/* * Connection.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "Connection.h" #include "../networkPacks/NetPacksBase.h" #include VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_BEGIN using namespace boost; using namespace boost::asio::ip; struct ConnectionBuffers { boost::asio::streambuf readBuffer; boost::asio::streambuf writeBuffer; }; void CConnection::init() { enableBufferedWrite = false; enableBufferedRead = false; connectionBuffers = std::make_unique(); socket->set_option(boost::asio::ip::tcp::no_delay(true)); try { socket->set_option(boost::asio::socket_base::send_buffer_size(4194304)); socket->set_option(boost::asio::socket_base::receive_buffer_size(4194304)); } catch (const boost::system::system_error & e) { logNetwork->error("error setting socket option: %s", e.what()); } enableSmartPointerSerialization(); disableStackSendingByID(); #ifndef VCMI_ENDIAN_BIG myEndianess = true; #else myEndianess = false; #endif connected = true; std::string pom; //we got connection oser & std::string("Aiya!\n") & name & uuid & myEndianess; //identify ourselves iser & pom & pom & contactUuid & contactEndianess; logNetwork->info("Established connection with %s. UUID: %s", pom, contactUuid); mutexRead = std::make_shared(); mutexWrite = std::make_shared(); iser.fileVersion = SERIALIZATION_VERSION; } CConnection::CConnection(const std::string & host, ui16 port, std::string Name, std::string UUID): io_service(std::make_shared()), iser(this), oser(this), name(std::move(Name)), uuid(std::move(UUID)) { int i = 0; boost::system::error_code error = asio::error::host_not_found; socket = std::make_shared(*io_service); tcp::resolver resolver(*io_service); tcp::resolver::iterator end; tcp::resolver::iterator pom; tcp::resolver::iterator endpoint_iterator = resolver.resolve(tcp::resolver::query(host, std::to_string(port)), error); if(error) { logNetwork->error("Problem with resolving: \n%s", error.message()); throw std::runtime_error("Problem with resolving"); } pom = endpoint_iterator; if(pom != end) logNetwork->info("Found endpoints:"); else { logNetwork->error("Critical problem: No endpoints found!"); throw std::runtime_error("No endpoints found!"); } while(pom != end) { logNetwork->info("\t%d:%s", i, (boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint&)*pom); pom++; } i=0; while(endpoint_iterator != end) { logNetwork->info("Trying connection to %s(%d)", (boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint&)*endpoint_iterator, i++); socket->connect(*endpoint_iterator, error); if(!error) { init(); return; } else { throw std::runtime_error("Failed to connect!"); } endpoint_iterator++; } } CConnection::CConnection(std::shared_ptr Socket, std::string Name, std::string UUID): iser(this), oser(this), socket(std::move(Socket)), name(std::move(Name)), uuid(std::move(UUID)) { init(); } CConnection::CConnection(const std::shared_ptr & acceptor, const std::shared_ptr & io_service, std::string Name, std::string UUID): io_service(io_service), iser(this), oser(this), name(std::move(Name)), uuid(std::move(UUID)) { boost::system::error_code error = asio::error::host_not_found; socket = std::make_shared(*io_service); acceptor->accept(*socket,error); if (error) { logNetwork->error("Error on accepting: %s", error.message()); socket.reset(); throw std::runtime_error("Can't establish connection :("); } init(); } void CConnection::flushBuffers() { if(!enableBufferedWrite) return; if (!socket) throw std::runtime_error("Can't write to closed socket!"); try { asio::write(*socket, connectionBuffers->writeBuffer); } catch(...) { //connection has been lost connected = false; throw; } enableBufferedWrite = false; } int CConnection::write(const void * data, unsigned size) { if (!socket) throw std::runtime_error("Can't write to closed socket!"); try { if(enableBufferedWrite) { std::ostream ostream(&connectionBuffers->writeBuffer); ostream.write(static_cast(data), size); return size; } int ret = static_cast(asio::write(*socket, asio::const_buffers_1(asio::const_buffer(data, size)))); return ret; } catch(...) { //connection has been lost connected = false; throw; } } int CConnection::read(void * data, unsigned size) { try { if(enableBufferedRead) { auto available = connectionBuffers->readBuffer.size(); while(available < size) { auto bytesRead = socket->read_some(connectionBuffers->readBuffer.prepare(1024)); connectionBuffers->readBuffer.commit(bytesRead); available = connectionBuffers->readBuffer.size(); } std::istream istream(&connectionBuffers->readBuffer); istream.read(static_cast(data), size); return size; } int ret = static_cast(asio::read(*socket,asio::mutable_buffers_1(asio::mutable_buffer(data,size)))); return ret; } catch(...) { //connection has been lost connected = false; throw; } } CConnection::~CConnection() { close(); if(handler) { // ugly workaround to avoid self-join if last strong reference to shared_ptr that owns this class has been released in this very thread, e.g. on netpack processing if (boost::this_thread::get_id() != handler->get_id()) handler->join(); else handler->detach(); } } template CConnection & CConnection::operator&(const T &t) { // throw std::exception(); //XXX this is temporaly ? solution to fix gcc (4.3.3, other?) compilation // problem for more details contact t0@czlug.icis.pcz.pl or impono@gmail.com // do not remove this exception it shoudnt be called return *this; } void CConnection::close() { if(socket) { try { socket->shutdown(boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket::shutdown_receive); } catch (const boost::system::system_error & e) { logNetwork->error("error closing socket: %s", e.what()); } socket->close(); socket.reset(); } } bool CConnection::isOpen() const { return socket && connected; } void CConnection::reportState(vstd::CLoggerBase * out) { out->debug("CConnection"); if(socket && socket->is_open()) { out->debug("\tWe have an open and valid socket"); out->debug("\t %d bytes awaiting", socket->available()); } } CPack * CConnection::retrievePack() { enableBufferedRead = true; CPack * pack = nullptr; boost::unique_lock lock(*mutexRead); iser & pack; logNetwork->trace("Received CPack of type %s", (pack ? typeid(*pack).name() : "nullptr")); if(pack == nullptr) logNetwork->error("Received a nullptr CPack! You should check whether client and server ABI matches."); enableBufferedRead = false; return pack; } void CConnection::sendPack(const CPack * pack) { boost::unique_lock lock(*mutexWrite); logNetwork->trace("Sending a pack of type %s", typeid(*pack).name()); enableBufferedWrite = true; oser & pack; flushBuffers(); } void CConnection::disableStackSendingByID() { CSerializer::sendStackInstanceByIds = false; } void CConnection::enableStackSendingByID() { CSerializer::sendStackInstanceByIds = true; } void CConnection::disableSmartPointerSerialization() { iser.smartPointerSerialization = oser.smartPointerSerialization = false; } void CConnection::enableSmartPointerSerialization() { iser.smartPointerSerialization = oser.smartPointerSerialization = true; } void CConnection::enterLobbyConnectionMode() { iser.loadedPointers.clear(); oser.savedPointers.clear(); disableSmartVectorMemberSerialization(); disableSmartPointerSerialization(); } void CConnection::enterGameplayConnectionMode(CGameState * gs) { enableStackSendingByID(); disableSmartPointerSerialization(); addStdVecItems(gs); } void CConnection::disableSmartVectorMemberSerialization() { CSerializer::smartVectorMembersSerialization = false; } void CConnection::enableSmartVectorMemberSerializatoin() { CSerializer::smartVectorMembersSerialization = true; } std::string CConnection::toString() const { boost::format fmt("Connection with %s (ID: %d UUID: %s)"); fmt % name % connectionID % uuid; return fmt.str(); } VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_END