/* * AINodeStorage.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "Actors.h" #include "../VCAI.h" #include "../Engine/Nullkiller.h" #include "../../../CCallback.h" #include "../../../lib/mapping/CMap.h" #include "../../../lib/mapObjects/MapObjects.h" #include "Actions/BuyArmyAction.h" CCreatureSet emptyArmy; bool HeroExchangeArmy::needsLastStack() const { return true; } std::shared_ptr HeroExchangeArmy::getActorAction() const { std::shared_ptr result; if(requireBuyArmy) { result.reset(new AIPathfinding::BuyArmyAction()); } return result; } ChainActor::ChainActor(const CGHeroInstance * hero, HeroRole heroRole, uint64_t chainMask) :hero(hero), heroRole(heroRole), isMovable(true), chainMask(chainMask), creatureSet(hero), baseActor(this), carrierParent(nullptr), otherParent(nullptr), actorExchangeCount(1), armyCost(), actorAction() { initialPosition = hero->visitablePos(); layer = hero->boat ? EPathfindingLayer::SAIL : EPathfindingLayer::LAND; initialMovement = hero->movement; initialTurn = 0; armyValue = hero->getArmyStrength(); heroFightingStrength = hero->getFightingStrength(); } ChainActor::ChainActor(const ChainActor * carrier, const ChainActor * other, const CCreatureSet * heroArmy) :hero(carrier->hero), heroRole(carrier->heroRole), isMovable(true), creatureSet(heroArmy), chainMask(carrier->chainMask | other->chainMask), baseActor(this), carrierParent(carrier), otherParent(other), heroFightingStrength(carrier->heroFightingStrength), actorExchangeCount(carrier->actorExchangeCount + other->actorExchangeCount), armyCost(carrier->armyCost + other->armyCost), actorAction() { armyValue = heroArmy->getArmyStrength(); } ChainActor::ChainActor(const CGObjectInstance * obj, const CCreatureSet * creatureSet, uint64_t chainMask, int initialTurn) :hero(nullptr), heroRole(HeroRole::MAIN), isMovable(false), creatureSet(creatureSet), chainMask(chainMask), baseActor(this), carrierParent(nullptr), otherParent(nullptr), initialTurn(initialTurn), initialMovement(0), heroFightingStrength(0), actorExchangeCount(1), armyCost(), actorAction() { initialPosition = obj->visitablePos(); layer = EPathfindingLayer::LAND; armyValue = creatureSet->getArmyStrength(); } std::string ChainActor::toString() const { return hero->name; } ObjectActor::ObjectActor(const CGObjectInstance * obj, const CCreatureSet * army, uint64_t chainMask, int initialTurn) :ChainActor(obj, army, chainMask, initialTurn), object(obj) { } const CGObjectInstance * ObjectActor::getActorObject() const { return object; } std::string ObjectActor::toString() const { return object->getObjectName() + " at " + object->visitablePos().toString(); } HeroActor::HeroActor(const CGHeroInstance * hero, HeroRole heroRole, uint64_t chainMask, const Nullkiller * ai) :ChainActor(hero, heroRole, chainMask) { exchangeMap.reset(new HeroExchangeMap(this, ai)); setupSpecialActors(); } HeroActor::HeroActor( const ChainActor * carrier, const ChainActor * other, const HeroExchangeArmy * army, const Nullkiller * ai) :ChainActor(carrier, other, army) { exchangeMap.reset(new HeroExchangeMap(this, ai)); armyCost += army->armyCost; actorAction = army->getActorAction(); setupSpecialActors(); } void ChainActor::setBaseActor(HeroActor * base) { baseActor = base; hero = base->hero; heroRole = base->heroRole; layer = base->layer; initialMovement = base->initialMovement; initialTurn = base->initialTurn; armyValue = base->armyValue; chainMask = base->chainMask; creatureSet = base->creatureSet; isMovable = base->isMovable; heroFightingStrength = base->heroFightingStrength; armyCost = base->armyCost; actorAction = base->actorAction; } void HeroActor::setupSpecialActors() { auto allActors = std::vector{ this }; for(ChainActor & specialActor : specialActors) { specialActor.setBaseActor(this); allActors.push_back(&specialActor); } for(int i = 0; i <= SPECIAL_ACTORS_COUNT; i++) { ChainActor * actor = allActors[i]; actor->allowBattle = (i & 1) > 0; actor->allowSpellCast = (i & 2) > 0; actor->allowUseResources = (i & 4) > 0; actor->battleActor = allActors[i | 1]; actor->castActor = allActors[i | 2]; actor->resourceActor = allActors[i | 4]; } } ChainActor * ChainActor::exchange(const ChainActor * specialActor, const ChainActor * other) const { return baseActor->exchange(specialActor, other); } bool ChainActor::canExchange(const ChainActor * other) const { return isMovable && baseActor->canExchange(other); } namespace vstd { template typename M::mapped_type & getOrCompute(M &m, Key const& k, F f) { typedef typename M::mapped_type V; std::pair r = m.insert(typename M::value_type(k, V())); V &v = r.first->second; if(r.second) f(v); return v; } } bool HeroActor::canExchange(const ChainActor * other) const { return exchangeMap->canExchange(other); } bool HeroExchangeMap::canExchange(const ChainActor * other) { return vstd::getOrCompute(canExchangeCache, other, [&](bool & result) { result = (actor->chainMask & other->chainMask) == 0; if(result) { TResources resources = ai->cb->getResourceAmount(); if(!resources.canAfford(actor->armyCost + other->armyCost)) { result = false; #if PATHFINDER_TRACE_LEVEL >= 2 logAi->trace( "Can not afford exchange because of total cost %s but we have %s", (actor->armyCost + other->armyCost).toString(), resources.toString()); #endif return; } auto upgradeInfo = ai->armyManager->calculateCreateresUpgrade( actor->creatureSet, other->getActorObject(), resources - actor->armyCost - other->armyCost); uint64_t reinforcment = upgradeInfo.upgradeValue; if(other->creatureSet->Slots().size()) reinforcment += ai->armyManager->howManyReinforcementsCanGet(actor->hero, actor->creatureSet, other->creatureSet); auto obj = other->getActorObject(); if(obj && obj->ID == Obj::TOWN) { reinforcment += ai->armyManager->howManyReinforcementsCanBuy(actor->creatureSet, ai->cb->getTown(obj->id)); } #if PATHFINDER_TRACE_LEVEL >= 2 logAi->trace( "Exchange %s->%s reinforcement: %d, %f%%", actor->toString(), other->toString(), reinforcment, 100.0f * reinforcment / actor->armyValue); #endif result = reinforcment > actor->armyValue / 10 || reinforcment > 1000; } }); } ChainActor * HeroActor::exchange(const ChainActor * specialActor, const ChainActor * other) const { const ChainActor * otherBase = other->baseActor; HeroActor * result = exchangeMap->exchange(otherBase); if(specialActor == this) return result; int index = vstd::find_pos_if(specialActors, [specialActor](const ChainActor & actor) -> bool { return &actor == specialActor; }); return &result->specialActors[index]; } HeroExchangeMap::HeroExchangeMap(const HeroActor * actor, const Nullkiller * ai) :actor(actor), ai(ai) { } HeroExchangeMap::~HeroExchangeMap() { for(auto & exchange : exchangeMap) { delete exchange.second->creatureSet; delete exchange.second; } exchangeMap.clear(); } HeroActor * HeroExchangeMap::exchange(const ChainActor * other) { HeroActor * result; if(vstd::contains(exchangeMap, other)) result = exchangeMap.at(other); else { TResources availableResources = ai->cb->getResourceAmount() - actor->armyCost - other->armyCost; HeroExchangeArmy * upgradedInitialArmy = tryUpgrade(actor->creatureSet, other->getActorObject(), availableResources); HeroExchangeArmy * newArmy; if(other->creatureSet->Slots().size()) { if(upgradedInitialArmy) { newArmy = pickBestCreatures(upgradedInitialArmy, other->creatureSet); newArmy->armyCost = upgradedInitialArmy->armyCost; delete upgradedInitialArmy; } else { newArmy = pickBestCreatures(actor->creatureSet, other->creatureSet); } } else { newArmy = upgradedInitialArmy; } result = new HeroActor(actor, other, newArmy, ai); result->armyCost += newArmy->armyCost; exchangeMap[other] = result; } return result; } HeroExchangeArmy * HeroExchangeMap::tryUpgrade( const CCreatureSet * army, const CGObjectInstance * upgrader, TResources resources) const { HeroExchangeArmy * target = new HeroExchangeArmy(); auto upgradeInfo = ai->armyManager->calculateCreateresUpgrade(army, upgrader, resources); if(upgradeInfo.upgradeValue) { for(auto & slotInfo : upgradeInfo.resultingArmy) { auto targetSlot = target->getFreeSlot(); target->addToSlot(targetSlot, slotInfo.creature->idNumber, TQuantity(slotInfo.count)); } resources -= upgradeInfo.upgradeCost; target->armyCost += upgradeInfo.upgradeCost; } else { for(auto slot : army->Slots()) { auto targetSlot = target->getSlotFor(slot.second->getCreatureID()); target->addToSlot(targetSlot, slot.second->getCreatureID(), slot.second->count); } } if(upgrader->ID == Obj::TOWN) { auto buyArmy = ai->armyManager->getArmyAvailableToBuy(target, ai->cb->getTown(upgrader->id), resources); for(auto creatureToBuy : buyArmy) { auto targetSlot = target->getSlotFor(creatureToBuy.cre); target->addToSlot(targetSlot, creatureToBuy.creID, creatureToBuy.count); target->armyCost += creatureToBuy.cre->cost * creatureToBuy.count; target->requireBuyArmy = true; } } if(target->getArmyStrength() <= army->getArmyStrength()) { delete target; return nullptr; } return target; } HeroExchangeArmy * HeroExchangeMap::pickBestCreatures(const CCreatureSet * army1, const CCreatureSet * army2) const { HeroExchangeArmy * target = new HeroExchangeArmy(); auto bestArmy = ai->armyManager->getBestArmy(actor->hero, army1, army2); for(auto & slotInfo : bestArmy) { auto targetSlot = target->getFreeSlot(); target->addToSlot(targetSlot, slotInfo.creature->idNumber, TQuantity(slotInfo.count)); } return target; } HillFortActor::HillFortActor(const CGObjectInstance * hillFort, uint64_t chainMask) :ObjectActor(hillFort, &emptyArmy, chainMask, 0) { } DwellingActor::DwellingActor(const CGDwelling * dwelling, uint64_t chainMask, bool waitForGrowth, int dayOfWeek) :ObjectActor( dwelling, getDwellingCreatures(dwelling, waitForGrowth), chainMask, getInitialTurn(waitForGrowth, dayOfWeek)), dwelling(dwelling) { for(auto & slot : creatureSet->Slots()) { armyCost += slot.second->getCreatureID().toCreature()->cost * slot.second->count; } } DwellingActor::~DwellingActor() { delete creatureSet; } int DwellingActor::getInitialTurn(bool waitForGrowth, int dayOfWeek) { if(!waitForGrowth) return 0; return 8 - dayOfWeek; } std::string DwellingActor::toString() const { return dwelling->typeName + dwelling->visitablePos().toString(); } CCreatureSet * DwellingActor::getDwellingCreatures(const CGDwelling * dwelling, bool waitForGrowth) { CCreatureSet * dwellingCreatures = new CCreatureSet(); for(auto & creatureInfo : dwelling->creatures) { if(!creatureInfo.second.size()) continue; auto creature = creatureInfo.second.back().toCreature(); auto count = creatureInfo.first; if(waitForGrowth) { const CGTownInstance * town = dynamic_cast(dwelling); count += town ? town->creatureGrowth(creature->level) : creature->growth; } dwellingCreatures->addToSlot( dwellingCreatures->getSlotFor(creature), creature->idNumber, TQuantity(creatureInfo.first)); } return dwellingCreatures; } TownGarrisonActor::TownGarrisonActor(const CGTownInstance * town, uint64_t chainMask) :ObjectActor(town, town->getUpperArmy(), chainMask, 0), town(town) { } std::string TownGarrisonActor::toString() const { return town->name; }