#import "AppDelegate.h" @implementation AppDelegate - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification*)aNotification { installationCompleted = NO; outputDir = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath] stringByAppendingString:@"/../../Data"]; tempDir = NSTemporaryDirectory(); // Output to Application Support NSArray* appSupportDirs = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] URLsForDirectory:NSApplicationSupportDirectory inDomains:NSUserDomainMask]; outputDir = [[appSupportDirs[0] path] stringByAppendingString:@"/vcmi"]; } - (BOOL)applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed:(NSApplication*)sender { return YES; } - (void)download:(NSURLDownload*)download didReceiveResponse:(NSURLResponse*)response { self->bytesRecieved = 0; self->bytesExpected = [response expectedContentLength]; } - (void)download:(NSURLDownload*)download didReceiveDataOfLength:(NSUInteger)length { self->bytesRecieved += length; [self showProgressText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Downloading %@ archive: %3.1f Mb / %3.1f Mb", self->currentArchiveName, self->bytesRecieved / 1024.0f / 1024.0f, self->bytesExpected / 1024.0f / 1024.0f]]; } - (void)download:(NSURLDownload*)download decideDestinationWithSuggestedFilename:(NSString*)filename { [download setDestination:[tempDir stringByAppendingString:currentArchiveFilename] allowOverwrite:YES]; } - (void)downloadDidFinish:(NSURLDownload*)download { [self showProgressText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Downloading %@ archive: completed", self->currentArchiveName]]; [self nextAction]; } - (void)download:(NSURLDownload*)download didFailWithError:(NSError*)error { [self showProgressText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Downloading %@ archive: failed", self->currentArchiveName]]; [self showErrorText:[error localizedDescription]]; } - (void)nextAction { dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{ if ([actions count] > 0) { SEL sel = NSSelectorFromString(actions[0]); [actions removeObjectAtIndex:0]; @try { [self performSelector:sel]; } @catch (NSException* e) { [self showErrorText:[e name]]; } } }); } - (int)runTask:(NSString*)executable withArgs:(NSArray*)args withWorkingDir:(NSString*)workingDir withPipe:(NSPipe*)pipe { if (![executable hasPrefix:@"/usr/"]) { executable = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] resourcePath] stringByAppendingString:executable]; } NSTask* task = [[NSTask alloc] init]; [task setLaunchPath:executable]; if (workingDir != nil) { [task setCurrentDirectoryPath:workingDir]; } if (pipe != nil) { [task setStandardOutput:pipe]; } [task setArguments:args]; [task launch]; [task waitUntilExit]; return [task terminationStatus]; } - (void)validateAction { // Before starting anything run validations if (![[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:[self.cd1TextField stringValue]]) { return [self showErrorText:@"Please select existing file"]; } // Show progress controls [self.progressIndicator setHidden:NO]; [self.progressIndicator startAnimation:self]; [self showProgressText:@"Installing VCMI..."]; [self nextAction]; } - (void)downloadWogArchive { // First of all we need to download WoG archive // Downloading should be done on main thread because of callbacks dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ self->currentArchiveName = @"WoG"; self->currentArchiveFilename = @"/wog.zip"; NSURL* url = [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://download.vcmi.eu/WoG/wog.zip"]; self.download = [[NSURLDownload alloc] initWithRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:url] delegate:self]; }); } - (void)unzipWogArchive { // Then we unzip downloaded WoG archive [self showProgressText:@"Unzipping WoG archive"]; if ([self runTask:@"/usr/bin/unzip" withArgs:@[@"-qo", [tempDir stringByAppendingString:currentArchiveFilename], @"-d", outputDir] withWorkingDir:nil withPipe:nil] != 0) { return [self showErrorText:@"Failed to unzip WoG archive"]; } [self nextAction]; } - (void)downloadVcmiArchive { // Than we need to download VCMI archive // Downloading should be done on main thread because of callbacks dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ self->currentArchiveName = @"VCMI"; self->currentArchiveFilename = @"/core.zip"; NSURL* url = [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://download.vcmi.eu/core.zip"]; self.download = [[NSURLDownload alloc] initWithRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:url] delegate:self]; }); } - (void)unzipVcmiArchive { // Then we unzip downloaded VCMI archive [self showProgressText:@"Unzipping VCMI archive"]; if ([self runTask:@"/usr/bin/unzip" withArgs:@[@"-qo", [tempDir stringByAppendingString:currentArchiveFilename], @"-d", outputDir, @"-x", @"*.json", @"*.txt", @"*.PAL"] withWorkingDir:nil withPipe:nil] != 0) { return [self showErrorText:@"Failed to unzip VCMI archive"]; } [self nextAction]; } - (void)extractGameData { // Then we extract game data from provided iso files using unshield or from innosetup exe if ([[self.cd1TextField stringValue] hasSuffix:@".exe"]) { [self innoexctract]; } else { [self unshield]; } [self nextAction]; } - (void)innoexctract { // Extraction via innoextact is pretty straightforward [self showProgressText:@"Extracting game data using innoextract..."]; if ([self runTask:@"/innoextract" withArgs:@[[self.cd1TextField stringValue]] withWorkingDir:tempDir withPipe:nil] != 0) { [self showErrorText:@"Failed to exctract game data using innoextract"]; } dataDir = [tempDir stringByAppendingString:@"/app"]; } - (NSString*)attachDiskImage:(NSString*)path { [self showProgressText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Mounting image \"%@\"", path]]; // Run hdiutil to mount specified disk image NSPipe* pipe = [NSPipe pipe]; if ([self runTask:@"/usr/bin/hdiutil" withArgs:@[@"attach", path] withWorkingDir:nil withPipe:pipe] != 0) { [NSException raise:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Failed to mount \"%@\"", path] format:nil]; } // Capture hdiutil output to get mounted disk image filesystem path NSFileHandle* file = [pipe fileHandleForReading]; NSString* output = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:[file readDataToEndOfFile] encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; NSRegularExpression* regex = [NSRegularExpression regularExpressionWithPattern:@"(/Volumes/.*)$" options:0 error:nil]; NSTextCheckingResult* match = [regex firstMatchInString:output options:0 range:NSMakeRange(0, [output length])]; return [output substringWithRange:[match range]]; } - (void)detachDiskImage:(NSString*)mountedPath { if ([self runTask:@"/usr/bin/hdiutil" withArgs:@[@"detach", mountedPath] withWorkingDir:nil withPipe:nil] != 0) { [NSException raise:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Failed to unmount \"%@\"", mountedPath] format:nil]; } } - (void)unshield { // In case of iso files we should mount them first // If CD2 is not specified use the same path as for CD1 NSString* cd1 = [self attachDiskImage:[self.cd1TextField stringValue]]; NSString* cd2 = [[self.cd2TextField stringValue] isEqualToString:@""] ? cd1 : [self attachDiskImage:[self.cd2TextField stringValue]]; // Extract [self showProgressText:@"Extracting game data using unshield..."]; if ([self runTask:@"/unshield" withArgs:@[@"-d", tempDir, @"x", [cd1 stringByAppendingString:@"/_setup/data1.cab"]] withWorkingDir:tempDir withPipe:nil] != 0) { return [self showErrorText:@"Failed to extract game data using unshield"]; } dataDir = [tempDir stringByAppendingString:@"/Heroes3"]; if (![[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:dataDir]) { // Some releases have "Program_Files" folder instead of "Heroes3" dataDir = [tempDir stringByAppendingString:@"/Program_Files"]; } // Unmount CD1. Unmount CD2 if needed [self detachDiskImage:cd1]; if (![cd1 isEqualToString:cd2]) { [self detachDiskImage:cd2]; } } - (void)extractionCompleted { // After game data is extracted we should move it to destination place [self showProgressText:@"Moving items into place"]; NSFileManager* fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager]; [fileManager moveItemAtPath:[dataDir stringByAppendingString:@"/Data"] toPath:[outputDir stringByAppendingString:@"/Data"] error:nil]; [fileManager moveItemAtPath:[dataDir stringByAppendingString:@"/Maps"] toPath:[outputDir stringByAppendingString:@"/Maps"] error:nil]; if ([fileManager fileExistsAtPath:[dataDir stringByAppendingString:@"/MP3"] isDirectory:nil]) { [fileManager moveItemAtPath:[dataDir stringByAppendingString:@"/MP3"] toPath:[outputDir stringByAppendingString:@"/Mp3"] error:nil]; } else { [fileManager moveItemAtPath:[dataDir stringByAppendingString:@"/Mp3"] toPath:[outputDir stringByAppendingString:@"/Mp3"] error:nil]; } // After everythin is complete we create marker file. VCMI will look for this file to exists on startup and // will run this setup otherwise system([[NSString stringWithFormat:@"touch \"%@/game_data_prepared\"", outputDir] UTF8String]); [self showProgressText:@"Installation complete"]; [self.installButton setTitle:@"Run VCMI"]; [self.progressIndicator stopAnimation:self]; // Notify user that installation completed [self showNotification:@"Installation completed"]; // Hide all progress related controls [self.progressIndicator setHidden:YES]; [self.progressIndicator stopAnimation:self]; [self.progressLabel setHidden:YES]; [self.installButton setEnabled:YES]; installationCompleted = YES; } - (void)selectFile:(NSArray*)fileTypes withTextField:(NSTextField*)textField { NSOpenPanel* openPanel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel]; [openPanel setCanChooseFiles:YES]; [openPanel setAllowedFileTypes:fileTypes]; [openPanel setAllowsMultipleSelection:NO]; if ([openPanel runModal] == NSOKButton) { NSString* path = [[openPanel URL] path]; [textField setStringValue:path]; } } - (IBAction)selectCD1:(id)sender { [self selectFile:@[@"iso", @"exe"] withTextField:self.cd1TextField]; } - (IBAction)selectCD2:(id)sender { [self selectFile:@[@"iso"] withTextField:self.cd2TextField]; } - (IBAction)install:(id)sender { if (installationCompleted) { // Run vcmi system([[NSString stringWithFormat:@"open %@/../../..", [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath]] UTF8String]); [NSApp terminate: nil]; } else { // Run installation [self.cd1Button setEnabled:NO]; [self.cd2Button setEnabled:NO]; [self.installButton setEnabled:NO]; actions = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects: @"validateAction", @"downloadWogArchive", @"unzipWogArchive", @"downloadVcmiArchive", @"unzipVcmiArchive", @"extractGameData", @"extractionCompleted", nil ]; [self nextAction]; } } - (void)showNotification:(NSString*)text { // Notification Center is supported only on OS X 10.8 and newer NSUserNotification* notification = [[NSUserNotification alloc] init]; if (notification != nil) { notification.title = @"VCMI"; notification.informativeText = text; notification.deliveryDate = [NSDate dateWithTimeInterval:0 sinceDate:[NSDate date]]; notification.soundName = NSUserNotificationDefaultSoundName; [[NSUserNotificationCenter defaultUserNotificationCenter] scheduleNotification:notification]; } else { // On older OS X version force dock icon to jump [NSApp requestUserAttention:NSCriticalRequest]; } } - (void)showProgressText:(NSString*)text { // All GUI updates should be done on main thread dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ [self.progressLabel setHidden:NO]; [self.progressLabel setStringValue:text]; }); } - (void)showErrorText:(NSString*)text { // All GUI updates should be done on main thread dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ [self showNotification:@"Installation failed"]; // Show error alert NSAlert *alert = [[NSAlert alloc] init]; [alert setMessageText:@"Error"]; [alert setInformativeText:text]; [alert beginSheetModalForWindow:self.window modalDelegate:nil didEndSelector:nil contextInfo:nil]; // Enable select file buttons again [self.cd1Button setEnabled:YES]; [self.cd2Button setEnabled:YES]; [self.installButton setEnabled:YES]; // Hide all progress related controls [self.progressIndicator setHidden:YES]; [self.progressIndicator stopAnimation:self]; [self.progressLabel setHidden:YES]; }); } @end