/* * ObjectManager.h, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #pragma once #include "../Zone.h" #include "../RmgObject.h" #include <boost/heap/priority_queue.hpp> //A* VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_BEGIN class CGObjectInstance; class ObjectTemplate; class CGCreature; using TDistance = std::pair<int3, float>; struct DistanceMaximizeFunctor { bool operator()(const TDistance & lhs, const TDistance & rhs) const { return (rhs.second > lhs.second); } }; struct RequiredObjectInfo { RequiredObjectInfo(); RequiredObjectInfo(CGObjectInstance* obj, ui32 guardStrength = 0, bool createRoad = false, CGObjectInstance* nearbyTarget = nullptr); CGObjectInstance* obj; CGObjectInstance* nearbyTarget; int3 pos; ui32 guardStrength; bool createRoad; }; class ObjectManager: public Modificator { public: enum OptimizeType { NONE = 0x00000000, WEIGHT = 0x00000001, DISTANCE = 0x00000010, BOTH = 0x00000011 }; public: MODIFICATOR(ObjectManager); void process() override; void init() override; void addRequiredObject(const RequiredObjectInfo & info); void addCloseObject(const RequiredObjectInfo & info); void addNearbyObject(const RequiredObjectInfo & info); bool createMonoliths(); bool createRequiredObjects(); int3 findPlaceForObject(const rmg::Area & searchArea, rmg::Object & obj, si32 min_dist, OptimizeType optimizer) const; int3 findPlaceForObject(const rmg::Area & searchArea, rmg::Object & obj, const std::function<float(const int3)> & weightFunction, OptimizeType optimizer) const; rmg::Path placeAndConnectObject(const rmg::Area & searchArea, rmg::Object & obj, si32 min_dist, bool isGuarded, bool onlyStraight, OptimizeType optimizer) const; rmg::Path placeAndConnectObject(const rmg::Area & searchArea, rmg::Object & obj, const std::function<float(const int3)> & weightFunction, bool isGuarded, bool onlyStraight, OptimizeType optimizer) const; CGCreature * chooseGuard(si32 strength, bool zoneGuard = false); bool addGuard(rmg::Object & object, si32 strength, bool zoneGuard = false); void placeObject(rmg::Object & object, bool guarded, bool updateDistance, bool createRoad = false); void updateDistances(const rmg::Object & obj); void updateDistances(const int3& pos); void updateDistances(std::function<ui32(const int3 & tile)> distanceFunction); void createDistancesPriorityQueue(); const rmg::Area & getVisitableArea() const; std::vector<CGObjectInstance*> getMines() const; protected: //content info std::vector<RequiredObjectInfo> requiredObjects; std::vector<RequiredObjectInfo> closeObjects; std::vector<RequiredObjectInfo> instantObjects; std::vector<RequiredObjectInfo> nearbyObjects; std::vector<CGObjectInstance*> objects; rmg::Area objectsVisitableArea; boost::heap::priority_queue<TDistance, boost::heap::compare<DistanceMaximizeFunctor>> tilesByDistance; }; VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_END