#include "stdafx.h" #include "CMessage.h" #include "SDL_ttf.h" #include "hch/CDefHandler.h" #include "CGameInfo.h" #include "SDL_Extensions.h" #include "hch/CLodHandler.h" #include #include #include "CPlayerInterface.h" #include "hch/CDefHandler.h" #include "CGameInfo.h" #include "SDL_Extensions.h" #include #include "hch/CGeneralTextHandler.h" #include "client/Graphics.h" #include "CAdvmapInterface.h" SDL_Color tytulowy, tlo, zwykly ; extern SDL_Surface * screen; extern TTF_Font * TNRB16, *TNR, *GEOR13; using namespace NMessage; const int COMPONENT_TO_SUBTITLE = 5; const int BETWEEN_COMPS_ROWS = 10; const int BEFORE_COMPONENTS = 30; template std::pair max(const std::pair &x, const std::pair &y) { std::pair ret; ret.first = std::max(x.first,y.first); ret.second = std::max(x.second,y.second); return ret; } namespace NMessage { CDefHandler * ok, *cancel; std::vector > piecesOfBox; //in colors of all players SDL_Surface * background = NULL; } void CMessage::init() { { for (int i=0;i n; piecesOfBox.push_back(n); if (i==1) { for (size_t j=0;jourImages.size();++j) { piecesOfBox[i].push_back(bluePieces->ourImages[j].bitmap); } } for (size_t j=0;jourImages.size();++j) { graphics->blueToPlayersAdv(bluePieces->ourImages[j].bitmap,i); piecesOfBox[i].push_back(bluePieces->ourImages[j].bitmap); } } NMessage::background = BitmapHandler::loadBitmap("DIBOXBCK.BMP"); SDL_SetColorKey(background,SDL_SRCCOLORKEY,SDL_MapRGB(background->format,0,255,255)); } ok = CDefHandler::giveDef("IOKAY.DEF"); cancel = CDefHandler::giveDef("ICANCEL.DEF"); } void CMessage::dispose() { for (int i=0;iflags, w, h, screen->format->BitsPerPixel, screen->format->Rmask, screen->format->Gmask, screen->format->Bmask, screen->format->Amask); for (int i=0; ih)//background { for (int j=0; jw-1) { SDL_BlitSurface(background,&genRect(background->h,background->w-1,1,0),ret,&genRect(h,w,j,i)); //FIXME taking address of temporary } } drawBorder(playerColor, ret, w, h); return ret; } std::vector * CMessage::breakText(std::string text, size_t line, bool userBreak, bool ifor) //TODO userBreak -- use me { std::vector * ret = new std::vector(); while (text.length()>line) { int whereCut = -1, braces=0; bool pom = true, opened=false; for (size_t i=0; i0&&pom; i--) { if (text[i]==' ') { whereCut = i; break; } else if (opened && text[i]=='{') opened = false; else if (text[i]=='}') opened = true; } ret->push_back(text.substr(0,whereCut)); text.erase(0,whereCut); boost::algorithm::trim_left_if(text,boost::algorithm::is_any_of(" ")); if (opened) { (*(ret->end()-1))+='}'; text.insert(0,"{"); } } for (size_t i=0;ipush_back(text.substr(0,i)); text.erase(0,i); i=0; } } if (text.length() > 0) ret->push_back(text); for (size_t i=0; isize(); i++) { boost::algorithm::trim((*ret)[i]); } return ret; } std::pair CMessage::getMaxSizes(std::vector > * txtg) { std::pair ret; ret.first = -1; ret.second=0; for (size_t i=0; isize();i++) //szukamy najszerszej linii i lacznej wysokosci { int lw=0; for (size_t j=0;j<(*txtg)[i].size();j++) { lw+=(*txtg)[i][j]->w; ret.second+=(*txtg)[i][j]->h; } if(!(*txtg)[i].size()) ret.second+=19; if (ret.first > * txtg, int & curh, SDL_Surface * ret, int xCenterPos) { for (size_t i=0; isize();i++) { int lw=0; //line width for (size_t j=0;j<(*txtg)[i].size();j++) lw+=(*txtg)[i][j]->w; int pw = (xCenterPos < 0) ? ret->w/2 : xCenterPos; pw -= lw/2; //x coord for the start of the text int tw = pw; for (size_t j=0;j<(*txtg)[i].size();j++) //blit text { blitAt((*txtg)[i][j],tw,curh+i*19,ret); tw+=(*txtg)[i][j]->w; SDL_FreeSurface((*txtg)[i][j]); (*txtg)[i][j] = NULL; } } curh+=txtg->size()*19; return ret; } std::vector > * CMessage::drawText(std::vector * brtext, TTF_Font *font) { if(!font) font = TNRB16; std::vector > * txtg = new std::vector >(); txtg->resize(brtext->size()); for (size_t i=0; isize();i++) //foreach line { while((*brtext)[i].length()) //jesli zostalo cos { size_t z=0; bool br=true; while( ((*brtext)[i][z]) != ('{') ) { if (z >= (((*brtext)[i].length())-1)) { br=false; break; } z++; } if (!br) z++; if (z) (*txtg)[i].push_back(TTF_RenderText_Blended(font,(*brtext)[i].substr(0,z).c_str(),zwykly)); (*brtext)[i].erase(0,z); z=0; if ( ((*brtext)[i].length()==0) || ((*brtext)[i][z]!='{') ) { continue; } while( ((*brtext)[i][++z]) != ('}') ) {} //tyemp = (*brtext)[i].substr(1,z-1); //od 1 bo pomijamy otwierajaca klamre (*txtg)[i].push_back(TTF_RenderText_Blended(font,(*brtext)[i].substr(1,z-1).c_str(),tytulowy)); (*brtext)[i].erase(0,z+1); //z+1 bo dajemy zamykajaca klamre } //ends while((*brtext)[i].length()) } //ends for(int i=0; isize();i++) return txtg; } CSimpleWindow * CMessage::genWindow(std::string text, int player, int Lmar, int Rmar, int Tmar, int Bmar) { CSimpleWindow * ret = new CSimpleWindow(); std::vector * brtext = breakText(text,32,true,true); std::vector > * txtg = drawText(brtext); std::pair txts = getMaxSizes(txtg); ret->bitmap = drawBox1(txts.first+Lmar+Rmar,txts.second+Tmar+Bmar,0); ret->pos.h=ret->bitmap->h; ret->pos.w=ret->bitmap->w; int curh = ret->bitmap->h/2 - (19*txtg->size())/2; blitTextOnSur(txtg,curh,ret->bitmap); delete brtext; delete txtg; return ret; } SDL_Surface * CMessage::drawBoxTextBitmapSub( int player, std::string text, SDL_Surface* bitmap, std::string sub, int charperline/*=30*/, int imgToBmp/*=55*/ ) { int curh; std::vector * tekst = breakText(text,charperline); std::vector > * txtg = drawText(tekst); std::pair txts = getMaxSizes(txtg), boxs; boxs.first = std::max(txts.first,bitmap->w) // text/bitmap max width + 50; //side margins boxs.second = (curh=45) //top margin + txts.second //text total height + imgToBmp //text <=> img + bitmap->h + 5 // to sibtitle + (*txtg)[0][0]->h + 30; SDL_Surface *ret = drawBox1(boxs.first,boxs.second,player); blitTextOnSur(txtg,curh,ret); curh += imgToBmp; blitAt(bitmap,(ret->w/2)-(bitmap->w/2),curh,ret); curh += bitmap->h + 5; CSDL_Ext::printAtMiddle(sub,ret->w/2,curh+10,GEOR13,zwykly,ret); delete tekst; delete txtg; return ret; } void CMessage::drawIWindow(CInfoWindow * ret, std::string text, int player, int charperline) { SDL_Surface * _or = NULL; if(dynamic_cast(ret)) //it's selection window, so we'll blit "or" between components _or = TTF_RenderText_Blended(GEOR13,CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[4].c_str(),zwykly); std::vector * brtext = breakText(text,charperline,true,true); //text std::vector > * txtg = drawText(brtext); std::pair txts = getMaxSizes(txtg); ComponentsToBlit comps(ret->components,500,_or); if(ret->buttons.size()) txts.second += 20 + //before button ok->ourImages[0].bitmap->h; //button if (ret->components.size()) { txts.second += 30 + comps.h; //space to first component } amax(txts.first,comps.w); ret->bitmap = drawBox1(txts.first+70,txts.second+70,0); ret->pos.h=ret->bitmap->h; ret->pos.w=ret->bitmap->w; ret->pos.x=screen->w/2-(ret->pos.w/2); ret->pos.y=screen->h/2-(ret->pos.h/2); int curh = 30; //gorny margines blitTextOnSur(txtg,curh,ret->bitmap); if (ret->components.size()) { curh += BEFORE_COMPONENTS; comps.blitCompsOnSur(_or, 10, curh, ret->bitmap); } if(ret->buttons.size()) { curh += 20; //to buttton int bw = 20*(ret->buttons.size()-1); //total width of buttons - start with distance between them for(size_t i=0; ibuttons.size(); i++) //and add buttons width bw+=ret->buttons[i]->imgs[0][0]->w; bw = (ret->bitmap->w/2) - (bw/2); for(size_t i=0; ibuttons.size(); i++) { ret->buttons[i]->pos.x = bw + ret->pos.x; ret->buttons[i]->pos.y = curh + ret->pos.y; bw += ret->buttons[i]->imgs[0][0]->w + 20; } } for(size_t i=0; icomponents.size(); i++) { ret->components[i]->pos.x += ret->pos.x; ret->components[i]->pos.y += ret->pos.y; } delete brtext; delete txtg; if(_or) SDL_FreeSurface(_or); } SDL_Surface * CMessage::genMessage (std::string title, std::string text, EWindowType type, std::vector *addPics, void * cb) { //max x 320 okolo 30 znakow std::vector * tekst; if (text.length() < 30) //nie trzeba polamac { tekst = new std::vector(); tekst->push_back(text); } else tekst = breakText(text); int ww, hh; //wymiary boksa if (319>30+13*text.length()) ww = 30+13*text.length(); else ww = 319; if (title.length()) hh=110+(21*tekst->size()); else hh=60+(21*tekst->size()); if (type==yesOrNO) //make place for buttons { if (ww<200) ww=200; hh+=70; } SDL_Surface * ret = drawBox1(ww,hh,0); //prepare title text if (title.length()) { SDL_Surface * titleText = TTF_RenderText_Blended(TNRB16,title.c_str(),tytulowy); //draw title SDL_Rect tytul = genRect(titleText->h,titleText->w,((ret->w/2)-(titleText->w/2)),37); SDL_BlitSurface(titleText,NULL,ret,&tytul); SDL_FreeSurface(titleText); } //draw text for (size_t i=0; isize(); i++) { int by = 37+i*21; if (title.length()) by+=40; SDL_Surface * tresc = TTF_RenderText_Blended(TNRB16,(*tekst)[i].c_str(),zwykly); SDL_Rect trescRect = genRect(tresc->h,tresc->w,((ret->w/2)-(tresc->w/2)),by); SDL_BlitSurface(tresc,NULL,ret,&trescRect); SDL_FreeSurface(tresc); } if (type==yesOrNO) // add buttons { int by = 77+tekst->size()*21; if (title.length()) by+=40; int hwo = (*addPics)[0]->ourImages[0].bitmap->w, hwc=(*addPics)[0]->ourImages[0].bitmap->w; //ok SDL_Rect trescRect = genRect((*addPics)[0]->ourImages[0].bitmap->h,hwo,((ret->w/2)-hwo-10),by); SDL_BlitSurface((*addPics)[0]->ourImages[0].bitmap,NULL,ret,&trescRect); ((std::vector*)(cb))->push_back(trescRect); //cancel trescRect = genRect((*addPics)[1]->ourImages[0].bitmap->h,hwc,((ret->w/2)+10),by); SDL_BlitSurface((*addPics)[1]->ourImages[0].bitmap,NULL,ret,&trescRect); ((std::vector*)(cb))->push_back(trescRect); } delete tekst; return ret; } void CMessage::drawBorder(int playerColor, SDL_Surface * ret, int w, int h, int x, int y) { //obwodka I-szego rzedu pozioma for (int i=0; iw; i+=piecesOfBox[playerColor][6]->w) { SDL_BlitSurface (piecesOfBox[playerColor][6],NULL,ret,&genRect(piecesOfBox[playerColor][6]->h,piecesOfBox[playerColor][6]->w,x+i,y+0)); SDL_BlitSurface (piecesOfBox[playerColor][7],NULL,ret,&genRect(piecesOfBox[playerColor][7]->h,piecesOfBox[playerColor][7]->w,x+i,y+h-piecesOfBox[playerColor][7]->h)); } //obwodka I-szego rzedu pionowa for (int i=0; ih; i+=piecesOfBox[playerColor][4]->h) { SDL_BlitSurface (piecesOfBox[playerColor][4],NULL,ret,&genRect(piecesOfBox[playerColor][4]->h,piecesOfBox[playerColor][4]->w,x+0,y+i)); SDL_BlitSurface (piecesOfBox[playerColor][5],NULL,ret,&genRect(piecesOfBox[playerColor][5]->h,piecesOfBox[playerColor][5]->w,x+w-piecesOfBox[playerColor][5]->w,y+i)); } //corners SDL_BlitSurface (piecesOfBox[playerColor][0],NULL,ret,&genRect(piecesOfBox[playerColor][0]->h,piecesOfBox[playerColor][0]->w,x+0,y+0)); SDL_BlitSurface (piecesOfBox[playerColor][1],NULL,ret,&genRect(piecesOfBox[playerColor][1]->h,piecesOfBox[playerColor][1]->w,x+w-piecesOfBox[playerColor][1]->w,y+0)); SDL_BlitSurface (piecesOfBox[playerColor][2],NULL,ret,&genRect(piecesOfBox[playerColor][2]->h,piecesOfBox[playerColor][2]->w,x+0,y+h-piecesOfBox[playerColor][2]->h)); SDL_BlitSurface (piecesOfBox[playerColor][3],NULL,ret,&genRect(piecesOfBox[playerColor][3]->h,piecesOfBox[playerColor][3]->w,x+w-piecesOfBox[playerColor][3]->w,y+h-piecesOfBox[playerColor][3]->h)); } ComponentResolved::ComponentResolved() { comp = NULL; img = NULL; txt = NULL; } ComponentResolved::ComponentResolved( SComponent *Comp ) { comp = Comp; img = comp->getImg(); std::vector * brtext = CMessage::breakText(comp->subtitle,11,true,true); //text txt = CMessage::drawText(brtext,GEOR13); delete brtext; comp->pos.w = img->w; comp->pos.h = img->h + COMPONENT_TO_SUBTITLE + CMessage::getMaxSizes(txt).second; } ComponentResolved::~ComponentResolved() { for(size_t i = 0; i < txt->size(); i++) for(size_t j = 0; j < (*txt)[i].size(); j++) if((*txt)[i][j]) SDL_FreeSurface((*txt)[i][j]); delete txt; } ComponentsToBlit::~ComponentsToBlit() { for(size_t i=0; i & SComps, int maxw, SDL_Surface* _or) { w = h = 0; if(!SComps.size()) return; comps.resize(1); int curw = 0; int curr = 0; for(size_t i=0;igetImg()->w + 12 + (_or ? _or->w : 0)); if (curw + toadd > maxw) { amax(w,curw); curw = SComps[i]->getImg()->w; comps.resize(curr+1); } else { curw += toadd; } comps[curr].push_back(new ComponentResolved(SComps[i])); } for(size_t i=0;icomp->pos.h); h += maxh + BETWEEN_COMPS_ROWS; } } void ComponentsToBlit::blitCompsOnSur( SDL_Surface * _or, int inter, int &curh, SDL_Surface *ret ) { for (size_t i=0;icomp->pos.w; amax(maxh,cur->comp->pos.h); } if(_or) { totalw += (inter*2+_or->w) * ((comps)[i].size() - 1); } else { totalw += (inter) * ((comps)[i].size() - 1); } curh+=maxh/2; int curw = (ret->w/2)-(totalw/2); for(size_t j=0;j<(comps)[i].size();j++) { ComponentResolved *cur = (comps)[i][j]; //blit img int hlp = curh-(cur->comp->pos.h)/2; blitAt(cur->img,curw,hlp,ret); cur->comp->pos.x = curw; cur->comp->pos.y = hlp; //blit subtitle hlp += cur->img->h + COMPONENT_TO_SUBTITLE; CMessage::blitTextOnSur(cur->txt, hlp, ret, cur->comp->pos.x + cur->comp->pos.w/2 ); //if there is subsequent component blit "or" curw += cur->img->w; if(j<((comps)[i].size()-1)) { if(_or) { curw+=inter; blitAt(_or,curw,curh-(_or->h/2),ret); curw+=_or->w; } curw+=inter; } } curh+=maxh/2; } }