Bonus Name (30 characters?) Description (30) NO_SHOTING_PENALTY ? ??? ADDITIONAL_RETALIATION Additional retaliations May Retaliate %d extra times ATTACKS_ALL_ADJACENT Attack all around Attacks all adjacent enemies RETURN_AFTER_STRIKE Attack and Return Returns after melee attack SPELL_RESISTANCE_AURA Aura of Resistance Nearby stacks get %d% resistance TWO_HEX_ATTACK_BREATH Breath Breath Attack (2-hex range) SPELL_AFTER_ATTACK Caster - %s %d% chance to cast after attack CATAPULT Catapult Attacks siege walls JOUSTING Champion Charge +5% damage per hex travelled DOUBLE_DAMAGE_CHANCE Death Blow %d% chance for double damage ADDITIONAL_ATTACK Double Strike Attacks twice DRAGON_NATURE Dragon Creature has a Dragon Nature LIFE_DRAIN Drain life Drains life equal to damage dealt FEAR Fear Causes Fear on an enemy stack FEARLESS Fearless Immune to Fear ability FLYING Fly Can Fly (ignores obstacles) HATE Hates %s Does %d% more damage HEALER Healer Heals allied units SPELL_IMMUNITY Immune to %s CHARGE_IMMUNITY Immune to Charge Immune to Champion charge MANA_CHANNELING Magic Channel %d% Gives mana spent by enemy CHANGES_SPELL_COST_FOR_ENEMY Magic Damper (%d) Increase Cost of enemy spells MAGIC_MIRROR Magic Mirror (%d%) Redirects offensive spell to enemy MAGIC_RESISTANCE Magic Resistance %d% chance to resist enemy spell NO_DISTANCE_PENALTY No distance penalty Full damage from any distance NO_MELEE_PENALTY No melee penalty Creature has no Melee Penalty NO_OBSTACLES_PENALTY No obstacle penalty Creature has no Obstacle Penalty BLOCKS_RETALIATION No retaliation Enemy cannot Retaliate NON_LIVING Non living Immunity to many effects SELF_LUCK Positive luck Always has Positive Luck SELF_MORALE Positive morale Always has Positive Morale SHOOTER Ranged Creature can shoot CHANGES_SPELL_COST_FOR_ALLY Reduce Casting Cost (%d) Reduce Casting Cost for hero ENEMY_DEFENCE_REDUCTION Reduce Enemy Defense (%d%) Reduces Defense for one attack FULL_HP_REGENERATION Regeneration May Regenerate full Health HP_REGENERATION Regeneration Heals %d hit points every round FREE_SHOOTING Shoot Close Can shoot in Close Combat LEVEL_SPELL_IMMUNITY Spell immunity 1-%d Immune to spells levels 1-%d SPELL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION Spell Resistance Damage from spells reduced %d%. THREE_HEADED_ATTACK Three-headed attack Attacks three adjacent units UNDEAD Undead Creature is Undead UNLIMITED_RETALIATIONS Unlimited retaliations Retaliate any number of attacks