleResult &result) const { } void IObjectInterface::blockingDialogAnswered(const CGHeroInstance *hero, ui32 answer) const { } void IObjectInterface::garrisonDialogClosed(const CGHeroInstance *hero) const { } void IObjectInterface::heroLevelUpDone(const CGHeroInstance *hero) const { } void CPlayersVisited::setPropertyDer( ui8 what, ui32 val ) { if(what == 10) players.insert(PlayerColor(val)); } bool CPlayersVisited::wasVisited( PlayerColor player ) const { return vstd::contains(players,player); } bool CPlayersVisited::wasVisited( TeamID team ) const { for(auto i : players) { if(cb->getPlayer(i)->team == team) return true; } return false; } // Bank helper. Find the creature ID and their number, and store the // result in storage (either guards or reward creatures). static void readCreatures(const JsonNode &creature, std::vector< std::pair > &storage) { std::pair creInfo = std::make_pair(CreatureID::NONE, 0); //TODO: replace numeric id's with mod-friendly string id's creInfo.second = creature["number"].Float(); creInfo.first = CreatureID((si32)creature["id"].Float()); storage.push_back(creInfo); } // Bank helper. Process a bank level. static void readBankLevel(const JsonNode &level, BankConfig &bc) { int idx; bc.chance = level["chance"].Float(); for(const JsonNode &creature : level["guards"].Vector()) { readCreatures(creature, bc.guards); } bc.upgradeChance = level["upgrade_chance"].Float(); bc.combatValue = level["combat_value"].Float(); bc.resources = Res::ResourceSet(level["reward_resources"]); for(const JsonNode &creature : level["reward_creatures"].Vector()) { readCreatures(creature, bc.creatures); } bc.artifacts.resize(4); idx = 0; for(const JsonNode &artifact : level["reward_artifacts"].Vector()) { bc.artifacts[idx] = artifact.Float(); idx ++; } bc.value = level["value"].Float(); bc.rewardDifficulty = level["profitability"].Float(); bc.easiest = level["easiest"].Float(); } CObjectHandler::CObjectHandler() { logGlobal->traceStream() << "\t\tReading cregens "; const JsonNode config(ResourceID("config/dwellings.json")); for(const JsonNode &dwelling : config["dwellings"].Vector()) { cregens[dwelling["dwelling"].Float()] = CreatureID((si32)dwelling["creature"].Float()); } logGlobal->traceStream() << "\t\tDone loading cregens!"; logGlobal->traceStream() << "\t\tReading resources prices "; const JsonNode config2(ResourceID("config/resources.json")); for(const JsonNode &price : config2["resources_prices"].Vector()) { resVals.push_back(price.Float()); } logGlobal->traceStream() << "\t\tDone loading resource prices!"; logGlobal->traceStream() << "\t\tReading banks configs"; const JsonNode config3(ResourceID("config/bankconfig.json")); int bank_num = 0; for(const JsonNode &bank : config3["banks"].Vector()) { creBanksNames[bank_num] = bank["name"].String(); int level_num = 0; for(const JsonNode &level : bank["levels"].Vector()) { banksInfo[bank_num].push_back(new BankConfig); BankConfig &bc = *banksInfo[bank_num].back(); bc.level = level_num; readBankLevel(level, bc); level_num ++; } bank_num ++; } logGlobal->traceStream() << "\t\tDone loading banks configs"; } CObjectHandler::~CObjectHandler() { for(auto & mapEntry : banksInfo) { for(auto & vecEntry : mapEntry.second) { vecEntry.dellNull(); } } } int CObjectHandler::bankObjToIndex (const CGObjectInstance * obj) { switch (obj->ID) //find appriopriate key { case Obj::CREATURE_BANK: return obj->subID; case Obj::DERELICT_SHIP: return 8; case Obj::DRAGON_UTOPIA: return 10; case Obj::CRYPT: return 9; case Obj::SHIPWRECK: return 7; case Obj::PYRAMID: return 21; default: logGlobal->warnStream() << "Unrecognized Bank indetifier!"; return 0; } } PlayerColor CGObjectInstance::getOwner() const { //if (state) // return state->owner; //else return tempOwner; //won't have owner } CGObjectInstance::CGObjectInstance(): pos(-1,-1,-1), ID(Obj::NO_OBJ), subID(-1), tempOwner(PlayerColor::UNFLAGGABLE), blockVisit(false) { } CGObjectInstance::~CGObjectInstance() { //if (state) // delete state; //state=nullptr; } const std::string & CGObjectInstance::getHoverText() const { return hoverName; } void CGObjectInstance::setOwner(PlayerColor ow) { //if (state) // state->owner = ow; //else tempOwner = ow; } int CGObjectInstance::getWidth() const//returns width of object graphic in tiles { return appearance.getWidth(); } int CGObjectInstance::getHeight() const //returns height of object graphic in tiles { return appearance.getHeight(); } bool CGObjectInstance::visitableAt(int x, int y) const //returns true if object is visitable at location (x, y) form left top tile of image (x, y in tiles) { return appearance.isVisitableAt(pos.x - x, pos.y - y); } bool CGObjectInstance::blockingAt(int x, int y) const { return appearance.isBlockedAt(pos.x - x, pos.y - y); } bool CGObjectInstance::coveringAt(int x, int y) const { return appearance.isVisibleAt(pos.x - x, pos.y - y); } std::set CGObjectInstance::getBlockedPos() const { std::set ret; for(int w=0; w CGObjectInstance::getBlockedOffsets() const { std::set ret; for(int w=0; w cmp.appearance.printPriority; if(pos.y != cmp.pos.y) return pos.y < cmp.pos.y; if(cmp.ID==Obj::HERO && ID!=Obj::HERO) return true; if(cmp.ID!=Obj::HERO && ID==Obj::HERO) return false; if(!isVisitable() && cmp.isVisitable()) return true; if(!cmp.isVisitable() && isVisitable()) return false; if(this->pos.xgameState()->map->getTile(visitablePos()); this->ID = Obj(ID); this->subID = subID; this->appearance = VLC->objtypeh->getHandlerFor(ID, subID)->getTemplates(tile.terType).front(); //recalculate blockvis tiles - new appearance might have different blockmap than before cb->gameState()->map->removeBlockVisTiles(this, true); cb->gameState()->map->addBlockVisTiles(this); } void CGObjectInstance::initObj() { switch(ID) { case Obj::TAVERN: blockVisit = true; break; } } void CGObjectInstance::setProperty( ui8 what, ui32 val ) { switch(what) { case ObjProperty::OWNER: tempOwner = PlayerColor(val); break; case ObjProperty::BLOCKVIS: blockVisit = val; break; case ObjProperty::ID: ID = Obj(val); break; case ObjProperty::SUBID: subID = val; break; } setPropertyDer(what, val); } void CGObjectInstance::setPropertyDer( ui8 what, ui32 val ) {} int3 CGObjectInstance::getSightCenter() const { //return vistiable tile if possible for(int i=0; i < 8; i++) for(int j=0; j < 6; j++) if(visitableAt(i,j)) return(pos + int3(i-7, j-5, 0)); return pos; } int CGObjectInstance::getSightRadious() const { return 3; } void CGObjectInstance::getSightTiles(std::unordered_set &tiles) const //returns reference to the set { cb->getTilesInRange(tiles, getSightCenter(), getSightRadious(), tempOwner, 1); } void CGObjectInstance::hideTiles(PlayerColor ourplayer, int radius) const { for (auto i = cb->gameState()->teams.begin(); i != cb->gameState()->teams.end(); i++) { if ( !vstd::contains(i->second.players, ourplayer ))//another team { for (auto & elem : i->second.players) if ( cb->getPlayer(elem)->status == EPlayerStatus::INGAME )//seek for living player (if any) { FoWChange fw; fw.mode = 0; fw.player = elem; cb->getTilesInRange (fw.tiles, pos, radius, (elem), -1); cb->sendAndApply (&fw); break; } } } } int3 CGObjectInstance::getVisitableOffset() const { for(int y = 0; y < appearance.getHeight(); y++) for (int x = 0; x < appearance.getWidth(); x++) if (appearance.isVisitableAt(x, y)) return int3(x,y,0); logGlobal->warnStream() << "Warning: getVisitableOffset called on non-visitable obj!"; return int3(0,0,0); } void CGObjectInstance::getNameVis( std::string &hname ) const { const CGHeroInstance *h = cb->getSelectedHero(cb->getCurrentPlayer()); hname = VLC->objtypeh->getObjectName(ID); if(h) { const bool visited = h->hasBonusFrom(Bonus::OBJECT,ID); hname + " " + visitedTxt(visited); } } void CGObjectInstance::giveDummyBonus(ObjectInstanceID heroID, ui8 duration) const { GiveBonus gbonus; gbonus.bonus.type = Bonus::NONE; gbonus.id = heroID.getNum(); gbonus.bonus.duration = duration; gbonus.bonus.source = Bonus::OBJECT; gbonus.bonus.sid = ID; cb->giveHeroBonus(&gbonus); } void CGObjectInstance::onHeroVisit( const CGHeroInstance * h ) const { switch(ID) { case Obj::HILL_FORT: { openWindow(OpenWindow::HILL_FORT_WINDOW,id.getNum(),h->id.getNum()); } break; case Obj::SANCTUARY: { //You enter the sanctuary and immediately feel as if a great weight has been lifted off your shoulders. You feel safe here. showInfoDialog(h,114,soundBase::GETPROTECTION); } break; case Obj::TAVERN: { openWindow(OpenWindow::TAVERN_WINDOW,h->id.getNum(),id.getNum()); } break; } } ui8 CGObjectInstance::getPassableness() const { return 0; } int3 CGObjectInstance::visitablePos() const { return pos - getVisitableOffset(); } bool CGObjectInstance::isVisitable() const { return appearance.isVisitable(); } bool CGObjectInstance::passableFor(PlayerColor color) const { return getPassableness() & 1<obj->subID == obj->subID; } static int lowestSpeed(const CGHeroInstance * chi) { if(!chi->Slots().size()) { logGlobal->errorStream() << "Error! Hero " << chi->id.getNum() << " ("<name<<") has no army!"; return 20; } auto i = chi->Slots().begin(); //TODO? should speed modifiers (eg from artifacts) affect hero movement? int ret = (i++)->second->valOfBonuses(Bonus::STACKS_SPEED); for (;i!=chi->Slots().end();i++) { ret = std::min(ret, i->second->valOfBonuses(Bonus::STACKS_SPEED)); } return ret; } ui32 CGHeroInstance::getTileCost(const TerrainTile &dest, const TerrainTile &from) const { //base move cost unsigned ret = 100; //if there is road both on dest and src tiles - use road movement cost if(dest.roadType != ERoadType::NO_ROAD && from.roadType != ERoadType::NO_ROAD) { int road = std::min(dest.roadType,from.roadType); //used road ID switch(road) { case ERoadType::DIRT_ROAD: ret = 75; break; case ERoadType::GRAVEL_ROAD: ret = 65; break; case ERoadType::COBBLESTONE_ROAD: ret = 50; break; default: logGlobal->errorStream() << "Unknown road type: " << road << "... Something wrong!"; break; } } else { //FIXME: in H3 presence of Nomad in army will remove terrain penalty for sand. Bonus not implemented in VCMI // NOTE: in H3 neutral stacks will ignore terrain penalty only if placed as topmost stack(s) in hero army. // This is clearly bug in H3 however intended behaviour is not clear. // Current VCMI behaviour will ignore neutrals in calculations so army in VCMI // will always have best penalty without any influence from player-defined stacks order bool nativeArmy = true; for(auto stack : stacks) { int nativeTerrain = VLC->townh->factions[stack.second->type->faction]->nativeTerrain; if (nativeTerrain != -1 && nativeTerrain != from.terType) { nativeArmy = false; break; } } if (!nativeArmy) ret = VLC->heroh->terrCosts[from.terType]; } return ret; } int3 CGHeroInstance::convertPosition(int3 src, bool toh3m) //toh3m=true: manifest->h3m; toh3m=false: h3m->manifest { if (toh3m) { src.x+=1; return src; } else { src.x-=1; return src; } } int3 CGHeroInstance::getPosition(bool h3m) const //h3m=true - returns position of hero object; h3m=false - returns position of hero 'manifestation' { if (h3m) { return pos; } else { return convertPosition(pos,false); } } bool CGHeroInstance::canWalkOnSea() const { return hasBonusOfType(Bonus::FLYING_MOVEMENT) || hasBonusOfType(Bonus::WATER_WALKING); } ui8 CGHeroInstance::getSecSkillLevel(SecondarySkill skill) const { for(auto & elem : secSkills) if(elem.first == skill) return elem.second; return 0; } void CGHeroInstance::setSecSkillLevel(SecondarySkill which, int val, bool abs) { if(getSecSkillLevel(which) == 0) { secSkills.push_back(std::pair(which, val)); updateSkill(which, val); } else { for (auto & elem : secSkills) { if(elem.first == which) { if(abs) elem.second = val; else elem.second += val; if(elem.second > 3) //workaround to avoid crashes when same sec skill is given more than once { logGlobal->warnStream() << "Warning: Skill " << which << " increased over limit! Decreasing to Expert."; elem.second = 3; } updateSkill(which, elem.second); //when we know final value } } } } bool CGHeroInstance::canLearnSkill() const { return secSkills.size() < GameConstants::SKILL_PER_HERO; } int CGHeroInstance::maxMovePoints(bool onLand) const { int base; if(onLand) { // used function is f(x) = 66.6x + 1300, rounded to second digit, where x is lowest speed in army static const int baseSpeed = 1300; // base speed from creature with 0 speed int armySpeed = lowestSpeed(this) * 20 / 3; base = armySpeed * 10 + baseSpeed; // separate *10 is intentional to receive same rounding as in h3 vstd::abetween(base, 1500, 2000); // base speed is limited by these values } else { base = 1500; //on water base movement is always 1500 (speed of army doesn't matter) } const Bonus::BonusType bt = onLand ? Bonus::LAND_MOVEMENT : Bonus::SEA_MOVEMENT; const int bonus = valOfBonuses(Bonus::MOVEMENT) + valOfBonuses(bt); const int subtype = onLand ? SecondarySkill::LOGISTICS : SecondarySkill::NAVIGATION; const double modifier = valOfBonuses(Bonus::SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY, subtype) / 100.0; return int(base* (1+modifier)) + bonus; } CGHeroInstance::CGHeroInstance() : IBoatGenerator(this) { setNodeType(HERO); ID = Obj::HERO; tacticFormationEnabled = inTownGarrison = false; mana = movement = portrait = level = -1; isStanding = true; moveDir = 4; exp = 0xffffffff; visitedTown = nullptr; type = nullptr; boat = nullptr; commander = nullptr; sex = 0xff; secSkills.push_back(std::make_pair(SecondarySkill::DEFAULT, -1)); } void CGHeroInstance::initHero(HeroTypeID SUBID) { subID = SUBID.getNum(); initHero(); } void CGHeroInstance::setType(si32 ID, si32 subID) { assert(ID == Obj::HERO); // just in case CGObjectInstance::setType(ID, subID); type = VLC->heroh->heroes[subID]; portrait = type->imageIndex; randomizeArmy(type->heroClass->faction); } void CGHeroInstance::initHero() { assert(validTypes(true)); if(!type) type = VLC->heroh->heroes[subID]; if (ID == Obj::HERO) appearance = VLC->objtypeh->getHandlerFor(Obj::HERO, type->heroClass->id)->getTemplates().front(); if(!vstd::contains(spells, SpellID::PRESET)) //hero starts with a spell { for(auto spellID : type->spells) spells.insert(spellID); } else //remove placeholder spells -= SpellID::PRESET; if(!getArt(ArtifactPosition::MACH4) && !getArt(ArtifactPosition::SPELLBOOK) && type->haveSpellBook) //no catapult means we haven't read pre-existent set -> use default rules for spellbook putArtifact(ArtifactPosition::SPELLBOOK, CArtifactInstance::createNewArtifactInstance(0)); if(!getArt(ArtifactPosition::MACH4)) putArtifact(ArtifactPosition::MACH4, CArtifactInstance::createNewArtifactInstance(3)); //everyone has a catapult if(portrait < 0 || portrait == 255) portrait = type->imageIndex; if(!hasBonus(Selector::sourceType(Bonus::HERO_BASE_SKILL))) { for(int g=0; g(g), type->heroClass->primarySkillInitial[g]); } } if(secSkills.size() == 1 && secSkills[0] == std::pair(SecondarySkill::DEFAULT, -1)) //set secondary skills to default secSkills = type->secSkillsInit; if (!name.length()) name = type->name; if (sex == 0xFF)//sex is default sex = type->sex; setFormation(false); if (!stacksCount()) //standard army//initial army { initArmy(); } assert(validTypes()); level = 1; if(exp == 0xffffffff) { initExp(); } else { levelUpAutomatically(); } if (VLC->modh->modules.COMMANDERS && !commander) { commander = new CCommanderInstance(type->heroClass->commander->idNumber); commander->setArmyObj (castToArmyObj()); //TODO: separate function for setting commanders commander->giveStackExp (exp); //after our exp is set } if (mana < 0) mana = manaLimit(); } void CGHeroInstance::initArmy(IArmyDescriptor *dst /*= nullptr*/) { if(!dst) dst = this; int howManyStacks = 0; //how many stacks will hero receives <1 - 3> int pom = cb->gameState()->getRandomGenerator().nextInt(99); int warMachinesGiven = 0; if(pom < 9) howManyStacks = 1; else if(pom < 79) howManyStacks = 2; else howManyStacks = 3; vstd::amin(howManyStacks, type->initialArmy.size()); for(int stackNo=0; stackNo < howManyStacks; stackNo++) { auto & stack = type->initialArmy[stackNo]; int count = cb->gameState()->getRandomGenerator().nextInt(stack.minAmount, stack.maxAmount); if(stack.creature >= CreatureID::CATAPULT && stack.creature <= CreatureID::ARROW_TOWERS) //war machine { warMachinesGiven++; if(dst != this) continue; int slot = -1; ArtifactID aid = ArtifactID::NONE; switch (stack.creature) { case CreatureID::CATAPULT: slot = ArtifactPosition::MACH4; aid = ArtifactID::CATAPULT; break; default: aid = CArtHandler::creatureToMachineID(stack.creature); slot = 9 + aid; break; } auto convSlot = ArtifactPosition(slot); if(!getArt(convSlot)) putArtifact(convSlot, CArtifactInstance::createNewArtifactInstance(aid)); else logGlobal->warnStream() << "Hero " << name << " already has artifact at " << slot << ", omitting giving " << aid; } else dst->setCreature(SlotID(stackNo-warMachinesGiven), stack.creature, count); } } CGHeroInstance::~CGHeroInstance() { commander.dellNull(); } bool CGHeroInstance::needsLastStack() const { return true; } void CGHeroInstance::onHeroVisit(const CGHeroInstance * h) const { if(h == this) return; //exclude potential self-visiting if (ID == Obj::HERO) { if( cb->gameState()->getPlayerRelations(tempOwner, h->tempOwner)) //our or ally hero { //exchange cb->heroExchange(h->id, id); } else //battle { if(visitedTown) //we're in town visitedTown->onHeroVisit(h); //town will handle attacking else cb->startBattleI(h, this); } } else if(ID == Obj::PRISON) { int txt_id; if (cb->getHeroCount(h->tempOwner, false) < VLC->modh->settings.MAX_HEROES_ON_MAP_PER_PLAYER)//GameConstants::MAX_HEROES_PER_PLAYER) //free hero slot { cb->changeObjPos(id,pos+int3(1,0,0),0); //update hero parameters SetMovePoints smp; smp.hid = id; smp.val = maxMovePoints (true); //TODO: hota prison on water? cb->setMovePoints (&smp); cb->setManaPoints (id, manaLimit()); cb->setObjProperty(id, ObjProperty::ID, Obj::HERO); //set ID to 34 cb->giveHero(id,h->tempOwner); //recreates def and adds hero to player txt_id = 102; } else //already 8 wandering heroes { txt_id = 103; } showInfoDialog(h,txt_id,soundBase::ROGUE); } } const std::string & CGHeroInstance::getHoverText() const { if(ID != Obj::PRISON) { hoverName = VLC->generaltexth->allTexts[15]; boost::algorithm::replace_first(hoverName,"%s",name); boost::algorithm::replace_first(hoverName,"%s", type->heroClass->name); return hoverName; } else hoverName = VLC->objtypeh->getObjectName(ID); return hoverName; } const std::string & CGHeroInstance::getBiography() const { if (biography.length()) return biography; return type->biography; } ui8 CGHeroInstance::maxlevelsToMagicSchool() const { return type->heroClass->isMagicHero() ? 3 : 4; } ui8 CGHeroInstance::maxlevelsToWisdom() const { return type->heroClass->isMagicHero() ? 3 : 6; } void CGHeroInstance::SecondarySkillsInfo::resetMagicSchoolCounter() { magicSchoolCounter = 1; } void CGHeroInstance::SecondarySkillsInfo::resetWisdomCounter() { wisdomCounter = 1; } void CGHeroInstance::initObj() { blockVisit = true; auto hs = new HeroSpecial(); hs->setNodeType(CBonusSystemNode::SPECIALTY); attachTo(hs); //do we ever need to detach it? if(!type) initHero(); //TODO: set up everything for prison before specialties are configured skillsInfo.rand.setSeed(cb->gameState()->getRandomGenerator().nextInt()); skillsInfo.resetMagicSchoolCounter(); skillsInfo.resetWisdomCounter(); for(const auto &spec : type->spec) //TODO: unfity with bonus system { auto bonus = new Bonus(); bonus->val = spec.val; bonus->sid = id.getNum(); //from the hero, specialty has no unique id bonus->duration = Bonus::PERMANENT; bonus->source = Bonus::HERO_SPECIAL; switch (spec.type) { case 1:// creature specialty { hs->growsWithLevel = true; const CCreature &specCreature = *VLC->creh->creatures[spec.additionalinfo]; //creature in which we have specialty //int creLevel = specCreature.level; //if(!creLevel) //{ // if(spec.additionalinfo == 146) // creLevel = 5; //treat ballista as 5-level // else // { // logGlobal->warnStream() << "Warning: unknown level of " << specCreature.namePl; // continue; // } //} //bonus->additionalInfo = spec.additionalinfo; //creature id, should not be used again - this works only with limiter bonus->limiter.reset(new CCreatureTypeLimiter (specCreature, true)); //with upgrades bonus->type = Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL; bonus->valType = Bonus::ADDITIVE_VALUE; bonus->subtype = PrimarySkill::ATTACK; hs->addNewBonus(bonus); bonus = new Bonus(*bonus); bonus->subtype = PrimarySkill::DEFENSE; hs->addNewBonus(bonus); //values will be calculated later bonus = new Bonus(*bonus); bonus->type = Bonus::STACKS_SPEED; bonus->val = 1; //+1 speed hs->addNewBonus(bonus); } break; case 2://secondary skill hs->growsWithLevel = true; bonus->type = Bonus::SPECIAL_SECONDARY_SKILL; //needs to be recalculated with level, based on this value bonus->valType = Bonus::BASE_NUMBER; // to receive nonzero value bonus->subtype = spec.subtype; //skill id bonus->val = spec.val; //value per level, in percent hs->addNewBonus(bonus); bonus = new Bonus(*bonus); switch (spec.additionalinfo) { case 0: //normal bonus->valType = Bonus::PERCENT_TO_BASE; break; case 1: //when it's navigation or there's no 'base' at all bonus->valType = Bonus::PERCENT_TO_ALL; break; } bonus->type = Bonus::SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY; //value will be calculated later hs->addNewBonus(bonus); break; case 3://spell damage bonus, level dependent but calculated elsewhere bonus->type = Bonus::SPECIAL_SPELL_LEV; bonus->subtype = spec.subtype; hs->addNewBonus(bonus); break; case 4://creature stat boost switch (spec.subtype) { case 1://attack bonus->type = Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL; bonus->subtype = PrimarySkill::ATTACK; break; case 2://defense bonus->type = Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL; bonus->subtype = PrimarySkill::DEFENSE; break; case 3: bonus->type = Bonus::CREATURE_DAMAGE; bonus->subtype = 0; //both min and max break; case 4://hp bonus->type = Bonus::STACK_HEALTH; break; case 5: bonus->type = Bonus::STACKS_SPEED; break; default: continue; } bonus->additionalInfo = spec.additionalinfo; //creature id bonus->valType = Bonus::ADDITIVE_VALUE; bonus->limiter.reset(new CCreatureTypeLimiter (*VLC->creh->creatures[spec.additionalinfo], true)); hs->addNewBonus(bonus); break; case 5://spell damage bonus in percent bonus->type = Bonus::SPECIFIC_SPELL_DAMAGE; bonus->valType = Bonus::BASE_NUMBER; // current spell system is screwed bonus->subtype = spec.subtype; //spell id hs->addNewBonus(bonus); break; case 6://damage bonus for bless (Adela) bonus->type = Bonus::SPECIAL_BLESS_DAMAGE; bonus->subtype = spec.subtype; //spell id if you ever wanted to use it otherwise bonus->additionalInfo = spec.additionalinfo; //damage factor hs->addNewBonus(bonus); break; case 7://maxed mastery for spell bonus->type = Bonus::MAXED_SPELL; bonus->subtype = spec.subtype; //spell i hs->addNewBonus(bonus); break; case 8://peculiar spells - enchantments bonus->type = Bonus::SPECIAL_PECULIAR_ENCHANT; bonus->subtype = spec.subtype; //spell id bonus->additionalInfo = spec.additionalinfo;//0, 1 for Coronius hs->addNewBonus(bonus); break; case 9://upgrade creatures { const auto &creatures = VLC->creh->creatures; bonus->type = Bonus::SPECIAL_UPGRADE; bonus->subtype = spec.subtype; //base id bonus->additionalInfo = spec.additionalinfo; //target id hs->addNewBonus(bonus); bonus = new Bonus(*bonus); for(auto cre_id : creatures[spec.subtype]->upgrades) { bonus->subtype = cre_id; //propagate for regular upgrades of base creature hs->addNewBonus(bonus); bonus = new Bonus(*bonus); } vstd::clear_pointer(bonus); break; } case 10://resource generation bonus->type = Bonus::GENERATE_RESOURCE; bonus->subtype = spec.subtype; hs->addNewBonus(bonus); break; case 11://starting skill with mastery (Adrienne) setSecSkillLevel(SecondarySkill(spec.val), spec.additionalinfo, true); break; case 12://army speed bonus->type = Bonus::STACKS_SPEED; hs->addNewBonus(bonus); break; case 13://Dragon bonuses (Mutare) bonus->type = Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL; bonus->valType = Bonus::ADDITIVE_VALUE; switch (spec.subtype) { case 1: bonus->subtype = PrimarySkill::ATTACK; break; case 2: bonus->subtype = PrimarySkill::DEFENSE; break; } bonus->limiter.reset(new HasAnotherBonusLimiter(Bonus::DRAGON_NATURE)); hs->addNewBonus(bonus); break; default: logGlobal->warnStream() << "Unexpected hero specialty " << type; } } specialty.push_back(hs); //will it work? for (auto hs2 : type->specialty) //copy active (probably growing) bonuses from hero prootype to hero object { auto hs = new HeroSpecial(); attachTo(hs); //do we ever need to detach it? hs->setNodeType(CBonusSystemNode::SPECIALTY); for (auto bonus : hs2.bonuses) { hs->addNewBonus (bonus); } hs->growsWithLevel = hs2.growsWithLevel; specialty.push_back(hs); //will it work? } //initialize bonuses recreateSecondarySkillsBonuses(); Updatespecialty(); mana = manaLimit(); //after all bonuses are taken into account, make sure this line is the last one type->name = name; } void CGHeroInstance::Updatespecialty() //TODO: calculate special value of bonuses on-the-fly? { for (auto hs : specialty) { if (hs->growsWithLevel) { //const auto &creatures = VLC->creh->creatures; for(Bonus * b : hs->getBonusList()) { switch (b->type) { case Bonus::SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY: b->val = (hs->valOfBonuses(Bonus::SPECIAL_SECONDARY_SKILL, b->subtype) * level); break; //use only hero skills as bonuses to avoid feedback loop case Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL: //for creatures, that is { const CCreature * cre = nullptr; int creLevel = 0; if (auto creatureLimiter = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(b->limiter)) //TODO: more general eveluation of bonuses? { cre = creatureLimiter->creature; creLevel = cre->level; if (!creLevel) { creLevel = 5; //treat ballista as tier 5 } } else //no creature found, can't calculate value { logGlobal->warnStream() << "Primary skill specialty growth supported only with creature type limiters"; break; } double primSkillModifier = (int)(level / creLevel) / 20.0; int param; switch (b->subtype) { case PrimarySkill::ATTACK: param = cre->Attack(); break; case PrimarySkill::DEFENSE: param = cre->Defense(); break; default: continue; } b->val = ceil(param * (1 + primSkillModifier)) - param; //yep, overcomplicated but matches original break; } } } } } } void CGHeroInstance::recreateSecondarySkillsBonuses() { auto secondarySkillsBonuses = getBonuses(Selector::sourceType(Bonus::SECONDARY_SKILL)); for(auto bonus : *secondarySkillsBonuses) removeBonus(bonus); for(auto skill_info : secSkills) updateSkill(SecondarySkill(skill_info.first), skill_info.second); } void CGHeroInstance::updateSkill(SecondarySkill which, int val) { if(which == SecondarySkill::LEADERSHIP || which == SecondarySkill::LUCK) { //luck-> VLC->generaltexth->arraytxt[73+luckSkill]; VLC->generaltexth->arraytxt[104+moraleSkill] bool luck = which == SecondarySkill::LUCK; Bonus::BonusType type[] = {Bonus::MORALE, Bonus::LUCK}; Bonus *b = getBonusLocalFirst(Selector::type(type[luck]).And(Selector::sourceType(Bonus::SECONDARY_SKILL))); if(!b) { b = new Bonus(Bonus::PERMANENT, type[luck], Bonus::SECONDARY_SKILL, +val, which, which, Bonus::BASE_NUMBER); addNewBonus(b); } else b->val = +val; } else if(which == SecondarySkill::DIPLOMACY) //surrender discount: 20% per level { if(Bonus *b = getBonusLocalFirst(Selector::type(Bonus::SURRENDER_DISCOUNT).And(Selector::sourceType(Bonus::SECONDARY_SKILL)))) b->val = +val; else addNewBonus(new Bonus(Bonus::PERMANENT, Bonus::SURRENDER_DISCOUNT, Bonus::SECONDARY_SKILL, val * 20, which)); } int skillVal = 0; switch (which) { case SecondarySkill::ARCHERY: switch (val) { case 1: skillVal = 10; break; case 2: skillVal = 25; break; case 3: skillVal = 50; break; } break; case SecondarySkill::LOGISTICS: skillVal = 10 * val; break; case SecondarySkill::NAVIGATION: skillVal = 50 * val; break; case SecondarySkill::MYSTICISM: skillVal = val; break; case SecondarySkill::EAGLE_EYE: skillVal = 30 + 10 * val; break; case SecondarySkill::NECROMANCY: skillVal = 10 * val; break; case SecondarySkill::LEARNING: skillVal = 5 * val; break; case SecondarySkill::OFFENCE: skillVal = 10 * val; break; case SecondarySkill::ARMORER: skillVal = 5 * val; break; case SecondarySkill::INTELLIGENCE: skillVal = 25 << (val-1); break; case SecondarySkill::SORCERY: skillVal = 5 * val; break; case SecondarySkill::RESISTANCE: skillVal = 5 << (val-1); break; case SecondarySkill::FIRST_AID: skillVal = 25 + 25*val; break; case SecondarySkill::ESTATES: skillVal = 125 << (val-1); break; } Bonus::ValueType skillValType = skillVal ? Bonus::BASE_NUMBER : Bonus::INDEPENDENT_MIN; if(Bonus * b = getBonusList().getFirst(Selector::typeSubtype(Bonus::SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY, which) .And(Selector::sourceType(Bonus::SECONDARY_SKILL)))) //only local hero bonus { b->val = skillVal; b->valType = skillValType; } else { auto bonus = new Bonus(Bonus::PERMANENT, Bonus::SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY, Bonus::SECONDARY_SKILL, skillVal, id.getNum(), which, skillValType); bonus->source = Bonus::SECONDARY_SKILL; addNewBonus(bonus); } } void CGHeroInstance::setPropertyDer( ui8 what, ui32 val ) { if(what == ObjProperty::PRIMARY_STACK_COUNT) setStackCount(SlotID(0), val); } double CGHeroInstance::getFightingStrength() const { return sqrt((1.0 + 0.05*getPrimSkillLevel(PrimarySkill::ATTACK)) * (1.0 + 0.05*getPrimSkillLevel(PrimarySkill::DEFENSE))); } double CGHeroInstance::getMagicStrength() const { return sqrt((1.0 + 0.05*getPrimSkillLevel(PrimarySkill::KNOWLEDGE)) * (1.0 + 0.05*getPrimSkillLevel(PrimarySkill::SPELL_POWER))); } double CGHeroInstance::getHeroStrength() const { return sqrt(pow(getFightingStrength(), 2.0) * pow(getMagicStrength(), 2.0)); } ui64 CGHeroInstance::getTotalStrength() const { double ret = getFightingStrength() * getArmyStrength(); return (ui64) ret; } TExpType CGHeroInstance::calculateXp(TExpType exp) const { return exp * (100 + valOfBonuses(Bonus::SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY, SecondarySkill::LEARNING))/100.0; } ui8 CGHeroInstance::getSpellSchoolLevel(const CSpell * spell, int *outSelectedSchool) const { si16 skill = -1; //skill level #define TRY_SCHOOL(schoolName, schoolMechanicsId, schoolOutId) \ if(spell-> schoolName) \ { \ int thisSchool = std::max(getSecSkillLevel( \ SecondarySkill(14 + (schoolMechanicsId))), \ valOfBonuses(Bonus::MAGIC_SCHOOL_SKILL, 1 << (schoolMechanicsId))); \ if(thisSchool > skill) \ { \ skill = thisSchool; \ if(outSelectedSchool) \ *outSelectedSchool = schoolOutId; \ } \ } TRY_SCHOOL(fire, 0, 1) TRY_SCHOOL(air, 1, 0) TRY_SCHOOL(water, 2, 2) TRY_SCHOOL(earth, 3, 3) #undef TRY_SCHOOL vstd::amax(skill, valOfBonuses(Bonus::MAGIC_SCHOOL_SKILL, 0)); //any school bonus vstd::amax(skill, valOfBonuses(Bonus::SPELL, spell->id.toEnum())); //given by artifact or other effect if (hasBonusOfType(Bonus::MAXED_SPELL, spell->id))//hero specialty (Daremyth, Melodia) skill = 3; assert(skill >= 0 && skill <= 3); return skill; } bool CGHeroInstance::canCastThisSpell(const CSpell * spell) const { if(!getArt(ArtifactPosition::SPELLBOOK)) //if hero has no spellbook return false; if (spell->isSpecialSpell()) { if (vstd::contains(spells, spell->id)) {//hero has this spell in spellbook logGlobal->errorStream() << "Special spell in spellbook "<name; } if (hasBonusOfType(Bonus::SPELL, spell->id)) return true; return false; } else { if(vstd::contains(spells, spell->id) //hero has this spell in spellbook || (spell->air && hasBonusOfType(Bonus::AIR_SPELLS)) // this is air spell and hero can cast all air spells || (spell->fire && hasBonusOfType(Bonus::FIRE_SPELLS)) // this is fire spell and hero can cast all fire spells || (spell->water && hasBonusOfType(Bonus::WATER_SPELLS)) // this is water spell and hero can cast all water spells || (spell->earth && hasBonusOfType(Bonus::EARTH_SPELLS)) // this is earth spell and hero can cast all earth spells || hasBonusOfType(Bonus::SPELL, spell->id) || hasBonusOfType(Bonus::SPELLS_OF_LEVEL, spell->level) ) return true; return false; } } /** * Calculates what creatures and how many to be raised from a battle. * @param battleResult The results of the battle. * @return Returns a pair with the first value indicating the ID of the creature * type and second value the amount. Both values are returned as -1 if necromancy * could not be applied. */ CStackBasicDescriptor CGHeroInstance::calculateNecromancy (const BattleResult &battleResult) const { const ui8 necromancyLevel = getSecSkillLevel(SecondarySkill::NECROMANCY); // Hero knows necromancy or has Necromancer Cloak if (necromancyLevel > 0 || hasBonusOfType(Bonus::IMPROVED_NECROMANCY)) { double necromancySkill = valOfBonuses(Bonus::SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY, SecondarySkill::NECROMANCY)/100.0; vstd::amin(necromancySkill, 1.0); //it's impossible to raise more creatures than all... const std::map &casualties = battleResult.casualties[!battleResult.winner]; ui32 raisedUnits = 0; // Figure out what to raise and how many. const CreatureID creatureTypes[] = {CreatureID::SKELETON, CreatureID::WALKING_DEAD, CreatureID::WIGHTS, CreatureID::LICHES}; const bool improvedNecromancy = hasBonusOfType(Bonus::IMPROVED_NECROMANCY); const CCreature *raisedUnitType = VLC->creh->creatures[creatureTypes[improvedNecromancy ? necromancyLevel : 0]]; const ui32 raisedUnitHP = raisedUnitType->valOfBonuses(Bonus::STACK_HEALTH); //calculate creatures raised from each defeated stack for (auto & casualtie : casualties) { // Get lost enemy hit points convertible to units. CCreature * c = VLC->creh->creatures[casualtie.first]; const ui32 raisedHP = c->valOfBonuses(Bonus::STACK_HEALTH) * casualtie.second * necromancySkill; raisedUnits += std::min(raisedHP / raisedUnitHP, casualtie.second * necromancySkill); //limit to % of HP and % of original stack count } // Make room for new units. SlotID slot = getSlotFor(raisedUnitType->idNumber); if (slot == SlotID()) { // If there's no room for unit, try it's upgraded version 2/3rds the size. raisedUnitType = VLC->creh->creatures[*raisedUnitType->upgrades.begin()]; raisedUnits = (raisedUnits*2)/3; slot = getSlotFor(raisedUnitType->idNumber); } if (raisedUnits <= 0) raisedUnits = 1; return CStackBasicDescriptor(raisedUnitType->idNumber, raisedUnits); } return CStackBasicDescriptor(); } /** * Show the necromancy dialog with information about units raised. * @param raisedStack Pair where the first element represents ID of the raised creature * and the second element the amount. */ void CGHeroInstance::showNecromancyDialog(const CStackBasicDescriptor &raisedStack) const { InfoWindow iw; iw.soundID = soundBase::pickup01 + cb->gameState()->getRandomGenerator().nextInt(6); iw.player = tempOwner; iw.components.push_back(Component(raisedStack)); if (raisedStack.count > 1) // Practicing the dark arts of necromancy, ... (plural) { iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 145); iw.text.addReplacement(raisedStack.count); } else // Practicing the dark arts of necromancy, ... (singular) { iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 146); } iw.text.addReplacement(raisedStack); cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); } int3 CGHeroInstance::getSightCenter() const { return getPosition(false); } int CGHeroInstance::getSightRadious() const { return 5 + getSecSkillLevel(SecondarySkill::SCOUTING) + valOfBonuses(Bonus::SIGHT_RADIOUS); //default + scouting } si32 CGHeroInstance::manaRegain() const { if (hasBonusOfType(Bonus::FULL_MANA_REGENERATION)) return manaLimit(); return 1 + valOfBonuses(Bonus::SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY, 8) + valOfBonuses(Bonus::MANA_REGENERATION); //1 + Mysticism level } // /** // * Places an artifact in hero's backpack. If it's a big artifact equips it // * or discards it if it cannot be equipped. // */ // void CGHeroInstance::giveArtifact (ui32 aid) //use only for fixed artifacts // { // CArtifact * const artifact = VLC->arth->artifacts[aid]; //pointer to constant object // CArtifactInstance *ai = CArtifactInstance::createNewArtifactInstance(artifact); // ai->putAt(this, ai->firstAvailableSlot(this)); // } int CGHeroInstance::getBoatType() const { switch(type->heroClass->getAlignment()) { case EAlignment::GOOD: return 1; case EAlignment::EVIL: return 0; case EAlignment::NEUTRAL: return 2; default: throw std::runtime_error("Wrong alignment!"); } } void CGHeroInstance::getOutOffsets(std::vector &offsets) const { static int3 dirs[] = { int3(0,1,0),int3(0,-1,0),int3(-1,0,0),int3(+1,0,0), int3(1,1,0),int3(-1,1,0),int3(1,-1,0),int3(-1,-1,0) }; for (auto & dir : dirs) offsets += dir; } int CGHeroInstance::getSpellCost(const CSpell *sp) const { return sp->getCost(getSpellSchoolLevel(sp)); } void CGHeroInstance::pushPrimSkill( PrimarySkill::PrimarySkill which, int val ) { assert(!hasBonus(Selector::typeSubtype(Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, which) .And(Selector::sourceType(Bonus::HERO_BASE_SKILL)))); addNewBonus(new Bonus(Bonus::PERMANENT, Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, Bonus::HERO_BASE_SKILL, val, id.getNum(), which)); } EAlignment::EAlignment CGHeroInstance::getAlignment() const { return type->heroClass->getAlignment(); } void CGHeroInstance::initExp() { exp = cb->gameState()->getRandomGenerator().nextInt(40, 89); } std::string CGHeroInstance::nodeName() const { return "Hero " + name; } void CGHeroInstance::putArtifact(ArtifactPosition pos, CArtifactInstance *art) { assert(!getArt(pos)); art->putAt(ArtifactLocation(this, pos)); } void CGHeroInstance::putInBackpack(CArtifactInstance *art) { putArtifact(art->firstBackpackSlot(this), art); } bool CGHeroInstance::hasSpellbook() const { return getArt(ArtifactPosition::SPELLBOOK); } void CGHeroInstance::deserializationFix() { artDeserializationFix(this); for (auto hs : specialty) { attachTo (hs); } } CBonusSystemNode * CGHeroInstance::whereShouldBeAttached(CGameState *gs) { if(visitedTown) { if(inTownGarrison) return visitedTown; else return &visitedTown->townAndVis; } else return CArmedInstance::whereShouldBeAttached(gs); } int CGHeroInstance::movementPointsAfterEmbark(int MPsBefore, int basicCost, bool disembark /*= false*/) const { if(hasBonusOfType(Bonus::FREE_SHIP_BOARDING)) return (MPsBefore - basicCost) * static_cast(maxMovePoints(disembark)) / maxMovePoints(!disembark); return 0; //take all MPs otherwise } CGHeroInstance::ECanDig CGHeroInstance::diggingStatus() const { if(movement < maxMovePoints(true)) return LACK_OF_MOVEMENT; else if(cb->getTile(getPosition(false))->terType == ETerrainType::WATER) return WRONG_TERRAIN; else { const TerrainTile *t = cb->getTile(getPosition()); //TODO look for hole //CGI->mh->getTerrainDescr(h->getPosition(false), hlp, false); if(/*hlp.length() || */t->blockingObjects.size() > 1) return TILE_OCCUPIED; else return CAN_DIG; } } ArtBearer::ArtBearer CGHeroInstance::bearerType() const { return ArtBearer::HERO; } std::vector CGHeroInstance::getLevelUpProposedSecondarySkills() const { std::vector obligatorySkills; //hero is offered magic school or wisdom if possible if (!skillsInfo.wisdomCounter) { if (cb->isAllowed(2, SecondarySkill::WISDOM) && !getSecSkillLevel(SecondarySkill::WISDOM)) obligatorySkills.push_back(SecondarySkill::WISDOM); } if (!skillsInfo.magicSchoolCounter) { std::vector ss; ss += SecondarySkill::FIRE_MAGIC, SecondarySkill::AIR_MAGIC, SecondarySkill::WATER_MAGIC, SecondarySkill::EARTH_MAGIC; std::shuffle(ss.begin(), ss.end(), skillsInfo.rand.getStdGenerator()); for (auto skill : ss) { if (cb->isAllowed(2, skill) && !getSecSkillLevel(skill)) //only schools hero doesn't know yet { obligatorySkills.push_back(skill); break; //only one } } } std::vector skills; //picking sec. skills for choice std::set basicAndAdv, expert, none; for(int i=0;iisAllowed(2,i)) none.insert(SecondarySkill(i)); for(auto & elem : secSkills) { if(elem.second < SecSkillLevel::EXPERT) basicAndAdv.insert(elem.first); else expert.insert(elem.first); none.erase(elem.first); } for (auto s : obligatorySkills) //don't duplicate them { none.erase (s); basicAndAdv.erase (s); expert.erase (s); } //first offered skill: // 1) give obligatory skill // 2) give any other new skill // 3) upgrade existing if (canLearnSkill() && obligatorySkills.size() > 0) { skills.push_back (obligatorySkills[0]); } else if(none.size() && canLearnSkill()) //hero have free skill slot { skills.push_back(type->heroClass->chooseSecSkill(none, skillsInfo.rand)); //new skill none.erase(skills.back()); } else if(!basicAndAdv.empty()) { skills.push_back(type->heroClass->chooseSecSkill(basicAndAdv, skillsInfo.rand)); //upgrade existing basicAndAdv.erase(skills.back()); } //second offered skill: //1) upgrade existing //2) give obligatory skill //3) give any other new skill if(!basicAndAdv.empty()) { SecondarySkill s = type->heroClass->chooseSecSkill(basicAndAdv, skillsInfo.rand);//upgrade existing skills.push_back(s); basicAndAdv.erase(s); } else if (canLearnSkill() && obligatorySkills.size() > 1) { skills.push_back (obligatorySkills[1]); } else if(none.size() && canLearnSkill()) { skills.push_back(type->heroClass->chooseSecSkill(none, skillsInfo.rand)); //give new skill none.erase(skills.back()); } return skills; } PrimarySkill::PrimarySkill CGHeroInstance::nextPrimarySkill() const { assert(gainsLevel()); int randomValue = cb->gameState()->getRandomGenerator().nextInt(99), pom = 0, primarySkill = 0; const auto & skillChances = (level > 9) ? type->heroClass->primarySkillLowLevel : type->heroClass->primarySkillHighLevel; for(; primarySkill < GameConstants::PRIMARY_SKILLS; ++primarySkill) { pom += skillChances[primarySkill]; if(randomValue < pom) { break; } } logGlobal->traceStream() << "The hero gets the primary skill " << primarySkill << " with a probability of " << randomValue << "%."; return static_cast(primarySkill); } boost::optional CGHeroInstance::nextSecondarySkill() const { assert(gainsLevel()); boost::optional chosenSecondarySkill; const auto proposedSecondarySkills = getLevelUpProposedSecondarySkills(); if(!proposedSecondarySkills.empty()) { std::vector learnedSecondarySkills; for(auto secondarySkill : proposedSecondarySkills) { if(getSecSkillLevel(secondarySkill) > 0) { learnedSecondarySkills.push_back(secondarySkill); } } auto & rand = cb->gameState()->getRandomGenerator(); if(learnedSecondarySkills.empty()) { // there are only new skills to learn, so choose anyone of them chosenSecondarySkill = *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(proposedSecondarySkills, rand); } else { // preferably upgrade a already learned secondary skill chosenSecondarySkill = *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(learnedSecondarySkills, rand); } } return chosenSecondarySkill; } void CGHeroInstance::setPrimarySkill(PrimarySkill::PrimarySkill primarySkill, si64 value, ui8 abs) { if(primarySkill < PrimarySkill::EXPERIENCE) { Bonus * skill = getBonusLocalFirst(Selector::type(Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL) .And(Selector::subtype(primarySkill)) .And(Selector::sourceType(Bonus::HERO_BASE_SKILL))); assert(skill); if(abs) { skill->val = value; } else { skill->val += value; } } else if(primarySkill == PrimarySkill::EXPERIENCE) { if(abs) { exp = value; } else { exp += value; } } } bool CGHeroInstance::gainsLevel() const { return exp >= VLC->heroh->reqExp(level+1); } void CGHeroInstance::levelUp(std::vector skills) { ++level; //deterministic secondary skills skillsInfo.magicSchoolCounter = (skillsInfo.magicSchoolCounter + 1) % maxlevelsToMagicSchool(); skillsInfo.wisdomCounter = (skillsInfo.wisdomCounter + 1) % maxlevelsToWisdom(); if(vstd::contains(skills, SecondarySkill::WISDOM)) { skillsInfo.resetWisdomCounter(); } SecondarySkill spellSchools[] = { SecondarySkill::FIRE_MAGIC, SecondarySkill::AIR_MAGIC, SecondarySkill::WATER_MAGIC, SecondarySkill::EARTH_MAGIC}; for(auto skill : spellSchools) { if(vstd::contains(skills, skill)) { skillsInfo.resetMagicSchoolCounter(); break; } } //specialty Updatespecialty(); } void CGHeroInstance::levelUpAutomatically() { while(gainsLevel()) { const auto primarySkill = nextPrimarySkill(); setPrimarySkill(primarySkill, 1, false); auto proposedSecondarySkills = getLevelUpProposedSecondarySkills(); const auto secondarySkill = nextSecondarySkill(); if(secondarySkill) { setSecSkillLevel(*secondarySkill, 1, false); } //TODO why has the secondary skills to be passed to the method? levelUp(proposedSecondarySkills); } } void CGDwelling::initObj() { switch(ID) { case Obj::CREATURE_GENERATOR1: { CreatureID crid = VLC->objh->cregens[subID]; const CCreature *crs = VLC->creh->creatures[crid]; creatures.resize(1); creatures[0].second.push_back(crid); if (subID >= VLC->generaltexth->creGens.size()) //very messy workaround { auto & dwellingNames = VLC->townh->factions[crs->faction]->town->dwellingNames; assert (dwellingNames.size() > crs->level - 1); hoverName = dwellingNames[crs->level - 1]; } else hoverName = VLC->generaltexth->creGens[subID]; if(crs->level > 4) putStack(SlotID(0), new CStackInstance(crs, (crs->growth) * 3)); if (getOwner() != PlayerColor::NEUTRAL) cb->gameState()->players[getOwner()].dwellings.push_back (this); } break; case Obj::CREATURE_GENERATOR4: creatures.resize(4); if(subID == 1) //Golem Factory { creatures[0].second.push_back(CreatureID::STONE_GOLEM); creatures[1].second.push_back(CreatureID::IRON_GOLEM); creatures[2].second.push_back(CreatureID::GOLD_GOLEM); creatures[3].second.push_back(CreatureID::DIAMOND_GOLEM); //guards putStack(SlotID(0), new CStackInstance(CreatureID::GOLD_GOLEM, 9)); putStack(SlotID(1), new CStackInstance(CreatureID::DIAMOND_GOLEM, 6)); } else if(subID == 0) // Elemental Conflux { creatures[0].second.push_back(CreatureID::AIR_ELEMENTAL); creatures[1].second.push_back(CreatureID::FIRE_ELEMENTAL); creatures[2].second.push_back(CreatureID::EARTH_ELEMENTAL); creatures[3].second.push_back(CreatureID::WATER_ELEMENTAL); //guards putStack(SlotID(0), new CStackInstance(CreatureID::EARTH_ELEMENTAL, 12)); } else { assert(0); } hoverName = VLC->generaltexth->creGens4[subID]; break; case Obj::REFUGEE_CAMP: //is handled within newturn func break; case Obj::WAR_MACHINE_FACTORY: creatures.resize(3); creatures[0].second.push_back(CreatureID::BALLISTA); creatures[1].second.push_back(CreatureID::FIRST_AID_TENT); creatures[2].second.push_back(CreatureID::AMMO_CART); break; default: assert(0); break; } } void CGDwelling::setProperty(ui8 what, ui32 val) { switch (what) { case ObjProperty::OWNER: //change owner if (ID == Obj::CREATURE_GENERATOR1) //single generators { if (tempOwner != PlayerColor::NEUTRAL) { std::vector >* dwellings = &cb->gameState()->players[tempOwner].dwellings; dwellings->erase (std::find(dwellings->begin(), dwellings->end(), this)); } if (PlayerColor(val) != PlayerColor::NEUTRAL) //can new owner be neutral? cb->gameState()->players[PlayerColor(val)].dwellings.push_back (this); } break; case ObjProperty::AVAILABLE_CREATURE: creatures.resize(1); creatures[0].second.resize(1); creatures[0].second[0] = CreatureID(val); break; } CGObjectInstance::setProperty(what,val); } void CGDwelling::onHeroVisit( const CGHeroInstance * h ) const { if(ID == Obj::REFUGEE_CAMP && !creatures[0].first) //Refugee Camp, no available cres { InfoWindow iw; iw.player = h->tempOwner; iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::ADVOB_TXT, 44); //{%s} \n\n The camp is deserted. Perhaps you should try next week. iw.text.addReplacement(MetaString::OBJ_NAMES, ID); cb->sendAndApply(&iw); return; } PlayerRelations::PlayerRelations relations = cb->gameState()->getPlayerRelations( h->tempOwner, tempOwner ); if ( relations == PlayerRelations::ALLIES ) return;//do not allow recruiting or capturing if( !relations && stacksCount() > 0) //object is guarded, owned by enemy { BlockingDialog bd(true,false); bd.player = h->tempOwner; bd.text.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 421); //Much to your dismay, the %s is guarded by %s %s. Do you wish to fight the guards? bd.text.addReplacement(ID == Obj::CREATURE_GENERATOR1 ? MetaString::CREGENS : MetaString::CREGENS4, subID); bd.text.addReplacement(MetaString::ARRAY_TXT, 176 + Slots().begin()->second->getQuantityID()*3); bd.text.addReplacement(*Slots().begin()->second); cb->showBlockingDialog(&bd); return; } if(!relations && ID != Obj::WAR_MACHINE_FACTORY) { cb->setOwner(this, h->tempOwner); } BlockingDialog bd (true,false); bd.player = h->tempOwner; if(ID == Obj::CREATURE_GENERATOR1 || ID == Obj::CREATURE_GENERATOR4) { bd.text.addTxt(MetaString::ADVOB_TXT, ID == Obj::CREATURE_GENERATOR1 ? 35 : 36); //{%s} Would you like to recruit %s? / {%s} Would you like to recruit %s, %s, %s, or %s? bd.text.addReplacement(ID == Obj::CREATURE_GENERATOR1 ? MetaString::CREGENS : MetaString::CREGENS4, subID); for(auto & elem : creatures) bd.text.addReplacement(MetaString::CRE_PL_NAMES, elem.second[0]); } else if(ID == Obj::REFUGEE_CAMP) { bd.text.addTxt(MetaString::ADVOB_TXT, 35); //{%s} Would you like to recruit %s? bd.text.addReplacement(MetaString::OBJ_NAMES, ID); for(auto & elem : creatures) bd.text.addReplacement(MetaString::CRE_PL_NAMES, elem.second[0]); } else if(ID == Obj::WAR_MACHINE_FACTORY) bd.text.addTxt(MetaString::ADVOB_TXT, 157); //{War Machine Factory} Would you like to purchase War Machines? else throw std::runtime_error("Illegal dwelling!"); cb->showBlockingDialog(&bd); } void CGDwelling::newTurn() const { if(cb->getDate(Date::DAY_OF_WEEK) != 1) //not first day of week return; //town growths and War Machines Factories are handled separately if(ID == Obj::TOWN || ID == Obj::WAR_MACHINE_FACTORY) return; if(ID == Obj::REFUGEE_CAMP) //if it's a refugee camp, we need to pick an available creature { cb->setObjProperty(id, ObjProperty::AVAILABLE_CREATURE, VLC->creh->pickRandomMonster(cb->gameState()->getRandomGenerator())); } bool change = false; SetAvailableCreatures sac; sac.creatures = creatures; sac.tid = id; for (size_t i = 0; i < creatures.size(); i++) { if(creatures[i].second.size()) { CCreature *cre = VLC->creh->creatures[creatures[i].second[0]]; TQuantity amount = cre->growth * (1 + cre->valOfBonuses(Bonus::CREATURE_GROWTH_PERCENT)/100) + cre->valOfBonuses(Bonus::CREATURE_GROWTH); if (VLC->modh->settings.DWELLINGS_ACCUMULATE_CREATURES && ID != Obj::REFUGEE_CAMP) //camp should not try to accumulate different kinds of creatures sac.creatures[i].first += amount; else sac.creatures[i].first = amount; change = true; } } if(change) cb->sendAndApply(&sac); } void CGDwelling::heroAcceptsCreatures( const CGHeroInstance *h) const { CreatureID crid = creatures[0].second[0]; CCreature *crs = VLC->creh->creatures[crid]; TQuantity count = creatures[0].first; if(crs->level == 1 && ID != Obj::REFUGEE_CAMP) //first level - creatures are for free { if(count) //there are available creatures { SlotID slot = h->getSlotFor(crid); if(!slot.validSlot()) //no available slot { InfoWindow iw; iw.player = h->tempOwner; iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 425);//The %s would join your hero, but there aren't enough provisions to support them. iw.text.addReplacement(MetaString::CRE_PL_NAMES, crid); cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); } else //give creatures { SetAvailableCreatures sac; sac.tid = id; sac.creatures = creatures; sac.creatures[0].first = 0; InfoWindow iw; iw.player = h->tempOwner; iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 423); //%d %s join your army. iw.text.addReplacement(count); iw.text.addReplacement(MetaString::CRE_PL_NAMES, crid); cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); cb->sendAndApply(&sac); cb->addToSlot(StackLocation(h, slot), crs, count); } } else //there no creatures { InfoWindow iw; iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 422); //There are no %s here to recruit. iw.text.addReplacement(MetaString::CRE_PL_NAMES, crid); iw.player = h->tempOwner; cb->sendAndApply(&iw); } } else { if(ID == Obj::WAR_MACHINE_FACTORY) //pick available War Machines { //there is 1 war machine available to recruit if hero doesn't have one SetAvailableCreatures sac; sac.tid = id; sac.creatures = creatures; sac.creatures[0].first = !h->getArt(ArtifactPosition::MACH1); //ballista sac.creatures[1].first = !h->getArt(ArtifactPosition::MACH3); //first aid tent sac.creatures[2].first = !h->getArt(ArtifactPosition::MACH2); //ammo cart cb->sendAndApply(&sac); } OpenWindow ow; ow.id1 = id.getNum(); ow.id2 = h->id.getNum(); ow.window = (ID == Obj::CREATURE_GENERATOR1 || ID == Obj::REFUGEE_CAMP) ? OpenWindow::RECRUITMENT_FIRST : OpenWindow::RECRUITMENT_ALL; cb->sendAndApply(&ow); } } void CGDwelling::battleFinished(const CGHeroInstance *hero, const BattleResult &result) const { if (result.winner == 0) { onHeroVisit(hero); } } void CGDwelling::blockingDialogAnswered(const CGHeroInstance *hero, ui32 answer) const { auto relations = cb->getPlayerRelations(getOwner(), hero->getOwner()); if(stacksCount() > 0 && relations == PlayerRelations::ENEMIES) //guards present { if(answer) cb->startBattleI(hero, this); } else if(answer) { heroAcceptsCreatures(hero); } } int CGTownInstance::getSightRadious() const //returns sight distance { if (subID == ETownType::TOWER) { if (hasBuilt(BuildingID::GRAIL)) //skyship return -1; //entire map if (hasBuilt(BuildingID::LOOKOUT_TOWER)) //lookout tower return 20; } return 5; } void CGTownInstance::setPropertyDer(ui8 what, ui32 val) { ///this is freakin' overcomplicated solution switch (what) { case ObjProperty::STRUCTURE_ADD_VISITING_HERO: bonusingBuildings[val]->setProperty (ObjProperty::VISITORS, visitingHero->id.getNum()); break; case ObjProperty::STRUCTURE_CLEAR_VISITORS: bonusingBuildings[val]->setProperty (ObjProperty::STRUCTURE_CLEAR_VISITORS, 0); break; case ObjProperty::STRUCTURE_ADD_GARRISONED_HERO: //add garrisoned hero to visitors bonusingBuildings[val]->setProperty (ObjProperty::VISITORS, garrisonHero->id.getNum()); break; case ObjProperty::BONUS_VALUE_FIRST: bonusValue.first = val; break; case ObjProperty::BONUS_VALUE_SECOND: bonusValue.second = val; break; } } CGTownInstance::EFortLevel CGTownInstance::fortLevel() const //0 - none, 1 - fort, 2 - citadel, 3 - castle { if (hasBuilt(BuildingID::CASTLE)) return CASTLE; if (hasBuilt(BuildingID::CITADEL)) return CITADEL; if (hasBuilt(BuildingID::FORT)) return FORT; return NONE; } int CGTownInstance::hallLevel() const // -1 - none, 0 - village, 1 - town, 2 - city, 3 - capitol { if (hasBuilt(BuildingID::CAPITOL)) return 3; if (hasBuilt(BuildingID::CITY_HALL)) return 2; if (hasBuilt(BuildingID::TOWN_HALL)) return 1; if (hasBuilt(BuildingID::VILLAGE_HALL)) return 0; return -1; } int CGTownInstance::mageGuildLevel() const { if (hasBuilt(BuildingID::MAGES_GUILD_5)) return 5; if (hasBuilt(BuildingID::MAGES_GUILD_4)) return 4; if (hasBuilt(BuildingID::MAGES_GUILD_3)) return 3; if (hasBuilt(BuildingID::MAGES_GUILD_2)) return 2; if (hasBuilt(BuildingID::MAGES_GUILD_1)) return 1; return 0; } int CGTownInstance::getHordeLevel(const int & HID) const//HID - 0 or 1; returns creature level or -1 if that horde structure is not present { return town->hordeLvl.at(HID); } int CGTownInstance::creatureGrowth(const int & level) const { return getGrowthInfo(level).totalGrowth(); } GrowthInfo CGTownInstance::getGrowthInfo(int level) const { GrowthInfo ret; if (level<0 || level >=GameConstants::CREATURES_PER_TOWN) return ret; if (creatures[level].second.empty()) return ret; //no dwelling const CCreature *creature = VLC->creh->creatures[creatures[level].second.back()]; const int base = creature->growth; int castleBonus = 0; ret.entries.push_back(GrowthInfo::Entry(VLC->generaltexth->allTexts[590], base));// \n\nBasic growth %d" if (hasBuilt(BuildingID::CASTLE)) ret.entries.push_back(GrowthInfo::Entry(subID, BuildingID::CASTLE, castleBonus = base)); else if (hasBuilt(BuildingID::CITADEL)) ret.entries.push_back(GrowthInfo::Entry(subID, BuildingID::CITADEL, castleBonus = base / 2)); if(town->hordeLvl.at(0) == level)//horde 1 if(hasBuilt(BuildingID::HORDE_1)) ret.entries.push_back(GrowthInfo::Entry(subID, BuildingID::HORDE_1, creature->hordeGrowth)); if(town->hordeLvl.at(1) == level)//horde 2 if(hasBuilt(BuildingID::HORDE_2)) ret.entries.push_back(GrowthInfo::Entry(subID, BuildingID::HORDE_2, creature->hordeGrowth)); int dwellingBonus = 0; if(const PlayerState *p = cb->getPlayer(tempOwner, false)) { for(const CGDwelling *dwelling : p->dwellings) if(vstd::contains(creatures[level].second, dwelling->creatures[0].second[0])) dwellingBonus++; } if(dwellingBonus) ret.entries.push_back(GrowthInfo::Entry(VLC->generaltexth->allTexts[591], dwellingBonus));// \nExternal dwellings %+d //other *-of-legion-like bonuses (%d to growth cumulative with grail) TBonusListPtr bonuses = getBonuses(Selector::type(Bonus::CREATURE_GROWTH).And(Selector::subtype(level))); for(const Bonus *b : *bonuses) ret.entries.push_back(GrowthInfo::Entry(b->Description() + " %+d", b->val)); //statue-of-legion-like bonus: % to base+castle TBonusListPtr bonuses2 = getBonuses(Selector::type(Bonus::CREATURE_GROWTH_PERCENT)); for(const Bonus *b : *bonuses2) ret.entries.push_back(GrowthInfo::Entry(b->Description() + " %+d", b->val * (base + castleBonus) / 100)); if(hasBuilt(BuildingID::GRAIL)) //grail - +50% to ALL (so far added) growth ret.entries.push_back(GrowthInfo::Entry(subID, BuildingID::GRAIL, ret.totalGrowth() / 2)); return ret; } TResources CGTownInstance::dailyIncome() const { TResources ret; for (auto & p : town->buildings) { BuildingID buildingUpgrade; for (auto & p2 : town->buildings) { if (p2.second->upgrade == p.first) { buildingUpgrade = p2.first; } } if (!hasBuilt(buildingUpgrade)&&(hasBuilt(p.first))) { ret += p.second->produce; } } return ret; } bool CGTownInstance::hasFort() const { return hasBuilt(BuildingID::FORT); } bool CGTownInstance::hasCapitol() const { return hasBuilt(BuildingID::CAPITOL); } CGTownInstance::CGTownInstance() :IShipyard(this), IMarket(this), town(nullptr), builded(0), destroyed(0), identifier(0), alignment(0xff) { } CGTownInstance::~CGTownInstance() { for (auto & elem : bonusingBuildings) delete elem; } int CGTownInstance::spellsAtLevel(int level, bool checkGuild) const { if(checkGuild && mageGuildLevel() < level) return 0; int ret = 6 - level; //how many spells are available at this level if (hasBuilt(BuildingID::LIBRARY, ETownType::TOWER)) ret++; return ret; } bool CGTownInstance::needsLastStack() const { if(garrisonHero) return true; else return false; } void CGTownInstance::onHeroVisit(const CGHeroInstance * h) const { if( !cb->gameState()->getPlayerRelations( getOwner(), h->getOwner() ))//if this is enemy { if(armedGarrison() || visitingHero) { const CGHeroInstance *defendingHero = nullptr; const CArmedInstance *defendingArmy = this; if(visitingHero) defendingHero = visitingHero; else if(garrisonHero) defendingHero = garrisonHero; if(defendingHero) defendingArmy = defendingHero; bool outsideTown = (defendingHero == visitingHero && garrisonHero); //TODO //"borrowing" army from garrison to visiting hero cb->startBattlePrimary(h, defendingArmy, getSightCenter(), h, defendingHero, false, (outsideTown ? nullptr : this)); } else { cb->setOwner(this, h->tempOwner); removeCapitols(h->getOwner()); cb->heroVisitCastle(this, h); } } else if(h->visitablePos() == visitablePos()) { if (h->commander && !h->commander->alive) //rise commander. TODO: interactive script { SetCommanderProperty scp; scp.heroid = h->id; scp.which = SetCommanderProperty::ALIVE; scp.amount = 1; cb->sendAndApply (&scp); } cb->heroVisitCastle(this, h); } else { logGlobal->errorStream() << h->name << " visits allied town of " << name << " from different pos?"; } } void CGTownInstance::onHeroLeave(const CGHeroInstance * h) const { cb->stopHeroVisitCastle(this, h); } void CGTownInstance::initObj() ///initialize town structures { blockVisit = true; hoverName = name + ", " + town->faction->name; if (subID == ETownType::DUNGEON) creatures.resize(GameConstants::CREATURES_PER_TOWN+1);//extra dwelling for Dungeon else creatures.resize(GameConstants::CREATURES_PER_TOWN); for (int level = 0; level < GameConstants::CREATURES_PER_TOWN; level++) { BuildingID buildID = BuildingID(BuildingID::DWELL_FIRST).advance(level); int upgradeNum = 0; for (; town->buildings.count(buildID); upgradeNum++, buildID.advance(GameConstants::CREATURES_PER_TOWN)) { if (hasBuilt(buildID) && town->creatures.at(level).size() > upgradeNum) creatures[level].second.push_back(town->creatures[level][upgradeNum]); } } switch (subID) { //add new visitable objects case 0: bonusingBuildings.push_back (new COPWBonus(BuildingID::STABLES, this)); break; case 5: bonusingBuildings.push_back (new COPWBonus(BuildingID::MANA_VORTEX, this)); //fallthrough case 2: case 3: case 6: bonusingBuildings.push_back (new CTownBonus(BuildingID::SPECIAL_4, this)); break; case 7: bonusingBuildings.push_back (new CTownBonus(BuildingID::SPECIAL_1, this)); break; } //add special bonuses from buildings recreateBuildingsBonuses(); } void CGTownInstance::newTurn() const { if (cb->getDate(Date::DAY_OF_WEEK) == 1) //reset on new week { auto & rand = cb->gameState()->getRandomGenerator(); //give resources for Rampart, Mystic Pond if (hasBuilt(BuildingID::MYSTIC_POND, ETownType::RAMPART) && cb->getDate(Date::DAY) != 1 && (tempOwner < PlayerColor::PLAYER_LIMIT)) { int resID = rand.nextInt(2, 5); //bonus to random rare resource resID = (resID==2)?1:resID; int resVal = rand.nextInt(1, 4);//with size 1..4 cb->giveResource(tempOwner, static_cast(resID), resVal); cb->setObjProperty (id, ObjProperty::BONUS_VALUE_FIRST, resID); cb->setObjProperty (id, ObjProperty::BONUS_VALUE_SECOND, resVal); } if ( subID == ETownType::DUNGEON ) for (auto & elem : bonusingBuildings) { if ((elem)->ID == BuildingID::MANA_VORTEX) cb->setObjProperty (id, ObjProperty::STRUCTURE_CLEAR_VISITORS, (elem)->id); //reset visitors for Mana Vortex } if (tempOwner == PlayerColor::NEUTRAL) //garrison growth for neutral towns { std::vector nativeCrits; //slots for (auto & elem : Slots()) { if (elem.second->type->faction == subID) //native { nativeCrits.push_back(elem.first); //collect matching slots } } if (nativeCrits.size()) { SlotID pos = *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(nativeCrits, rand); StackLocation sl(this, pos); const CCreature *c = getCreature(pos); if (rand.nextInt(99) < 90 || c->upgrades.empty()) //increase number if no upgrade available { cb->changeStackCount(sl, c->growth); } else //upgrade { cb->changeStackType(sl, VLC->creh->creatures[*c->upgrades.begin()]); } } if ((stacksCount() < GameConstants::ARMY_SIZE && rand.nextInt(99) < 25) || Slots().empty()) //add new stack { int i = rand.nextInt(std::min(GameConstants::CREATURES_PER_TOWN, cb->getDate(Date::MONTH) << 1) - 1); if (!town->creatures[i].empty()) { CreatureID c = town->creatures[i][0]; SlotID n; TQuantity count = creatureGrowth(i); if (!count) // no dwelling count = VLC->creh->creatures[c]->growth; {//no lower tiers or above current month if ((n = getSlotFor(c)).validSlot()) { StackLocation sl(this, n); if (slotEmpty(n)) cb->insertNewStack(sl, VLC->creh->creatures[c], count); else //add to existing cb->changeStackCount(sl, count); } } } } } } } int3 CGTownInstance::getSightCenter() const { return pos - int3(2,0,0); } ui8 CGTownInstance::getPassableness() const { if (!armedGarrison())//empty castle - anyone can visit return GameConstants::ALL_PLAYERS; if ( tempOwner == PlayerColor::NEUTRAL )//neutral guarded - no one can visit return 0; ui8 mask = 0; TeamState * ts = cb->gameState()->getPlayerTeam(tempOwner); for(PlayerColor it : ts->players) mask |= 1< &offsets ) const { offsets += int3(-1,2,0), int3(-3,2,0); } void CGTownInstance::removeCapitols (PlayerColor owner) const { if (hasCapitol()) // search if there's an older capitol { PlayerState* state = cb->gameState()->getPlayer (owner); //get all towns owned by player for (auto i = state->towns.cbegin(); i < state->towns.cend(); ++i) { if (*i != this && (*i)->hasCapitol()) { RazeStructures rs; rs.tid = id; rs.bid.insert(BuildingID::CAPITOL); rs.destroyed = destroyed; cb->sendAndApply(&rs); return; } } } } int CGTownInstance::getBoatType() const { switch (town->faction->alignment) { case EAlignment::EVIL : return 0; case EAlignment::GOOD : return 1; case EAlignment::NEUTRAL : return 2; } assert(0); return -1; } int CGTownInstance::getMarketEfficiency() const { if (!hasBuilt(BuildingID::MARKETPLACE)) return 0; const PlayerState *p = cb->getPlayer(tempOwner); assert(p); int marketCount = 0; for(const CGTownInstance *t : p->towns) if(t->hasBuilt(BuildingID::MARKETPLACE)) marketCount++; return marketCount; } bool CGTownInstance::allowsTrade(EMarketMode::EMarketMode mode) const { switch(mode) { case EMarketMode::RESOURCE_RESOURCE: case EMarketMode::RESOURCE_PLAYER: return hasBuilt(BuildingID::MARKETPLACE); case EMarketMode::ARTIFACT_RESOURCE: case EMarketMode::RESOURCE_ARTIFACT: return hasBuilt(BuildingID::ARTIFACT_MERCHANT, ETownType::TOWER) || hasBuilt(BuildingID::ARTIFACT_MERCHANT, ETownType::DUNGEON) || hasBuilt(BuildingID::ARTIFACT_MERCHANT, ETownType::CONFLUX); case EMarketMode::CREATURE_RESOURCE: return hasBuilt(BuildingID::FREELANCERS_GUILD, ETownType::STRONGHOLD); case EMarketMode::CREATURE_UNDEAD: return hasBuilt(BuildingID::SKELETON_TRANSFORMER, ETownType::NECROPOLIS); case EMarketMode::RESOURCE_SKILL: return hasBuilt(BuildingID::MAGIC_UNIVERSITY, ETownType::CONFLUX); default: assert(0); return false; } } std::vector CGTownInstance::availableItemsIds(EMarketMode::EMarketMode mode) const { if(mode == EMarketMode::RESOURCE_ARTIFACT) { std::vector ret; for(const CArtifact *a : merchantArtifacts) if(a) ret.push_back(a->id); else ret.push_back(-1); return ret; } else if ( mode == EMarketMode::RESOURCE_SKILL ) { return universitySkills; } else return IMarket::availableItemsIds(mode); } void CGTownInstance::setType(si32 ID, si32 subID) { assert(ID == Obj::TOWN); // just in case CGObjectInstance::setType(ID, subID); town = VLC->townh->factions[subID]->town; randomizeArmy(subID); updateAppearance(); } void CGTownInstance::updateAppearance() { if (!hasFort()) appearance.animationFile = town->clientInfo.advMapVillage; else if(hasCapitol()) appearance.animationFile = town->clientInfo.advMapCapitol; else appearance.animationFile = town->clientInfo.advMapCastle; } std::string CGTownInstance::nodeName() const { return "Town (" + (town ? town->faction->name : "unknown") + ") of " + name; } void CGTownInstance::deserializationFix() { attachTo(&townAndVis); //Hero is already handled by CGameState::attachArmedObjects // if(visitingHero) // visitingHero->attachTo(&townAndVis); // if(garrisonHero) // garrisonHero->attachTo(this); } void CGTownInstance::updateMoraleBonusFromArmy() { Bonus *b = getBonusList().getFirst(Selector::sourceType(Bonus::ARMY).And(Selector::type(Bonus::MORALE))); if(!b) { b = new Bonus(Bonus::PERMANENT, Bonus::MORALE, Bonus::ARMY, 0, -1); addNewBonus(b); } if (garrisonHero) b->val = 0; else CArmedInstance::updateMoraleBonusFromArmy(); } void CGTownInstance::recreateBuildingsBonuses() { static TPropagatorPtr playerProp(new CPropagatorNodeType(PLAYER)); BonusList bl; getExportedBonusList().getBonuses(bl, Selector::sourceType(Bonus::TOWN_STRUCTURE)); for(Bonus *b : bl) removeBonus(b); //tricky! -> checks tavern only if no bratherhood of sword or not a castle if(subID != ETownType::CASTLE || !addBonusIfBuilt(BuildingID::BROTHERHOOD, Bonus::MORALE, +2)) addBonusIfBuilt(BuildingID::TAVERN, Bonus::MORALE, +1); if(subID == ETownType::CASTLE) //castle { addBonusIfBuilt(BuildingID::LIGHTHOUSE, Bonus::SEA_MOVEMENT, +500, playerProp); addBonusIfBuilt(BuildingID::GRAIL, Bonus::MORALE, +2, playerProp); //colossus } else if(subID == ETownType::RAMPART) //rampart { addBonusIfBuilt(BuildingID::FOUNTAIN_OF_FORTUNE, Bonus::LUCK, +2); //fountain of fortune addBonusIfBuilt(BuildingID::GRAIL, Bonus::LUCK, +2, playerProp); //guardian spirit } else if(subID == ETownType::TOWER) //tower { addBonusIfBuilt(BuildingID::GRAIL, Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, +15, PrimarySkill::KNOWLEDGE); //grail } else if(subID == ETownType::INFERNO) //Inferno { addBonusIfBuilt(BuildingID::STORMCLOUDS, Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, +2, PrimarySkill::SPELL_POWER); //Brimstone Clouds } else if(subID == ETownType::NECROPOLIS) //necropolis { addBonusIfBuilt(BuildingID::COVER_OF_DARKNESS, Bonus::DARKNESS, +20); addBonusIfBuilt(BuildingID::NECROMANCY_AMPLIFIER, Bonus::SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY, +10, playerProp, SecondarySkill::NECROMANCY); //necromancy amplifier addBonusIfBuilt(BuildingID::GRAIL, Bonus::SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY, +20, playerProp, SecondarySkill::NECROMANCY); //Soul prison } else if(subID == ETownType::DUNGEON) //Dungeon { addBonusIfBuilt(BuildingID::GRAIL, Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, +12, PrimarySkill::SPELL_POWER); //grail } else if(subID == ETownType::STRONGHOLD) //Stronghold { addBonusIfBuilt(BuildingID::GRAIL, Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, +20, PrimarySkill::ATTACK); //grail } else if(subID == ETownType::FORTRESS) //Fortress { addBonusIfBuilt(BuildingID::GLYPHS_OF_FEAR, Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, +2, PrimarySkill::DEFENSE); //Glyphs of Fear addBonusIfBuilt(BuildingID::BLOOD_OBELISK, Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, +2, PrimarySkill::ATTACK); //Blood Obelisk addBonusIfBuilt(BuildingID::GRAIL, Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, +10, PrimarySkill::ATTACK); //grail addBonusIfBuilt(BuildingID::GRAIL, Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, +10, PrimarySkill::DEFENSE); //grail } else if(subID == ETownType::CONFLUX) { } } bool CGTownInstance::addBonusIfBuilt(BuildingID building, Bonus::BonusType type, int val, int subtype /*= -1*/) { static auto emptyPropagator = TPropagatorPtr(); return addBonusIfBuilt(building, type, val, emptyPropagator, subtype); } bool CGTownInstance::addBonusIfBuilt(BuildingID building, Bonus::BonusType type, int val, TPropagatorPtr & prop, int subtype /*= -1*/) { if(hasBuilt(building)) { std::ostringstream descr; descr << town->buildings.at(building)->Name() << " "; if(val > 0) descr << "+"; else if(val < 0) descr << "-"; descr << val; Bonus *b = new Bonus(Bonus::PERMANENT, type, Bonus::TOWN_STRUCTURE, val, building, descr.str(), subtype); if(prop) b->addPropagator(prop); addNewBonus(b); return true; } return false; } void CGTownInstance::setVisitingHero(CGHeroInstance *h) { assert(!!visitingHero == !h); if(h) { PlayerState *p = cb->gameState()->getPlayer(h->tempOwner); assert(p); h->detachFrom(p); h->attachTo(&townAndVis); visitingHero = h; h->visitedTown = this; h->inTownGarrison = false; } else { PlayerState *p = cb->gameState()->getPlayer(visitingHero->tempOwner); visitingHero->visitedTown = nullptr; visitingHero->detachFrom(&townAndVis); visitingHero->attachTo(p); visitingHero = nullptr; } } void CGTownInstance::setGarrisonedHero(CGHeroInstance *h) { assert(!!garrisonHero == !h); if(h) { PlayerState *p = cb->gameState()->getPlayer(h->tempOwner); assert(p); h->detachFrom(p); h->attachTo(this); garrisonHero = h; h->visitedTown = this; h->inTownGarrison = true; } else { PlayerState *p = cb->gameState()->getPlayer(garrisonHero->tempOwner); garrisonHero->visitedTown = nullptr; garrisonHero->inTownGarrison = false; garrisonHero->detachFrom(this); garrisonHero->attachTo(p); garrisonHero = nullptr; } updateMoraleBonusFromArmy(); //avoid giving morale bonus for same army twice } bool CGTownInstance::armedGarrison() const { return stacksCount() || garrisonHero; } int CGTownInstance::getTownLevel() const { // count all buildings that are not upgrades return boost::range::count_if(builtBuildings, [&](const BuildingID & build) { return town->buildings.at(build) && town->buildings.at(build)->upgrade == -1; }); } CBonusSystemNode * CGTownInstance::whatShouldBeAttached() { return &townAndVis; } const CArmedInstance * CGTownInstance::getUpperArmy() const { if(garrisonHero) return garrisonHero; return this; } bool CGTownInstance::hasBuilt(BuildingID buildingID, int townID) const { if (townID == town->faction->index || townID == ETownType::ANY) return hasBuilt(buildingID); return false; } bool CGTownInstance::hasBuilt(BuildingID buildingID) const { return vstd::contains(builtBuildings, buildingID); } void CGTownInstance::addHeroToStructureVisitors( const CGHeroInstance *h, si32 structureInstanceID ) const { if(visitingHero == h) cb->setObjProperty(id, ObjProperty::STRUCTURE_ADD_VISITING_HERO, structureInstanceID); //add to visitors else if(garrisonHero == h) cb->setObjProperty(id, ObjProperty::STRUCTURE_ADD_GARRISONED_HERO, structureInstanceID); //then it must be garrisoned hero else { //should never ever happen logGlobal->errorStream() << "Cannot add hero " << h->name << " to visitors of structure #" << structureInstanceID; assert(0); } } void CGTownInstance::battleFinished(const CGHeroInstance *hero, const BattleResult &result) const { if(result.winner == 0) { removeCapitols(hero->getOwner()); cb->setOwner (this, hero->tempOwner); //give control after checkout is done FoWChange fw; fw.player = hero->tempOwner; fw.mode = 1; getSightTiles (fw.tiles); //update visibility for castle structures cb->sendAndApply (&fw); } } COPWBonus::COPWBonus (BuildingID index, CGTownInstance *TOWN) { ID = index; town = TOWN; id = town->bonusingBuildings.size(); } void COPWBonus::setProperty(ui8 what, ui32 val) { switch (what) { case ObjProperty::VISITORS: visitors.insert(val); break; case ObjProperty::STRUCTURE_CLEAR_VISITORS: visitors.clear(); break; } } void COPWBonus::onHeroVisit (const CGHeroInstance * h) const { ObjectInstanceID heroID = h->id; if (town->hasBuilt(ID)) { InfoWindow iw; iw.player = h->tempOwner; switch (town->subID) { case ETownType::CASTLE: //Stables if (!h->hasBonusFrom(Bonus::OBJECT, Obj::STABLES)) //does not stack with advMap Stables { GiveBonus gb; gb.bonus = Bonus(Bonus::ONE_WEEK, Bonus::LAND_MOVEMENT, Bonus::OBJECT, 600, 94, VLC->generaltexth->arraytxt[100]); gb.id = heroID.getNum(); cb->giveHeroBonus(&gb); iw.text << VLC->generaltexth->allTexts[580]; cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); } break; case ETownType::DUNGEON: //Mana Vortex if (visitors.empty() && h->mana <= h->manaLimit() * 2) { cb->setManaPoints (heroID, 2 * h->manaLimit()); //TODO: investigate line below //cb->setObjProperty (town->id, ObjProperty::VISITED, true); iw.text << VLC->generaltexth->allTexts[579]; cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); town->addHeroToStructureVisitors(h, id); } break; } } } CTownBonus::CTownBonus (BuildingID index, CGTownInstance *TOWN) { ID = index; town = TOWN; id = town->bonusingBuildings.size(); } void CTownBonus::setProperty (ui8 what, ui32 val) { if(what == ObjProperty::VISITORS) visitors.insert(ObjectInstanceID(val)); } void CTownBonus::onHeroVisit (const CGHeroInstance * h) const { ObjectInstanceID heroID = h->id; if (town->hasBuilt(ID) && visitors.find(heroID) == visitors.end()) { InfoWindow iw; PrimarySkill::PrimarySkill what = PrimarySkill::ATTACK; int val=0, mid=0; switch (ID) { case BuildingID::SPECIAL_4: switch(town->subID) { case ETownType::TOWER: //wall what = PrimarySkill::KNOWLEDGE; val = 1; mid = 581; iw.components.push_back (Component(Component::PRIM_SKILL, 3, 1, 0)); break; case ETownType::INFERNO: //order of fire what = PrimarySkill::SPELL_POWER; val = 1; mid = 582; iw.components.push_back (Component(Component::PRIM_SKILL, 2, 1, 0)); break; case ETownType::STRONGHOLD://hall of Valhalla what = PrimarySkill::ATTACK; val = 1; mid = 584; iw.components.push_back (Component(Component::PRIM_SKILL, 0, 1, 0)); break; case ETownType::DUNGEON://academy of battle scholars what = PrimarySkill::EXPERIENCE; val = h->calculateXp(1000); mid = 583; iw.components.push_back (Component(Component::EXPERIENCE, 0, val, 0)); break; } break; case BuildingID::SPECIAL_1: switch(town->subID) { case ETownType::FORTRESS: //cage of warlords what = PrimarySkill::DEFENSE; val = 1; mid = 585; iw.components.push_back (Component(Component::PRIM_SKILL, 1, 1, 0)); break; } break; } assert(mid); iw.player = cb->getOwner(heroID); iw.text << VLC->generaltexth->allTexts[mid]; cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); cb->changePrimSkill (cb->getHero(heroID), what, val); town->addHeroToStructureVisitors(h, id); } } const std::string & CGCreature::getHoverText() const { if(stacks.empty()) { static const std::string errorValue("!!!INVALID_STACK!!!"); //should not happen... logGlobal->errorStream() << "Invalid stack at tile " << pos << ": subID=" << subID << "; id=" << id; return errorValue; // references to temporary are illegal - use pre-constructed string } MetaString ms; int pom = stacks.begin()->second->getQuantityID(); pom = 172 + 3*pom; ms.addTxt(MetaString::ARRAY_TXT,pom); ms << " " ; ms.addTxt(MetaString::CRE_PL_NAMES,subID); ms.toString(hoverName); if(const CGHeroInstance *selHero = cb->getSelectedHero(cb->getCurrentPlayer())) { const JsonNode & texts = VLC->generaltexth->localizedTexts["adventureMap"]["monsterThreat"]; hoverName += texts["title"].String(); int choice; double ratio = ((double)getArmyStrength() / selHero->getTotalStrength()); if (ratio < 0.1) choice = 0; else if (ratio < 0.25) choice = 1; else if (ratio < 0.6) choice = 2; else if (ratio < 0.9) choice = 3; else if (ratio < 1.1) choice = 4; else if (ratio < 1.3) choice = 5; else if (ratio < 1.8) choice = 6; else if (ratio < 2.5) choice = 7; else if (ratio < 4) choice = 8; else if (ratio < 8) choice = 9; else if (ratio < 20) choice = 10; else choice = 11; hoverName += texts["levels"].Vector()[choice].String(); } return hoverName; } void CGCreature::onHeroVisit( const CGHeroInstance * h ) const { int action = takenAction(h); switch( action ) //decide what we do... { case FIGHT: fight(h); break; case FLEE: //flee { flee(h); break; } case JOIN_FOR_FREE: //join for free { BlockingDialog ynd(true,false); ynd.player = h->tempOwner; ynd.text.addTxt(MetaString::ADVOB_TXT, 86); ynd.text.addReplacement(MetaString::CRE_PL_NAMES, subID); cb->showBlockingDialog(&ynd); break; } default: //join for gold { assert(action > 0); //ask if player agrees to pay gold BlockingDialog ynd(true,false); ynd.player = h->tempOwner; std::string tmp = VLC->generaltexth->advobtxt[90]; boost::algorithm::replace_first(tmp,"%d",boost::lexical_cast(getStackCount(SlotID(0)))); boost::algorithm::replace_first(tmp,"%d",boost::lexical_cast(action)); boost::algorithm::replace_first(tmp,"%s",VLC->creh->creatures[subID]->namePl); ynd.text << tmp; cb->showBlockingDialog(&ynd); break; } } } void CGCreature::initObj() { blockVisit = true; switch(character) { case 0: character = -4; break; case 1: character = cb->gameState()->getRandomGenerator().nextInt(1, 7); break; case 2: character = cb->gameState()->getRandomGenerator().nextInt(1, 10); break; case 3: character = cb->gameState()->getRandomGenerator().nextInt(4, 10); break; case 4: character = 10; break; } stacks[SlotID(0)]->setType(CreatureID(subID)); TQuantity &amount = stacks[SlotID(0)]->count; CCreature &c = *VLC->creh->creatures[subID]; if(amount == 0) { amount = cb->gameState()->getRandomGenerator().nextInt(c.ammMin, c.ammMax); if(amount == 0) //armies with 0 creatures are illegal { logGlobal->warnStream() << "Problem: stack " << nodeName() << " cannot have 0 creatures. Check properties of " << c.nodeName(); amount = 1; } } formation.randomFormation = cb->gameState()->getRandomGenerator().nextInt(); temppower = stacks[SlotID(0)]->count * 1000; refusedJoining = false; } void CGCreature::newTurn() const {//Works only for stacks of single type of size up to 2 millions if (stacks.begin()->second->count < VLC->modh->settings.CREEP_SIZE && cb->getDate(Date::DAY_OF_WEEK) == 1 && cb->getDate(Date::DAY) > 1) { ui32 power = temppower * (100 + VLC->modh->settings.WEEKLY_GROWTH)/100; cb->setObjProperty(id, ObjProperty::MONSTER_COUNT, std::min (power/1000 , (ui32)VLC->modh->settings.CREEP_SIZE)); //set new amount cb->setObjProperty(id, ObjProperty::MONSTER_POWER, power); //increase temppower } if (VLC->modh->modules.STACK_EXP) cb->setObjProperty(id, ObjProperty::MONSTER_EXP, VLC->modh->settings.NEUTRAL_STACK_EXP); //for testing purpose } void CGCreature::setPropertyDer(ui8 what, ui32 val) { switch (what) { case ObjProperty::MONSTER_COUNT: stacks[SlotID(0)]->count = val; break; case ObjProperty::MONSTER_POWER: temppower = val; break; case ObjProperty::MONSTER_EXP: giveStackExp(val); break; case ObjProperty::MONSTER_RESTORE_TYPE: formation.basicType = val; break; case ObjProperty::MONSTER_REFUSED_JOIN: refusedJoining = val; break; } } int CGCreature::takenAction(const CGHeroInstance *h, bool allowJoin) const { //calculate relative strength of hero and creatures armies double relStrength = double(h->getTotalStrength()) / getArmyStrength(); int powerFactor; if(relStrength >= 7) powerFactor = 11; else if(relStrength >= 1) powerFactor = (int)(2*(relStrength-1)); else if(relStrength >= 0.5) powerFactor = -1; else if(relStrength >= 0.333) powerFactor = -2; else powerFactor = -3; std::set myKindCres; //what creatures are the same kind as we const CCreature * myCreature = VLC->creh->creatures[subID]; myKindCres.insert(myCreature->idNumber); //we myKindCres.insert(myCreature->upgrades.begin(), myCreature->upgrades.end()); //our upgrades for(ConstTransitivePtr &crea : VLC->creh->creatures) { if(vstd::contains(crea->upgrades, myCreature->idNumber)) //it's our base creatures myKindCres.insert(crea->idNumber); } int count = 0, //how many creatures of similar kind has hero totalCount = 0; for (auto & elem : h->Slots()) { if(vstd::contains(myKindCres,elem.second->type->idNumber)) count += elem.second->count; totalCount += elem.second->count; } int sympathy = 0; // 0 if hero have no similar creatures if(count) sympathy++; // 1 - if hero have at least 1 similar creature if(count*2 > totalCount) sympathy++; // 2 - hero have similar creatures more that 50% int charisma = powerFactor + h->getSecSkillLevel(SecondarySkill::DIPLOMACY) + sympathy; if(charisma < character) //creatures will fight return -2; if (allowJoin) { if(h->getSecSkillLevel(SecondarySkill::DIPLOMACY) + sympathy + 1 >= character) return 0; //join for free else if(h->getSecSkillLevel(SecondarySkill::DIPLOMACY) * 2 + sympathy + 1 >= character) return VLC->creh->creatures[subID]->cost[6] * getStackCount(SlotID(0)); //join for gold } //we are still here - creatures have not joined hero, flee or fight if (charisma > character) return -1; //flee else return -2; //fight } void CGCreature::fleeDecision(const CGHeroInstance *h, ui32 pursue) const { if(refusedJoining) cb->setObjProperty(id, ObjProperty::MONSTER_REFUSED_JOIN, false); if(pursue) { fight(h); } else { cb->removeObject(this); } } void CGCreature::joinDecision(const CGHeroInstance *h, int cost, ui32 accept) const { if(!accept) { if(takenAction(h,false) == -1) //they flee { cb->setObjProperty(id, ObjProperty::MONSTER_REFUSED_JOIN, true); flee(h); } else //they fight { showInfoDialog(h,87,0);//Insulted by your refusal of their offer, the monsters attack! fight(h); } } else //accepted { if (cb->getResource(h->tempOwner, Res::GOLD) < cost) //player don't have enough gold! { InfoWindow iw; iw.player = h->tempOwner; iw.text << std::pair(1,29); //You don't have enough gold cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); //act as if player refused joinDecision(h,cost,false); return; } //take gold if(cost) cb->giveResource(h->tempOwner,Res::GOLD,-cost); cb->tryJoiningArmy(this, h, true, true); } } void CGCreature::fight( const CGHeroInstance *h ) const { //split stacks //TODO: multiple creature types in a stack? int basicType = stacks.begin()->second->type->idNumber; cb->setObjProperty(id, ObjProperty::MONSTER_RESTORE_TYPE, basicType); //store info about creature stack double relativePower = static_cast(h->getTotalStrength()) / getArmyStrength(); int stacksCount; //TODO: number depends on tile type if (relativePower < 0.5) { stacksCount = 7; } else if (relativePower < 0.67) { stacksCount = 7; } else if (relativePower < 1) { stacksCount = 6; } else if (relativePower < 1.5) { stacksCount = 5; } else if (relativePower < 2) { stacksCount = 4; } else { stacksCount = 3; } SlotID sourceSlot = stacks.begin()->first; SlotID destSlot; for (int stacksLeft = stacksCount; stacksLeft > 1; --stacksLeft) { int stackSize = stacks.begin()->second->count / stacksLeft; if (stackSize) { if ((destSlot = getFreeSlot()).validSlot()) cb->moveStack(StackLocation(this, sourceSlot), StackLocation(this, destSlot), stackSize); else { logGlobal->warnStream() <<"Warning! Not enough empty slots to split stack!"; break; } } else break; } if (stacksCount > 1) { if (formation.randomFormation % 100 < 50) //upgrade { SlotID slotId = SlotID(stacks.size() / 2); const auto & upgrades = getStack(slotId).type->upgrades; if(!upgrades.empty()) { auto it = RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(upgrades, cb->gameState()->getRandomGenerator()); cb->changeStackType(StackLocation(this, slotId), VLC->creh->creatures[*it]); } } } cb->startBattleI(h, this); } void CGCreature::flee( const CGHeroInstance * h ) const { BlockingDialog ynd(true,false); ynd.player = h->tempOwner; ynd.text.addTxt(MetaString::ADVOB_TXT,91); ynd.text.addReplacement(MetaString::CRE_PL_NAMES, subID); cb->showBlockingDialog(&ynd); } void CGCreature::battleFinished(const CGHeroInstance *hero, const BattleResult &result) const { if(result.winner==0) { cb->removeObject(this); } else { //int killedAmount=0; //for(std::set >::iterator i=result->casualties[1].begin(); i!=result->casualties[1].end(); i++) // if(i->first == subID) // killedAmount += i->second; //cb->setAmount(id, slots.find(0)->second.second - killedAmount); /* MetaString ms; int pom = slots.find(0)->second.getQuantityID(); pom = 174 + 3*pom + 1; ms << std::pair(6,pom) << " " << std::pair(7,subID); cb->setHoverName(id,&ms); cb->setObjProperty(id, 11, slots.begin()->second.count * 1000); */ //merge stacks into one TSlots::const_iterator i; CCreature * cre = VLC->creh->creatures[formation.basicType]; for (i = stacks.begin(); i != stacks.end(); i++) { if (cre->isMyUpgrade(i->second->type)) { cb->changeStackType (StackLocation(this, i->first), cre); //un-upgrade creatures } } //first stack has to be at slot 0 -> if original one got killed, move there first remaining stack if(!hasStackAtSlot(SlotID(0))) cb->moveStack(StackLocation(this, stacks.begin()->first), StackLocation(this, SlotID(0)), stacks.begin()->second->count); while (stacks.size() > 1) //hopefully that's enough { // TODO it's either overcomplicated (if we assume there'll be only one stack) or buggy (if we allow multiple stacks... but that'll also cause troubles elsewhere) i = stacks.end(); i--; SlotID slot = getSlotFor(i->second->type); if (slot == i->first) //no reason to move stack to its own slot break; else cb->moveStack (StackLocation(this, i->first), StackLocation(this, slot), i->second->count); } cb->setObjProperty(id, ObjProperty::MONSTER_POWER, stacks.begin()->second->count * 1000); //remember casualties } } void CGCreature::blockingDialogAnswered(const CGHeroInstance *hero, ui32 answer) const { auto action = takenAction(hero); if(!refusedJoining && action >= JOIN_FOR_FREE) //higher means price joinDecision(hero, action, answer); else if(action != FIGHT) fleeDecision(hero, answer); else assert(0); } void CGMine::onHeroVisit( const CGHeroInstance * h ) const { int relations = cb->gameState()->getPlayerRelations(h->tempOwner, tempOwner); if(relations == 2) //we're visiting our mine { cb->showGarrisonDialog(id,h->id,true); return; } else if (relations == 1)//ally return; if(stacksCount()) //Mine is guarded { BlockingDialog ynd(true,false); ynd.player = h->tempOwner; ynd.text.addTxt(MetaString::ADVOB_TXT, subID == 7 ? 84 : 187); cb->showBlockingDialog(&ynd); return; } flagMine(h->tempOwner); } void CGMine::newTurn() const { if(cb->getDate() == 1) return; if (tempOwner == PlayerColor::NEUTRAL) return; cb->giveResource(tempOwner, producedResource, producedQuantity); } void CGMine::initObj() { if(subID >= 7) //Abandoned Mine { //set guardians int howManyTroglodytes = cb->gameState()->getRandomGenerator().nextInt(100, 199); auto troglodytes = new CStackInstance(CreatureID::TROGLODYTES, howManyTroglodytes); putStack(SlotID(0), troglodytes); //after map reading tempOwner placeholds bitmask for allowed resources std::vector possibleResources; for (int i = 0; i < PlayerColor::PLAYER_LIMIT_I; i++) if(tempOwner.getNum() & 1<(i)); assert(!possibleResources.empty()); producedResource = *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(possibleResources, cb->gameState()->getRandomGenerator()); tempOwner = PlayerColor::NEUTRAL; hoverName = VLC->generaltexth->mines[7].first + "\n" + VLC->generaltexth->allTexts[202] + " " + troglodytes->getQuantityTXT(false) + " " + troglodytes->type->namePl; } else { producedResource = static_cast(subID); MetaString ms; ms << std::pair(9,producedResource); if(tempOwner >= PlayerColor::PLAYER_LIMIT) tempOwner = PlayerColor::NEUTRAL; else ms << " (" << std::pair(6,23+tempOwner.getNum()) << ")"; ms.toString(hoverName); } producedQuantity = defaultResProduction(); } void CGMine::flagMine(PlayerColor player) const { assert(tempOwner != player); cb->setOwner(this, player); //not ours? flag it! MetaString ms; ms << std::pair(9,subID) << "\n(" << std::pair(6,23+player.getNum()) << ")"; if(subID == 7) { ms << "(%s)"; ms.addReplacement(MetaString::RES_NAMES, producedResource); } cb->setHoverName(this,&ms); InfoWindow iw; iw.soundID = soundBase::FLAGMINE; iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::MINE_EVNTS,producedResource); //not use subID, abandoned mines uses default mine texts iw.player = player; iw.components.push_back(Component(Component::RESOURCE,producedResource,producedQuantity,-1)); cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); } ui32 CGMine::defaultResProduction() { switch(producedResource) { case Res::WOOD: case Res::ORE: return 2; case Res::GOLD: return 1000; default: return 1; } } void CGMine::battleFinished(const CGHeroInstance *hero, const BattleResult &result) const { if(result.winner == 0) //attacker won { if(subID == 7) { showInfoDialog(hero->tempOwner, 85, 0); } flagMine(hero->tempOwner); } } void CGMine::blockingDialogAnswered(const CGHeroInstance *hero, ui32 answer) const { if(answer) cb->startBattleI(hero, this); } void CGResource::initObj() { blockVisit = true; hoverName = VLC->generaltexth->restypes[subID]; if(!amount) { switch(subID) { case 6: amount = cb->gameState()->getRandomGenerator().nextInt(500, 1000); break; case 0: case 2: amount = cb->gameState()->getRandomGenerator().nextInt(6, 10); break; default: amount = cb->gameState()->getRandomGenerator().nextInt(3, 5); break; } } } void CGResource::onHeroVisit( const CGHeroInstance * h ) const { if(stacksCount()) { if(message.size()) { BlockingDialog ynd(true,false); ynd.player = h->getOwner(); ynd.text << message; cb->showBlockingDialog(&ynd); } else { blockingDialogAnswered(h, true); //behave as if player accepted battle } } else { if(message.length()) { InfoWindow iw; iw.player = h->tempOwner; iw.text << message; cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); } collectRes(h->getOwner()); } } void CGResource::collectRes( PlayerColor player ) const { cb->giveResource(player, static_cast(subID), amount); ShowInInfobox sii; sii.player = player; sii.c = Component(Component::RESOURCE,subID,amount,0); sii.text.addTxt(MetaString::ADVOB_TXT,113); sii.text.addReplacement(MetaString::RES_NAMES, subID); cb->showCompInfo(&sii); cb->removeObject(this); } void CGResource::battleFinished(const CGHeroInstance *hero, const BattleResult &result) const { if(result.winner == 0) //attacker won collectRes(hero->getOwner()); } void CGResource::blockingDialogAnswered(const CGHeroInstance *hero, ui32 answer) const { if(answer) cb->startBattleI(hero, this); } void CGTeleport::onHeroVisit( const CGHeroInstance * h ) const { ObjectInstanceID destinationid; switch(ID) { case Obj::MONOLITH_ONE_WAY_ENTRANCE: //one way - find corresponding exit monolith { if(vstd::contains(objs,Obj::MONOLITH_ONE_WAY_EXIT) && vstd::contains(objs[Obj::MONOLITH_ONE_WAY_EXIT],subID) && objs[Obj::MONOLITH_ONE_WAY_EXIT][subID].size()) { destinationid = *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(objs[Obj::MONOLITH_ONE_WAY_EXIT][subID], cb->gameState()->getRandomGenerator()); } else { logGlobal->warnStream() << "Cannot find corresponding exit monolith for "<< id; } break; } case Obj::MONOLITH_TWO_WAY://two way monolith - pick any other one case Obj::WHIRLPOOL: //Whirlpool if(vstd::contains(objs,ID) && vstd::contains(objs[ID],subID) && objs[ID][subID].size()>1) { //choose another exit do { destinationid = *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(objs[ID][subID], cb->gameState()->getRandomGenerator()); } while(destinationid == id); if (ID == Obj::WHIRLPOOL) { if (!h->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::WHIRLPOOL_PROTECTION)) { if (h->Slots().size() > 1 || h->Slots().begin()->second->count > 1) { //we can't remove last unit SlotID targetstack = h->Slots().begin()->first; //slot numbers may vary for(auto i = h->Slots().rbegin(); i != h->Slots().rend(); i++) { if (h->getPower(targetstack) > h->getPower(i->first)) { targetstack = (i->first); } } TQuantity countToTake = h->getStackCount(targetstack) * 0.5; vstd::amax(countToTake, 1); InfoWindow iw; iw.player = h->tempOwner; iw.text.addTxt (MetaString::ADVOB_TXT, 168); iw.components.push_back (Component(CStackBasicDescriptor(h->getCreature(targetstack), countToTake))); cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); cb->changeStackCount(StackLocation(h, targetstack), -countToTake); } } } } else logGlobal->warnStream() << "Cannot find corresponding exit monolith for "<< id; break; case Obj::SUBTERRANEAN_GATE: //find nearest subterranean gate on the other level { destinationid = getMatchingGate(id); if(destinationid == ObjectInstanceID()) //no exit { showInfoDialog(h,153,0);//Just inside the entrance you find a large pile of rubble blocking the tunnel. You leave discouraged. } break; } } if(destinationid == ObjectInstanceID()) { logGlobal->warnStream() << "Cannot find exit... (obj at " << pos << ") :( "; return; } if (ID == Obj::WHIRLPOOL) { std::set tiles = cb->getObj(destinationid)->getBlockedPos(); auto & tile = *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(tiles, cb->gameState()->getRandomGenerator()); cb->moveHero(h->id, tile + int3(1,0,0), true); } else cb->moveHero (h->id,CGHeroInstance::convertPosition(cb->getObj(destinationid)->pos,true) - getVisitableOffset(), true); } void CGTeleport::initObj() { int si = subID; switch (ID) { case Obj::SUBTERRANEAN_GATE://ignore subterranean gates subid case Obj::WHIRLPOOL: { si = 0; break; } default: break; } objs[ID][si].push_back(id); } void CGTeleport::postInit() //matches subterranean gates into pairs { //split on underground and surface gates std::vector gatesSplit[2]; //surface and underground gates for(auto & elem : objs[Obj::SUBTERRANEAN_GATE][0]) { const CGObjectInstance *hlp = cb->getObj(elem); gatesSplit[hlp->pos.z].push_back(hlp); } //sort by position std::sort(gatesSplit[0].begin(), gatesSplit[0].end(), [](const CGObjectInstance * a, const CGObjectInstance * b) { return a->pos < b->pos; }); for(size_t i = 0; i < gatesSplit[0].size(); i++) { const CGObjectInstance *cur = gatesSplit[0][i]; //find nearest underground exit std::pair best(-1, std::numeric_limits::max()); //pair for(int j = 0; j < gatesSplit[1].size(); j++) { const CGObjectInstance *checked = gatesSplit[1][j]; if(!checked) continue; si32 hlp = checked->pos.dist2dSQ(cur->pos); if(hlp < best.second) { best.first = j; best.second = hlp; } } if(best.first >= 0) //found pair { gates.push_back(std::make_pair(cur->id, gatesSplit[1][best.first]->id)); gatesSplit[1][best.first] = nullptr; } else gates.push_back(std::make_pair(cur->id, ObjectInstanceID())); } objs.erase(Obj::SUBTERRANEAN_GATE); } ObjectInstanceID CGTeleport::getMatchingGate(ObjectInstanceID id) { for(auto & gate : gates) { if(gate.first == id) return gate.second; if(gate.second == id) return gate.first; } return ObjectInstanceID(); } void CGArtifact::initObj() { blockVisit = true; if(ID == Obj::ARTIFACT) { hoverName = VLC->arth->artifacts[subID]->Name(); if(!storedArtifact->artType) storedArtifact->setType(VLC->arth->artifacts[subID]); } if(ID == Obj::SPELL_SCROLL) subID = 1; assert(storedArtifact->artType); assert(storedArtifact->getParentNodes().size()); //assert(storedArtifact->artType->id == subID); //this does not stop desync } void CGArtifact::onHeroVisit( const CGHeroInstance * h ) const { if(!stacksCount()) { InfoWindow iw; iw.player = h->tempOwner; switch(ID) { case Obj::ARTIFACT: { iw.soundID = soundBase::treasure; //play sound only for non-scroll arts iw.components.push_back(Component(Component::ARTIFACT,subID,0,0)); if(message.length()) iw.text << message; else { if (VLC->arth->artifacts[subID]->EventText().size()) iw.text << std::pair (MetaString::ART_EVNTS, subID); else //fix for mod artifacts with no event text { iw.text.addTxt (MetaString::ADVOB_TXT, 183); //% has found treasure iw.text.addReplacement (h->name); } } } break; case Obj::SPELL_SCROLL: { int spellID = storedArtifact->getGivenSpellID(); iw.components.push_back (Component(Component::SPELL, spellID,0,0)); iw.text.addTxt (MetaString::ADVOB_TXT,135); iw.text.addReplacement(MetaString::SPELL_NAME, spellID); } break; } cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); pick(h); } else { if(message.size()) { BlockingDialog ynd(true,false); ynd.player = h->getOwner(); ynd.text << message; cb->showBlockingDialog(&ynd); } else { blockingDialogAnswered(h, true); } } } void CGArtifact::pick(const CGHeroInstance * h) const { cb->giveHeroArtifact(h, storedArtifact, ArtifactPosition::FIRST_AVAILABLE); cb->removeObject(this); } void CGArtifact::battleFinished(const CGHeroInstance *hero, const BattleResult &result) const { if(result.winner == 0) //attacker won pick(hero); } void CGArtifact::blockingDialogAnswered(const CGHeroInstance *hero, ui32 answer) const { if(answer) cb->startBattleI(hero, this); } bool CQuest::checkQuest (const CGHeroInstance * h) const { switch (missionType) { case MISSION_NONE: return true; case MISSION_LEVEL: if (m13489val <= h->level) return true; return false; case MISSION_PRIMARY_STAT: for (int i = 0; i < GameConstants::PRIMARY_SKILLS; ++i) { if (h->getPrimSkillLevel(static_cast(i)) < m2stats[i]) return false; } return true; case MISSION_KILL_HERO: case MISSION_KILL_CREATURE: if (!h->cb->getObjByQuestIdentifier(m13489val)) return true; return false; case MISSION_ART: for (auto & elem : m5arts) { if (h->hasArt(elem)) continue; return false; //if the artifact was not found } return true; case MISSION_ARMY: { std::vector::const_iterator cre; TSlots::const_iterator it; ui32 count; for (cre = m6creatures.begin(); cre != m6creatures.end(); ++cre) { for (count = 0, it = h->Slots().begin(); it != h->Slots().end(); ++it) { if (it->second->type == cre->type) count += it->second->count; } if (count < cre->count) //not enough creatures of this kind return false; } } return true; case MISSION_RESOURCES: for (Res::ERes i = Res::WOOD; i <= Res::GOLD; vstd::advance(i, +1)) //including Mithril ? { //Quest has no direct access to callback if (h->cb->getResource (h->tempOwner, i) < m7resources[i]) return false; } return true; case MISSION_HERO: if (m13489val == h->type->ID.getNum()) return true; return false; case MISSION_PLAYER: if (m13489val == h->getOwner().getNum()) return true; return false; default: return false; } } void CQuest::getVisitText (MetaString &iwText, std::vector &components, bool isCustom, bool firstVisit, const CGHeroInstance * h) const { std::string text; bool failRequirements = (h ? !checkQuest(h) : true); if (firstVisit) { isCustom = isCustomFirst; iwText << (text = firstVisitText); } else if (failRequirements) { isCustom = isCustomNext; iwText << (text = nextVisitText); } switch (missionType) { case MISSION_LEVEL: components.push_back(Component (Component::EXPERIENCE, 0, m13489val, 0)); if (!isCustom) iwText.addReplacement(m13489val); break; case MISSION_PRIMARY_STAT: { MetaString loot; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { if (m2stats[i]) { components.push_back(Component (Component::PRIM_SKILL, i, m2stats[i], 0)); loot << "%d %s"; loot.addReplacement(m2stats[i]); loot.addReplacement(VLC->generaltexth->primarySkillNames[i]); } } if (!isCustom) iwText.addReplacement(loot.buildList()); } break; case MISSION_KILL_HERO: components.push_back(Component(Component::HERO_PORTRAIT, heroPortrait, 0, 0)); if (!isCustom) addReplacements(iwText, text); break; case MISSION_HERO: //FIXME: portrait may not match hero, if custom portrait was set in map editor components.push_back(Component (Component::HERO_PORTRAIT, VLC->heroh->heroes[m13489val]->imageIndex, 0, 0)); if (!isCustom) iwText.addReplacement(VLC->heroh->heroes[m13489val]->name); break; case MISSION_KILL_CREATURE: { components.push_back(Component(stackToKill)); if (!isCustom) { addReplacements(iwText, text); } } break; case MISSION_ART: { MetaString loot; for (auto & elem : m5arts) { components.push_back(Component (Component::ARTIFACT, elem, 0, 0)); loot << "%s"; loot.addReplacement(MetaString::ART_NAMES, elem); } if (!isCustom) iwText.addReplacement(loot.buildList()); } break; case MISSION_ARMY: { MetaString loot; for (auto & elem : m6creatures) { components.push_back(Component(elem)); loot << "%s"; loot.addReplacement(elem); } if (!isCustom) iwText.addReplacement(loot.buildList()); } break; case MISSION_RESOURCES: { MetaString loot; for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { if (m7resources[i]) { components.push_back(Component (Component::RESOURCE, i, m7resources[i], 0)); loot << "%d %s"; loot.addReplacement(m7resources[i]); loot.addReplacement(MetaString::RES_NAMES, i); } } if (!isCustom) iwText.addReplacement(loot.buildList()); } break; case MISSION_PLAYER: components.push_back(Component (Component::FLAG, m13489val, 0, 0)); if (!isCustom) iwText.addReplacement(VLC->generaltexth->colors[m13489val]); break; } } void CQuest::getRolloverText (MetaString &ms, bool onHover) const { if (onHover) ms << "\n\n"; ms << VLC->generaltexth->quests[missionType-1][onHover ? 3 : 4][textOption]; switch (missionType) { case MISSION_LEVEL: ms.addReplacement(m13489val); break; case MISSION_PRIMARY_STAT: { MetaString loot; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { if (m2stats[i]) { loot << "%d %s"; loot.addReplacement(m2stats[i]); loot.addReplacement(VLC->generaltexth->primarySkillNames[i]); } } ms.addReplacement(loot.buildList()); } break; case MISSION_KILL_HERO: ms.addReplacement(heroName); break; case MISSION_KILL_CREATURE: ms.addReplacement(stackToKill); break; case MISSION_ART: { MetaString loot; for (auto & elem : m5arts) { loot << "%s"; loot.addReplacement(MetaString::ART_NAMES, elem); } ms.addReplacement(loot.buildList()); } break; case MISSION_ARMY: { MetaString loot; for (auto & elem : m6creatures) { loot << "%s"; loot.addReplacement(elem); } ms.addReplacement(loot.buildList()); } break; case MISSION_RESOURCES: { MetaString loot; for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { if (m7resources[i]) { loot << "%d %s"; loot.addReplacement(m7resources[i]); loot.addReplacement(MetaString::RES_NAMES, i); } } ms.addReplacement(loot.buildList()); } break; case MISSION_HERO: ms.addReplacement(VLC->heroh->heroes[m13489val]->name); break; case MISSION_PLAYER: ms.addReplacement(VLC->generaltexth->colors[m13489val]); break; default: break; } } void CQuest::getCompletionText (MetaString &iwText, std::vector &components, bool isCustom, const CGHeroInstance * h) const { iwText << completedText; switch (missionType) { case CQuest::MISSION_LEVEL: if (!isCustomComplete) iwText.addReplacement(m13489val); break; case CQuest::MISSION_PRIMARY_STAT: if (vstd::contains (completedText,'%')) //there's one case when there's nothing to replace { MetaString loot; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { if (m2stats[i]) { loot << "%d %s"; loot.addReplacement(m2stats[i]); loot.addReplacement(VLC->generaltexth->primarySkillNames[i]); } } if (!isCustomComplete) iwText.addReplacement(loot.buildList()); } break; case CQuest::MISSION_ART: { MetaString loot; for (auto & elem : m5arts) { loot << "%s"; loot.addReplacement(MetaString::ART_NAMES, elem); } if (!isCustomComplete) iwText.addReplacement(loot.buildList()); } break; case CQuest::MISSION_ARMY: { MetaString loot; for (auto & elem : m6creatures) { loot << "%s"; loot.addReplacement(elem); } if (!isCustomComplete) iwText.addReplacement(loot.buildList()); } break; case CQuest::MISSION_RESOURCES: { MetaString loot; for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { if (m7resources[i]) { loot << "%d %s"; loot.addReplacement(m7resources[i]); loot.addReplacement(MetaString::RES_NAMES, i); } } if (!isCustomComplete) iwText.addReplacement(loot.buildList()); } break; case MISSION_KILL_HERO: case MISSION_KILL_CREATURE: if (!isCustomComplete) addReplacements(iwText, completedText); break; case MISSION_HERO: if (!isCustomComplete) iwText.addReplacement(VLC->heroh->heroes[m13489val]->name); break; case MISSION_PLAYER: if (!isCustomComplete) iwText.addReplacement(VLC->generaltexth->colors[m13489val]); break; } } void CGSeerHut::setObjToKill() { if (quest->missionType == CQuest::MISSION_KILL_CREATURE) { quest->stackToKill = getCreatureToKill(false)->getStack(SlotID(0)); //FIXME: stacks tend to disappear (desync?) on server :? assert(quest->stackToKill.type); quest->stackToKill.count = 0; //no count in info window quest->stackDirection = checkDirection(); } else if (quest->missionType == CQuest::MISSION_KILL_HERO) { quest->heroName = getHeroToKill(false)->name; quest->heroPortrait = getHeroToKill(false)->portrait; } } void CGSeerHut::init() { seerName = *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(VLC->generaltexth->seerNames, cb->gameState()->getRandomGenerator()); quest->textOption = cb->gameState()->getRandomGenerator().nextInt(2); } void CGSeerHut::initObj() { init(); quest->progress = CQuest::NOT_ACTIVE; if (quest->missionType) { if (!quest->isCustomFirst) quest->firstVisitText = VLC->generaltexth->quests[quest->missionType-1][0][quest->textOption]; if (!quest->isCustomNext) quest->nextVisitText = VLC->generaltexth->quests[quest->missionType-1][1][quest->textOption]; if (!quest->isCustomComplete) quest->completedText = VLC->generaltexth->quests[quest->missionType-1][2][quest->textOption]; } else { quest->progress = CQuest::COMPLETE; quest->firstVisitText = VLC->generaltexth->seerEmpty[quest->textOption]; } } void CGSeerHut::getRolloverText (MetaString &text, bool onHover) const { quest->getRolloverText (text, onHover);//TODO: simplify? if (!onHover) text.addReplacement(seerName); } const std::string & CGSeerHut::getHoverText() const { switch (ID) { case Obj::SEER_HUT: if (quest->progress != CQuest::NOT_ACTIVE) { hoverName = VLC->generaltexth->allTexts[347]; boost::algorithm::replace_first(hoverName,"%s", seerName); } else //just seer hut hoverName = VLC->objtypeh->getObjectName(ID); break; case Obj::QUEST_GUARD: hoverName = VLC->objtypeh->getObjectName(ID); break; default: logGlobal->debugStream() << "unrecognized quest object"; } if (quest->progress & quest->missionType) //rollover when the quest is active { MetaString ms; getRolloverText (ms, true); hoverName += ms.toString(); } return hoverName; } void CQuest::addReplacements(MetaString &out, const std::string &base) const { switch(missionType) { case MISSION_KILL_CREATURE: out.addReplacement(stackToKill); if (std::count(base.begin(), base.end(), '%') == 2) //say where is placed monster { out.addReplacement(VLC->generaltexth->arraytxt[147+stackDirection]); } break; case MISSION_KILL_HERO: out.addReplacement(heroName); break; } } bool IQuestObject::checkQuest(const CGHeroInstance* h) const { return quest->checkQuest(h); } void IQuestObject::getVisitText (MetaString &text, std::vector &components, bool isCustom, bool FirstVisit, const CGHeroInstance * h) const { quest->getVisitText (text,components, isCustom, FirstVisit, h); } void CGSeerHut::getCompletionText(MetaString &text, std::vector &components, bool isCustom, const CGHeroInstance * h) const { quest->getCompletionText (text, components, isCustom, h); switch (rewardType) { case EXPERIENCE: components.push_back(Component (Component::EXPERIENCE, 0, h->calculateXp(rVal), 0)); break; case MANA_POINTS: components.push_back(Component (Component::PRIM_SKILL, 5, rVal, 0)); break; case MORALE_BONUS: components.push_back(Component (Component::MORALE, 0, rVal, 0)); break; case LUCK_BONUS: components.push_back(Component (Component::LUCK, 0, rVal, 0)); break; case RESOURCES: components.push_back(Component (Component::RESOURCE, rID, rVal, 0)); break; case PRIMARY_SKILL: components.push_back(Component (Component::PRIM_SKILL, rID, rVal, 0)); break; case SECONDARY_SKILL: components.push_back(Component (Component::SEC_SKILL, rID, rVal, 0)); break; case ARTIFACT: components.push_back(Component (Component::ARTIFACT, rID, 0, 0)); break; case SPELL: components.push_back(Component (Component::SPELL, rID, 0, 0)); break; case CREATURE: components.push_back(Component (Component::CREATURE, rID, rVal, 0)); break; } } void CGSeerHut::setPropertyDer (ui8 what, ui32 val) { switch (what) { case 10: quest->progress = static_cast(val); break; } } void CGSeerHut::newTurn() const { if (quest->lastDay >= 0 && quest->lastDay < cb->getDate()-1) //time is up { cb->setObjProperty (id, 10, CQuest::COMPLETE); } } void CGSeerHut::onHeroVisit( const CGHeroInstance * h ) const { InfoWindow iw; iw.player = h->getOwner(); if (quest->progress < CQuest::COMPLETE) { bool firstVisit = !quest->progress; bool failRequirements = !checkQuest(h); bool isCustom=false; if (firstVisit) { isCustom = quest->isCustomFirst; cb->setObjProperty (id, 10, CQuest::IN_PROGRESS); AddQuest aq; aq.quest = QuestInfo (quest, this, visitablePos()); aq.player = h->tempOwner; cb->sendAndApply (&aq); //TODO: merge with setObjProperty? } else if (failRequirements) { isCustom = quest->isCustomNext; } if (firstVisit || failRequirements) { getVisitText (iw.text, iw.components, isCustom, firstVisit, h); cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); } if (!failRequirements) // propose completion, also on first visit { BlockingDialog bd (true, false); bd.player = h->getOwner(); bd.soundID = soundBase::QUEST; getCompletionText (bd.text, bd.components, isCustom, h); cb->showBlockingDialog (&bd); return; } } else { iw.text << VLC->generaltexth->seerEmpty[quest->textOption]; if (ID == Obj::SEER_HUT) iw.text.addReplacement(seerName); cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); } } int CGSeerHut::checkDirection() const { int3 cord = getCreatureToKill()->pos; if ((double)cord.x/(double)cb->getMapSize().x < 0.34) //north { if ((double)cord.y/(double)cb->getMapSize().y < 0.34) //northwest return 8; else if ((double)cord.y/(double)cb->getMapSize().y < 0.67) //north return 1; else //northeast return 2; } else if ((double)cord.x/(double)cb->getMapSize().x < 0.67) //horizontal { if ((double)cord.y/(double)cb->getMapSize().y < 0.34) //west return 7; else if ((double)cord.y/(double)cb->getMapSize().y < 0.67) //central return 9; else //east return 3; } else //south { if ((double)cord.y/(double)cb->getMapSize().y < 0.34) //southwest return 6; else if ((double)cord.y/(double)cb->getMapSize().y < 0.67) //south return 5; else //southeast return 4; } } void CGSeerHut::finishQuest(const CGHeroInstance * h, ui32 accept) const { if (accept) { switch (quest->missionType) { case CQuest::MISSION_ART: for (auto & elem : quest->m5arts) { cb->removeArtifact(ArtifactLocation(h, h->getArtPos(elem, false))); } break; case CQuest::MISSION_ARMY: cb->takeCreatures(h->id, quest->m6creatures); break; case CQuest::MISSION_RESOURCES: for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { cb->giveResource(h->getOwner(), static_cast(i), -quest->m7resources[i]); } break; default: break; } cb->setObjProperty (id, 10, CQuest::COMPLETE); //mission complete completeQuest(h); //make sure to remove QuestGuard at the very end } } void CGSeerHut::completeQuest (const CGHeroInstance * h) const //reward { switch (rewardType) { case EXPERIENCE: { TExpType expVal = h->calculateXp(rVal); cb->changePrimSkill(h, PrimarySkill::EXPERIENCE, expVal, false); break; } case MANA_POINTS: { cb->setManaPoints(h->id, h->mana+rVal); break; } case MORALE_BONUS: case LUCK_BONUS: { Bonus hb(Bonus::ONE_WEEK, (rewardType == 3 ? Bonus::MORALE : Bonus::LUCK), Bonus::OBJECT, rVal, h->id.getNum(), "", -1); GiveBonus gb; gb.id = h->id.getNum(); gb.bonus = hb; cb->giveHeroBonus(&gb); } break; case RESOURCES: cb->giveResource(h->getOwner(), static_cast(rID), rVal); break; case PRIMARY_SKILL: cb->changePrimSkill(h, static_cast(rID), rVal, false); break; case SECONDARY_SKILL: cb->changeSecSkill(h, SecondarySkill(rID), rVal, false); break; case ARTIFACT: cb->giveHeroNewArtifact(h, VLC->arth->artifacts[rID],ArtifactPosition::FIRST_AVAILABLE); break; case SPELL: { std::set spell; spell.insert (SpellID(rID)); cb->changeSpells(h, true, spell); } break; case CREATURE: { CCreatureSet creatures; creatures.setCreature(SlotID(0), CreatureID(rID), rVal); cb->giveCreatures(this, h, creatures, false); } break; default: break; } } const CGHeroInstance * CGSeerHut::getHeroToKill(bool allowNull) const { const CGObjectInstance *o = cb->getObjByQuestIdentifier(quest->m13489val); if(allowNull && !o) return nullptr; assert(o && (o->ID == Obj::HERO || o->ID == Obj::PRISON)); return static_cast(o); } const CGCreature * CGSeerHut::getCreatureToKill(bool allowNull) const { const CGObjectInstance *o = cb->getObjByQuestIdentifier(quest->m13489val); if(allowNull && !o) return nullptr; assert(o && o->ID == Obj::MONSTER); return static_cast(o); } void CGSeerHut::blockingDialogAnswered(const CGHeroInstance *hero, ui32 answer) const { finishQuest(hero, answer); } void CGQuestGuard::init() { blockVisit = true; quest->textOption = cb->gameState()->getRandomGenerator().nextInt(3, 5); } void CGQuestGuard::completeQuest(const CGHeroInstance *h) const { cb->removeObject(this); } void CGWitchHut::initObj() { ability = *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(allowedAbilities, cb->gameState()->getRandomGenerator()); } void CGWitchHut::onHeroVisit( const CGHeroInstance * h ) const { InfoWindow iw; iw.soundID = soundBase::gazebo; iw.player = h->getOwner(); if(!wasVisited(h->tempOwner)) cb->setObjProperty(id, 10, h->tempOwner.getNum()); ui32 txt_id; if(h->getSecSkillLevel(SecondarySkill(ability))) //you already know this skill { txt_id =172; } else if(!h->canLearnSkill()) //already all skills slots used { txt_id = 173; } else //give sec skill { iw.components.push_back(Component(Component::SEC_SKILL, ability, 1, 0)); txt_id = 171; cb->changeSecSkill(h, SecondarySkill(ability), 1, true); } iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::ADVOB_TXT,txt_id); iw.text.addReplacement(MetaString::SEC_SKILL_NAME, ability); cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); } const std::string & CGWitchHut::getHoverText() const { hoverName = VLC->objtypeh->getObjectName(ID); if(wasVisited(cb->getLocalPlayer())) { hoverName += "\n" + VLC->generaltexth->allTexts[356]; // + (learn %s) boost::algorithm::replace_first(hoverName,"%s",VLC->generaltexth->skillName[ability]); const CGHeroInstance *h = cb->getSelectedHero(cb->getCurrentPlayer()); if(h && h->getSecSkillLevel(SecondarySkill(ability))) //hero knows that ability hoverName += "\n\n" + VLC->generaltexth->allTexts[357]; // (Already learned) } return hoverName; } void CGMagicWell::onHeroVisit( const CGHeroInstance * h ) const { int message; if(h->hasBonusFrom(Bonus::OBJECT,ID)) //has already visited Well today { message = 78;//"A second drink at the well in one day will not help you." } else if(h->mana < h->manaLimit()) { giveDummyBonus(h->id); cb->setManaPoints(h->id,h->manaLimit()); message = 77; } else { message = 79; } showInfoDialog(h,message,soundBase::faerie); } const std::string & CGMagicWell::getHoverText() const { getNameVis(hoverName); return hoverName; } void CGPandoraBox::initObj() { blockVisit = (ID==Obj::PANDORAS_BOX); //block only if it's really pandora's box (events also derive from that class) hasGuardians = stacks.size(); } void CGPandoraBox::onHeroVisit(const CGHeroInstance * h) const { BlockingDialog bd (true, false); bd.player = h->getOwner(); bd.soundID = soundBase::QUEST; bd.text.addTxt (MetaString::ADVOB_TXT, 14); cb->showBlockingDialog (&bd); } void CGPandoraBox::giveContentsUpToExp(const CGHeroInstance *h) const { cb->removeAfterVisit(this); InfoWindow iw; iw.player = h->getOwner(); bool changesPrimSkill = false; for (auto & elem : primskills) { if(elem) { changesPrimSkill = true; break; } } if(gainedExp || changesPrimSkill || abilities.size()) { TExpType expVal = h->calculateXp(gainedExp); //getText(iw,afterBattle,175,h); //wtf? iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::ADVOB_TXT, 175); //%s learns something iw.text.addReplacement(h->name); if(expVal) iw.components.push_back(Component(Component::EXPERIENCE,0,expVal,0)); for(int i=0; ishowInfoDialog(&iw); //give sec skills for(int i=0; igetSecSkillLevel(abilities[i]); if( (curLev && curLev < abilityLevels[i]) || (h->canLearnSkill() )) { cb->changeSecSkill(h,abilities[i],abilityLevels[i],true); } } //give prim skills for(int i=0; ichangePrimSkill(h,static_cast(i),primskills[i],false); assert(!cb->isVisitCoveredByAnotherQuery(this, h)); //give exp if(expVal) cb->changePrimSkill(h, PrimarySkill::EXPERIENCE, expVal, false); } if(!cb->isVisitCoveredByAnotherQuery(this, h)) giveContentsAfterExp(h); //Otherwise continuation occurs via post-level-up callback. } void CGPandoraBox::giveContentsAfterExp(const CGHeroInstance *h) const { bool hadGuardians = hasGuardians; //copy, because flag will be emptied after issuing first post-battle message std::string msg = message; //in case box is removed in the meantime InfoWindow iw; iw.player = h->getOwner(); if(spells.size()) { std::set spellsToGive; iw.components.clear(); if (spells.size() > 1) { iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::ADVOB_TXT, 188); //%s learns spells } else { iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::ADVOB_TXT, 184); //%s learns a spell } iw.text.addReplacement(h->name); std::vector > * sp = &VLC->spellh->objects; for(auto i=spells.cbegin(); i != spells.cend(); i++) { if ((*sp)[*i]->level <= h->getSecSkillLevel(SecondarySkill::WISDOM) + 2) //enough wisdom { iw.components.push_back(Component(Component::SPELL,*i,0,0)); spellsToGive.insert(*i); } } if(!spellsToGive.empty()) { cb->changeSpells(h,true,spellsToGive); cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); } } if(manaDiff) { getText(iw,hadGuardians,manaDiff,176,177,h); iw.components.push_back(Component(Component::PRIM_SKILL,5,manaDiff,0)); cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); cb->setManaPoints(h->id, h->mana + manaDiff); } if(moraleDiff) { getText(iw,hadGuardians,moraleDiff,178,179,h); iw.components.push_back(Component(Component::MORALE,0,moraleDiff,0)); cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); GiveBonus gb; gb.bonus = Bonus(Bonus::ONE_BATTLE,Bonus::MORALE,Bonus::OBJECT,moraleDiff,id.getNum(),""); gb.id = h->id.getNum(); cb->giveHeroBonus(&gb); } if(luckDiff) { getText(iw,hadGuardians,luckDiff,180,181,h); iw.components.push_back(Component(Component::LUCK,0,luckDiff,0)); cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); GiveBonus gb; gb.bonus = Bonus(Bonus::ONE_BATTLE,Bonus::LUCK,Bonus::OBJECT,luckDiff,id.getNum(),""); gb.id = h->id.getNum(); cb->giveHeroBonus(&gb); } iw.components.clear(); iw.text.clear(); for(int i=0; ishowInfoDialog(&iw); } iw.components.clear(); iw.text.clear(); for(int i=0; i 0) iw.components.push_back(Component(Component::RESOURCE,i,resources[i],0)); } if(iw.components.size()) { getText(iw,hadGuardians,183,h); cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); } iw.components.clear(); // getText(iw,afterBattle,183,h); iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::ADVOB_TXT, 183); //% has found treasure iw.text.addReplacement(h->name); for(auto & elem : artifacts) { iw.components.push_back(Component(Component::ARTIFACT,elem,0,0)); if(iw.components.size() >= 14) { cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); iw.components.clear(); iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::ADVOB_TXT, 183); //% has found treasure - once more? iw.text.addReplacement(h->name); } } if(iw.components.size()) { cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); } for(int i=0; igiveResource(h->getOwner(),static_cast(i),resources[i]); for(auto & elem : artifacts) cb->giveHeroNewArtifact(h, VLC->arth->artifacts[elem],ArtifactPosition::FIRST_AVAILABLE); iw.components.clear(); iw.text.clear(); if (creatures.Slots().size()) { //this part is taken straight from creature bank MetaString loot; for(auto & elem : creatures.Slots()) { //build list of joined creatures iw.components.push_back(Component(*elem.second)); loot << "%s"; loot.addReplacement(*elem.second); } if (creatures.Slots().size() == 1 && creatures.Slots().begin()->second->count == 1) iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::ADVOB_TXT, 185); else iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::ADVOB_TXT, 186); iw.text.addReplacement(loot.buildList()); iw.text.addReplacement(h->name); cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); cb->giveCreatures(this, h, creatures, true); } if(!hasGuardians && msg.size()) { iw.text << msg; cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); } } void CGPandoraBox::getText( InfoWindow &iw, bool &afterBattle, int text, const CGHeroInstance * h ) const { if(afterBattle || !message.size()) { iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::ADVOB_TXT,text);//%s has lost treasure. iw.text.addReplacement(h->name); } else { iw.text << message; afterBattle = true; } } void CGPandoraBox::getText( InfoWindow &iw, bool &afterBattle, int val, int negative, int positive, const CGHeroInstance * h ) const { iw.components.clear(); iw.text.clear(); if(afterBattle || !message.size()) { iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::ADVOB_TXT,val < 0 ? negative : positive); //%s's luck takes a turn for the worse / %s's luck increases iw.text.addReplacement(h->name); } else { iw.text << message; afterBattle = true; } } void CGPandoraBox::battleFinished(const CGHeroInstance *hero, const BattleResult &result) const { if(result.winner) return; giveContentsUpToExp(hero); } void CGPandoraBox::blockingDialogAnswered(const CGHeroInstance *hero, ui32 answer) const { if (answer) { if (stacksCount() > 0) //if pandora's box is protected by army { showInfoDialog(hero,16,0); cb->startBattleI(hero, this); //grants things after battle } else if (message.size() == 0 && resources.size() == 0 && primskills.size() == 0 && abilities.size() == 0 && abilityLevels.size() == 0 && artifacts.size() == 0 && spells.size() == 0 && creatures.Slots().size() > 0 && gainedExp == 0 && manaDiff == 0 && moraleDiff == 0 && luckDiff == 0) //if it gives nothing without battle { showInfoDialog(hero,15,0); cb->removeObject(this); } else //if it gives something without battle { giveContentsUpToExp(hero); } } } void CGPandoraBox::heroLevelUpDone(const CGHeroInstance *hero) const { giveContentsAfterExp(hero); } void CGEvent::onHeroVisit( const CGHeroInstance * h ) const { if(!(availableFor & (1 << h->tempOwner.getNum()))) return; if(cb->getPlayerSettings(h->tempOwner)->playerID) { if(humanActivate) activated(h); } else if(computerActivate) activated(h); } void CGEvent::activated( const CGHeroInstance * h ) const { if(stacksCount() > 0) { InfoWindow iw; iw.player = h->tempOwner; if(message.size()) iw.text << message; else iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::ADVOB_TXT, 16); cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); cb->startBattleI(h, this); } else { giveContentsUpToExp(h); } } void CGObservatory::onHeroVisit( const CGHeroInstance * h ) const { InfoWindow iw; iw.player = h->tempOwner; switch (ID) { case Obj::REDWOOD_OBSERVATORY: case Obj::PILLAR_OF_FIRE: { iw.soundID = soundBase::LIGHTHOUSE; iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::ADVOB_TXT,98 + (ID==Obj::PILLAR_OF_FIRE)); FoWChange fw; fw.player = h->tempOwner; fw.mode = 1; cb->getTilesInRange (fw.tiles, pos, 20, h->tempOwner, 1); cb->sendAndApply (&fw); break; } case Obj::COVER_OF_DARKNESS: { iw.text.addTxt (MetaString::ADVOB_TXT, 31); hideTiles(h->tempOwner, 20); break; } } cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); } void CGShrine::onHeroVisit( const CGHeroInstance * h ) const { if(spell == SpellID::NONE) { logGlobal->errorStream() << "Not initialized shrine visited!"; return; } if(!wasVisited(h->tempOwner)) cb->setObjProperty(id, 10, h->tempOwner.getNum()); InfoWindow iw; iw.soundID = soundBase::temple; iw.player = h->getOwner(); iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::ADVOB_TXT,127 + ID - 88); iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::SPELL_NAME,spell); iw.text << "."; if(!h->getArt(ArtifactPosition::SPELLBOOK)) { iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::ADVOB_TXT,131); } else if(ID == Obj::SHRINE_OF_MAGIC_THOUGHT && !h->getSecSkillLevel(SecondarySkill::WISDOM)) //it's third level spell and hero doesn't have wisdom { iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::ADVOB_TXT,130); } else if(vstd::contains(h->spells,spell))//hero already knows the spell { iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::ADVOB_TXT,174); } else //give spell { std::set spells; spells.insert(spell); cb->changeSpells(h, true, spells); iw.components.push_back(Component(Component::SPELL,spell,0,0)); } cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); } void CGShrine::initObj() { if(spell == SpellID::NONE) //spell not set { int level = ID-87; std::vector possibilities; cb->getAllowedSpells (possibilities, level); if(possibilities.empty()) { logGlobal->errorStream() << "Error: cannot init shrine, no allowed spells!"; return; } spell = *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(possibilities, cb->gameState()->getRandomGenerator()); } } const std::string & CGShrine::getHoverText() const { hoverName = VLC->objtypeh->getObjectName(ID); if(wasVisited(cb->getCurrentPlayer())) //TODO: use local player, not current { hoverName += "\n" + VLC->generaltexth->allTexts[355]; // + (learn %s) boost::algorithm::replace_first(hoverName,"%s", spell.toSpell()->name); const CGHeroInstance *h = cb->getSelectedHero(cb->getCurrentPlayer()); if(h && vstd::contains(h->spells,spell)) //hero knows that ability hoverName += "\n\n" + VLC->generaltexth->allTexts[354]; // (Already learned) } return hoverName; } void CGSignBottle::initObj() { //if no text is set than we pick random from the predefined ones if(message.empty()) { message = *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(VLC->generaltexth->randsign, cb->gameState()->getRandomGenerator()); } if(ID == Obj::OCEAN_BOTTLE) { blockVisit = true; } } void CGSignBottle::onHeroVisit( const CGHeroInstance * h ) const { InfoWindow iw; iw.soundID = soundBase::STORE; iw.player = h->getOwner(); iw.text << message; cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); if(ID == Obj::OCEAN_BOTTLE) cb->removeObject(this); } //TODO: remove //void CGScholar::giveAnyBonus( const CGHeroInstance * h ) const //{ // //} void CGScholar::onHeroVisit( const CGHeroInstance * h ) const { EBonusType type = bonusType; int bid = bonusID; //check if the bonus if applicable, if not - give primary skill (always possible) int ssl = h->getSecSkillLevel(SecondarySkill(bid)); //current sec skill level, used if bonusType == 1 if((type == SECONDARY_SKILL && ((ssl == 3) || (!ssl && !h->canLearnSkill()))) ////hero already has expert level in the skill or (don't know skill and doesn't have free slot) || (type == SPELL && (!h->getArt(ArtifactPosition::SPELLBOOK) || vstd::contains(h->spells, (ui32) bid) || ( SpellID(bid).toSpell()->level > h->getSecSkillLevel(SecondarySkill::WISDOM) + 2) ))) //hero doesn't have a spellbook or already knows the spell or doesn't have Wisdom { type = PRIM_SKILL; bid = cb->gameState()->getRandomGenerator().nextInt(GameConstants::PRIMARY_SKILLS - 1); } InfoWindow iw; iw.soundID = soundBase::gazebo; iw.player = h->getOwner(); iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::ADVOB_TXT,115); switch (type) { case PRIM_SKILL: cb->changePrimSkill(h,static_cast(bid),+1); iw.components.push_back(Component(Component::PRIM_SKILL,bid,+1,0)); break; case SECONDARY_SKILL: cb->changeSecSkill(h,SecondarySkill(bid),+1); iw.components.push_back(Component(Component::SEC_SKILL,bid,ssl+1,0)); break; case SPELL: { std::set hlp; hlp.insert(SpellID(bid)); cb->changeSpells(h,true,hlp); iw.components.push_back(Component(Component::SPELL,bid,0,0)); } break; default: logGlobal->errorStream() << "Error: wrong bonus type (" << (int)type << ") for Scholar!\n"; return; } cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); cb->removeObject(this); } void CGScholar::initObj() { blockVisit = true; if(bonusType == RANDOM) { bonusType = static_cast(cb->gameState()->getRandomGenerator().nextInt(2)); switch(bonusType) { case PRIM_SKILL: bonusID = cb->gameState()->getRandomGenerator().nextInt(GameConstants::PRIMARY_SKILLS -1); break; case SECONDARY_SKILL: bonusID = cb->gameState()->getRandomGenerator().nextInt(GameConstants::SKILL_QUANTITY -1); break; case SPELL: std::vector possibilities; for (int i = 1; i < 6; ++i) cb->getAllowedSpells (possibilities, i); bonusID = *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(possibilities, cb->gameState()->getRandomGenerator()); break; } } } void CGGarrison::onHeroVisit (const CGHeroInstance *h) const { int ally = cb->gameState()->getPlayerRelations(h->tempOwner, tempOwner); if (!ally && stacksCount() > 0) { //TODO: Find a way to apply magic garrison effects in battle. cb->startBattleI(h, this); return; } //New owner. if (!ally) cb->setOwner(this, h->tempOwner); cb->showGarrisonDialog(id, h->id, removableUnits); } ui8 CGGarrison::getPassableness() const { if ( !stacksCount() )//empty - anyone can visit return GameConstants::ALL_PLAYERS; if ( tempOwner == PlayerColor::NEUTRAL )//neutral guarded - no one can visit return 0; ui8 mask = 0; TeamState * ts = cb->gameState()->getPlayerTeam(tempOwner); for(PlayerColor it : ts->players) mask |= 1<objh->bankObjToIndex(this); bc = nullptr; daycounter = 0; multiplier = 1; } const std::string & CBank::getHoverText() const { bool visited = (bc == nullptr); hoverName = VLC->objh->creBanksNames[index] + " " + visitedTxt(visited); return hoverName; } void CBank::reset(ui16 var1) //prevents desync { ui8 chance = 0; for (auto & elem : VLC->objh->banksInfo[index]) { if (var1 < (chance += elem->chance)) { bc = elem; break; } } artifacts.clear(); } void CBank::initialize() const { cb->setObjProperty(id, ObjProperty::BANK_RESET, cb->gameState()->getRandomGenerator().nextInt()); //synchronous reset for (ui8 i = 0; i <= 3; i++) { for (ui8 n = 0; n < bc->artifacts[i]; n++) { CArtifact::EartClass artClass; switch(i) { case 0: artClass = CArtifact::ART_TREASURE; break; case 1: artClass = CArtifact::ART_MINOR; break; case 2: artClass = CArtifact::ART_MAJOR; break; case 3: artClass = CArtifact::ART_RELIC; break; default: assert(0); continue; } int artID = VLC->arth->pickRandomArtifact(cb->gameState()->getRandomGenerator(), artClass); cb->setObjProperty(id, ObjProperty::BANK_ADD_ARTIFACT, artID); } } cb->setObjProperty(id, ObjProperty::BANK_INIT_ARMY, cb->gameState()->getRandomGenerator().nextInt()); //get army } void CBank::setPropertyDer (ui8 what, ui32 val) /// random values are passed as arguments and processed identically on all clients { switch (what) { case ObjProperty::BANK_DAYCOUNTER: //daycounter if (val == 0) daycounter = 1; //yes, 1 else daycounter++; break; case ObjProperty::BANK_MULTIPLIER: //multiplier, in percent multiplier = val / 100.0; break; case 13: //bank preset bc = VLC->objh->banksInfo[index][val]; break; case ObjProperty::BANK_RESET: reset (val%100); break; case ObjProperty::BANK_CLEAR_CONFIG: bc = nullptr; break; case ObjProperty::BANK_CLEAR_ARTIFACTS: //remove rewards from Derelict Ship artifacts.clear(); break; case ObjProperty::BANK_INIT_ARMY: //set ArmedInstance army { int upgraded = 0; if (val%100 < bc->upgradeChance) //once again anti-desync upgraded = 1; switch (bc->guards.size()) { case 1: for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) setCreature (SlotID(i), bc->guards[0].first, bc->guards[0].second / 5 ); setCreature (SlotID(4), CreatureID(bc->guards[0].first + upgraded), bc->guards[0].second / 5 ); break; case 4: { if (bc->guards.back().second) //all stacks are present { for (auto & elem : bc->guards) { setCreature (SlotID(stacksCount()), elem.first, elem.second); } } else if (bc->guards[2].second)//Wraiths are present, split two stacks in Crypt { setCreature (SlotID(0), bc->guards[0].first, bc->guards[0].second / 2 ); setCreature (SlotID(1), bc->guards[1].first, bc->guards[1].second / 2); setCreature (SlotID(2), CreatureID(bc->guards[2].first + upgraded), bc->guards[2].second); setCreature (SlotID(3), bc->guards[1].first, bc->guards[1].second / 2 ); setCreature (SlotID(4), bc->guards[0].first, bc->guards[0].second - (bc->guards[0].second / 2) ); } else //split both stacks { for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) //skellies setCreature (SlotID(2*i), bc->guards[0].first, bc->guards[0].second / 3); for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) //zombies setCreature (SlotID(2*i+1), bc->guards[1].first, bc->guards[1].second / 2); } } break; default: logGlobal->warnStream() << "Error: Unexpected army data: " << bc->guards.size() <<" items found"; return; } } break; case ObjProperty::BANK_ADD_ARTIFACT: //add Artifact { artifacts.push_back (val); break; } } } void CBank::newTurn() const { if (bc == nullptr) { if (cb->getDate() == 1) initialize(); //initialize on first day else if (daycounter >= 28 && (subID < 13 || subID > 16)) //no reset for Emissaries { initialize(); cb->setObjProperty (id, ObjProperty::BANK_DAYCOUNTER, 0); //daycounter 0 if (ID == Obj::DERELICT_SHIP && cb->getDate() > 1) { cb->setObjProperty (id, ObjProperty::BANK_MULTIPLIER, 0);//ugly hack to make derelict ships usable only once cb->setObjProperty (id, ObjProperty::BANK_CLEAR_ARTIFACTS, 0); } } else cb->setObjProperty (id, ObjProperty::BANK_DAYCOUNTER, 1); //daycounter++ } } bool CBank::wasVisited (PlayerColor player) const { return !bc; } void CBank::onHeroVisit (const CGHeroInstance * h) const { if (bc) { int banktext = 0; switch (ID) { case Obj::CREATURE_BANK: banktext = 32; break; case Obj::DERELICT_SHIP: banktext = 41; break; case Obj::DRAGON_UTOPIA: banktext = 47; break; case Obj::CRYPT: banktext = 119; break; case Obj::SHIPWRECK: banktext = 122; break; } BlockingDialog bd (true, false); bd.player = h->getOwner(); bd.soundID = soundBase::ROGUE; bd.text.addTxt(MetaString::ADVOB_TXT,banktext); if (ID == Obj::CREATURE_BANK) bd.text.addReplacement(VLC->objh->creBanksNames[index]); cb->showBlockingDialog (&bd); } else { InfoWindow iw; iw.soundID = soundBase::GRAVEYARD; iw.player = h->getOwner(); if (ID == Obj::CRYPT) //morale penalty for empty Crypt { GiveBonus gbonus; gbonus.id = h->id.getNum(); gbonus.bonus.duration = Bonus::ONE_BATTLE; gbonus.bonus.source = Bonus::OBJECT; gbonus.bonus.sid = ID; gbonus.bdescr << "\n" << VLC->generaltexth->arraytxt[98]; gbonus.bonus.type = Bonus::MORALE; gbonus.bonus.val = -1; cb->giveHeroBonus(&gbonus); iw.text << VLC->generaltexth->advobtxt[120]; iw.components.push_back (Component (Component::MORALE, 0 , -1, 0)); } else { iw.text << VLC->generaltexth->advobtxt[33]; iw.text.addReplacement(VLC->objh->creBanksNames[index]); } cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); } } void CBank::battleFinished(const CGHeroInstance *hero, const BattleResult &result) const { if (result.winner == 0) { int textID = -1; InfoWindow iw; iw.player = hero->getOwner(); MetaString loot; switch (ID) { case Obj::CREATURE_BANK: case Obj::DRAGON_UTOPIA: textID = 34; break; case Obj::DERELICT_SHIP: if (multiplier) textID = 43; else { GiveBonus gbonus; gbonus.id = hero->id.getNum(); gbonus.bonus.duration = Bonus::ONE_BATTLE; gbonus.bonus.source = Bonus::OBJECT; gbonus.bonus.sid = ID; gbonus.bdescr << "\n" << VLC->generaltexth->arraytxt[101]; gbonus.bonus.type = Bonus::MORALE; gbonus.bonus.val = -1; cb->giveHeroBonus(&gbonus); textID = 42; iw.components.push_back (Component (Component::MORALE, 0 , -1, 0)); } break; case Obj::CRYPT: if (bc->resources.size() != 0) textID = 121; else { iw.components.push_back (Component (Component::MORALE, 0 , -1, 0)); GiveBonus gbonus; gbonus.id = hero->id.getNum(); gbonus.bonus.duration = Bonus::ONE_BATTLE; gbonus.bonus.source = Bonus::OBJECT; gbonus.bonus.sid = ID; gbonus.bdescr << "\n" << VLC->generaltexth->arraytxt[ID]; gbonus.bonus.type = Bonus::MORALE; gbonus.bonus.val = -1; cb->giveHeroBonus(&gbonus); textID = 120; iw.components.push_back (Component (Component::MORALE, 0 , -1, 0)); } break; case Obj::SHIPWRECK: if (bc->resources.size()) textID = 124; else textID = 123; break; } //grant resources if (textID != 42) //empty derelict ship gives no cash { for (int it = 0; it < bc->resources.size(); it++) { if (bc->resources[it] != 0) { iw.components.push_back (Component (Component::RESOURCE, it, bc->resources[it], 0)); loot << "%d %s"; loot.addReplacement(iw.components.back().val); loot.addReplacement(MetaString::RES_NAMES, iw.components.back().subtype); cb->giveResource (hero->getOwner(), static_cast(it), bc->resources[it]); } } } //grant artifacts for (auto & elem : artifacts) { iw.components.push_back (Component (Component::ARTIFACT, elem, 0, 0)); loot << "%s"; loot.addReplacement(MetaString::ART_NAMES, elem); cb->giveHeroNewArtifact (hero, VLC->arth->artifacts[elem], ArtifactPosition::FIRST_AVAILABLE); } //display loot if (!iw.components.empty()) { iw.text.addTxt (MetaString::ADVOB_TXT, textID); if (textID == 34) { iw.text.addReplacement(MetaString::CRE_PL_NAMES, result.casualties[1].begin()->first); iw.text.addReplacement(loot.buildList()); } cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); } loot.clear(); iw.components.clear(); iw.text.clear(); //grant creatures CCreatureSet ourArmy; for (auto it = bc->creatures.cbegin(); it != bc->creatures.cend(); it++) { SlotID slot = ourArmy.getSlotFor(it->first); ourArmy.addToSlot(slot, it->first, it->second); } for (auto & elem : ourArmy.Slots()) { iw.components.push_back(Component(*elem.second)); loot << "%s"; loot.addReplacement(*elem.second); } if (ourArmy.Slots().size()) { if (ourArmy.Slots().size() == 1 && ourArmy.Slots().begin()->second->count == 1) iw.text.addTxt (MetaString::ADVOB_TXT, 185); else iw.text.addTxt (MetaString::ADVOB_TXT, 186); iw.text.addReplacement(loot.buildList()); iw.text.addReplacement(hero->name); cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); cb->giveCreatures(this, hero, ourArmy, false); } cb->setObjProperty (id, ObjProperty::BANK_CLEAR_CONFIG, 0); //bc = nullptr } } void CBank::blockingDialogAnswered(const CGHeroInstance *hero, ui32 answer) const { if (answer) { cb->startBattleI(hero, this, true); } } void CGPyramid::initObj() { std::vector available; cb->getAllowedSpells (available, 5); if (available.size()) { bc = VLC->objh->banksInfo[21].front(); //TODO: remove hardcoded value? spell = *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(available, cb->gameState()->getRandomGenerator()); } else { logGlobal->errorStream() <<"No spells available for Pyramid! Object set to empty."; } setPropertyDer(ObjProperty::BANK_INIT_ARMY, cb->gameState()->getRandomGenerator().nextInt()); //set guards at game start } const std::string & CGPyramid::getHoverText() const { hoverName = VLC->objh->creBanksNames[21]+ " " + visitedTxt((bc==nullptr)); return hoverName; } void CGPyramid::onHeroVisit (const CGHeroInstance * h) const { if (bc) { BlockingDialog bd (true, false); bd.player = h->getOwner(); bd.soundID = soundBase::MYSTERY; bd.text << VLC->generaltexth->advobtxt[105]; cb->showBlockingDialog(&bd); } else { InfoWindow iw; iw.player = h->getOwner(); iw.text << VLC->generaltexth->advobtxt[107]; iw.components.push_back (Component (Component::LUCK, 0 , -2, 0)); GiveBonus gb; gb.bonus = Bonus(Bonus::ONE_BATTLE,Bonus::LUCK,Bonus::OBJECT,-2,id.getNum(),VLC->generaltexth->arraytxt[70]); gb.id = h->id.getNum(); cb->giveHeroBonus(&gb); cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); } } void CGPyramid::battleFinished(const CGHeroInstance *hero, const BattleResult &result) const { if (result.winner == 0) { InfoWindow iw; iw.player = hero->getOwner(); iw.text.addTxt (MetaString::ADVOB_TXT, 106); iw.text.addTxt (MetaString::SPELL_NAME, spell); if (!hero->getArt(ArtifactPosition::SPELLBOOK)) iw.text.addTxt (MetaString::ADVOB_TXT, 109); //no spellbook else if (hero->getSecSkillLevel(SecondarySkill::WISDOM) < 3) iw.text.addTxt (MetaString::ADVOB_TXT, 108); //no expert Wisdom else { std::set spells; spells.insert (SpellID(spell)); cb->changeSpells (hero, true, spells); iw.components.push_back(Component (Component::SPELL, spell, 0, 0)); } cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); cb->setObjProperty (id, ObjProperty::BANK_CLEAR_CONFIG, 0); } } void CGKeys::setPropertyDer (ui8 what, ui32 val) //101-108 - enable key for player 1-8 { if (what >= 101 && what <= (100 + PlayerColor::PLAYER_LIMIT_I)) { PlayerColor player(what-101); playerKeyMap[player].insert((ui8)val); } else logGlobal->errorStream() << boost::format("Unexpected properties requested to set: what=%d, val=%d") % (int)what % val; } bool CGKeys::wasMyColorVisited (PlayerColor player) const { if (vstd::contains(playerKeyMap[player], subID)) //creates set if it's not there return true; else return false; } const std::string& CGKeys::getHoverText() const { bool visited = wasMyColorVisited (cb->getLocalPlayer()); hoverName = getName() + "\n" + visitedTxt(visited); return hoverName; } const std::string CGKeys::getName() const { std::string name; name = VLC->generaltexth->tentColors[subID] + " " + VLC->objtypeh->getObjectName(ID); return name; } bool CGKeymasterTent::wasVisited (PlayerColor player) const { return wasMyColorVisited (player); } void CGKeymasterTent::onHeroVisit( const CGHeroInstance * h ) const { int txt_id; if (!wasMyColorVisited (h->getOwner()) ) { cb->setObjProperty(id, h->tempOwner.getNum()+101, subID); txt_id=19; } else txt_id=20; showInfoDialog(h,txt_id,soundBase::CAVEHEAD); } void CGBorderGuard::initObj() { //ui32 m13489val = subID; //store color as quest info blockVisit = true; } void CGBorderGuard::getVisitText (MetaString &text, std::vector &components, bool isCustom, bool FirstVisit, const CGHeroInstance * h) const { text << std::pair(11,18); } void CGBorderGuard::getRolloverText (MetaString &text, bool onHover) const { if (!onHover) text << VLC->generaltexth->tentColors[subID] << " " << VLC->objtypeh->getObjectName(Obj::KEYMASTER); } bool CGBorderGuard::checkQuest (const CGHeroInstance * h) const { return wasMyColorVisited (h->tempOwner); } void CGBorderGuard::onHeroVisit( const CGHeroInstance * h ) const { if (wasMyColorVisited (h->getOwner()) ) { BlockingDialog bd (true, false); bd.player = h->getOwner(); bd.soundID = soundBase::QUEST; bd.text.addTxt (MetaString::ADVOB_TXT, 17); cb->showBlockingDialog (&bd); } else { showInfoDialog(h,18,soundBase::CAVEHEAD); AddQuest aq; aq.quest = QuestInfo (quest, this, visitablePos()); aq.player = h->tempOwner; cb->sendAndApply (&aq); //TODO: add this quest only once OR check for multiple instances later } } void CGBorderGuard::blockingDialogAnswered(const CGHeroInstance *hero, ui32 answer) const { if (answer) cb->removeObject(this); } void CGBorderGate::onHeroVisit( const CGHeroInstance * h ) const //TODO: passability { if (!wasMyColorVisited (h->getOwner()) ) { showInfoDialog(h,18,0); AddQuest aq; aq.quest = QuestInfo (quest, this, visitablePos()); aq.player = h->tempOwner; cb->sendAndApply (&aq); } } ui8 CGBorderGate::getPassableness() const { ui8 ret = 0; for (int i = 0; i < PlayerColor::PLAYER_LIMIT_I; i++) ret |= wasMyColorVisited(PlayerColor(i))<tempOwner; cv.focusTime = 2000; FoWChange fw; fw.player = h->tempOwner; fw.mode = 1; for(auto it : eyelist[subID]) { const CGObjectInstance *eye = cb->getObj(it); cb->getTilesInRange (fw.tiles, eye->pos, 10, h->tempOwner, 1); cb->sendAndApply(&fw); cv.pos = eye->pos; cb->sendAndApply(&cv); } cv.pos = h->getPosition(false); cb->sendAndApply(&cv); } } else if (ID == Obj::EYE_OF_MAGI) { showInfoDialog(h,48,soundBase::invalid); } } void CGBoat::initObj() { hero = nullptr; } void CGSirens::initObj() { blockVisit = true; } const std::string & CGSirens::getHoverText() const { getNameVis(hoverName); return hoverName; } void CGSirens::onHeroVisit( const CGHeroInstance * h ) const { InfoWindow iw; iw.soundID = soundBase::DANGER; iw.player = h->tempOwner; if(h->hasBonusFrom(Bonus::OBJECT,ID)) //has already visited Sirens { iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::ADVOB_TXT,133); } else { giveDummyBonus(h->id, Bonus::ONE_BATTLE); TExpType xp = 0; for (auto i = h->Slots().begin(); i != h->Slots().end(); i++) { TQuantity drown = i->second->count * 0.3; if(drown) { cb->changeStackCount(StackLocation(h, i->first), -drown); xp += drown * i->second->type->valOfBonuses(Bonus::STACK_HEALTH); } } if(xp) { xp = h->calculateXp(xp); iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::ADVOB_TXT,132); iw.text.addReplacement(xp); cb->changePrimSkill(h, PrimarySkill::EXPERIENCE, xp, false); } else { iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::ADVOB_TXT,134); } } cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); } //bool IShipyard::validLocation() const //{ // std::vector offsets; // getOutOffsets(offsets); // // TerrainTile *tile; // for(int i = 0; i < offsets.size(); i++) // if((tile = IObjectInterface::cb->getTile(o->pos + offsets[i])) && tile->terType == TerrainTile::water) //tile is in the map and is water // return true; // return false; //} int3 IBoatGenerator::bestLocation() const { std::vector offsets; getOutOffsets(offsets); for (auto & offset : offsets) { if (const TerrainTile *tile = IObjectInterface::cb->getTile(o->pos + offset, false)) //tile is in the map { if (tile->terType == ETerrainType::WATER && (!tile->blocked || tile->blockingObjects.front()->ID == 8)) //and is water and is not blocked or is blocked by boat return o->pos + offset; } } return int3 (-1,-1,-1); } IBoatGenerator::EGeneratorState IBoatGenerator::shipyardStatus() const { int3 tile = bestLocation(); const TerrainTile *t = IObjectInterface::cb->getTile(tile); if(!t) return TILE_BLOCKED; //no available water else if(!t->blockingObjects.size()) return GOOD; //OK else if(t->blockingObjects.front()->ID == Obj::BOAT) return BOAT_ALREADY_BUILT; //blocked with boat else return TILE_BLOCKED; //blocked } int IBoatGenerator::getBoatType() const { //We make good ships by default return 1; } IBoatGenerator::IBoatGenerator(const CGObjectInstance *O) : o(O) { } void IBoatGenerator::getProblemText(MetaString &out, const CGHeroInstance *visitor) const { switch(shipyardStatus()) { case BOAT_ALREADY_BUILT: out.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 51); break; case TILE_BLOCKED: if(visitor) { out.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 134); out.addReplacement(visitor->name); } else out.addTxt(MetaString::ADVOB_TXT, 189); break; case NO_WATER: logGlobal->errorStream() << "Shipyard without water!!! " << o->pos << "\t" << o->id; return; } } void IShipyard::getBoatCost( std::vector &cost ) const { cost.resize(GameConstants::RESOURCE_QUANTITY); cost[Res::WOOD] = 10; cost[Res::GOLD] = 1000; } IShipyard::IShipyard(const CGObjectInstance *O) : IBoatGenerator(O) { } IShipyard * IShipyard::castFrom( CGObjectInstance *obj ) { if(!obj) return nullptr; if(obj->ID == Obj::TOWN) { return static_cast(obj); } else if(obj->ID == Obj::SHIPYARD) { return static_cast(obj); } else { return nullptr; } } const IShipyard * IShipyard::castFrom( const CGObjectInstance *obj ) { return castFrom(const_cast(obj)); } CGShipyard::CGShipyard() :IShipyard(this) { } void CGShipyard::getOutOffsets( std::vector &offsets ) const { // H J L K I // A x S x B // C E G F D offsets += int3(-3,0,0), int3(1,0,0), //AB int3(-3,1,0), int3(1,1,0), int3(-2,1,0), int3(0,1,0), int3(-1,1,0), //CDEFG int3(-3,-1,0), int3(1,-1,0), int3(-2,-1,0), int3(0,-1,0), int3(-1,-1,0); //HIJKL } void CGShipyard::onHeroVisit( const CGHeroInstance * h ) const { if(!cb->gameState()->getPlayerRelations(tempOwner, h->tempOwner)) cb->setOwner(this, h->tempOwner); auto s = shipyardStatus(); if(s != IBoatGenerator::GOOD) { InfoWindow iw; iw.player = tempOwner; getProblemText(iw.text, h); cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); } else { openWindow(OpenWindow::SHIPYARD_WINDOW,id.getNum(),h->id.getNum()); } } void CCartographer::onHeroVisit( const CGHeroInstance * h ) const { if (!wasVisited (h->getOwner()) ) //if hero has not visited yet this cartographer { if (cb->getResource(h->tempOwner, Res::GOLD) >= 1000) //if he can afford a map { //ask if he wants to buy one int text=0; switch (subID) { case 0: text = 25; break; case 1: text = 26; break; case 2: text = 27; break; default: logGlobal->warnStream() << "Unrecognized subtype of cartographer"; } assert(text); BlockingDialog bd (true, false); bd.player = h->getOwner(); bd.soundID = soundBase::LIGHTHOUSE; bd.text.addTxt (MetaString::ADVOB_TXT, text); cb->showBlockingDialog (&bd); } else //if he cannot afford { showInfoDialog(h,28,soundBase::CAVEHEAD); } } else //if he already visited carographer { showInfoDialog(h,24,soundBase::CAVEHEAD); } } void CCartographer::blockingDialogAnswered(const CGHeroInstance *hero, ui32 answer) const { if (answer) //if hero wants to buy map { cb->giveResource (hero->tempOwner, Res::GOLD, -1000); FoWChange fw; fw.mode = 1; fw.player = hero->tempOwner; //subIDs of different types of cartographers: //water = 0; land = 1; underground = 2; cb->getAllTiles (fw.tiles, hero->tempOwner, subID - 1, !subID + 1); //reveal appropriate tiles cb->sendAndApply (&fw); cb->setObjProperty (id, 10, hero->tempOwner.getNum()); } } void CGDenOfthieves::onHeroVisit (const CGHeroInstance * h) const { cb->showThievesGuildWindow(h->tempOwner, id); } void CGObelisk::onHeroVisit( const CGHeroInstance * h ) const { InfoWindow iw; iw.player = h->tempOwner; TeamState *ts = cb->gameState()->getPlayerTeam(h->tempOwner); assert(ts); TeamID team = ts->id; if(!wasVisited(team)) { iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::ADVOB_TXT, 96); cb->sendAndApply(&iw); cb->setObjProperty(id, 20, h->tempOwner.getNum()); //increment general visited obelisks counter openWindow(OpenWindow::PUZZLE_MAP, h->tempOwner.getNum()); cb->setObjProperty(id, 10, h->tempOwner.getNum()); //mark that particular obelisk as visited } else { iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::ADVOB_TXT, 97); cb->sendAndApply(&iw); } } void CGObelisk::initObj() { obeliskCount++; } const std::string & CGObelisk::getHoverText() const { bool visited = wasVisited(cb->getLocalPlayer()); hoverName = VLC->objtypeh->getObjectName(ID) + " " + visitedTxt(visited); return hoverName; } void CGObelisk::setPropertyDer( ui8 what, ui32 val ) { CPlayersVisited::setPropertyDer(what, val); switch(what) { case 20: assert(val < PlayerColor::PLAYER_LIMIT_I); visited[TeamID(val)]++; if(visited[TeamID(val)] > obeliskCount) { logGlobal->errorStream() << "Error: Visited " << visited[TeamID(val)] << "\t\t" << obeliskCount; assert(0); } break; } } void CGLighthouse::onHeroVisit( const CGHeroInstance * h ) const { if(h->tempOwner != tempOwner) { PlayerColor oldOwner = tempOwner; cb->setOwner(this,h->tempOwner); //not ours? flag it! showInfoDialog(h,69,soundBase::LIGHTHOUSE); giveBonusTo(h->tempOwner); if(oldOwner < PlayerColor::PLAYER_LIMIT) //remove bonus from old owner { RemoveBonus rb(RemoveBonus::PLAYER); rb.whoID = oldOwner.getNum(); rb.source = Bonus::OBJECT; rb.id = id.getNum(); cb->sendAndApply(&rb); } } } void CGLighthouse::initObj() { if(tempOwner < PlayerColor::PLAYER_LIMIT) { giveBonusTo(tempOwner); } } const std::string & CGLighthouse::getHoverText() const { hoverName = VLC->objtypeh->getObjectName(ID); //TODO: owned by %s player return hoverName; } void CGLighthouse::giveBonusTo( PlayerColor player ) const { GiveBonus gb(GiveBonus::PLAYER); gb.bonus.type = Bonus::SEA_MOVEMENT; gb.bonus.val = 500; gb.id = player.getNum(); gb.bonus.duration = Bonus::PERMANENT; gb.bonus.source = Bonus::OBJECT; gb.bonus.sid = id.getNum(); cb->sendAndApply(&gb); } void CArmedInstance::randomizeArmy(int type) { for (auto & elem : stacks) { int & randID = elem.second->idRand; if(randID >= 0) { int level = randID / 2; bool upgrade = randID % 2; elem.second->setType(VLC->townh->factions[type]->town->creatures[level][upgrade]); randID = -1; } assert(elem.second->valid(false)); assert(elem.second->armyObj == this); } return; } CArmedInstance::CArmedInstance() { battle = nullptr; } //int CArmedInstance::valOfGlobalBonuses(CSelector selector) const //{ //// if (tempOwner != NEUTRAL_PLAYER) // return cb->gameState()->players[tempOwner].valOfBonuses(selector); //} void CArmedInstance::updateMoraleBonusFromArmy() { if(!validTypes(false)) //object not randomized, don't bother return; Bonus *b = getBonusList().getFirst(Selector::sourceType(Bonus::ARMY).And(Selector::type(Bonus::MORALE))); if(!b) { b = new Bonus(Bonus::PERMANENT, Bonus::MORALE, Bonus::ARMY, 0, -1); addNewBonus(b); } //number of alignments and presence of undead std::set factions; bool hasUndead = false; for(auto slot : Slots()) { const CStackInstance * inst = slot.second; const CCreature * creature = VLC->creh->creatures[inst->getCreatureID()]; factions.insert(creature->faction); // Check for undead flag instead of faction (undead mummies are neutral) hasUndead |= inst->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::UNDEAD); } size_t factionsInArmy = factions.size(); //town garrison seems to take both sets into account // Take Angelic Alliance troop-mixing freedom of non-evil units into account. if (hasBonusOfType(Bonus::NONEVIL_ALIGNMENT_MIX)) { size_t mixableFactions = 0; for(TFaction f : factions) { if (VLC->townh->factions[f]->alignment != EAlignment::EVIL) mixableFactions++; } if (mixableFactions > 0) factionsInArmy -= mixableFactions - 1; } if(factionsInArmy == 1) { b->val = +1; b->description = VLC->generaltexth->arraytxt[115]; //All troops of one alignment +1 } else if (!factions.empty()) // no bonus from empty garrison { b->val = 2 - factionsInArmy; b->description = boost::str(boost::format(VLC->generaltexth->arraytxt[114]) % factionsInArmy % b->val); //Troops of %d alignments %d } boost::algorithm::trim(b->description); //-1 modifier for any Undead unit in army const ui8 UNDEAD_MODIFIER_ID = -2; Bonus *undeadModifier = getBonusList().getFirst(Selector::source(Bonus::ARMY, UNDEAD_MODIFIER_ID)); if(hasUndead) { if(!undeadModifier) addNewBonus(new Bonus(Bonus::PERMANENT, Bonus::MORALE, Bonus::ARMY, -1, UNDEAD_MODIFIER_ID, VLC->generaltexth->arraytxt[116])); } else if(undeadModifier) removeBonus(undeadModifier); } void CArmedInstance::armyChanged() { updateMoraleBonusFromArmy(); } CBonusSystemNode * CArmedInstance::whereShouldBeAttached(CGameState *gs) { if(tempOwner < PlayerColor::PLAYER_LIMIT) return gs->getPlayer(tempOwner); else return &gs->globalEffects; } CBonusSystemNode * CArmedInstance::whatShouldBeAttached() { return this; } bool IMarket::getOffer(int id1, int id2, int &val1, int &val2, EMarketMode::EMarketMode mode) const { switch(mode) { case EMarketMode::RESOURCE_RESOURCE: { double effectiveness = std::min((getMarketEfficiency() + 1.0) / 20.0, 0.5); double r = VLC->objh->resVals[id1], //value of given resource g = VLC->objh->resVals[id2] / effectiveness; //value of wanted resource if(r>g) //if given resource is more expensive than wanted { val2 = ceil(r / g); val1 = 1; } else //if wanted resource is more expensive { val1 = (g / r) + 0.5; val2 = 1; } } break; case EMarketMode::CREATURE_RESOURCE: { const double effectivenessArray[] = {0.0, 0.3, 0.45, 0.50, 0.65, 0.7, 0.85, 0.9, 1.0}; double effectiveness = effectivenessArray[std::min(getMarketEfficiency(), 8)]; double r = VLC->creh->creatures[id1]->cost[6], //value of given creature in gold g = VLC->objh->resVals[id2] / effectiveness; //value of wanted resource if(r>g) //if given resource is more expensive than wanted { val2 = ceil(r / g); val1 = 1; } else //if wanted resource is more expensive { val1 = (g / r) + 0.5; val2 = 1; } } break; case EMarketMode::RESOURCE_PLAYER: val1 = 1; val2 = 1; break; case EMarketMode::RESOURCE_ARTIFACT: { double effectiveness = std::min((getMarketEfficiency() + 3.0) / 20.0, 0.6); double r = VLC->objh->resVals[id1], //value of offered resource g = VLC->arth->artifacts[id2]->price / effectiveness; //value of bought artifact in gold if(id1 != 6) //non-gold prices are doubled r /= 2; val1 = std::max(1, (int)((g / r) + 0.5)); //don't sell arts for less than 1 resource val2 = 1; } break; case EMarketMode::ARTIFACT_RESOURCE: { double effectiveness = std::min((getMarketEfficiency() + 3.0) / 20.0, 0.6); double r = VLC->arth->artifacts[id1]->price * effectiveness, g = VLC->objh->resVals[id2]; // if(id2 != 6) //non-gold prices are doubled // r /= 2; val1 = 1; val2 = std::max(1, (int)((r / g) + 0.5)); //at least one resource is given in return } break; case EMarketMode::CREATURE_EXP: { val1 = 1; val2 = (VLC->creh->creatures[id1]->AIValue / 40) * 5; } break; case EMarketMode::ARTIFACT_EXP: { val1 = 1; int givenClass = VLC->arth->artifacts[id1]->getArtClassSerial(); if(givenClass < 0 || givenClass > 3) { val2 = 0; return false; } static const int expPerClass[] = {1000, 1500, 3000, 6000}; val2 = expPerClass[givenClass]; } break; default: assert(0); return false; } return true; } bool IMarket::allowsTrade(EMarketMode::EMarketMode mode) const { return false; } int IMarket::availableUnits(EMarketMode::EMarketMode mode, int marketItemSerial) const { switch(mode) { case EMarketMode::RESOURCE_RESOURCE: case EMarketMode::ARTIFACT_RESOURCE: case EMarketMode::CREATURE_RESOURCE: return -1; default: return 1; } } std::vector IMarket::availableItemsIds(EMarketMode::EMarketMode mode) const { std::vector ret; switch(mode) { case EMarketMode::RESOURCE_RESOURCE: case EMarketMode::ARTIFACT_RESOURCE: case EMarketMode::CREATURE_RESOURCE: for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) ret.push_back(i); } return ret; } const IMarket * IMarket::castFrom(const CGObjectInstance *obj, bool verbose /*= true*/) { switch(obj->ID) { case Obj::TOWN: return static_cast(obj); case Obj::ALTAR_OF_SACRIFICE: case Obj::BLACK_MARKET: case Obj::TRADING_POST: case Obj::TRADING_POST_SNOW: case Obj::FREELANCERS_GUILD: return static_cast(obj); case Obj::UNIVERSITY: return static_cast(obj); default: if(verbose) logGlobal->errorStream() << "Cannot cast to IMarket object with ID " << obj->ID; return nullptr; } } IMarket::IMarket(const CGObjectInstance *O) :o(O) { } std::vector IMarket::availableModes() const { std::vector ret; for (int i = 0; i < EMarketMode::MARTKET_AFTER_LAST_PLACEHOLDER; i++) if(allowsTrade((EMarketMode::EMarketMode)i)) ret.push_back((EMarketMode::EMarketMode)i); return ret; } void CGMarket::onHeroVisit(const CGHeroInstance * h) const { openWindow(OpenWindow::MARKET_WINDOW,id.getNum(),h->id.getNum()); } int CGMarket::getMarketEfficiency() const { return 5; } bool CGMarket::allowsTrade(EMarketMode::EMarketMode mode) const { switch(mode) { case EMarketMode::RESOURCE_RESOURCE: case EMarketMode::RESOURCE_PLAYER: switch(ID) { case Obj::TRADING_POST: case Obj::TRADING_POST_SNOW: return true; default: return false; } case EMarketMode::CREATURE_RESOURCE: return ID == Obj::FREELANCERS_GUILD; //case ARTIFACT_RESOURCE: case EMarketMode::RESOURCE_ARTIFACT: return ID == Obj::BLACK_MARKET; case EMarketMode::ARTIFACT_EXP: case EMarketMode::CREATURE_EXP: return ID == Obj::ALTAR_OF_SACRIFICE; //TODO? check here for alignment of visiting hero? - would not be coherent with other checks here case EMarketMode::RESOURCE_SKILL: return ID == Obj::UNIVERSITY; default: return false; } } int CGMarket::availableUnits(EMarketMode::EMarketMode mode, int marketItemSerial) const { return -1; } std::vector CGMarket::availableItemsIds(EMarketMode::EMarketMode mode) const { switch(mode) { case EMarketMode::RESOURCE_RESOURCE: case EMarketMode::RESOURCE_PLAYER: return IMarket::availableItemsIds(mode); default: return std::vector(); } } CGMarket::CGMarket() :IMarket(this) { } std::vector CGBlackMarket::availableItemsIds(EMarketMode::EMarketMode mode) const { switch(mode) { case EMarketMode::ARTIFACT_RESOURCE: return IMarket::availableItemsIds(mode); case EMarketMode::RESOURCE_ARTIFACT: { std::vector ret; for(const CArtifact *a : artifacts) if(a) ret.push_back(a->id); else ret.push_back(-1); return ret; } default: return std::vector(); } } void CGBlackMarket::newTurn() const { if(cb->getDate(Date::DAY_OF_MONTH) != 1) //new month return; SetAvailableArtifacts saa; saa.id = id.getNum(); cb->pickAllowedArtsSet(saa.arts); cb->sendAndApply(&saa); } void CGUniversity::initObj() { std::vector toChoose; for(int i = 0; i < GameConstants::SKILL_QUANTITY; ++i) { if(cb->isAllowed(2, i)) { toChoose.push_back(i); } } if(toChoose.size() < 4) { logGlobal->warnStream()<<"Warning: less then 4 available skills was found by University initializer!"; return; } // get 4 skills for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { // move randomly one skill to selected and remove from list auto it = RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(toChoose, cb->gameState()->getRandomGenerator()); skills.push_back(*it); toChoose.erase(it); } } std::vector CGUniversity::availableItemsIds(EMarketMode::EMarketMode mode) const { switch (mode) { case EMarketMode::RESOURCE_SKILL: return skills; default: return std::vector (); } } void CGUniversity::onHeroVisit(const CGHeroInstance * h) const { openWindow(OpenWindow::UNIVERSITY_WINDOW,id.getNum(),h->id.getNum()); } GrowthInfo::Entry::Entry(const std::string &format, int _count) : count(_count) { description = boost::str(boost::format(format) % count); } GrowthInfo::Entry::Entry(int subID, BuildingID building, int _count) : count(_count) { description = boost::str(boost::format("%s %+d") % VLC->townh->factions[subID]->town->buildings.at(building)->Name() % count); } CTownAndVisitingHero::CTownAndVisitingHero() { setNodeType(TOWN_AND_VISITOR); } int GrowthInfo::totalGrowth() const { int ret = 0; for(const Entry &entry : entries) ret += entry.count; return ret; }