This readme covers VCMI compilation on Unix-like systems. To run the game you will need: 1) Heroes 3 data files (SoD or Complete editions); 2) VCMI data pack ( All of them can be installed manually or using vcmibuilder script For complete installation instructions see VCMI wiki: I. Prerequisites To compile, the following packages (and their development counterparts) are needed to build: * libstdc++ devel * CMake build system * SDL and SDL-devel * SDL_mixer and SDL_mixer-devel * SDL_image and SDL_image-devel * SDL_ttf and SDL_ttf-devel * zlib and zlib-devel * (optional) Qt 5, widget and network modules * the ffmpeg libraries (libavformat and libswscale). Their name could be libavformat-devel and libswscale-devel, or ffmpeg-libs-devel or similar names. * boost c++ libraries v1.50+ ( - program-options - filesystem - system - thread - locale On Debian-based systems (e.g. Ubuntu) run: sudo apt-get install cmake g++ libsdl2-dev libsdl2-image-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev libsdl2-mixer-dev zlib1g-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev libboost-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-thread-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-locale-dev libboost-test-dev qtbase5-dev On RPM-based distributions (e.g. Fedora) run: sudo yum install cmake gcc-c++ SDL2-devel SDL2_image-devel SDL2_ttf-devel SDL2_mixer-devel boost boost-devel boost-filesystem boost-system boost-thread boost-program-options boost-locale zlib-devel ffmpeg-devel ffmpeg-libs qt5-qtbase-devel On Arch-based distributions, there is a development package available for VCMI on the AUR. It can be found at: Information about building packages from the Arch User Repository (AUR) can be found at the Arch wiki. II. Getting the sources VCMI is still in development. We recommend the following initial directory structure: . ├── vcmi -> contains sources and is under git control └── build -> contains build output, makefiles, object files,... You can get latest sources with: git clone III. Compilation Run configure: mkdir build && cd build cmake ../vcmi <any other options, see below> Additional options that you may want to use: To enable debugging: -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug To change installation directory: -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$absolute_path_to_directory Notice: The ../vcmi/ is not a typo, it will place makefile scripts into the build dir as the build dir is your working dir when calling CMake. Then build vcmi: make -j2 (j2 = compile with 2 threads, you can specify any value) That will generate vcmiclient, vcmiserver, vcmilauncher as well as 3 .so libraries. III. Installing binaries To install VCMI you can use "make install" command however generation of distribution-specific packages is usually a better idea. In most cases this can be achieved using tool called "checkinstall" If you're compiling vcmi for development puposes, the easiest is to use cmake prefix and then make install: # mkdir .../trunk/install # cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=.../trunk/install ../vcmi # make && make install # .../trunk/install/bin/vcmiclient it's better to use links instead. Go to /BIN_PATH/, and type: ln -s .../trunk/build/client/vcmiclient ln -s .../trunk/build/server/vcmiserver ln -s .../trunk/build/launcher/vcmilauncher Go to /LIB_PATH/vcmi, and type: ln -s .../trunk/build/lib/ Go to /LIB_PATH/vcmi/AI, and type: ln -s .../trunk/build/AI/VCAI/ ln -s .../trunk/build/AI/StupidAI/ ln -s .../trunk/build/AI/BattleAI/ Go to /DATA_PATH/vcmi, and type: ln -s .../trunk/source/config ln -s .../trunk/source/Mods IV. Compiling documentation To compile using Doxygen, the UseDoxygen CMake module must be installed. It can be fetched from: Once UseDoxygen is installed, run: cmake . make doc The built documentation will be available from ./doc