#ifndef __CCALLBACK_H__ #define __CCALLBACK_H__ #include "global.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #include "tchar.h" #else #include "tchar_amigaos4.h" //XXX this is mingw header are we need this for something? for 'true' //support of unicode we should use ICU or some boost wraper areound it //(boost using this lib during compilation i dont know what for exactly) #endif #include "lib/CGameState.h" /* * CCallback.h, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ class CGHeroInstance; class CGameState; struct CPath; class CGObjectInstance; class CArmedInstance; class SComponent; class IChosen; class CSelectableComponent; struct BattleAction; class CGTownInstance; struct StartInfo; class CStack; struct lua_State; class CClient; struct TerrainTile; class CHeroClass; class IShipyard; struct CPackForServer; class CMapHeader; struct InfoAboutHero { struct Details { std::vector primskills; int mana, luck, morale; } *details; char owner; const CHeroClass *hclass; std::string name; int portrait; CCreatureSet army; //numbers of creatures are exact numbers if detailed else they are quantity ids (0 - a few, 1 - several and so on) InfoAboutHero(); ~InfoAboutHero(); void initFromHero(const CGHeroInstance *h, bool detailed); }; struct InfoAboutTown { struct Details { int hallLevel, goldIncome; bool customRes; bool garrisonedHero; } *details; char fortLevel; //0 - none char owner; std::string name; CTown *tType; bool built; CCreatureSet army; //numbers of creatures are valid only if details InfoAboutTown(); ~InfoAboutTown(); void initFromTown(const CGTownInstance *t, bool detailed); }; class ICallback { public: bool waitTillRealize; //if true, request functions will return after they are realized by server //hero virtual bool moveHero(const CGHeroInstance *h, int3 dst) =0; //dst must be free, neighbouring tile (this function can move hero only by one tile) virtual bool dismissHero(const CGHeroInstance * hero)=0; //dismisses given hero; true - successfuly, false - not successfuly //town virtual void recruitHero(const CGTownInstance *town, const CGHeroInstance *hero)=0; virtual bool buildBuilding(const CGTownInstance *town, si32 buildingID)=0; virtual void recruitCreatures(const CGObjectInstance *obj, ui32 ID, ui32 amount)=0; virtual bool upgradeCreature(const CArmedInstance *obj, int stackPos, int newID=-1)=0; //if newID==-1 then best possible upgrade will be made virtual void swapGarrisonHero(const CGTownInstance *town)=0; virtual void trade(int mode, int id1, int id2, int val1)=0; //mode==0: sell val1 units of id1 resource for id2 resiurce virtual void selectionMade(int selection, int asker) =0; virtual int swapCreatures(const CArmedInstance *s1, const CArmedInstance *s2, int p1, int p2)=0;//swaps creatures between two posiibly different garrisons // TODO: AI-unsafe code - fix it! virtual int mergeStacks(const CArmedInstance *s1, const CArmedInstance *s2, int p1, int p2)=0;//joins first stack tothe second (creatures must be same type) virtual int splitStack(const CArmedInstance *s1, const CArmedInstance *s2, int p1, int p2, int val)=0;//split creatures from the first stack virtual bool swapArtifacts(const CGHeroInstance * hero1, ui16 pos1, const CGHeroInstance * hero2, ui16 pos2)=0; //swaps artifacts between two given heroes virtual bool dismissCreature(const CArmedInstance *obj, int stackPos)=0; virtual void endTurn()=0; virtual void buyArtifact(const CGHeroInstance *hero, int aid)=0; //used to buy artifacts in towns (including spell book in the guild and war machines in blacksmith) virtual void setFormation(const CGHeroInstance * hero, bool tight)=0; virtual void setSelection(const CArmedInstance * obj)=0; virtual void save(const std::string &fname) = 0; virtual void sendMessage(const std::string &mess) = 0; virtual void buildBoat(const IShipyard *obj) = 0; //get info virtual bool verifyPath(CPath * path, bool blockSea)const =0; virtual int getDate(int mode=0)const =0; //mode=0 - total days in game, mode=1 - day of week, mode=2 - current week, mode=3 - current month virtual std::vector< std::vector< std::vector > > & getVisibilityMap()const =0; //returns visibility map (TODO: make it const) virtual int getResourceAmount(int type)const =0; virtual bool isVisible(int3 pos)const =0; virtual int getMyColor()const =0; virtual int getMySerial()const =0; virtual int getHeroSerial(const CGHeroInstance * hero)const =0; virtual const StartInfo * getStartInfo()const =0; virtual const CMapHeader * getMapHeader()const =0; virtual int getSpellCost(const CSpell * sp, const CGHeroInstance * caster) const =0; //when called during battle, takes into account creatures' spell cost reduction //hero virtual int howManyHeroes(bool includeGarrisoned = true)const =0; virtual const CGHeroInstance * getHeroInfo(int val, int mode=2)const =0; //mode = 0 -> val = serial; mode = 1 -> val = ID virtual std::vector < const CGHeroInstance *> getHeroesInfo(bool onlyOur=true)const =0; virtual bool getHeroInfo(const CGObjectInstance *hero, InfoAboutHero &dest) const = 0; virtual bool getPath(int3 src, int3 dest, const CGHeroInstance * hero, CPath &ret)=0; //map virtual std::vector < const CGObjectInstance * > getBlockingObjs(int3 pos)const =0; virtual std::vector < const CGObjectInstance * > getVisitableObjs(int3 pos)const =0; virtual std::vector < const CGObjectInstance * > getFlaggableObjects(int3 pos) const =0; virtual std::vector < std::string > getObjDescriptions(int3 pos)const =0; //returns descriptions of objects at pos in order from the lowest to the highest //town virtual int howManyTowns()const =0; virtual const CGTownInstance * getTownInfo(int val, bool mode)const =0; //mode = 0 -> val = serial; mode = 1 -> val = ID virtual std::vector < const CGTownInstance *> getTownsInfo(bool onlyOur=true) const=0; virtual std::vector getAvailableHeroes(const CGTownInstance * town) const =0; //heroes that can be recruited virtual int canBuildStructure(const CGTownInstance *t, int ID) =0;//// 0 - no more than one capitol, 1 - lack of water, 2 - forbidden, 3 - Add another level to Mage Guild, 4 - already built, 5 - cannot build, 6 - cannot afford, 7 - build, 8 - lack of requirements virtual void getMarketOffer(int t1, int t2, int &give, int &rec, int mode=0)const =0; //t1 - type of given resource, t2 - type of received resource; give is the amount of resource t1 that can be traded for amount rec of resource t2 (one of them is 1) virtual bool getTownInfo(const CGObjectInstance *town, InfoAboutTown &dest) const = 0; virtual UpgradeInfo getUpgradeInfo(const CArmedInstance *obj, int stackPos)const =0; virtual const CCreatureSet* getGarrison(const CGObjectInstance *obj)const =0; virtual int3 getMapSize() const =0; //returns size of map - z is 1 for one - level map and 2 for two level map virtual const TerrainTile * getTileInfo(int3 tile) const = 0; //battle virtual int battleGetBattlefieldType()=0; // 1. sand/shore 2. sand/mesas 3. dirt/birches 4. dirt/hills 5. dirt/pines 6. grass/hills 7. grass/pines 8. lava 9. magic plains 10. snow/mountains 11. snow/trees 12. subterranean 13. swamp/trees 14. fiery fields 15. rock lands 16. magic clouds 17. lucid pools 18. holy ground 19. clover field 20. evil fog 21. "favourable winds" text on magic plains background 22. cursed ground 23. rough 24. ship to ship 25. ship virtual int battleGetObstaclesAtTile(int tile)=0; //returns bitfield virtual std::vector battleGetAllObstacles()=0; //returns all obstacles on the battlefield virtual int battleGetStack(int pos, bool onlyAlive)=0; //returns ID of stack on the tile virtual const CStack * battleGetStackByID(int ID, bool onlyAlive = true)=0; //returns stack info by given ID virtual const CStack * battleGetStackByPos(int pos, bool onlyAlive = true)=0; //returns stack info by given pos virtual int battleGetPos(int stack)=0; //returns position (tile ID) of stack virtual int battleMakeAction(BattleAction* action)=0;//for casting spells by hero - DO NOT use it for moving active stack virtual std::map battleGetStacks()=0; //returns stacks on battlefield virtual std::vector battleGetStackQueue()=0; //returns vector of stack in order of their move sequence virtual CCreature battleGetCreature(int number)=0; //returns type of creature by given number of stack //virtual bool battleMoveCreature(int ID, int dest)=0; //moves creature with id ID to dest if possible virtual std::vector battleGetAvailableHexes(int ID, bool addOccupiable)=0; //reutrns numbers of hexes reachable by creature with id ID virtual bool battleIsStackMine(int ID)=0; //returns true if stack with id ID belongs to caller virtual bool battleCanShoot(int ID, int dest)=0; //returns true if unit with id ID can shoot to dest virtual bool battleCanCastSpell()=0; //returns true, if caller can cast a spell virtual bool battleCanFlee()=0; //returns true if caller can flee from the battle virtual const CGTownInstance * battleGetDefendedTown()=0; //returns defended town if current battle is a siege, NULL instead virtual ui8 battleGetWallState(int partOfWall)=0; //for determining state of a part of the wall; format: parameter [0] - keep, [1] - bottom tower, [2] - bottom wall, [3] - below gate, [4] - over gate, [5] - upper wall, [6] - uppert tower, [7] - gate; returned value: 1 - intact, 2 - damaged, 3 - destroyed; 0 - no battle }; struct HeroMoveDetails { HeroMoveDetails(){}; HeroMoveDetails(int3 Src, int3 Dst, CGHeroInstance*Ho); int3 src, dst; //source and destination points CGHeroInstance * ho; //object instance of this hero int owner, style; //style: 0 - normal move, 1 - teleport, 2 - instant jump bool successful; }; class CCallback : public ICallback { private: CCallback(CGameState * GS, int Player, CClient *C);; CGameState * gs; CClient *cl; bool isVisible(int3 pos, int Player) const; bool isVisible(const CGObjectInstance *obj, int Player) const; template void sendRequest(const T*request); protected: int player; public: //commands bool moveHero(const CGHeroInstance *h, int3 dst); //dst must be free, neighbouring tile (this function can move hero only by one tile) void selectionMade(int selection, int asker); int swapCreatures(const CArmedInstance *s1, const CArmedInstance *s2, int p1, int p2); int mergeStacks(const CArmedInstance *s1, const CArmedInstance *s2, int p1, int p2); //first goes to the second int splitStack(const CArmedInstance *s1, const CArmedInstance *s2, int p1, int p2, int val); bool dismissHero(const CGHeroInstance * hero); bool swapArtifacts(const CGHeroInstance * hero1, ui16 pos1, const CGHeroInstance * hero2, ui16 pos2); bool buildBuilding(const CGTownInstance *town, si32 buildingID); void recruitCreatures(const CGObjectInstance *obj, ui32 ID, ui32 amount); bool dismissCreature(const CArmedInstance *obj, int stackPos); bool upgradeCreature(const CArmedInstance *obj, int stackPos, int newID=-1); void endTurn(); void swapGarrisonHero(const CGTownInstance *town); void buyArtifact(const CGHeroInstance *hero, int aid); void trade(int mode, int id1, int id2, int val1); void setFormation(const CGHeroInstance * hero, bool tight); void setSelection(const CArmedInstance * obj); void recruitHero(const CGTownInstance *town, const CGHeroInstance *hero); void save(const std::string &fname); void sendMessage(const std::string &mess); void buildBoat(const IShipyard *obj); //get info bool verifyPath(CPath * path, bool blockSea) const; int getDate(int mode=0) const; //mode=0 - total days in game, mode=1 - day of week, mode=2 - current week, mode=3 - current month std::vector< std::vector< std::vector > > & getVisibilityMap() const; //returns visibility map (TODO: make it const) const CGHeroInstance * getHeroInfo(int val, int mode=2) const; //mode = 0 -> val = serial; mode = 1 -> val = hero type id (subID); mode = 2 -> val = global object serial id (id) const CGObjectInstance * getObjectInfo(int ID) const; //global object serial id (ID) int getResourceAmount(int type) const; std::vector getResourceAmount() const; int howManyHeroes(bool includeGarrisoned = true) const; const CGTownInstance * getTownInfo(int val, bool mode) const; //mode = 0 -> val = serial; mode = 1 -> val = ID std::vector < const CGTownInstance *> getTownsInfo(bool onlyOur=true) const; int howManyTowns()const; std::vector < std::string > getObjDescriptions(int3 pos) const; //returns descriptions of objects at pos in order from the lowest to the highest std::vector < const CGHeroInstance *> getHeroesInfo(bool onlyOur=true) const; bool isVisible(int3 pos) const; int getMyColor() const; int getHeroSerial(const CGHeroInstance * hero) const; int getMySerial() const; const CCreatureSet* getGarrison(const CGObjectInstance *obj) const; UpgradeInfo getUpgradeInfo(const CArmedInstance *obj, int stackPos) const; const StartInfo * getStartInfo() const; const CMapHeader * getMapHeader()const ; int getSpellCost(const CSpell * sp, const CGHeroInstance * caster) const; //when called during battle, takes into account creatures' spell cost reduction std::vector < const CGObjectInstance * > getBlockingObjs(int3 pos) const; std::vector < const CGObjectInstance * > getVisitableObjs(int3 pos) const; void getMarketOffer(int t1, int t2, int &give, int &rec, int mode=0) const; //t1 - type of given resource, t2 - type of received resource; give is the amount of resource t1 that can be traded for amount rec of resource t2 (one of them is 1) std::vector < const CGObjectInstance * > getFlaggableObjects(int3 pos) const; int3 getMapSize() const; //returns size of map - z is 1 for one - level map and 2 for two level map std::vector getAvailableHeroes(const CGTownInstance * town) const; //heroes that can be recruited const TerrainTile * getTileInfo(int3 tile) const; int canBuildStructure(const CGTownInstance *t, int ID);//// 0 - no more than one capitol, 1 - lack of water, 2 - forbidden, 3 - Add another level to Mage Guild, 4 - already built, 5 - cannot build, 6 - cannot afford, 7 - build, 8 - lack of requirements bool getPath(int3 src, int3 dest, const CGHeroInstance * hero, CPath &ret); bool getHeroInfo(const CGObjectInstance *hero, InfoAboutHero &dest) const; bool getTownInfo(const CGObjectInstance *town, InfoAboutTown &dest) const; //battle int battleGetBattlefieldType(); // 1. sand/shore 2. sand/mesas 3. dirt/birches 4. dirt/hills 5. dirt/pines 6. grass/hills 7. grass/pines 8. lava 9. magic plains 10. snow/mountains 11. snow/trees 12. subterranean 13. swamp/trees 14. fiery fields 15. rock lands 16. magic clouds 17. lucid pools 18. holy ground 19. clover field 20. evil fog 21. "favourable winds" text on magic plains background 22. cursed ground 23. rough 24. ship to ship 25. ship int battleGetObstaclesAtTile(int tile); //returns bitfield std::vector battleGetAllObstacles(); //returns all obstacles on the battlefield int battleGetStack(int pos, bool onlyAlive = true); //returns ID of stack on the tile const CStack * battleGetStackByID(int ID, bool onlyAlive = true); //returns stack info by given ID const CStack * battleGetStackByPos(int pos, bool onlyAlive = true); //returns stack info by given pos int battleGetPos(int stack); //returns position (tile ID) of stack int battleMakeAction(BattleAction* action);//for casting spells by hero - DO NOT use it for moving active stack std::map battleGetStacks(); //returns stacks on battlefield std::vector battleGetStackQueue(); //returns vector of stack in order of their move sequence CCreature battleGetCreature(int number); //returns type of creature by given number of stack std::vector battleGetAvailableHexes(int ID, bool addOccupiable); //reutrns numbers of hexes reachable by creature with id ID bool battleIsStackMine(int ID); //returns true if stack with id ID belongs to caller bool battleCanShoot(int ID, int dest); //returns true if unit with id ID can shoot to dest bool battleCanCastSpell(); //returns true, if caller can cast a spell bool battleCanFlee(); //returns true if caller can flee from the battle const CGTownInstance * battleGetDefendedTown(); //returns defended town if current battle is a siege, NULL instead ui8 battleGetWallState(int partOfWall); //for determining state of a part of the wall; format: parameter [0] - keep, [1] - bottom tower, [2] - bottom wall, [3] - below gate, [4] - over gate, [5] - upper wall, [6] - uppert tower, [7] - gate; returned value: 1 - intact, 2 - damaged, 3 - destroyed; 0 - no battle //XXX hmmm _tmain on _GNUC_ wtf? //friends friend class CClient; #ifndef __GNUC__ friend int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]); #else friend int main(int argc, char** argv); #endif }; #endif // __CCALLBACK_H__