VCMI requires data from original Heroes 3: Shadow of Death or Complete editions. Data from native Linux version made by LOKI will not work. # Step 1: Binaries installation ## Ubuntu ### Latest stable build from PPA (recommended) Up-to-date releases can be found in our PPA here: To install VCMI from PPA use: ``` sudo apt-add-repository ppa:vcmi/ppa sudo apt update sudo apt install vcmi ``` ### Unstable testing build from PPA We also provide latest, unstable builds mostly suitable for testing here: In order to install from this PPA use: ``` sudo add-apt-repository ppa:vcmi/vcmi-latest sudo apt update sudo apt install vcmi ``` ### From Ubuntu repository VCMI stable builds available in "multiverse" repository. Learn how to enable it in [Ubuntu wiki]( Once enabled, you can install VCMI using Ubuntu Store or in terminal using following commands: ``` sudo apt update sudo apt install vcmi ``` Note that version available in Ubuntu is outdated. Install via PPA is preferred. ## Debian Stable VCMI version is available in "contrib" repository. Learn how to enable it in [Debian wiki]( To install VCMI from repository: ``` sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install vcmi ``` ## Flatpak (distribution-agnostic) Latest public release build can be installed via Flatpak. Depending on your distribution, you may need to install flatpak itself. You can find guide for your distribution here: Once you have flatpak, you can install VCMI package which can be found here: ## Other distributions For other distributions, VCMI can be installed from 3rd-party repositories listed below. Note that these repositories are not supported by vcmi team and may not be up to date. - Archlinux [vcmi]( [vcmi-git]( - openSUSE [1 Click Install]( If you are interested in providing builds for other distributions, please let us know. ## Compiling from source Please check following developer guide: [How to build VCMI (Linux)](How_to_build_VCMI_(Linux) "wikilink") # Step 2: Installing Heroes III data files To install VCMI you will need Heroes III: Shadow of Death or Complete edition. ## Install data using vcmibuilder script (recommended for non-Flatpak installs) To install Heroes 3 data using automated script you need any of: - Offline Installer downloaded from (both .exe and .bin files are required) - Directory with preinstalled game - One or two CD's or CD images Run the script using options appropriate to your input files: ``` vcmibuilder --cd1 /path/to/iso/or/cd --cd2 /path/to/second/cd vcmibuilder --gog /path/to/ vcmibuilder --data /path/to/h3/data ``` You should use only one of these commands. On flatpak install, it's also possible to run the script, but any path seems to be interpreted from within the Flatpak sandbox: ``` flatpak run --command=vcmibuilder eu.vcmi.VCMI --data /path/to/h3/data` ``` ## Install data using offline installer Download both files for the "offline backup game installers" and extract them using innoextract tool ``` innoextract --output-dir=~/Downloads/HoMM3 "setup_heroes_of_might_and_magic_3_complete_4.0_(28740).exe" ``` (note that installer file name might be different) Once innoextract completes, start VCMI Launcher and choose to copy existing files. Select the ~/Downloads/HoMM3 directory. Once copy is complete, you can delete both offline installer files as well as ~/Downloads/HoMM3. ## Install manually using existing Heroes III data Copy "Data", "Maps" and "Mp3" from Heroes III to `$HOME/.local/share/vcmi/` Or, in case of flatpak install to `$HOME/.var/app/eu.vcmi.VCMI/data/vcmi/` On some distributions $XDG_DATA_HOME could differ so instead you may need to use: `$XDG_DATA_HOME/vcmi/` # Step 3: Launching game VCMI should be available via desktop environment menu or launcher (Games/Strategy/VCMI) To start the game type in console: `vcmilauncher` Or, to start game directly avoiding Launcher: `vcmiclient` # Reporting bugs Please report any issues with packages according to [Bug Reporting Guidelines](