/* * CGPandoraBox.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "CGPandoraBox.h" #include #include #include "../NetPacks.h" #include "../CSoundBase.h" #include "../CSkillHandler.h" #include "../StartInfo.h" #include "../IGameCallback.h" #include "../constants/StringConstants.h" #include "../serializer/JsonSerializeFormat.h" VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_BEGIN void CGPandoraBox::initObj(CRandomGenerator & rand) { blockVisit = (ID==Obj::PANDORAS_BOX); //block only if it's really pandora's box (events also derive from that class) hasGuardians = stacks.size(); } void CGPandoraBox::onHeroVisit(const CGHeroInstance * h) const { BlockingDialog bd (true, false); bd.player = h->getOwner(); bd.text.appendLocalString (EMetaText::ADVOB_TXT, 14); cb->showBlockingDialog (&bd); } void CGPandoraBox::giveContentsUpToExp(const CGHeroInstance *h) const { afterSuccessfulVisit(); InfoWindow iw; iw.type = EInfoWindowMode::AUTO; iw.player = h->getOwner(); bool changesPrimSkill = false; for(const auto & elem : primskills) { if(elem) { changesPrimSkill = true; break; } } std::vector> unpossessedAbilities; //ability + ability level int abilitiesRequiringSlot = 0; //filter out unnecessary secondary skills for (int i = 0; i < abilities.size(); i++) { int curLev = h->getSecSkillLevel(abilities[i]); bool abilityCanUseSlot = !curLev && ((h->secSkills.size() + abilitiesRequiringSlot) < GameConstants::SKILL_PER_HERO); //limit new abilities to number of slots if (abilityCanUseSlot) abilitiesRequiringSlot++; if ((curLev && curLev < abilityLevels[i]) || abilityCanUseSlot) { unpossessedAbilities.emplace_back(abilities[i], abilityLevels[i]); } } if(gainedExp || changesPrimSkill || !unpossessedAbilities.empty()) { TExpType expVal = h->calculateXp(gainedExp); //getText(iw,afterBattle,175,h); //wtf? iw.text.appendLocalString(EMetaText::ADVOB_TXT, 175); //%s learns something iw.text.replaceRawString(h->getNameTranslated()); if(expVal) iw.components.emplace_back(Component::EComponentType::EXPERIENCE, 0, static_cast(expVal), 0); for(int i=0; ishowInfoDialog(&iw); //give sec skills for(const auto & abilityData : unpossessedAbilities) cb->changeSecSkill(h, abilityData.first, abilityData.second, true); assert(h->secSkills.size() <= GameConstants::SKILL_PER_HERO); //give prim skills for(int i=0; ichangePrimSkill(h,static_cast(i),primskills[i],false); assert(!cb->isVisitCoveredByAnotherQuery(this, h)); //give exp if(expVal) cb->changePrimSkill(h, PrimarySkill::EXPERIENCE, expVal, false); } //else { } //TODO:Create information that box was empty for now, and deliver to CGPandoraBox::giveContentsAfterExp or refactor if(!cb->isVisitCoveredByAnotherQuery(this, h)) giveContentsAfterExp(h); //Otherwise continuation occurs via post-level-up callback. } void CGPandoraBox::giveContentsAfterExp(const CGHeroInstance *h) const { bool hadGuardians = hasGuardians; //copy, because flag will be emptied after issuing first post-battle message std::string msg = message; //in case box is removed in the meantime InfoWindow iw; iw.type = EInfoWindowMode::AUTO; iw.player = h->getOwner(); //TODO: reuse this code for Scholar skill if(!spells.empty()) { std::set spellsToGive; auto i = spells.cbegin(); while (i != spells.cend()) { iw.components.clear(); iw.text.clear(); spellsToGive.clear(); for (; i != spells.cend(); i++) { const auto * spell = (*i).toSpell(VLC->spells()); if(h->canLearnSpell(spell)) { iw.components.emplace_back(Component::EComponentType::SPELL, *i, 0, 0); spellsToGive.insert(*i); } if(spellsToGive.size() == 8) //display up to 8 spells at once { break; } } if (!spellsToGive.empty()) { if (spellsToGive.size() > 1) { iw.text.appendLocalString(EMetaText::ADVOB_TXT, 188); //%s learns spells } else { iw.text.appendLocalString(EMetaText::ADVOB_TXT, 184); //%s learns a spell } iw.text.replaceRawString(h->getNameTranslated()); cb->changeSpells(h, true, spellsToGive); cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); } } } if(manaDiff) { getText(iw,hadGuardians,manaDiff,176,177,h); iw.components.emplace_back(Component::EComponentType::PRIM_SKILL, 5, manaDiff, 0); cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); cb->setManaPoints(h->id, h->mana + manaDiff); } if(moraleDiff) { getText(iw,hadGuardians,moraleDiff,178,179,h); iw.components.emplace_back(Component::EComponentType::MORALE, 0, moraleDiff, 0); cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); GiveBonus gb; gb.bonus = Bonus(BonusDuration::ONE_BATTLE,BonusType::MORALE,BonusSource::OBJECT,moraleDiff,id.getNum(),""); gb.id = h->id.getNum(); cb->giveHeroBonus(&gb); } if(luckDiff) { getText(iw,hadGuardians,luckDiff,180,181,h); iw.components.emplace_back(Component::EComponentType::LUCK, 0, luckDiff, 0); cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); GiveBonus gb; gb.bonus = Bonus(BonusDuration::ONE_BATTLE,BonusType::LUCK,BonusSource::OBJECT,luckDiff,id.getNum(),""); gb.id = h->id.getNum(); cb->giveHeroBonus(&gb); } iw.components.clear(); iw.text.clear(); for(int i=0; ishowInfoDialog(&iw); } iw.components.clear(); iw.text.clear(); for(int i=0; i 0) iw.components.emplace_back(Component::EComponentType::RESOURCE, i, resources[i], 0); } if(!iw.components.empty()) { getText(iw,hadGuardians,183,h); cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); } iw.components.clear(); // getText(iw,afterBattle,183,h); iw.text.appendLocalString(EMetaText::ADVOB_TXT, 183); //% has found treasure iw.text.replaceRawString(h->getNameTranslated()); for(const auto & elem : artifacts) { iw.components.emplace_back(Component::EComponentType::ARTIFACT, elem, 0, 0); if(iw.components.size() >= 14) { cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); iw.components.clear(); iw.text.appendLocalString(EMetaText::ADVOB_TXT, 183); //% has found treasure - once more? iw.text.replaceRawString(h->getNameTranslated()); } } if(!iw.components.empty()) { cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); } cb->giveResources(h->getOwner(), resources); for(const auto & elem : artifacts) cb->giveHeroNewArtifact(h, VLC->arth->objects[elem],ArtifactPosition::FIRST_AVAILABLE); iw.components.clear(); iw.text.clear(); if(creatures.stacksCount()) { //this part is taken straight from creature bank MetaString loot; for(const auto & elem : creatures.Slots()) { //build list of joined creatures iw.components.emplace_back(*elem.second); loot.appendRawString("%s"); loot.replaceCreatureName(*elem.second); } if(creatures.stacksCount() == 1 && creatures.Slots().begin()->second->count == 1) iw.text.appendLocalString(EMetaText::ADVOB_TXT, 185); else iw.text.appendLocalString(EMetaText::ADVOB_TXT, 186); iw.text.replaceRawString(loot.buildList()); iw.text.replaceRawString(h->getNameTranslated()); cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); cb->giveCreatures(this, h, creatures, false); } if(!hasGuardians && !msg.empty()) { iw.text.appendRawString(msg); cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); } } void CGPandoraBox::getText( InfoWindow &iw, bool &afterBattle, int text, const CGHeroInstance * h ) const { if(afterBattle || message.empty()) { iw.text.appendLocalString(EMetaText::ADVOB_TXT,text);//%s has lost treasure. iw.text.replaceRawString(h->getNameTranslated()); } else { iw.text.appendRawString(message); afterBattle = true; } } void CGPandoraBox::getText( InfoWindow &iw, bool &afterBattle, int val, int negative, int positive, const CGHeroInstance * h ) const { iw.components.clear(); iw.text.clear(); if(afterBattle || message.empty()) { iw.text.appendLocalString(EMetaText::ADVOB_TXT,val < 0 ? negative : positive); //%s's luck takes a turn for the worse / %s's luck increases iw.text.replaceRawString(h->getNameTranslated()); } else { iw.text.appendRawString(message); afterBattle = true; } } void CGPandoraBox::battleFinished(const CGHeroInstance *hero, const BattleResult &result) const { if(result.winner == 0) { giveContentsUpToExp(hero); } } void CGPandoraBox::blockingDialogAnswered(const CGHeroInstance *hero, ui32 answer) const { if(answer) { if(stacksCount() > 0) //if pandora's box is protected by army { hero->showInfoDialog(16, 0, EInfoWindowMode::MODAL); cb->startBattleI(hero, this); //grants things after battle } else if(message.empty() && resources.empty() && primskills.empty() && abilities.empty() && abilityLevels.empty() && artifacts.empty() && spells.empty() && creatures.stacksCount() == 0 && gainedExp == 0 && manaDiff == 0 && moraleDiff == 0 && luckDiff == 0) //if it gives nothing without battle { hero->showInfoDialog(15); cb->removeObject(this); } else //if it gives something without battle { giveContentsUpToExp(hero); } } } void CGPandoraBox::heroLevelUpDone(const CGHeroInstance *hero) const { giveContentsAfterExp(hero); } void CGPandoraBox::afterSuccessfulVisit() const { cb->removeAfterVisit(this); } void CGPandoraBox::serializeJsonOptions(JsonSerializeFormat & handler) { CCreatureSet::serializeJson(handler, "guards", 7); handler.serializeString("guardMessage", message); handler.serializeInt("experience", gainedExp, 0); handler.serializeInt("mana", manaDiff, 0); handler.serializeInt("morale", moraleDiff, 0); handler.serializeInt("luck", luckDiff, 0); resources.serializeJson(handler, "resources"); { bool haveSkills = false; if(handler.saving) { for(int primskill : primskills) if(primskill != 0) haveSkills = true; } else { primskills.resize(GameConstants::PRIMARY_SKILLS,0); haveSkills = true; } if(haveSkills) { auto s = handler.enterStruct("primarySkills"); for(int idx = 0; idx < primskills.size(); idx ++) handler.serializeInt(NPrimarySkill::names[idx], primskills[idx], 0); } } if(handler.saving) { if(!abilities.empty()) { auto s = handler.enterStruct("secondarySkills"); for(size_t idx = 0; idx < abilities.size(); idx++) { handler.serializeEnum(CSkillHandler::encodeSkill(abilities[idx]), abilityLevels[idx], NSecondarySkill::levels); } } } else { auto s = handler.enterStruct("secondarySkills"); const JsonNode & skillMap = handler.getCurrent(); abilities.clear(); abilityLevels.clear(); for(const auto & p : skillMap.Struct()) { const std::string skillName = p.first; const std::string levelId = p.second.String(); const int rawId = CSkillHandler::decodeSkill(skillName); if(rawId < 0) { logGlobal->error("Invalid secondary skill %s", skillName); continue; } const int level = vstd::find_pos(NSecondarySkill::levels, levelId); if(level < 0) { logGlobal->error("Invalid secondary skill level %s", levelId); continue; } abilities.emplace_back(rawId); abilityLevels.push_back(level); } } handler.serializeIdArray("artifacts", artifacts); handler.serializeIdArray("spells", spells); creatures.serializeJson(handler, "creatures"); } void CGEvent::onHeroVisit( const CGHeroInstance * h ) const { if(!(availableFor & (1 << h->tempOwner.getNum()))) return; if(cb->getPlayerSettings(h->tempOwner)->isControlledByHuman()) { if(humanActivate) activated(h); } else if(computerActivate) activated(h); } void CGEvent::activated( const CGHeroInstance * h ) const { if(stacksCount() > 0) { InfoWindow iw; iw.player = h->tempOwner; if(!message.empty()) iw.text.appendRawString(message); else iw.text.appendLocalString(EMetaText::ADVOB_TXT, 16); cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); cb->startBattleI(h, this); } else { giveContentsUpToExp(h); } } void CGEvent::afterSuccessfulVisit() const { if(removeAfterVisit) { cb->removeAfterVisit(this); } else if(hasGuardians) hasGuardians = false; } void CGEvent::serializeJsonOptions(JsonSerializeFormat & handler) { CGPandoraBox::serializeJsonOptions(handler); handler.serializeBool("aIActivable", computerActivate, true, false, false); handler.serializeBool("humanActivable", humanActivate, true, false, true); handler.serializeBool("removeAfterVisit", removeAfterVisit, true, false, false); { auto decodePlayer = [](const std::string & id)->si32 { return vstd::find_pos(GameConstants::PLAYER_COLOR_NAMES, id); }; auto encodePlayer = [](si32 idx)->std::string { return GameConstants::PLAYER_COLOR_NAMES[idx]; }; handler.serializeIdArray("availableFor", availableFor, GameConstants::ALL_PLAYERS, decodePlayer, encodePlayer); } } VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_END