#include "../stdafx.h" #include "CAdvmapInterface.h" #include "CBattleInterface.h" #include "../CCallback.h" #include "CCastleInterface.h" #include "CKingdomInterface.h" #include "CCursorHandler.h" #include "CGameInfo.h" #include "CHeroWindow.h" #include "CMessage.h" #include "CPlayerInterface.h" //#include "SDL_Extensions.h" #include "SDL_Extensions.h" //#include "SDL_framerate.h" #include "SDL_framerate.h" #include "CConfigHandler.h" #include "CCreatureAnimation.h" #include "Graphics.h" #include "../hch/CArtHandler.h" #include "../hch/CGeneralTextHandler.h" #include "../hch/CHeroHandler.h" #include "../hch/CLodHandler.h" #include "../hch/CObjectHandler.h" #include "../lib/Connection.h" #include "../hch/CSpellHandler.h" #include "../hch/CTownHandler.h" #include "../lib/CondSh.h" #include "../lib/NetPacks.h" #include "../lib/map.h" #include "../lib/VCMIDirs.h" #include "mapHandler.h" #include "../timeHandler.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../StartInfo.h" #ifdef min #undef min #endif #ifdef max #undef max #endif /* * CPlayerInterface.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ using namespace boost::assign; using namespace CSDL_Ext; void processCommand(const std::string &message, CClient *&client); extern std::queue events; extern boost::mutex eventsM; CPlayerInterface * LOCPLINT; CBattleInterface * CPlayerInterface::battleInt; enum EMoveState {STOP_MOVE, WAITING_MOVE, CONTINUE_MOVE, DURING_MOVE}; CondSh stillMoveHero; //used during hero movement int CPlayerInterface::howManyPeople = 0; struct OCM_HLP_CGIN { bool inline operator ()(const std::pair & a, const std::pair & b) const { return (*a.first)<(*b.first); } } ocmptwo_cgin ; CPlayerInterface::CPlayerInterface(int Player, int serial) { howManyPeople++; GH.defActionsDef = 0; LOCPLINT = this; curAction = NULL; playerID=Player; serialID=serial; human=true; castleInt = NULL; battleInt = NULL; pim = new boost::recursive_mutex; makingTurn = false; showingDialog = new CondSh(false); sysOpts = GDefaultOptions; //initializing framerate keeper mainFPSmng = new FPSmanager; SDL_initFramerate(mainFPSmng); SDL_setFramerate(mainFPSmng, 48); //framerate keeper initialized cingconsole = new CInGameConsole; terminate_cond.set(false); firstCall = 1; //if loading will be overwritten in serialize autosaveCount = 0; } CPlayerInterface::~CPlayerInterface() { howManyPeople--; delete pim; delete showingDialog; delete mainFPSmng; if(adventureInt) { if(adventureInt->active & CIntObject::KEYBOARD) adventureInt->deactivateKeys(); delete adventureInt; adventureInt = NULL; } if(cingconsole->active) //TODO cingconsole->deactivate(); delete cingconsole; LOCPLINT = NULL; } void CPlayerInterface::init(ICallback * CB) { cb = dynamic_cast(CB); if(!adventureInt) adventureInt = new CAdvMapInt(); if(!towns.size() && !wanderingHeroes.size()) { recreateHeroTownList(); } } void CPlayerInterface::yourTurn() { { boost::unique_lock un(*pim); boost::unique_lock lock(eventsM); //block handling events until interface is ready LOCPLINT = this; GH.curInt = this; adventureInt->selection = NULL; if(firstCall) { if(howManyPeople == 1) adventureInt->setPlayer(playerID); autosaveCount = getLastIndex("Autosave_"); if(!GH.listInt.size()) { GH.pushInt(adventureInt); adventureInt->activateKeys(); } if(firstCall > 0) //new game, not loaded { int index = getLastIndex("Newgame_Autosave_"); index %= SAVES_COUNT; cb->save("Newgame_Autosave_" + boost::lexical_cast(index + 1)); } firstCall = 0; } else { LOCPLINT->cb->save("Autosave_" + boost::lexical_cast(autosaveCount++ + 1)); autosaveCount %= 5; } if(howManyPeople > 1) //hot seat message { adventureInt->startHotSeatWait(playerID); makingTurn = true; std::string msg = CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[13]; boost::replace_first(msg, "%s", cb->getStartInfo()->playerInfos[serialID].name); std::vector cmp; cmp.push_back(new SComponent(SComponent::flag, playerID, 0)); showInfoDialog(msg, cmp); } else { makingTurn = true; adventureInt->startTurn(); } } acceptTurn(); } inline void subRect(const int & x, const int & y, const int & z, const SDL_Rect & r, const int & hid) { TerrainTile2 & hlp = CGI->mh->ttiles[x][y][z]; for(int h=0; hid==hid) { hlp.objects[h].second = r; return; } } inline void delObjRect(const int & x, const int & y, const int & z, const int & hid) { TerrainTile2 & hlp = CGI->mh->ttiles[x][y][z]; for(int h=0; hid==hid) { hlp.objects.erase(hlp.objects.begin()+h); return; } } void CPlayerInterface::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero & details) { if(LOCPLINT != this) return; boost::unique_lock un(*pim); const CGHeroInstance * ho = cb->getHeroInfo(details.id); //object representing this hero int3 hp = details.start; adventureInt->centerOn(ho); //actualizing screen pos adventureInt->minimap.draw(screen2); adventureInt->heroList.draw(screen2); bool directlyAttackingCreature = CGI->mh->map->isInTheMap(details.attackedFrom) && adventureInt->terrain.currentPath->nodes.size() == 3; if(makingTurn && ho->tempOwner == playerID) //we are moving our hero - we may need to update assigned path { if(details.result == TryMoveHero::TELEPORTATION || details.start == details.end) { if(adventureInt->terrain.currentPath) eraseCurrentPathOf(ho); return; //teleport - no fancy moving animation //TODO: smooth disappear / appear effect } if (details.result != TryMoveHero::SUCCESS && details.result != TryMoveHero::FAILED //hero didn't change tile but visit succeeded || directlyAttackingCreature) // or creature was attacked from endangering tile. { eraseCurrentPathOf(ho); } else if(adventureInt->terrain.currentPath && details.result == TryMoveHero::SUCCESS) //&& hero is moving { //remove one node from the path (the one we went) adventureInt->terrain.currentPath->nodes.erase(adventureInt->terrain.currentPath->nodes.end()-1); if(!adventureInt->terrain.currentPath->nodes.size()) //if it was the last one, remove entire path eraseCurrentPathOf(ho); } } if (details.result != TryMoveHero::SUCCESS) //hero failed to move { ho->isStanding = true; stillMoveHero.setn(STOP_MOVE); GH.totalRedraw(); return; } initMovement(details, ho, hp); //first initializing done SDL_framerateDelay(mainFPSmng); // after first move //main moving for(int i=1; i<32; i+=2*sysOpts.heroMoveSpeed) { movementPxStep(details, i, hp, ho); adventureInt->updateScreen = true; adventureInt->show(screen); CSDL_Ext::update(screen); SDL_framerateDelay(mainFPSmng); //for animation purposes } //for(int i=1; i<32; i+=4) //main moving done //finishing move finishMovement(details, hp, ho); ho->isStanding = true; //move finished adventureInt->minimap.draw(screen2); adventureInt->heroList.updateMove(ho); //check if user cancelled movement { boost::unique_lock un(eventsM); while(events.size()) { SDL_Event *ev = events.front(); events.pop(); switch(ev->type) { case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: stillMoveHero.setn(STOP_MOVE); break; case SDL_KEYDOWN: if(ev->key.keysym.sym < SDLK_F1 || ev->key.keysym.sym > SDLK_F15) stillMoveHero.setn(STOP_MOVE); break; } delete ev; } } if(stillMoveHero.get() == WAITING_MOVE) stillMoveHero.setn(DURING_MOVE); // Hero attacked creature directly, set direction to face it. if (directlyAttackingCreature) { // Get direction to attacker. int3 posOffset = details.attackedFrom - details.end + int3(2, 1, 0); const ui8 dirLookup[3][3] = { 1, 2, 3, 8, 0, 4, 7, 6, 5 }; // FIXME: Avoid const_cast, make moveDir mutable in some other way? const_cast(ho)->moveDir = dirLookup[posOffset.y][posOffset.x]; } } void CPlayerInterface::heroKilled(const CGHeroInstance* hero) { boost::unique_lock un(*pim); wanderingHeroes -= hero; adventureInt->heroList.updateHList(hero); } void CPlayerInterface::heroCreated(const CGHeroInstance * hero) { boost::unique_lock un(*pim); wanderingHeroes.push_back(hero); adventureInt->heroList.updateHList(); } void CPlayerInterface::openTownWindow(const CGTownInstance * town) { castleInt = new CCastleInterface(town); GH.pushInt(castleInt); } SDL_Surface * CPlayerInterface::infoWin(const CGObjectInstance * specific) //specific=0 => draws info about selected town/hero { if(!specific) specific = adventureInt->selection; assert(specific); switch(specific->ID) { case HEROI_TYPE: { InfoAboutHero iah; bool gotInfo = LOCPLINT->cb->getHeroInfo(specific, iah); assert(gotInfo); return graphics->drawHeroInfoWin(iah); } case TOWNI_TYPE: case 33: // Garrison case 219: { InfoAboutTown iah; bool gotInfo = LOCPLINT->cb->getTownInfo(specific, iah); assert(gotInfo); return graphics->drawTownInfoWin(iah); } default: return NULL; } } int3 CPlayerInterface::repairScreenPos(int3 pos) { if(pos.x<-CGI->mh->frameW) pos.x = -CGI->mh->frameW; if(pos.y<-CGI->mh->frameH) pos.y = -CGI->mh->frameH; if(pos.x>CGI->mh->map->width - adventureInt->terrain.tilesw + CGI->mh->frameW) pos.x = CGI->mh->map->width - adventureInt->terrain.tilesw + CGI->mh->frameW; if(pos.y>CGI->mh->map->height - adventureInt->terrain.tilesh + CGI->mh->frameH) pos.y = CGI->mh->map->height - adventureInt->terrain.tilesh + CGI->mh->frameH; return pos; } void CPlayerInterface::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const CGHeroInstance * hero, int which, si64 val) { if(which >= PRIMARY_SKILLS) //no need to redraw infowin if this is experience (exp is treated as prim skill with id==4) return; boost::unique_lock un(*pim); updateInfo(hero); } void CPlayerInterface::heroManaPointsChanged(const CGHeroInstance * hero) { boost::unique_lock un(*pim); updateInfo(hero); } void CPlayerInterface::heroMovePointsChanged(const CGHeroInstance * hero) { boost::unique_lock un(*pim); if(makingTurn && hero->tempOwner == playerID) adventureInt->heroList.redraw(); } void CPlayerInterface::receivedResource(int type, int val) { boost::unique_lock un(*pim); GH.totalRedraw(); } void CPlayerInterface::heroGotLevel(const CGHeroInstance *hero, int pskill, std::vector& skills, boost::function &callback) { waitWhileDialog(); CGI->soundh->playSound(soundBase::heroNewLevel); boost::unique_lock un(*pim); CLevelWindow *lw = new CLevelWindow(hero,pskill,skills,callback); GH.pushInt(lw); } void CPlayerInterface::heroInGarrisonChange(const CGTownInstance *town) { boost::unique_lock un(*pim); updateInfo(town); if(town->garrisonHero && vstd::contains(wanderingHeroes,town->garrisonHero)) //wandering hero moved to the garrison { CGI->mh->hideObject(town->garrisonHero); wanderingHeroes -= town->garrisonHero; } if(town->visitingHero && !vstd::contains(wanderingHeroes,town->visitingHero)) //hero leaves garrison { CGI->mh->printObject(town->visitingHero); wanderingHeroes.push_back(town->visitingHero); } //adventureInt->heroList.updateHList(); CCastleInterface *c = castleInt; if(c) { c->garr->highlighted = NULL; c->hslotup.hero = town->garrisonHero; c->garr->odown = c->hslotdown.hero = town->visitingHero; c->garr->set2 = town->visitingHero; c->garr->recreateSlots(); } GH.totalRedraw(); } void CPlayerInterface::heroVisitsTown(const CGHeroInstance* hero, const CGTownInstance * town) { if(hero->tempOwner != town->tempOwner) return; boost::unique_lock un(*pim); openTownWindow(town); } void CPlayerInterface::garrisonChanged(const CGObjectInstance * obj) { boost::unique_lock un(*pim); updateInfo(obj); bool wasGarrison = false; for(std::list::iterator i = GH.listInt.begin(); i != GH.listInt.end(); i++) { if((*i)->type & IShowActivable::WITH_GARRISON) { CWindowWithGarrison *wwg = static_cast(*i); wwg->garr->recreateSlots(); wasGarrison = true; } else if(CKingdomInterface *cki = dynamic_cast(*i)) {//a cheat for Kingdom Overview window (it has CWindowWithGarrison-childrens which are not present in ListInt) //need to create "Garrison Holder" class thingy cki->updateAllGarrisons(); } else if(CMarketplaceWindow *cmw = dynamic_cast(*i)) { if(obj == cmw->hero) cmw->garrisonChanged(); } } GH.totalRedraw(); } void CPlayerInterface::buildChanged(const CGTownInstance *town, int buildingID, int what) //what: 1 - built, 2 - demolished { boost::unique_lock un(*pim); switch (buildingID) { case 7: case 8: case 9: case 10: case 11: case 12: case 13: case 15: updateInfo(town); break; } if(!castleInt) return; if(castleInt->town!=town) return; switch(what) { case 1: CGI->soundh->playSound(soundBase::newBuilding); castleInt->addBuilding(buildingID); break; case 2: castleInt->removeBuilding(buildingID); break; } } void CPlayerInterface::battleStart(const CCreatureSet *army1, const CCreatureSet *army2, int3 tile, CGHeroInstance *hero1, CGHeroInstance *hero2, bool side) { if(LOCPLINT != this) { //another local interface should do this return; } while(showingDialog->get()) SDL_Delay(20); boost::unique_lock un(*pim); CGI->musich->playMusicFromSet(CGI->musich->battleMusics, -1); GH.pushInt(battleInt); } void CPlayerInterface::battlefieldPrepared(int battlefieldType, std::vector obstacles) //called when battlefield is prepared, prior the battle beginning { } void CPlayerInterface::battleStacksHealedRes(const std::vector > & healedStacks, bool lifeDrain, si32 lifeDrainFrom) { if(LOCPLINT != this) { //another local interface should do this return; } for(int b=0; bbattleGetStackByID(healedStacks[b].first); if(battleInt->creAnims[healed->ID]->getType() == 5) { //stack has been resurrected battleInt->creAnims[healed->ID]->setType(2); } } if (lifeDrain) { const CStack *attacker = cb->battleGetStackByID(healedStacks[0].first, false); const CStack *defender = cb->battleGetStackByID(lifeDrainFrom, false); if (attacker) { battleInt->displayEffect(50, attacker->position); } //print info about life drain int textOff = 0; if (attacker->count > 1) { textOff += 1; } char textBuf[1000]; sprintf(textBuf, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[361 + textOff].c_str(), attacker->getCreature()->nameSing.c_str(), healedStacks[0].second, defender->getCreature()->namePl.c_str()); battleInt->console->addText(textBuf); } } void CPlayerInterface::battleNewStackAppeared(int stackID) { if(LOCPLINT != this) { //another local interface should do this return; } //changing necessary things in battle interface battleInt->newStack(stackID); } void CPlayerInterface::battleObstaclesRemoved(const std::set & removedObstacles) { if(LOCPLINT != this) { //another local interface should do this return; } for(std::set::const_iterator it = removedObstacles.begin(); it != removedObstacles.end(); ++it) { for(std::map< int, CDefHandler * >::iterator itBat = battleInt->idToObstacle.begin(); itBat != battleInt->idToObstacle.end(); ++itBat) { if(itBat->first == *it) //remove this obstacle { battleInt->idToObstacle.erase(itBat); break; } } } //update accessible hexes battleInt->redrawBackgroundWithHexes(battleInt->activeStack); } void CPlayerInterface::battleCatapultAttacked(const CatapultAttack & ca) { if(LOCPLINT != this) { //another local interface should do this return; } battleInt->stackIsCatapulting(ca); } void CPlayerInterface::battleStacksRemoved(const BattleStacksRemoved & bsr) { if(LOCPLINT != this) { //another local interface should do this return; } for(std::set::const_iterator it = bsr.stackIDs.begin(); it != bsr.stackIDs.end(); ++it) //for each removed stack { battleInt->stackRemoved(*it); } } void CPlayerInterface::battleNewRound(int round) //called at the beggining of each turn, round=-1 is the tactic phase, round=0 is the first "normal" turn { if(LOCPLINT != this) { //another local interface should do this return; } boost::unique_lock un(*pim); battleInt->newRound(round); } void CPlayerInterface::actionStarted(const BattleAction* action) { if(LOCPLINT != this) { //another local interface should do this return; } boost::unique_lock un(*pim); curAction = new BattleAction(*action); battleInt->startAction(action); } void CPlayerInterface::actionFinished(const BattleAction* action) { if(LOCPLINT != this) { //another local interface should do this return; } boost::unique_lock un(*pim); delete curAction; curAction = NULL; battleInt->endAction(action); } BattleAction CPlayerInterface::activeStack(int stackID) //called when it's turn of that stack { CBattleInterface *b = battleInt; { boost::unique_lock un(*pim); const CStack *stack = cb->battleGetStackByID(stackID); if(vstd::contains(stack->state,MOVED)) //this stack has moved and makes second action -> high morale { std::string hlp = CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[33]; boost::algorithm::replace_first(hlp,"%s",(stack->count != 1) ? stack->type->namePl : stack->type->nameSing); battleInt->displayEffect(20,stack->position); battleInt->console->addText(hlp); } b->stackActivated(stackID); } //wait till BattleInterface sets its command boost::unique_lock lock(b->givenCommand->mx); while(!b->givenCommand->data) b->givenCommand->cond.wait(lock); //tidy up BattleAction ret = *(b->givenCommand->data); delete b->givenCommand->data; b->givenCommand->data = NULL; //return command return ret; } void CPlayerInterface::battleEnd(BattleResult *br) { if(LOCPLINT != this) { //another local interface should do this return; } boost::unique_lock un(*pim); battleInt->battleFinished(*br); } void CPlayerInterface::battleStackMoved(int ID, int dest, int distance, bool end) { if(LOCPLINT != this) { //another local interface should do this return; } boost::unique_lock un(*pim); battleInt->stackMoved(ID, dest, end, distance); } void CPlayerInterface::battleSpellCast(BattleSpellCast *sc) { if(LOCPLINT != this) { //another local interface should do this return; } boost::unique_lock un(*pim); battleInt->spellCast(sc); } void CPlayerInterface::battleStacksEffectsSet(SetStackEffect & sse) { if(LOCPLINT != this) { //another local interface should do this return; } boost::unique_lock un(*pim); battleInt->battleStacksEffectsSet(sse); } void CPlayerInterface::battleStacksAttacked(std::vector & bsa) { if(LOCPLINT != this) { //another local interface should do this return; } tlog5 << "CPlayerInterface::battleStackAttacked - locking..."; boost::unique_lock un(*pim); tlog5 << "done!\n"; std::vector arg; for(std::vector::iterator i = bsa.begin(); i != bsa.end(); i++) { if(i->isEffect() && i->effect != 12) //and not armageddon { const CStack *stack = cb->battleGetStackByID(i->stackAttacked, false); if (stack != NULL) battleInt->displayEffect(i->effect, stack->position); } SStackAttackedInfo to_put = {i->stackAttacked, i->damageAmount, i->killedAmount, i->attackerID, LOCPLINT->curAction->actionType==7, i->killed()}; arg.push_back(to_put); } if(bsa.begin()->isEffect() && bsa.begin()->effect == 12) //for armageddon - I hope this condition is enough { battleInt->displayEffect(bsa.begin()->effect, -1); } battleInt->stacksAreAttacked(arg); } void CPlayerInterface::battleAttack(BattleAttack *ba) { if(LOCPLINT != this) { //another local interface should do this return; } tlog5 << "CPlayerInterface::battleAttack - locking..."; boost::unique_lock un(*pim); tlog5 << "done!\n"; assert(curAction); if(ba->lucky()) //lucky hit { const CStack *stack = cb->battleGetStackByID(ba->stackAttacking); std::string hlp = CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[45]; boost::algorithm::replace_first(hlp,"%s",(stack->count != 1) ? stack->type->namePl.c_str() : stack->type->nameSing.c_str()); battleInt->console->addText(hlp); battleInt->displayEffect(18,stack->position); } //TODO: bad luck? if(ba->shot()) { for(std::vector::iterator i = ba->bsa.begin(); i != ba->bsa.end(); i++) battleInt->stackIsShooting(ba->stackAttacking,cb->battleGetPos(i->stackAttacked), i->stackAttacked); } else {//WARNING: does not support multiple attacked creatures const CStack * attacker = cb->battleGetStackByID(ba->stackAttacking); int shift = 0; if(ba->counter() && BattleInfo::mutualPosition(curAction->destinationTile, attacker->position) < 0) { if( BattleInfo::mutualPosition(curAction->destinationTile + 1, attacker->position) >= 0 ) shift = 1; else shift = -1; } battleInt->stackAttacking( ba->stackAttacking, ba->counter() ? curAction->destinationTile + shift : curAction->additionalInfo, ba->bsa.begin()->stackAttacked ); } } void CPlayerInterface::showComp(SComponent comp) { boost::unique_lock un(*pim); CGI->soundh->playSoundFromSet(CGI->soundh->pickupSounds); adventureInt->infoBar.showComp(&comp,4000); } void CPlayerInterface::showInfoDialog(const std::string &text, const std::vector &components, int soundID) { std::vector intComps; for(int i=0;i & components, int soundID) { waitWhileDialog(); boost::unique_lock un(*pim); stopMovement(); CInfoWindow *temp = CInfoWindow::create(text, playerID, &components); if(makingTurn && GH.listInt.size() && LOCPLINT == this) { CGI->soundh->playSound(static_cast(soundID)); showingDialog->set(true); GH.pushInt(temp); } else { dialogs.push_back(temp); } } void CPlayerInterface::showYesNoDialog(const std::string &text, const std::vector & components, CFunctionList onYes, CFunctionList onNo, bool DelComps) { boost::unique_lock un(*pim); stopMovement(); LOCPLINT->showingDialog->setn(true); CInfoWindow::showYesNoDialog(text, &components, onYes, onNo, DelComps, playerID); } void CPlayerInterface::showBlockingDialog( const std::string &text, const std::vector &components, ui32 askID, int soundID, bool selection, bool cancel ) { waitWhileDialog(); boost::unique_lock un(*pim); stopMovement(); CGI->soundh->playSound(static_cast(soundID)); if(!selection && cancel) //simple yes/no dialog { std::vector intComps; for(int i=0;i intComps; for(int i=0;i > > pom; pom.push_back(std::pair >("IOKAY.DEF",0)); if(cancel) { pom.push_back(std::pair >("ICANCEL.DEF",0)); } int charperline = 35; if (pom.size() > 1) charperline = 50; CSelWindow * temp = new CSelWindow(text, playerID, charperline, intComps, pom, askID); GH.pushInt(temp); intComps[0]->clickLeft(true, false); } } void CPlayerInterface::tileRevealed(const std::set &pos) { boost::unique_lock un(*pim); for(std::set::const_iterator i=pos.begin(); i!=pos.end();i++) adventureInt->minimap.showTile(*i); if(pos.size()) GH.totalRedraw(); } void CPlayerInterface::tileHidden(const std::set &pos) { boost::unique_lock un(*pim); for(std::set::const_iterator i=pos.begin(); i!=pos.end();i++) adventureInt->minimap.hideTile(*i); if(pos.size()) GH.totalRedraw(); } void CPlayerInterface::openHeroWindow(const CGHeroInstance *hero) { boost::unique_lock un(*pim); adventureInt->heroWindow->setHero(hero); adventureInt->heroWindow->quitButton->callback = boost::bind(&CHeroWindow::quit,adventureInt->heroWindow); GH.pushInt(adventureInt->heroWindow); } void CPlayerInterface::heroArtifactSetChanged(const CGHeroInstance*hero) { boost::unique_lock un(*pim); if(adventureInt->heroWindow->curHero) //hero window is opened { adventureInt->heroWindow->deactivate(); adventureInt->heroWindow->setHero(adventureInt->heroWindow->curHero); adventureInt->heroWindow->activate(); return; } CExchangeWindow* cew = dynamic_cast(GH.topInt()); if(cew) //exchange window is open { cew->deactivate(); for(int g=0; gheroInst); ++g) { if(cew->heroInst[g] == hero) { cew->artifs[g]->updateState = true; cew->artifs[g]->setHero(hero); cew->artifs[g]->updateState = false; } } cew->prepareBackground(); cew->activate(); } } void CPlayerInterface::availableCreaturesChanged( const CGDwelling *town ) { boost::unique_lock un(*pim); if(castleInt && town->ID == TOWNI_TYPE) { CFortScreen *fs = dynamic_cast(GH.topInt()); if(fs) fs->draw(castleInt,false); } else if(GH.listInt.size() && (town->ID == 17 || town->ID == 20 || town->ID == 106)) //external dwelling { CRecruitmentWindow *crw = dynamic_cast(GH.topInt()); if(crw) crw->initCres(); } } void CPlayerInterface::heroBonusChanged( const CGHeroInstance *hero, const Bonus &bonus, bool gain ) { if(bonus.type == Bonus::NONE) return; boost::unique_lock un(*pim); updateInfo(hero); if (bonus.type == Bonus::FLYING_MOVEMENT || bonus.type == Bonus::WATER_WALKING && !gain) { //recalculate paths because hero has lost bonus influencing pathfinding cb->recalculatePaths(); eraseCurrentPathOf(hero, false); } } template void CPlayerInterface::serializeTempl( Handler &h, const int version ) { h & playerID & serialID; h & sysOpts; } void CPlayerInterface::serialize( COSer &h, const int version ) { serializeTempl(h,version); } void CPlayerInterface::serialize( CISer &h, const int version ) { serializeTempl(h,version); sysOpts.apply(); firstCall = -1; } bool CPlayerInterface::moveHero( const CGHeroInstance *h, CGPath path ) { if (!h) return false; //can't find hero pim->unlock(); bool result = false; { path.convert(0); boost::unique_lock un(stillMoveHero.mx); stillMoveHero.data = CONTINUE_MOVE; enum TerrainTile::EterrainType currentTerrain = TerrainTile::border; // not init yet enum TerrainTile::EterrainType newTerrain; int sh = -1; const TerrainTile * curTile = cb->getTileInfo(CGHeroInstance::convertPosition(h->pos, false)); for(int i=path.nodes.size()-1; i>0 && (stillMoveHero.data == CONTINUE_MOVE || curTile->blocked); i--) { //stop sending move requests if the next node can't be reached at the current turn (hero exhausted his move points) if(path.nodes[i-1].turns) { stillMoveHero.data = STOP_MOVE; break; } // Start a new sound for the hero movement or let the existing one carry on. #if 0 // TODO if (hero is flying && sh == -1) sh = CGI->soundh->playSound(soundBase::horseFlying, -1); #endif { newTerrain = cb->getTileInfo(CGHeroInstance::convertPosition(path.nodes[i].coord, false))->tertype; if (newTerrain != currentTerrain) { CGI->soundh->stopSound(sh); sh = CGI->soundh->playSound(CGI->soundh->horseSounds[newTerrain], -1); currentTerrain = newTerrain; } } stillMoveHero.data = WAITING_MOVE; int3 endpos(path.nodes[i-1].coord.x, path.nodes[i-1].coord.y, h->pos.z); bool guarded = CGI->mh->map->isInTheMap(cb->guardingCreaturePosition(endpos - int3(1, 0, 0))); cb->moveHero(h,endpos); curTile = cb->getTileInfo(endpos); eventsM.unlock(); while(stillMoveHero.data != STOP_MOVE && stillMoveHero.data != CONTINUE_MOVE) stillMoveHero.cond.wait(un); eventsM.lock(); if (guarded) // Abort movement if a guard was fought. break; } CGI->soundh->stopSound(sh); cb->recalculatePaths(); } pim->lock(); return result; } bool CPlayerInterface::shiftPressed() const { return SDL_GetKeyState(NULL)[SDLK_LSHIFT] || SDL_GetKeyState(NULL)[SDLK_RSHIFT]; } void CPlayerInterface::showGarrisonDialog( const CArmedInstance *up, const CGHeroInstance *down, bool removableUnits, boost::function &onEnd ) { if(stillMoveHero.get() == DURING_MOVE && adventureInt->terrain.currentPath->nodes.size() > 1) //to ignore calls on passing through garrisons return; { boost::unique_lock un(showingDialog->mx); while(showingDialog->data) showingDialog->cond.wait(un); } boost::unique_lock un(*pim); while(dialogs.size()) { pim->unlock(); SDL_Delay(20); pim->lock(); } CGarrisonWindow *cgw = new CGarrisonWindow(up,down,removableUnits); cgw->quit->callback += onEnd; GH.pushInt(cgw); } /** * Shows the dialog that appears when right-clicking an artifact that can be assembled * into a combinational one on an artifact screen. Does not require the combination of * artifacts to be legal. * @param artifactID ID of a constituent artifact. * @param assembleTo ID of artifact to assemble a constituent into, not used when assemble * is false. * @param assemble True if the artifact is to be assembled, false if it is to be disassembled. */ void CPlayerInterface::showArtifactAssemblyDialog (ui32 artifactID, ui32 assembleTo, bool assemble, CFunctionList onYes, CFunctionList onNo) { const CArtifact &artifact = *CGI->arth->artifacts[artifactID]; std::string text = artifact.Description(); text += "\n\n"; std::vector scs; if (assemble) { const CArtifact &assembledArtifact = *CGI->arth->artifacts[assembleTo]; // You possess all of the components to... text += boost::str(boost::format(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[732]) % assembledArtifact.Name()); // Picture of assembled artifact at bottom. SComponent* sc = new SComponent; sc->type = SComponent::artifact; sc->subtype = assembledArtifact.id; sc->description = assembledArtifact.Description(); sc->subtitle = assembledArtifact.Name(); scs.push_back(sc); } else { // Do you wish to disassemble this artifact? text += CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[733]; } showYesNoDialog(text, scs, onYes, onNo, true); } void CPlayerInterface::requestRealized( PackageApplied *pa ) { if(stillMoveHero.get() == DURING_MOVE) stillMoveHero.setn(CONTINUE_MOVE); } void CPlayerInterface::heroExchangeStarted(si32 hero1, si32 hero2) { boost::unique_lock un(*pim); GH.pushInt(new CExchangeWindow(hero2, hero1)); } void CPlayerInterface::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty * sop) { //redraw minimap if owner changed boost::unique_lock un(*pim); if(sop->what == ObjProperty::OWNER) { const CGObjectInstance * obj = cb->getObjectInfo(sop->id); std::set pos = obj->getBlockedPos(); for(std::set::const_iterator it = pos.begin(); it != pos.end(); ++it) { if(cb->isVisible(*it)) adventureInt->minimap.showTile(*it); } if(obj->ID == TOWNI_TYPE) if(obj->tempOwner == playerID) towns.push_back(static_cast(obj)); else towns -= obj; assert(cb->getTownsInfo().size() == towns.size()); } } void CPlayerInterface::recreateHeroTownList() { wanderingHeroes.clear(); std::vector heroes = cb->getHeroesInfo(); for(size_t i = 0; i < heroes.size(); i++) if(!heroes[i]->inTownGarrison) wanderingHeroes.push_back(heroes[i]); towns.clear(); std::vector townInfo = cb->getTownsInfo(); for(size_t i = 0; i < townInfo.size(); i++) towns.push_back(townInfo[i]); } const CGHeroInstance * CPlayerInterface::getWHero( int pos ) { if(pos < 0 || pos >= wanderingHeroes.size()) return NULL; return wanderingHeroes[pos]; } void CPlayerInterface::showRecruitmentDialog(const CGDwelling *dwelling, const CArmedInstance *dst, int level) { waitWhileDialog(); boost::unique_lock un(*pim); CRecruitmentWindow *cr = new CRecruitmentWindow(dwelling, level, dst, boost::bind(&CCallback::recruitCreatures, cb, dwelling, _1, _2)); GH.pushInt(cr); } void CPlayerInterface::waitWhileDialog() { boost::unique_lock un(showingDialog->mx); while(showingDialog->data) showingDialog->cond.wait(un); } void CPlayerInterface::showShipyardDialog(const IShipyard *obj) { boost::unique_lock un(*pim); int state = obj->state(); std::vector cost; obj->getBoatCost(cost); CShipyardWindow *csw = new CShipyardWindow(cost, state, obj->getBoatType(), boost::bind(&CCallback::buildBoat, cb, obj)); GH.pushInt(csw); } void CPlayerInterface::newObject( const CGObjectInstance * obj ) { boost::unique_lock un(*pim); CGI->mh->printObject(obj); //we might have built a boat in shipyard in opened town screen if(obj->ID == 8 && LOCPLINT->castleInt && obj->pos-obj->getVisitableOffset() == LOCPLINT->castleInt->town->bestLocation()) { CGI->soundh->playSound(soundBase::newBuilding); LOCPLINT->castleInt->recreateBuildings(); } } void CPlayerInterface::centerView (int3 pos, int focusTime) { adventureInt->centerOn (pos); if(focusTime) { bool activeAdv = (GH.topInt() == adventureInt && adventureInt->isActive()); if(activeAdv) adventureInt->deactivate(); SDL_Delay(focusTime); if(activeAdv) adventureInt->activate(); } } void CPlayerInterface::objectRemoved( const CGObjectInstance *obj ) { if(obj->ID == HEROI_TYPE && obj->tempOwner == playerID) { const CGHeroInstance *h = static_cast(obj); heroKilled(h); } } bool CPlayerInterface::ctrlPressed() const { return SDL_GetKeyState(NULL)[SDLK_LCTRL] || SDL_GetKeyState(NULL)[SDLK_RCTRL]; } void CPlayerInterface::update() { while(!terminate_cond.get() && !pim->try_lock()) //try acquiring long until it succeeds or we are told to terminate boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(15)); if(terminate_cond.get()) return; //if there are any waiting dialogs, show them if(dialogs.size() && !showingDialog->get()) { showingDialog->set(true); GH.pushInt(dialogs.front()); dialogs.pop_front(); } //in some conditions we may receive calls before selection is initialized - we must ignore them if(!adventureInt->selection && GH.topInt() == adventureInt) return; GH.updateTime(); GH.handleEvents(); if(!adventureInt->isActive() && adventureInt->scrollingDir) //player forces map scrolling though interface is disabled GH.totalRedraw(); else GH.simpleRedraw(); CGI->curh->draw1(); CSDL_Ext::update(screen); CGI->curh->draw2(); pim->unlock(); SDL_framerateDelay(mainFPSmng); } int CPlayerInterface::getLastIndex( std::string namePrefix) { using namespace boost::filesystem; using namespace boost::algorithm; std::map dates; //save number => datestamp directory_iterator enddir; for (directory_iterator dir(GVCMIDirs.UserPath + "/Games"); dir!=enddir; dir++) { if(is_regular(dir->status())) { std::string name = dir->path().leaf(); if(starts_with(name, namePrefix) && ends_with(name, ".vlgm1")) { char nr = name[namePrefix.size()]; if(std::isdigit(nr)) { dates[last_write_time(dir->path())] = boost::lexical_cast(nr); } } } } if(dates.size()) return (--dates.end())->second; //return latest file number return 0; } void CPlayerInterface::initMovement( const TryMoveHero &details, const CGHeroInstance * ho, const int3 &hp ) { if(details.end.x+1 == details.start.x && details.end.y+1 == details.start.y) //tl { //ho->moveDir = 1; ho->isStanding = false; CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-3][hp.y-2][hp.z].objects.push_back(std::make_pair(ho, genRect(32, 32, -31, -31))); CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-2][hp.y-2][hp.z].objects.push_back(std::make_pair(ho, genRect(32, 32, 1, -31))); CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-1][hp.y-2][hp.z].objects.push_back(std::make_pair(ho, genRect(32, 32, 33, -31))); CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x][hp.y-2][hp.z].objects.push_back(std::make_pair(ho, genRect(32, 32, 65, -31))); CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-3][hp.y-1][hp.z].objects.push_back(std::make_pair(ho, genRect(32, 32, -31, 1))); subRect(hp.x-2, hp.y-1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 1, 1), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-1, hp.y-1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 33, 1), ho->id); subRect(hp.x, hp.y-1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 65, 1), ho->id); CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-3][hp.y][hp.z].objects.push_back(std::make_pair(ho, genRect(32, 32, -31, 33))); subRect(hp.x-2, hp.y, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 1, 33), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-1, hp.y, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 33, 33), ho->id); subRect(hp.x, hp.y, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 65, 33), ho->id); std::stable_sort(CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-3][hp.y-2][hp.z].objects.begin(), CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-3][hp.y-2][hp.z].objects.end(), ocmptwo_cgin); std::stable_sort(CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-2][hp.y-2][hp.z].objects.begin(), CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-2][hp.y-2][hp.z].objects.end(), ocmptwo_cgin); std::stable_sort(CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-1][hp.y-2][hp.z].objects.begin(), CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-1][hp.y-2][hp.z].objects.end(), ocmptwo_cgin); std::stable_sort(CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x][hp.y-2][hp.z].objects.begin(), CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x][hp.y-2][hp.z].objects.end(), ocmptwo_cgin); std::stable_sort(CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-3][hp.y-1][hp.z].objects.begin(), CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-3][hp.y-1][hp.z].objects.end(), ocmptwo_cgin); std::stable_sort(CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-3][hp.y][hp.z].objects.begin(), CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-3][hp.y][hp.z].objects.end(), ocmptwo_cgin); } else if(details.end.x == details.start.x && details.end.y+1 == details.start.y) //t { //ho->moveDir = 2; ho->isStanding = false; CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-2][hp.y-2][hp.z].objects.push_back(std::make_pair(ho, genRect(32, 32, 0, -31))); CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-1][hp.y-2][hp.z].objects.push_back(std::make_pair(ho, genRect(32, 32, 32, -31))); CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x][hp.y-2][hp.z].objects.push_back(std::make_pair(ho, genRect(32, 32, 64, -31))); subRect(hp.x-2, hp.y-1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 0, 1), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-1, hp.y-1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 32, 1), ho->id); subRect(hp.x, hp.y-1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 64, 1), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-2, hp.y, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 0, 33), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-1, hp.y, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 32, 33), ho->id); subRect(hp.x, hp.y, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 64, 33), ho->id); std::stable_sort(CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-2][hp.y-2][hp.z].objects.begin(), CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-2][hp.y-2][hp.z].objects.end(), ocmptwo_cgin); std::stable_sort(CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-1][hp.y-2][hp.z].objects.begin(), CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-1][hp.y-2][hp.z].objects.end(), ocmptwo_cgin); std::stable_sort(CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x][hp.y-2][hp.z].objects.begin(), CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x][hp.y-2][hp.z].objects.end(), ocmptwo_cgin); } else if(details.end.x-1 == details.start.x && details.end.y+1 == details.start.y) //tr { //ho->moveDir = 3; ho->isStanding = false; CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-2][hp.y-2][hp.z].objects.push_back(std::make_pair(ho, genRect(32, 32, -1, -31))); CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-1][hp.y-2][hp.z].objects.push_back(std::make_pair(ho, genRect(32, 32, 31, -31))); CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x][hp.y-2][hp.z].objects.push_back(std::make_pair(ho, genRect(32, 32, 63, -31))); CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x+1][hp.y-2][hp.z].objects.push_back(std::make_pair(ho, genRect(32, 32, 95, -31))); subRect(hp.x-2, hp.y-1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, -1, 1), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-1, hp.y-1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 31, 1), ho->id); subRect(hp.x, hp.y-1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 63, 1), ho->id); CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x+1][hp.y-1][hp.z].objects.push_back(std::make_pair(ho, genRect(32, 32, 95, 1))); subRect(hp.x-2, hp.y, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, -1, 33), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-1, hp.y, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 31, 33), ho->id); subRect(hp.x, hp.y, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 63, 33), ho->id); CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x+1][hp.y][hp.z].objects.push_back(std::make_pair(ho, genRect(32, 32, 95, 33))); std::stable_sort(CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-2][hp.y-2][hp.z].objects.begin(), CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-2][hp.y-2][hp.z].objects.end(), ocmptwo_cgin); std::stable_sort(CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-1][hp.y-2][hp.z].objects.begin(), CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-1][hp.y-2][hp.z].objects.end(), ocmptwo_cgin); std::stable_sort(CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x][hp.y-2][hp.z].objects.begin(), CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x][hp.y-2][hp.z].objects.end(), ocmptwo_cgin); std::stable_sort(CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x+1][hp.y-2][hp.z].objects.begin(), CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x+1][hp.y-2][hp.z].objects.end(), ocmptwo_cgin); std::stable_sort(CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x+1][hp.y-1][hp.z].objects.begin(), CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x+1][hp.y-1][hp.z].objects.end(), ocmptwo_cgin); std::stable_sort(CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x+1][hp.y][hp.z].objects.begin(), CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x+1][hp.y][hp.z].objects.end(), ocmptwo_cgin); } else if(details.end.x-1 == details.start.x && details.end.y == details.start.y) //r { //ho->moveDir = 4; ho->isStanding = false; subRect(hp.x-2, hp.y-1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, -1, 0), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-1, hp.y-1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 31, 0), ho->id); subRect(hp.x, hp.y-1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 63, 0), ho->id); CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x+1][hp.y-1][hp.z].objects.push_back(std::make_pair(ho, genRect(32, 32, 95, 0))); subRect(hp.x-2, hp.y, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, -1, 32), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-1, hp.y, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 31, 32), ho->id); subRect(hp.x, hp.y, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 63, 32), ho->id); CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x+1][hp.y][hp.z].objects.push_back(std::make_pair(ho, genRect(32, 32, 95, 32))); std::stable_sort(CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x+1][hp.y-1][hp.z].objects.begin(), CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x+1][hp.y-1][hp.z].objects.end(), ocmptwo_cgin); std::stable_sort(CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x+1][hp.y][hp.z].objects.begin(), CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x+1][hp.y][hp.z].objects.end(), ocmptwo_cgin); } else if(details.end.x-1 == details.start.x && details.end.y-1 == details.start.y) //br { //ho->moveDir = 5; ho->isStanding = false; subRect(hp.x-2, hp.y-1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, -1, -1), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-1, hp.y-1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 31, -1), ho->id); subRect(hp.x, hp.y-1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 63, -1), ho->id); CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x+1][hp.y-1][hp.z].objects.push_back(std::make_pair(ho, genRect(32, 32, 95, -1))); subRect(hp.x-2, hp.y, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, -1, 31), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-1, hp.y, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 31, 31), ho->id); subRect(hp.x, hp.y, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 63, 31), ho->id); CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x+1][hp.y][hp.z].objects.push_back(std::make_pair(ho, genRect(32, 32, 95, 31))); CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-2][hp.y+1][hp.z].objects.push_back(std::make_pair(ho, genRect(32, 32, -1, 63))); CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-1][hp.y+1][hp.z].objects.push_back(std::make_pair(ho, genRect(32, 32, 31, 63))); CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x][hp.y+1][hp.z].objects.push_back(std::make_pair(ho, genRect(32, 32, 63, 63))); CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x+1][hp.y+1][hp.z].objects.push_back(std::make_pair(ho, genRect(32, 32, 95, 63))); std::stable_sort(CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x+1][hp.y-1][hp.z].objects.begin(), CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x+1][hp.y-1][hp.z].objects.end(), ocmptwo_cgin); std::stable_sort(CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x+1][hp.y][hp.z].objects.begin(), CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x+1][hp.y][hp.z].objects.end(), ocmptwo_cgin); std::stable_sort(CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-2][hp.y+1][hp.z].objects.begin(), CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-2][hp.y+1][hp.z].objects.end(), ocmptwo_cgin); std::stable_sort(CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-1][hp.y+1][hp.z].objects.begin(), CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-1][hp.y+1][hp.z].objects.end(), ocmptwo_cgin); std::stable_sort(CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x][hp.y+1][hp.z].objects.begin(), CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x][hp.y+1][hp.z].objects.end(), ocmptwo_cgin); std::stable_sort(CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x+1][hp.y+1][hp.z].objects.begin(), CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x+1][hp.y+1][hp.z].objects.end(), ocmptwo_cgin); } else if(details.end.x == details.start.x && details.end.y-1 == details.start.y) //b { //ho->moveDir = 6; ho->isStanding = false; subRect(hp.x-2, hp.y-1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 0, -1), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-1, hp.y-1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 32, -1), ho->id); subRect(hp.x, hp.y-1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 64, -1), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-2, hp.y, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 0, 31), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-1, hp.y, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 32, 31), ho->id); subRect(hp.x, hp.y, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 64, 31), ho->id); CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-2][hp.y+1][hp.z].objects.push_back(std::make_pair(ho, genRect(32, 32, 0, 63))); CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-1][hp.y+1][hp.z].objects.push_back(std::make_pair(ho, genRect(32, 32, 32, 63))); CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x][hp.y+1][hp.z].objects.push_back(std::make_pair(ho, genRect(32, 32, 64, 63))); std::stable_sort(CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-2][hp.y+1][hp.z].objects.begin(), CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-2][hp.y+1][hp.z].objects.end(), ocmptwo_cgin); std::stable_sort(CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-1][hp.y+1][hp.z].objects.begin(), CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-1][hp.y+1][hp.z].objects.end(), ocmptwo_cgin); std::stable_sort(CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x][hp.y+1][hp.z].objects.begin(), CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x][hp.y+1][hp.z].objects.end(), ocmptwo_cgin); } else if(details.end.x+1 == details.start.x && details.end.y-1 == details.start.y) //bl { //ho->moveDir = 7; ho->isStanding = false; CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-3][hp.y-1][hp.z].objects.push_back(std::make_pair(ho, genRect(32, 32, -31, -1))); subRect(hp.x-2, hp.y-1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 1, -1), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-1, hp.y-1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 33, -1), ho->id); subRect(hp.x, hp.y-1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 65, -1), ho->id); CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-3][hp.y][hp.z].objects.push_back(std::make_pair(ho, genRect(32, 32, -31, 31))); subRect(hp.x-2, hp.y, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 1, 31), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-1, hp.y, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 33, 31), ho->id); subRect(hp.x, hp.y, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 65, 31), ho->id); CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-3][hp.y+1][hp.z].objects.push_back(std::make_pair(ho, genRect(32, 32, -31, 63))); CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-2][hp.y+1][hp.z].objects.push_back(std::make_pair(ho, genRect(32, 32, 1, 63))); CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-1][hp.y+1][hp.z].objects.push_back(std::make_pair(ho, genRect(32, 32, 33, 63))); CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x][hp.y+1][hp.z].objects.push_back(std::make_pair(ho, genRect(32, 32, 65, 63))); std::stable_sort(CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-3][hp.y-1][hp.z].objects.begin(), CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-3][hp.y-1][hp.z].objects.end(), ocmptwo_cgin); std::stable_sort(CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-3][hp.y][hp.z].objects.begin(), CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-3][hp.y][hp.z].objects.end(), ocmptwo_cgin); std::stable_sort(CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-3][hp.y+1][hp.z].objects.begin(), CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-3][hp.y+1][hp.z].objects.end(), ocmptwo_cgin); std::stable_sort(CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-2][hp.y+1][hp.z].objects.begin(), CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-2][hp.y+1][hp.z].objects.end(), ocmptwo_cgin); std::stable_sort(CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-1][hp.y+1][hp.z].objects.begin(), CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-1][hp.y+1][hp.z].objects.end(), ocmptwo_cgin); std::stable_sort(CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x][hp.y+1][hp.z].objects.begin(), CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x][hp.y+1][hp.z].objects.end(), ocmptwo_cgin); } else if(details.end.x+1 == details.start.x && details.end.y == details.start.y) //l { //ho->moveDir = 8; ho->isStanding = false; CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-3][hp.y-1][hp.z].objects.push_back(std::make_pair(ho, genRect(32, 32, -31, 0))); subRect(hp.x-2, hp.y-1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 1, 0), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-1, hp.y-1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 33, 0), ho->id); subRect(hp.x, hp.y-1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 65, 0), ho->id); CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-3][hp.y][hp.z].objects.push_back(std::make_pair(ho, genRect(32, 32, -31, 32))); subRect(hp.x-2, hp.y, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 1, 32), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-1, hp.y, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 33, 32), ho->id); subRect(hp.x, hp.y, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 65, 32), ho->id); std::stable_sort(CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-3][hp.y-1][hp.z].objects.begin(), CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-3][hp.y-1][hp.z].objects.end(), ocmptwo_cgin); std::stable_sort(CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-3][hp.y][hp.z].objects.begin(), CGI->mh->ttiles[hp.x-3][hp.y][hp.z].objects.end(), ocmptwo_cgin); } } void CPlayerInterface::movementPxStep( const TryMoveHero &details, int i, const int3 &hp, const CGHeroInstance * ho ) { if(details.end.x+1 == details.start.x && details.end.y+1 == details.start.y) //tl { //setting advmap shift adventureInt->terrain.moveX = i-32; adventureInt->terrain.moveY = i-32; subRect(hp.x-3, hp.y-2, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, -31+i, -31+i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-2, hp.y-2, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 1+i, -31+i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-1, hp.y-2, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 33+i, -31+i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x, hp.y-2, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 65+i, -31+i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-3, hp.y-1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, -31+i, 1+i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-2, hp.y-1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 1+i, 1+i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-1, hp.y-1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 33+i, 1+i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x, hp.y-1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 65+i, 1+i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-3, hp.y, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, -31+i, 33+i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-2, hp.y, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 1+i, 33+i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-1, hp.y, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 33+i, 33+i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x, hp.y, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 65+i, 33+i), ho->id); } else if(details.end.x == details.start.x && details.end.y+1 == details.start.y) //t { //setting advmap shift adventureInt->terrain.moveY = i-32; subRect(hp.x-2, hp.y-2, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 0, -31+i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-1, hp.y-2, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 32, -31+i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x, hp.y-2, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 64, -31+i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-2, hp.y-1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 0, 1+i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-1, hp.y-1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 32, 1+i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x, hp.y-1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 64, 1+i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-2, hp.y, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 0, 33+i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-1, hp.y, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 32, 33+i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x, hp.y, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 64, 33+i), ho->id); } else if(details.end.x-1 == details.start.x && details.end.y+1 == details.start.y) //tr { //setting advmap shift adventureInt->terrain.moveX = -i+32; adventureInt->terrain.moveY = i-32; subRect(hp.x-2, hp.y-2, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, -1-i, -31+i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-1, hp.y-2, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 31-i, -31+i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x, hp.y-2, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 63-i, -31+i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x+1, hp.y-2, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 95-i, -31+i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-2, hp.y-1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, -1-i, 1+i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-1, hp.y-1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 31-i, 1+i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x, hp.y-1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 63-i, 1+i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x+1, hp.y-1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 95-i, 1+i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-2, hp.y, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, -1-i, 33+i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-1, hp.y, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 31-i, 33+i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x, hp.y, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 63-i, 33+i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x+1, hp.y, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 95-i, 33+i), ho->id); } else if(details.end.x-1 == details.start.x && details.end.y == details.start.y) //r { //setting advmap shift adventureInt->terrain.moveX = -i+32; subRect(hp.x-2, hp.y-1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, -1-i, 0), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-1, hp.y-1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 31-i, 0), ho->id); subRect(hp.x, hp.y-1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 63-i, 0), ho->id); subRect(hp.x+1, hp.y-1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 95-i, 0), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-2, hp.y, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, -1-i, 32), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-1, hp.y, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 31-i, 32), ho->id); subRect(hp.x, hp.y, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 63-i, 32), ho->id); subRect(hp.x+1, hp.y, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 95-i, 32), ho->id); } else if(details.end.x-1 == details.start.x && details.end.y-1 == details.start.y) //br { //setting advmap shift adventureInt->terrain.moveX = -i+32; adventureInt->terrain.moveY = -i+32; subRect(hp.x-2, hp.y-1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, -1-i, -1-i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-1, hp.y-1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 31-i, -1-i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x, hp.y-1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 63-i, -1-i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x+1, hp.y-1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 95-i, -1-i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-2, hp.y, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, -1-i, 31-i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-1, hp.y, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 31-i, 31-i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x, hp.y, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 63-i, 31-i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x+1, hp.y, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 95-i, 31-i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-2, hp.y+1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, -1-i, 63-i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-1, hp.y+1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 31-i, 63-i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x, hp.y+1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 63-i, 63-i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x+1, hp.y+1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 95-i, 63-i), ho->id); } else if(details.end.x == details.start.x && details.end.y-1 == details.start.y) //b { //setting advmap shift adventureInt->terrain.moveY = -i+32; subRect(hp.x-2, hp.y-1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 0, -1-i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-1, hp.y-1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 32, -1-i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x, hp.y-1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 64, -1-i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-2, hp.y, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 0, 31-i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-1, hp.y, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 32, 31-i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x, hp.y, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 64, 31-i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-2, hp.y+1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 0, 63-i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-1, hp.y+1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 32, 63-i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x, hp.y+1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 64, 63-i), ho->id); } else if(details.end.x+1 == details.start.x && details.end.y-1 == details.start.y) //bl { //setting advmap shift adventureInt->terrain.moveX = i-32; adventureInt->terrain.moveY = -i+32; subRect(hp.x-3, hp.y-1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, -31+i, -1-i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-2, hp.y-1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 1+i, -1-i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-1, hp.y-1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 33+i, -1-i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x, hp.y-1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 65+i, -1-i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-3, hp.y, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, -31+i, 31-i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-2, hp.y, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 1+i, 31-i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-1, hp.y, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 33+i, 31-i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x, hp.y, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 65+i, 31-i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-3, hp.y+1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, -31+i, 63-i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-2, hp.y+1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 1+i, 63-i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-1, hp.y+1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 33+i, 63-i), ho->id); subRect(hp.x, hp.y+1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 65+i, 63-i), ho->id); } else if(details.end.x+1 == details.start.x && details.end.y == details.start.y) //l { //setting advmap shift adventureInt->terrain.moveX = i-32; subRect(hp.x-3, hp.y-1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, -31+i, 0), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-2, hp.y-1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 1+i, 0), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-1, hp.y-1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 33+i, 0), ho->id); subRect(hp.x, hp.y-1, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 65+i, 0), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-3, hp.y, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, -31+i, 32), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-2, hp.y, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 1+i, 32), ho->id); subRect(hp.x-1, hp.y, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 33+i, 32), ho->id); subRect(hp.x, hp.y, hp.z, genRect(32, 32, 65+i, 32), ho->id); } } void CPlayerInterface::finishMovement( const TryMoveHero &details, const int3 &hp, const CGHeroInstance * ho ) { adventureInt->terrain.moveX = adventureInt->terrain.moveY = 0; if(details.end.x+1 == details.start.x && details.end.y+1 == details.start.y) //tl { delObjRect(hp.x, hp.y-2, hp.z, ho->id); delObjRect(hp.x, hp.y-1, hp.z, ho->id); delObjRect(hp.x, hp.y, hp.z, ho->id); delObjRect(hp.x-1, hp.y, hp.z, ho->id); delObjRect(hp.x-2, hp.y, hp.z, ho->id); delObjRect(hp.x-3, hp.y, hp.z, ho->id); } else if(details.end.x == details.start.x && details.end.y+1 == details.start.y) //t { delObjRect(hp.x, hp.y, hp.z, ho->id); delObjRect(hp.x-1, hp.y, hp.z, ho->id); delObjRect(hp.x-2, hp.y, hp.z, ho->id); } else if(details.end.x-1 == details.start.x && details.end.y+1 == details.start.y) //tr { delObjRect(hp.x-2, hp.y-2, hp.z, ho->id); delObjRect(hp.x-2, hp.y-1, hp.z, ho->id); delObjRect(hp.x+1, hp.y, hp.z, ho->id); delObjRect(hp.x, hp.y, hp.z, ho->id); delObjRect(hp.x-1, hp.y, hp.z, ho->id); delObjRect(hp.x-2, hp.y, hp.z, ho->id); } else if(details.end.x-1 == details.start.x && details.end.y == details.start.y) //r { delObjRect(hp.x-2, hp.y-1, hp.z, ho->id); delObjRect(hp.x-2, hp.y, hp.z, ho->id); } else if(details.end.x-1 == details.start.x && details.end.y-1 == details.start.y) //br { delObjRect(hp.x-2, hp.y+1, hp.z, ho->id); delObjRect(hp.x-2, hp.y, hp.z, ho->id); delObjRect(hp.x+1, hp.y-1, hp.z, ho->id); delObjRect(hp.x, hp.y-1, hp.z, ho->id); delObjRect(hp.x-1, hp.y-1, hp.z, ho->id); delObjRect(hp.x-2, hp.y-1, hp.z, ho->id); } else if(details.end.x == details.start.x && details.end.y-1 == details.start.y) //b { delObjRect(hp.x, hp.y-1, hp.z, ho->id); delObjRect(hp.x-1, hp.y-1, hp.z, ho->id); delObjRect(hp.x-2, hp.y-1, hp.z, ho->id); } else if(details.end.x+1 == details.start.x && details.end.y-1 == details.start.y) //bl { delObjRect(hp.x, hp.y-1, hp.z, ho->id); delObjRect(hp.x-1, hp.y-1, hp.z, ho->id); delObjRect(hp.x-2, hp.y-1, hp.z, ho->id); delObjRect(hp.x-3, hp.y-1, hp.z, ho->id); delObjRect(hp.x, hp.y, hp.z, ho->id); delObjRect(hp.x, hp.y+1, hp.z, ho->id); } else if(details.end.x+1 == details.start.x && details.end.y == details.start.y) //l { delObjRect(hp.x, hp.y-1, hp.z, ho->id); delObjRect(hp.x, hp.y, hp.z, ho->id); } //restoring good rects subRect(details.end.x-2, details.end.y-1, details.end.z, genRect(32, 32, 0, 0), ho->id); subRect(details.end.x-1, details.end.y-1, details.end.z, genRect(32, 32, 32, 0), ho->id); subRect(details.end.x, details.end.y-1, details.end.z, genRect(32, 32, 64, 0), ho->id); subRect(details.end.x-2, details.end.y, details.end.z, genRect(32, 32, 0, 32), ho->id); subRect(details.end.x-1, details.end.y, details.end.z, genRect(32, 32, 32, 32), ho->id); subRect(details.end.x, details.end.y, details.end.z, genRect(32, 32, 64, 32), ho->id); //restoring good order of objects std::stable_sort(CGI->mh->ttiles[details.end.x-2][details.end.y-1][details.end.z].objects.begin(), CGI->mh->ttiles[details.end.x-2][details.end.y-1][details.end.z].objects.end(), ocmptwo_cgin); std::stable_sort(CGI->mh->ttiles[details.end.x-1][details.end.y-1][details.end.z].objects.begin(), CGI->mh->ttiles[details.end.x-1][details.end.y-1][details.end.z].objects.end(), ocmptwo_cgin); std::stable_sort(CGI->mh->ttiles[details.end.x][details.end.y-1][details.end.z].objects.begin(), CGI->mh->ttiles[details.end.x][details.end.y-1][details.end.z].objects.end(), ocmptwo_cgin); std::stable_sort(CGI->mh->ttiles[details.end.x-2][details.end.y][details.end.z].objects.begin(), CGI->mh->ttiles[details.end.x-2][details.end.y][details.end.z].objects.end(), ocmptwo_cgin); std::stable_sort(CGI->mh->ttiles[details.end.x-1][details.end.y][details.end.z].objects.begin(), CGI->mh->ttiles[details.end.x-1][details.end.y][details.end.z].objects.end(), ocmptwo_cgin); std::stable_sort(CGI->mh->ttiles[details.end.x][details.end.y][details.end.z].objects.begin(), CGI->mh->ttiles[details.end.x][details.end.y][details.end.z].objects.end(), ocmptwo_cgin); } void CPlayerInterface::gameOver(ui8 player, bool victory ) { if(LOCPLINT != this) return; if(player == playerID) { if(!victory) showInfoDialog(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[95]); // else // showInfoDialog("Placeholder message: you won!"); makingTurn = true; while(showingDialog->get() || dialogs.size()); //wait till all dialogs are displayed and closed makingTurn = false; //return to main menu SDL_Event event; event.type = SDL_USEREVENT; event.user.code = 2; SDL_PushEvent(&event); } else { if(!victory) //enemy has lost { std::string txt = CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[5]; //%s has been vanquished! boost::algorithm::replace_first(txt, "%s", CGI->generaltexth->capColors[player]); showInfoDialog(txt,std::vector(1, new SComponent(SComponent::flag, player, 0))); } } } void CPlayerInterface::playerBonusChanged( const Bonus &bonus, bool gain ) { } void CPlayerInterface::showPuzzleMap() { waitWhileDialog(); boost::unique_lock un(*pim); //TODO: interface should not know the real position of Grail... float ratio = 0; int3 grailPos = cb->getGrailPos(ratio); GH.pushInt(new CPuzzleWindow(grailPos, ratio)); } void CPlayerInterface::advmapSpellCast(const CGHeroInstance * caster, int spellID) { if (spellID == Spells::FLY || spellID == Spells::WATER_WALK) { cb->recalculatePaths(); eraseCurrentPathOf(caster, false); } } void SystemOptions::setMusicVolume( int newVolume ) { musicVolume = newVolume; CGI->musich->setVolume(newVolume); settingsChanged(); } void SystemOptions::setSoundVolume( int newVolume ) { soundVolume = newVolume; CGI->soundh->setVolume(newVolume); settingsChanged(); } void SystemOptions::setHeroMoveSpeed( int newSpeed ) { heroMoveSpeed = newSpeed; settingsChanged(); } void SystemOptions::setMapScrollingSpeed( int newSpeed ) { mapScrollingSpeed = newSpeed; settingsChanged(); } void SystemOptions::settingsChanged() { CSaveFile settings(GVCMIDirs.UserPath + "/config/sysopts.bin"); if(settings.sfile) settings << *this; else tlog1 << "Cannot save settings to config/sysopts.bin!\n"; } void SystemOptions::apply() { if(CGI->musich->getVolume() != musicVolume) CGI->musich->setVolume(musicVolume); if(CGI->soundh->getVolume() != soundVolume) CGI->soundh->setVolume(soundVolume); settingsChanged(); } SystemOptions::SystemOptions() { heroMoveSpeed = 2; mapScrollingSpeed = 2; musicVolume = 88; soundVolume = 88; printCellBorders = true; printStackRange = true; animSpeed = 2; printMouseShadow = true; showQueue = true; } void CPlayerInterface::eraseCurrentPathOf( const CGHeroInstance * ho, bool checkForExistanceOfPath /*= true */ ) { if(checkForExistanceOfPath) { assert(vstd::contains(paths, ho)); } else if (!vstd::contains(paths, ho)) { return; } assert(ho == adventureInt->selection); paths.erase(ho); adventureInt->terrain.currentPath = NULL; } CGPath * CPlayerInterface::getAndVerifyPath(const CGHeroInstance * h) { if(vstd::contains(paths,h)) //hero has assigned path { CGPath &path = paths[h]; if(!path.nodes.size()) { tlog3 << "Warning: empty path found...\n"; paths.erase(h); } else { assert(h->getPosition(false) == path.startPos()); //update the hero path in case of something has changed on map if(LOCPLINT->cb->getPath2(path.endPos(), path)) return &path; else paths.erase(h); } } return NULL; } void CPlayerInterface::acceptTurn() { waitWhileDialog(); if(howManyPeople > 1) adventureInt->startTurn(); boost::unique_lock un(*pim); /* TODO: This isn't quite right. First day in game should play * NEWDAY. And we don't play NEWMONTH. */ int day = cb->getDate(1); if (day != 1) CGI->soundh->playSound(soundBase::newDay); else CGI->soundh->playSound(soundBase::newWeek); adventureInt->infoBar.newDay(day); //select first hero if available. //TODO: check if hero is slept if(wanderingHeroes.size()) adventureInt->select(wanderingHeroes.front()); else adventureInt->select(towns.front()); adventureInt->showAll(screen); } void CPlayerInterface::tryDiggging(const CGHeroInstance *h) { std::string hlp; if(h->movement < h->maxMovePoints(true)) showInfoDialog(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[56]); //"Digging for artifacts requires a whole day, try again tomorrow." else if(cb->getTileInfo(h->getPosition(false))->tertype == TerrainTile::water) showInfoDialog(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[60]); //Try looking on land! else { const TerrainTile *t = cb->getTileInfo(h->getPosition()); CGI->mh->getTerrainDescr(h->getPosition(false), hlp, false); if(hlp.length() || t->blockingObjects.size() > 1) showInfoDialog(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[97]); //Try searching on clear ground. else cb->dig(h); } } void CPlayerInterface::updateInfo(const CGObjectInstance * specific) { adventureInt->infoBar.updateSelection(specific); // if (adventureInt->selection == specific) // adventureInt->infoBar.showAll(screen); } void CPlayerInterface::battleNewRoundFirst( int round ) { if(LOCPLINT != this) { //another local interface should do this return; } boost::unique_lock un(*pim); battleInt->newRoundFirst(round); } void CPlayerInterface::stopMovement() { if(stillMoveHero.get() == DURING_MOVE)//if we are in the middle of hero movement stillMoveHero.setn(STOP_MOVE); //after showing dialog movement will be stopped } void CPlayerInterface::showMarketWindow(const IMarket *market, const CGHeroInstance *visitor) { CMarketplaceWindow *cmw = new CMarketplaceWindow(market, visitor, market->availableModes().front()); GH.pushInt(cmw); } void CPlayerInterface::availableArtifactsChanged(const CGBlackMarket *bm /*= NULL*/) { if(CMarketplaceWindow *cmw = dynamic_cast(GH.topInt())) cmw->artifactsChanged(false); } void CPlayerInterface::showTavernWindow(const CGObjectInstance *townOrTavern) { CTavernWindow *tv = new CTavernWindow(townOrTavern); GH.pushInt(tv); }