/* * HeroBonus.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "HeroBonus.h" #include "VCMI_Lib.h" #include "CSpellHandler.h" #include "CCreatureHandler.h" #include "CCreatureSet.h" #include "CHeroHandler.h" #include "CGeneralTextHandler.h" #include "BattleState.h" #include "CArtHandler.h" #include "GameConstants.h" #define FOREACH_PARENT(pname) TNodes lparents; getParents(lparents); for(CBonusSystemNode *pname : lparents) #define FOREACH_CPARENT(pname) TCNodes lparents; getParents(lparents); for(const CBonusSystemNode *pname : lparents) #define FOREACH_RED_CHILD(pname) TNodes lchildren; getRedChildren(lchildren); for(CBonusSystemNode *pname : lchildren) #define FOREACH_RED_PARENT(pname) TNodes lparents; getRedParents(lparents); for(CBonusSystemNode *pname : lparents) #define BONUS_NAME(x) ( #x, Bonus::x ) const std::map bonusNameMap = boost::assign::map_list_of BONUS_LIST; #undef BONUS_NAME #define BONUS_VALUE(x) ( #x, Bonus::x ) const std::map bonusValueMap = boost::assign::map_list_of BONUS_VALUE_LIST; #undef BONUS_VALUE #define BONUS_SOURCE(x) ( #x, Bonus::x ) const std::map bonusSourceMap = boost::assign::map_list_of BONUS_SOURCE_LIST; #undef BONUS_SOURCE #define BONUS_ITEM(x) ( #x, Bonus::x ) const std::map bonusDurationMap = boost::assign::map_list_of BONUS_ITEM(PERMANENT) BONUS_ITEM(ONE_BATTLE) BONUS_ITEM(ONE_DAY) BONUS_ITEM(ONE_WEEK) BONUS_ITEM(N_TURNS) BONUS_ITEM(N_DAYS) BONUS_ITEM(UNITL_BEING_ATTACKED) BONUS_ITEM(UNTIL_ATTACK) BONUS_ITEM(STACK_GETS_TURN) BONUS_ITEM(COMMANDER_KILLED); const std::map bonusLimitEffect = boost::assign::map_list_of BONUS_ITEM(NO_LIMIT) BONUS_ITEM(ONLY_DISTANCE_FIGHT) BONUS_ITEM(ONLY_MELEE_FIGHT) BONUS_ITEM(ONLY_ENEMY_ARMY); const bmap bonusLimiterMap = boost::assign::map_list_of ("SHOOTER_ONLY", make_shared(Bonus::SHOOTER)) ("DRAGON_NATURE", make_shared(Bonus::DRAGON_NATURE)) ("IS_UNDEAD", make_shared(Bonus::UNDEAD)); const bmap bonusPropagatorMap = boost::assign::map_list_of ("BATTLE_WIDE", make_shared(CBonusSystemNode::BATTLE)) ("VISITED_TOWN_AND_VISITOR", make_shared(CBonusSystemNode::TOWN_AND_VISITOR)) ("PLAYER_PROPAGATOR", make_shared(CBonusSystemNode::PLAYER)) ("HERO", make_shared(CBonusSystemNode::HERO)); #define BONUS_LOG_LINE(x) logBonus->traceStream() << x int CBonusSystemNode::treeChanged = 1; const bool CBonusSystemNode::cachingEnabled = true; BonusList::BonusList(bool BelongsToTree /* =false */) : belongsToTree(BelongsToTree) { } BonusList::BonusList(const BonusList &bonusList) { bonuses.resize(bonusList.size()); std::copy(bonusList.begin(), bonusList.end(), bonuses.begin()); belongsToTree = false; } BonusList& BonusList::operator=(const BonusList &bonusList) { bonuses.resize(bonusList.size()); std::copy(bonusList.begin(), bonusList.end(), bonuses.begin()); belongsToTree = false; return *this; } int BonusList::totalValue() const { int base = 0; int percentToBase = 0; int percentToAll = 0; int additive = 0; int indepMax = 0; bool hasIndepMax = false; int indepMin = 0; bool hasIndepMin = false; for (auto & elem : bonuses) { Bonus *b = elem; switch(b->valType) { case Bonus::BASE_NUMBER: base += b->val; break; case Bonus::PERCENT_TO_ALL: percentToAll += b->val; break; case Bonus::PERCENT_TO_BASE: percentToBase += b->val; break; case Bonus::ADDITIVE_VALUE: additive += b->val; break; case Bonus::INDEPENDENT_MAX: if (!hasIndepMax) { indepMax = b->val; hasIndepMax = true; } else { vstd::amax(indepMax, b->val); } break; case Bonus::INDEPENDENT_MIN: if (!hasIndepMin) { indepMin = b->val; hasIndepMin = true; } else { vstd::amin(indepMin, b->val); } break; } } int modifiedBase = base + (base * percentToBase) / 100; modifiedBase += additive; int valFirst = (modifiedBase * (100 + percentToAll)) / 100; if(hasIndepMin && hasIndepMax) assert(indepMin < indepMax); const int notIndepBonuses = boost::count_if(bonuses, [](const Bonus *b) { return b->valType != Bonus::INDEPENDENT_MAX && b->valType != Bonus::INDEPENDENT_MIN; }); if (hasIndepMax) { if(notIndepBonuses) vstd::amax(valFirst, indepMax); else valFirst = indepMax; } if (hasIndepMin) { if(notIndepBonuses) vstd::amin(valFirst, indepMin); else valFirst = indepMin; } return valFirst; } const Bonus * BonusList::getFirst(const CSelector &selector) const { for (auto & elem : bonuses) { const Bonus *b = elem; if(selector(b)) return &*b; } return nullptr; } Bonus * BonusList::getFirst(const CSelector &select) { for (auto & elem : bonuses) { Bonus *b = elem; if(select(b)) return &*b; } return nullptr; } void BonusList::getModifiersWDescr(TModDescr &out) const { for (auto & elem : bonuses) { Bonus *b = elem; out.push_back(std::make_pair(b->val, b->Description())); } } void BonusList::getBonuses(BonusList & out, const CSelector &selector) const { // for(Bonus *i : *this) // if(selector(i) && i->effectRange == Bonus::NO_LIMIT) // out.push_back(i); getBonuses(out, selector, nullptr); } void BonusList::getBonuses(BonusList & out, const CSelector &selector, const CSelector &limit) const { for (auto & elem : bonuses) { Bonus *b = elem; //add matching bonuses that matches limit predicate or have NO_LIMIT if no given predicate if(selector(b) && ((!limit && b->effectRange == Bonus::NO_LIMIT) || ((bool)limit && limit(b)))) out.push_back(b); } } void BonusList::getAllBonuses(BonusList &out) const { for(Bonus *b : bonuses) out.push_back(b); } int BonusList::valOfBonuses(const CSelector &select) const { BonusList ret; CSelector limit = nullptr; getBonuses(ret, select, limit); ret.eliminateDuplicates(); return ret.totalValue(); } // void BonusList::limit(const CBonusSystemNode &node) // { // remove_if(boost::bind(&CBonusSystemNode::isLimitedOnUs, boost::ref(node), _1)); // } void BonusList::eliminateDuplicates() { sort( bonuses.begin(), bonuses.end() ); bonuses.erase( unique( bonuses.begin(), bonuses.end() ), bonuses.end() ); } void BonusList::push_back(Bonus* const &x) { bonuses.push_back(x); if (belongsToTree) CBonusSystemNode::incrementTreeChangedNum(); } std::vector::iterator BonusList::erase(const int position) { if (belongsToTree) CBonusSystemNode::incrementTreeChangedNum(); return bonuses.erase(bonuses.begin() + position); } void BonusList::clear() { bonuses.clear(); if (belongsToTree) CBonusSystemNode::incrementTreeChangedNum(); } std::vector::size_type BonusList::operator-=(Bonus* const &i) { auto itr = std::find(bonuses.begin(), bonuses.end(), i); if(itr == bonuses.end()) return false; bonuses.erase(itr); if (belongsToTree) CBonusSystemNode::incrementTreeChangedNum(); return true; } void BonusList::resize(std::vector::size_type sz, Bonus* c ) { bonuses.resize(sz, c); if (belongsToTree) CBonusSystemNode::incrementTreeChangedNum(); } void BonusList::insert(std::vector::iterator position, std::vector::size_type n, Bonus* const &x) { bonuses.insert(position, n, x); if (belongsToTree) CBonusSystemNode::incrementTreeChangedNum(); } int IBonusBearer::valOfBonuses(Bonus::BonusType type, const CSelector &selector) const { return valOfBonuses(Selector::type(type).And(selector)); } int IBonusBearer::valOfBonuses(Bonus::BonusType type, int subtype /*= -1*/) const { std::stringstream cachingStr; cachingStr << "type_" << type << "s_" << subtype; CSelector s = Selector::type(type); if(subtype != -1) s = s.And(Selector::subtype(subtype)); return valOfBonuses(s, cachingStr.str()); } int IBonusBearer::valOfBonuses(const CSelector &selector, const std::string &cachingStr) const { CSelector limit = nullptr; TBonusListPtr hlp = getAllBonuses(selector, limit, nullptr, cachingStr); return hlp->totalValue(); } bool IBonusBearer::hasBonus(const CSelector &selector, const std::string &cachingStr /*= ""*/) const { return getBonuses(selector, cachingStr)->size() > 0; } bool IBonusBearer::hasBonusOfType(Bonus::BonusType type, int subtype /*= -1*/) const { std::stringstream cachingStr; cachingStr << "type_" << type << "s_" << subtype; CSelector s = Selector::type(type); if(subtype != -1) s = s.And(Selector::subtype(subtype)); return hasBonus(s, cachingStr.str()); } void IBonusBearer::getModifiersWDescr(TModDescr &out, Bonus::BonusType type, int subtype /*= -1 */) const { std::stringstream cachingStr; cachingStr << "type_" << type << "s_" << subtype; getModifiersWDescr(out, subtype != -1 ? Selector::typeSubtype(type, subtype) : Selector::type(type), cachingStr.str()); } void IBonusBearer::getModifiersWDescr(TModDescr &out, const CSelector &selector, const std::string &cachingStr /* =""*/) const { getBonuses(selector, cachingStr)->getModifiersWDescr(out); } int IBonusBearer::getBonusesCount(Bonus::BonusSource from, int id) const { std::stringstream cachingStr; cachingStr << "source_" << from << "id_" << id; return getBonusesCount(Selector::source(from, id), cachingStr.str()); } int IBonusBearer::getBonusesCount(const CSelector &selector, const std::string &cachingStr /* =""*/) const { return getBonuses(selector, cachingStr)->size(); } const TBonusListPtr IBonusBearer::getBonuses(const CSelector &selector, const std::string &cachingStr /*= ""*/) const { return getAllBonuses(selector, nullptr, nullptr, cachingStr); } const TBonusListPtr IBonusBearer::getBonuses(const CSelector &selector, const CSelector &limit, const std::string &cachingStr /*= ""*/) const { return getAllBonuses(selector, limit, nullptr, cachingStr); } bool IBonusBearer::hasBonusFrom(Bonus::BonusSource source, ui32 sourceID) const { std::stringstream cachingStr; cachingStr << "source_" << source << "id_" << sourceID; return hasBonus(Selector::source(source,sourceID), cachingStr.str()); } int IBonusBearer::MoraleVal() const { if(hasBonusOfType(Bonus::NON_LIVING) || hasBonusOfType(Bonus::UNDEAD) || hasBonusOfType(Bonus::NO_MORALE) || hasBonusOfType(Bonus::SIEGE_WEAPON)) return 0; int ret = valOfBonuses(Bonus::MORALE); if(hasBonusOfType(Bonus::SELF_MORALE)) //eg. minotaur vstd::amax(ret, +1); return vstd::abetween(ret, -3, +3); } int IBonusBearer::LuckVal() const { if(hasBonusOfType(Bonus::NO_LUCK)) return 0; int ret = valOfBonuses(Bonus::LUCK); if(hasBonusOfType(Bonus::SELF_LUCK)) //eg. halfling vstd::amax(ret, +1); return vstd::abetween(ret, -3, +3); } si32 IBonusBearer::Attack() const { si32 ret = valOfBonuses(Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, PrimarySkill::ATTACK); if (double frenzyPower = valOfBonuses(Bonus::IN_FRENZY)) //frenzy for attacker { ret += (frenzyPower/100) * (double)Defense(false); } vstd::amax(ret, 0); return ret; } si32 IBonusBearer::Defense(bool withFrenzy /*= true*/) const { si32 ret = valOfBonuses(Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, PrimarySkill::DEFENSE); if(withFrenzy && hasBonusOfType(Bonus::IN_FRENZY)) //frenzy for defender { return 0; } vstd::amax(ret, 0); return ret; } ui32 IBonusBearer::MaxHealth() const { return std::max(1, valOfBonuses(Bonus::STACK_HEALTH)); //never 0 } ui32 IBonusBearer::getMinDamage() const { std::stringstream cachingStr; cachingStr << "type_" << Bonus::CREATURE_DAMAGE << "s_0Otype_" << Bonus::CREATURE_DAMAGE << "s_1"; return valOfBonuses(Selector::typeSubtype(Bonus::CREATURE_DAMAGE, 0).Or(Selector::typeSubtype(Bonus::CREATURE_DAMAGE, 1)), cachingStr.str()); } ui32 IBonusBearer::getMaxDamage() const { std::stringstream cachingStr; cachingStr << "type_" << Bonus::CREATURE_DAMAGE << "s_0Otype_" << Bonus::CREATURE_DAMAGE << "s_2"; return valOfBonuses(Selector::typeSubtype(Bonus::CREATURE_DAMAGE, 0).Or(Selector::typeSubtype(Bonus::CREATURE_DAMAGE, 2)), cachingStr.str()); } si32 IBonusBearer::manaLimit() const { return si32(getPrimSkillLevel(PrimarySkill::KNOWLEDGE) * (100.0 + valOfBonuses(Bonus::SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY, SecondarySkill::INTELLIGENCE)) / 10.0); } int IBonusBearer::getPrimSkillLevel(PrimarySkill::PrimarySkill id) const { int ret = 0; if(id == PrimarySkill::ATTACK) ret = Attack(); else if(id == PrimarySkill::DEFENSE) ret = Defense(); else ret = valOfBonuses(Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, id); vstd::amax(ret, id/2); //minimal value is 0 for attack and defense and 1 for spell power and knowledge return ret; } si32 IBonusBearer::magicResistance() const { return valOfBonuses(Bonus::MAGIC_RESISTANCE); } bool IBonusBearer::isLiving() const //TODO: theoreticaly there exists "LIVING" bonus in stack experience documentation { std::stringstream cachingStr; cachingStr << "type_" << Bonus::UNDEAD << "s_-1Otype_" << Bonus::NON_LIVING << "s_-11type_" << Bonus::SIEGE_WEAPON; //I don't relaly get what string labels mean? return !hasBonus(Selector::type(Bonus::UNDEAD) .Or(Selector::type(Bonus::NON_LIVING)) .Or(Selector::type(Bonus::SIEGE_WEAPON)), cachingStr.str()); } const TBonusListPtr IBonusBearer::getSpellBonuses() const { std::stringstream cachingStr; cachingStr << "source_" << Bonus::SPELL_EFFECT; return getBonuses(Selector::sourceType(Bonus::SPELL_EFFECT), Selector::anyRange(), cachingStr.str()); } const Bonus * IBonusBearer::getEffect(ui16 id, int turn /*= 0*/) const { //TODO should check only local bonuses? auto bonuses = getAllBonuses(); for(const Bonus *it : *bonuses) { if(it->source == Bonus::SPELL_EFFECT && it->sid == id) { if(!turn || it->turnsRemain > turn) return &(*it); } } return nullptr; } ui8 IBonusBearer::howManyEffectsSet(ui16 id) const { //TODO should check only local bonuses? ui8 ret = 0; auto bonuses = getAllBonuses(); for(const Bonus *it : *bonuses) { if(it->source == Bonus::SPELL_EFFECT && it->sid == id) //effect found { ++ret; } } return ret; } const TBonusListPtr IBonusBearer::getAllBonuses() const { auto matchAll= [] (const Bonus *) { return true; }; auto matchNone= [] (const Bonus *) { return true; }; return getAllBonuses(matchAll, matchNone); } const Bonus * IBonusBearer::getBonus(const CSelector &selector) const { auto bonuses = getAllBonuses(); return bonuses->getFirst(selector); } Bonus * CBonusSystemNode::getBonusLocalFirst(const CSelector &selector) { Bonus *ret = bonuses.getFirst(selector); if(ret) return ret; FOREACH_PARENT(pname) { ret = pname->getBonusLocalFirst(selector); if (ret) return ret; } return nullptr; } const Bonus * CBonusSystemNode::getBonusLocalFirst( const CSelector &selector ) const { return (const_cast(this))->getBonusLocalFirst(selector); } void CBonusSystemNode::getParents(TCNodes &out) const /*retreives list of parent nodes (nodes to inherit bonuses from) */ { for (auto & elem : parents) { const CBonusSystemNode *parent = elem; out.insert(parent); } } void CBonusSystemNode::getParents(TNodes &out) { for (auto & elem : parents) { const CBonusSystemNode *parent = elem; out.insert(const_cast(parent)); } } void CBonusSystemNode::getBonusesRec(BonusList &out, const CSelector &selector, const CSelector &limit) const { FOREACH_CPARENT(p) { p->getBonusesRec(out, selector, limit); } bonuses.getBonuses(out, selector, limit); } void CBonusSystemNode::getAllBonusesRec(BonusList &out) const { FOREACH_CPARENT(p) { p->getAllBonusesRec(out); } bonuses.getAllBonuses(out); } const TBonusListPtr CBonusSystemNode::getAllBonuses(const CSelector &selector, const CSelector &limit, const CBonusSystemNode *root /*= nullptr*/, const std::string &cachingStr /*= ""*/) const { bool limitOnUs = (!root || root == this); //caching won't work when we want to limit bonuses against an external node if (CBonusSystemNode::cachingEnabled && limitOnUs) { // Exclusive access for one thread static boost::mutex m; boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m); // If the bonus system tree changes(state of a single node or the relations to each other) then // cache all bonus objects. Selector objects doesn't matter. if (cachedLast != treeChanged) { cachedBonuses.clear(); cachedRequests.clear(); BonusList allBonuses; getAllBonusesRec(allBonuses); allBonuses.eliminateDuplicates(); limitBonuses(allBonuses, cachedBonuses); cachedLast = treeChanged; } // If a bonus system request comes with a caching string then look up in the map if there are any // pre-calculated bonus results. Limiters can't be cached so they have to be calculated. if (cachingStr != "") { auto it = cachedRequests.find(cachingStr); if(it != cachedRequests.end()) { //Cached list contains bonuses for our query with applied limiters return it->second; } } //We still don't have the bonuses (didn't returned them from cache) //Perform bonus selection auto ret = make_shared(); cachedBonuses.getBonuses(*ret, selector, limit); // Save the results in the cache if(cachingStr != "") cachedRequests[cachingStr] = ret; return ret; } else { return getAllBonusesWithoutCaching(selector, limit, root); } } const TBonusListPtr CBonusSystemNode::getAllBonusesWithoutCaching(const CSelector &selector, const CSelector &limit, const CBonusSystemNode *root /*= nullptr*/) const { auto ret = make_shared(); // Get bonus results without caching enabled. BonusList beforeLimiting, afterLimiting; getAllBonusesRec(beforeLimiting); beforeLimiting.eliminateDuplicates(); if(!root || root == this) { limitBonuses(beforeLimiting, afterLimiting); afterLimiting.getBonuses(*ret, selector, limit); } else if(root) { //We want to limit our query against an external node. We get all its bonuses, // add the ones we're considering and see if they're cut out by limiters BonusList rootBonuses, limitedRootBonuses; getAllBonusesRec(rootBonuses); for(Bonus *b : beforeLimiting) rootBonuses.push_back(b); rootBonuses.eliminateDuplicates(); root->limitBonuses(rootBonuses, limitedRootBonuses); for(Bonus *b : beforeLimiting) if(vstd::contains(limitedRootBonuses, b)) afterLimiting.push_back(b); afterLimiting.getBonuses(*ret, selector, limit); } else beforeLimiting.getBonuses(*ret, selector, limit); return ret; } CBonusSystemNode::CBonusSystemNode() : bonuses(true), exportedBonuses(true), nodeType(UNKNOWN), cachedLast(0) { } CBonusSystemNode::~CBonusSystemNode() { detachFromAll(); if(children.size()) { logBonus->warnStream() << "Warning: an orphaned child!"; while(children.size()) children.front()->detachFrom(this); } for(Bonus *b : exportedBonuses) delete b; } void CBonusSystemNode::attachTo(CBonusSystemNode *parent) { assert(!vstd::contains(parents, parent)); parents.push_back(parent); if(parent->actsAsBonusSourceOnly()) parent->newRedDescendant(this); else newRedDescendant(parent); parent->newChildAttached(this); CBonusSystemNode::treeChanged++; } void CBonusSystemNode::detachFrom(CBonusSystemNode *parent) { assert(vstd::contains(parents, parent)); if(parent->actsAsBonusSourceOnly()) parent->removedRedDescendant(this); else removedRedDescendant(parent); parents -= parent; parent->childDetached(this); CBonusSystemNode::treeChanged++; } void CBonusSystemNode::popBonuses(const CSelector &s) { BonusList bl; exportedBonuses.getBonuses(bl, s); for(Bonus *b : bl) removeBonus(b); for(CBonusSystemNode *child : children) child->popBonuses(s); } // void CBonusSystemNode::addNewBonus(const Bonus &b) // { // addNewBonus(new Bonus(b)); // } void CBonusSystemNode::addNewBonus(Bonus *b) { assert(!vstd::contains(exportedBonuses,b)); exportedBonuses.push_back(b); exportBonus(b); CBonusSystemNode::treeChanged++; } void CBonusSystemNode::accumulateBonus(Bonus &b) { Bonus *bonus = exportedBonuses.getFirst(Selector::typeSubtype(b.type, b.subtype)); //only local bonuses are interesting //TODO: what about value type? if(bonus) bonus->val += b.val; else addNewBonus(new Bonus(b)); //duplicate needed, original may get destroyed } void CBonusSystemNode::removeBonus(Bonus *b) { exportedBonuses -= b; if(b->propagator) unpropagateBonus(b); else bonuses -= b; vstd::clear_pointer(b); CBonusSystemNode::treeChanged++; } bool CBonusSystemNode::actsAsBonusSourceOnly() const { switch(nodeType) { case CREATURE: case ARTIFACT: case ARTIFACT_INSTANCE: return true; default: return false; } } void CBonusSystemNode::propagateBonus(Bonus * b) { if(b->propagator->shouldBeAttached(this)) { bonuses.push_back(b); BONUS_LOG_LINE("#$# " << b->Description() << " #propagated to# " << nodeName()); } FOREACH_RED_CHILD(child) child->propagateBonus(b); } void CBonusSystemNode::unpropagateBonus(Bonus * b) { if(b->propagator->shouldBeAttached(this)) { bonuses -= b; while(vstd::contains(bonuses, b)) { logBonus->errorStream() << "Bonus was duplicated (" << b->Description() << ") at " << nodeName(); bonuses -= b; } BONUS_LOG_LINE("#$#" << b->Description() << " #is no longer propagated to# " << nodeName()); } FOREACH_RED_CHILD(child) child->unpropagateBonus(b); } void CBonusSystemNode::newChildAttached(CBonusSystemNode *child) { assert(!vstd::contains(children, child)); children.push_back(child); BONUS_LOG_LINE(child->nodeName() << " #attached to# " << nodeName()); } void CBonusSystemNode::childDetached(CBonusSystemNode *child) { assert(vstd::contains(children, child)); children -= child; BONUS_LOG_LINE(child->nodeName() << " #detached from# " << nodeName()); } void CBonusSystemNode::detachFromAll() { while(parents.size()) detachFrom(parents.front()); } bool CBonusSystemNode::isIndependentNode() const { return parents.empty() && children.empty(); } std::string CBonusSystemNode::nodeName() const { return description.size() ? description : std::string("Bonus system node of type ") + typeid(*this).name(); } void CBonusSystemNode::deserializationFix() { exportBonuses(); } void CBonusSystemNode::getRedParents(TNodes &out) { FOREACH_PARENT(pname) { if(pname->actsAsBonusSourceOnly()) { out.insert(pname); } } if(!actsAsBonusSourceOnly()) { for(CBonusSystemNode *child : children) { out.insert(child); } } } void CBonusSystemNode::getRedChildren(TNodes &out) { FOREACH_PARENT(pname) { if(!pname->actsAsBonusSourceOnly()) { out.insert(pname); } } if(actsAsBonusSourceOnly()) { for(CBonusSystemNode *child : children) { out.insert(child); } } } void CBonusSystemNode::newRedDescendant(CBonusSystemNode *descendant) { for(Bonus *b : exportedBonuses) if(b->propagator) descendant->propagateBonus(b); FOREACH_RED_PARENT(parent) parent->newRedDescendant(descendant); } void CBonusSystemNode::removedRedDescendant(CBonusSystemNode *descendant) { for(Bonus *b : exportedBonuses) if(b->propagator) descendant->unpropagateBonus(b); FOREACH_RED_PARENT(parent) parent->removedRedDescendant(descendant); } void CBonusSystemNode::getRedAncestors(TNodes &out) { getRedParents(out); FOREACH_RED_PARENT(p) p->getRedAncestors(out); } void CBonusSystemNode::getRedDescendants(TNodes &out) { getRedChildren(out); FOREACH_RED_CHILD(c) c->getRedChildren(out); } void CBonusSystemNode::battleTurnPassed() { BonusList bonusesCpy = exportedBonuses; //copy, because removing bonuses invalidates iters for (auto & elem : bonusesCpy) { Bonus *b = elem; if(b->duration & Bonus::N_TURNS) { b->turnsRemain--; if(b->turnsRemain <= 0) removeBonus(b); } } } void CBonusSystemNode::exportBonus(Bonus * b) { if(b->propagator) propagateBonus(b); else bonuses.push_back(b); CBonusSystemNode::treeChanged++; } void CBonusSystemNode::exportBonuses() { for(Bonus *b : exportedBonuses) exportBonus(b); } CBonusSystemNode::ENodeTypes CBonusSystemNode::getNodeType() const { return nodeType; } BonusList& CBonusSystemNode::getBonusList() { return bonuses; } const BonusList& CBonusSystemNode::getBonusList() const { return bonuses; } const TNodesVector& CBonusSystemNode::getParentNodes() const { return parents; } const TNodesVector& CBonusSystemNode::getChildrenNodes() const { return children; } void CBonusSystemNode::setNodeType(CBonusSystemNode::ENodeTypes type) { nodeType = type; } BonusList& CBonusSystemNode::getExportedBonusList() { return exportedBonuses; } const std::string& CBonusSystemNode::getDescription() const { return description; } void CBonusSystemNode::setDescription(const std::string &description) { this->description = description; } void CBonusSystemNode::incrementTreeChangedNum() { treeChanged++; } void CBonusSystemNode::limitBonuses(const BonusList &allBonuses, BonusList &out) const { assert(&allBonuses != &out); //todo should it work in-place? BonusList undecided = allBonuses, &accepted = out; while(true) { int undecidedCount = undecided.size(); for(int i = 0; i < undecided.size(); i++) { Bonus *b = undecided[i]; BonusLimitationContext context = {b, *this, out}; int decision = b->limiter ? b->limiter->limit(context) : ILimiter::ACCEPT; //bonuses without limiters will be accepted by default if(decision == ILimiter::DISCARD) { undecided.erase(i); i--; continue; } else if(decision == ILimiter::ACCEPT) { accepted.push_back(b); undecided.erase(i); i--; continue; } else assert(decision == ILimiter::NOT_SURE); } if(undecided.size() == undecidedCount) //we haven't moved a single bonus -> limiters reached a stable state return; } } TBonusListPtr CBonusSystemNode::limitBonuses(const BonusList &allBonuses) const { auto ret = make_shared(); limitBonuses(allBonuses, *ret); return ret; } void CBonusSystemNode::treeHasChanged() { treeChanged++; } int NBonus::valOf(const CBonusSystemNode *obj, Bonus::BonusType type, int subtype /*= -1*/) { if(obj) return obj->valOfBonuses(type, subtype); return 0; } bool NBonus::hasOfType(const CBonusSystemNode *obj, Bonus::BonusType type, int subtype /*= -1*/) { if(obj) return obj->hasBonusOfType(type, subtype); return false; } void NBonus::getModifiersWDescr(const CBonusSystemNode *obj, TModDescr &out, Bonus::BonusType type, int subtype /*= -1 */) { if(obj) return obj->getModifiersWDescr(out, type, subtype); } int NBonus::getCount(const CBonusSystemNode *obj, Bonus::BonusSource from, int id) { if(obj) return obj->getBonusesCount(from, id); return 0; } const CSpell * Bonus::sourceSpell() const { if(source == SPELL_EFFECT) return SpellID(sid).toSpell(); return nullptr; } std::string Bonus::Description() const { if(description.size()) return description; std::ostringstream str; str << std::showpos << val << " "; switch(source) { case ARTIFACT: str << VLC->arth->artifacts[sid]->Name(); break;; case SPELL_EFFECT: str << SpellID(sid).toSpell()->name; break; case CREATURE_ABILITY: str << VLC->creh->creatures[sid]->namePl; break; case SECONDARY_SKILL: str << VLC->generaltexth->skillName[sid]/* << " secondary skill"*/; break; } return str.str(); } Bonus::Bonus(ui16 Dur, BonusType Type, BonusSource Src, si32 Val, ui32 ID, std::string Desc, si32 Subtype/*=-1*/) : duration(Dur), type(Type), subtype(Subtype), source(Src), val(Val), sid(ID), description(Desc) { additionalInfo = -1; turnsRemain = 0; valType = ADDITIVE_VALUE; effectRange = NO_LIMIT; boost::algorithm::trim(description); } Bonus::Bonus(ui16 Dur, BonusType Type, BonusSource Src, si32 Val, ui32 ID, si32 Subtype/*=-1*/, ValueType ValType /*= ADDITIVE_VALUE*/) : duration(Dur), type(Type), subtype(Subtype), source(Src), val(Val), sid(ID), valType(ValType) { additionalInfo = -1; turnsRemain = 0; effectRange = NO_LIMIT; } Bonus::Bonus() { duration = PERMANENT; turnsRemain = 0; type = NONE; subtype = -1; additionalInfo = -1; valType = ADDITIVE_VALUE; effectRange = NO_LIMIT; val = 0; source = OTHER; } Bonus::~Bonus() { } Bonus * Bonus::addPropagator(TPropagatorPtr Propagator) { propagator = Propagator; return this; } namespace Selector { DLL_LINKAGE CSelectFieldEqual type(&Bonus::type); DLL_LINKAGE CSelectFieldEqual subtype(&Bonus::subtype); DLL_LINKAGE CSelectFieldEqual info(&Bonus::additionalInfo); DLL_LINKAGE CSelectFieldEqual duration(&Bonus::duration); DLL_LINKAGE CSelectFieldEqual sourceType(&Bonus::source); DLL_LINKAGE CSelectFieldEqual effectRange(&Bonus::effectRange); DLL_LINKAGE CWillLastTurns turns; DLL_LINKAGE CSelectFieldAny anyRange(&Bonus::effectRange); CSelector DLL_LINKAGE typeSubtype(Bonus::BonusType Type, TBonusSubtype Subtype) { return type(Type).And(subtype(Subtype)); } CSelector DLL_LINKAGE typeSubtypeInfo(Bonus::BonusType type, TBonusSubtype subtype, si32 info) { return CSelectFieldEqual(&Bonus::type)(type) .And(CSelectFieldEqual(&Bonus::subtype)(subtype)) .And(CSelectFieldEqual(&Bonus::additionalInfo)(info)); } CSelector DLL_LINKAGE source(Bonus::BonusSource source, ui32 sourceID) { return CSelectFieldEqual(&Bonus::source)(source) .And(CSelectFieldEqual(&Bonus::sid)(sourceID)); } CSelector DLL_EXPORT durationType(ui16 duration) { return CSelectFieldEqual(&Bonus::duration)(duration); } CSelector DLL_LINKAGE sourceTypeSel(Bonus::BonusSource source) { return CSelectFieldEqual(&Bonus::source)(source); } bool DLL_LINKAGE matchesType(const CSelector &sel, Bonus::BonusType type) { Bonus dummy; dummy.type = type; return sel(&dummy); } bool DLL_LINKAGE matchesTypeSubtype(const CSelector &sel, Bonus::BonusType type, TBonusSubtype subtype) { Bonus dummy; dummy.type = type; dummy.subtype = subtype; return sel(&dummy); } bool DLL_LINKAGE positiveSpellEffects(const Bonus *b) { if(b->source == Bonus::SPELL_EFFECT) { CSpell *sp = SpellID(b->sid).toSpell(); return sp->isPositive(); } return false; //not a spell effect } } const CStack * retreiveStackBattle(const CBonusSystemNode *node) { switch(node->getNodeType()) { case CBonusSystemNode::STACK_BATTLE: return static_cast(node); default: return nullptr; } } const CStackInstance * retreiveStackInstance(const CBonusSystemNode *node) { switch(node->getNodeType()) { case CBonusSystemNode::STACK_INSTANCE: return (static_cast(node)); case CBonusSystemNode::STACK_BATTLE: return (static_cast(node))->base; default: return nullptr; } } const CCreature * retrieveCreature(const CBonusSystemNode *node) { switch(node->getNodeType()) { case CBonusSystemNode::CREATURE: return (static_cast(node)); default: const CStackInstance *csi = retreiveStackInstance(node); if(csi) return csi->type; return nullptr; } } DLL_LINKAGE std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &out, const BonusList &bonusList) { for (ui32 i = 0; i < bonusList.size(); i++) { Bonus *b = bonusList[i]; out << "Bonus " << i << "\n" << *b << std::endl; } return out; } DLL_LINKAGE std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Bonus &bonus) { for(auto i = bonusNameMap.cbegin(); i != bonusNameMap.cend(); i++) if(i->second == bonus.type) out << "\tType: " << i->first << " \t"; #define printField(field) out << "\t" #field ": " << (int)bonus.field << "\n" printField(val); printField(subtype); printField(duration); printField(source); printField(sid); printField(additionalInfo); printField(turnsRemain); printField(valType); printField(effectRange); #undef printField return out; } Bonus * Bonus::addLimiter(TLimiterPtr Limiter) { if (limiter) { //If we already have limiter list, retreive it auto limiterList = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(limiter); if(!limiterList) { //Create a new limiter list with old limiter and the new one will be pushed later limiterList = make_shared(); limiterList->add(limiter); limiter = limiterList; } limiterList->add(Limiter); } else { limiter = Limiter; } return this; } ILimiter::~ILimiter() { } int ILimiter::limit(const BonusLimitationContext &context) const /*return true to drop the bonus */ { return false; } int CCreatureTypeLimiter::limit(const BonusLimitationContext &context) const { const CCreature *c = retrieveCreature(&context.node); if(!c) return true; return c != creature && (!includeUpgrades || !creature->isMyUpgrade(c)); //drop bonus if it's not our creature and (we dont check upgrades or its not our upgrade) } CCreatureTypeLimiter::CCreatureTypeLimiter(const CCreature &Creature, bool IncludeUpgrades /*= true*/) :creature(&Creature), includeUpgrades(IncludeUpgrades) { } CCreatureTypeLimiter::CCreatureTypeLimiter() { creature = nullptr; includeUpgrades = false; } void CCreatureTypeLimiter::setCreature (CreatureID id) { creature = VLC->creh->creatures[id]; } HasAnotherBonusLimiter::HasAnotherBonusLimiter( Bonus::BonusType bonus ) : type(bonus), subtype(0), isSubtypeRelevant(false) { } HasAnotherBonusLimiter::HasAnotherBonusLimiter( Bonus::BonusType bonus, TBonusSubtype _subtype ) : type(bonus), subtype(_subtype), isSubtypeRelevant(true) { } int HasAnotherBonusLimiter::limit(const BonusLimitationContext &context) const { CSelector mySelector = isSubtypeRelevant ? Selector::typeSubtype(type, subtype) : Selector::type(type); //if we have a bonus of required type accepted, limiter should accept also this bonus if(context.alreadyAccepted.getFirst(mySelector)) return ACCEPT; //do not accept for now but it may change if more bonuses gets included return NOT_SURE; } IPropagator::~IPropagator() { } // CBonusSystemNode * IPropagator::getDestNode(CBonusSystemNode *source, CBonusSystemNode *redParent, CBonusSystemNode *redChild) // { // return source; // } bool IPropagator::shouldBeAttached(CBonusSystemNode *dest) { return false; } // CBonusSystemNode * CPropagatorNodeType::getDestNode(CBonusSystemNode *source, CBonusSystemNode *redParent, CBonusSystemNode *redChild) // { // return nullptr; // } CPropagatorNodeType::CPropagatorNodeType() { } CPropagatorNodeType::CPropagatorNodeType(int NodeType) : nodeType(NodeType) { } bool CPropagatorNodeType::shouldBeAttached(CBonusSystemNode *dest) { return nodeType == dest->getNodeType(); } CreatureNativeTerrainLimiter::CreatureNativeTerrainLimiter(int TerrainType) : terrainType(TerrainType) { } CreatureNativeTerrainLimiter::CreatureNativeTerrainLimiter() { } int CreatureNativeTerrainLimiter::limit(const BonusLimitationContext &context) const { const CCreature *c = retrieveCreature(&context.node); return !c || !c->isItNativeTerrain(terrainType); //drop bonus for non-creatures or non-native residents //TODO neutral creatues } CreatureFactionLimiter::CreatureFactionLimiter(int Faction) : faction(Faction) { } CreatureFactionLimiter::CreatureFactionLimiter() { } int CreatureFactionLimiter::limit(const BonusLimitationContext &context) const { const CCreature *c = retrieveCreature(&context.node); return !c || c->faction != faction; //drop bonus for non-creatures or non-native residents } CreatureAlignmentLimiter::CreatureAlignmentLimiter() { } CreatureAlignmentLimiter::CreatureAlignmentLimiter(si8 Alignment) : alignment(Alignment) { } int CreatureAlignmentLimiter::limit(const BonusLimitationContext &context) const { const CCreature *c = retrieveCreature(&context.node); if(!c) return true; switch(alignment) { case EAlignment::GOOD: return !c->isGood(); //if not good -> return true (drop bonus) case EAlignment::NEUTRAL: return c->isEvil() || c->isGood(); case EAlignment::EVIL: return !c->isEvil(); default: logBonus->warnStream() << "Warning: illegal alignment in limiter!"; return true; } } RankRangeLimiter::RankRangeLimiter(ui8 Min, ui8 Max) :minRank(Min), maxRank(Max) { } RankRangeLimiter::RankRangeLimiter() { minRank = maxRank = -1; } int RankRangeLimiter::limit(const BonusLimitationContext &context) const { const CStackInstance *csi = retreiveStackInstance(&context.node); if(csi) { if (csi->getNodeType() == CBonusSystemNode::COMMANDER) //no stack exp bonuses for commander creatures return true; return csi->getExpRank() < minRank || csi->getExpRank() > maxRank; } return true; } int StackOwnerLimiter::limit(const BonusLimitationContext &context) const { const CStack *s = retreiveStackBattle(&context.node); if(s) return s->owner != owner; const CStackInstance *csi = retreiveStackInstance(&context.node); if(csi && csi->armyObj) return csi->armyObj->tempOwner != owner; return true; } StackOwnerLimiter::StackOwnerLimiter() : owner(-1) { } StackOwnerLimiter::StackOwnerLimiter(PlayerColor Owner) : owner(Owner) { } // int Bonus::limit(const BonusLimitationContext &context) const // 1162 { // 1163 if (limiter) // 1164 return limiter->callNext(context); // 1165 else // 1166 return ILimiter::ACCEPT; //accept if there's no limiter // 1167 } //1168 int LimiterList::limit( const BonusLimitationContext &context ) const { bool wasntSure = false; for(auto limiter : limiters) { auto result = limiter->limit(context); if(result == ILimiter::DISCARD) return result; if(result == ILimiter::NOT_SURE) wasntSure = true; } return wasntSure ? ILimiter::NOT_SURE : ILimiter::ACCEPT; } void LimiterList::add( TLimiterPtr limiter ) { limiters.push_back(limiter); }