/* * BattleAI.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "BattleExchangeVariant.h" #include "../../lib/CStack.h" AttackerValue::AttackerValue() : value(0), isRetaliated(false) { } MoveTarget::MoveTarget() : positions(), cachedAttack(), score(EvaluationResult::INEFFECTIVE_SCORE), scorePerTurn(EvaluationResult::INEFFECTIVE_SCORE) { turnsToRich = 1; } float BattleExchangeVariant::trackAttack( const AttackPossibility & ap, std::shared_ptr hb, DamageCache & damageCache) { auto attacker = hb->getForUpdate(ap.attack.attacker->unitId()); float attackValue = ap.attackValue(); auto affectedUnits = ap.affectedUnits; dpsScore.ourDamageReduce += ap.attackerDamageReduce + ap.collateralDamageReduce; dpsScore.enemyDamageReduce += ap.defenderDamageReduce + ap.shootersBlockedDmg; attackerValue[attacker->unitId()].value = attackValue; affectedUnits.push_back(ap.attackerState); for(auto affectedUnit : affectedUnits) { auto unitToUpdate = hb->getForUpdate(affectedUnit->unitId()); auto damageDealt = unitToUpdate->getTotalHealth() - affectedUnit->getTotalHealth(); if(damageDealt > 0) { unitToUpdate->damage(damageDealt); } if(unitToUpdate->unitSide() == attacker->unitSide()) { if(unitToUpdate->unitId() == attacker->unitId()) { unitToUpdate->afterAttack(ap.attack.shooting, false); #if BATTLE_TRACE_LEVEL>=1 logAi->trace( "%s -> %s, ap retaliation, %s, dps: %lld", ap.attack.defender->getDescription(), ap.attack.attacker->getDescription(), ap.attack.shooting ? "shot" : "mellee", damageDealt); #endif } else { #if BATTLE_TRACE_LEVEL>=1 logAi->trace( "%s, ap collateral, dps: %lld", unitToUpdate->getDescription(), damageDealt); #endif } } else { if(unitToUpdate->unitId() == ap.attack.defender->unitId()) { if(unitToUpdate->ableToRetaliate() && !affectedUnit->ableToRetaliate()) { unitToUpdate->afterAttack(ap.attack.shooting, true); } #if BATTLE_TRACE_LEVEL>=1 logAi->trace( "%s -> %s, ap attack, %s, dps: %lld", attacker->getDescription(), ap.attack.defender->getDescription(), ap.attack.shooting ? "shot" : "mellee", damageDealt); #endif } else { #if BATTLE_TRACE_LEVEL>=1 logAi->trace( "%s, ap enemy collateral, dps: %lld", unitToUpdate->getDescription(), damageDealt); #endif } } } #if BATTLE_TRACE_LEVEL >= 1 logAi->trace( "ap score: our: %2f, enemy: %2f, collateral: %2f, blocked: %2f", ap.attackerDamageReduce, ap.defenderDamageReduce, ap.collateralDamageReduce, ap.shootersBlockedDmg); #endif return attackValue; } float BattleExchangeVariant::trackAttack( std::shared_ptr attacker, std::shared_ptr defender, bool shooting, bool isOurAttack, DamageCache & damageCache, std::shared_ptr hb, bool evaluateOnly) { const std::string cachingStringBlocksRetaliation = "type_BLOCKS_RETALIATION"; static const auto selectorBlocksRetaliation = Selector::type()(BonusType::BLOCKS_RETALIATION); const bool counterAttacksBlocked = attacker->hasBonus(selectorBlocksRetaliation, cachingStringBlocksRetaliation); int64_t attackDamage = damageCache.getDamage(attacker.get(), defender.get(), hb); float defenderDamageReduce = AttackPossibility::calculateDamageReduce(attacker.get(), defender.get(), attackDamage, damageCache, hb); float attackerDamageReduce = 0; if(!evaluateOnly) { #if BATTLE_TRACE_LEVEL>=1 logAi->trace( "%s -> %s, normal attack, %s, dps: %lld, %2f", attacker->getDescription(), defender->getDescription(), shooting ? "shot" : "mellee", attackDamage, defenderDamageReduce); #endif if(isOurAttack) { dpsScore.enemyDamageReduce += defenderDamageReduce; attackerValue[attacker->unitId()].value += defenderDamageReduce; } else dpsScore.ourDamageReduce += defenderDamageReduce; defender->damage(attackDamage); attacker->afterAttack(shooting, false); } if(!evaluateOnly && defender->alive() && defender->ableToRetaliate() && !counterAttacksBlocked && !shooting) { auto retaliationDamage = damageCache.getDamage(defender.get(), attacker.get(), hb); attackerDamageReduce = AttackPossibility::calculateDamageReduce(defender.get(), attacker.get(), retaliationDamage, damageCache, hb); #if BATTLE_TRACE_LEVEL>=1 logAi->trace( "%s -> %s, retaliation, dps: %lld, %2f", defender->getDescription(), attacker->getDescription(), retaliationDamage, attackerDamageReduce); #endif if(isOurAttack) { dpsScore.ourDamageReduce += attackerDamageReduce; attackerValue[attacker->unitId()].isRetaliated = true; } else { dpsScore.enemyDamageReduce += attackerDamageReduce; attackerValue[defender->unitId()].value += attackerDamageReduce; } attacker->damage(retaliationDamage); defender->afterAttack(false, true); } auto score = defenderDamageReduce - attackerDamageReduce; #if BATTLE_TRACE_LEVEL>=1 if(!score) { logAi->trace("Attack has zero score def:%2f att:%2f", defenderDamageReduce, attackerDamageReduce); } #endif return score; } float BattleExchangeEvaluator::scoreValue(const BattleScore & score) const { return score.enemyDamageReduce * getPositiveEffectMultiplier() - score.ourDamageReduce * getNegativeEffectMultiplier(); } EvaluationResult BattleExchangeEvaluator::findBestTarget( const battle::Unit * activeStack, PotentialTargets & targets, DamageCache & damageCache, std::shared_ptr hb) { EvaluationResult result(targets.bestAction()); if(!activeStack->waited() && !activeStack->acquireState()->hadMorale) { #if BATTLE_TRACE_LEVEL>=1 logAi->trace("Evaluating waited attack for %s", activeStack->getDescription()); #endif auto hbWaited = std::make_shared(env.get(), hb); hbWaited->resetActiveUnit(); hbWaited->getForUpdate(activeStack->unitId())->waiting = true; hbWaited->getForUpdate(activeStack->unitId())->waitedThisTurn = true; updateReachabilityMap(hbWaited); for(auto & ap : targets.possibleAttacks) { float score = evaluateExchange(ap, 0, targets, damageCache, hbWaited); if(score > result.score) { result.score = score; result.bestAttack = ap; result.wait = true; #if BATTLE_TRACE_LEVEL >= 1 logAi->trace("New high score %2f", result.score); #endif } } } #if BATTLE_TRACE_LEVEL>=1 logAi->trace("Evaluating normal attack for %s", activeStack->getDescription()); #endif updateReachabilityMap(hb); if(result.bestAttack.attack.shooting && !result.bestAttack.defenderDead && !activeStack->waited() && hb->battleHasShootingPenalty(activeStack, result.bestAttack.dest)) { if(!canBeHitThisTurn(result.bestAttack)) return result; // lets wait } for(auto & ap : targets.possibleAttacks) { float score = evaluateExchange(ap, 0, targets, damageCache, hb); bool sameScoreButWaited = vstd::isAlmostEqual(score, result.score) && result.wait; if(score > result.score || sameScoreButWaited) { result.score = score; result.bestAttack = ap; result.wait = false; #if BATTLE_TRACE_LEVEL >= 1 logAi->trace("New high score %2f", result.score); #endif } } return result; } MoveTarget BattleExchangeEvaluator::findMoveTowardsUnreachable( const battle::Unit * activeStack, PotentialTargets & targets, DamageCache & damageCache, std::shared_ptr hb) { MoveTarget result; BattleExchangeVariant ev; if(targets.unreachableEnemies.empty()) return result; auto speed = activeStack->getMovementRange(); if(speed == 0) return result; updateReachabilityMap(hb); auto dists = cb->getReachability(activeStack); for(const battle::Unit * enemy : targets.unreachableEnemies) { std::vector adjacentStacks = getAdjacentUnits(enemy); auto closestStack = *vstd::minElementByFun(adjacentStacks, [&](const battle::Unit * u) -> int64_t { return dists.distToNearestNeighbour(activeStack, u) * 100000 - activeStack->getTotalHealth(); }); auto distance = dists.distToNearestNeighbour(activeStack, closestStack); if(distance >= GameConstants::BFIELD_SIZE) continue; if(distance <= speed) continue; auto turnsToRich = (distance - 1) / speed + 1; auto hexes = closestStack->getSurroundingHexes(); auto enemySpeed = closestStack->getMovementRange(); auto speedRatio = speed / static_cast(enemySpeed); auto multiplier = speedRatio > 1 ? 1 : speedRatio; if(enemy->canShoot()) multiplier *= 1.5f; for(auto hex : hexes) { // FIXME: provide distance info for Jousting bonus auto bai = BattleAttackInfo(activeStack, closestStack, 0, cb->battleCanShoot(activeStack)); auto attack = AttackPossibility::evaluate(bai, hex, damageCache, hb); attack.shootersBlockedDmg = 0; // we do not want to count on it, it is not for sure auto score = calculateExchange(attack, turnsToRich, targets, damageCache, hb); auto scorePerTurn = BattleScore(score.enemyDamageReduce * std::sqrt(multiplier / turnsToRich), score.ourDamageReduce); if(result.scorePerTurn < scoreValue(scorePerTurn)) { result.scorePerTurn = scoreValue(scorePerTurn); result.score = scoreValue(score); result.positions = closestStack->getAttackableHexes(activeStack); result.cachedAttack = attack; result.turnsToRich = turnsToRich; } } } return result; } std::vector BattleExchangeEvaluator::getAdjacentUnits(const battle::Unit * blockerUnit) const { std::queue queue; std::vector checkedStacks; queue.push(blockerUnit); while(!queue.empty()) { auto stack = queue.front(); queue.pop(); checkedStacks.push_back(stack); auto hexes = stack->getSurroundingHexes(); for(auto hex : hexes) { auto neighbor = cb->battleGetUnitByPos(hex); if(neighbor && neighbor->unitSide() == stack->unitSide() && !vstd::contains(checkedStacks, neighbor)) { queue.push(neighbor); checkedStacks.push_back(neighbor); } } } return checkedStacks; } ReachabilityData BattleExchangeEvaluator::getExchangeUnits( const AttackPossibility & ap, uint8_t turn, PotentialTargets & targets, std::shared_ptr hb) const { ReachabilityData result; auto hexes = ap.attack.defender->getSurroundingHexes(); if(!ap.attack.shooting) hexes.push_back(ap.from); std::vector allReachableUnits; for(auto hex : hexes) { vstd::concatenate(allReachableUnits, turn == 0 ? reachabilityMap.at(hex) : getOneTurnReachableUnits(turn, hex)); } vstd::removeDuplicates(allReachableUnits); auto copy = allReachableUnits; for(auto unit : copy) { for(auto adjacentUnit : getAdjacentUnits(unit)) { auto unitWithBonuses = hb->battleGetUnitByID(adjacentUnit->unitId()); if(vstd::contains(targets.unreachableEnemies, adjacentUnit) && !vstd::contains(allReachableUnits, unitWithBonuses)) { allReachableUnits.push_back(unitWithBonuses); } } } vstd::removeDuplicates(allReachableUnits); if(!vstd::contains(allReachableUnits, ap.attack.attacker)) { allReachableUnits.push_back(ap.attack.attacker); } if(allReachableUnits.size() < 2) { #if BATTLE_TRACE_LEVEL>=1 logAi->trace("Reachability map contains only %d stacks", allReachableUnits.size()); #endif return result; } for(auto unit : allReachableUnits) { auto accessible = !unit->canShoot(); if(!accessible) { for(auto hex : unit->getSurroundingHexes()) { if(ap.attack.defender->coversPos(hex)) { accessible = true; } } } if(accessible) result.melleeAccessible.push_back(unit); else result.shooters.push_back(unit); } for(int turn = 0; turn < turnOrder.size(); turn++) { for(auto unit : turnOrder[turn]) { if(vstd::contains(allReachableUnits, unit)) result.units.push_back(unit); } } vstd::erase_if(result.units, [&](const battle::Unit * u) -> bool { return !hb->battleGetUnitByID(u->unitId())->alive(); }); return result; } float BattleExchangeEvaluator::evaluateExchange( const AttackPossibility & ap, uint8_t turn, PotentialTargets & targets, DamageCache & damageCache, std::shared_ptr hb) const { BattleScore score = calculateExchange(ap, turn, targets, damageCache, hb); #if BATTLE_TRACE_LEVEL >= 1 logAi->trace( "calculateExchange score +%2f -%2fx%2f = %2f", score.enemyDamageReduce, score.ourDamageReduce, getNegativeEffectMultiplier(), scoreValue(score)); #endif return scoreValue(score); } BattleScore BattleExchangeEvaluator::calculateExchange( const AttackPossibility & ap, uint8_t turn, PotentialTargets & targets, DamageCache & damageCache, std::shared_ptr hb) const { #if BATTLE_TRACE_LEVEL>=1 logAi->trace("Battle exchange at %d", ap.attack.shooting ? ap.dest.hex : ap.from.hex); #endif if(cb->battleGetMySide() == BattleSide::LEFT_SIDE && cb->battleGetGateState() == EGateState::BLOCKED && ap.attack.defender->coversPos(BattleHex::GATE_BRIDGE)) { return BattleScore(EvaluationResult::INEFFECTIVE_SCORE, 0); } std::vector ourStacks; std::vector enemyStacks; if(hb->battleGetUnitByID(ap.attack.defender->unitId())->alive()) enemyStacks.push_back(ap.attack.defender); ReachabilityData exchangeUnits = getExchangeUnits(ap, turn, targets, hb); if(exchangeUnits.units.empty()) { return BattleScore(); } auto exchangeBattle = std::make_shared(env.get(), hb); BattleExchangeVariant v; for(auto unit : exchangeUnits.units) { if(unit->isTurret()) continue; bool isOur = exchangeBattle->battleMatchOwner(ap.attack.attacker, unit, true); auto & attackerQueue = isOur ? ourStacks : enemyStacks; auto u = exchangeBattle->getForUpdate(unit->unitId()); if(u->alive() && !vstd::contains(attackerQueue, unit)) { attackerQueue.push_back(unit); #if BATTLE_TRACE_LEVEL logAi->trace("Exchanging: %s", u->getDescription()); #endif } } auto melleeAttackers = ourStacks; vstd::removeDuplicates(melleeAttackers); vstd::erase_if(melleeAttackers, [&](const battle::Unit * u) -> bool { return cb->battleCanShoot(u); }); bool canUseAp = true; for(auto activeUnit : exchangeUnits.units) { bool isOur = exchangeBattle->battleMatchOwner(ap.attack.attacker, activeUnit, true); battle::Units & attackerQueue = isOur ? ourStacks : enemyStacks; battle::Units & oppositeQueue = isOur ? enemyStacks : ourStacks; auto attacker = exchangeBattle->getForUpdate(activeUnit->unitId()); if(!attacker->alive()) { #if BATTLE_TRACE_LEVEL>=1 logAi->trace( "Attacker is dead"); #endif continue; } auto targetUnit = ap.attack.defender; if(!isOur || !exchangeBattle->battleGetUnitByID(targetUnit->unitId())->alive()) { auto estimateAttack = [&](const battle::Unit * u) -> float { auto stackWithBonuses = exchangeBattle->getForUpdate(u->unitId()); auto score = v.trackAttack( attacker, stackWithBonuses, exchangeBattle->battleCanShoot(stackWithBonuses.get()), isOur, damageCache, hb, true); #if BATTLE_TRACE_LEVEL>=1 logAi->trace("Best target selector %s->%s score = %2f", attacker->getDescription(), stackWithBonuses->getDescription(), score); #endif return score; }; auto unitsInOppositeQueueExceptInaccessible = oppositeQueue; vstd::erase_if(unitsInOppositeQueueExceptInaccessible, [&](const battle::Unit * u)->bool { return vstd::contains(exchangeUnits.shooters, u); }); if(!unitsInOppositeQueueExceptInaccessible.empty()) { targetUnit = *vstd::maxElementByFun(unitsInOppositeQueueExceptInaccessible, estimateAttack); } else { auto reachable = exchangeBattle->battleGetUnitsIf([this, &exchangeBattle, &attacker](const battle::Unit * u) -> bool { if(u->unitSide() == attacker->unitSide()) return false; if(!exchangeBattle->getForUpdate(u->unitId())->alive()) return false; if (!u->getPosition().isValid()) return false; // e.g. tower shooters return vstd::contains_if(reachabilityMap.at(u->getPosition()), [&attacker](const battle::Unit * other) -> bool { return attacker->unitId() == other->unitId(); }); }); if(!reachable.empty()) { targetUnit = *vstd::maxElementByFun(reachable, estimateAttack); } else { #if BATTLE_TRACE_LEVEL>=1 logAi->trace("Battle queue is empty and no reachable enemy."); #endif continue; } } } auto defender = exchangeBattle->getForUpdate(targetUnit->unitId()); auto shooting = exchangeBattle->battleCanShoot(attacker.get()); const int totalAttacks = attacker->getTotalAttacks(shooting); if(canUseAp && activeUnit->unitId() == ap.attack.attacker->unitId() && targetUnit->unitId() == ap.attack.defender->unitId()) { v.trackAttack(ap, exchangeBattle, damageCache); } else { for(int i = 0; i < totalAttacks; i++) { v.trackAttack(attacker, defender, shooting, isOur, damageCache, exchangeBattle); if(!attacker->alive() || !defender->alive()) break; } } canUseAp = false; vstd::erase_if(attackerQueue, [&](const battle::Unit * u) -> bool { return !exchangeBattle->battleGetUnitByID(u->unitId())->alive(); }); vstd::erase_if(oppositeQueue, [&](const battle::Unit * u) -> bool { return !exchangeBattle->battleGetUnitByID(u->unitId())->alive(); }); } // avoid blocking path for stronger stack by weaker stack // the method checks if all stacks can be placed around enemy std::map reachabilityMap; auto hexes = ap.attack.defender->getSurroundingHexes(); for(auto hex : hexes) reachabilityMap[hex] = getOneTurnReachableUnits(turn, hex); #if BATTLE_TRACE_LEVEL>=1 logAi->trace("Exchange score: enemy: %2f, our -%2f", v.getScore().enemyDamageReduce, v.getScore().ourDamageReduce); #endif return v.getScore(); } bool BattleExchangeEvaluator::canBeHitThisTurn(const AttackPossibility & ap) { for(auto pos : ap.attack.attacker->getSurroundingHexes()) { for(auto u : reachabilityMap[pos]) { if(u->unitSide() != ap.attack.attacker->unitSide()) { return true; } } } return false; } void BattleExchangeEvaluator::updateReachabilityMap(std::shared_ptr hb) { const int TURN_DEPTH = 2; turnOrder.clear(); hb->battleGetTurnOrder(turnOrder, std::numeric_limits::max(), TURN_DEPTH); for(auto turn : turnOrder) { for(auto u : turn) { if(!vstd::contains(reachabilityCache, u->unitId())) { reachabilityCache[u->unitId()] = hb->getReachability(u); } } } for(BattleHex hex = BattleHex::TOP_LEFT; hex.isValid(); hex = hex + 1) { reachabilityMap[hex] = getOneTurnReachableUnits(0, hex); } } std::vector BattleExchangeEvaluator::getOneTurnReachableUnits(uint8_t turn, BattleHex hex) const { std::vector result; for(int i = 0; i < turnOrder.size(); i++) { auto & turnQueue = turnOrder[i]; HypotheticBattle turnBattle(env.get(), cb); for(const battle::Unit * unit : turnQueue) { if(unit->isTurret()) continue; if(turnBattle.battleCanShoot(unit)) { result.push_back(unit); continue; } auto unitSpeed = unit->getMovementRange(turn); auto radius = unitSpeed * (turn + 1); auto reachabilityIter = reachabilityCache.find(unit->unitId()); assert(reachabilityIter != reachabilityCache.end()); // missing updateReachabilityMap call? ReachabilityInfo unitReachability = reachabilityIter != reachabilityCache.end() ? reachabilityIter->second : turnBattle.getReachability(unit); bool reachable = unitReachability.distances[hex] <= radius; if(!reachable && unitReachability.accessibility[hex] == EAccessibility::ALIVE_STACK) { const battle::Unit * hexStack = cb->battleGetUnitByPos(hex); if(hexStack && cb->battleMatchOwner(unit, hexStack, false)) { for(BattleHex neighbor : hex.neighbouringTiles()) { reachable = unitReachability.distances[neighbor] <= radius; if(reachable) break; } } } if(reachable) { result.push_back(unit); } } } return result; } // avoid blocking path for stronger stack by weaker stack bool BattleExchangeEvaluator::checkPositionBlocksOurStacks(HypotheticBattle & hb, const battle::Unit * activeUnit, BattleHex position) { const int BLOCKING_THRESHOLD = 70; const int BLOCKING_OWN_ATTACK_PENALTY = 100; const int BLOCKING_OWN_MOVE_PENALTY = 1; float blockingScore = 0; auto activeUnitDamage = activeUnit->getMinDamage(hb.battleCanShoot(activeUnit)) * activeUnit->getCount(); for(int turn = 0; turn < turnOrder.size(); turn++) { auto & turnQueue = turnOrder[turn]; HypotheticBattle turnBattle(env.get(), cb); auto unitToUpdate = turnBattle.getForUpdate(activeUnit->unitId()); unitToUpdate->setPosition(position); for(const battle::Unit * unit : turnQueue) { if(unit->unitId() == unitToUpdate->unitId() || cb->battleMatchOwner(unit, activeUnit, false)) continue; auto blockedUnitDamage = unit->getMinDamage(hb.battleCanShoot(unit)) * unit->getCount(); float ratio = blockedUnitDamage / (float)(blockedUnitDamage + activeUnitDamage + 0.01); auto unitReachability = turnBattle.getReachability(unit); auto unitSpeed = unit->getMovementRange(turn); // Cached value, to avoid performance hit for(BattleHex hex = BattleHex::TOP_LEFT; hex.isValid(); hex = hex + 1) { bool enemyUnit = false; bool reachable = unitReachability.distances[hex] <= unitSpeed; if(!reachable && unitReachability.accessibility[hex] == EAccessibility::ALIVE_STACK) { const battle::Unit * hexStack = turnBattle.battleGetUnitByPos(hex); if(hexStack && cb->battleMatchOwner(unit, hexStack, false)) { enemyUnit = true; for(BattleHex neighbor : hex.neighbouringTiles()) { reachable = unitReachability.distances[neighbor] <= unitSpeed; if(reachable) break; } } } if(!reachable && std::count(reachabilityMap[hex].begin(), reachabilityMap[hex].end(), unit) > 1) { blockingScore += ratio * (enemyUnit ? BLOCKING_OWN_ATTACK_PENALTY : BLOCKING_OWN_MOVE_PENALTY); } } } } #if BATTLE_TRACE_LEVEL>=1 logAi->trace("Position %d, blocking score %f", position.hex, blockingScore); #endif return blockingScore > BLOCKING_THRESHOLD; }