#include "StdInc.h" #include "CCreatureSet.h" #include "CCreatureHandler.h" #include "VCMI_Lib.h" #include "CModHandler.h" #include "CObjectHandler.h" #include "IGameCallback.h" #include "CGameState.h" #include "CGeneralTextHandler.h" #include "CSpellHandler.h" #include "CHeroHandler.h" #include "IBonusTypeHandler.h" /* * CCreatureSet.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ const CStackInstance &CCreatureSet::operator[](SlotID slot) const { auto i = stacks.find(slot); if (i != stacks.end()) return *i->second; else throw std::runtime_error("That slot is empty!"); } const CCreature* CCreatureSet::getCreature(SlotID slot) const { auto i = stacks.find(slot); if (i != stacks.end()) return i->second->type; else return nullptr; } bool CCreatureSet::setCreature(SlotID slot, CreatureID type, TQuantity quantity) /*slots 0 to 6 */ { if(!slot.validSlot()) { logGlobal->errorStream() << "Cannot set slot " << slot; return false; } if(!quantity) { logGlobal->warnStream() << "Using set creature to delete stack?"; eraseStack(slot); return true; } if(hasStackAtSlot(slot)) //remove old creature eraseStack(slot); putStack(slot, new CStackInstance(type, quantity)); return true; } SlotID CCreatureSet::getSlotFor(CreatureID creature, ui32 slotsAmount/*=7*/) const /*returns -1 if no slot available */ { return getSlotFor(VLC->creh->creatures[creature], slotsAmount); } SlotID CCreatureSet::getSlotFor(const CCreature *c, ui32 slotsAmount/*=ARMY_SIZE*/) const { assert(c->valid()); for(auto & elem : stacks) { assert(elem.second->type->valid()); if(elem.second->type == c) { return elem.first; //if there is already such creature we return its slot id } } return getFreeSlot(slotsAmount); } SlotID CCreatureSet::getFreeSlot(ui32 slotsAmount/*=ARMY_SIZE*/) const { for(ui32 i=0; isecond->count; else return 0; //TODO? consider issuing a warning } TExpType CCreatureSet::getStackExperience(SlotID slot) const { auto i = stacks.find(slot); if (i != stacks.end()) return i->second->experience; else return 0; //TODO? consider issuing a warning } bool CCreatureSet::mergableStacks(std::pair &out, SlotID preferable /*= -1*/) const /*looks for two same stacks, returns slot positions */ { //try to match creature to our preferred stack if(preferable.validSlot() && vstd::contains(stacks, preferable)) { const CCreature *cr = stacks.find(preferable)->second->type; for(auto & elem : stacks) { if(cr == elem.second->type && elem.first != preferable) { out.first = preferable; out.second = elem.first; return true; } } } for(auto i=stacks.begin(); i!=stacks.end(); ++i) { for(auto & elem : stacks) { if(i->second->type == elem.second->type && i->first != elem.first) { out.first = i->first; out.second = elem.first; return true; } } } return false; } void CCreatureSet::sweep() { for(auto i=stacks.begin(); i!=stacks.end(); ++i) { if(!i->second->count) { stacks.erase(i); sweep(); break; } } } void CCreatureSet::addToSlot(SlotID slot, CreatureID cre, TQuantity count, bool allowMerging/* = true*/) { const CCreature *c = VLC->creh->creatures[cre]; if(!hasStackAtSlot(slot)) { setCreature(slot, cre, count); } else if(getCreature(slot) == c && allowMerging) //that slot was empty or contained same type creature { setStackCount(slot, getStackCount(slot) + count); } else { logGlobal->errorStream() << "Failed adding to slot!"; } } void CCreatureSet::addToSlot(SlotID slot, CStackInstance *stack, bool allowMerging/* = true*/) { assert(stack->valid(true)); if(!hasStackAtSlot(slot)) { putStack(slot, stack); } else if(allowMerging && stack->type == getCreature(slot)) { joinStack(slot, stack); } else { logGlobal->errorStream() << "Cannot add to slot " << slot << " stack " << *stack; } } bool CCreatureSet::validTypes(bool allowUnrandomized /*= false*/) const { for(auto & elem : stacks) { if(!elem.second->valid(allowUnrandomized)) return false; } return true; } bool CCreatureSet::slotEmpty(SlotID slot) const { return !hasStackAtSlot(slot); } bool CCreatureSet::needsLastStack() const { return false; } ui64 CCreatureSet::getArmyStrength() const { ui64 ret = 0; for(auto & elem : stacks) ret += elem.second->getPower(); return ret; } ui64 CCreatureSet::getPower (SlotID slot) const { return getStack(slot).getPower(); } std::string CCreatureSet::getRoughAmount (SlotID slot) const { int quantity = CCreature::getQuantityID(getStackCount(slot)); if (quantity) return VLC->generaltexth->arraytxt[174 + 3*CCreature::getQuantityID(getStackCount(slot))]; return ""; } int CCreatureSet::stacksCount() const { return stacks.size(); } void CCreatureSet::setFormation(bool tight) { formation = tight; } void CCreatureSet::setStackCount(SlotID slot, TQuantity count) { assert(hasStackAtSlot(slot)); assert(stacks[slot]->count + count > 0); if (VLC->modh->modules.STACK_EXP && count > stacks[slot]->count) stacks[slot]->experience *= (count / static_cast(stacks[slot]->count)); stacks[slot]->count = count; armyChanged(); } void CCreatureSet::giveStackExp(TExpType exp) { for(TSlots::const_iterator i = stacks.begin(); i != stacks.end(); i++) i->second->giveStackExp(exp); } void CCreatureSet::setStackExp(SlotID slot, TExpType exp) { assert(hasStackAtSlot(slot)); stacks[slot]->experience = exp; } void CCreatureSet::clear() { while(!stacks.empty()) { eraseStack(stacks.begin()->first); } } const CStackInstance& CCreatureSet::getStack(SlotID slot) const { assert(hasStackAtSlot(slot)); return *getStackPtr(slot); } const CStackInstance* CCreatureSet::getStackPtr(SlotID slot) const { if(hasStackAtSlot(slot)) return stacks.find(slot)->second; else return nullptr; } void CCreatureSet::eraseStack(SlotID slot) { assert(hasStackAtSlot(slot)); CStackInstance *toErase = detachStack(slot); vstd::clear_pointer(toErase); } bool CCreatureSet::contains(const CStackInstance *stack) const { if(!stack) return false; for(auto & elem : stacks) if(elem.second == stack) return true; return false; } SlotID CCreatureSet::findStack(const CStackInstance *stack) const { auto h = dynamic_cast(this); if (h && h->commander == stack) return SlotID::COMMANDER_SLOT_PLACEHOLDER; if(!stack) return SlotID(); for(auto & elem : stacks) if(elem.second == stack) return elem.first; return SlotID(); } CArmedInstance * CCreatureSet::castToArmyObj() { return dynamic_cast(this); } void CCreatureSet::putStack(SlotID slot, CStackInstance *stack) { assert(slot.getNum() < GameConstants::ARMY_SIZE); assert(!hasStackAtSlot(slot)); stacks[slot] = stack; stack->setArmyObj(castToArmyObj()); armyChanged(); } void CCreatureSet::joinStack(SlotID slot, CStackInstance * stack) { const CCreature *c = getCreature(slot); assert(c == stack->type); assert(c); //TODO move stuff changeStackCount(slot, stack->count); vstd::clear_pointer(stack); } void CCreatureSet::changeStackCount(SlotID slot, TQuantity toAdd) { setStackCount(slot, getStackCount(slot) + toAdd); } CCreatureSet::CCreatureSet() { formation = false; } CCreatureSet::CCreatureSet(const CCreatureSet&) { assert(0); } CCreatureSet::~CCreatureSet() { clear(); } void CCreatureSet::setToArmy(CSimpleArmy &src) { clear(); while(src) { auto i = src.army.begin(); assert(i->second.type); assert(i->second.count); putStack(i->first, new CStackInstance(i->second.type, i->second.count)); src.army.erase(i); } } CStackInstance * CCreatureSet::detachStack(SlotID slot) { assert(hasStackAtSlot(slot)); CStackInstance *ret = stacks[slot]; //if(CArmedInstance *armedObj = castToArmyObj()) { ret->setArmyObj(nullptr); //detaches from current armyobj } assert(!ret->armyObj); //we failed detaching? stacks.erase(slot); armyChanged(); return ret; } void CCreatureSet::setStackType(SlotID slot, const CCreature *type) { assert(hasStackAtSlot(slot)); CStackInstance *s = stacks[slot]; s->setType(type->idNumber); armyChanged(); } bool CCreatureSet::canBeMergedWith(const CCreatureSet &cs, bool allowMergingStacks) const { if(!allowMergingStacks) { int freeSlots = stacksCount() - GameConstants::ARMY_SIZE; std::set cresToAdd; for(auto & elem : cs.stacks) { SlotID dest = getSlotFor(elem.second->type); if(!dest.validSlot() || hasStackAtSlot(dest)) cresToAdd.insert(elem.second->type); } return cresToAdd.size() <= freeSlots; } else { CCreatureSet cres; //get types of creatures that need their own slot for(auto & elem : cs.stacks) cres.addToSlot(elem.first, elem.second->type->idNumber, 1, true); SlotID j; for(auto & elem : stacks) { if ((j = cres.getSlotFor(elem.second->type)).validSlot()) cres.addToSlot(j, elem.second->type->idNumber, 1, true); //merge if possible else return false; //no place found } return true; //all stacks found their slots } } bool CCreatureSet::hasStackAtSlot(SlotID slot) const { return vstd::contains(stacks, slot); } CCreatureSet & CCreatureSet::operator=(const CCreatureSet&cs) { assert(0); return *this; } void CCreatureSet::armyChanged() { } CStackInstance::CStackInstance() : armyObj(_armyObj) { init(); } CStackInstance::CStackInstance(CreatureID id, TQuantity Count) : armyObj(_armyObj) { init(); setType(id); count = Count; } CStackInstance::CStackInstance(const CCreature *cre, TQuantity Count) : armyObj(_armyObj) { init(); setType(cre); count = Count; } void CStackInstance::init() { experience = 0; count = 0; type = nullptr; idRand = -1; _armyObj = nullptr; setNodeType(STACK_INSTANCE); } int CStackInstance::getQuantityID() const { return CCreature::getQuantityID(count); } int CStackInstance::getExpRank() const { if (!VLC->modh->modules.STACK_EXP) return 0; int tier = type->level; if (vstd::iswithin(tier, 1, 7)) { for (int i = VLC->creh->expRanks[tier].size()-2; i >-1; --i)//sic! { //exp values vary from 1st level to max exp at 11th level if (experience >= VLC->creh->expRanks[tier][i]) return ++i; //faster, but confusing - 0 index mean 1st level of experience } return 0; } else //higher tier { for (int i = VLC->creh->expRanks[0].size()-2; i >-1; --i) { if (experience >= VLC->creh->expRanks[0][i]) return ++i; } return 0; } } int CStackInstance::getLevel() const { return std::max (1, (int)type->level); } si32 CStackInstance::magicResistance() const { si32 val = valOfBonuses(Selector::type(Bonus::MAGIC_RESISTANCE)); if (const CGHeroInstance * hero = dynamic_cast(_armyObj)) { //resistance skill val += hero->valOfBonuses(Bonus::SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY, SecondarySkill::RESISTANCE); } vstd::amin (val, 100); return val; } void CStackInstance::giveStackExp(TExpType exp) { int level = type->level; if (!vstd::iswithin(level, 1, 7)) level = 0; CCreatureHandler * creh = VLC->creh; ui32 maxExp = creh->expRanks[level].back(); vstd::amin(exp, (TExpType)maxExp); //prevent exp overflow due to different types vstd::amin(exp, (maxExp * creh->maxExpPerBattle[level])/100); vstd::amin(experience += exp, maxExp); //can't get more exp than this limit } void CStackInstance::setType(CreatureID creID) { if(creID >= 0 && creID < VLC->creh->creatures.size()) setType(VLC->creh->creatures[creID]); else setType((const CCreature*)nullptr); } void CStackInstance::setType(const CCreature *c) { if(type) { detachFrom(const_cast(type)); if (type->isMyUpgrade(c) && VLC->modh->modules.STACK_EXP) experience *= VLC->creh->expAfterUpgrade / 100.0; } type = c; if(type) attachTo(const_cast(type)); } std::string CStackInstance::bonusToString(const Bonus *bonus, bool description) const { if(Bonus::MAGIC_RESISTANCE == bonus->type) { return ""; } else { return VLC->getBth()->bonusToString(bonus, this, description); } } std::string CStackInstance::bonusToGraphics(const Bonus *bonus) const { return VLC->getBth()->bonusToGraphics(bonus); } void CStackInstance::setArmyObj(const CArmedInstance *ArmyObj) { if(_armyObj) detachFrom(const_cast(_armyObj)); _armyObj = ArmyObj; if(ArmyObj) { attachTo(const_cast(_armyObj)); } } std::string CStackInstance::getQuantityTXT(bool capitalized /*= true*/) const { int quantity = getQuantityID(); if (quantity) return VLC->generaltexth->arraytxt[174 + quantity*3 - 1 - capitalized]; else return ""; } bool CStackInstance::valid(bool allowUnrandomized) const { bool isRand = (idRand != -1); if(!isRand) { return (type && type == VLC->creh->creatures[type->idNumber]); } else return allowUnrandomized; } CStackInstance::~CStackInstance() { } std::string CStackInstance::nodeName() const { std::ostringstream oss; oss << "Stack of " << count << " of "; if(type) oss << type->namePl; else if(idRand) oss << "[no type, idRand=" << idRand << "]"; else oss << "[UNDEFINED TYPE]"; return oss.str(); } void CStackInstance::deserializationFix() { const CCreature *backup = type; type = nullptr; setType(backup); const CArmedInstance *armyBackup = _armyObj; _armyObj = nullptr; setArmyObj(armyBackup); artDeserializationFix(this); } CreatureID CStackInstance::getCreatureID() const { if(type) return type->idNumber; else return CreatureID::NONE; } std::string CStackInstance::getName() const { return (count > 1) ? type->namePl : type->nameSing; } ui64 CStackInstance::getPower() const { assert(type); return type->AIValue * count; } ArtBearer::ArtBearer CStackInstance::bearerType() const { return ArtBearer::CREATURE; } CCommanderInstance::CCommanderInstance() { init(); name = "Unnamed"; } CCommanderInstance::CCommanderInstance (CreatureID id) { init(); setType(id); name = "Commando"; //TODO - parse them } void CCommanderInstance::init() { alive = true; experience = 0; level = 1; count = 1; type = nullptr; idRand = -1; _armyObj = nullptr; setNodeType (CBonusSystemNode::COMMANDER); secondarySkills.resize (ECommander::SPELL_POWER + 1); } CCommanderInstance::~CCommanderInstance() { } void CCommanderInstance::setAlive (bool Alive) { //TODO: helm of immortality alive = Alive; if (!alive) { getBonusList().remove_if (Bonus::UntilCommanderKilled); } } void CCommanderInstance::giveStackExp (TExpType exp) { if (alive) experience += exp; } int CCommanderInstance::getExpRank() const { return VLC->heroh->level (experience); } int CCommanderInstance::getLevel() const { return std::max (1, getExpRank()); } void CCommanderInstance::levelUp () { level++; for (auto bonus : VLC->creh->commanderLevelPremy) { //grant all regular level-up bonuses accumulateBonus (*bonus); } } ArtBearer::ArtBearer CCommanderInstance::bearerType() const { return ArtBearer::COMMANDER; } bool CCommanderInstance::gainsLevel() const { return experience >= VLC->heroh->reqExp(level+1); } CStackBasicDescriptor::CStackBasicDescriptor() { type = nullptr; count = -1; } CStackBasicDescriptor::CStackBasicDescriptor(CreatureID id, TQuantity Count) : type (VLC->creh->creatures[id]), count(Count) { } CStackBasicDescriptor::CStackBasicDescriptor(const CCreature *c, TQuantity Count) : type(c), count(Count) { } DLL_LINKAGE std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & str, const CStackInstance & sth) { if(!sth.valid(true)) str << "an invalid stack!"; str << "stack with " << sth.count << " of "; if(sth.type) str << sth.type->namePl; else str << sth.idRand; return str; } void CSimpleArmy::clear() { army.clear(); } CSimpleArmy::operator bool() const { return army.size(); } bool CSimpleArmy::setCreature(SlotID slot, CreatureID cre, TQuantity count) { assert(!vstd::contains(army, slot)); army[slot] = CStackBasicDescriptor(cre, count); return true; }